Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 31. lpp.
1: NHe thurretes yums pa§§chems pär
2: Guddres / Nhe atmaxayeth loune 3: ar lounibe. Parradeth ticku§§che 4: godibe prettibe yckweno. Ja thas 5: ta war buuth / tick doudtcz ka exkan 6: yums gir / Thad thurreth ar wü§- 7: §ims Czilwhekims Mhere. Nhe 8: reedetes yums pa§§chems / manne mylige / Beth do- 9: deth wete tay Dewe du§mibe. Ai§to tur §thawe rax- 10: tytz / Ta Reedi§chen gir manna / es grib atmaxath ßa- 11: cke tas Kunx. 12: Kad nu touwam enaidenekam Jßalckas / Thad 13: baryo tho / Twyxth tham / tad czyrdena to / Kad tu to 14: darre / Tad tu queeleinas Oglis würßon wynge Gal- 15: we ßackra§i. Nhe laide thöw tho loune pär warreth / 16: beth pär war tu to loune ar to labbe. 17: Euangelium am dritten Sontage nach 18: der heiligen drey Könige / Matth. 19: am 8. Capittel. 20: BEth kad tas no tho kalne gaye / §tai- 21: gaye tham doudtcze loudes peetcz. 22: Vnde rouge / wens Spittalu wyrs 23: naetce / vnde peludtcze tho / Vnde 24: ßatcy / Kunx / kad tu grib / war tu 25: man ganna §ky§tyth. Vnde JE§us 26: i§§tepe ßouwe Roke/ ai§kaare tho / |
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