Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 30. lpp.
1: vs thas / Sewe / kas gir man ar thöw Jadar ? Manna
2: §tunda nhe gir whel naku§§i. Winge Mathe ßatcye 3: vs tems kalpems / Ko tas yums ßack / to darreth. Beth 4: tur by lickte §e§§che ackminnu vdenne Kro§es / peetcz tho 5: Eraddumme tho Juddige §ki§ti§chenne / vnde exkan ick- 6: wene gaye / py duewe ieb triß Mhere. 7: JE§us ßatcye vs thems / 8: püldeth thas Vdennekro- 9: §es ar Vdenne. Vnde the 10: püldye thös J§mallams 11: pülne. Vnde thas ßatcye 12: vs thems / eleyth nu / vnde 13: ne§§et tho tham Barribe 14: ßargam. Vnd te no ne§§e 15: tam. Beth kad tas Bar- 16: ribe§§arx tho Wyne boudye katters Vdens buewis by / 17: vnde nhe ßinnaya no kurrenes thas näcktze / Beth the 18: kalpe ßinnaya tho / Kattre tho vdenne §mhelu§§che by / 19: aitcenaye tas Barribe ßargs tho Brudegam / vnde 20: ßatcy vs tho / Jckwens dode pirmack labbe Wyne / vnd 21: kad the Peczeeru§§che tappu§§che gir / tad tho planako. 22: Tu e§§e tho labbe Wyne J§§chim ßoudtczeys. 23: Tha gir tha pirma Syme / Kattre JE§us dar- 24: rye / vnde noticke exkan Cana Galilea / vnde parradye 25: ßouwe Godibe. Vnd winge Mätcekle titczey exkan to. 26: Die Epi§tel am dritten Sontage nach 27: der H. drey Könige / Rom. 12. Cap. |
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