Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 27. lpp.
1: VNde winge whetczacke gaye ick
2: gadde vs Jeru§alem / vs tho lele- 3: dene §weetke. Vnde kad tas duewe 4: padde§mette gadde whetz by / no- 5: gay the vs Jeru§alem / Peetcz tho 6: erraddumme thös §weetkes. Vnd 7: kad thas denes pabeicktas by / 8: Vnde the atkal tur mayas gay / pallicke thas Bherns 9: JE§us exkan Jeru§alem / vnde wynge Whetczacke tho 10: nhe ßynnaye: Beth the czerrey / Ka buute tas §tarpan 11: thems Czellenekems / Vnde naetce wene dene brouck- 12: §chen / vnde meckleye tho §tarpan thems drougems / 13: vnd paßi§tam~ems. Vnd 14: kad the tho nhe attradde / 15: gaye the atkal vs Jeru§a- 16: lem / vnd meckley to. Vnd 17: thas noticke peetcz trims 18: denams / attradde te to ex- 19: kan Ba§nice §eedamme / 20: §tarpan thems Maetce- 21: tayems / ka thas tös czyr- 22: deete / vnde Joutate. Vnde wü§§e kattre tho czyrdey / 23: J§§abrinoyas ßöw pär wynge ßappra§chenne / vnd at- 24: bildee§chenne. Vnde kad / the tho redtczey / J§§abyas 25: the ßöw. 26: Vnd wynge Mathe ßatcy vs tho / Mans Dhels / 27: Kapeetcz e§tu mums tho darrys ? Rouge tows Thews |
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