Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 22. lpp.
1: ne vnde nackte. Tha patte gaye arridtczan tur klathe
2: py to patte §tunde / vnde teitze tho Kunge / vnde treßey 3: nho tho vs wü§§ems / Kattre vs tho pe§ti§chenne exkan 4: Jeru§alem gaidye. 5: Vnde kad the wü§§es lethes pabeygu§§che by / 6: Peetcz tho Boußle tha Kunge / gre§hes the ßöw atkal 7: vs Galileam / Exkan ßouwe Pille Nazareth. Beth 8: tas Bherns auga / vnde tappe §tippris exkan Garre / 9: Pülns guddribe / vnde Dewe ßeele§tibe by py tho. 10: Die Epi§tel am Newen Jarstage / 11: Galat. 3. Cap. 12: BEth pirms ta Titczibe naetcze / tappam mhes 13: appe§kan tho Boußle pa§§argathe vnde ap- 14: ßleeckte / vs tho tytczibe / Kattra tur bye ßin- 15: namme tapt. Tha gir tas / Boußlis mu§§e 16: maetcetais vs Chri§tum / Ka mhes czour tho tytczibe 17: tay§ne thopam. Beth nu ta Tytczibe naku§§e gir / Tha 18: e§§em mhes nhe wayrs appe§kan tho czetige maetczeta- 19: ye. Ai§to yuus e§§et wü§§e Dewe Bherne / czour tho 20: tytczibe exkan Chri§to JE§u. Ai§to ceke yuus chri§tite 21: e§§et / The gir Chri§tum apwilku§§che. Scheit nhe gir 22: neewens Judtz nedtcz Greekes / Scheit nhe gir neewens 23: Kalps nedtcz Swabbadcz / Scheit nhe gir neewens 24: Wyrs nedtcz Sewa. Ai§to yuus e§§et wü§§e notul we- 25: ne exkan Chri§to JE§u. Beth e§§et yuus Chri§ti / Tade |
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