Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! Ps1615, 2. lpp.
1: LAB tam Kas ne§taiga exkan tho Runne tos Be§dewes /
2: Nedcz eth wir§on to Zelle taß Greczenekes / Nedz §ede tur 3: kur te polgatay §ede. 4: Beth tam gir prex py to Bou§le ta Kunge / vnd tres nu 5: winge Bou§le dene vnde Nackte. 6: Tas gir Lidz ka wens kox e§taditz py thems vdenne vp- 7: pems / Kaß §ouwe augle nes exkan §ouwe laike. 8: Vnde winge Lappes ne §akaltis / vnnd ko tas darre tas 9: labbe klaiaß. 10: Beth ta negir the Be§dewe / Beth Jten ka pels ko tas 11: weigs i§bar§te. 12: Tapetz ne palleck the Be§dewe exkan tan §odiban / nedz the 13: Gretzeneck exkan tan Droudziban toß tai§nes. 14: Ae§to tas Kunx ad§i§t to Zelle tos tai§nes / Beth the Be§- 15: dewe zelle pa§§ud. 16: Godcz gir tam thewam / tam Delam / vnd tam Swetam 17: Garram / Jten ta ka nu pirme e§akum gir buwis / etc. 18: Der Ander P§alm / Worumb toben 19: die Heyden / etc. 20: KApetz Trackoy the Paggone / vnde the loudes treß ta 21: Welth. 22: The Köninge exkan / tho §eme czellas §ew auxkam / vnd the 23: Kunge Runney kopan wens ar Ottre / prettib tho Kunge vnde 24: winge §wetum. 25: Laid mums §aple§t tems tos Waiges / vnd no mums me§t{e§t} 26: toß §aeittas. 27: Ae§to kaß exkan Debbes cziwoy / ap§mey toß vnnd tas 28: Kunx polga toß. 29: Tur tas ar tems tre§§es exkan §ouwe Du§mibe / vnd ar 30: §ouwe enaidibe tas tos y§bedenaß. |
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