Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 196. lpp.
1: Vnde es czirdeye wene lele Balxne / Thas ßatcye
2: exkan Debbes : Nu gir tha Pe§ty§chenne / Vnde thas 3: Speex / vnde tha Wal§tibe / vnde tha Warre muße 4: Dewe / Vnde tha Chri§tus / tappu§§e / peetcz tho / Kha 5: thas Jßmhe§tcz gir / Katters thös apßuudtczeye dene 6: vnde nackte prexkan Dewe. Vnde the gir tho pärwar- 7: rey§che czour tho Jeere a§§en / Vnde czour tho Wärde 8: ßouwes Ledtczibes / vnde nhe gir ßouwe Cziwibe my- 9: leis / Js thay Nawe. Tapeetcz lyxmoyet yuus Deb- 10: be§§e / vnde kattre tur exkan cziwoye. 11: Euangelium am S. Michaelis 12: Tage / Matth. 18. Cap. 13: THan pattan §tundan gaye the Mät- 14: cekle py JE§u vnde ßatcy : Khas gir 15: thas Lelakays exkan Debbe§§e wal- 16: §tibe? JE§us aitczenaye wene Bher- 17: ne py ßöw / Vnde licke tho wüddon 18: §tarpan thems / vnde ßatcy : Patte- 19: §e es ßacke yums / Ja yuus yums 20: nhe apgre§chates / Vnde thopet ka the Bherne / Thad 21: yuus exkan tho Debbe§§e wal§tibe nhe näck§eeth. Kas 22: ßöw pattim pa§emmoyas kha §chis Bherns / thas gir 23: thas lelakays exkan Debbe§§e wal§tibe. Vnde khas 24: thade wene Bherne v§iem exkan manne Wärde / Tas 25: vß yem man. Beth kas wene nho §cho wü§§e ma§§ako 26: aapgretczy / Kattre exkan man titcze / Tham buute tas |
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