Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 191. lpp.
1: nätcze the abgre§th tho Bherninge / Vnde dheweye tho
2: peetcz winge Thewe / Zacharias. Beth winge Mathe 3: adbildeye / vnde ßatcy : Neenekade / Beth tham buus 4: Johannes dheweet. Vnde the ßatcy vß thäs : Thur 5: nhe gir neewens exkan touwe Radde / khas tha dhewe? 6: Vnde the §ymenaye winge Thewam / kha thas to 7: gribbete dhewet lickt? Vnde thas praßy wene Galdin- 8: ge / raxtey vnde ßatcy / Thas dhewe Johannes. Vnde 9: the brinoyas ßöw wü§§e / vnde tudelin tappe winge 10: Mutte vnde Mhele attwherta / vnde tas ßatcy / vnde 11: ßlaweye Dewe. Vnde wena Jßbya§chenne nätcze pär 12: wü§§ems Kayminems. Vnde wü§§e §cha Notick§chen- 13: ne tappe Szinnamme par tho wü§§e Jude kalne. Vnde 14: wü§§e the kattre tho czirdeye / yeme py Szirdes / vnde 15: treßeye / ko §kete tu / kas grib nho §cho Bherninge tapt? 16: Ai§to ta Kunge Roka by ar tho. 17: Vnde winge Thews Zacharias tappe ta Sweete 18: Garre puelns / ßluddenaye vnde ßatcy / Szlawetcz gir 19: thas Kunx / thas Dews J§rael / Ai§to tas gir pemeck- 20: leis / vnde pe§tis ßouwes Loudes. 21: Vnde gir mums paczelis wene Toure thäs pe§ti- 22: §chennes / exkan tho Namme ßouwe kalpe Dauid. 23: Ka thas exkan prex§chelaikims treßeis gir / czour 24: to Mutte winges §weetes Prophetes. 25: Ka tas mums pe§tite no mußims Enaidenekims / 26: vnde no to Roke / wues kas mums enide. 27: Vnde tho Szeele§tibe parradyte mußims The- |
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