Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! LS1625, 18v. lpp.
1: Tad bus tas ammatz jck gaddes karth vs
2: martino dene exan to wete tas paprex§ch 6 mk 3: nu joproyam 24 mk §chas pills baßnitzas 4: ordening naudas doth, py v§turre§chen tho 5: §wehte dewe wahrde beth kad nu zaur 6: dewe §wehtibe ta lahde auxtake nack, jeb 7: labbacke laicke dews dohd bus tade 8: do§chen verbehterehte taptt. 9: 89. 10: Jtem, tad bus arriedczan, the wetzake pehtz 11: jckwene cortehr thos §kohtinges 40 mk 12: vs rathhu§e ne§t §innath, kur klath tad 13: wi§§e mei§tere tho doth bus, beth the wetza- 14: ke nu bryw buth, ka oldermans by§itterre 15: vnd §chriuers, vnd tam kattram ta vßluhko- 16: §chen to karye riecke gir pawehletz, thems 17: allge §euwißke wehl max§ahtz taps. |
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