Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! Ps1615, 188. lpp.
1: Volgen die Ti§chge§enge nach der Malzeit.
2: Singen wir auß Hertzen grundt / ect. 3: CZedam mhes no ßirde dubben / teitczam Dewe 4: ar mu§e mutte / Ka tas §ouwe ßele§tibe py mu~s 5: parrade / Lidcz tha gir tas mums barryois / Ka 6: tas lopes vnde putnes bario / Lidcz tha gir tas 7: mums deuwis / Kattre mhes taggade e§§em 8: boudi§che. 9: Teitczam mhes tam ka winge kalpe / To 10: e§§em mhes parradam no Thes / Ad§i§tam ka 11: tas mums gir mylois / Tam czilwekam aran ßele§tibe dode / Ka 12: tas no koule meeß vnde ade / Ta kra§ne gir tas §attai§itz / Ka tas 13: tho dene gai§um elukoy. 14: Tick dry§e tam czilwekam ta cziwibe gir / §zouwe pa- 15: wars prexkan tam §tawe / Exkan tho me§e winge mathe / Gir 16: tas kra§ne §attaye§itz / Ai§to tas gir wens ma§§e bernings / Kattra~ 17: wayne nekade attrod / tekam tas exkan to pa§§oule nacke. 18: Dews gir tho Szemme §attai§is / lick py barro§chen ne- 19: trucks neneke / Kallne vnde eley tas pa§lappena / Ka thems lopims 20: auge §ouwe §ale / Aran tho §emme auge wyn vnde may§e / Autzena 21: Dews vnde dod thems §eckle / Ka tam czilwekam §ouwe cziwi- 22: be gir. 23: Tas vdens tas dode Süewes / Tös leck Dews ne§t wur- 24: §on tho galde / Poute no puttnims tope eedette / Top the youne 25: ißperrethe / Bus thems czilwekems par barrybe buth{buh} / Breßo / La- 26: czes / Lopus vnde Czukes / Sattays Dews vnde thems tho 27: wene. 28: Patteitczam mhes tam vnnde ludczam tam / Kad tas 29: mums dode tha Garre prathe / Ka mhes tho te§cham §aprotam / 30: Allas petz winge prathe darram / Winga wardu darryth |
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