Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 187. lpp.
1: Wüßade Wirige / kattre tur pirmack ta mathe peczem /
2: buus tham Kungam §weetam dheweth. Vnde ka the 3: dothe to vpperre peetcz tho / kha thur ßatczytz gir exkan 4: to Boußle tha Kunge. Wene par Vbelleballo§che / yeb 5: duewe youne Ballo§che. 6: Vnde rouge / wens Czilwhex by exkan Jeru§alem 7: ar wärde Simeon / vnde tas patcz Czilwhex by räms 8: vnde Dewe byatays / vnde gaidye vß tho precibe J§ra- 9: el / vnde tas §weetcz Gars by exkan tho / tham by wene 10: adbilde§chenne tappu§§e nho{uho} tho §weete Garre / Tham 11: nhe bye tho Nawe redtczeeth / pirmacke thas tad tho 12: Chri§t ta Kunge redtczeete. Vnd nätcze aran edo§chen- 13: ne tho §weete Garre / exkan to Ba§nitcze. 14: Vnde kad the Whetczake to Bherne JE§um exkan 15: tho Ba§nitcze neße / kha the par tho darrite / ka Erad- 16: dums by / peetcz to Boußle / Tad yeme thas to vß ßou- 17: we kleepe / vnde teitcze Dewe vnd ßatcy: 18: Kunx / nu laide touwe kalpe exkan Mhere brouckt / 19: ka tu ßatcys e§§he. 20: Ai§to / mannes atczes gir touwe Pe§titaye redt- 21: czei§che. 22: Kattre tu ßattay§ys e§§e / prexkan wue§§ems 23: Loudems. 24: Wene gai§me par apgai§mo§chenne tös Paggane 25: Loudes / vnd pär Szlawe touwes Loudes J§rael. 26: Die Epi§tel am tage der Verkündi- 27: gung Marie / E§ai. 7. Cap. |
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