Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! Ps1615, 186. lpp.
1: Chri§t wen / Dar tu mums §ky§te no grekims / vnd pallidcze py
2: muße droudczibe / Vs eye tu debbe§§e Szoule / Spide tu mums ex- 3: kan §cho pa§§oule / Ar töw ßeele§tibe klath cziwo / Vnde §uthe 4: touwe Engele kra§ne. 5: Tas war mums labbe pa§§argath / Ar me§e dwe§ell Szöw 6: vn~ berne / yeb tas wellns ghan dar du§§modt ar guddribbe §lepkou- 7: wib pepe§ch / Kunx Chri§te tu Kunx thas cziwibes / Tu e§§e tham 8: ißpo§tis winge nam~e / tas dußmo thomer wellte / vnde gir i§tumptz 9: aran. 10: Jebe nu ka dene par gaiu§§e / Ta Szoule noßkyru§§e gir / 11: Thomer gir mums wene egribbe§chan / Py töw O JE§u Chri§t / 12: Lydcze ka the §waixne topt turrete / Exkan nackts py §ouwe wete 13: lydcze ta tu par mums waldys / vnde wu§§e gai§§ums bus. 14: Py debbe§§e the §waixne §taw §ouwan wethan / Jthen 15: tha §tawan ye mhes arridtczan labb prat / Kunx Chri§te py tou- 16: we warde / Kunx nelaid mums abmakte tum§che nackte / Mehs 17: §auczam py töuw wü§§e / tu tur par mums tho §arga§chen. 18: Touwe glabba§chen §tawe mums par labbe / Touwe §par- 19: ne mums apklaye / Laide wallam alla§in czyxtett / Exkan touw gir 20: wües mehrs vnde du§§e§chen / Tham louna~ wellna Louwam / Bus 21: nobeckt kadde tas recze touwe §peeke / Tas newar mums vs war- 22: ret / to darre touwe lele ßele§tib. 23: Touw Engel the mums neßis vs §ouwims rokims kra§ne / 24: Vnde §cho enaideneke noczis / Ka mhes ne py tho ackmen / Mums 25: dou§am vnde krytam / Vnde lou§am dwe§ell vnde me§e / Kunx 26: §taw tu py mums wu§§ems / Tho Nomoczetaye no mums czenn. 27: Nu gribbam mhes gulled vnde du§§et / Kunx Chri§te ap- 28: pa§kan touwe §parne / Tu mums pallige parradys / Mhes e§§em 29: töuwi paßi§tam / Laide mums atkal pecziwoth / Tho rythe §ar- 30: kum{num} / Mhes gribbam töw patteitczibe §atczit / Vnde godet tou- 31: we lele lenibe / Amen. |
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