Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 182. lpp.
1: Tad thas arridtzan ßatczys vß thems / pa krey§e
2: Roke / Eydth nho§t no man yuus noladhete / Exkan to 3: mußige vggunne / Katters tur ßattai§itz gir tam Whel- 4: nam / vnde wingims Engelims. Es e§me Jßaltczys 5: buewis / vnde yuus nhe e§§et man pe ehdenai§che / Es 6: e§me J§twitczis buewis / vnde yuus nhe e§§et man czir- 7: denai§che / es e§me wens wießis buewis / vnde yuus nhe 8: e§§et man maya§che / Es e§me Kails buewis / vnde yuus 9: nhe e§§et man aptherpu§§che / Es e§me nheweßels vnde 10: Czetumman buewis / vnde yuus nhe e§§eth man pe- 11: mecklei§che. 12: Thad the arridtczan adbildhes / vnde ßatczys : 13: Kunx / khad e§§em mhes thöw redtczei§che Jßalku§§che / 14: yeb wene Wie§e / yeb Kailo / yeb nheweßalle / yeb Czetum- 15: man / vnde nhe e§§em thöw kalpui§§che ? Thad thas ad- 16: bildees vnde ßatcys / Patte§e / es ßacke yums / ko yuus 17: nhe e§§et darri§che / wenam nho §chims Ma§akaims / 18: Tho nhe e§§et yuus man arridtczan darri§che. Vnde 19: the eße exkan to mußige mocybe. Beth the Tay§nige ex- 20: kan tho mußige Cziwo§chenne. 21: Die Epi§tel am 27. Sontage 22: nach Trintatis / 2. Pet. 1. Cap. 23: TApeetcz nhe grib es tho at§that / yuus alla§in 24: peminneet / Ka yuus tho ßinneth / vnd e§tipro- 25: te e§§et / exkan to prex§che e§§ote tai§nibe. Ai§to 26: es czerre tho labbe e§§amme / tick ylge kha es |
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