Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 181. lpp.
1: wes tapß py wynge labbe Roke lickte / Beth the Aa-
2: ße py krey§e roke. 3: Rouge / thad thas Köninx ßatczys vß thems / py 4: ßouwe labbe roke / nätcet §chur yuus §weetite manna 5: Thewa / ap§eedet tho Wal§tibe / kattre yums ßattai§i- 6: ta gir nho E§akumme thäs pa§§oules. 7: Ai§to es e§me yßalcis bue- 8: wis / vnd yuus e§§eth man 9: pe ehdenai§che. Es e§me 10: J§twitczys buewis / vnde 11: yuus e§§et man czirdenai- 12: §che. Es e§me wens Wie§is 13: buiwis / Vnde yuus e§§eth 14: man mayo döuwu§§che. 15: Es e§me kails buewis / vnd 16: yuus e§§eth man aptherpu§§che. Es e§me neeweßels vnd 17: Czetumman buewis / vnd yuus e§§et py man naku§che. 18: Thad tham the Tai§nige adbildhes / vnd ßatcys / 19: Kunx / kad e§§em mhes thöw y§§alku§§che redtczei§§che / 20: vnde e§§em thöw pe ehdenai§che ? Jeb J§twixtu§§che / 21: vnde e§§em thöw czirdenai§§che ? Kad e§§em mhes thöw 22: wene Wie§e redtczei§che / vnde maya§che? Jeb kailo vnd 23: e§§em thöw aptherpu§§che ? Kad e§§em mhes thöw nhe- 24: we§ßalle yeb Czetumman redtczei§che vnde e§§em py 25: thöw naku§§che ? Vnde tas Köninx adbildhes / vnde vß 26: tems ßatcys / patte§e es ßacke yums / ko yuus darri§che 27: e§§et wena~ no §chims mannims Ma§§akims Bralims / 28: to e§§et yuus man darri§che. |
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