Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 179. lpp.
1: Die Epi§tel am 26. Sontage
2: nach Trinitatis / 2. Pet. 3. Cap. 3: VNde ßinnet tho wü§§e pirmake / ka exkan 4: thims peedigims denims nätczis Ap- 5: mhedetaye / kattre peetcz ßouwe egribbe- 6: §chenne §taigas / vnde ßatcys / kur gir 7: tha pe§§atci§chenne winge at näck§chen- 8: ne? Ai§to peetcz to ka the Thewe ai§miggu§§che gir / pal- 9: leck wü§§as lethas / ta kha the nho E§akumme tho radi- 10: §chenne buewü§§che gir. Beth nhe gribbedame nee- 11: gribbeye the ßinnat / kha tas Debbes exkan prex§che lai- 12: kims arridtczan bye / vnde arridtczan ta Semme / aran 13: Vdenne vnde czour Vdenne pa§thawei§§e / czour De- 14: we Wärde / vnd tomher tappe py tho laike / Ta Pa§§ou- 15: le czour tho patte ar tho Vdenne apßlick§chenne ßam- 16: maitata. Tha arridtczan tas Debbes / Katters taga- 17: dine gir / vnde tha Semme / thope czour winge Wär- 18: de ßoudtczeeta / kha the py Vggunne paßargate thope / 19: py to Dene thäs Szodibes / vnde py paßuddena§chen- 20: ne thös be§dewiges Czilwhekes. Beth wena letha nhe 21: gir yums apßlhepta / yuus mylige / kha wena dena 22: prexkan tho Kunge gir / Ka tuuxto§che gadde / vnde 23: tuuxto§che gadde / kha wena dena. Tas Kunx nhepa- 24: wheltczena tho peßatcy§chenne / kha tho czitte par we- 25: ne paweltczena§chenne tur / Beth thas gir lhenpratyx 26: ar mums / Vnde nhe grib / Kha ka§labban pa§§u§tcz |
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