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EvEp1615, 178. lpp.

1: Beth way thims abgrutenatims / Vnde{Vude} §zidigims /
2: than laikan.
3: Beth ludtczet / ka yuu§a Bheck§chenne nhe noteke
4: Szeman yeb Sweedenan / Ai§to thur buus tad wena
5: lela No§kum§chenne buuth / kha nhe gir buewü§§e nho
6: E§akumme tas Pa§§oules ys §cho laike{liake} / vnde ka arridt-
7: czan nhe buus notickt. Vnde Ja §chäs denes nhe tapte
8: pay§enate / thad nhe tapte neewens Czilwhex §weetcz.
9: Beth thos J§redtczeetes
10: peetcz / taps thäs dhenes
11: pay§enate.
12: Ja thad kas vs yums
13: §zatcys / Rougeth / §cheit
14: gir Chri§tus / yeb tur / Tad
15: nhe buus yums to titczeth.
16: Ai§to thur buus wiltige
17: Chri§ti / vnde wiltige Pro-
18: phetes the vs czhel§es §zöw / vnde leles Szimes vnde
19: Brinummes darris / Ka arridtczan the y§redtczeete
20: ( Ja thas tha warreth buuth ) exkan tho apallo§chenne
21: ewee§te tapte. Rougeth / es e§me yums tho paprex§che
22: §zatcys. Tapeetcz / kad the v§z yums §zatcys / Rougeth /
23: tas gir exkan to Tuxni§§e / Tad nhe eyet aran / Rougeth /
24: thas gir exkan Kammer / thad nhe titczeeth. Ai§to lidtz
25: ka tas Sybbens J§edth no Rite pu§§es / vnde §pyde ys
26: to wackere pu§§e. Ta buus arridtczan buut / tay atnäck-
27: §chenne ta Czilwheke Dhele. Ai§to kur wena Mayta
28: gir / tur ßackrayas ßöw te Ehergle.


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