Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 176. lpp.
1: ai§muggerre py tho / vnde ai§kare winge Dreebes Wy-
2: le. Ai§to tha ßatcye py ßöw pattim / warreete es wen 3: winge Dreebe ay§kärth / thad tapte es we§§ella. Thad 4: greßes JE§us apkärth vnd vßlukooye tho / vnde ßatcy. 5: Thur wene labbe prate manna Mheita / Touwe Tie- 6: czibe gir thöw pallidtczei§e. Vnd tha Sewa tappe wee§- 7: §ella than pattan §tundan. 8: Vnde kad thas exkan to Würßeneke Namme nät- 9: cze / vnde redtczeye thös Stabbelnekes / vnde to Troox- 10: ne tho lou§cho / ßatcy tas vß thems / At§thayetes / Ai§to 11: tha Meitinge nhe gir nomürru§§e / Beth ta gir ai§mig- 12: gu§§e. Vnd the apßmeye tho. Beth kad the loudis J§czi- 13: te by / gaya thas tur exkan / vnde thwere tho py to Ro- 14: ke. Tad czelees tha Meitinge auxam. Vnde tha Szla- 15: we tappe §kanniga / pär tho patte wü§§e Semme. 16: Die Epi§tel am 25. Sontage 17: nach Trinitatis 1. The§§al. 4. Cap. 18: BEth mhes nhe gribbam yums myli- 19: ge Brale / paßlhept / no tims / kat- 20: tre tur ai§miggu§§che{ai§miggn§§che} gir / Ka yuus 21: nhe no§kummu§che e§§eth / ka te czit- 22: te / Kattrims nhe wena Czerribe 23: gir. Ai§to ka mhes titczam / ka JE- 24: §us nomürris / vnde atkal auxkam 25: czelees gir / yten tha Dews arridtczan / Kattre thur 26: ay§miggu§§che gir czour JE§um / ar to weddis. |
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