Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 174. lpp.
1: mactce to Dewe czellye czellye te§cham / vnde tu nhe ola peetcz
2: neewene / Ai§to tu nhe bheda tho vß luko§chenne / tho 3: Czilwheke. Tapeetcz ßack mums kho doma tu ? Kha 4: mhes tham Key§eram Nome dodam yeb nhe ? Kad nu 5: JE§us winge Bleedibe no- 6: mannye / ßatcy thas / yuus 7: Wilteneke kho kärdenath 8: yuus man / radeth man to 9: Nome kou§§e. Vnde the nho 10: döuwe tam wene Gro§§che / 11: vnde thas ßatcy vß thems / 12: Ka gir ta Syme / vnde tas 13: würße raxtcz / Te ßatcy vß 14: tho / tha Key§ere. Tad ßatcy tas vß thems. Thad do- 15: deth tham Key§eram / kas tham Key§eram pedeere / vnd 16: Dewam / kas Dewe peder. Kad the tho czirdey / Jßa- 17: brinoyas te ßöw / vnd at§thaye to / vnd gaya noh§t. 18: Die Epi§tel am 24. Sontage 19: nach Trinitatis / Collo§§ 1. Cap. 20: TApeetcz mhes arridtczan / no tho Dene kad mhes 21: tho czirdei§che e§§em / Nhe mitteyam mhes klu§§e / 22: par yums luuckt / ka yuus pepüldite thopet / ar at§i§- 23: §chenne winge prathe / exkan wü§§e garrige guddribe 24: vnde ßappra§§chenne / ka yuus §taigayeth czenige tam 25: Kungam / py wü§§e papratibe. Vnde auglige e§§eth ex- 26: kan wü§§ims labbims darbims / vnde auget exkan tho |
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