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EvEp1615, 173. lpp.

1: Die Epi§tel am 23. Sontage
2: nach Trinitatis / Philip. 3. Cap.
3: STaigath peetcz man / mylige Brale /
4: vnde lukoyeth vß thems / kattre tha
5: §taiga / Ka mhes yums e§§em pa pre-
6: §che Syme. Ai§to doudtcze §taiga /
7: nho kattrims es yums da§§che kärth
8: ßatcys e§§me / Beth nu ßacko es
9: yums arridtczan roudadams. The
10: Enaideneke tha Chru§te Chri§ti / Kattre Gals gir tha
11: pa§§u§chenne / kattre Dews thas Wheders gir / Vnde
12: kattre Goodtcz kounan thope / tho / kattre §emmi§ke do-
13: ma. Beth mußa bu§chenne gir exkan Debbes / no kur-
14: renes mhes arridtczan pagaydam tha Pe§titaye JE§u
15: Chri§ti tha Kunge. Katters muße neczige Meße ap-
16: §kaydros / ka ta lidtcze thope ßouwe ap§kaidrote Meße /
17: Peetcz tho darbe / ar kattre thas ßöw arridtczan wüße
18: lethe war packloußige darrith.
19: Euangelium am 23. Sontage
20: nach Trinitatis Matth. 22. Cap
21: TAd nogaye te Phari§eer / vnde thurrey wenes
22: Runnes / kha the tho warrethe guu§tyth ex-
23: kan winge wallode. Vnde ßutye py tho ßou-
24: wes Maetcekles / ar Herodis kalpims / vnde
25: ßatcy / Mei§ter / mhes ßinnam ka tu tai§nis e§§e / vnde


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