Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 167. lpp.
1: pes aran / ka the thös Weßes ka§as aytcenate. Vnde te
2: nhe gribbey näckt. Atkal J§zutye thas czittes kalpes / 3: vnde ßatcy / ßacket thims Weßims / Rouget / mans eh- 4: denegaldtz{denegadtz} gir pattay§ytz / manne Wher§che / vnd manne 5: Baryomelope gir nokoute / vnde wü§§a letha ßataißy- 6: ta / nätcet ka§as. Beth the polgaye tho / vnde nogaye / 7: Tas wens vß ßouwe Tyrumme / tas Oters py ßouwe 8: Darbe. Beth the czitte guu§tye winges Kalpes / Szai- 9: moye / vnde nokouwe tös. Kad tho thas Köninx czirde- 10: ye / tappe thas du§myx / vnde Jßuutye ßouwe karye / 11: vnde licke §chös Szlepkouwes nomaackt / Vnde ededt- 12: czenaye{cze naye} winge Pille. 13: Thad ßätcy thas vß ßou- 14: wems Kalpems. Ta ka§a 15: gir te§cham ßattayßita / 16: Beth te We§§es nhe by cze- 17: nige. Tapeetcz eyeth vß 18: thems Elems / vnde ayt- 19: czenayeth ka§as / Kattres 20: yuus attrodeth. Vnde the 21: Kalpe J§gaye / vß thems 22: Elems / vnde ßackraye kopan / Katters the attradde / 23: lounes vnde labbes / Vnde the Galde tappe wü§§e pül- 24: ne. Thad gaya thas Köninx exkan / thös weßes ap- 25: proudtczyt / vnde redtczey tur wene Czilwheke / Thas 26: nhe by ar ka§a dreebe aptherptz. Vnde ßatcy vß tho / 27: Droux / ka e§tu §cheit exkan nätcis / vnde tu nhe es ar |
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