Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 162. lpp.
1: ßacke / wir§ees §chim / vnde thöw buus tad ar koune §em-
2: moyan wetan §eedhet. Beth kad tu aytczenaatz thope / 3: thad no ey / vnde §eedes thöw §emmoyan Wetan / Kad 4: thas thur nake / Katters thöw aytcenais gir / vß thöw 5: §zacke. Drougs / wir§ees tur auxkam. Tad buus thöw 6: Goodtcz prexkan thems kattre ar thöw py tho Galde 7: §eede. Ai§to kas §zöw pattim auxtenayas / Tham buus 8: §emmotam tapt. Vnd kas §zöw §emmoyas / tham buus 9: auxtenatam tapt. 10: Die Epi§tel am gehenden Sontage 11: nach Trinitatis / 1. Corint. 1. Cap. 12: ES patteitcze mannam Dewam al- 13: la§in / yuu§e peetcz / pär tho Dewe 14: ßeele§tibe / kattra yums dotha gir ex- 15: kan Chri§to JE§u. Ka yuus e§§eth 16: czour to exkan wü§§ims gabbalims 17: bagate darryte / py wü§§ade maetci- 18: be / vnde exkan wü§§ade at§i§chenne. 19: Ka tad ta maetci§chenne no Chri§to exkan yums §peet- 20: czige tappu§§che gir / Tha / ka yums neewena petruck- 21: §chenne gir py neewenade Dawane / Vnd gaydeth wen 22: vß tho paradi§chenne muße Kunge JE§u Chri§ti. Kat- 23: ters yums arridtczan ap§tipprenäs / ys tho galle / Kha 24: yuus neeßodamme e§§eth / vß to dene muße Kunge JE- 25: §u Chri§ti. Ai§to Dews gir petitczyx / czour kattre yuus 26: aytczenate e§§eth py Szaddroudtczibes ßouwe Dhele 27: JE§u Chri§ti / muße Kunge. |
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