Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 16. lpp.
1: anderer / vnd tho / Kattre nho Cilicia vnde A§ia bye /
2: vnde apioutayas ßöw ar Stephano. Vnd te nhe pa- 3: warrey prettibe §thaweeth ta guddribe / vnde tham 4: Garram katters tur tre§ey. 5: Tad yeme te czittes wyres / te ßatcy / mhes e§§em 6: tho czirdei§§che newiges Wardes treßote / Prettibe 7: Mo§e vnde prettibe Dewe. Vnd kuudenay tös loudes 8: vnde tös whetczakös / vnde / tös Raxtmaetcetayes / vnd 9: gaye tur klathe / vnde rawe tho noh§t / vnde wedde tho 10: pre§chan thems Runne Kungems. Vnde atwedde wil- 11: tiges letzenekes pre§chan / The ßatcy / Schis Czilwhex 12: nhe mittas treßhet ßaimiges Waärdes prettibe §cho 13: §weete wete vnde tho Boußle. Ai§to mhes e§§em tho 14: czirdei§che ßacköte / JE§us{JE§usno} no Nazareth §cho wete J§- 15: pö§tys / vnde par wärtis tös dothes Boußles / Kattre 16: mums Mo§es döuwis gir. Vnde te luckoyas vs tho / 17: Wü§§e the / kattre exkan tho Runne §eedeeye / vnd redt- 18: czey winge wayge / Ka wene Engele wayge. 19: Kad the §cho czirdeeye / gaye tims thas czour tho 20: Szirde / vnde ßacköde Sobus. Beth kad thas pülns 21: tha §weete Garre by / lukoya thas vs tho Debbes / vnd 22: redtczey tho Dewe godibe / vnde JE§um §tawote py 23: Dewe labbe Roke vnde ßatcy / Rougeth / Es redtczo 24: tho Debbe§§e atwarre / Vnde to Czilwheke Dhele py 25: tho Dewe labbe roke §tawote. Beth the breetcze §kan- 26: nige vnde ay§turrey ßauwas außes / vnde mette wene 27: lidtczige / vs tho / vnde J§§tume tho aran Pillis / Vnde |
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