Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 159. lpp.
1: war / neeka wü§§e / Ko mhes ludtczam yeb ßapprotam /
2: Peetcz tho Speeke / Katters exkan mums §trada. Tam 3: gir Goodtcz exkan tho Droudtczibe katters exkan Chri- 4: §to JE§u gir / py wü§§e laike / no mußige mußa~ / Amen. 5: Euangelium am §echzehenden Son- 6: tage nach Trinitatis Luc. 7. Cap. 7: VNde thas notickas ßöw peetcz tho / Kha 8: tas exkan wene Pille / ar wärde Nain 9: gaya / vnd winge Mactcekle gaye doud- 10: cze ar tho / vnde doudtcze loudes. Beth 11: kad tas tuwe py tems Pylle Wärtems 12: natce. Rouge / thad y§ne§§e 13: the wene Mürrone / Kat- 14: ters wens wenyx Dhels 15: by ßouwe Mathe / Vnde 16: tha by wene Attraitne. 17: Vnde doudtcze loudis a- 18: ran thas pilles gaye ar to. 19: Vnde kad tho thas Kunx 20: redtczeye / Abßeeloyas tas 21: thäs / vnde ßatcy vß tho / Nhe roude. Vnde gaye thur 22: kläth / vnde ai§kare tho mürrone §kyr§te vnde the Ne§§e- 23: taye §thawey klu§§e. Vnde tas ßatcy / puy§e / es ßacke 24: thöw / czelles auxkam / vnde eßaka treßeth. Vnde thas 25: döuwe tho ßouwe Mathe. Vnd wena J§§abya§chenne 26: vß nätce thems wü§§ems / vude teitzze Dewe / vnd ßat- |
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