Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! Ps1615, 156. lpp.
1: at§tati / Töws lenibas durwes allaß atwerte §tawe / czilweke pratz
2: newar tho §a§§neckt / Ta §ack / nu gir wußa§ke pa§§u§ts / Ja tock tas 3: Cru§ts iouns czimmuße gir / Kattre touwe pallige paggaide. 4: Te Enaidenek gir wu§§i exkan touwas rokas / Tur klath 5: wuß wingo doma§chen / Wingu runnas gir töw §innam / pal- 6: lidcz wen ka mhes nealloyam / Tas pratz prettib tho titczibe cziext{cziex} / 7: Vs nakote tas negaidit grib / Kur tu patz mums epreczenäß. 8: Tho Debbes vnd arridczan to Semme / es tu Kunx Dews 9: ap§tippreys / Touwo wardu laid mu~s §kaidre §kannet / Tas ßirds 10: mums top ededczenatz / Exkan milibe täs titczibes vs töw / ys 11: mu§am gallam pa§taweth / tay pa§§ouli laid allaß kurnet. 12: Der CXXV. P§alm / Qui confidunt. 13: Andreas Knöpken. 14: Do es wol gieng / mein Hertz vnd Sinn / etc. 15: KAd lab klayees / Man ßirdes / vnde pratz / 16: Stawey allaß exkan bre§mibe / No Nelaim- 17: ib kattre man nu §pe§ch / Vnde man war- 18: ren czete par§ode / Nu loune klaias / Dews 19: py man §tawe / Vnde pallidcze man to na§te 20: ne§th / Ka nedcz laime / Nedcz nelaimibe man 21: mußige warres §ammi§t. 22: Beth vs Dewe / manne ßirde preczig / Bus allaß dro- 23: §che gadeth / Tas §churp vnde turp tös labbos glaba / Ka tös ne- 24: laim newar gru§t / Tös lounes rickte / petz winne prate ya mußi- 25: ge ne§choutis / tös labbes czete / Ar wene §ape / Kunx touwe nab- 26: bage koping. 27: Dar labe Kunx / Ka tam by buth / Thems labbems ra- 28: mems ßirdems / Vnde thems lounems dod §ouwe alge / mußige |
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