Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 152. lpp.
1: kam / kärdenaye to / vnde ßatcy / Mei§ter / Ko buus man
2: darryth / Ka es to mußige Cziwo§chenne dabbu / Beth 3: thas ßatcy vß tho / Kha §thawe exan Boußle raxtytz ? 4: Ka las tu ? Thas adbildey vnde ßatcy / Thöw buus 5: Dewe touwe Kunge myleth / nho wü§§e Szirde / nho 6: wü§§e Dwhe§elle / nho wü§§e Speeke / vnde nho wü§§e 7: Praathe. Vnde touwe Tuwako ka thöw pattim. Beth 8: tas ßatcy vß to / tu e§§e te§cham adbildeis / dar tho / tad 9: tu czywos. 10: Beth tas gribbeye ßöw pattim tai§notes / Vnde 11: ßatcy vß JE§u / Kas gir tad mans Tuwakays ? Tad 12: adbildeye JE§us vnde ßatcy / Tur by wens Czilwhex / 13: thas y§gaye no Jeru§alem vß Jericho / vnde kritte §tar- 14: pan thems Szlepkouwems / the y§wilke to / vnde ßitte 15: to / vnde gaya tur no§th / vnde at§thaye to pus nomür- 16: ru§§che gullite Beth tas leedttzes ßöw no nhe you§che / 17: Ka wens Ba§nicekunx to patthe Ele broudtcze / Vnde 18: kad thas nätce py tho wete vnde redtczey to / gay thas 19: czetczen. Ta lydtcz arridtczan wens Leuitcz / Kad thas 20: nätcze py to wete vnde redtczeye to / gay tas czetczen. 21: Beth wens Samariters broudtcze vnde nätcze 22: tur. Vnde kad tas tho redtczeye / abßeeloy tas to / gaye 23: py to / ßa§§eye tam winge Waates / Vnde lheye thur ex- 24: kan Olye vnde Wyne. Vnde licke tho vß ßouwe Lope. 25: Vnde wedde to exkan tho Mayewete / vnde glabe tho. 26: Tan Otran denan broudtcze thas nho§t / vnde J§wil- 27: cka duewe Gro§§ches / vnde döuwe thos tham Szaime- |
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