Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 15. lpp.
1: thas dewe Johannes. Tas patz nätce par ledtczibe /
2: Ka tas no tho gai§me ledtczibe dothe / Ka the wü§§e 3: czour tho titczeete. Thas nhe by ta gai§me / beth ka tas 4: ledtczibe dothe no tho gai§me. Ta by ta patte§e gai§me / 5: Kattra wu§§os czilwhekus ab§kaydro / kattre exkan §cho 6: pa§§oule nacke. Tas by exkan tho pa§§oule/ Vnde tha 7: pa§§oule gir czour tho patte darrita / vnde ta pa§§oule 8: nhe pa§inna tho. 9: Tas naetce exkan ßouwe pa§§che paddomibe / Vnd 10: the ßouwe nhe peyeme tho. Beth czeke doudcz to v§§ye- 11: me / Tims döwe tas §peeke Dewe Beernes tapt / Kat- 12: tre tur exkan winge Wärde titcz. Katters nhe nho tho 13: a§§en / nedtcz no tho gribbe§chenne thas me§es / nedtcz 14: no tho gribbe§chenne wena wyra / Beth no Dewe pe- 15: czimmu§§che gir. Vnd tas Wärdtcz tappe Meßa / Vnd 16: cziwoye §tarpan mums / vnde mhes redtczeyam winge 17: godibe / Kha tha wene peczimpte Dhele no Dewe / 18: pülns ßeele§tibe vnde tai§nibe. 19: Die Epi§tel am Tage des heiligen 20: Stephani / Act. am 6. vnd 7. 21: Capittel. 22: BEth Stephanus pülns thas Titczibes vnde 23: Speeke / darrye Brinumme vnd lelas Szi- 24: mes §tarpan thems loudems. Tad czhelles 25: czitte auxkam / nho tho Skole / Kattre thur 26: dhewe tho Libertiner / vnde tho Kyrener / vnd tho Alex- |
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