Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 148. lpp.
1: kärth exan tho Neddelle / vnde domo to De§metto / nho
2: wü§§e kas man gir. Vnde thas Muitenex §thawey nho 3: thalenes / nedtcz gribbey ßouwes Atczes czelth vß Deb- 4: be§§e / beth ßitte prexkan ßouwe kruute / Vnde ßatcy / 5: Dews e§§e man Greetcenekam ßeelix. Es ßack yums / 6: Schis nho gaya Semmen tai§nis exkan ßouwe Nam- 7: me / prexkan winge. Ai§to / Kas ßöw pattim auxtena- 8: yas / thas thope Semmootcz. Vnde kas ßöw pattim 9: §emmoyas / tas tope paauxtenaatz. 10: Die Epi§tel am zwölfften Sontage 11: nach Trinitatis / 2. Corinth 3. Cap. 12: BEth thada petitczibe gir mums 13: czour Chri§tum py Dewe / nhe ta / 14: Ka mhes ko labbe derram no mu~s 15: pattims / tur peminneet / kha nho 16: mums pattims / Beth Ja mhes 17: ko derram / tas gir no Dewe / kat- 18: ters mums arridtczan czeniges 19: darris gir / tho Ammatte pabeickt / thäs Jounes E§ta- 20: di§§chennes / Nhe to Boußle / beth tho Garre. Ai§to 21: tas Boußlis nokow / beth tas Gars darre cziwes. 22: Beth ka tas Ammatz / katters czour to Boußele 23: nokouwe / vnde exkan tims Ackmennims eßimootz gir / 24: Skaydribe by / Tha / ka the Beerne{Beer ne} J§rael nhe warrey 25: vß lukooth tho Wayge Mo§i / thäs Skaydribes peetcz 26: winge wayge / Kattra tur mittas / Kha nhe by thad |
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