Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 145. lpp.
1: Euangelium am zehenden Sontage
2: nach Trinitatis / Luc. 19. Cap. 3: VNde khad tas tuwe klathe nätcze / 4: vß lukoye thas to Pylle / vnd rou- 5: daye pär tho / vnde ßatcy / Kad tu 6: to ßinnate / thad buute tu py §cho 7: touwe laike arridtczan apdomay- 8: §e / Kas py touwe Mhere wayage 9: buute. Beth nu gir thas prexkan 10: touwems Atczems ap- 11: ßleeptcz. Ai§to thas layx 12: pär thöw nätczis / ka tou- 13: we Enaydeneke apkärth 14: thöw ßittys / thöw ap§ee- 15: des / Vnde py wü§§ems 16: mallems ap§pedys / vnde 17: thöw gluddenne darrys / 18: vnde neewene Ackmenne 19: vß tho otre at§thas / Tapeetcz / Ka tu nhe e§§e adßin- 20: nu§§e to laike / Kattran tu pemeckleeta e§§e. Vnde thas 21: gaya exkan to Ba§nice / vnde e§aka ys czyth Kattre tur 22: exkan pärdöuwe vnde pirka / vnde ßatcy vß tems. Tur 23: §thawe raxtytz{rextytz} / Mans Nams gir wens Ludtczamme 24: Nams / Beth yuus e§§et tho par wene ßlepkouwe bed- 25: dre darri§che. Vnde maetcye deni§ke exkan to Ba§nice. 26: Beth the Auxteba§nicekunge vnde Raxtmaetcetaye / 27: Vnde the Prawake §tarpan thems loudems / gadhaye |
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