Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! Ps1615, 144. lpp.
1: doms / Vs ko es man alla§in pallai§ch / vnde allas lepno vnde
2: droudo. 3: Laid töw mans Kunx py ßirde eht / vnde grib vs tho pe- 4: minnet / Ka wußi touwi ar teuwim §tawe / Kattrems tu tauw ßee- 5: le§tib dawann / No mußige to es ißred§eis / pa§§argais exkan tou- 6: we Runne / Czour kattre the §weetige top. 7: Manno berni§ku ne§appra§§chen / Vnde wu§§o mannu 8: parradu / Negrib Kunx Dews yo pemminneth / Beth petz touwe 9: lenibe / Mannis ab§eloth grib yo töw / No wu§§ims grekims pe- 10: §tit man / No pußes touwas milibas. 11: Tas Kunx gir §alds vnde bes wilte / Wu§§ems kattre py 12: tho karrias / vnde kad te wü§§e exkan tho czelle maldo / Tomerth 13: wins tös wel §aiems / vnde macis thems §ouwe prate / Raxtit ex- 14: kan winne ßirdims kra§ni / Petz §ouwa miliga prata. 15: Wu§§i czelli tha Kunga gir patte§ibe / lenib vnde kaila 16: ßeele§tib / §ouwe §oli§chenn tur tas te§cham / Vnde dod tho thems 17: ganna dry§e / Kattre waitcza petz winna warde / vnde titcz ko tas 18: §oli thur exkan / ka mums te Raxti e§imo. 19: Touwa warda pußes petz O Kunx / Ab§elo mannims gre- 20: kims / Es by§tös tho gir warren doudcze / Vnde ku§tena §öw ick- 21: §tundas / Tapetz man touwe Chri§tum maci / Exkan tam tho czell 22: warr es ißwelet / Katters töw gir papratickxs. 23: Ta czilweka dwe§el kattra Dewe bya / Winne mante ap§e- 24: deis / wu§§e kattre exkan titczibe tam petz §taiga / Te netaps §am- 25: maitate / Tas Kunx gir winga pa§§lapa §kides / Söw E§tadium 26: tas grib thems atwert / Vnde §ouwo Garru thems doth. 27: Mannas atczis allaß gir py töw / O Kunx Dews pagre- 28: §tas / ka tu pallidcz man no ta tikle / Exkan kattre es e§me §attwertz / 29: Ab§elo töw mannes vnde redcze vs man / At§tatz Nabbackx es e§me / 30: vnde no ickwena §tawe es wu§tim / pallai§ts. 31: Mannas ßirdtz §apes gir daßade / No mannu bedu man 32: pe§ty / V§luko ka es §meklän lickts e§me / No darbems gull tur |
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