Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 143. lpp.
1: yoproyam wens Nammethurretais wayrs buuth.
2: Thas Nammethurretais ßatcy py ßöw pattim / Kho 3: buus man darrith ? Mans Kunx yem tho Ammate 4: no man / Rackte es nhe war / tha kounoos es man de- 5: delleeth. Es ßinno gan kho es darrith grib / Kas es nho 6: to Ammatte nho czeltz thope / Ka the man exkan ßou- 7: wims Nammims e yem. 8: Vnde tas ßoutcze py ßöw 9: wü§§es paradenekes ßou- 10: we Kunge / vnde ßatcy vß 11: to pirmako. Czicke doudt- 12: cze e§§e tu mannam Kun- 13: gam parradan? Tas ßat- 14: cy / Szumpte mutcze Olie. 15: Vnd tas ßatcy vß to / Jem 16: touwe gramate / ßeedees 17: thöw vnde raxte tudeline peczede§mette / peetcz to ßatcy 18: tas vß to Otre / Beth tu Czick doudtcze e§§e tu parra- 19: dan ? Thas ßatcy ßumpte Mhere que§che. Vnde{Vade} thas 20: ßatcy vß tho / Jem touwe Gramatte / vnde raxte a§to- 21: nede§mette. Vnd tas Kunx teitcze to neetai§nige Nam- 22: methurretaye / Ka tas guddrige darris by. Ai§to the 23: B?rne §chäs Pa§§oules gir guddrake / Nheka te Beer- 24: ne thas gaißibes / exkan ßouwe Radde. Vnde es ßack 25: yums arridtczan / darreth yums drouges / ar to neeta- 26: y§nige Mommon / Kad yuus uu bhedes cze§chath / Ka 27: the yums vß yem exkan to mußige cziwokle. |
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