Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 142. lpp.
1: thims to kärdenye / vnde tappe no tims Ozims yeb czu-
2: §kims nomackte. Nhe kurneth arridtczan / Lidtcz kha 3: czitte no tims kurneye / vnde tappe nomaeckte czour to 4: Nomaetcetaye. 5: Schis noticke wü§§e winggims pär pre§che ßime. 6: Beth tas gir raxtytz mums par peminnee§chenne / vß 7: kattrims tas gals täs Pa§§oules nätcys gir. Tapeetcz / 8: Kas tur doma / Ka thas §thawe / thas war labbe pe- 9: roudtczyth / Ka thas nhe kryte. Thur nhe gir whel nee- 10: wena / Ka wen Czilwheke kärdena§chenne pär yums 11: naku§§e. Beth Dews gir petitczix / Katters yums nhe 12: leke kärdenath / pär yuu§e warre§chenne / Beth dar tha / 13: ka ta kärdena§chenne / wene galle yem / Ka yuus tho 14: warreth panne§t. Tapeetcz manne mylige / bhetczeth 15: no tho Elkedewige / kalpo§chenne. 16: Euangelium am neunden Sontage 17: nach Trinitatis / Luc. 16. Cap. 18: BEth thas ßatcy arridtczan vß ßou- 19: wems Maetceklems / Tur by wens 20: bagaatcz Wyrs / Tham by wens 21: Nammethurretays / Thas tappe 22: prexkan to apßatcytz / Ka buute tas 23: tham winge Paddome J§po§tis. 24: Vnde thas aitczenaye tho / vnd ßat- 25: cy vß tho / Ka czirde es tho no thöw ? Dode lagadibe 26: no touwe Nammethurre§chenne / Ai§to tu nhe war nu |
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