Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 139. lpp.
1: ßatcye / Septinge. Vnde thaas pawheley thems lou-
2: dems / Ka the ßöw würßon tho Semme pa§hedeete. 3: Vnde tas yeme thos Septinge May§es / vnde patteit- 4: cze / vnde pär lou§e thos / vnd e döuwe thos ßouwims 5: Maetceklims / Ka the thos pattes pre§chan lickte / vnde 6: the licke thos thems loudems pre§chan / vnde thems by 7: Ma§e Szuewetinge / vnde tas patteitcze / vnde pawhe- 8: ley thos pattes arridtczan pre§chan nee§t. Beth the eh- 9: de / vnde tappe pe edu§§che / vnde yeme thos pär atlick- 10: tes dru§kas auxam / Septinge kurwes / vnde tho by py 11: czettre tuxto§che / Kattre thur ehdu§§che by. Vnde thas 12: palayde thos no ßouwim. 13: Die Epi§tel am achten Sontage 14: nach Trinitatis / Rom. 8. Cap. 15: THa e§§em mhes nu / mylige Brale / 16: parradeneke / nhe tay Meße / Kha 17: mhes peetcz tho Meße cziwoyam / 18: Ai§to kad yuus peetcz to Meße czi- 19: wo§§eeth / Tad yuus mür§§eth. Beth 20: kad yuus czour tho Garre täs Me§- 21: §e darri§chenne §chlape§eth / thad yuus cziwo§eth. Ai§to 22: kattres thas Dewe Gars czen / the gir Dewe Beerne 23: Ai§to yuus nhe e§§eth nhe wene kalpyge Garre dabbu- 24: i§che / Ka yuus yums atkal J§bytes buus. Beth yuus 25: e§§eth{e§§eh} wene Beernige Garre dabbui§che / Czour kattre 26: mhes ßoutczam / Abba myleis Thews. Thas patcz |
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