Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! Manc1631_LVM, 136. lpp.
1: Epi§tel am heiligen Pfing§ttage /
2: Actorum 2.Cap. 3: VNd kad tahß peetzdeßmittz Deenas peepillditas by / 4: by tee Mahzekļi weenlied§ige kohpa. Vnd turr no- 5: tickahß peepeh§ch weena ruhk§chana no Däbb䧜u / ihten 6: ka kahtz leels Weh§ch / vnd peepilldiya wi§śu to Nammu / 7: kur tee śehdeya. Vnd tappa räd§ätas py teems dallitas 8: Mehles / ihten ka buhtu tahß vggunigas. Vnd wings 9: śehdeyahß vs ick=kattru §tarrpan teems / vnd wi§śi tap- 10: pa pilli no to §wähtu Gharru. Vnd eeśahka mahziet ar 11: da§chadahms Mehlehms / ta / ka teems tas Gharrs 12: dewe ißrunnaht. Bett Juddi d§iewoya eek§chan Jeru- 13: §alemes / tee by Deewa biyatayi Wieri no wi§śenahdeems 14: Ļaudeems / kattri appack§chan Däbbe§śu gir. Kad 15: nu §chy Walloda ißpaude / nahze ta Draud§e kohpa / vnd 16: śayucka / ai§to ick=kattris d§irrdeya tohß ar śawu Wallo- 17: du runnayo§chus. Bett tee i§śatruhzenayahß wi§śi / vnd 18: i§śabrienoyahß / vnd śatziya śawa` starrpa`: Red§eeta / negh 19: gir §che wi§śi / kattri teitan runna / no Galilea ? Ka d§irr- 20: dam mehß tad ick=kattris śawu Mehl / eek§chan kattras 21: mehß ä§śam d§immu§chi / Partheŗi / vnd Meedeŗi / vnd 22: Elamiteŗi / vnd kattri mehß d§iewoyam eek§chan Me§o- 23: potamia / vnd eek§chan Judea vnd Cappadocia / Ponto 24: vnd A§ia / Wrygia / vnd Pamwilia / Ägyptes / vnd py 25: teems E§cheems to Lybieŗo / py Kyrenes / vnd §we§§cha 26: tauta no Romes / Juddi vnd Juddiļaudis / Kreeteŗi vnd |
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