Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! Ps1615, 135. lpp.
1: loudems wenade präte / Stawe py mums exkan tho pa§tare bede /
2: Wed mums exkan Cziwibe no tho Nawe. 3: Winge loune paddome ßalou§§e O Kunx / Laid thems 4: noteke ko the doma / Vnde §tum thös exkan tho Beddre / Kat- 5: tre the dar touwe Chru§tite drougczibe. 6: Thad the tho arridtczan ad§i§§e / Ka tu muße Dews whel 7: cziwo / Vnde pallidtcze touwe Drouczibe / Kattre ßöw vs 8: thöw pallay§as. 9: Laid thöw O Kunx pawheleete buth / Mußes Semmes 10: Kunges touwes kalpes / Exkan §tippras titczibas thös pattur / pa§- 11: §arge thös czour touwe mußige Speeke. 12: Ein Gei§tlich Lied von Chri§to / 13: Andreas Knöpken / 14: HErr Chri§t der einig GOttes Sohn / etc. 15: KVnx Chri§t tas wenix Dewa Dhels / The- 16: wa exka~ mußige / No winna ßirdis i§auc§is / 17: Lydcz ka tur §tawe raxtitcz / Tas gir ta ry- 18: tha §waig§ne / ßouwo §pidum §teep tas ta ta- 19: le / Prexkan czitthams §waig§nems{§waignems} §kaidre. 20: Par mums wens czilwex peczimmis / 21: exkan pa§tare galle tho laike / tay matey ne- 22: pa§§u§tcz gir / tas Jumprowes §ki§tiba / to Nawe par mums §ollou- 23: §is / Tho Debbes gir atsledzis / tho cziwibe atkal atneßis. 24: Laid mums exkan touwas mile§tibas / vnd ad§i§chenne pe- 25: iempth wayrs / Ka mes py thas titczibas palleckam / Vnd kalpo- 26: iam exkan Garre ta / Ka mhes §cheit warram boudyth / touwe 27: ßaldum exkan ßirde / Vnd twixtam alla§in petz töw. 28: Tu radditais wu§§es lethes / Tu Dewe Thewi§ke §peekx / |
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