Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 135. lpp.
1: ßatcy vß Simon / Nhe Jßby§tes thöw / Ai§to peetcz
2: §cho laike / buus thöw Czilwhekes guu§tyth. Vnde 3: thas wedde thos Laywes py to malle yeb Semmes / 4: Vnd at§thaye wue§§e lethe / vnde §thaygaye tam peetcz. 5: Die Epi§tel am §ech§ten{§echten} Sontage 6: nach Trinitatis / Rom. 6. Cap. 7: KA nhe ßinneth yuus / kha wü§§e 8: Kattre mhes exkan JE§um Chri- 9: §tum chru§tite e§§em / the gir exkan 10: winge Nawe chru§tite. Tha e§§em 11: mhes nu ar tho aprackte czour tho 12: Kru§tibe exkan to Nawe / ai§to / lidtz 13: ka Chri§tus vs modenaatcz gir no tims mürronims / 14: czour tho godibe tha Thewe / Ta buus mums arridt- 15: czan exkan wene youne cziwo§chenne §thaigath. Beth 16: ka mhes nu ar tho e§thadite topam py lydtcze Nawes / 17: thad buus mums arridtczan tay auxkam czel§chenne 18: lydtcze buuth / peetcz to / ka mhes ßynnam / Ka mu§§e 19: weetczyx Czilwhex ar to Chru§tan ßi§tz gir Ka ta gret- 20: czyge Meße no mittas / ka mhes nu yoproyam thims 21: Greekims nhe wairs kalpoyam. Ai§to kas nomürris 22: gir / thas gir tai§nootcz no tims greekims. 23: Beth e§§em mhes ar Chri§to mürru§§che / Thad 24: titczam mhes / Ka mhes arridtczan ar to cziwo§§em / 25: vnde ßinnam / Ka Chri§tus nho thims mürronims vs 26: modenaatcz / nu nhe wayrs mür§t / ta Nawe yoproyam |
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