Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! Ps1615, 134. lpp.
1: Der Vierde Verß / Tu auxtax Epre / etc.
2: Ein ander Bedege§ang / D.M.L. 3: GOtt der Vater Whon vns bey / etc. 4: DEws tas Thews cziwo mums klath / Vnde 5: nelaid mums §ammaithat / Dar mums no 6: wu§§ems grekems §wabbade / Vnde pallidcze 7: mums preczige nomirrth / No tho welne mu~s 8: pa§§arge / Tur mums py §tippras titczibas / 9: Vs töw laid mums pallai§tes / no ßirdes dub- 10: ben titczet / Vs töw mums loutes wußa§ke / ar 11: wußems patte§ems Chri§titems / i§bega tha welna wiltiba / Ar De- 12: wa Brunge mums abbrunna / Amen Amen tas gir te§e / Ta cze- 13: dam mhes Haleluia. 14: JE§us Chri§tus cziwo mums klath / Vnde neelaid etc. 15: Sweeteis Gars cziwo mums klath / Vnde nelaid / etc. 16: Ein Kinder Lied / D.M.L. 17: Erhalt vns HErr bey deinem Wort / etc. 18: PAttur mums Kunx py touwe wärde / Vnde §thawe 19: prettibe to Krewe vnde Muke nomaack§chen / Kat- 20: tre JE§um Chri§tum touwo Dhelu / Stumpt grib 21: no ßouwas wal§tibas. 22: Parrade touwe §pecke Kunx JE§u Chri§t / 23: Katters tu wens Kunx wu§§o Kungo e§§i / Paglabe touwe Chru- 24: §tite drougczibe / Ka the thöw teitcz exkan mußige. 25: Dews §weetcz Gars tu czenyx Eprecetays / Dode touwe~s |
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