Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 133. lpp.
1: wärdes ar ladigims wärdims. Beth tur prettibe §wet-
2: yeth. Vnde §zinnet / Ka yuus py to aytcenate e§§eth / ka 3: yuus to §wetumme mantoyeth. Ai§to kas cziwoth grib / 4: vnde labbes denes redtczeeth / thas klu§§ena §zouwe 5: Mhele / ka tha loune neetre§z / vnde §zouwes Luupes / 6: ka te nhe pewil. Thas atgre§zaas §zöw no loune / vnd 7: dar to labbe. Thas meckley Mhere / vnde czennas tay 8: peetcz. Ai§to the Atczes / tha Kunge / reedtcz vs thems 9: tai§nems / vnde winge Au§zes vß winge Luck§chenne. 10: Beth thas Wayx tha Kunge / redtcz vß tems / kattre 11: loune dar. 12: Vnde katters gir thur / kas yums loune darryth 13: war / khad yuus tham labbam peetcz §taigayeth? Vnd 14: yeb yuus arridtczan cze§chat pär to Tai§nibe / tad e§§eth 15: yuus tomher §weete .{} Beth nhe J§§aby§tetes yums pär 16: winge lepno§chenne / vnde nhe y§trutzenates. Beth 17: §weetyet Dewam tam Kunga~ exkan yuu§ims ßirdims. 18: Euangelium am fünfften Sontage 19: nach Trinitatis / Luc. 5. Cap. 20: TAs notickas / kad ßöw the loudis py 21: tho §pedhes / tho Dewe wärde czyr- 22: deeth. vnde tas §thawey py to E§§er- 23: re Genezareth / vnde redtczeye due- 24: we Laiwes py to E§§erre §thawites / 25: Beth te Sweyneke by i§kapuu§§che / 26: vnde ma§gaya ßouwes Tyckles. Kape thas exkan tho |
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