Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! Ps1615, 124. lpp.
1: No Chri§ti A§§en §arkanne darrytz / Katters wu§§os Greekos ßa-
2: czedhena / Ko mhes no Adam e§§em dabbui§che / Vnde arridtczan 3: pa§§che darri§che. 4: Die Heiligen zehen Gebot GOttes. 5: D.M.L. 6: Dis §ind die heiligen zehen Gebot / etc. 7: SChe gir te §weete de§mette Boußle / Katters mums 8: döuwe muße Kunx Dews / Czour Mo§en ßouwe 9: myle kalpe / Wuerßan tho kalne Synai / Kyrie- 10: elei§on. 11: Es e§me wens touws Dews tas Kunx / Neewe- 12: nos Dewos buus thöw thurreth wayrs / Thöw buus vs man 13: wu§tim palloutes / No ßirdes duebben man pemyleth / Kyrie- 14: elei§on. 15: Thöw nhe buus walkoeth nepatthe§e / Tho Dewe wär- 16: de touwe Kunge / Thöw nhe buus teickt te§e nedtcz lab / Bes tho / 17: ko Dews patz ßack vnde dar / Kyrielei§on. 18: Thöw buus §weetyt to §eptite Dene / Ka tu vnde touws 19: Nams du§§eth war / Thöw buus no touwe Darbe at§taweet / Ka 20: Dews ßouwe darbe exkan thöw dar / Kyrieelei§one. 21: Thöw buus godeeth vnde packloou§yt / Tam Thewam 22: vnde tay Matey touwe / Vnd kur touwa Roka thems kalpoth 23: war / Tad tu Jlge cziwos / Kyrieelei§on / 24: Thöw nhe buus nokouth du§mige / Nedtcz enaide thur- 25: reth / Nedtcz pattim to ßodyth / Beth cze§t vnde lhene präte 26: thurreth / Vnde arridtczan tham Enaidenekam darryth lab / Kyrieelei§on. 27: Thouwe loulibe bus thöw pa§§argath §ki§te / Ta ka |
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