Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 12. lpp.
1: Euangelium in der andern Chri§t-
2: me§§en Luc. 2. Cap. 3: VNd kad te Engele no{notims} tims vs Deb- 4: be§§e broutcze / treßey the Ganne 5: §tarpan ßöw / laideeth mums nu 6: noedth vs Bethlehem / vnde tho 7: redtczeet katters tur notitczis gir / 8: Ka mums tas Kunx gir ßinnam- 9: me darrys / Vnde the nätcze pepe- 10: §che / vnde attrade abbe / Mariam vnd Jo§eph / Vnde 11: tho Beerne exkan tho Szillite gullite. Beth kad te to 12: redtczei§che by : J§plattye te tho Wärde / Ka vs tems 13: no §cho Beerne ßatcytz by / vnde wü§§e kur tas prexkan 14: nätce / Jßabrinoyas the ßöw / Pär tho Wallode / 15: Kattra tems te Gan~e ßat- 16: czy§che by. Beth Maria 17: patturhey wue§§es §chos 18: Wärdes / vnde apdomaya 19: thos exkan ßouwe Szirde. 20: Vnnde the Ganne atgre- 21: §ches / Patteitcze vnde ßla- 22: wey Dewe / Pär wu§§e / 23: Ko the czirdei§che vnd redt- 24: czei§che by. Ka tad vs thems ßatczytz by. 25: Die Epi§tel in der dritten Chri§t- 26: me§§en / Ebre. 1. Cap / |
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