Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 119. lpp.
1: Euangelium am Pfing§tmontage
2: Johan. 13. Cap. 3: THa gir Dews tho Pa§§oule pemile- 4: ys / kha thas ßouwe wenige Dhele 5: döuwe / kha wü§§e te kattre exkan to 6: titcz / nhe tope pa§§u§te / beth to mu- 7: §ige cziwo§chenne dabbuy. Ai§to 8: Dews nhe gir ßouwe Dhele ßutis 9: exkan tho Pa§§oule / ka tas 10: tho Pa§§oule ßode / beth 11: ka tha Pa§§oule czour tho 12: §weete thope. Kas exkan 13: tho titcz / tas nhe taps ßo- 14: ditz. Beth kas nhe titcz / 15: tas gir yow noßoditz / ai§to 16: tas nhe titcz exkan to wär- 17: de tha wenige peczimpte 18: Dewe Dhele. 19: Beth ta gir ta Szodibe / Ka tha Gai§me exkan 20: tho Pa§§oule naku§§e gir / vnde the Czilwheke pemileye 21: tho tump§ibe wairack / necka to Gai§me / Ai§to winge 22: darbe by loune. Kas loune dar / Tas enide tho Gai§- 23: me / vnde nhe näke py tho Gai§me / Ka winge darbe 24: nhe thope ßodite / Beth kas te§cham dar / Tas nake py 25: tho Gai§me / Ka winge darbe ßinnamme thope / Ai§to 26: the gir exkan Dewe darrite. |
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