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EvEp1615, 117. lpp.

1: JE§us adbildey / vnde ßatcy vß to /
2: kas man miloy / Tas manne wär-
3: de thurrees / vnde mans Thews to
4: mylees vnde mhes py tho naczy-
5: §em. Beth khas man nhe miloy /
6: Tas nhe tur manne Wärde. Vnde
7: tho wärde / Kattre yuus czirdaat /
8: ne gir mans / beth tha The-
9: we / Katters man ßuutys
10: gir.
11: Thadus Wärdus e§§me
12: es vß yums tre§§eys / tick-
13: ilge ka es py yums e§§me.
14: Beth thas Eprecetais / tas
15: §weetcz Gars / kattre ma~s
16: Thews ßutis exkan man-
17: ne wärde / Tas pätcz yums wü§§e lethe maetcys / vnde
18: yums peminnes wü§§e tho / Ka es yums ßatcys e§§me.
19: Tho Mhere at§thayo es yums / manne Mhere
20: dome es yums / nhe ka tha Pa§§oule dode / dome es
21: yums. Juu§e Szirdtcz nhe i§truczenas / vnde nhe y§by-
22: §tas ßöw. Juus e§§eth czirdei§§che / ka es yums ßatcys
23: e§§me / Es nho ehmo vnde nako atkal py yums. Thur-
24: rethe yuus man myle / thad yuus tapte lyxme / kha es
25: ßatcys e§§me / Es ehmo py Thewe / Ai§to{Aißo} thas Thews /
26: gir lelaax necka es. Vnde nu e§§me es to yums ßatcys /
27: pirms thas notecke / ai§to kad täs nu notitczis / Ka yuus


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