Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! Ps1615, 116. lpp.
1: broucze exkan to debbes / vnd gir to czetum czetuman
2: iemis / vnd gir thems czilwekems dawan döuwis. 3: Auff Himmelfart Chri§ti. 4: Chri§tus fuhr gen Himmel / etc. 5: CHri§tus broudcze vs Debbes / Ko ßuty tas mums 6: Semmen / Tho Epreczetaey tho Sweete Garre / 7: Par preke tay Chri§titey droudczibe / Kyrieelei§on. 8: Nhe buth thas auxam broudtczis / Tas §weetcz 9: Gars nee buute ßutytcz / Ka tas nu auxam broudt- 10: czis gir / Tho §weete Garre ßuty mums JE§us Chri§t / Kirie 11: Elei§on. 12: Tapeetcz gribbam mhes ßlaweth / Dewe tho Thewe ex- 13: kan Debbes / Vnde JE§um Chri§t wingo mylo Dhelu / Katters 14: exkan debbe§§e wal§tibe ße§che / Kyrieeli§on. 15: Von den Wolthaten Chri§ti dem Min§ch- 16: lichem Ge§chlechte erzöget. 17: D.M.L. |
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