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EvEp1615, 114. lpp.

1: Die Epi§tel am Sontage nach der
2: Himelfart Chri§ti / oder Exaudi /
3: 1. Petri 4.
4: THad e§§eth nu gaddige vnde modige py luck-
5: §chennes. Beth pär wü§§ems lethems thur-
6: reth §tarpan yums wene kar§tige myle§tibe.
7: Ai§to tha myle§tibe apkla arridtczan to Gree-
8: ke kopybe. E§§eth mayotaye §tarpan yums bes kurne-
9: §chen. Vnde kalpoyeth wens tham otram / yckwens ar
10: tho dawane / Kattre thas dabbuis gir / kha the labbe
11: Nammethurretaye thäs da§chades Dewe ßeele§tibes.
12: Khad wens tre§§e / tad thas to tre§§e ka Dewe wärde.
13: Khad wenam wens Ammatcz gir / ka thas to darre /
14: Aran tho §peeke ka Dews dode. Ka exkan wü§§ims le-
15: thims Dews teycktz thope / czour JE§um Chri§tum /
16: Kattram gir Ghodtcz vnde Wärre / Muußige muu-
17: ßam / Amen.
18: Euangelium am Sontage nach der
19: Himelfart Chri§ti / oder Exaudi. Johan.
20: am 15. vnd 16. Cap.
21: BEth khad thas Eprecetais nätczys /
22: Kattre es yums ßuti§cho no Thewe /
23: Thas Gars thäs tai§nibes / Katters
24: nho Thewe J§edth / thas dhos Ledtczi-
25: be nho man. Vnde yuus arridtczan


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