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EvEp1615, 111. lpp.

1: tur yums patcz myle / Tapeetcz / Ka yuus man myleth /
2: vnde titczeth / Ka es no Dewe J§gays e§me: Es e§me
3: no Thewe J§gais / vnde nätczis exkan to Pa§§oule / at-
4: kal at§thayo es to Pa§§oule / vnd ehmo py Thewe.
5: Winge Maetceekle ßack vs to / Rouge / nu tre§tu
6: §kaidre aran / vnd ßack neewene Lydtczibe / Nu ßinnam
7: mhes / Ka tu wü§§es lethes ßin / vnde nhe gir wayage /
8: Ka thöw ka§labban youtha. Tapeetcz titczam mhes /
9: ka tu nho Dewe y§gays es.
10: Die Epi§tel am tage der Himelfart
11: Chri§ti / Actorum am 3. Cap.
12: TO pirmake Wallode e§§me es te-
13: §cham tre§§eis myleis Theophile / no
14: wü§§e tho / Kattres JE§us e§ake dar-
15: rith vnde maetczyth / ys tay dene /
16: Kad thas v§yemptz tappe. Peetcz to
17: ka thas tims Apo§tolims ( Kattres
18: thas by J§redtczeys ) Czour to §weete Garre pawhele-
19: §chenne döuwis by. Kattrims thas ßöw peetcz ßouwe
20: cze§chenne czywis paradies by tho / czour da§§chade pa-
21: radi§§chenne / vnde lickas ßöw redtczeth par thems
22: czettrede§mette denems / Vnde tre§§ey ar tims nho tho
23: Dewe wal§tibe.
24: Vnde kad thas thös ßackrays by / paweeley{peweeley} thas
25: tims / Ka the no Jeru§alem nhe at§thate / beth gaidite
26: to peßatci§chenne tha Thewe kattre yuus (ßatcy thas)


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