Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! LS1625, 10v. lpp.
1: Weno mahtzam pui§e newar ta jempt exan
2: to vnd tick ilge ta atraitne gir, tas buthe tad, ka 3: tay wens §aprattiex §elle gir py kam tas 4: pui§is to ammatte, tick lab ka py wene mei§tere 5: mahtzahs, tahs pu§§es pehtz bus tha tam ammatte 6: kungam, ticku§ch §luddena§chen tahs letes pattur- 7: reth bus. 8: 48 9: Tad bus tam oldermannam ar §auwems by- 10: §itterems §ew alla§ien behdates, ja weno labbo 11: §elle jeb zitte kahde §aime wenay atrait- 12: ney petzradiet, kattrey §telles kluße §tawe. 13: 49. 14: Ta liedcz arriedczan würßon tahs und winges 15: ma§§ems behrnems labbum vßluko§chen 16: ar paddom, darbe ticku§che exan wehre jemt 17: tay exan patte§ems letems kalpoth prexann 18: §taweth petz warre§chen tay pa§§chay labbum 19: pallidczet. 20: 50 |
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