Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 108. lpp.
1: Euangelium am vierden Sontage
2: nach O§tern oder Cantate / Johan. 3: am 16. Capittel. 4: BEth nu no ehmo es py to / Kas man 5: §uutis gir / vnde neewens §tarpan 6: yums youtha man / Kur tu no e§§e ? 7: Beth peetcz tho / ka es to vs yums 8: tre§§eys e§me / gir yuu§e Syrdtcz 9: puelna no§kum§chenne tappu§§i. 10: Beth es ßacke yums tho te§cham. 11: Thas yums labbe / Ka es 12: no ehmo. Ai§to kad es nhe 13: no etho / thad nhe nake tas 14: Eprecetais py yu~s. Beth 15: kad es no ehmo / grib es tho 16: py yuus §uutyth. Vnnde 17: kad tas patcz nake / Tas to 18: Pa§§oule ßodis / Pär tho 19: Greeke / pär tho tai§nibe / 20: vnde{vmde} pär tho Szodibe. Pär thems Greekems / Ka the 21: exkan man nhe titcze. Beth pär tho tai§nibe / Kha es 22: py Thewe ehmo. Vnde yuus man yoproyam nhe redt- 23: cze§eth. Pär tho Szodibe / ka tas Kunx §chäs Pa§§ou- 24: les / nho te§aatz gir. 25: Man gir yums whel doudtcze yaßacke / Beth 26: yuus nhe warreth taggadine panne§t / Beth khad |
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