Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 106. lpp.
1: PAer wene maße bryde / Thad yuus
2: man nhe redtczee§eth / vnde atkal 3: pär wene maße bryde / thad yuus 4: man redtczee§eth / Ai§to es emo py 5: Thewe. Tad ßatcy czitte no win- 6: ge Maetceklims ßouwan §tarpan 7: Kas gir tas / ka tas vs mums ßa- 8: cke / pär wene maße bryde / 9: Thad yuus man nhe redt- 10: czee§eth / vnd atkal pär we- 11: ne maße bryde / Tad yuus 12: man redtczee§eth / vnde ka 13: es py Thewe ehmo ? Thad 14: ßatcy the / kas gir thas ko 15: tas ßack / pär wene maße 16: bryde ? Mhes nee§innam / 17: ko tas ßacke. Thad nomannye JE§us / Ka the tham 18: youthadt gribbey vnde ßatcy vs tems / Juus abyouta- 19: yetes §tarpan yums peetcz to / Ka es ßatcys e§me / pär 20: wene ma§§e bryde / Tad yuus man nhe redtczee§eth / vnd 21: atkal par wene ma§§e bryde / Thad yuus man redtczee- 22: §eth. Patte§e / patte§e / es ßack yums / Juus rouda§eeth 23: vnde kouck§eth / Beth ta Pa§§oule ßöw precz䧧es. Vnde 24: yuus buu§eeth no§kummu§§che / Beth yuu§o no§kum- 25: §chenne buus pär preczibe tapt. 26: Wena Sewe / Kad tha czim / tad gir tay no§kum- 27: §chenne / Ai§to wingas §tunde gir naku§§i. Beth kad thä |
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