Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 103. lpp.
1: Arridtczan darrye JE§us doudtze czittas Symes
2: pre§chan ßouwems Maetceklems / Kattre nhe gir rax- 3: tyte exan §cho Gramatte. Beth §che gir raxtyte / Kha 4: yuus titczeth JE§us gir Chri§t / tas Dewe Dhels / vnd 5: ka yums czour tho Titczibe / tha cziwo§chenne gir / ex- 6: kan winge Wärde. 7: Die Epi§tel am andern Sontage 8: nach O§tern / 1.Pet. 2. 9: AJ§to py tho e§§eth yuus aitczenate / peetcz 10: tho ka arridtczan Chri§tus czetis gir par 11: mums / vnde mums wenu pre§ke Syme 12: at§thais / Ka yums buus peetcz §taigath 13: winge kaye peedims. Katters neewenös 14: greekes darris gir / arridtczan gir tur nhe wena Wilti- 15: be exkan winge Mutte attra§ta / Katters prettibe nhe 16: lammaya / kad tas lammatcz tappe / Nedtcz droudye / 17: kad tas czethe. Beth tas no doeuwe tho tham / Katters 18: tur te§cham ßode. Katters mu§es greekes patz vppere- 19: ys gir / py ßouwe Meße / würßon tho kru§te koke / Ka 20: mhes no tims greekims nomürru§§che e§§em / vnde tay 21: Tai§nybe cziwoyam. Czour kattre Wathems yuus 22: ßaczedenate e§§et. Ai§to yuus byat / kha the alloyamme 23: Auwes / Beth yuus e§§et nu atgre§the / py tho Ganne 24: vnde Py§kope yuu§es Dwhe§elles. |
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