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EvEp1615, 100. lpp.

1: Meßa vnde koule / tha yuus redtczeth / Ka man gir.
2: Vnde kad tas tho ßatcy / radye tas tims rokes vnde ka-
3: yes. Beth kad the whel nhe titczeye no lyxmibe / vnde
4: ßöw Jßabrinoias / ßatcy tas vs tems / gir yums §cheit
5: kas yaehde ? Vnde the licke tham wene gabballe nho
6: czepte Suewe vnde Medde prexkan. Vnde thas yeme
7: to / vnde ehde to prexkan thems.
8: Beth thas ßatcy vs tems / The gir te wärde / kat-
9: tros es vs yums ßatcy / Kad es whel py yums by. Ai§to
10: tam buus wü§§enotul pepülditam tapt / Kas nho man
11: raxtitcz gir / exkan to Boußle Mo§i / Exkan tims Pro-
12: phetims / vnde exkan tims cze§mims. Thad attwhere
13: tas tims to ßappra§chenne / Ka te tho Raxte ßapprat-
14: te / vnde ßatcy vs tems. Ta gir raxtitcz / vnde tha by
15: Chri§tum cze§t / vnde atkal auxkam czelt nho thims
16: mürronims / than tre§§chan denan / vnd maetczith lickt /
17: Exkan / winge wärde atmitte§chenne / nho loune / vnde
18: pamme§§chenne thös greekes / §tarpan wü§§ems lou-
19: dems / vnde eßaackt exkan Jeru§alem.
20: Die Epi§tel des Er§ten Sontages
21: nach O§tern / 1. Johan. 5.
22: AJ§to wü§§ kas no Dewe peczimptz{peczimpetz}
23: gir / thas pärwar to Pa§§oule / vnde
24: muße titczibe gir tha pärwarre§chen-
25: ne / Kattra tho Pa§§oule pärwarre-
26: ys gir.


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