| @a{Georgs Mancelis} |
| @z{Manc1631_LVM} |
| |
| [1.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_1_1 | @v{Denen Edlen/ Geſtren-} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_2 | @v{gen Ehrenveſten/ Hochgelahrten/ Hoch=vnd} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_3 | @v{Wolweiſen Herrn Burggrafen/ Bürgermeiſtern/ Rich-} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_4 | @v{tern vnd Rahtherren/ Auch Ehrenveſten/ Achtbahrn} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_5 | @v{vnd Vornehmen Herrn Elterleuten vnd Eltiſten beyder Gilden der} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_6 | @v{Königlichen See=vnd Haupt=Statt Riga in Lieffland/} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_7 | @v{Meinen großgünſtigen Herrn vnd} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_8 | @v{Förderern/} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_1_9 | @v{Wündſche von dem Allmechtigen GOtt ich langes Leben/} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_10 | @v{beſtendige Geſundheit/ allen gedeylichen Segen/ fried-} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_11 | @v{ſahme Regierung/ Glücklichen Anfang/ Erwündſcheten} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_12 | @v{fortgang/ vnd ſeliges Vollbringen des 1631. Jahres/} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_13 | @v{Amen.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_1_14 | @v{GEſtrenge/ Edle/ Ehrenveſte/ Hochgelahrte} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_15 | @v{Hoch vnd vnd Wollweiſe/ Auch Ehrenveſte/ Achtbah-} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_16 | @v{re vnd Vornehme großgünſtige Herrn/ Es ſpricht der} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_17 | @v{Hocherleuchte Prophet Eſaias in ſeiner Weiſſagung} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_18 | @v{am 49. Capittel von der Chriſtlichen Kirchen Gottes/ Die Kö-} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_19 | @v{nige ſollen deine Pfleger vnd jhre Fürſten deine Seug-} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_20 | @v{ammen ſein/} @l{etc.} @v{Dieſes wird nicht allein auff die Großmech-} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_21 | @v{tige Monarchen vnd Fürſtliche Regenten dieſer Welt/ welche die} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_22 | @l{Studia literarum} @v{mit jhren von GOtt verliehenen Reichs Schätzen} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_23 | @l{ab interitu Vindiciret/ Academias} @v{vnd hohe Schulen geſtifftet} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_24 | @v{vnd mit herrlichen Einkunfften} @l{dotiret} @v{vnd reichlich vnterhalten/} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_25 | @v{auch entlich auff jhre} @l{poſteritet} @v{rühmlich} @l{propagieret} @v{vnd fortge-} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_26 | @v{pflantzet haben/ gedeutet vnd verſtanden/ ſondern auch von den} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_27 | @l{Magiſtratibus Urbanis/} @v{welche Kirchen vnd Schulen durch jhre ſo} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_28 | @v{woll eigene} @l{liberalitet,} @v{alß Chriſtliche Fürſorge vnd hohen fleiß/} |
Manc1631_LVM_1_29 | @1{a2} |
| @b{befor-} |
| |
| [2.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_2_1 | @3{Vorrede.} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_2 | @v{befordern/ gleichßfals gemeinet. Wann dann ein Erbahr Hoch-} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_3 | @v{weiſer Raht dieſer vnſer löblichen Vater=Statt/ den hohen Ruhm} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_4 | @v{allenthalben hat/ das ſie nicht alleine die wahre/ reine vngefälſchete} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_5 | @v{Lutheriſch Lehre bald zeitig/ für andern vornehmen Stätten in} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_6 | @v{Teutſchland/ angenommen/ ſondern nun mehr vber 108. Jahren in} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_7 | @v{ſo ſchweren} @l{perſecutionibus} @v{beſtändiglich dabey verharret/ Ja jhre} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_8 | @v{Kirchen vnd Schulen der maſſen mit Vornehmen vnd Gelahrten} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_9 | @v{Männern jederzeit verſehen vnd vnterhalten/ das Jung vnd Alt in} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_10 | @v{der Religion{Regilion} ſo fundieret vnd gegründet worden/ das die Jeſuiten} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_11 | @v{vmb vnd bey vns (wie ſehr ſie ſich auch bemühet) dieſer Statt Ein-} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_12 | @v{wohnere zu jhrem Glauben nicht bewegen oder berehden können/} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_13 | @v{vber welcher beſtändigkeit ſich{ſich ſich} ſelbſten verwundern müſſen/ wie} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_14 | @v{ich ſolches zu Cöllen am Rein von einem Jeſuiten in der Predigt} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_15 | @v{hören gedencken. GOtt ſey danck in ewigkeit/ der Regiere die-} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_16 | @v{ſer Ehrlichen Bürgerſchafft Kinder vnd Kindeskinder/ das ſie in die} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_17 | @v{Fußſtapffen der Beſtendigkeit jhrer lieben Eltern treten. Das wird} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_18 | @v{jhnen allen am Jüngſten Tage zu groſſen Ehren gelangen.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_2_19 | @v{Dieſer wahren reinen} @l{Religion} @v{nun zu fernere fortpflantzung} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_20 | @v{vnd außbreitung Göttliches Nahmens/ hat E. E. H. Raht auch} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_21 | @v{in dieſer abgelehgenen Statt eine Buchdruckerey ſtifften wollen/} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_22 | @v{daß das hohe heilige Wort GOttes hiedurch mächtig befürdert vnd} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_23 | @v{außgebreitet/ allerhand} @l{Corruptelen} @v{vnd verfälſchungen geſtewret} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_24 | @v{vnd gewehret werden könne/ Geſtalt den der Herr Lutherus der} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_25 | @v{Edlen Buchdruckerey=Kunſt in ſeinen Tiſchreden diß ehrenGezeüg-} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_26 | @v{niß giebet/ das ſie ein Flamme ſey für dem letzten außleſchen der} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_27 | @v{Welt/ da GOtt der HErr den Grewel vnd Finſterniß des Bab-} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_28 | @v{ſtumbs mit vertreiben wollen/ Ja Er vergleichet ſie/ einen hocherha-} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_29 | @v{benen Leuchter/ darauff GOttes Wort empohr gehoben/ in alle} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_30 | @v{Welt ſeinen Glantz vnd Schein außſtrewet vnd alle finſtere Winckel} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_31 | @v{durchſtreichet/ Vnd das ichs kurtz mache/ ſo nennet Doct. Luther die} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_32 | @v{Druckerey=Kunſt die höchſte vnd letzte Wollthat vnd Verehrung} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_33 | @v{GOttes/ dadurch Er die Sache des Evanglii forttreibet. Der} |
Manc1631_LVM_2_34 | @1{aiij} |
| @b{Geiſt-} |
| |
| [3.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_3_1 | @2{Vorrede.} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_2 | @v{Geiſtreiche} @l{Theologus Doct. Philip. Nicolai} @v{Schreibet in ſeinem} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_3 | @v{Edlen Buch vom Reich Chriſti/ das nichts kräfftigers wieder das} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_4 | @v{Bapſtumb hat können erdacht werden/ alß die Edle Kunſt Buch-} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_5 | @v{druckerey.} @l{Philip. Melanchton} @v{ſaget: Es ſey} @l{Donum divinitùs} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_6 | @l{humano generi Communicatum/} @v{zu einem ſondern behelff dieſer} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_7 | @v{letzten alten vnvermüglichen Welt/ nicht alleine die Lehr des heili-} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_8 | @v{gen Göttlichen Worts/ ſondern auch allerhand gute Schrifften/} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_9 | @v{Bücher vnd Künſte dadurch außzubreiten vnd zu erhalten/ wie auch} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_10 | @v{die Menſchliche Trägheit vnd verdroſſene Vnahrt auffzumuntern} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_11 | @v{vnd zum fleiß anzutreiben: Vnd Martinus} @l{Opitius} @v{ſagt hie von} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_12 | @v{Recht:} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_13 | @v{Was iſt der Druckerey doch jrgend vorzuziehen?} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_14 | @v{Der Edlen Druckerey/ durch die all Künſte blühen.} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_15 | @v{Derhalben Keyſer Friedrich der dritte dieſes Nahmens hoch-} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_16 | @v{löblicher Gedächtnus/ da jhm dieſe Edle Kunſt Buchdruckerey be-} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_17 | @v{kant worden/ die Buchdrucker oder Kunſtverwandten mit einem} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_18 | @l{general} @v{herrlichen Adelichen Wapen/ nebenſt zugehörigen Frey-} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_19 | @v{heiten im Römiſchen Reich/ begabet vnd verehret. Ohne viele an-} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_20 | @v{dere hohe Potentaten ſo dieſe Edle Kunſt Buchdruckerey bißhero} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_21 | @v{ſehr beliebet vnd an jhren Königlichen Fürſtlichen Höfen in hohem} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_22 | @v{wehrt halten vnd noch viel darauff ſpendieren. Wer Exempel haben} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_23 | @v{wil/ der thue einen blick in Schweden/ Dennemarck/ Franckreich/} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_24 | @v{Engeland/ Sachſen/ Braunſchwieg vnd Thüringen/} @l{etc.} @v{Er wirds} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_25 | @v{in Wahrheit alſo befinden.} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_26 | @v{Dieſen löblichen Potentaten vnd Fürſtlichen Perſonen ſeind} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_27 | @v{gefolget viele vornehme Stätte in Teutſch=vnd andern Landen/ die} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_28 | @v{in anſehung des Nutzens der Buchdruckerey viel darauff wagen vnd} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_29 | @v{wenden/ in welcher Könige/ Fürſten vnd Stätte Fußſtapffen auch} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_30 | @v{ein Erb. Hochw. Raht alhie getreten/ vnd in dieſer weit abgelehge-} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_31 | @v{nen Statt eine Druckerey/ nicht ohne mühe vnd groſſen koſten/ ge-} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_32 | @v{pflantzet/ damit Gelahrte Leute/ ſo GOtt vnd ſeiner Kirchen zu} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_33 | @v{Ehren/ was wolten} @l{Publiciren/} @v{das jhre nicht frembden auſſerhalb} |
Manc1631_LVM_3_34 | @1{aiij} |
| @b{Landes} |
| |
| |
| [4.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_4_1 | @3{Vorrede.} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_2 | @v{Landes vertrawen/ ſonder der Arbeit alhie ſeibſten mit gebührenden} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_3 | @v{fleiß bey wohnen vnd alles in Augenſchein nehmen konten/ wie denn} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_4 | @v{ſonderlich vnſere Lettiſche/ vnd Buchdruckern Teutſches Landes} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_5 | @v{gantz vnbekante Sprache/ groſſe mühe vnd fleiß erfordert.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_4_6 | @v{So iſt es einer Statt auch viel Rühmlicher das ſie jhre eigene} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_7 | @v{Druckerey hat/ vnd wächſet jhr auß den Schrifften ſo vornehme Ge-} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_8 | @v{lahrte Leute daſelbſt an des tages Licht kommem laſſen/ kein ſchlech-} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_9 | @v{ter Ruhm zu/ ja es Erſchallet das Lob einer ſolchen Statt weit vnd} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_10 | @v{ſeit durch die gantze Welt/ Daher hat die löbliche Statt Strallſund/} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_11 | @v{da jhr Buchdrucker Moritz Sachs mit Weib vnd Kindern durch die} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_12 | @v{ſchädliche Peſt hingeriſſen/ vnd ſein Werckzeug von der Freundſchafft} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_13 | @v{an frembde örter verkauffet vnd weggeführet/ bald in jhrer Hochbe-} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_14 | @v{drengniß} @l{Auguſtinum} @v{Ferbern von Roſtock wieder zu ſich beruffen/} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_15 | @v{demſelben eine ſchöne Lichte vnd Helle/ alß zu ſolchen Wercke nötige} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_16 | @v{Wohnung/ eingereumet/ ein Ehrliches Außkommen vermachet/ vnd} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_17 | @v{aller Vnpflichten der Statt/ (wie an allen örten breuchlich) erlaſſen/} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_18 | @v{vnd ſeines} @l{Anteceſſoris} @v{Freyheiten eingereumet. Jch will jtzo nichts} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_19 | @v{von Roſtock/ nichts von Alten Stettyn/ nichts von Grypßwalde} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_20 | @v{vnd andern Stätten{Sätten} ſagen/ da die Kunſt die Buchdrucker dermaſſen} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_21 | @v{genehret/ das ſie reiche vermügene Leute geworden/ Jch aber bey ſo} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_22 | @v{ſchwerer blutſawer Arbeit jhnen bey weitem nicht gleich ſtreichen kan/} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_23 | @v{alldieweil meine} @l{Materien,} @v{ſonderlich die Lettiſchen Bücher/ (wiewol} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_24 | @v{ſie mit groſſen Vnkoſten vnd mercklichen abenützen der} @l{literen} @v{Ge-} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_25 | @v{drucket) bißhero ſchlecht abgangen/ vnd in 14. 15. Jahren eine} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_26 | @v{ſchlechte anzahl} @l{Exemplaria} @v{nicht können vereuſſert werden. Nicht} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_27 | @v{alleine aber iſt mir der ſchlechte Abzug dieſes Ohrtes an meiner Hand-} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_28 | @v{thierung vnd Wollfahrt hinderlich/ ſondern der mangel des Werck-} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_29 | @v{zeuges vnd der Geſellen/ die man ſo gar vbel hereinbringen kan/ wel-} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_30 | @v{ches mein Seliger Vorfahr Nicolaus Mollyn in ſeinem 40. Jäh-} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_31 | @v{rigen dienſte wol empfunden/ vnd ich (erbarms GOtt) auch erfah-} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_32 | @v{ren muß. So ſpüre ich auch daher groſſen abgang vnd nachteil in} |
Manc1631_LVM_4_33 | @v{meiner Haußhaltung/ das der Buchhandel/ von der Druckerey dem} |
| @b{Anno} |
| |
| [5.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_5_1 | @2{Vorrede.} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_2 | @l{Anno} @v{1591. gegebenem Statt} @l{Privilegio} @v{zu wieder/ davon ge-} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_3 | @v{ſchieden worden.} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_4 | @v{Vnd gehet nunmehr in der Welt ſo zu/ wenn der Buchdrucker} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_5 | @v{vor ſich ſelbſten nicht/ ſondern alles in Buchhändler Verlag Drucket/} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_6 | @v{wenig Profytt hat/ derhalben ſeinen Geſellen auch wenig geben kan/} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_7 | @v{Dannenhero es gekommen das die Geſellen bey gantzen} @l{Compagni-} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_8 | @l{en} @v{in den Krieg gezogen vnd vmbkommen/ alſo das gantz Teutſch={Tentſch=}} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_9 | @v{land dero ißt mangel leidet/ vnd keiner ſein Kind ſchier mehr die Kunſt} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_10 | @v{zu lernen geben wil. Jedoch kan ich das mit Wahrheit ſagen/ das} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_11 | @v{ich in der Statt Breßlaw vornehme Leut{Lent} Kinder gekant/ die dieſe} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_12 | @v{Edle Kunſt Buchdruckerey (nur zur Luſt/ auch jhre Gelder zu erſpa-} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_13 | @v{ren/ vnd frembde Länder in jhrer Jngend zu beſehen/) gelernet/ Her-} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_14 | @v{nach da ſie wieder Anheyme kommen/ jhrer Väter Nahrung/ alß} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_15 | @v{Brauwerck/ Meltzwerck vnd ander dinge fortgeſtellet/ vnd damit} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_16 | @v{ſich genehret.} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_17 | @v{Traun unſer allergnädigſter König vnd Herr in Schweden/} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_18 | @v{alß ein ſonderbahrer Liebhaber dieſer Kunſt hat nicht alleine eigene} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_19 | @v{Druckereyen in ſeinem Reiche zufertigen laſſen/ ſonder Er hilfft auch} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_20 | @v{dieſer Kunſt erfahrene beſter maſſen auff/ verſiehet ſie mit freyen} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_21 | @v{Wohnungen vnd gewiſſen{gewiſſenan} anſehnlichen{ſehnlichen}} @l{Salariis,} @v{ja ſchaffet Bücher/} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_22 | @v{ſo zwar nie durch den Druck} @l{publiciert,} @v{vnd vbergiebet ſie auff ſeinen} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_23 | @v{Vnkoſten zum Druck/ vnd verſchicket ſie hernach in groſſer anzahl an} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_24 | @v{frembde öhrter/ damit alſo frembden} @l{Nationen} @v{die reine Evangeliſche} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_25 | @v{Lehre nicht allein bekant/ ſondern das Reich Chriſti daſelbſt gepflan-} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_26 | @v{tzet werde/ wie dann noch newlich vnſer Kinder Catechiſmus in Reu-} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_27 | @v{ſcher oder Moßcowitiſcher Sprache/ vnd mit ſodanen} @l{literen} @v{Ge-} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_28 | @v{drucket/ vnd dem Lande mitgetheilet worden.} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_29 | @v{So muß ich auch dieſer Statt rühmlich nachſchreiben/ das ſie} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_30 | @v{nunmehr in die 45. Jahr die Kunſt der Buchdruckerey alhie erhal-} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_31 | @v{ten/ vnd bey ſo groſſen Bedrengk/ bey ſo ſchweren Leufften/ ja bey ſo} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_32 | @v{mercklichem abgang der Nahrung/ dennoch nicht laſſen vnterkom-} |
Manc1631_LVM_5_33 | @v{men/ wodurch den dem gantzen Lande zu erbawung des Chriſten-} |
| @b{thumbs} |
| |
| [6.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_6_1 | @3{Vorrede.} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_2 | @v{thumbs vnd Glaubens groſſer Nutzen zugewachſen. Vnd darff ich} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_3 | @v{kühnlich ſagen/ das die liebe zu Gott vnd ſeinem Worte dieſe Statt} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_4 | @v{vnd Einwohnere noch bißhero erhalten/ ſonſten würde ſie ſein wie an-} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_5 | @v{dere Stätte vnſers Liefflandes. GOtt wolle ferner ſeine liebe Kir-} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_6 | @v{che vnd Himmelreich in gnaden alhie erhalten vnd den Edlen Wein-} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_7 | @v{ſtock/ den ſeine Hand ſelbſt gepflantzet/ durch ſeinen Himliſchen Se-} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_8 | @v{gen bawen/ mehren vnd fruchtbar machen/ auff das dieſe Statt ſein} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_9 | @v{vnd bleiben müge eine Statt GOttes/ vnd ſich das gantze Land zu} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_10 | @v{erfrewen habe.} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_11 | @v{Weiln dann ich von einem Erbahrn Hochw. Raht nach Mol-} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_12 | @v{lini Seligen abeleiben/ zu einem Buchdrucker dieſer Statt beſtellet} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_13 | @v{worden/ alß hat mir auch gebühren wollen die nohtwendigen Bücher} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_14 | @v{dieſer Statt vnd Lande weil ſie vereuſſert geweſen/ wieder auffzule-} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_15 | @v{gen vnd zu Drucken/ nicht eben} @l{vitioſè/} @v{wie zuvor/ oder Rips/ Raps/} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_16 | @v{wie Lutherus in der} @l{Praefation} @v{vber die Wittenbergiſche Bibel re-} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_17 | @v{det/ ſondern die} @l{Vitia/} @v{mängel vnd gebrechen zu endern vnd zu beſſern/} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_18 | @v{vnd alle vnordnung in gute ordnung/ beſtes vermügens/ zu bringen/} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_19 | @v{dahin ich mich dann nicht allein in wehrendem dienſt bey dieſer Statt/} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_20 | @v{ſondern auch ſo bald ich ins Land wieder gekommen/ vnd bey dem Se-} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_21 | @v{ligen Mollino vor Geſell gearbeitet/ bemühet/ das} @l{diſtrahierte} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_22 | @v{Teutſche/ in} @l{octavo} @v{Gedruckte/ Geſangbuch vor mir genommen/} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_23 | @v{vnd die Geſänge deſſelben/ in richtige Ordnung bracht/ vnd dem} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_24 | @v{Herrn} @l{Samſonio} @v{alß Oberſten Paſtoren/ das gantze Verzeichnis} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_25 | @v{vbergeben/ ſein} @l{Iudicium} @v{darüber begehret/ der es denn nach ahrt} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_26 | @v{vbergebenen} @l{diſpoſition} @v{zu Drucken gewilliget/ vnd für gut ange-} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_27 | @v{ſehen/ welches auch alſo nach Eroberung dieſer Statt zu wercke ge-} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_28 | @v{richtet/ vnd vom Seligen Mollyn Jhrer Königlichen Majäſt. in} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_29 | @v{Schweden} @l{dediciret} @v{worden.} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_30 | @v{Hierauff iſt das Geſangbuch in} @l{octavo/} @v{nach vorbewilligter} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_31 | @v{Ordnung/ von Mollins Erben zum andern mahl/} @l{Anno 1625.} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_32 | @v{Gedrucket worden. Weil ich aber geſehen das männiglich ſolche} |
Manc1631_LVM_6_33 | @v{Ordnung beliebet/ vnd Herr Moritz Lang Sel. Schulhalter alhie/} |
| @b{Cornelii} |
| |
| [7.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_7_1 | @2{Vorrede.} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_2 | @l{Cornelii} @v{Beckers Pſalmen Geſangsweiſe in ſeiner Schulen gebrau-} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_3 | @v{chet/ habe ich das Rigiſche Geſangbuch in eine geſchmeidigere For-} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_4 | @v{mat mit was kleinern} @l{Literen} @v{zum Täglichen brauch für Junge ſo} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_5 | @v{wol alß Alte mit den Pſalmen in der Ordnung auch Gedrucket/ vnd} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_6 | @v{nebenſt andern Schulbüchern mehr/ verfertiget.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_7_7 | @v{Der Lettiſchen oder Vnteutſchen Bücher aber hab ich in mei-} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_8 | @v{nem Antritt auch wenig funden/ vnd groſſen mangel nicht allein in} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_9 | @v{Buchſtabierung der Wörter (welches zum theil meine Kunſt mit-} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_10 | @v{bringet) / ſondern auch ſo viele ich der Sprache kündig eine vnver-} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_11 | @v{ſtändliche vnförmliche} @l{Vertierung} @v{erſpüret/ dieſes/ alß das aller nö-} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_12 | @v{tigſte vnd nothwendigſte Werck/ habe ich den armen zum theil Heid-} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_13 | @v{niſchen Pawrßman gerne in ſeine natürliche/ deutliche vnd reine} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_14 | @v{Sprache in zeit aufflegen vnd Drucken wollen/ damit Jhm von män-} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_15 | @v{niglich das heilige Wort GOttes recht vnd wol vorgeleſen vnd Ge-} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_16 | @v{behtet möchte werden/ vnd er deſto mehr anmühtigkeit bekommen/} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_17 | @v{ſolches zu faſſen/ zu lernen/ darnach zu leben vnd ſich zuverhalten/}| |
Manc1631_LVM_7_18 | @v{vnd demnach bey einem oder dem andern/ dieſer Sprach kündigen/ das} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_19 | @v{Vnteutſche Buch zu} @l{Corrigieren} @v{vnd zu beſſern angehalten vnd} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_20 | @v{fleiſſig gebehten/ welche theils jhres Alters vnd Schwachheit hal-} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_21 | @v{ber/ ſolche groſſe mühe nicht auff ſich nehmen/ theils auch andern nicht} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_22 | @v{vorgreiffen wollen/ Jnmittelſt ſind die verhandene} @l{Exemplaria} @v{bald} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_23 | @v{gantz} @l{diſtrahieret/} @v{Alß habe ich nicht lenger warten können noch ſol-} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_24 | @v{len/ ſondern mich dem Ehrwürdigen Andächtigen vnd Wollgelahr-} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_25 | @v{ten Herrn} @l{Georgio Mancelio} @v{itzo oberſten Paſtoren zu Dorpaht/} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_26 | @v{welchem von vielen Landprieſtern der Ruhm ertheilet wird/ das Er} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_27 | @v{nicht allein dieſer Sprache fleiſſig nachgedacht/ ſondern auch vor an-} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_28 | @v{dern ſehr kündig vnd mächtig ſey/ angegeben/ vnd jhn bittlich erſu-} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_29 | @v{chet/ ſolche mühe GOtt zu Ehren vnd zu Wolfahrt vieler Seelen} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_30 | @v{auff ſich zunehmen/ welcher/ nach dem Er gehöret/ das andere ſolche} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_31 | @v{Arbeit von ſich geſchoben/ gewilliget/ vnd das Werck in Gottes nah-} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_32 | @v{men getroſt vnd mit frewden angegriffen/ vnd zu ende bracht/ zweif-} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_33 | @v{fele nicht/ das Werck werde den Meiſter loben. Es iſt auch von} |
Manc1631_LVM_7_34 | @1{b} |
| @b{Jhme} |
| |
| [8.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_8_1 | @3{Vorrede.} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_2 | @v{Jhme das Geiſtreiche Haußbuch Syrachs/ vnd die Hiſtoria von} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_3 | @v{der Zerſtörung Jeruſalem/ wie auch viel Herrliche Chriſtliche Ge-} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_4 | @v{ſänge/ die noch nie in der Lettiſchen Sprache geſehen worden/} @l{Verti-} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_5 | @l{ret/} @v{vnd durch den Druck der Chriſtlichen Kirchen mitgetheilet.} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_6 | @v{Dieſe groſſe mühe vnd angewendete Arbeit/ wolle Jhm Jeſus Chri-} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_7 | @v{ſtus/ alß ein reicher belohner alles guten reichlich hie zeitlich vnd dort} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_8 | @v{Ewiglich belohnen.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_8_9 | @v{Weiln auch wolgemelter Herr} @l{Mancelius} @v{für nohtwendig er-} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_10 | @v{achtet/ das man etliche} @l{literas/} @v{damit die natürliche Lettiſche Spra-} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_11 | @v{che recht außgeredet vnd außgeſprochen würde/ mit einem Striche} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_12 | @l{Signiren} @v{ſolte/ habe ich mir dieſes/ in anſehung der nohtwendigkeit/} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_13 | @v{gefallen laſſen/ wie ſchwer es mir auch eingegangen/ all dieweil ich} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_14 | @v{dergleichen Geſtrichene vnd} @l{Signierte} @v{Buchſtaben bey keinem} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_15 | @v{Schriftgieſſer in der gantzen Welt wiſſen zu bekommen/ vnd den-} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_16 | @v{noch auß der noht ein tugend gemachet/ vnd mich ſelbſt vnterfangen} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_17 | @v{Stempel vnd Mater zuzurichten/ vnd ein Schrifftgieſſer zu wer-} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_18 | @v{den/ welches mir eins theils der Buchdrucker wol nicht leicht/ ohn} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_19 | @v{Ruhm zu melden/ werden nach thun. Georg Oſterberger zu Kö-} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_20 | @v{nigsberg in Preuſſen/ der dis Buch zu erſt/ meines wiſſens/} @l{Anno} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_21 | @v{1586. Gedrucket/ vnd Seliger Mollyn der es zwey mahl in wehren-} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_22 | @v{dem dienſt Auffgeleget/ haben traun ſolchen fleiß nicht daran wenden} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_23 | @v{wollen/ oder auch nicht können/ weilen jhnen ſolche Buchſtaben viel-} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_24 | @v{leicht bey zu bringen vnmüglich. Was es mir auch wol für mühe vnd} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_25 | @v{groſſe Arbeit gekoſtet/ gleubet kein Menſch/ GOtt aber der alles} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_26 | @v{weiß vnd ſihet/ weiß es. Vber das habe ich auch/ neben einem} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_27 | @v{Geiſtlichen Herrn/ welcher der Sprache guten grund hat/ in der} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_28 | @l{Correctur} @v{mein beſtes gethan/ vnd allen müglichen fleiß angewen-} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_29 | @v{det. Das ich aber rühmen ſolte/ das dis Buch ohne einigen falſchen} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_30 | @v{Buchſtaben Gedrucket/ were ſehr gefehlet/ vnd müſte ich der erſte} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_31 | @v{Buchdrucker ſein/ der ſich in der Welt ſolches mit Wahrheit rühmen} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_32 | @v{könte. Das aber kan ich wol mit beſtand der wahrheit ſagen/ das es} |
Manc1631_LVM_8_33 | @v{beſſer nicht durch den Druck zuvor} @l{Vertiret} @v{vnd Gebuchſtabieret an} |
| @b{des} |
| |
| [9.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_9_1 | @2{Vorrede.} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_2 | @v{des Tages Licht gekommen ſeye. Verſtändige/ Gelahrte/ vnd der} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_3 | @v{Sprach recht kündige Leute/ werdens (hoff ich) alſo befinden. Vnd} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_4 | @v{ob einem oder den andern dieſe Sprach alß frembd vor keme/ vnd in} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_5 | @v{wenden wolte/ das in dem Täglichen brauch/ ſonderlich bey dieſer} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_6 | @v{Statt/ nicht ſo geredet vnd die worte der geſtalt nicht außgeſprochen} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_7 | @v{würden/ der ſol ſich recht beſinnen/ vñ wiſſen/ das man den Druck nicht} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_8 | @v{nach jedermans vnrichtigem reden richten könne/ viel weiniger die} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_9 | @v{rechte Lettiſche Sprache von den in vnd{in=vnd} vmb der Statt wohnenden} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_10 | @v{Vnteutſchen/ alß bey welchen die Sprache} @l{Corrupt/} @v{lernen müſſe.} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_11 | @v{Derwegen haben} @l{Author} @v{vnd Drucker/ ſich nicht der Statt/ alß dar-} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_12 | @v{innen die weinigſten Letten/ ſondern dem gantzen Lieffland/ Churland} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_13 | @v{vnd Semgallen} @l{accomodiren} @v{müſſen/ vnd bin der gäntzlichen mei-} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_14 | @v{nung/ das kein Pawr hie im Land oder anders wo ſein werde/ der} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_15 | @v{dieſe} @l{Verſion} @v{nicht verſtehen, vnd alſ die rechte Lettiſche Sprache an-} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_16 | @v{nehmen ſolt.} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_17 | @v{GOtt ſey ewig Lob für ſeine Gnade vnd kräfftigen beyſtand/} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_18 | @v{Er/ der getrewe Barmhertzige GOtt vnd Vater vnſers HErrn Je-} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_19 | @v{ſu Chriſti/ gebe vnd verleihe das in dieſer Sprache noch viele andere} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_20 | @v{Bücher/ zu ſeinen Ehren vnd vieler Menſchen ſeligkeit/ von mir mü-} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_21 | @v{gen Gedrucket/ vnd glücklich mit dieſem Buche zu ende gebracht wer-} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_22 | @v{den. Solte aber GOtt den Faden meines Lebens abereiſſen wol-} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_23 | @v{len/ ſo habe ich dennoch meinem Nachfolger ein guten weg gebahnet/} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_24 | @v{deñ ers ſchwerlich treffen würde/ wañ er auß einem geſchriebenen} @l{Ex-} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_25 | @l{emplar} @v{ſetzen/ oder ſetzen laſſen ſolte/ ſonderlich wenn er der Lettiſchen} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_26 | @v{Sprache nicht kündig were/ vnd die Kunſt der Buchdruckerey nicht} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_27 | @v{gelernet hette. So zweiffele ich auch nicht/ das für frembden Nach-} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_28 | @v{druck dieſes Buches mich vnd des Seligen Mollyns Erben Jhr} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_29 | @v{Königl. Majeſt. in Schweden Gnädigſt gegebenes} @l{Privilegium,} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_30 | @v{hoffentlich ſchützen werde.} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_31 | @v{Schließlichen/ hab ich dieſes hochnötige vnd nützliche Lettiſche} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_32 | @v{Buch/ (welches mir mehr mühe gemachet/ alß wenn ich Griechiſch} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_33 | @v{oder Hebraiſch hette Drucken ſollen) einem Ehrbahrn Hochweiſen} |
Manc1631_LVM_9_34 | @1{bij} |
| @b{Raht} |
| |
| [10.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_10_1 | @3{Vorrede.} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_2 | @v{Raht/ alß meiner lieben Obrigkeit/ in derer Beſtallung vnd Dienſten} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_3 | @v{ich lebe/ vnd welcher Hülff ich Täglich genieſſe/ wie auch Elterleuten} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_4 | @v{vnd Eltiſten beyder Gildeſtuben/ welcher gute Gunſt vnd Forderung} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_5 | @v{ich biß hero auch reichlich geſpüret (nach dem} @l{Exempel} @v{meines Vor-} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_6 | @v{fahren) zu} @l{Dediciren} @v{vnd zu} @l{Offeriren} @v{keinen vmbgang haben kön-} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_7 | @v{nen/ darmit ich für ſo vielfältige Gutt=vnd Wolthaten ein füncklein} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_8 | @v{der Danckbahrkeit ſcheinen vnd Leuchten lieſſe/ vnterthänigſt bittend} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_9 | @v{ein Ehrb. Hochw. Raht wolle neben den Herrn Elterleuten vnd El-} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_10 | @v{tiſten nicht allein dieſes Buch alß ein Pappierenes New=Jahr Ge-} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_11 | @v{ſchenck von mir vor lieb auff=vnd annehmen/ Sondern auch meine} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_12 | @v{groſgünſtige Herren} @l{Patronen} @v{vnd Fürderer ſein vnd bleiben/ Son-} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_13 | @v{derlich wolle ein Ehrbahr Hochw. Raht ein wachendes Väterliches} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_14 | @v{Auge auff meine Nahrung/ vnd von jhnen ſelbſt ertheilete} @l{Privilegia} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_15 | @v{haben/ das dieſelbe nicht geſchwechet werden vnd ich für mein mühſe-} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_16 | @v{lige beſchwerliche Arbeit auch etwas zugenieſſen haben müge/ vnd} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_17 | @v{alſo meine} @l{Officinam} @v{mit newen} @l{literen} @v{vnd Schrifften/ (weil die} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_18 | @v{alten theils zimlich abegenützet/) verſorgen vnd verſehen könne.} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_19 | @v{Solches wird GOtt der Allmächtige mit glücklicher Regirung/ lan-} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_20 | @v{gem Leben/ gedeylicher vnd erſprießlicher Wollfahrt/ zeitlichem vnd} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_21 | @v{ewigem Wolergehen wieder wiſſen zu erſtatten/ vnd ich bins auch} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_22 | @v{mit müglichem fleiß in meinem Ampt/ vnd ſteten Gebett zu GOtt/} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_23 | @v{in vnterthänigkeit zu verdienen/ wie ſchüldig/ alſo auch bereit vnd er-} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_24 | @v{bötig/} @l{Datum} @v{Riga den 10.} @l{Januarii} @v{Jm Jahr 1631.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_10_25 | @v{E. E. G. E. H. H. Vnd Wolw. Herrligk.} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_26 | @v{Auch Achtb. Ehrenv. vnd Nahmh.} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_27 | @v{Gunſten} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_10_28 | @v{Vnterdienſtlicher vnd ge-} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_29 | @v{fliſſener} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_10_30 | @v{Gerhard Schröder Buchdrucker vnd} |
Manc1631_LVM_10_31 | @v{figurſchneider der Statt Riga.} |
| @b{An} |
| |
| [11.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_11_1 | @v{An den Chriſtlichen Leſer.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_11_2 | @v{GRoßgünſtiger lieber Leſer/ Wie ſehr mir} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_3 | @v{anfänglich für dieſer Arbeit gegrawet/ ſolchs kan} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_4 | @v{Jch nicht gnungſamb außreden. Denn da iſt mir} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_5 | @v{bald im Wege geſtanden 1. meine ohn dieſe/ ſawre vnd ſchwe-} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_6 | @v{re Ambts Arbeit/ die Jch zuverrichten habe. 2. Das die er-} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_7 | @v{ſte vnd andere} @l{edition} @v{dieſes Buchs hiebevor von vorneh-} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_8 | @v{mern/ Gelahrtern/ vnd vielleicht in der Lettiſchen ſprache er-} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_9 | @v{fahrnern} @l{Theologis} @v{ſey verſchaffet worden/ welche auch von} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_10 | @v{menniglich/ ſo dieſer ſprache kündig/ Geiſt=vnd Weltlichen} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_11 | @v{ſtandes/ im gantzen Lettlande/ als ein} @l{ſcriptum authenti-} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_12 | @l{cum} @v{auff=vnd angenommen worden. 3. Das (wenn ja et-} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_13 | @v{was zu ändern wehre) ohn meine weinige Perſon recht wol} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_14 | @v{geſchehen möchte/ alldieweil noch viel trefflichere Leute (Gott} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_15 | @v{lob) vnd die in der ſprache täglich ſich beſſer üben weder Jch} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_16 | @v{numehr/ verhanden/ ſo dieß Werck auff ſich nehmen konten.} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_17 | @v{4. Das Meiſter Klügling ſeine alte Nücke vnd Tücke} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_18 | @v{nicht laſſen würde. Dieſes vnd viel anders mehr hat mich} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_19 | @v{im anfang/ die Feder an dieſe Arbeit anzuſetzen/ faſt ſehr ab-} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_20 | @v{geſchreckt/ auch woll bißweilen (wann Jch recht Beichten} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_21 | @v{ſoll) etliche Wochen/ nach angefangnem Wercke/ wieder zu} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_22 | @v{rücke vnd angehalten.} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_23 | @v{Aber Jch hab zu letzt allen dieſen obgedachten vnd an-} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_24 | @v{dern mehr vermeinten Einreden/ in GOttes nahmen/ zu} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_25 | @v{einer beſondern} @l{repreſſalie} @v{entgegen geſetzt den Spruch S.} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_26 | @v{Pauli} @l{1. Corinth. 12. v. 7.} @v{da der Apoſtel will/ das ſich in} @p{1.} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_27 | @v{einem jeglichen erzeigen ſollen die Gaben des Gei-} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_28 | @v{ſtes zum gemeinen Nutzen. Wiederholets} @l{in Specie} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_29 | @v{gegen einem jedem beſonders/ da Er will / das einer dem} @p{2.} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_30 | @v{andern dienen ſoll in der liebe/} @l{Galat. 5. v. 13.} |
Manc1631_LVM_11_31 | @1{b iij} |
| @b{So} |
| |
| [12.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_12_1 | @3{An den Leſer.} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_2 | @p{3.} @v{So will der HERR Chriſtus/ das ein jeder ſein} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_3 | @v{verliehen Pfündlein alſo anlege/ damit ers der-} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_4 | @v{mahlen eins mit Wucher dem HERREN wieder} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_5 | @v{oberantworten möge/ dauon die Parabel mit mehrem} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_6 | @p{4.} @v{lehret} @l{Matth. 25. v. 14. & ſeqq.} @v{So hat mich auch zu} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_7 | @l{Continuirung} @v{dieſes Wercks ſehr bewogen nicht allein die} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_8 | @v{vielfältige Klage derer Leute/ die ſich beſchwert ge-} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_9 | @v{machet/ es wehren die meiſten Wörter in beiden} @l{editioni-} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_10 | @l{bus} @v{ſehr vbel geſchrieben: maſſen auch Jch ſelbſt ſolchs/ vnd} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_11 | @v{noch viel mehrers geſtehen muß: ſondern auch die vnauf-} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_12 | @p{5.} @v{hörliche Anhaltung des itzigen Buchdruckers zu} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_13 | @v{Riga} @l{Gerhardi} @v{Schröders/ welcher zu vielmahlen vmb} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_14 | @v{dieſe Arbeit bey mir inſtändige Anregung gethan/ welch-} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_15 | @v{chem ſeinem wolgemeinetem Gottſeligem vorhaben/ zur er-} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_16 | @v{bawung der Chriſtlichen Kirchen angeſehen Jch nicht habe} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_17 | @v{entſein ſollen noch wollen.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_12_18 | @v{Damit aber menniglich wiſſen möge/ was dieſe dritte} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_19 | @l{edition} @v{auff ſich habe/ ſo will Jch ſolchs mit wenigem ent-} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_20 | @v{decken.} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_21 | @v{I.} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_22 | @v{So iſts vnleugbahr/ das in der erſten vnd andern} @l{editi-} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_23 | @l{on} @v{dieſes Lettiſchen buchs viel (a)} @l{impropriè} @v{vnd der grund-} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_24 | @v{ſprache zu wider (beſihe} @l{epiſt. 2. fer. natal.} @h{dialxxx} @l{Euan-} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_25 | @l{gel.} @v{am tage} @l{Miſericord. Domini/} @v{im Texte ſtehet: Ein} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_26 | @v{heerde/ vnd dergleichen mächtig viel mehr) viel (b) außgelaſ-} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_27 | @v{ſen (beſiehe das Evangelium am H. Chriſtage/ am H. O-} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_28 | @v{ſtertage/ am H. Pfingſtage} @l{&c.)} @v{viel (g) wieder vnſere glau-} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_29 | @v{bens Artickel (beſiehe das dritte geſetzlein im Glauben/ wies} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_30 | @v{des Sontages für der Predigt geſungen wird: Jtem das} |
Manc1631_LVM_12_31 | @l{Sanctus} @v{für der} @l{Communion &c.)} @v{gegeben: zugeſchweigen} |
| @b{daß} |
| |
| [13.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_13_1 | @2{An den Leſer.} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_2 | @v{daß (d) das lied von den ſieben Worten Chriſti (da Jeſus an} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_3 | @v{dem Creutze ſtund) gantz verrücket/ vnd die Worte bey wei-} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_4 | @v{tem im Geſangbuch nicht in ſolcher Ordnung ſtehen/ wie ſie} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_5 | @v{woll in der Hiſtoria des Leidens Chriſti JEſu anzutreffen.} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_6 | @v{Welchs auch billig im Teutſchen Geſangbuch ſolte geän-} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_7 | @v{dert werden: Denn was hundert Jahr vnrecht gewe-} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_8 | @v{ſen/ iſt nicht eine ſtunde recht geweſen. Solchs alles} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_9 | @v{(ohn was an der Perſohn zahl/ zeit/ art vnd weiſe/ die Latei-} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_10 | @v{niſche} @l{grammatici} @v{nennens/} @l{perſonam, numerum, mo-} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_11 | @l{dum, tempus, reſpective} @v{im} @l{nomine & Verbo} @v{zu} @l{Corrigi-} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_12 | @l{ren} @v{vorgelauffen) hab Jch alß viel müglich in ſeinen ſtand} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_13 | @v{gebracht/ vnd durch GOttes gnade ergäntzet.} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_14 | @v{II.} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_15 | @v{So iſts wiſſentlich/ wann ſchon alles in den vorigen} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_16 | @l{editionibus} @v{richtig vnd recht were/ das es keiner} @l{Correctur} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_17 | @v{bedörffte/ das dennoch die meiſten Wörter ſehr} @l{vitioſè/} @v{vnd} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_18 | @v{wieder die Natur der ſprache geſchrieben ſein. Alß zum Ex-} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_19 | @v{empel: der Lette ſaget} muhſchiga dſiwoſchana/ @v{ein} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_20 | @v{ewigs leben: die} @l{interpretes} @v{habens geſchrieben} mußige |
Manc1631_LVM_13_21 | cziwoſchen. @v{Alhie laß nun einen dieſer Sprache vn-} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_22 | @v{kündigen herkommen/ das er in gegenwart eines vnverſtän-} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_23 | @v{digen Letten eins vnd das ander lehſe/ frage hernach dem} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_24 | @v{Pawren/ welchs er verſtanden/ gewiß wird er die erſte auß-} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_25 | @v{rede belieben. Alſo ſolte es heiſſen:} Muhſẜo Kunx/ muhſẜo |
Manc1631_LVM_13_26 | Tähws @v{(vnſer Herr/ vnſer Vater) ſo ſtehet in den gemeinen} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_27 | @l{exemplarien:} muße Kunx/ muße Tehws. @v{Wer kan} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_28 | @v{oder wil alle Wörter hieher ſetzen. Daher geſchichts das der-} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_29 | @v{jenige/ ſo aus Teutſchland zu vns kompt/ vnd dieſe ſprache} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_30 | @v{nach anleitung der erſten vnd andern ſchrifft lernet/ nimmer-} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_31 | @v{mehr verſtändlich dieſelbe außredet/ ſondern es gemeiniglich} |
Manc1631_LVM_13_32 | @v{alſo machet/ das der Pawr nach verrichtetem Gottesdienſt} |
| @b{ſagt:} |
| |
| [14.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_14_1 | @3{An den Leſer.} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_2 | @v{ſagt:} Kas ſinna ko tas Wahtzſemmes Kagkis ẜacka: |
Manc1631_LVM_14_3 | @v{Ohn angeſehen/ das man ſich einbildet/ man habe ſeinen din-} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_4 | @v{gen recht getahn/ entſchuldigt ſich auch/ es ſtehe im Buch al-} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_5 | @v{ſo geſchrieben.} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_6 | @v{Darumb dieſen Vnraht abzuhelffen/ hab Jch/ ſo viel} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_7 | @v{müglich mich befliſſen/ die Worte alſo zu ſchreiben/ wie ſie} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_8 | @v{mögen außgeredet werden. Wiewol auch vnleugbahr/ das} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_9 | @v{viel Worte in der Lettiſchen ſprache gefunden werden/ die} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_10 | @v{ſich nicht woll ſchreiben laſſen/ alß} Ꞩohghis @v{(ein Vogt).} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_11 | @p{ä} @v{Demnach ſo wiſſe/ lieber Leſer/ wo du das ä. alſo ge-} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_12 | @v{zeichnet findeſt/ das du es zwar eim E. ehnlich ſolleſt auß-} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_13 | @v{ſprechen/ aber mit dieſem gemerck/ das du das Maul oder den} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_14 | @v{Rachen etwas weiter auffthuſt/ vnd die Außrede auch zum} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_15 | @v{a. in etwas bequemeſt/ wie ſolchs für allen offenbahrlich wird} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_16 | @v{erſchienen im worte} ſwähtz @v{(heilig) vnd} ſwetze @v{(ein licht)} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_17 | ähna @v{(ein ſchatten)} Mährs @v{(eine maſſe).} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_18 | @p{EE} @v{2. Wo du in eim Worte dieſer} @l{edition} @v{lieſeſt zwey ee/} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_19 | @v{ſoltu das wort außſprechen/ gleich wie das teutſche Wort} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_20 | @v{Seele/ aber mit dieſem} @l{NB,} @v{das du das ander e. in der ſelben} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_21 | @v{Syllaben etwas außdehneſt/ wo anderſt die eigenſchafft der} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_22 | @v{außrede in dieſer Sprache ſol in acht genommen werden.} @l{e. g.} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_23 | Meeſẜa @v{(der leib)} Weeẜis @v{(ein Gaſt)} Meers @v{(der Friede.)} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_24 | @v{Nicht ohn vrſach aber ſtelle ich dir für eben das Wörtlein} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_25 | @v{Seele/ denn nicht alle teutſche Wörter alſo geſchrieben/} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_26 | @v{auch alſo außgeſprochen werden.} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_27 | @p{h} @v{3. Die} @l{adſpiration} @v{h/ hinter dem a/ ä/ e/ machet die ſyl-} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_28 | @v{labe gemeiniglich lang.} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_29 | @p{gh} @v{4. Wann du das gh. findeſt/ ſoltu im Außſprechen das} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_30 | @v{hinterſte der Zungen zwar am Gaumen zimlich ſtarck anſtoſ-} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_31 | @v{ſen/ aber das die} @l{pronunciation} @v{gleichwoll gelinder ſey/ alß} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_32 | @v{das k. Mit einem worte/ es iſt eine mittel außrede zwiſchen} |
Manc1631_LVM_14_33 | @v{dem g. vnd k. beim} @l{Vocali.} @v{zum Exempel:} ghabbals @v{(ein} |
| @b{ſtück)} |
| |
| [15.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_15_1 | @2{An den Leſer.} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_2 | @v{ſtück)} Ghohß @v{(eine Kuhe)} Ghramata @v{(ein Buch/ oder} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_3 | @v{ein Brieff).} @l{Plura uſus docebit.} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_4 | @v{Wer ſich mit ernſt dieſe Sprache will angelegen ſein} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_5 | @v{laſſen/ der muß dem Pawrsmann zimlich auffs Maul ach-} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_6 | @v{tung geben/ vnd ſehen/ wie die} @l{Pronunciation} @v{zu formie-} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_7 | @v{ren. Denn Jch allhie keine} @l{Grammatic} @v{ſchreibe.} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_8 | @v{5. Die Syllaben vnd Wörter aber da das geſtrichen ẜ/} @p{ẜ} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_9 | @v{vorhergehet oder ſtehet/ wolleſtu das geſtrichene ẜ nur was} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_10 | @v{ſtarcker vnd lenger mit einem} @l{ſis} @v{oder} @l{his} @v{tähnend außſpre-} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_11 | @v{chen/ alß das vngeſtrichene/ wie an dieſen vnd andern vielen} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_12 | @v{Wörten} (Weeẜis @v{ein Gaſt/} Maiſẜe @v{ein Sack/} Ꞩeene/ @v{Hew/} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_13 | Ꞩeewe @v{Weib/} ẜautze/ @v{ruffe/} ẜacke/ @v{ſage/} ẜöw @v{ſich) zu ſehen iſt.} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_14 | @v{Das ß aber/ wird anders nicht gebrauchet/ alß für ein ſchlech-} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_15 | @v{tes s/ wie im Teutſchen.} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_16 | @v{6. Auch wirſtu das} ļ/ ņ/ ŗ/ @v{geſtrichen finden/ dieſelbe} @p{ļ. ņ. ŗ.} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_17 | @v{Buchſtaben müſſen in der Außrede woll in acht genommen} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_18 | @v{werden/ alſo/ daß das nähſte von der Zungenſpitze beim ļ/} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_19 | @v{das mittel aber beim ņ mitten am Gaumen angeſtoſſen/ das} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_20 | @v{ende aber der Zungen lediglich lohs gehalten/ vnd recht} @l{liqui-} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_21 | @l{dè} @v{oder flieſſend außgeſprochen werde. Das geſtrichene} ŗ |
Manc1631_LVM_15_22 | @v{aber/ wird zwar auch ſcharff genug/ wie ein ander r außgere-} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_23 | @v{det/ aber dennoch ſehr} @l{liqueſcirend,} @v{vnd ſolches der Spra-} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_24 | @v{che art nach/ zum vnterſcheid theils etlicher Wörter an jhnen} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_25 | @v{ſelbſt/ theils der} @l{modorum in verbis} @v{vnd ſo forthan.} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_26 | @v{7. Gehöret hieher das die lieben Alten ohn jenigen vn-} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_27 | @v{terſcheid gemeiniglich das e beim} @l{nomine, pronomine,} @v{vnd} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_28 | @l{Verbo} @v{geſetzt/ da doch die eigenſchafft dieſer Sprache auch} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_29 | @v{hierinne genaw will in acht genommen ſein. Gib nur aber-} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_30 | @v{mahl dem Pawren achtung auffs Maul/ gewiß wirſtu mer-} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_31 | @v{cken/ das er ein u zum beſchluß eines Worts/ da ſonſt ein ein e zu} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_32 | @v{ſtehen pfleget/ gebrauche. Trawn jhre} @l{nomina} @v{vnd} @l{pro-} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_33 | @l{nomina,} @v{wie auch die} @l{verba variiren} @v{vnd endern ſich ja ſo wol} |
Manc1631_LVM_15_34 | @1{c} |
| @b{in mo-} |
| |
| [16.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_16_1 | @3{An den Leſer.} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_2 | @l{in motione, comparatione, declinatione, conjugatione,} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_3 | @l{perſonis & numeris,} @v{gleich wie in andern Sprachen.} @l{Ea-} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_4 | @l{rum quisque rerum judex eſt idoneus, quarum eſt erudi-} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_5 | @l{tus. Ariſt. I. Ethic.} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_6 | @p{Der Buchſtab f iſt in der Lettiſchen Sprache nicht zu finden.} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_7 | @v{8. Jſt zu wiſſen/ das im gantzen Lettiſchen Alphabet der} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_8 | @l{conſonans} @v{F mit nichten zu finden. Ein jeder mag die Prob} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_9 | @v{machen/ vnd nehmen (wie ichs gethan) einen recht natürli-} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_10 | @v{chen Lettiſchen Pawren/ vnd geb jhm für ein Teutſch Wört-} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_11 | @v{lein/ darinne das F iſt/ außzuſprechen/ gewiſlich wird er ſich} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_12 | @v{damit dergeſtalt abmergeln/ das es gleichwol einen lächerli-} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_13 | @v{chen Außgang mit der Außrede gewinnen wird.} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_14 | @v{Verſuch es nur mit dem wort Fenſter: was gilts/ er} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_15 | @v{wird dir etwas herkäwen vom Swinſter/ Pinſter/ vnd wans} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_16 | @v{recht köſtlich ſoll geredet ſein/ ſo bleibts beim Winſter. Jn ſol-} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_17 | @v{cher betrachtung hab Jch an ſtatt derer Buchſtaben/ ſo} @l{vim} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_18 | @l{conſonantis} @v{f. haben/ geſetzt ein W.} @l{e. g.} @v{für Prophet/} Pro- |
Manc1631_LVM_16_19 | weet/ @l{&c.} @v{außgenommen das Wort/ Hepheta.} @l{Non po-} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_20 | @l{teſt de artifice niſi artifix judicare.} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_21 | @v{III.} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_22 | @v{Auch hab ich mir laſſen angelegen ſein/ das Geſang-} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_23 | @v{buch} @l{complet} @v{zu machen/ vnd habe darein gebracht die troſt=} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_24 | @v{vnd Lehrreicheſten auch gewöhnlichſten Geſänge/ damit ja} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_25 | @v{auch hierinne der Chriſt=vnd Gottſelige Haußvater keinen} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_26 | @v{mangel numehr für zu wenden habe.} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_27 | @v{IV.} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_28 | @v{Weil Jch hiebevor/ da ich noch Landkirchen im Für-} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_29 | @v{ſtenthumb Semgallen mit meinem befohlenem Ampt durch} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_30 | @v{GOttes gnade verſehen müſte/ vernommen habe/ das bey} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_31 | @v{meinen Vnteutſchen Pfarrkindern nicht alle} @l{lectiones} @v{der} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_32 | @v{Sontäglichen} @l{epiſteln} @v{dienlich/ noch der armen Vnteut-} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_33 | @v{ſchen Einfalt verſtändlich/ So hab ich nach S. Pauli vermah-} |
Manc1631_LVM_16_34 | @v{nung/ wie all mein Thun/ alſo auch dieß Werck/ negſt Gött-} |
| @b{licher} |
| |
| [17.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_17_1 | @2{An den Leſer.} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_2 | @v{licher beywohnung dohin gerichtet/ das es zur erbawung der Chriſt-} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_3 | @v{lichen Kirche gereichen möchte: Vnd demnach an ſtat der Epiſtoli-} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_4 | @v{ſchen} @l{lectionen/} @v{ſo da beſagter Einfalt befrembdlich vnd ſchwer} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_5 | @v{vorzukommen angeſehen/ ein oder/ nach gelegenheit/ nur ein halb Ca-} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_6 | @v{pittel außm Syrachsbüchlein vorgeleſen/ habs auch hernach im} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_7 | @l{examine,} @v{ſo laut der Churiſchen Kirchenordnung ich jährlich zwey} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_8 | @v{mahl in der Kirchen gehalten/ befunden/ das/ GOtt lob/ viel} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_9 | @v{damit außgerichtet. Vber das/ hab ich den angeſtelten Betſtun-} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_10 | @v{den/ anſtat der} @l{lection,} @v{den Syrach nicht allein geleſen/ ſondern} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_11 | @v{auch alſo bald eine gar einfältige Gloß für die Vnteutſchen vbers} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_12 | @v{geleſene Capittel gemacht.} @l{Venerationi enim mihi ſemper ſuit} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_13 | @l{non verboſa ruſticitas, ſed ſancta ſimplicitas. Hieron.} @v{Salo-} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_14 | @v{monis Spruchbuch hab ich zwar auch wol meinen domahligen Vn-} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_15 | @v{teutſchen Zuhörern vorgeleſen vnd bey jhnen getrieben/ weil es aber} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_16 | @v{noch nicht} @l{mundiret,} @v{alß hat für diß mahl die} @l{publication} @v{müſſen} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_17 | @v{eingeſtellet werden/ biß/ GOtt günnend zur andern zeit/ da viel-} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_18 | @v{leicht noch wol meine Lettiſche} @l{Conceptus Euangelici} @v{konten durch} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_19 | @v{den Druck jederman ertheilet werden.} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_20 | @v{Wer nun dieſe meine} @l{practic} @v{ſich auch will der geſtalt zu nutze} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_21 | @v{machen/ der hat ſich ſelbſt zu prüffen/ vnd mag dahin dieſe zugabe des} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_22 | @v{Syrachs anſehen.} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_23 | @v{Dieſes hab ich hiemit zur nohtdürfftigen Erklärung meines Ge-} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_24 | @v{muhts andeuten wollen/ damit menniglich zu vernehmen hette/ wie} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_25 | @v{vnd wohin dieſe} @l{correctur} @v{vnd} @l{edition} @v{angeſehen vnd gemeinet ſey.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_17_26 | @v{Ob ich nun wol in vngezweiffelten gedancken ſtehe/ was Gott-} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_27 | @v{ſelige auffrichtige Hertzen ſind/ die werden dieſe meine Arbeit/ alß ein} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_28 | @v{wolgemeinet Werck nicht tadeln/ ſondern im beſten es vermercken/} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_29 | @v{vnd zu jhrem vnd jhriger Haußgenoſſen nutzen gebrauchen: So be-} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_30 | @v{ſorge Jch mich doch/ ich werde viel böſer Leute/ vnd die nichts anders} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_31 | @v{alß klügeln können/ die Feder aber zum auffrichtigen Wercke ſelbſt} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_32 | @v{anzuſetzen nichts gültig ſind/} @l{cenſur} @v{vnd wunderſeltzamer meinung} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_33 | @v{einnehmen müſſen. Sintemahl es heiſſet:} @l{ingenia humana ad ar-} |
Manc1631_LVM_17_34 | @1{c ij} |
| @b{guendum} |
| |
| [18.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_18_1 | @3{An den Leſer.} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_2 | @l{guendum promta.} @v{Aber denen allen antworte Jch vber einen hauf-} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_3 | @v{fen vnd in einer} @l{ſumm/} @v{das ich mich deſſen getröſte/ mir wiederfahre} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_4 | @v{nichts ſonderlichs/ ob ich ſchon wegen dieſer} @l{correctur} @v{faſt jedermans} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_5 | @v{Mundwürffel ſein muß.} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_6 | @v{Denn es eine vhr=alte Plage vnd Klage/ das auch die aller für-} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_7 | @v{nehmbſten Schriffte} @l{dente Theoninô} @v{angefatzt werden/ Vnd iſt} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_8 | @v{zu verwundern/ das auch Gelahrte Leute vnternander ſich hiemit} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_9 | @v{beiſſen müſſen. Denn/ damit Jchs mit Exempeln außführig ma-} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_10 | @v{che/ iſt nicht Socrates vom Platone; Plato vom Ariſtotele/ Ari-} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_11 | @v{ſtoteles vom Averrhöe/ Caecilius vom Sulpitio/ Laelius vom Va-} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_12 | @v{rone/ Marinus vom Ptolemaeo/ Ennius vom Horatio/ Seneca} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_13 | @v{vom A. Gellio/ Eratoſtehenes vom Strabone/ Theſſalus vom} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_14 | @v{Galeno/ Hermagoras vom Cicerone/ Cicero vom Saluſtio/} @l{repre-} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_15 | @l{hendirt} @v{vnd geſtrafft worden. So denn nun ſolche vornehme Leu-} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_16 | @v{te/ ſo zu jhrer zeit} @l{lumina mundi} @v{geweſen/ nicht haben jhrer Schriff-} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_17 | @v{ten wegen ohn} @l{cenſur} @v{vnd linckiſche Nachrede ſein; Wie vielmehr} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_18 | @v{hab Jch/ der Jch mir meiner Wenigkeit am beſten bewuſt bin/ auch} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_19 | @v{bey dieſer Arbeit/ mich deſſen zubefahren. Das ſage Jch/ derje-} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_20 | @v{nige/ der eines andern Arbeit darauff ſo groſſer fleiß ge-} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_21 | @v{wendet/ welche manchen Gedancken im Kopffe vervr-} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_22 | @v{ſachet/ vnd da mann bißweilen vmb eines einigen Worts} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_23 | @v{willen/ daſſelbe recht/ eigentlich/ vnd natürlich zu geben/} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_24 | @v{wol einen halben tag ſich abgemergelt; tadelt vnd vber-} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_25 | @v{flügelt/ wann ers doch kaum/ will nicht ſagen/ einmahl} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_26 | @v{recht geleſen/ ſondern noch wol nicht eineſt recht angeſehen} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_27 | @v{hat; für einen leichtſinnigen Menſchen billig zu halten.} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_28 | @v{Offtmahls befindet ſichs/ wies die Erfahrung bezeuget/ das} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_29 | @v{Scribenten/ Authores vnd Dollmetſcher getadelt werden/ nicht von} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_30 | @v{denen/ die auch woll konten Bücher ſchreiben vnd Sprachen Doll-} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_31 | @v{metſchen; ſondern die weder die Sache verſtehen/ ja weder recht leſen} |
Manc1631_LVM_18_32 | @v{gelernet haben. Denn damit ſie das anſehen beim Weibervolck vnd} |
| @b{beim} |
| |
| [19.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_19_1 | @2{An den Leſer.} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_2 | @v{beim einfältigen Manne haben mögen/ ſo vnterſtehen ſie ſich bald} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_3 | @v{diß/ bald jenes Wort zu meiſtern/ ſchneiden ein langes vnd ein brei-} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_4 | @v{tes daher/ das ſie nur auch mögen dafür angeſehen ſein/ ſie ſeyen auch} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_5 | @v{voller Weißheit/ alß eine Kuhe voller Mußcaten. Da meinen ſie/} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_6 | @v{wann ſie nur wiſſen das} dagglaina Wißta @v{heiſſe eine bunte Hen-} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_7 | @v{ne/ ſo können ſie trefflich ſchön Lettiſch/ vnd iſt doch eben ſo ſchön gere-} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_8 | @v{det/ alß wenn Jch in der Polniſchen Sprache das} @c{zdech} @v{vnd} @c{umar} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_9 | @v{allen vnd jeden} @l{adpliciren} @v{wolte/ Denn es heiſſet ja beydes Ster-} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_10 | @v{ben. Es iſt aber diß der vnterſcheid/ das jenes vom vnvernünffti-} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_11 | @v{gen Tiehre/ dieß aber allein vom Menſchen gebraucht wird. Alſo} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_12 | @v{das} @l{epitheton} dagglaina @v{wird allein vom Schweine/ vnd ſonſt} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_13 | @v{von keinem andern Tiehre geſagt/ vnd demnach wer eine bunte Hen-} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_14 | @v{ne nennen will/ der muß ſie alſo nennen/ wie ſie ohn zweiffel nach} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_15 | @v{verwirreter Sprache zu Babel} @l{Gen. II. v. 9.} @v{iſt genand worden/} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_16 | @v{nehmlich} Raiba Wißta. |
Manc1631_LVM_19_17 | @v{Ich laſſe GOtt den HErren richten/ der da weiß vnd kennet} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_18 | @v{mein Hertz vnd Gemüht/ ob Jch auß böſer oder guter} @l{adfection} @v{die-} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_19 | @v{ſe Arbeit auff mich zu nehmen/ mich habe vberreden laſſen/ vnter deſ-} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_20 | @v{ſen will Jch gern dieſe} @l{correctur} @v{vnterwerffen/ derer Leute} @l{cenſur/} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_21 | @v{die in den Grundſprachen/ alß Hebräiſcher vnd Griechiſcher/ vnd in} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_22 | @v{der Lettiſchen wol geübet ſein/ daneben auch ein vnpartheiiſches} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_23 | @v{Theologiſches Hertz haben/ mit denen hette Jch wol eine luſt auß} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_24 | @v{dieſem Buche zu} @l{conferiren/} @v{vnd wo ich geſtrauchelt/ mich eines} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_25 | @v{beſſern zu vnterweiſen laſſen/ Mit gantz Freund=brüderlichem bit-} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_26 | @v{ten/ alle vnd jede obbeſchriebene Theologi wollen dieſer meiner Ar-} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_27 | @v{beit} @l{patrocinium} @v{vnd Vertheidigung vnbeſchweret auff ſich neh-} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_28 | @v{men. Solches wie es Chriſtlich/ alſo bin Jchs vmb einen jeden im} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_29 | @v{gleichen zu erwiedern ſtets williger den willig/ Vns alleſambt Gött-} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_30 | @v{lichem obhalt Hertzlich empfehlend.} @l{Datum} @v{Dörptt/ den 17.} @l{De-} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_31 | @l{cembris, Anno 1630.} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_32 | @l{Georgius Mancelius P.} |
Manc1631_LVM_19_33 | @1{c 3} |
| @b{Reve-} |
| |
| [20.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_20_1 | @3{An den Leſer.} |
Manc1631_LVM_20_2 | @l{Reverendo Clarißimo Dno Paraphraſti.} |
Manc1631_LVM_20_3 | @l{Adfini Svavißimo.} |
Manc1631_LVM_20_4 | @l{Pura ſeris puro primus ſacra ſemina fundo,} |
Manc1631_LVM_20_5 | @l{Prognatosque vepres removes induſtrius agro:} |
Manc1631_LVM_20_6 | @l{Diceris hinccè ſacer ſummo mihi jure GEORGOS{GFORGOS,}} |
Manc1631_LVM_20_7 | @l{AEternumq̀ue MANet CAELo tua fama repoſta.} |
Manc1631_LVM_20_8 | @l{Amoris & honoris ergò appoſuit} |
Manc1631_LVM_20_9 | @l{FRIDERICUS MENIUS P L C.} |
Manc1631_LVM_20_10 | @l{in collegio Regio Dorpatenh hiſtoriarum} |
Manc1631_LVM_20_11 | @l{Profeſſor, Livoniaeq̀; Hiſtoricus.} |
| |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_20_12 | Jck=kattram Deewabiyatayam Czill- |
Manc1631_LVM_20_13 | wäkam kas ſcho Ghramatu laſẜa / wehļo es Chri- |
Manc1631_LVM_20_14 | ſti Atſiſchanu / vnd wiſẜenadu Labbumu py Meeſẜas |
Manc1631_LVM_20_15 | vnd Dweſẜeles. |
Manc1631_LVM_20_16 | MAnns Draux / tas ſwähtz Apuſtuls Pah- |
Manc1631_LVM_20_17 | wils mahza / ka mums buhs Deewa Wahr- |
Manc1631_LVM_20_18 | dam baggatige ſtarpa mums lickt dſiewoht. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_20_19 | nhe wellte : aiſto Deewa Wahrtz gir ta wißlabbaka |
Manc1631_LVM_20_20 | daļļa kattru Czillwähx ißredſetees war / tam Dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_20_21 | wa Wahrtz pattiek / vnd kaß to gribbahs / tas gir |
Manc1631_LVM_20_22 | ſwähtietz / vnd kas no Deewu gir tas klauſẜa Deewa |
Manc1631_LVM_20_23 | Wahrdu. Ock / ſwähti gir tee / kattri to Wahrdu |
Manc1631_LVM_20_24 | dſirrd / vnd paſẜargo to / ẜacka JEſus Chriſtus / vnd kaß |
Manc1631_LVM_20_25 | no winja Aitinjeems gir / tas klauſẜa winja Balxnu. |
Manc1631_LVM_20_26 | Kad tad nu tas ſchähliex Deews mums ſchinnies Sem- |
Manc1631_LVM_20_27 | mehs arridſan gir vßluhkoyis ar teems Atzeems ẜawas ſchäla- |
| @b{ſtibas} |
| |
| [21.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_21_1 | ſtibas / vnd mums / kattri mehs Paggaņi biyam / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_21_2 | nhe neeka no Deewu nhe ſinnayam / ẜawu ſwähtu Wahrdu |
Manc1631_LVM_21_3 | dehwis / tadbuhß mums to / leelu Dahwanu ar patteitzigu |
Manc1631_LVM_21_4 | Ꞩirrdi vsjembt / vnd mieļoht / wairahk nhe ka leelus |
Manc1631_LVM_21_5 | ghabbalus Sällta vnd Ꞩuddraba / aiſto Sälltz vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_21_6 | Ꞩuddrabbs paſuhd vnd ißniext / bett Deewa Wahrtz pal- |
Manc1631_LVM_21_7 | leck muhſchige : Sälltz vnd Ꞩuddrabbs nhe warr |
Manc1631_LVM_21_8 | mums palliedſeht tanny laicka / kad Deews Duß- |
Manc1631_LVM_21_9 | mo vnd Ꞩohda / bett taß Ꞩwähtz Deewa Wahrtz |
Manc1631_LVM_21_10 | gir weena Smarrſcha tahß dſiewibas / py dſiewi- |
Manc1631_LVM_21_11 | bas / weens Wahrtz tas dſiewibas / weens ſwähta- |
Manc1631_LVM_21_12 | darridams Deewa ſpähx. Vnd kam ta Ꞩirrtz nhenäſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_21_13 | ẜahs vs ſcho Manntu / vnd pehtz to nhe bähda / tas arridſan |
Manc1631_LVM_21_14 | nhe bähda pehtz Deewu / ney pehtz Debbeſẜu / ney tas apghada |
Manc1631_LVM_21_15 | ẜawu Dwehſẜel / vnd tahdam buhtu labbagk biyis / ka tas mu- |
Manc1631_LVM_21_16 | ſcham nhe buhtu peedſimmis. Tapehtz gir Deews arridſan |
Manc1631_LVM_21_17 | tick ghauſche ẜohdiyis tohß leelus Pillis Chorazin / Bett- |
Manc1631_LVM_21_18 | ſaida / Capernaum / tadehļ Wings draude ẜuhtiet muh- |
Manc1631_LVM_21_19 | ſchigu Baddu vnd Twickſchanu / tadehļ ẜacka Wings / |
Manc1631_LVM_21_20 | tahdeems Nhebehdneekems buhß Vgguny ißkuſt / |
Manc1631_LVM_21_21 | teems buhß tuckſcheem pohſtem pallickt. Vnd to |
Manc1631_LVM_21_22 | Ꞩohdibu äſẜam mehß ſchinny Semme (Deewam ſchähl) ar- |
Manc1631_LVM_21_23 | ridſan ghan redſeyuſſchi vnd paſẜchi juttuſẜchi. Bett ja mehß |
Manc1631_LVM_21_24 | ghribbam / ka Dewam buhß mißtees no ẜawas Bahrſibas / |
Manc1631_LVM_21_25 | vnd vs mums ghreeſt tas Adtzis ẜawas Schälaſtibas / tad lai- |
Manc1631_LVM_21_26 | deeta mums Winya Wahrdu no Ꞩirrdtz dibben mieļoht. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_21_27 | Vnd ka nhe weenam ja=ẜuhds / winyam nhe äſẜohtz Dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_21_28 | wa Wahrtz lieds pillam / tad äßmu es ar leelu darrbu ſcho |
Manc1631_LVM_21_29 | Ghramatu / ick=kattram Ꞩaimneekam par labb / ẜa__- |
| @b{} |
| |
| [22.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_22_1 | ja taß tha noteekahs / ka Wings nhe ſpähtu Baßnizà nahkt / |
Manc1631_LVM_22_2 | tad Wings tomähr ẜawà Mahya no ẜawu Bährnu / jeb no |
Manc1631_LVM_22_3 | zittu ghodigu Zillwäku / kas laſẜiet mahk / warr licktes preek- |
Manc1631_LVM_22_4 | ſcha Laſẜitees / vnd allaſchien kur buhdams vs Deewa Wahr- |
Manc1631_LVM_22_5 | du domaht / vnd no to runnaht. |
Manc1631_LVM_22_6 | Tapehtz nhe apraudi / manns Draux / to Naudu / ko |
Manc1631_LVM_22_7 | tu par ſcho Ghramatu ißdohd / bett apdohma kahdu leelu |
Manc1631_LVM_22_8 | Manntu vnd Dahwanu tu tawai Dwehſẜeley eſẜi dabbuyees. |
Manc1631_LVM_22_9 | Daſſch ißpliete vnd apdſeŗŗ weenà deenà wairahk / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_22_10 | tickai leelohß Ghräkohß eekriet / vnd Deewu apkaitina / Ka- |
Manc1631_LVM_22_11 | pehtz tad mums ſchähl buhtu / to Naudu par ſcho Ghramatu |
Manc1631_LVM_22_12 | ißdoht / kattra mums mahza Deewu atſiet / vnd ka mums |
Manc1631_LVM_22_13 | ghodige dſiewoht buhß ? Ja tad nu juhß arridſan Deewu |
Manc1631_LVM_22_14 | vnd winya Wahrdu mieļohſẜeeta / tad Deews jums ſwähtieß / |
Manc1631_LVM_22_15 | ẜahtenahß / vnd Ghauſẜenahß ſcheit Laizige vnd pehtz Muh- |
Manc1631_LVM_22_16 | ſchige. Scheitan buhß ſwätietz tee Augļi tawas Meeſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_22_17 | ẜas / tee Augli tawas Druwas / vnd tee Augli tawo |
Manc1631_LVM_22_18 | Lohpo / vnd tee Augļi tawo Wehrſſcho / vñ tie Augļi |
Manc1631_LVM_22_19 | tawo Auyo / ſwähtietz buhß taws Kurrwis / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_22_20 | kas täw attleek / ſwähtietz buhſẜi tu ee=eedams / ſwä- |
Manc1631_LVM_22_21 | tietz iß=eedams / ka Deews patz ẜohliyis gir. Muſchige |
Manc1631_LVM_22_22 | ſwähties töw Deews / kad Wings töw teems ſwäteems |
Manc1631_LVM_22_23 | Engeļeems liedſe darries / vnd töw ar muhſchigu Gho- |
Manc1631_LVM_22_24 | du eekſchan Debbeſẜa=Wallſtibas apdawenahß : To dohd |
Manc1631_LVM_22_25 | mums wiſẜeems tas wiſẜewaldiex Deews / czaur Jeſum |
Manc1631_LVM_22_26 | Chriſtum muhſẜu Peſtitayu / kattram ar to ſwähtu |
Manc1631_LVM_22_27 | Gharru Ghodtz vnd Slawa gir ẜatzi- |
Manc1631_LVM_22_28 | ta / Amen. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_22_29 | Gerhard Schröder |
Manc1631_LVM_22_30 | Ghramatu=ſpedais. |
| @b{CVM} |
| |
| [23.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_23_1 | @l{CVM BONO DEO.} |
Manc1631_LVM_23_2 | @v{Die Epiſtel des Erſten} |
Manc1631_LVM_23_3 | @v{Sontags des Advents / Roman.} |
Manc1631_LVM_23_4 | @v{13.Capittel.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_23_5 | Myļi Braļi / kad mehß to ſinnam / ar |
Manc1631_LVM_23_6 | wahrdu to laiku / ka ta Stunda klah- |
Manc1631_LVM_23_7 | te gir / aukſcham czelltees no Meeghu |
Manc1631_LVM_23_8 | (aiſto muhſẜa Peſtiſchanna taggad |
Manc1631_LVM_23_9 | tuwaka gir / nhe ka mehs titzeyam)Ta |
Manc1631_LVM_23_10 | Nacktz gir paghayuſẜi / beth ta Dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_23_11 | na gir daggayuſẜi. Tapehts laideta |
Manc1631_LVM_23_12 | mums nolickt tohß darrbus tahß Tumbſẜibas / vnd ap- |
Manc1631_LVM_23_13 | willkt tahß Brunņas tahß Gaiſchibas. Laideta mums |
Manc1631_LVM_23_14 | ghodige ſtaigaht / ka Deenà / nhe eekſchan Ryſchanas / |
Manc1631_LVM_23_15 | vnd leekas dſerrſchanas / nhe eekſchan Kambareems vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_23_16 | Nheſkieſtibas / nhe eekſchan Bahrſchanas vnd Eenaidi- |
Manc1631_LVM_23_17 | bas. Bett apwellzeetha to Kungu JEſum CHriſtum / |
Manc1631_LVM_23_18 | vnd ghlabbayeeta to Meeſẜu / tomher / ka ta nhe laxta. |
| @b{Evan-} |
| |
| [24.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_24_1 | @v{Evangelium am Erſten Sontage des} |
Manc1631_LVM_24_2 | @v{Advents / Matth.21.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_24_3 | KAd tee nu tuwe py Jeruſalem nahze / py Bethwa- |
Manc1631_LVM_24_4 | ge py to Ölyekallnu / noẜutiya JEſus diwi no ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_24_5 | weems Mahzekļeems / vnd ẜatziya vs teems: No |
Manc1631_LVM_24_6 | eita tanni Jällgawà / kattra juhſẜo preekſcha gir / vnd tu- |
Manc1631_LVM_24_7 | deļļ attraſẜeeta juhs peeſẜeetu (@l{alij}, peerißtu ) weenu Eſeļa= |
Manc1631_LVM_24_8 | maht / vnd weenu Kumeļu py tahß / attraiſẜiyuſchi / |
Manc1631_LVM_24_9 | (attriſẜuſchi) attweddeta tohß py man / vnd kad jums kaß- |
Manc1631_LVM_24_10 | labban ko ſatzys / tad ſackaita : Tam Kungam wayaga |
Manc1631_LVM_24_11 | thäß / tudeļļ wings jums tohß attlaidyß. |
Manc1631_LVM_24_12 | Bett thaß noticka wiß / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_24_13 | peepilldiets kļuhtu / kas tur |
Manc1631_LVM_24_14 | ſatziets gir czaur to Prope- |
Manc1631_LVM_24_15 | tu katters tur ſtahſta: Ꞩac- |
Manc1631_LVM_24_16 | kaita tai Meitai Zion / |
Manc1631_LVM_24_17 | Raugi / taws Konings |
Manc1631_LVM_24_18 | nahk py töw lehnpratyx / |
Manc1631_LVM_24_19 | vnd jahy vs wenu Eſeli / |
Manc1631_LVM_24_20 | vnd vs weenu Kumeļu |
Manc1631_LVM_24_21 | tahß Naßtunäſẜetayas Eſeļa=Mahtes. |
Manc1631_LVM_24_22 | Tee Mahzekļi noghaya / vnd darriya / ka teems JE- |
Manc1631_LVM_24_23 | ſus pawehleyis by / vnd atwedde to Eſeļa=maht / vnd to |
Manc1631_LVM_24_24 | Kumeļu / vnd licka ẜawas Drehbes wirſẜu / vnd ẜädena- |
Manc1631_LVM_24_25 | ya to wirſẜu. bett dauds Ļaudis ißplattiya ẜawas Drehbes |
Manc1631_LVM_24_26 | vs czeļļu. Czitti czirta Sarrus{Sarŗus} no teems Koh= |
Manc1631_LVM_24_27 | keems / |
| |
| [25.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_25_1 | keems / vnd kaiſẜiya tohß vs czeļļu. Bett tee Ļaudis kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_25_2 | tri preekſcha gaya / vnd packaļ ſtaigaya / kleedſe vnd ẜatzi- |
Manc1631_LVM_25_3 | ya: Hoſianna tam Dawida Dählam : Slawähts gir |
Manc1631_LVM_25_4 | tas kas nahk / eekſchan Kunga Wahrda / Hoſianna eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_25_5 | ſchan tahß Auxtibas. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_25_6 | @v{Epiſtel am Andern Sontagedes Ad-} |
Manc1631_LVM_25_7 | @v{vents / Rom. 15.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_25_8 | MYļļi Brahļi: Kas papreekſche raxtiets gir / tas gir |
Manc1631_LVM_25_9 | mums par Mahzibu raxtiets / ka mehß czaur Pa- |
Manc1631_LVM_25_10 | tzeſchanu / vnd Preezibu ta Raxta Czerribu dab- |
Manc1631_LVM_25_11 | buyam. Bett Deews tahß Patzeſchanas vnd tahß Pree- |
Manc1631_LVM_25_12 | zibas / dohd jums / ka juhß weenprahtigi eſẜeeta juhſẜo ſtar- |
Manc1631_LVM_25_13 | pa / pehts Jeſum CHriſtum / ka juhß weenliedſige / ar |
Manc1631_LVM_25_14 | weenu Mutt teitzeeta Deewu vnd to Thäwu muhſẜa |
Manc1631_LVM_25_15 | Kunga JEſu Chriſti. Tapehts ſayemmeetees weens oh- |
Manc1631_LVM_25_16 | tru / liedſe ka jums CHriſtus gir ẜayehmis py Deewa |
Manc1631_LVM_25_17 | Slawu. |
Manc1631_LVM_25_18 | Bett es ẜacku / ka JEſus CHriſtus gir weens Kaļps |
Manc1631_LVM_25_19 | biyis tahß Apgraiſiſchanas / tahß Deewa Taißnibas |
Manc1631_LVM_25_20 | dehļ / ka ta Ꞩoliſchana / kattru tee Tahwi dabbuyuſchi |
Manc1631_LVM_25_21 | gir / apſtipprenata tapta. Bett ka tee Paggaņi Deewu |
Manc1631_LVM_25_22 | teitz / tahß Schalaſtibas dehļ / ka raxtiets gir :Tapehts |
Manc1631_LVM_25_23 | gribbu es töw teickt ſtarpan teems Paggaņeems / vnd ta- |
Manc1631_LVM_25_24 | wam Wahrdam dſeedaht. Vnd wehl ween reis ẜacka tas: |
Manc1631_LVM_25_25 | Preezayetees juhß Paggaņi ar ẜaweems Ļaudeems. |
Manc1631_LVM_25_26 | Vnd wehl ween reis : Ꞩlaweyeeta to Kungu wiſẜi Pag- |
| @b{gaņi /} |
| |
| [26.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_26_1 | gaņi vnd teitzeeta to wiſẜi Ļaudis. Vnd wehl ſacka Eſai- |
Manc1631_LVM_26_2 | as : Ta Sackne Jeſẜe buhs / vnd tas katters aukſcham |
Manc1631_LVM_26_3 | czellſẜees tohß Paggaņus walldiet / vs to tee Paggaņi |
Manc1631_LVM_26_4 | czerrehs. Bett Deews tahs Czerribas / peepillda jums |
Manc1631_LVM_26_5 | ar wiſẜadu Preezibu vnd Meeru / eekſchan Titzibas / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_26_6 | jums pillniga czerriba buhtu / czaur to Spähku ta |
Manc1631_LVM_26_7 | Swätha Gharra. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_26_8 | @v{Evangelium am andern Sontage des} |
Manc1631_LVM_26_9 | @v{Advents / Luc. 21.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_26_10 | VND Symes notix py |
Manc1631_LVM_26_11 | Ꞩaules un Mehnes / |
Manc1631_LVM_26_12 | vnd Swaigsneems / vnd vs |
Manc1631_LVM_26_13 | Semmes buhß teems Ļau- |
Manc1631_LVM_26_14 | deems bayl / vnd iſẜamiſẜiſẜees / |
Manc1631_LVM_26_15 | vnd ta Juhre / vnd tahß V- |
Manc1631_LVM_26_16 | dens Willnes kaux / vnd tee |
Manc1631_LVM_26_17 | Czillwäki dilltin nodills / iſẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_26_18 | bydamees / vnd ghaididami tahß leetas / kattri nahx vhß |
Manc1631_LVM_26_19 | Semmes |
Manc1631_LVM_26_20 | Aiſto irr tahß debbes Stipprumi kußtinahſẜees / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_26_21 | tad tee redſehß ta Czillwäka Dhälu nakoht Padebbeſẜys / |
Manc1631_LVM_26_22 | ar leelu Späku vnd Gohdu. Bett kad tas eeẜahx no- |
Manc1631_LVM_26_23 | tickt / tad ſkattaitees aukſcham / vnd pazelleeta juhſẜus |
Manc1631_LVM_26_24 | Ghallwus / tapehts / ka juhſẜa Peßtiſchana tuwake nahk. |
Manc1631_LVM_26_25 | Vnd wings ẜatziya teems weenu Lydſibu / vsluko- |
Manc1631_LVM_26_26 | yeta to Wygekohku / vnd wiſẜus Kohkus / tudeļļ / kad tee |
| @b{ißplauxt /} |
| |
| [27.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_27_1 | iſẜplauxt / tad rädſaht juhs py teems / nomannaita / |
Manc1631_LVM_27_2 | ka ta Waſẜara klaht gir. Ta juhß arridſan / kad juhß red- |
Manc1631_LVM_27_3 | ſehſẜeeta ſcho wiſẜu noteekam / tad ſinnaita ka ta Deewa |
Manc1631_LVM_27_4 | Wallſtiba tuwe klaht gir. Pattees / es ẜacku jums / Schy |
Manc1631_LVM_27_5 | Czillta nhe iſſuddies / teekams schiß wiß notix. Debbes |
Manc1631_LVM_27_6 | vnd Semme iſſuddys / bett mans Wahrts nhe ſuhd. |
Manc1631_LVM_27_7 | Bett ẜarrghayetees / ka juhſẜas Ꞩirdes nhe kļuhſt abgru- |
Manc1631_LVM_27_8 | tenatas ar Ryſchanu / vnd leeku dſerrſchanu / vnd ar |
Manc1631_LVM_27_9 | Ghadibu tahß Vſturreſchanas / vnd ſchy Deena nahk |
Manc1631_LVM_27_10 | peepeſche par jums. Aiſto ka kahts Slasda Walx ta |
Manc1631_LVM_27_11 | nahx / par wiſẜeems / kattri wirſẜon Semmes dſiewo. Tha |
Manc1631_LVM_27_12 | eſẜeeta nu modrigi allaſchien / vnd luhdſeeta ka juhs czee- |
Manc1631_LVM_27_13 | nigi warreeta tapt / ſcho wiſẜu ißbehkt / tas notix / vnd preek- |
Manc1631_LVM_27_14 | ſchan tha Czillwäka Dälu ſtahweht. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_27_15 | @v{Epiſtel am Dritten Sontage des Ad-} |
Manc1631_LVM_27_16 | @v{vents / 1. Corinth. 4.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_27_17 | MYļi Braļi / ick kattris ſkeetahß mums tadus äſẜo- |
Manc1631_LVM_27_18 | ſchus / ar wahrdu / Chriſti Kallpus vnd Nam- |
Manc1631_LVM_27_19 | maturrätayus par Deewa Apſlehpſchanu. Nu nhe tohp |
Manc1631_LVM_27_20 | wairs mecklähts py teems Nammaturrätayeems / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_27_21 | ween tas / ka tee peetitzigi attraſti tohp. Bett man gir ta |
Manc1631_LVM_27_22 | maſa leeta / ka es no jums teſẜahts kļuhßtu / jeb no kadu |
Manc1631_LVM_27_23 | Czillwäzigu Deenu. Es arridſan nhe teeſẜayohs ẜöw paſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_27_24 | ſchu. Es ſöw nhe neeka abſinnohs / bett tadehļ nhe äßmu |
Manc1631_LVM_27_25 | es tayßnohts. Bett tas Kunx gir kas man teeſẜa. Ta- |
Manc1631_LVM_27_26 | pehts nhe teeſẜaht preekſch laiku / teekam tas Kunx nahk / |
| @b{katters} |
| |
| [28.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_28_1 | katters arridsan preekſch Ghaißmu neſẜihß/ kas Thumbſẜi- |
Manc1631_LVM_28_2 | bà apſläpts gir vnd to Paddomu tahß Ꞩirdts ſinna- |
Manc1631_LVM_28_3 | mu darryhß / Tad ickweenam no Deewu Slawa notix. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_28_4 | @v{Evangelium am Dritten Sontagen des} |
Manc1631_LVM_28_5 | @v{Advents / Matth. 11.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_28_6 | KAd (Janis) Johannes Czeetumà tohs darrbus |
Manc1631_LVM_28_7 | Chriſti dſirdeya / ẜutiya wings diwi no ẜaweems |
Manc1631_LVM_28_8 | Mahzekļeems / vnd licka tam ẜatzieth : Eſẜi tu tas / kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_28_9 | tram nahktbuhß / jeb buhß |
Manc1631_LVM_28_10 | mums czittu ghaidiet ? JE- |
Manc1631_LVM_28_11 | ſus adbilldeya vnd ſatziya |
Manc1631_LVM_28_12 | vs teems / No eita / vnd at- |
Manc1631_LVM_28_13 | ẜackaita (Janam) Johanni |
Manc1631_LVM_28_14 | attkal / ko juhß rädſaht vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_28_15 | dſirrdaht / Tee Ackli räds / |
Manc1631_LVM_28_16 | vnd tee Tiſli eedt / tee Spit- |
Manc1631_LVM_28_17 | talighi kļuhſt ſkieſti / vnd tee |
Manc1631_LVM_28_18 | Kurrli dſirrd / tee Mirroņi czeļļahß aukſcham / vnd teems |
Manc1631_LVM_28_19 | Nabbagheems tohp tas Ewangeliums mahziets. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_28_20 | ſwähts gir tas / kas mannis dehļ nhe abgräkoyahß. |
Manc1631_LVM_28_21 | Kad tee noghaya / eeſahka JEſus runnaht / vs teems |
Manc1631_LVM_28_22 | Ļaudeems no (Jani) Johanne / Ko eſẜeeta juhß ißghayu- |
Manc1631_LVM_28_23 | ſchi Tuxneſẜi redſeht ? Gribbeyeeta juhß kahdu Needru |
Manc1631_LVM_28_24 | redſeht / kattru Wehſch ſchurp vnd turp ſchauba? Jeb |
Manc1631_LVM_28_25 | ko eſẜeeta juhß ißghayuſchi redſeht ? Gribbeyeeta juhs |
Manc1631_LVM_28_26 | kahdu Czillwäku myxtahß Drehbes redſeht ? Raugai- |
| @b{ta /} |
| |
| [29.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_29_1 | ta / kattri myxtas Drehbes näſẜa / gir Koninjo Nam- |
Manc1631_LVM_29_2 | mohs. Jeb ko eſẜeeta juhß ißghayuſchi redſeht? Gribbe- |
Manc1631_LVM_29_3 | yeeta juhß kahdu Proweetu redſeht? Ja es ẜacku jums / |
Manc1631_LVM_29_4 | katters arridſan auxtahx gir nheka kahtz Propeets. Ai- |
Manc1631_LVM_29_5 | ſto ſchiß gir / no kattru raxtitts gir / Raugi / es ſuhtu man- |
Manc1631_LVM_29_6 | nu Engeli preekſchan töw / kattram tawu Czeļļu preek- |
Manc1631_LVM_29_7 | ſchan töw / ſataiſẜiet buhß. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_29_8 | @v{Epiſtel am Vierdten Sontage des} |
Manc1631_LVM_29_9 | @v{Advents / Philipp. 4. Cap.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_29_10 | MYļi Braļi / preezayetees eekſchan to Kungu alla- |
Manc1631_LVM_29_11 | ſchien / vnd wehl ween kahrt ẜacku es / preezayetees |
Manc1631_LVM_29_12 | Laidetha juhſẜu Laipnibu ſinnamu tapt wiſẜeems Czill- |
Manc1631_LVM_29_13 | wäkeems. Tas Kunx gir klahte / nhe gahdayeeta nhenee- |
Manc1631_LVM_29_14 | ka / Bett wiſẜahß leetahß leetzetha juhſẜu Luhkſchanu eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_29_15 | ſchan Patareems vnd ghauſchu Luhkſchanu ar Patteizi- |
Manc1631_LVM_29_16 | bu preekſchan Deewu ſinnamu tapt. |
Manc1631_LVM_29_17 | Vnd tas Deewa Meers / katters auxtahx gir nheka |
Manc1631_LVM_29_18 | wiſẜa Ꞩapraſſchana / paſẜarga juhſẜas Ꞩirdes vnd Prah- |
Manc1631_LVM_29_19 | tus eekſchan CHriſto JEſu. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_29_20 | @v{Evangelium am Vierdten Sontagedes} |
Manc1631_LVM_29_21 | @v{Advents / Johan. 1.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_29_22 | Schy gir ta Leeziba Johannis / (Schy gir Jaņa Leeziba / |
Manc1631_LVM_29_23 | kad tee Juddi no Jeruſalemes ſuhtiya Baſnizas- |
Manc1631_LVM_29_24 | Kungus vnd Lewites / ka tee tam jautatu : Kas eſẜi tu ? |
| @b{Vnd} |
| |
| [30.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_30_1 | Vnd tas ißẜatziya / vnd nhe leedſeh. Vnd tas iſẜatziya / |
Manc1631_LVM_30_2 | Es nhe äßmu Chriſtus. Vnd tee jautaya tam : Kas |
Manc1631_LVM_30_3 | tad ? Eſẜi tu Elias ? Tas ſatziya: Es nhe äßmu. Eſẜi tu |
Manc1631_LVM_30_4 | kahts{kahß} Propeets ? Vnd tas adbildeya: Nhe. Tad ſatziya |
Manc1631_LVM_30_5 | tee vs to: Kas eſẜi tu tad? Ka mehs adbilldam teems / |
Manc1631_LVM_30_6 | kattri mums gir iſẜutiyuſchi / ko ẜacki tu patts no ẜöw? |
Manc1631_LVM_30_7 | Tas ẜatziya: Es äßmu weens ẜautzams Ballxnis wee- |
Manc1631_LVM_30_8 | na Mahzetaya Tuxneſẜy : Ꞩattaiſẜaita to czeļļu tha |
Manc1631_LVM_30_9 | Kunga / ka tas Propeets Eſaias ſatziyis gir. |
Manc1631_LVM_30_10 | Vnd tee kattri by iſẜutiti / |
Manc1631_LVM_30_11 | Tee by no teems Pariſee- |
Manc1631_LVM_30_12 | reems / vnd jautaya tam / |
Manc1631_LVM_30_13 | vnd ſatziya vs to: Kapehts |
Manc1631_LVM_30_14 | Chruſti (@l{alij} CHriſti) tu tad / |
Manc1631_LVM_30_15 | ka tu nhe eſẜi CHriſtus / |
Manc1631_LVM_30_16 | neds Elias / neds kahts |
Manc1631_LVM_30_17 | Propeets ? (Johannes |
Manc1631_LVM_30_18 | Janis) adbilldeya teems vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_30_19 | ẜatziya: Es Chruſtiyu ar Vdeni / Bett thaß gir wid- |
Manc1631_LVM_30_20 | du juhſẜo ſtarpa eghayis / kattru juhß nhe paſieſtaht / tas |
Manc1631_LVM_30_21 | gir / katters pehts man nahx / katters preekſch man biyis |
Manc1631_LVM_30_22 | gir kurŗam es nhe äßmu czeenix / winja kurrpya ſixnus |
Manc1631_LVM_30_23 | attraiſẜiet. Schiß noticka py Bethabaras / winya puſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_30_24 | ẜe Jordanes / kur Johannes Chruſtiya. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_30_25 | @v{Epiſtel am heiligen Chriſtage /} |
Manc1631_LVM_30_26 | @v{Tit. 2 Cap.} |
| @b{Ta} |
| |
| [31.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_31_1 | TA Deewa Mylestiba gir adſpideyuſſi wiſẜeems |
Manc1631_LVM_31_2 | Czillwäkeems / vnd pamahza mums / ka mums |
Manc1631_LVM_31_3 | buhß aisleekt to beßdeewigu Buhſchanu / vnd to paſẜau- |
Manc1631_LVM_31_4 | ligu Kahribu / vnd ghaddige / taißne / vnd ſwäte dſie- |
Manc1631_LVM_31_5 | woht ſchinni Paſẜaule / ghaididami to ſchehligu czerribu |
Manc1631_LVM_31_6 | vnd Adſpiedeſchanu tahß Ghodibas ta leela Deewa / |
Manc1631_LVM_31_7 | vnd muhſẜa Peßtitaya JEſu CHriſti / katters patts |
Manc1631_LVM_31_8 | muhſẜo dehļ nodeweeß gir / ka tas mums atpeſtitu no wiſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_31_9 | ẜenadas Nhetaißnibas / vnd ſöw paſſcham ſkieſtitohß |
Manc1631_LVM_31_10 | ypaſẜchus Ļaudis / kattri tſchackli buhtu py labbeems |
Manc1631_LVM_31_11 | darrbeems. To ẜacki / vnd peemini / vnd ẜohdi no wiſẜas |
Manc1631_LVM_31_12 | Ꞩirdts / nhe leezees nhe no weenu neezenateeß. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_31_13 | @v{Evangelium am heiligen Ehriſtage /} |
Manc1631_LVM_31_14 | @v{Luc 2.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_31_15 | TAs noticka tanni laikà / ka weens Baußlis no tho |
Manc1631_LVM_31_16 | Keiſeri Auguſtu ißghaya / wiſẜai Paſẜaulei by Mät- |
Manc1631_LVM_31_17 | täcklu doht. Vnd ſchy Mättäckla by wiſẜa pirrma / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_31_18 | noticka / tanni laikà / kad Kyrenius Semmes Ꞩoghis |
Manc1631_LVM_31_19 | Syrià by. Vnd ickattris noghaja / ka tas ẜawu Mättä- |
Manc1631_LVM_31_20 | cklu dohtu / ickattris ẜawà czillta Pilly. |
Manc1631_LVM_31_21 | Tad noghaja arridſan Joſeps no Galileas / no tahs |
Manc1631_LVM_31_22 | Pills Nazareth / Juddoſemme / Dawida Pilly / kattru |
Manc1631_LVM_31_23 | dehwe Bettlehem / tapehts ka tas no Dawida Raddu |
Manc1631_LVM_31_24 | vnd czilltu by / ka tas ẜawu Mättäcklu dohtu / ar Maria |
Manc1631_LVM_31_25 | ſawu apẜolytu Ghaßpaſchu / kattra ghruta by. |
Manc1631_LVM_31_26 | Vnd kad tee turpatt by / nahze tas Laix / kad tay by |
| @b{weßtees.} |
| |
| [32.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_32_1 | weßtees. Vnd ta weddehß |
Manc1631_LVM_32_2 | ẜawu pirrmu Dählu / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_32_3 | tinna to Autys / vnd licka |
Manc1631_LVM_32_4 | to Ꞩille. Aiſto teems nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_32_5 | by czittur weetas Maja- |
Manc1631_LVM_32_6 | weetà. Vnd Ghanni by |
Manc1631_LVM_32_7 | ap to ſtarrpu laukà / tee |
Manc1631_LVM_32_8 | ghanniya Nackty ẜawus |
Manc1631_LVM_32_9 | Lohpus. Vnd redſi / Tas |
Manc1631_LVM_32_10 | Engels tha Kunga peeſtaya py teems / vnd tas Spoh- |
Manc1631_LVM_32_11 | ſchums tha Kunga apſpydeya tohß / vnd tee biyayahß |
Manc1631_LVM_32_12 | ļohte. Vnd tas Engels ẜatziya vs teems : Nhebyſta- |
Manc1631_LVM_32_13 | tees : Redſi / Es paſluddenaju jums leelu Preeku / kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_32_14 | ters notix wiſẜeems Ļaudeems. Aiſto jums gir ſchodeen |
Manc1631_LVM_32_15 | tas Peſtitais peedſimmis / katters gir CHRiſtus tas |
Manc1631_LVM_32_16 | Kunx Dawida Pilly. Vnd to jemmeetees par Siemu / |
Manc1631_LVM_32_17 | juhß attraſẜeeta to Bärnu Autys etietu / vnd Ꞩille ghul- |
Manc1631_LVM_32_18 | liſchu. Vnd tudeļļ by py to Engeli tas Pullx tahß deb- |
Manc1631_LVM_32_19 | bes Draudſibas / tee ſlaweya Deewu / vnd ẜatziya: |
Manc1631_LVM_32_20 | Gohtz gir Deewam Auxtumà / vnd Meers wirſẜon |
Manc1631_LVM_32_21 | Semmes / vnd teems Czilwäkeems labs Prahts. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_32_22 | @v{Epiſtel in der andern Chriſtmeſſe /} |
Manc1631_LVM_32_23 | @v{Tit. 3. Cap.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_32_24 | PEhts to ka ta ſchälaſtiba / vnd ta Myläſtiba prettie |
Manc1631_LVM_32_25 | teems Czillwäkeems tha Deewa muhſẜa Peßtita- |
Manc1631_LVM_32_26 | ya parradiyuſẜes gir : Nhe to darrbo dheļ tahß Taißni- |
Manc1631_LVM_32_27 | bas / |
| |
| [33.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_33_1 | ba / kattrus mehß darriyam / bett ẜawas ſchälaſtibas |
Manc1631_LVM_33_2 | pehts darriya wings mums ẜwähtus czaur to Maſgha- |
Manc1631_LVM_33_3 | ſchannu tahß atſimbſchanas vnd atjaunaſchanas tha |
Manc1631_LVM_33_4 | ſwäta Gharra / kattru wings baggatige ißleyis gir par |
Manc1631_LVM_33_5 | mums / czaur JEſum CHriſtum muhſẜam Peſtitayam. |
Manc1631_LVM_33_6 | Kad mehß czaur winja ſchälaſtiba taisni tappuſchi / irr |
Manc1631_LVM_33_7 | Bährni buhtam tahß muſchigas dſiewoſchanas / czerre- |
Manc1631_LVM_33_8 | dami / tas gir itt teeſcham teeſẜe. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_33_9 | @v{Evangelium in der andern Chriſtmeſſe /} |
Manc1631_LVM_33_10 | @v{Luc. 2.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_33_11 | VNd kad tee Engeli no teems (Ghanneems) vs Deb- |
Manc1631_LVM_33_12 | bes brautze / ẜatziya te Ghanni ẜawà ſtarpà / laidee- |
Manc1631_LVM_33_13 | ta mums nu noeedth vs Bettlehem / vnd redſeht kas tur |
Manc1631_LVM_33_14 | gir notitziß / ka mums tas Kunx ſinnu gir dehwis. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_33_15 | tee nahze peepehſche / vnd attradda abbus / Mariam vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_33_16 | Joſepu / vnd to Bährnu Ꞩillite ghulloht. Bett kad tee |
Manc1631_LVM_33_17 | to by redſeyuſchi / ißpauſtiya tee to Wahrdu / kas teems |
Manc1631_LVM_33_18 | no to Bährnu by ẜatziets. Vnd wiſẜi / kattri to dſirrde- |
Manc1631_LVM_33_19 | ya / iſẜabrinoyas par to Wallodu / kattru tee Ghanni |
Manc1631_LVM_33_20 | teems by ẜatziyuſchi. Bett Maria patturrheya wiſẜus |
Manc1631_LVM_33_21 | ſchos wahrdus / vnd apdho- |
Manc1631_LVM_33_22 | maya tohß ẜawà Ꞩirdy. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_33_23 | tee Ghanni atgreeſehß / ſla- |
Manc1631_LVM_33_24 | weya vnd teitze Deewu / par |
Manc1631_LVM_33_25 | wiſẜu / ko tee by dſirrdeyuſchi |
Manc1631_LVM_33_26 | vnd redſeyuſchi. Lieds ka |
Manc1631_LVM_33_27 | teems ſtahßſtiets by. |
| @b{Epiſtel} |
| |
| [34.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_34_1 | @v{Epiſtel in der dritten Chriſtmeſſen /} |
Manc1631_LVM_34_2 | @v{Ebr. 1.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_34_3 | KAd Deews pirrmayohß daſchade Reiſe vnd vs da- |
Manc1631_LVM_34_4 | ſchadu Wies runnayis gir teems Thäweems / czaur |
Manc1631_LVM_34_5 | teems Proweeteems / Gir wings pehdige ſchinnieß dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_34_6 | nahß runnayis czaur to Dhälu / kattru tas eſtadiyis gir |
Manc1631_LVM_34_7 | par Manntenecku par wiſẜahms leetahms / czaur kattru |
Manc1631_LVM_34_8 | wings irr to Paſẜaul darriyis gir. Katters buhdams ta |
Manc1631_LVM_34_9 | Atſpiedeſchana tahß Teikſchanas vnd tas liedſena Ghy- |
Manc1631_LVM_34_10 | mis winjas Buhſchanas / näßdams wiſẜas leetas ar ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_34_11 | wu ſpehzigu Wahrdu / ſkieſtidams muhſẜus Grähkus |
Manc1631_LVM_34_12 | czaur ẜöw paſſchu / gir wings ẜöw ẜädenayees py labbahß |
Manc1631_LVM_34_13 | Rohkas tahß Ghodibas / auxtumà / teek auxtahx parr |
Manc1631_LVM_34_14 | teems Engeļeems tappis / czeek auxtaku Wahrdu par |
Manc1631_LVM_34_15 | teems gir manntoyis. |
Manc1631_LVM_34_16 | Aiſto vs kattru Engeli gir tas kahdu reiſu ẜatziyis / |
Manc1631_LVM_34_17 | tu eſẜi mans Dähls / Schodeen äßmu es töw peedſim- |
Manc1631_LVM_34_18 | mis? Vnd wehl weenu reiſu: Es buhſſchu winja Thäws / |
Manc1631_LVM_34_19 | vnd wings buhß mans Dähls. Vnd atkal / kad tas ee- |
Manc1631_LVM_34_20 | wädd to pirmo peedſimtu eekſchan tahß Paſẜaules / ẜacka |
Manc1631_LVM_34_21 | tas: Vnd to buhß wiſẜems Deewa Engeļeems peeluhkt |
Manc1631_LVM_34_22 | Vnd no teems Engeļeems ẜacka tas ghanne / Tas darra |
Manc1631_LVM_34_23 | ẜawus Engeļus Gharrus / vnd ẜawus Ꞩullaiņus Vg- |
Manc1631_LVM_34_24 | gunaläſmus. Bett no to Dählu: Deews / taws Krähß- |
Manc1631_LVM_34_25 | lis palleek muſchige muſcham. Ta Riexte tawas Wall- |
Manc1631_LVM_34_26 | ſtibas / gir taißna Riexte. Tu eſẜi myļoyis to Taißnibu / |
Manc1631_LVM_34_27 | vnd enideyis to Nhetaißnibu / tapehts gir töw / O Deews / |
| @b{ſwaidiyis} |
| |
| [35.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_35_1 | ſwaidiyis taws Deews / ar to Ölye tahs Lyxmibas / wai- |
Manc1631_LVM_35_2 | rahk nhe ka tawus Beedrus. Vnd tu Kunx eſẜi no Eeẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_35_3 | kummu to Semm dibbinayis / vnd tee Debbeſẜi gir ta- |
Manc1631_LVM_35_4 | was Rohkas darrbi. Te paſſchi iſẜuddys / bett tu pallixi / |
Manc1631_LVM_35_5 | vnd tee wiſẜi taps wätzi / ka kahda drehbe / vnd ka Wad- |
Manc1631_LVM_35_6 | malu tu tohs ẜatyſtiſẜi / vnd tee pawährſẜees. Bett tu |
Manc1631_LVM_35_7 | eſẜi tas patz / vnd tawi Ghaddi nhe mitteſẜees. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_35_8 | @v{Evangelium in der dritten Chriſtmeß /} |
Manc1631_LVM_35_9 | @v{Johan. 1. Cap.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_35_10 | EEkſchan Eeẜakumu by tas Wahrdts / vnd tas |
Manc1631_LVM_35_11 | Wahrdts by py Deewu / vnd Deews by tas |
Manc1631_LVM_35_12 | Wahrdts. Tas patz by Eeẜakumà py Deewu. Wiſẜas |
Manc1631_LVM_35_13 | leetas gir czaur ta paſſchu darritas / vnd beß to paſſchu |
Manc1631_LVM_35_14 | nhe gir nheneeka darriets / kas gir darriets. Eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_35_15 | to by ta Dſiewiba / vnd ta |
Manc1631_LVM_35_16 | Dſiewiba by ta Ghaißma |
Manc1631_LVM_35_17 | To Czilwäko / vnd ta Ghaiſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_35_18 | ma ſpideya eekſchan tahß |
Manc1631_LVM_35_19 | Tumbſibas / vnd ta Tumſi- |
Manc1631_LVM_35_20 | ba nhe gir to ſayämuſẜi. |
Manc1631_LVM_35_21 | Weens Czillwäx tap- |
Manc1631_LVM_35_22 | pa no Deewu ſuhtiets / tam |
Manc1631_LVM_35_23 | by Janis Wahrdts. Taß |
Manc1631_LVM_35_24 | patz nahze Leezibà / ka taß no to Ghaißmu Leezibu dohtu / |
Manc1631_LVM_35_25 | ka wiſẜi czaur to titzätu. Wings nhe by ta Ghaißma / bett |
Manc1631_LVM_35_26 | ka taß Leezibu dohtu no to Ghaißmu. Ta by ta yſtana |
| @b{Ghaiß-} |
| |
| [36.lpp.] |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_36_1 | Ghaißma / kattra wiſẜus Czillwäkus apſkaidro / kattri |
Manc1631_LVM_36_2 | ſchinni Paſẜaule nahk. Ta by Paſẜaule / vnd ta Paſẜaule |
Manc1631_LVM_36_3 | gir czaur to paſſchu darrita / vnd ta Paſẜaule nhe paſinna |
Manc1631_LVM_36_4 | tho. |
Manc1631_LVM_36_5 | Taß nahze ẜawà Pederreſchanà / vnd ẜawi nhe vsjeh- |
Manc1631_LVM_36_6 | me tho. Bet czeek to vsjehme / teems dewe taß waļļu Dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_36_7 | wa Bährnus tapt / kattri winja Wahrdam titz. Kattri |
Manc1631_LVM_36_8 | nhe no Aſẜini / neds no tahß Meeſẜas Gribbeſchanu / neds |
Manc1631_LVM_36_9 | no kahdu Wyra Gribbeſchanu / bett no Deewu dſimmu- |
Manc1631_LVM_36_10 | ſchi gir. Vnd taß Wahrds tappa Meeſẜa / vnd dſiwoya |
Manc1631_LVM_36_11 | ſtarpan mums. Vnd mehs redſeyam winja Ghodibu / |
Manc1631_LVM_36_12 | weenu Ghodibu ka tha weenapedſimbta Dähla no Thä- |
Manc1631_LVM_36_13 | wu / pills Schälaſtibas vnd Taißnibas. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_36_14 | @v{Epiſtel am Tage Stephani des heiligen} |
Manc1631_LVM_36_15 | @v{Martyrers / A ſ. 6. & 7.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_36_16 | STephanus pills Titzibas vnd Späka / darriya |
Manc1631_LVM_36_17 | Brynumus vnd leelas Symes ſtarpan teems |
Manc1631_LVM_36_18 | Ļaudeems. Tad czehlehß czitti aukſcham no tahß Sko- |
Manc1631_LVM_36_19 | las / kattra dehweh to Libertinero / vnd to Cyrenero / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_36_20 | to Alexanderero / vnd to / kattri no Cilicia vnd Aſia by / |
Manc1631_LVM_36_21 | vnd apjautayahß ar Stephano / vnd tee nhe ſpehya pret- |
Manc1631_LVM_36_22 | tie ſtaweht tai Ghuddribai vnd tam Gharram / katters |
Manc1631_LVM_36_23 | tur runnaya. |
Manc1631_LVM_36_24 | Tad ißmaziya tee czittus Wyrus / tee ẜatziya: Mehs |
Manc1631_LVM_36_25 | äſẜam to dſirrdeyuſchi neewigus Wahrdus runnayam / |
Manc1631_LVM_36_26 | prett Moſen / vnd prett Deewu. Vnd ẜakudenaya tohß |
| @b{Ļaudis /} |
| |
| [37.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_37_1 | Ļaudis / vnd tohß Wätzakus / vnd tohß Raxta=mazetai- |
Manc1631_LVM_37_2 | jus / vnd peſtaya / vnd rahwe to nohſt / vnd wedde to preek- |
Manc1631_LVM_37_3 | ſchan teems Runnas=kungeems / vnd atwedde willtigus |
Manc1631_LVM_37_4 | Leezenekus preekſchan / tee satziya: Schiß Czillwähx nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_37_5 | mittahß runnaht neewigus Wahrdus / pret ſcho ſwähtu |
Manc1631_LVM_37_6 | weetu vnd Baußlu. Aiſto mehs äſẜam dſirrdeyuſchi to |
Manc1631_LVM_37_7 | ẜackoht / JEſus no Nazareht ſcho weetu ißpoſtys / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_37_8 | pahrwehrs tahß dohtas Mahzibas / kattrus mums Mo- |
Manc1631_LVM_37_9 | ſes dewis gir. Vnd tee ſkattiyahß vs to wiſẜi / kattri tan- |
Manc1631_LVM_37_10 | ni Runnà ẜehdeya / vnd redſeya winju Waigu / ka kahdà |
Manc1631_LVM_37_11 | Engela Waigu. |
Manc1631_LVM_37_12 | Kad tee to dſirrdeya / ghaya taß teems czaur Ꞩirrdi / |
Manc1631_LVM_37_13 | vnd ẜackohde tohß Sohbus par to. Bett kad wings pills |
Manc1631_LVM_37_14 | ſwäta Gharra by / vslukoya taß vs Debbes / vnd redſeya |
Manc1631_LVM_37_15 | Deewa Ghodibu / vnd JEſum ſtahweht py Deewa lab- |
Manc1631_LVM_37_16 | bahß Rohkas / vnd{vud} ẜatziya / Raugi / es rädſu to Debbes |
Manc1631_LVM_37_17 | attwäru / vnd{vud} ta Czillwäka Dählu py Deewa labbahß |
Manc1631_LVM_37_18 | Rohkas ſtahwoht. Bett tee kleedſe ſtippre / vnd aißtur- |
Manc1631_LVM_37_19 | turreya ẜawas Auſẜis / vnd mahzehß kruhſcho Kruh- |
Manc1631_LVM_37_20 | teems vs to / ißghrude to no Pillis ara / vnd nomätaya |
Manc1631_LVM_37_21 | to ar Ackmineems. Vnd te Leezineeki nolicka ẜawas dreh- |
Manc1631_LVM_37_22 | bes py kahyeems weena Jaunekļa{Jauenkļa} / tam by wahrts Ꞩau- |
Manc1631_LVM_37_23 | lus. Vnd nomätaya Stephanum ar Ackmineems / kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_37_24 | ters vs=ẜautze vnd ẜatziya / Kunx JEſu / vsjäm mannu |
Manc1631_LVM_37_25 | Dwehſẜel. Bett wings czeļļohß mäßdamees ſtippre |
Manc1631_LVM_37_26 | brehze / Kunx nhe peelagadi teems ſchos Ghräkus. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_37_27 | to ẜatziyis / aißmigga tas. |
| @b{Evan-} |
| |
| [38.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_38_1 | @v{Evangelium am tage S. Stephani /} |
Manc1631_LVM_38_2 | @v{Matth. 23. Capit.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_38_3 | JEſus ẜatziya vs teems Raxta=mazetayeems vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_38_4 | Phariſeereems: Raugi / es ẜuhtu py jums Pro- |
Manc1631_LVM_38_5 | phetus vnd Ghuddrus / vnd Raxtamazetayus / vnd no |
Manc1631_LVM_38_6 | teems juhs czittus nokauſẜeet / vnd Kruſta ẜittiſẜeet / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_38_7 | czittus juhß ſchautiſẜet juhſẜahß Skolahß / vnd tohß wa- |
Manc1631_LVM_38_8 | yaſẜeta no weenas Pills otrà. Ka par jums nahktu / wiß |
Manc1631_LVM_38_9 | tas taißnis Aſẜins / katters ißleets gir wirſẜu Semmes/ |
Manc1631_LVM_38_10 | eeẜahkoht no to Aſẜini tha taißna Abeļa / ihß to Aſẜini |
Manc1631_LVM_38_11 | Zachariae Barachia Dähla / kattri juhß eſẜeeta nokahwu- |
Manc1631_LVM_38_12 | ſchi ſtarpan to Baſnizu vnd Altari. Pattees es ẜacku |
Manc1631_LVM_38_13 | jums / ka ſchiß wißnotaļļ par ſcho Czilltu nahx. |
Manc1631_LVM_38_14 | Jeruſalem / Jeruſalem / |
Manc1631_LVM_38_15 | kattra tu nokaw tohß Pro- |
Manc1631_LVM_38_16 | phetus / vnd ar Ackmineems |
Manc1631_LVM_38_17 | nomäti kattri py töw ẜutiti |
Manc1631_LVM_38_18 | gir. Czeekahrt äßmu es ta- |
Manc1631_LVM_38_19 | was Bährnus gribbeyis |
Manc1631_LVM_38_20 | ẜakraht / ka kahda Wiſta ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_38_21 | krahy ẜawus Czaliſchus ap- |
Manc1631_LVM_38_22 | pakſchan (@l{alij} ſämm) ẜaweems |
Manc1631_LVM_38_23 | Spahrneems / vnd juhß nhe gribbeyaht? Raugi / juhſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_38_24 | ẜam Nammam buhß pohſt atſtatam tapt. Aiſto es ẜacku |
Manc1631_LVM_38_25 | jums / juhß man no ſcho laiku nhe redſeſẜeeta / teekams |
Manc1631_LVM_38_26 | jums ẜatziſẜeeta: Slawähtz gir tas / kas nahk ta Kunga |
Manc1631_LVM_38_27 | Wahrdà. |
| @b{Epiſtel} |
| |
| [39.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_39_1 | @v{Lection am Tage Johannis / des Apoſtels} |
Manc1631_LVM_39_2 | @v{vnd Evangeliſten / Syrach 15 Cap.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_39_3 | TO nhe darra nhe weens / ka kaß to Kungu byſtahs / |
Manc1631_LVM_39_4 | vnd kas ẜöw py Deewu Wahrdu turrahs / tas at |
Manc1631_LVM_39_5 | trohd to. Vnd winja tam ẜaſtaps / ka kahda Mahte / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_39_6 | to ẜajembs ka kahda jauna Brute. Winja to ähdenahß |
Manc1631_LVM_39_7 | ar Mais tahs Ꞩapraſſchanas / vnd to dſirrdinahß ar |
Manc1631_LVM_39_8 | Vdeni tahs Guddribas. Czaur to tas ſtippris kļuß / |
Manc1631_LVM_39_9 | ka tas ſtippre ſtaweht warr / vnd ẜöw py winjas turrehſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_39_10 | ẜees / ka tas kaunà nhe kļuhſt. Winja to pa=auxtenahß |
Manc1631_LVM_39_11 | par ẜawu Tuwaku / vnd tam ẜawu Mutt attplehties pul- |
Manc1631_LVM_39_12 | kà. Winja to appuſchkohß ar Preeku vnd Lyxmibu / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_39_13 | ar muhſchigu Wahrdu apdawenahß. Bett tee Jegki |
Manc1631_LVM_39_14 | to nhe attrohd / vnd Beßdeewigi to nhe warr eeraudſiet. |
Manc1631_LVM_39_15 | Aiſto winja gir taļe no teems Läppneems / vnd tee Willti- |
Manc1631_LVM_39_16 | neeki nhe ſinna neneeka no tahs. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_39_17 | @v{Evangelium am Tage Johannis des Apo-} |
Manc1631_LVM_39_18 | @v{ſtels vnd Evangeliſten / Joh: 21.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_39_19 | JEſus ẜatziya vs Peteri / ſtaiga man pehts. Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_39_20 | Peteris attgreeſehs / vnd redſehya to Mazekli |
Manc1631_LVM_39_21 | pehts ſtaigayoſchu / kattru JEſus myļoya / katters ar- |
Manc1631_LVM_39_22 | ridſan py winja Kruhteems Wackara=ähdeni (@l{alij} Wacke- |
Manc1631_LVM_39_23 | rinyà) ghulleyis by / vnd ẜatziyis / Kunx / kaß gir tas / kas |
Manc1631_LVM_39_24 | töw peewils? Kad Peteris ſcho redſeya / ẜacka tas vs JE- |
Manc1631_LVM_39_25 | ſu / Kunx / bett ko buhß ſchim? JEſus ẜacka vs to : Ja |
| @b{es} |
| |
| [40.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_40_1 | es ghribbu / ka tam pallickt |
Manc1631_LVM_40_2 | buhß / teekams es nahku / |
Manc1631_LVM_40_3 | ko tu par to bähda? Stai- |
Manc1631_LVM_40_4 | ga tu man pehts. Tas iß- |
Manc1631_LVM_40_5 | pauda weena Walloda |
Manc1631_LVM_40_6 | ſtarpan teems Brahļeems / |
Manc1631_LVM_40_7 | Schiß Mazeklis nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_40_8 | mirrſt. Vnd JEſus nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_40_9 | ẜatziya vs to / wings nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_40_10 | mirrſt / bett ja es ghribbu / ka tam pallickt buhß / teekams |
Manc1631_LVM_40_11 | es nahku / ko tu par to bähda? Schiß gir tas Mazeklis/ |
Manc1631_LVM_40_12 | kas no ſchahms leetahms leezibu dohd / vnd gir ſcho rax- |
Manc1631_LVM_40_13 | tiyis / vnd mehs ſinnam / ka winja Leeziba teſẜa gir. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_40_14 | @v{Epiſtel am Sontage nach dem Chriſtage /} |
Manc1631_LVM_40_15 | @v{Gal. 4.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_40_16 | MYļi Braļi / es ẜacku / tick illge ka tas Manteneex |
Manc1631_LVM_40_17 | Bährns gir / nhe gir ſtarpan to vnd Kallpu kahda |
Manc1631_LVM_40_18 | Noſkirrſchana: Jepſche wings Kunx gir par wiſẜu Mann- |
Manc1631_LVM_40_19 | tu / bett wings gir appakſchan teems Paglabeyeems vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_40_20 | Ꞩargeems / ihß to nolicktu laiku no Tähwu. Tha mehs |
Manc1631_LVM_40_21 | arridſan / kad mhes Bährni biyam / tad biyam mhes |
Manc1631_LVM_40_22 | ghuſtiti appakſchan ariſkeyu Baußlu. Bett kad tas laix |
Manc1631_LVM_40_23 | peepilldiets by / ẜuhtiya Deews ẜawu Dählu / peedſimb- |
Manc1631_LVM_40_24 | tu no weenas Ꞩeewas / vnd appakſchan to Baußlu no- |
Manc1631_LVM_40_25 | licktu / ka tas tohß / kattri appakſchan to Baußlu by / atpe- |
Manc1631_LVM_40_26 | ſtitu / ka mhes to Bährna=Manntibu dabbuitam. Ka |
| @b{juhß} |
| |
| [41.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_41_1 | juhß tad Bährni eſẜeta / gir Deews ẜuhtiyis to Gharru |
Manc1631_LVM_41_2 | ẜawa Dähla juhſẜahß Sirdihß / tas brähts / Abba / my- |
Manc1631_LVM_41_3 | ļais Tähws. Tha nhe gir nu ſcheitan nhe weens Kalps |
Manc1631_LVM_41_4 | wairs / bett Bährni ween. Bett gir tee Bährni / tad gir |
Manc1631_LVM_41_5 | tee arridſan Deewa Mantineeki / czaur CHriſtum. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_41_6 | @v{Evangelium am Sontage nach dem Chri-} |
Manc1631_LVM_41_7 | @v{ſtage / Luc. 2.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_41_8 | JEſu Thäws vnd Mahte iſẜabrinoyahß par to / kaß |
Manc1631_LVM_41_9 | no to runnahts tappa. Vnd Simeons ſwehtiya |
Manc1631_LVM_41_10 | tohß / vnd ẜatziya vs Maria winja Maht:Rauge / Schiß |
Manc1631_LVM_41_11 | kļuhſt licktz par Krittumu vnd Aukſcham czellſchanu |
Manc1631_LVM_41_12 | dauds Ļaudeems eekſchan Jſraël / vnd par Siem / kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_41_13 | tram prettie runnahts tohp. Vnd Sohbins czaur tawu |
Manc1631_LVM_41_14 | Dwehſẜel ſpeedihſẜees / ka dauds Ꞩirdts domaſchana ſin- |
Manc1631_LVM_41_15 | nama tohp. |
Manc1631_LVM_41_16 | Vnd tur by weena Pro- |
Manc1631_LVM_41_17 | peetinna / Anna Panueļa |
Manc1631_LVM_41_18 | Meita / no Aſera Czilltu / |
Manc1631_LVM_41_19 | ta by wetziga/ vnd by dſiwo- |
Manc1631_LVM_41_20 | yuſẜi ẜeptinjus Ghaddus ar |
Manc1631_LVM_41_21 | ẜawu Wyru / pehts ẜawas |
Manc1631_LVM_41_22 | Jumprawibas / vnd by At- |
Manc1631_LVM_41_23 | raitne py aſtoņedeßmit- |
Manc1631_LVM_41_24 | teems vnnd tſchettreems |
Manc1631_LVM_41_25 | Ghaddeems / ta nahze muhſcham no Baſnizas / kallpo- |
Manc1631_LVM_41_26 | ja Deewam ar Ghaweſchanu vnd Patareems deenas |
Manc1631_LVM_41_27 | vnd Nacktis. Ta patti peegaya arridſan tanni paſſchà |
| @b{ſtundà /} |
| |
| [42.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_42_1 | ſtundà / vnd teitze to Kungu / vnd runnaya no to wiſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_42_2 | ẜeems / kattri vs to Peſtiſchanu eckſchan Jeruſalemes |
Manc1631_LVM_42_3 | ghaidiya. Vnd kad tee wiſẜas leetas pabeighuſchi by / |
Manc1631_LVM_42_4 | pehts tha Kunga Baußlu / ghreeſehs tee attkal eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_42_5 | Galileà / vs ſawu Pili Nazareth. Bett tas Bährns |
Manc1631_LVM_42_6 | augha / vnd kļua ſtippris Gharrà / pills Ghuddribas / |
Manc1631_LVM_42_7 | vnd Deewa Schälaſtiba by py to. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_42_8 | @v{Epiſtel am Newen Jahrs Tage /} |
Manc1631_LVM_42_9 | @v{Gal. 3.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_42_10 | BEtt pirms ta Titziba nahze / tappam mhes appak- |
Manc1631_LVM_42_11 | ſchan to Baußlu paſẜarrghati vnd apſlähkti / vs |
Manc1631_LVM_42_12 | tahß Titzibas / kattrai by ſinnamai tapt. Tha gir tas |
Manc1631_LVM_42_13 | Baußlis muhſẜo Mazetays vs CHriſtum / ka mehs |
Manc1631_LVM_42_14 | czaur to Titzibu taißni taptam. Bett nu ta Titziba gir |
Manc1631_LVM_42_15 | nahkuſẜi / nhe äſẜam mhes wairs appakſchan to Mazeta- |
Manc1631_LVM_42_16 | yu. Aiſto juhß eſẜeeta wiſẜi Deewa Bährni / czaur to |
Manc1631_LVM_42_17 | Titzibu vs CHriſtum JEſum. Aiſto czeek juhß CHri- |
Manc1631_LVM_42_18 | ſtiti eſẜeeta / teek gir CHriſtum apwillkuſchi. Scheit nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_42_19 | gir nhe weens Judds / neds Greekis / Scheit nhe gir nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_42_20 | weens Kalps /neds Swabbadneex / Scheit nhe gir nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_42_21 | weens Wyrs / neds Ꞩeewa / Aiſto juhß eſẜeeta wiſẜi no- |
Manc1631_LVM_42_22 | taļ weens eekſchan CHriſto JEſu. Bett eſẜeeta juhß |
Manc1631_LVM_42_23 | CHriſti / tad eſẜeeta juhß jo Abrahama Ꞩähkla / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_42_24 | pehts tahß Ꞩohliſchanas Manntineeki. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_42_25 | @v{Evangelium am Newen Jahrs Tage /} |
Manc1631_LVM_42_26 | @v{Luc. 2. Cap.} |
| |
| @b{Vnd} |
| |
| [43.lpp.] |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_43_1 | VNd tad aſtoņas Dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_43_2 | nas paghayuſchi by / |
Manc1631_LVM_43_3 | ka tas Bährns apgreeſts |
Manc1631_LVM_43_4 | taptu / tad kļua winja |
Manc1631_LVM_43_5 | Wahrdts dehwehts JE- |
Manc1631_LVM_43_6 | SVS / katters dehwehts |
Manc1631_LVM_43_7 | by no to Engeli / pirms tas |
Manc1631_LVM_43_8 | Mathes meeſẜahs ejämbts |
Manc1631_LVM_43_9 | tappa. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_43_10 | @v{Epiſtel am Tage der heiligen drey Könige /} |
Manc1631_LVM_43_11 | @v{Oder Erſcheinung Chriſti / Eſaiae 60.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_43_12 | VSmohſti / thopi ghaiſma / aiſto tawa Ghaißma |
Manc1631_LVM_43_13 | nahk / vnd tha Kunga Ghodiba vslätz par töw. |
Manc1631_LVM_43_14 | Aiſto raugi / Tumſẜiba apklay to Semm / vnd Krehßli- |
Manc1631_LVM_43_15 | ba tohß Ļaudis. Bett par töw vslätz tas Kunx / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_43_16 | winja Ghodiba atſpied par töw. Vnd tee Pagaaņi ta- |
Manc1631_LVM_43_17 | wà Ghaiſſchumà ſtaigahß / vnd te Konigi Skaidrumà / |
Manc1631_LVM_43_18 | kattra par töw vslätz. Patzell tawas Atzis / vnd apſkat- |
Manc1631_LVM_43_19 | tais / Schee wiſẜi ẜakrati nahk py töw. Tawi Dähli |
Manc1631_LVM_43_20 | nahx no tahlenes / vnd tawas Meitas ẜahnohß taps vs- |
Manc1631_LVM_43_21 | audſenatas. Tad tu tawu Preeku redſeſẜi / vnd ļohte |
Manc1631_LVM_43_22 | liexma buhſẜi vnd tawa Ꞩirdts iſẜabrynoſẜes / vnd ißplat- |
Manc1631_LVM_43_23 | tiſẜes / kad tas Pulx py Juhres py töw attgreeſchas / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_43_24 | tas Spähx to Paggaņo py töw nahk. Aiſto tas Pulx |
Manc1631_LVM_43_25 | to Meſſchaſirgo töw apklahß / tee Tätzetayi no Midian |
Manc1631_LVM_43_26 | vnd Epa / Tee no Saba wiſẜi nahx / Sältu vnd Wyroku |
Manc1631_LVM_43_27 | neſẜihß / vnd tha Kunga Ꞩlawu paſluddenahß. |
| @b{Evan-} |
| |
| [44.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_44_1 | @v{Evangelium am Tage der H drey Könige /} |
Manc1631_LVM_44_2 | @v{oder Erſcheinung CHriſti / Matth. 2.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_44_3 | KAd JEſus peedſimmis |
Manc1631_LVM_44_4 | by / eekſchan Bettlehe- |
Manc1631_LVM_44_5 | mes Juddoſem̃e / tha Konin- |
Manc1631_LVM_44_6 | ga Herodes laikà / Rauge/ |
Manc1631_LVM_44_7 | tad nahze tee Ghuddri no |
Manc1631_LVM_44_8 | Auſtruma Semmes eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_44_9 | ſchan Jeruſalem / vnd ẜatzi- |
Manc1631_LVM_44_10 | ja / kur gir tas jauns pee- |
Manc1631_LVM_44_11 | dſimbts Konings to Juddo? |
Manc1631_LVM_44_12 | Mehs äſẜam winja Swaigſnu redſeyuſchi Auſtruma |
Manc1631_LVM_44_13 | Semme / vnd äſẜam nakuſchi to peeluhkt. |
Manc1631_LVM_44_14 | Kad to tas Konings Herodes dſirrdeya / iſẜabiya- |
Manc1631_LVM_44_15 | jahß wings / vnd ar to wiſẜa Jeruſalem / vnd licka ẜakraht |
Manc1631_LVM_44_16 | wiſẜus Auxtus Baſnizas=Kungus / vnd Raxtamahzeta- |
Manc1631_LVM_44_17 | yus ſtarpan teems Ļaudeems / vnd ißklauſẜiya no teems/ |
Manc1631_LVM_44_18 | kur CHriſtum by peedſimtam tapt. Vnd tee ẜatziya tam: |
Manc1631_LVM_44_19 | Bettleheme Juddoſemme. Aiſto ta ſtahw raxtiets czaur |
Manc1631_LVM_44_20 | to Propeetu : Vnd tu Bettlehem Juddoſemme / eſẜi |
Manc1631_LVM_44_21 | nheneekade ta maſaka ſtarpan teems leeleems Kungeems |
Manc1631_LVM_44_22 | Juda / aiſto aran töw{höw} buhß man nahkt tam Kungam / |
Manc1631_LVM_44_23 | katters par manneems Ļaudeems Jſraël Kunx buhß. |
Manc1631_LVM_44_24 | Tad aitzenaya Herodes tohß Ghuddrus paſläppän / |
Manc1631_LVM_44_25 | vnd ißklauſẜiya Ꞩirrdige no teems / kad ta Swaigſne pa- |
Manc1631_LVM_44_26 | ſpiedeyuſẜi by / vnd rahdiya tohß vs Bettlehem / vnd ẜatzi- |
| @b{ja:} |
| |
| [45.lpp.] |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_45_1 | ja: Eyta / vnd ißwaizayeeta no Ꞩirdts to Behrniņju. |
Manc1631_LVM_45_2 | Vnd kad juhß to attrohdaht / tad atſackaita man / ka es ar- |
Manc1631_LVM_45_3 | ridſan nahku / vnd peeluhdſcho to. |
Manc1631_LVM_45_4 | Kad tee nu to Koninju dſirrdeyuſchi by / aisghaya tee. |
Manc1631_LVM_45_5 | Vnd raugi / ta Swaigſne / kattru tee Auſtruma Semme |
Manc1631_LVM_45_6 | redſeyuſchi by / ghaya preekſchan teems / vnd ſtahweja |
Manc1631_LVM_45_7 | wirſẜu pahre / kur tas Behrnings by. Kad tee to Swaigſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_45_8 | nu redſeya / kļua tee ļohte lyxmi / vnd eeghaya Nammà / |
Manc1631_LVM_45_9 | vnd attradda to Behrninju ar Maria ẜawu Maht / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_45_10 | kritta ſemme / vnd peeluhdſe to. Vnd addarriya ẜawu |
Manc1631_LVM_45_11 | Manntu / vnd abdawenaya to ar Sälltu / Wyrohku / |
Manc1631_LVM_45_12 | vnd Myrrhes. Vnd Deews pawehleya teems Ꞩappni / |
Manc1631_LVM_45_13 | ka teems nhe by attkal vs Herodem greeſteeß / vnd ghaya |
Manc1631_LVM_45_14 | czaur czittu czeļļu attkal ẜawà Semme. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_45_15 | @v{Epiſtel am erſten Sontage nach der H. drey} |
Manc1631_LVM_45_16 | @v{Könige Tage / Rom. 12. Cap.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_45_17 | MYļi Brahļi / es peeminu jums / czaur to Deewa |
Manc1631_LVM_45_18 | Schälaſtibu / ka juhß ẜawu Meeſẜu nodohdaht par |
Manc1631_LVM_45_19 | vpperi / katters dſiews / ſwähts / vñ Deewam patitzigs gir / |
Manc1631_LVM_45_20 | kattra warr buht juhſẜo prahtiga Deewa Kallpoſchana / |
Manc1631_LVM_45_21 | vnd nhe turraitees tai Paſẜaulei liedſe / bett pawehrteetees |
Manc1631_LVM_45_22 | czaur pawehrteſchanu juhſẜo Prahto / ka juhs baudiet |
Manc1631_LVM_45_23 | warraht / katters gir tas labbs / tas patiekams / vnd tas |
Manc1631_LVM_45_24 | pillniex Deewa Prahts. Aiſto es ſacku czaur to Schäla- |
Manc1631_LVM_45_25 | ſtibu / kattra man dohta gir / ick=kattram juhſẜo ſtarpa / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_45_26 | nhe weens wairahk no ẜöw turrahß ka tam peeklayahß |
| @b{turrehtees /} |
| |
| [46.lpp.] |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_46_1 | turrehtees / vnd ka tas ghaddige no ẜöw turrahß / ick=kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_46_2 | tris / ka Deews ißdalliyis gir to Mähru tahß Titzibas. |
Manc1631_LVM_46_3 | Aiſto ihten / ka mums weenà Meeſẜà dauds Lohzekļi gir / |
Manc1631_LVM_46_4 | bett nhe wiſẜeem Lohzekļeem weenahds darbs gir: Tha |
Manc1631_LVM_46_5 | äſẜam mehß dauds weena Meeſẜa eekſchan CHriſto / bett |
Manc1631_LVM_46_6 | muhſẜo ſtarpa gir czitts czitta Lohzeklis / vnd gir mums |
Manc1631_LVM_46_7 | daſchadi Dawani pehts tahß ſchälaſtibas / kattra mums |
Manc1631_LVM_46_8 | dohta gir. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_46_9 | @v{Evangelium am erſten Sontage nach der H.} |
Manc1631_LVM_46_10 | @v{drey Könige Tage / Luc. 2.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_46_11 | JESV Tähws vnd Mahte ghaya ick=ghaddus vs |
Manc1631_LVM_46_12 | Jeruſalem / leeladeena Swähtkohß. Vnd kad |
Manc1631_LVM_46_13 | wings diwipadeßmittus ghaddus wätz by / ghaya tee vs |
Manc1631_LVM_46_14 | Jeruſalem pehts to Eeraddumu to Swähtko. Vnd kad |
Manc1631_LVM_46_15 | tahß Deenas pabeiktas by / vnd tee atkal mayahß ghaya / |
Manc1631_LVM_46_16 | palicka tas Bährns JESVS eekſchan Jeruſalem / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_46_17 | Tähws vnd Mahte nhe ſinnaya to. Bett tee ſkitta / to |
Manc1631_LVM_46_18 | äſẜam py teems czeļļa Ļau- |
Manc1631_LVM_46_19 | deems / vnd nahze weenu |
Manc1631_LVM_46_20 | Deenas ghayumu / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_46_21 | meckleya to py teems Rad- |
Manc1631_LVM_46_22 | deems vñ Paſieſtameems. |
Manc1631_LVM_46_23 | Vnd kad tee to nhe attrad- |
Manc1631_LVM_46_24 | da / ghaya tee atkal vs Je- |
Manc1631_LVM_46_25 | ruſalem / vnd meckleya to. |
Manc1631_LVM_46_26 | Vnnd tas notickahß pehtz |
| @b{trim} |
| |
| [47.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_47_1 | trim Deenahm / attradde tee to Baſnizà ẜehſchoht / wid- |
Manc1631_LVM_47_2 | du ſtarpan teems Mahzetayeems / ka tas tohß dſirrdä- |
Manc1631_LVM_47_3 | tu / vnd tohß waizahtu. Vnd wiſẜi kattri to dſirrdeya / |
Manc1631_LVM_47_4 | brinojahß par winja Ꞩapraſſchanu / vnd winja Atbilde- |
Manc1631_LVM_47_5 | ſchanu. Vnd kad tee to redſeya / iſẜabiyayahß tee. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_47_6 | winja Mahte ẜatziya vs to / Mans Dähls / kapehts eſẜi |
Manc1631_LVM_47_7 | tu mums to darriyiß? Raugi / taws Tähws vnd es |
Manc1631_LVM_47_8 | äſẜam töw ar ẜahpehms meckleyuſchi. Vnd wings ẜatzi- |
Manc1631_LVM_47_9 | ya vs teems / kas gir tas / ka juhß man meckleyuſchi eſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_47_10 | ẜeeta? Nhe ſinnaht juhß / ka man buhs buht eekſchan to / |
Manc1631_LVM_47_11 | kas mannam Tähwam peedärr? Vnd tee nhe ẜapratta |
Manc1631_LVM_47_12 | to Wahrdu / ko tas ar teems runnaya. Vnd tas nogha- |
Manc1631_LVM_47_13 | ja liedſe ar teems / vnd nahze eekſchan Nazareth / vnd by |
Manc1631_LVM_47_14 | teems paklauſẜiex. Vnd winja Mahte paturreya wiſẜus |
Manc1631_LVM_47_15 | ſchoß wahrdus ẜawà Ꞩirdy. Vnd JEſus peejeh= |
Manc1631_LVM_47_16 | mehß ar Ghuddribu / Wätzibu / vnd Schälaſtibu py |
Manc1631_LVM_47_17 | Deewu vnd teems Czillwäkeems. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_47_18 | @v{Epiſtel am andern Sontage nach der Er-} |
Manc1631_LVM_47_19 | @v{ſcheinung CHriſti / Rom. 12.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_47_20 | MYļi Braļi / Gir kam labban papreekſche ſluddena- |
Manc1631_LVM_47_21 | ſchana / tad lay to tai Titzibai liedſa buht. Gir |
Manc1631_LVM_47_22 | kam labban kahts Ammatz / tad ẜarga tas to Ammatu. |
Manc1631_LVM_47_23 | Mahtza kaßlabban / tad ẜarga tas to Mahzibu. Pee- |
Manc1631_LVM_47_24 | minn kaßlabban / tad ẜarga tas to Peeminneſchanu. |
Manc1631_LVM_47_25 | Dohd kaßlabban / tad dohd tas weenteeſẜige. Wallda |
Manc1631_LVM_47_26 | kaß labban / tad buhß tam apdohmigam buht. Parada |
| @b{kaßlab-} |
| |
| [48.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_48_1 | kaßlabban Ꞩirdts ſchälaſtibu / tad darra tas to ar labbu |
Manc1631_LVM_48_2 | Prahtu. |
Manc1631_LVM_48_3 | Tai milibai nhe buhß willtigai buht. Eenideeta to |
Manc1631_LVM_48_4 | Ļaunumu. Peekerreeta tam Labbam. Tai brahligai |
Manc1631_LVM_48_5 | Milibai prettie weenohtru buhß Ꞩirdts dibbenigai buht. |
Manc1631_LVM_48_6 | Weens ohtram Ghodu papreekſche darra. Nhe eſẜeeta |
Manc1631_LVM_48_7 | kuhtri eekſchan to / ko jums darrieth buhß. Eſẜeeta dedſigi |
Manc1631_LVM_48_8 | Gharrà / Ꞩattaiſẜeteeß laikà. Eſẜeeta preezigi czerribà / |
Manc1631_LVM_48_9 | pazeetigi Noſkumſchanà. Nhe mitteeta no Luhkſcha- |
Manc1631_LVM_48_10 | nas. Peejemmeetees tho Swähto Wayadſibu. Ma- |
Manc1631_LVM_48_11 | yoyeeta labpraht. Swehtiyeeta kattri jums prettie ſtahw. |
Manc1631_LVM_48_12 | Swehtiyeeta vnd nhe ladeeta. Lyxmoyeetees ar teems |
Manc1631_LVM_48_13 | Lyxmeems / vnd raudeeta ar teems kattri raud. Turrai- |
Manc1631_LVM_48_14 | ta weenadu Prahtu ſtarpa weenotru. Nhe ghadayeeta |
Manc1631_LVM_48_15 | pehts auxtahms leetams / bett turraitees jums py |
Manc1631_LVM_48_16 | teems Sämmoſcheems. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_48_17 | @v{Evangelium am andern Sontage nach der} |
Manc1631_LVM_48_18 | @v{Erſcheinung CHriſti / Joh. 2.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_48_19 | TRreſſchà deenà by Kahſas eekſchan Cana Galilea / |
Manc1631_LVM_48_20 | vnd ta Mahte JEſu by teitan. Bett JEſus vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_48_21 | winja Mazekļi kļua arridſan Kahſas aitzenati. Vnd kad |
Manc1631_LVM_48_22 | Wiens peetruhka / ẜacka JEſu Mahte vs winju / Teems |
Manc1631_LVM_48_23 | nhe gir Wiena. JEẜus ſacka vs tahß: Ꞩeewa / kaß gir |
Manc1631_LVM_48_24 | man ar töw ja=darra? Manna Stunda nhe gir wehl |
Manc1631_LVM_48_25 | nahkuſẜi. Winja Mahte Ꞩacka vs teems Ꞩullai- |
Manc1631_LVM_48_26 | ņeems / Ko wings jums ẜacka / to darraita. Bett turr |
| @b{by} |
| |
| [49.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_49_1 | by ẜeſſchas Ackmina Vde- |
Manc1631_LVM_49_2 | no Kruhſes licktas ka tee |
Manc1631_LVM_49_3 | Juddi eeradduſchi by ſkie= |
Manc1631_LVM_49_4 | ſtiteeß / vnd ghaya ick=kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_49_5 | tra diwi jeb trieß Mäh- |
Manc1631_LVM_49_6 | ri. JEſus ẜacka vs teems: |
Manc1631_LVM_49_7 | Pilldaita tahß Vdeno |
Manc1631_LVM_49_8 | Kruhſes ar Vdeni. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_49_9 | te pilldiya tohß ihs malla |
Manc1631_LVM_49_10 | malleems pillas. Vnd wings ẜacka vs teems : Ee- |
Manc1631_LVM_49_11 | ſmelleeta nu / vnd neſẜeeta tam Barriba=ẜargam. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_49_12 | tee neſẜe to. Bett kad tas Barribaẜarx baudiya to Wy- |
Manc1631_LVM_49_13 | nu / katters Vdens by biyis / vnd nhe ſinnaya no kurre- |
Manc1631_LVM_49_14 | nes tas nahze / bett tee Ꞩullaiņi ſinnaya / kattri to |
Manc1631_LVM_49_15 | Vdeni ſmäluſchi by / aitzena tas Barribaſarx to Brudt- |
Manc1631_LVM_49_16 | ghanu / vnd ẜacka vs to / Jck=kattris dohd pirmahk |
Manc1631_LVM_49_17 | labbu Wynu / vnd kad tee peedſäruſchi gir / tad to plah- |
Manc1631_LVM_49_18 | naku. Tu eſẜi ihs ſchim to labbu Wynu ẜaudſeyis. |
Manc1631_LVM_49_19 | Schy gir ta pirma Syme / kattru JESVS |
Manc1631_LVM_49_20 | darriya / vnd noticka eekſchan Canà Galilero ſemme / |
Manc1631_LVM_49_21 | vnd parahdiya ẜawu Ghodibu. Vnd winja Mahzekļi |
Manc1631_LVM_49_22 | titzeya eekſchan to. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_49_23 | @v{Epiſtel am dritten Sontage nach der Erſchei-} |
Manc1631_LVM_49_24 | @v{nung CHriſti / Rom. 12.} |
| @b{Myļi} |
| |
| [50.lpp.] |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_50_1 | MYļi Braļi / Nhe ſkeeteetees paſſchi Ghuddri äſẜo- |
Manc1631_LVM_50_2 | ſchi / Nhe atmaxayeeta nheweenam ļaun ar ļaun |
Manc1631_LVM_50_3 | Paradaita ickweenam no Ꞩirdts Ghodu. Ja tas tha |
Manc1631_LVM_50_4 | warr buht / tick dauds ka juhß ſpehyaht / tad eſẜeta ar |
Manc1631_LVM_50_5 | wiſẜems Czillwäkeems ar Meeru. Nhe attreebeeteeß |
Manc1631_LVM_50_6 | paſſchi / manni wiſẜmiligi / bett dohdeeta Weetu Deewa |
Manc1631_LVM_50_7 | Dußmibai. Aiſto raxtiets ſtahw. Ta Attreepſchana |
Manc1631_LVM_50_8 | peedärr man / es gribbu attmaxaht / ẜacka tas Kunx. |
Manc1631_LVM_50_9 | Ja nu taws Eenaidneex ißallzis gir / tad ähdini to / |
Manc1631_LVM_50_10 | gir wings ißtwiezis / tad dſirrdini to. Kad tu to darri / |
Manc1631_LVM_50_11 | tad tu quählaiņus Ohgļus vs winja Ghallwu ẜakrahſẜi. |
Manc1631_LVM_50_12 | Nhe leetzees töw no to Ļaunu vswarreht / bett vswarrit |
Manc1631_LVM_50_13 | tu to Ļaunu ar Labbumu. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_50_14 | @v{Evangelium am dritten Sontage nach der} |
Manc1631_LVM_50_15 | @v{Erſcheinung CHriſti / Matth.8. Cap.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_50_16 | KAd JEſus no Kall- |
Manc1631_LVM_50_17 | nu noghaya / ghaya |
Manc1631_LVM_50_18 | tam dauds Ļaudis packaļļ. |
Manc1631_LVM_50_19 | Vnd raugi / weens Spit- |
Manc1631_LVM_50_20 | taliex Wiers nahze / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_50_21 | peeluhdſe to / vnd ẜatziya : |
Manc1631_LVM_50_22 | Kunx / ja tu gribbi / warri |
Manc1631_LVM_50_23 | tu man ghanne ſkieſtiet. |
Manc1631_LVM_50_24 | Vnd JEſus iß=ſteepe ẜawu |
Manc1631_LVM_50_25 | Rohku / aiſkare winju / vnd ẜatziya / Es gribbu to dar- |
Manc1631_LVM_50_26 | ryht / thopi ſkieſts. Vnd tudeļin kļua wings no ẜawas |
| @b{Spitta-} |
| |
| [51.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_51_1 | Spittalibas ſkieſts. Vnd JEſus ẜatziya vs to : Pee- |
Manc1631_LVM_51_2 | raugi / nhe ẜacki to nheweenam / bett no ey / vnd radais |
Manc1631_LVM_51_3 | töw Baſnizaskungam / vnd vppere to Dawanu / kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_51_4 | tru Moſes pawheleyis gir / par leezibu par teems. Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_51_5 | kad JEſus eeghaya eekſchan Capernaum / peeghaya |
Manc1631_LVM_51_6 | weens Pillis Kunx py to / tas luhdſe to / vnd ẜatziya / Kunx / |
Manc1631_LVM_51_7 | Mans Kalps ghull mahyahß vnd gir Mällmänaẜehrd- |
Manc1631_LVM_51_8 | ſiex / vnd czeeſch leelas ẜahpes. JEſus ẜatziya vs to: |
Manc1631_LVM_51_9 | Es gribbu nahkt / vnd to wäſẜälu darryht. Tas pillis- |
Manc1631_LVM_51_10 | Kunx adbildeya / vnd ẜatziya : Kunx / es nhe äßmu czee- |
Manc1631_LVM_51_11 | niex / ka tu appackſchan manu Payumbtu ey. Bett ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_51_12 | cki weenu Wahrdu / tad kļuhß mans Kalps wäſẜäls. Ai- |
Manc1631_LVM_51_13 | ſto es äßmu Czillwäx / vnd wehl appakſchan Wirſẜenee- |
Manc1631_LVM_51_14 | ko Wallſtu / vnd appakſchan man gir Karya Wyri / to- |
Manc1631_LVM_51_15 | mhär / kad es weenam ẜacku / ey / tad eedt wings: Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_51_16 | ohtram / nahdts ſchur / tad nahk wings / vnd mannam |
Manc1631_LVM_51_17 | Kalpam / darri to / tad darra wings. |
Manc1631_LVM_51_18 | Kad to JEſus dſirrdeya / brinoyahß wings / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_51_19 | ẜatziya vs teems / kattri tam pehts ſtaighaya / Patteeſẜe |
Manc1631_LVM_51_20 | es ſacku jums / tahdu Titzibu nhe äßmu es eekſchan Jſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_51_21 | ra?l attraddiß. Bett es ẜacku jums / dauds nahx no Au- |
Manc1631_LVM_51_22 | ſtruma / vnd no Wackara puſẜes/ vnd ar Abrahamu / |
Manc1631_LVM_51_23 | vnd Jſaacu / vnd Jäcobu Däbbeſẜes Wallſtibà ẜehdehß / |
Manc1631_LVM_51_24 | bett tahß Wallſtibas Bährni taps iß=ſtumbti paſſchà |
Manc1631_LVM_51_25 | Tumbſẜibà. Tur buhß Kaukſchana vnd Sohbu Trieſſe- |
Manc1631_LVM_51_26 | ſchana. Vnd JEſus ẜatziya vs to Pills Kungu : No |
Manc1631_LVM_51_27 | ey / töw noteek / ka tu titzayis eſẜi. Vnd winja Kalps tap- |
Manc1631_LVM_51_28 | pa wäſẜäls tanni paſſchà ſtundà. |
| @b{Epiſtel} |
| |
| [52.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_52_1 | @v{Epiſtel am vierdten Sontage nach der Er-} |
Manc1631_LVM_52_2 | @v{ſcheinung CHriſti / Rom. 13.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_52_3 | MYļi Brahļi / Nhe eſẜeta nhe weenam nheneeka |
Manc1631_LVM_52_4 | parradà / ka veen / ka juhß juhſẜo ſtarpà weens |
Manc1631_LVM_52_5 | ohtru myļoyeeta. Aiſto kas to ohtru myļo / tas gir to |
Manc1631_LVM_52_6 | Baußlu peepilldiyis. Aiſto kas ẜatzietz gir / Töw nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_52_7 | buhß laulibu pahrlauſt / töw nhe buhß nokaut / Töw |
Manc1631_LVM_52_8 | nhe buhß ſackt / Töw nhe buhß nhe patteeſu leezibu doht / |
Manc1631_LVM_52_9 | Töw nhe buhß nhe neeka eekahrotees / Vnd ja wehl czittz |
Manc1631_LVM_52_10 | kahtz Baußlis gir / tas tohp ſchinny wahrdà ẜayämtz: |
Manc1631_LVM_52_11 | Töw buhß tawu Tuwaku myļoht ka töw paſſchu. Ta |
Manc1631_LVM_52_12 | myläſtiba nhe darra tam Tuwakam ļaun. Tha gir nu |
Manc1631_LVM_52_13 | ta Myläſtiba tahß Baußlibas Peepilldiſchana. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_52_14 | @v{Evangelium am vierdten Sontage nach der} |
Manc1631_LVM_52_15 | @v{Erſcheinung CHriſti / Matth. 8.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_52_16 | JEſus kahpe Laiwà / |
Manc1631_LVM_52_17 | vnd winja Mahzekļi |
Manc1631_LVM_52_18 | ghaya tam packaļļ / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_52_19 | redſi / tad pazehlehß leela |
Manc1631_LVM_52_20 | Wähtra Juhry / tha ka ar- |
Manc1631_LVM_52_21 | ridſan ta Laiwinja ar will- |
Manc1631_LVM_52_22 | nehms payämbta tappa. |
Manc1631_LVM_52_23 | Vnd wings ghulleya.Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_52_24 | tee Mahzekļi ghaya py vinyu vnd pamohdenaya vinyu / |
| @b{vnd} |
| |
| [53.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_53_1 | vnd ẜatziya / Kunx / palliedſi mums / mehß ghrimm- |
Manc1631_LVM_53_2 | ſtam. Tad ẜatziya wings vs teems / Juhß Maſetitzigi / |
Manc1631_LVM_53_3 | kapehtz eſẜeeta juhß tick bailigi? Vnd czehlehß aukſcham / |
Manc1631_LVM_53_4 | vnd apdraudeya to Wehyu vnd to Juhri / tad tappa taß |
Manc1631_LVM_53_5 | itt klus. Bett tee Czillwäki iſẜabrienoyahß / vnd ẜatzi- |
Manc1631_LVM_53_6 | ya / kahtz Wiers gir taß? Ka tam Wehſſch vnd Juhre |
Manc1631_LVM_53_7 | paklauſẜige gir. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_53_8 | @v{Epiſtel am fünfften Sontage / nach der Er-} |
Manc1631_LVM_53_9 | @v{ſcheinung CHriſti / Coloſ. 3.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_53_10 | MYļi brahļi / apwellzeeta nu / ka Deewa ißrädſäti |
Manc1631_LVM_53_11 | ſwähti / vnd mieligi / Ꞩirrdtzdibbenigu ſchäläſtibu / |
Manc1631_LVM_53_12 | laipnibu / Sämmoſchanu / lehnprahtibu / Patzeeſchanu / |
Manc1631_LVM_53_13 | vnd weens pannäſẜahß ohtru. Vnd peedohdeetees weens |
Manc1631_LVM_53_14 | ohtram / ja kamlabba vs ohtru ja=ẜuhdſahß gir / ihten ka |
Manc1631_LVM_53_15 | CHriſtus jums peedewis gir / tha juhß arridſan. Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_53_16 | par wiſẜahm leetahm / apwellzeeta to Mielibu / kattra gir |
Manc1631_LVM_53_17 | tas ẜaitz tahß pillnibas. Vnd tas Deewa Meers laid |
Manc1631_LVM_53_18 | wallda juhſẜahß Ꞩirrdiß / py kattru juhß aridſan aizena- |
Manc1631_LVM_53_19 | ti eſẜeta eeckſchan weenu Meeſẜu. Vnd eſẜeeta patteizigi. |
Manc1631_LVM_53_20 | Leezeta to Wahrdu Chriſti baggatige ſtarrpa jums dſi- |
Manc1631_LVM_53_21 | woht / eeckſchan wiſẜenadas Ghuddribas pamahzeeteeß |
Manc1631_LVM_53_22 | vnd peeminnietees ẜöw paſſchus ar Dſeeßmeems vñ pat- |
Manc1631_LVM_53_23 | teizigeems / vnd Gharrigems mieligeems Dſeeßmeems / |
Manc1631_LVM_53_24 | vnd dſedaht tam Kungam eekſchan juhſẜahms ẜirdeems. |
Manc1631_LVM_53_25 | Vnd wiß ko juhß darraita / ar wahrdeems jeb ar darr- |
Manc1631_LVM_53_26 | beems / to darraita eeckſchan to wahrdu tha Kunga JEſu / |
Manc1631_LVM_53_27 | vnd patteizeeta Deewam vnd tam Thäwam czaur to. |
Manc1631_LVM_53_28 | @v{Evange-} |
| |
| [54.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_54_1 | @v{Evangelium am fünfften Sontage nach der} |
Manc1631_LVM_54_2 | @v{Erſcheinung CHriſti / Matth. 13.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_54_3 | JEſus dewe ẜaweems |
Manc1631_LVM_54_4 | Mahzekleems czittu |
Manc1631_LVM_54_5 | liedſibu / vnd ẜatzeya: Ta |
Manc1631_LVM_54_6 | debbeſẜes Wallſtiba gir ka |
Manc1631_LVM_54_7 | kahtz Czillwähx / katters |
Manc1631_LVM_54_8 | labbu ẜähklu vs ẜawu Ti- |
Manc1631_LVM_54_9 | rumu ẜehya. Bett kad tee |
Manc1631_LVM_54_10 | Ļaudis ghulleya / nahze |
Manc1631_LVM_54_11 | winja Eenaideneex / vnd ẜehya nicknu Sahl ſtarrpan |
Manc1631_LVM_54_12 | teems Queeſcheems / vnd ghaya nohſt. Kad nu ta Sah- |
Manc1631_LVM_54_13 | le augha / vnd augļus neſſe / tad attraddahß arridſan ta |
Manc1631_LVM_54_14 | nickna Sahle. Tad ghaya tee Kallpi py to Nammathä- |
Manc1631_LVM_54_15 | wu / vnd ẜatziya / Kunx / negg eſẜi tu labbu ẜähklu vs ta- |
Manc1631_LVM_54_16 | wu Tierumu ẜehyis? No kurrenes tad rohdahß ta nick- |
Manc1631_LVM_54_17 | na Sahle? Wings ẜatziya vs teems : To gir tas Ee- |
Manc1631_LVM_54_18 | naideneex darriyis. Tad ẜatziya tee Kallpi / ghribbi tu |
Manc1631_LVM_54_19 | tad / ka mehs no eetam / vnd to ißraweyam? Wings ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_54_20 | tziya / Nhe / ka juhß to nicknu Sahl ißrawähdami / tohß |
Manc1631_LVM_54_21 | qweſchus liedſe nhe ißpluhzaht. Laid abbi lieds augh / |
Manc1631_LVM_54_22 | ihs pļauyamam laikam. Vnd pļauyamà laikà ghribbu |
Manc1631_LVM_54_23 | vs teems Pļaweyeems ẜatziet. Ꞩackrayeeta pirmahk |
Manc1631_LVM_54_24 | to nicknu Sahl kohpa / vnd ẜeneeta to Naßtiņohß / ka ta |
Manc1631_LVM_54_25 | ẜaddädſanata tohp / bett tohß queeſchus ẜackrayeeta mann |
Manc1631_LVM_54_26 | eckſchan mannu Skuni. (@l{alij} Puhni.) |
| @b{Epiſtel} |
| |
| [55.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_55_1 | @v{Epiſtel am Sontage Septuageſimae, I. Co-} |
Manc1631_LVM_55_2 | @v{rinth. 9. vnd 10. Cap.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_55_3 | MJļi Brahļi / negg ſinnaht juhß / ka tee kattri ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_55_4 | däwuſſcheeß gir tetzeht / tee täck wiſẜi / bett weens |
Manc1631_LVM_55_5 | dabbu to allgu? Tetzeeta nu ta / ka juhß to dabbuyeeta. |
Manc1631_LVM_55_6 | Bett ickweens / katters cziextahß no turrahß ẜöw no wiſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_55_7 | ẜenadu leetu / winy ta / ka tee weenu Krohni katters ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_55_8 | wieſt / dabbu / bett mehß weenu muhſchigu. Bett es tä- |
Manc1631_LVM_55_9 | cku ta / nhe ka nheẜinnadams / es ẜittu nhe ka ghaiſẜà ẜiſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_55_10 | dams / bett es notirrpinu ẜawu Meſẜu / vnd norahyu |
Manc1631_LVM_55_11 | to / ka es nhe mahzu czittus / vnd patz mahzitins palleeku. |
Manc1631_LVM_55_12 | Bett es nhe gribbu jums / miļi Brahļi / to ſlehpt / |
Manc1631_LVM_55_13 | ka muhſẜi Tähwi wiſẜi gir appakſchan to Paddebbes bi- |
Manc1631_LVM_55_14 | juſchi / vnd gir wiſẜi czaur to Juhri ghayuſchi / vnd gir |
Manc1631_LVM_55_15 | wiſẜi appakſchan Moſen Chriſtiti / ar to Paddebbes / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_55_16 | ar to Juhri / vnd gir wiſẜi weenahdu gharrigu barribu |
Manc1631_LVM_55_17 | ähduſchi / vnd gir wiſẜi weenahdu gharrigu dſehrenn dſä- |
Manc1631_LVM_55_18 | ruſchi / bett tee dſehre no to gharrigu Ackmini / katters |
Manc1631_LVM_55_19 | tohß waddiya / katters Ackmins by CHriſtus. Bett py |
Manc1631_LVM_55_20 | daudſeems nhe by Deewam labbs prahtz / aiſto tee gir |
Manc1631_LVM_55_21 | noẜiſti Tuxneſẜy. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_55_22 | @v{Evangelium am Sontage Septuageſimae,} |
Manc1631_LVM_55_23 | @v{Matth. 20. Cap.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_55_24 | JEſus ẜatziya vs ẜaweems Mahzekļeems: Ta deb- |
Manc1631_LVM_55_25 | beſẜes Wallſtiba gir ka kahtz Nammathäws / kat- |
| @b{ters} |
| |
| [56.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_56_1 | ters no rieta aggrumas iß- |
Manc1631_LVM_56_2 | gaya / Strahdneekus der- |
Manc1631_LVM_56_3 | reht eekſchan ẜawu Wiena |
Manc1631_LVM_56_4 | kallnu. Vnd wings ar |
Manc1631_LVM_56_5 | teems Strahdneekeems ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_56_6 | derreya par weenu groſẜi |
Manc1631_LVM_56_7 | par Deenas allgu noẜuhti- |
Manc1631_LVM_56_8 | ya wings tohß ẜawà Wie- |
Manc1631_LVM_56_9 | nakallnà. Vnd ißghaya |
Manc1631_LVM_56_10 | apkahrt to treſſchu ſtundu / vnd redſeya wehl czittus py |
Manc1631_LVM_56_11 | Tirrgu beß darrbu ſtahwoſchus / vnd ẜatziya vs teems / |
Manc1631_LVM_56_12 | No=eitha juhß arridſan eekſchan to Wienakallnu / es ghrib- |
Manc1631_LVM_56_13 | bu jums doht kas teeſẜa gir. Vnd tee noghaya. Att- |
Manc1631_LVM_56_14 | kal ißghaya wings apkahrt to ẜäßtu vnd dewitu ſtundu / |
Manc1631_LVM_56_15 | vnd darriya ihten ta. Bett apkahrt to weenupadeß- |
Manc1631_LVM_56_16 | mittu ſtundu ghaya wings ara / vnd attrada wehl |
Manc1631_LVM_56_17 | czittus beß darrbu ſtahwoſchus / vnd ẜatziya vs teems: |
Manc1631_LVM_56_18 | Ko ſtahwaita juhß ſcheit wiſẜu Deenu beß darrbu? Tee |
Manc1631_LVM_56_19 | ẜatziya vs winju / Nheweens nhe gir mums ẜadarre- |
Manc1631_LVM_56_20 | yis. Wings ẜatziya vs teems: Noeita juhß arridſan |
Manc1631_LVM_56_21 | eekſchan to Wienakallnu / vnd kas teeſẜa buhß / taps |
Manc1631_LVM_56_22 | jums dohtz. |
Manc1631_LVM_56_23 | Kad nu Wackars tappa / ẜatziya tas Kunx ta Wie- |
Manc1631_LVM_56_24 | nakallna / vs ẜawu Vsraugu / ẜaẜautz tohß Strahdnee- |
Manc1631_LVM_56_25 | kus / vnd dohd teems to Allgu / vnd eeẜahtz no teems |
Manc1631_LVM_56_26 | pehdigeems ihß teems Pirrmayeems. Tad nahze tee |
Manc1631_LVM_56_27 | kattri apkahrt to weenupadeßmittu ſtundu ẜadärräti by / |
| @b{vnd} |
| |
| [57.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_57_1 | vnd ick kattris dabbuya ẜawu groſẜi. Bett kad tee Pirr- |
Manc1631_LVM_57_2 | mayi nahze / czerreya tee wairahk dabbuit / vnd tee |
Manc1631_LVM_57_3 | dabbuya arridſan ick kattris ẜawu groſẜi. Vnd kad |
Manc1631_LVM_57_4 | tee to dabbuya / kurrneya tee prettie to Nammatähwu / |
Manc1631_LVM_57_5 | vnd ẜatziya / Schee pehdehyi gir tickai weenu ſtundu |
Manc1631_LVM_57_6 | ſtradayuſchi / vnd tu eſẜi tohß mums lieds darriyis / |
Manc1631_LVM_57_7 | kattri mehß tahß Deenas Naſtu vnd karrſtumu czeetu- |
Manc1631_LVM_57_8 | ſchi äſẜam. |
Manc1631_LVM_57_9 | Bett wings adbilldeya / vnd ẜatziya vs weenu no |
Manc1631_LVM_57_10 | teems / mans Draux / es nhe darru töw nhepatteeß / |
Manc1631_LVM_57_11 | neh eſẜi tu ar mann ẜaderreyis par weenu groſẜi? Jemm |
Manc1631_LVM_57_12 | kas töw peedärr / vnd ey nohſt / bett es ghribbu ſchim |
Manc1631_LVM_57_13 | pehdeyam doht ihten ka thöw: Jeb nhe gir mann |
Manc1631_LVM_57_14 | Waļļa darriet ko es ghribbu ar ẜawu Manntu? Luhko- |
Manc1631_LVM_57_15 | yees tu tapehtz ghreiſe / ka es tick labbs äßmu? Ta |
Manc1631_LVM_57_16 | taps tee pehdehye tee Pirrmayi / vnd tee Pirrmayi tee |
Manc1631_LVM_57_17 | pehdigi. Aiſto dauds gir aitzenati / bett mas gir ißräd- |
Manc1631_LVM_57_18 | ſäti. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_57_19 | @v{Epiſtel am Sontage Septuageſimae, 2. Co-} |
Manc1631_LVM_57_20 | @v{rinth. 11. vnd 12. Cap.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_57_21 | MJļi Brahļi/ juhß czeeſchaht labpraht tohß Jeg- |
Manc1631_LVM_57_22 | kus / tapehtz ka juhß ghuddri eſẜeeta. Juhß czee- |
Manc1631_LVM_57_23 | ſchaht / ja juhs kaßlabb par Kallpu darra / ja kaßlabb |
Manc1631_LVM_57_24 | juhß iß=ẜuhtz / ja kaßlabb jums Waigà ſweeſch. To ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_57_25 | cku es pehtz to Nheghodu / ihten ka buhtam mehs wahyi |
Manc1631_LVM_57_26 | tappuſchi. |
| @b{Vß} |
| |
| [58.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_58_1 | Vß ko nu kaß labb drohſch gir (es runnayo nhe ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_58_2 | praßdams) vs to es arridſan drohſch äßmu. Tee gir E- |
Manc1631_LVM_58_3 | breeŗi / es arridſan: Tee gir Jſraëliteŗi / es arridſan: |
Manc1631_LVM_58_4 | Tee gir Abrahama ẜähkla / es arridſan : Tee gir CHriſti |
Manc1631_LVM_58_5 | Kallpi (es runnayo nheẜapraſdams) es äßmu wehl wai- |
Manc1631_LVM_58_6 | rahk / es äßmu wairahk ſtrahdayis / es äßmu wairahk |
Manc1631_LVM_58_7 | ẜitteņus czeetis / es äßmu daſche kahrt ghuhſtietz / daſche- |
Manc1631_LVM_58_8 | kahrt nahwigahß bähdahß biyis. No teems Juddeems |
Manc1631_LVM_58_9 | äßmu es peez reiſas dabbuyis tſchettrusdeßmitz ẜittenus |
Manc1631_LVM_58_10 | beß weenu. Es äßmu tries reiſas ſchauſtz / ween reis |
Manc1631_LVM_58_11 | ar ackminim mähtahtz / tries reiſas äßmu es ar Laiwu |
Manc1631_LVM_58_12 | Vhdeny bähdas czeetis / Deenu vnd nackti äßmu es |
Manc1631_LVM_58_13 | Juhŗa dſiļļumà biyis. Es äßmu daſchureis brauka- |
Manc1631_LVM_58_14 | yis/ Es äßmu biyis bähdahß Vhdeny / bähdahß ſtarrp |
Manc1631_LVM_58_15 | Släppkaweems / bähdahß ſtarrp Juddeems / bähdahs |
Manc1631_LVM_58_16 | ſtarrp Paggaņeems / bähdahß eekſchan Pillims /bäh- |
Manc1631_LVM_58_17 | dahß Tuxneſẜy / bähdahß vs Juhri / bähdahß ſtarrp nhe- |
Manc1631_LVM_58_18 | vstitzammeems brahļeems / eekſchan bähdu vnd darrbu / |
Manc1631_LVM_58_19 | eckſchan dauds nomohdibu / eekſchan Jßallkſchanu / eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_58_20 | ſchan Jßtwiekſchanu / eekſchan dauds ghaweſchanu / eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_58_21 | ſchan ẜallſchanu vnd Plickumu. |
Manc1631_LVM_58_22 | Beß to kas wehl czittahd noteekahß / ar wahrdu / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_58_23 | es ick=deenas tohpu billdenahtz / vnd ghadayu par wiſẜu |
Manc1631_LVM_58_24 | draudſibu. Kas gir beß=ſpehziex / vnd es nhe tohpu beß- |
Manc1631_LVM_58_25 | ſpehziex? Kas tohp apghräkohtz / vnd es nhe däggu? |
Manc1631_LVM_58_26 | Ja mann jo ja=leeloyahß / tad ghribbu es mannas Wah- |
Manc1631_LVM_58_27 | yibas ẜöw leeloteeß. Deews vnd tas Tähws muhſẜa |
| @b{Kunga} |
| |
| [59.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_59_1 | Kunga JEſu CHriſti / katters ſlawähtz gir muhſchige / |
Manc1631_LVM_59_2 | ſinna ka es nhe mälloyu. Eekẜchan Damaſco paſẜargha- |
Manc1631_LVM_59_3 | ya tas Semmes Ꞩohgis no ta Koninja Areta dehļ to |
Manc1631_LVM_59_4 | Pilli to Damaſkeŗo / vnd ghribbeya mann ghuhſtiet. |
Manc1631_LVM_59_5 | Vnd es tappu weenà Kurrwy czaur lohgu par Muhri |
Manc1631_LVM_59_6 | nolaiſts / vnd ißbähgu no winja Rohkahms. |
Manc1631_LVM_59_7 | Ta leelolaſchana mann jo nhe neeka nhe pallieds / |
Manc1631_LVM_59_8 | tomähr ghribbu es nahkt vs tahms rädſätahms vnd pa- |
Manc1631_LVM_59_9 | raditahms leetahms ta Kunga. Es paſieſtu weenu Czill- |
Manc1631_LVM_59_10 | wäku eekſchan CHriſto preekſch tſchettrepaddeßmit- |
Manc1631_LVM_59_11 | teems ghaddeems / gir tas eekſchan Meeſẜas biyis / tad |
Manc1631_LVM_59_12 | es to nhe ſinnu / jeb gir tas aran to Meeſẜu biyis /tad es |
Manc1631_LVM_59_13 | to arridſan nhe ſinnu / Deews ſinna to / tas patz tappa |
Manc1631_LVM_59_14 | norautz / eekſchan to treſſchu Debbäſẜu. Vnd es paſieſtu |
Manc1631_LVM_59_15 | to paſſchu Czillwäku / girag tas eekſchan Meeſẜas biyis / |
Manc1631_LVM_59_16 | jeb aran to Meeſẜu / to es nhe ſinnu / Deews ſinna to: |
Manc1631_LVM_59_17 | Tas tappa norautz eekſchan to Paradiſu / vnd dſirrdeya |
Manc1631_LVM_59_18 | nhe ißrunnayamus Wahrdus kattrus nhe weens Czill- |
Manc1631_LVM_59_19 | wähx ſtahſtiet warr. No to ghribbu es ẜöw leelohtees. |
Manc1631_LVM_59_20 | Bett no ſöw paſſchu nhe ghribbu es ẜöw leelotees / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_59_21 | ween ẜawas wahyibas. Vnd kad es ghribbätohß leelo- |
Manc1631_LVM_59_22 | teeß / nhe darritu es tapehtz ka Jegkis / aiſto es ghribbä- |
Manc1631_LVM_59_23 | tu teeſcham runnaht. Bett es ẜöw noturrohß no to ta- |
Manc1631_LVM_59_24 | pehtz / ka nhe weenam mann buhß auxtak turreht / ka tas |
Manc1631_LVM_59_25 | no mann räds / jeb no mann dſird. Vnd ka es to auxto |
Manc1631_LVM_59_26 | paradiſchano dehļ nhe läppoyo / gir mann dohtz weens. |
Manc1631_LVM_59_27 | Meetz eekſchan Meeſẜu / ar wahrdu ta Sathana Engels / |
| @b{kattram} |
| |
| [60.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_60_1 | kattram mann ar duhrems ẜiſt buhß / tapehtz ka es nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_60_2 | läppoyo. Tadehļ es to Kungu tries=reiſas leelu luhk- |
Manc1631_LVM_60_3 | ſchanu luhdſis äßmu / ka taß no mann attſtahtu. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_60_4 | wings gir vs mann ẜatziyis : Vsjemm mannu ſchäla- |
Manc1631_LVM_60_5 | ſtibu / aiſto manns ſpähx gir eekſchan teems wahyeems |
Manc1631_LVM_60_6 | warräns. Tapehtz ghribbu es ẜöw wißwairahk leelo- |
Manc1631_LVM_60_7 | tees ẜawas Wahyibas / ka CHriſti ſpähx py mann dſie- |
Manc1631_LVM_60_8 | woht warr. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_60_9 | @v{Evangelium am Sontage Sexageſimae,} |
Manc1631_LVM_60_10 | @v{Luc. 8. Cap.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_60_11 | KAd dauds Ļaudis ẜaghayuſchi by / vnd no Pillems |
Manc1631_LVM_60_12 | py JESV ſteidſehß / ẜatziya wings czaur Liedſibu: |
Manc1631_LVM_60_13 | Weens Ꞩehyeis ißghaya |
Manc1631_LVM_60_14 | ẜawu Sähklu ẜeht / vnd ẜeh- |
Manc1631_LVM_60_15 | yoht nokritta czitta czeļļma- |
Manc1631_LVM_60_16 | ly / vnd tappa ẜamieta / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_60_17 | tee Puttni appakſchan däb- |
Manc1631_LVM_60_18 | bäſẜu apähde to. Vnd czit- |
Manc1631_LVM_60_19 | ta kritta wirſẜon to czeetu |
Manc1631_LVM_60_20 | Ackmini / vnd kad ta vs- |
Manc1631_LVM_60_21 | diega /ẜackallta tha/ tapehtz |
Manc1631_LVM_60_22 | ka tai nhe kahtz ſlappyums by. Vnd czitta kritta widdu |
Manc1631_LVM_60_23 | ſtarrp teems Ehrſcheems / vnd tee Ehrſchi vsdiega lieds / |
Manc1631_LVM_60_24 | vnd apmahze to. Vnd czitta kritta wirſẜon labbas Sem- |
Manc1631_LVM_60_25 | mes / vnd ta vsdiega / vnd neſẜe ẜimbt kahrtigus au- |
Manc1631_LVM_60_26 | gļus. To ẜatzidams / ẜautze wings / kam Auſẜis gir dſirr- |
Manc1631_LVM_60_27 | deht / tas laid dſirrd. |
| @b{Bett} |
| |
| [61.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_61_1 | Bett winja Mahzekļi jautaya tam / vnd ẜatziya / kas |
Manc1631_LVM_61_2 | ſchy liedſiba äſẜoti? Bett taß ſatziya / Jums gir dohta |
Manc1631_LVM_61_3 | ſinnaht ta Apſlehpſchana tahß Deewa Wallſtibas / bett |
Manc1631_LVM_61_4 | czitteems czaur liedſibu / ka tee to nhe räds / jeb tee to ghann |
Manc1631_LVM_61_5 | räds / vnd nhe ẜaproht / jebb tee to ghann dſirrd. |
Manc1631_LVM_61_6 | Bett ſchie gir ta liedſiba / Ta Ꞩähkla gir tas Dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_61_7 | wa Wahrtz. Bett kattra czeļļmaly gir / tee gir tee / kattri |
Manc1631_LVM_61_8 | to dſirrd / pehtz nahk tas Wälls / vnd jämm to wahrdu |
Manc1631_LVM_61_9 | no winja Ꞩirrdeems / tadehļ ka tee nhe titzätu / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_61_10 | ſwähti taptu. Bett tee wirſẜon to czeetu Ackmini / gir |
Manc1631_LVM_61_11 | tee / kad tee to dſirrd / vsjämm tee to Wahrdu preezada- |
Manc1631_LVM_61_12 | meeß / vnd teems nhe gir nhe kahdas Ꞩacknes. Weenu |
Manc1631_LVM_61_13 | maſu briedi titz tee / vnd Kahrdenaſchanas laikà tee no- |
Manc1631_LVM_61_14 | kriet. Bett kattra ſtarrpan teems Ehrſcheems kritta / |
Manc1631_LVM_61_15 | gir tee / kattri to dſirrd / vs dohdahß vs to ghahdaſchanu |
Manc1631_LVM_61_16 | tahß baggatibas vnd Kahribas tahß dſiewibas / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_61_17 | apſlahp / vnd nhe näß nhe kahdus augļus. Bett kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_61_18 | tra wirſẜon to labbu ẜemm / gir tee / kattri to Wahrdu |
Manc1631_LVM_61_19 | dſirrd / vnd patturr to eekſchan labbu Ꞩirrdi / vnd näß |
Manc1631_LVM_61_20 | augļus eekſchan Pazeeſchanas. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_61_21 | @v{Epiſtel am Sontage Quinquageſimae, oder} |
Manc1631_LVM_61_22 | @v{Eſto mihi, 1. Corinth. 13.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_61_23 | MYļi Brahļi / kad es ar Czillwäko vnd Engeļo meh- |
Manc1631_LVM_61_24 | lehms runnatu / vnd mann nhe buhtu ta mieleſtiba |
Manc1631_LVM_61_25 | tad buhtu es ka kahtz ſkanniex Warrſch / jeb ka kahtz ſkan- |
Manc1631_LVM_61_26 | niex Swahrgulls. Vnd kad es warrähtu papreeſch ſlud- |
| @b{denaht} |
| |
| [62.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_62_1 | denaht / vnd ſinnatu wiſẜu Apſlähpſchanu / vnd wiſẜu |
Manc1631_LVM_62_2 | Atſiſchanu / vnd mann buhtu wiſẜa Titziba / tha / ka es |
Manc1631_LVM_62_3 | Kallnus warratu vs czittu weetu ſtattieth / vnd mann |
Manc1631_LVM_62_4 | nhe buhtu ta Mieläſtiba / tad nhe buhtu es nheneeka. |
Manc1631_LVM_62_5 | Vnd kad es wiſẜu ẜawu Manntu teems Vbbagheems |
Manc1631_LVM_62_6 | dohtu / ẜawu Meeſẜu lickdams deckt / vnd mann nhe buh- |
Manc1631_LVM_62_7 | tu ta Mieläſtiba / Tad nhe palliedſätu tas mann nhenee- |
Manc1631_LVM_62_8 | ka. Ta mieläſtiba gir lehnprahtiga vnd laipniga / ta |
Manc1631_LVM_62_9 | mieläſtiba{mieläſtibà} nhe gir ſkaudiga / ta mieläſtiba nhe darra bleh- |
Manc1631_LVM_62_10 | dibu / ta ſöw nhe vspuhſchahß / ta nhe turrahß ẜöw nhet- |
Manc1631_LVM_62_11 | tickle / ta nhe meckle ẜawu ghohdu / ta nhe leekahß ẜabarr- |
Manc1631_LVM_62_12 | ghotees / ta nhe ghahda vs ļaunu / ta nhe preezayahß |
Manc1631_LVM_62_13 | tahß nhetaißnibas / bett ta preezayahs tahß taißnibas / ta |
Manc1631_LVM_62_14 | pa=näß wiſẜas leetas / ta titz wiſẜu / ta czerre wiſẜas leetas / |
Manc1631_LVM_62_15 | ta czeeſch wiſẜas leetas. Ta mieläſtiba nhe peekuhſt / jeb |
Manc1631_LVM_62_16 | ghann ta Preekſchſluddenaſchana mittehſẜees / vnd tahß |
Manc1631_LVM_62_17 | Wallodas mittehſẜes / vnd ta Attſiſchana arridſan mit- |
Manc1631_LVM_62_18 | tehſẜes. Aiſto muhſẜa Sinnaſchana gir ghabbaladarrbs / |
Manc1631_LVM_62_19 | vnd muhſẜa Mahziba gir ghabbaladarrbs / bett ka ta Pill- |
Manc1631_LVM_62_20 | niba nahx / tad tas ghabbaladarrbs mittehſẜes. Es |
Manc1631_LVM_62_21 | Bährns buhdams runnayu ka Bährns / vnd biyu ghud- |
Manc1631_LVM_62_22 | dris ka kahtz Bährns / vnd mann by Bährniga dabba. |
Manc1631_LVM_62_23 | Bett kad es Wiers tappu / attſtahyohß es no Bährnigu |
Manc1631_LVM_62_24 | dabbu. Mehß rädſam nu czaur Speegheli eckſchan wee- |
Manc1631_LVM_62_25 | nu pakrehßligu wahrdu / bett tad no waighu ihs waighu. |
Manc1631_LVM_62_26 | Nu atſieſtu es to ka weenu ghabbaladarrbu / bett tad es |
Manc1631_LVM_62_27 | to atſieſchu ihten ka es attſietz äßmu. Bett nu palleek ta |
| @b{Titziba /} |
| |
| [63.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_63_1 | Titziba / czerriba /Mieläſtiba / ſchee trieß / bett ta Mie- |
Manc1631_LVM_63_2 | läſtiba gir ta Leelaka ſtarpan teems. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_63_3 | @v{Evangelium am Sontage /Quinqageſimae,} |
Manc1631_LVM_63_4 | @v{oder Eſto mihi, Luc. 18.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_63_5 | JEſus jehme tohß Diwipadeßmittus (mahzekļus) |
Manc1631_LVM_63_6 | py ẜöw / vnd ẜatziya vs teems : Redſeeta mehß no- |
Manc1631_LVM_63_7 | eetam vs Jeruſalem / vnd wiß taps peepilldietz / kas rax- |
Manc1631_LVM_63_8 | tietz gir czaur teems Proweeteems / no ta Czillwäka däh- |
Manc1631_LVM_63_9 | lu. Aiſto tas taps nodohtz teems Paggaņeems / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_63_10 | tas taps apmehdietz / vnd neewahtz / vnd apſpļaudietz / |
Manc1631_LVM_63_11 | vnd tee to ſchauties / vnd nokaus / vnd tas treſſchà Dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_63_12 | na attkal aukſcham czellſẜees. Bett winyi nheſẜapratta |
Manc1631_LVM_63_13 | no to nheneeka / vnd ta Walloda by winjeems tumſẜa / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_63_14 | nhe ſinnaya kas tas ẜatzietz by. |
Manc1631_LVM_63_15 | Bett tas notickahß / kad |
Manc1631_LVM_63_16 | wings tuwe klaht py Jeri- |
Manc1631_LVM_63_17 | cho nahze / ẜehdeya weens |
Manc1631_LVM_63_18 | Acklis Czeļļmaly / vnd dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_63_19 | deleya. Bett kad tas tohß |
Manc1631_LVM_63_20 | Ļaudis dſirrdeya / kattri |
Manc1631_LVM_63_21 | czetczen ghaya / ißwaizaya |
Manc1631_LVM_63_22 | tas / kas tas äſẜohtz? Tad |
Manc1631_LVM_63_23 | ſtahſtiya tee tam JEſus no |
Manc1631_LVM_63_24 | Nazareth eijohtz czetczen. Vnd tas brehze vnd ẜatziya : |
Manc1631_LVM_63_25 | JESV tu Dawida dähls abẜchäloyees par mann. |
Manc1631_LVM_63_26 | Bett kattri preekſcha ghaya / apdraudiya to / tam by kluß |
| @b{czeeſt.} |
| |
| [64.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_64_1 | czeeſt. Bett tas brehze wehl wairahk : Tu Dawida |
Manc1631_LVM_64_2 | Dähls / abſchäloyeeß par mann. Bett JEſus ſtahweya |
Manc1631_LVM_64_3 | klus / vnd pawehleya to py ẜöw daweſt. Bett kad tee to |
Manc1631_LVM_64_4 | tuwe klaht py winju dawedde / jautaya wings tam / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_64_5 | ẜatziya / ko ghribbi tu / ko mann töw darrieth buhß? Tas |
Manc1631_LVM_64_6 | ẜatziya / Kunx / ka es redſeht warrätu. Vnd JESVS |
Manc1631_LVM_64_7 | ẜatziya vs to / Eſẜi redſiex / tawa Titziba gir töw pallie- |
Manc1631_LVM_64_8 | dſeyuſẜi. Vnd tudeļļ tappa tas redſiex /vnd ghaya pa- |
Manc1631_LVM_64_9 | ckaļļ winju / vnd teitze Deewu. Vnd wiſẜi Ļaudis / kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_64_10 | tri to redſeya / ſlaweya Deewu. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_64_11 | @v{Epiſtel am erſten Sontage in der Faſten /} |
Manc1631_LVM_64_12 | @v{2.Corinth. 6.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_64_13 | MYļi Brahļi / mehs peeminnam juhß ka Pallighus / |
Manc1631_LVM_64_14 | ka juhß to Deewa ſchälaſtibu welle nhe jemmaht. |
Manc1631_LVM_64_15 | Aiſto tas ẜacka / es äßmu töw peejemmighà laikà pa- |
Manc1631_LVM_64_16 | klauſẜiyis / vnd äßmu töw Peſtiſchannas Deenà pallie- |
Manc1631_LVM_64_17 | dſeyis. Redſeeta / nu gir tas Peejemmiex laix / taggad |
Manc1631_LVM_64_18 | gir ta Deena tahß Peſtiſchanas. Bett nhe laideeta |
Manc1631_LVM_64_19 | mums nhe weenam kahdu Apghrehzibu doht / ka muhſẜo |
Manc1631_LVM_64_20 | Ammatz nhe tohp ſaimohtz / bett eekſchan wiſẜahms lee- |
Manc1631_LVM_64_21 | tahms laideta mums paraditees ka Deewa Kallpi / eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_64_22 | ſchan leelas Pazeeſchanas / eekſchan Noſkumſchanas / |
Manc1631_LVM_64_23 | eekſchan bähdu / eekſchan bailibas / eekſchan ẜitteneems / |
Manc1631_LVM_64_24 | eekſchan czeetumeems / eekſchan Dumpi / eekſchan darr- |
Manc1631_LVM_64_25 | beems / eekſchan nomodibu / eekſchan ghaweſchanas / eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_64_26 | ſchan ſkieſtibas / eekſchan Attſiſchanas / eekſchan lehn- |
Manc1631_LVM_64_27 | prahtibas / eekſchan laipnibas / eekſchan to ſwähtu Ghar- |
| @b{ru /} |
| |
| [65.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_65_1 | ru / eekſchan nhewilltigas mieläſtibas / eekſchan ta Wahr- |
Manc1631_LVM_65_2 | du tahß Taißnibas / eekſchan Deewa ſpähku czaur Ee- |
Manc1631_LVM_65_3 | rohtſcheems tahß Taißnibas pa labbu vnd pakreiſẜu |
Manc1631_LVM_65_4 | Rohku / czaur ghohdu vnd kaunu / czaur nicknu ſlawu |
Manc1631_LVM_65_5 | vnd nhelabbu ſlawu. Ka tee Willtineeki vnd tomähr teeſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_65_6 | ẜigi / ka tee nhepaſieſtami / vnd tomähr paſieſtami / ka tee |
Manc1631_LVM_65_7 | nomirruſchi / vnd redſeeta mehs dſiewoyam / ka tee noẜoh- |
Manc1631_LVM_65_8 | diti / vnd tomähr nhe nomaitati / ka tee noſkummuſchi / |
Manc1631_LVM_65_9 | bett allaſchien liexmi / ka tee nabbaghi / bett kattri tomähr |
Manc1631_LVM_65_10 | dauds baggatus darra. Kattreems nheneeka gir / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_65_11 | tomähr wiſẜas leetas gir. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_65_12 | @v{Evangelium am erſten Sontage in der Fa-} |
Manc1631_LVM_65_13 | @v{ſten / genand Invocavit, Matth. 4.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_65_14 | TAd tappa JEſus no |
Manc1631_LVM_65_15 | to Gharru Tuxneſẜy |
Manc1631_LVM_65_16 | eewäſts / ka tas no to Wällu{Wallu} |
Manc1631_LVM_65_17 | kahrdenahtz taptu. Vnd kad |
Manc1631_LVM_65_18 | tas Tſchettrus=deßmittz |
Manc1631_LVM_65_19 | Deenas tſchettrasdeßmittz |
Manc1631_LVM_65_20 | nacktis ghaweyis by / ghrib- |
Manc1631_LVM_65_21 | beya tas ähſt. Vnd tas |
Manc1631_LVM_65_22 | kahrdeenatais ghaya py to / vnd ẜatziya / Eſẜi tu Deewa |
Manc1631_LVM_65_23 | Dähls / tad ẜacki / ka ẜchee Ackminis Maiſe tohp. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_65_24 | tas adbilldeya vnd ẜatziya / Tur ſtahw raxtietz: Tas Czill- |
Manc1631_LVM_65_25 | wähx nhe dſiewo ween no tahß Maiſes / bett no ick kattru |
Manc1631_LVM_65_26 | Wahrdu / katters czaur Deewa Muttes eet. |
| @b{Tad} |
| |
| [66.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_66_1 | Tad wedde to tas Wälls / ar ẜöw / eekſchan to ſwäh- |
Manc1631_LVM_66_2 | tu Pili / vnd czehle to patt Baſnizas ghallà / vnd ẜatziya |
Manc1631_LVM_66_3 | vs to : Eſẜi tu Deewa Dähls / tad nolaidees ſöw ſem- |
Manc1631_LVM_66_4 | meh / Aiſto raxtietz ſtahw : Wings ẜaweems Engeļeems |
Manc1631_LVM_66_5 | par töw pawehlehß / vnd tee töw vs ẜawahms Rohkahms |
Manc1631_LVM_66_6 | neſẜieß / ka tu ẜawu Kahyu py nhekahdu Ackmini dauſi. |
Manc1631_LVM_66_7 | Tad ẜatziya JEſus vs to : Arridſan ſtahw attkall rax- |
Manc1631_LVM_66_8 | tietz / thöw nhe buhß Deewu tawu Kungu kahrdenaht. |
Manc1631_LVM_66_9 | Attkall wedde to tas Wälls ar ẜöw / vs weenu ļoht |
Manc1631_LVM_66_10 | auxtu Kallnu / vnd rahdiya tam wiſẜu Paſẜaules Mann- |
Manc1631_LVM_66_11 | tu / vnd winja ghohdibu / vnd ẜatziya vs to : To ghribbu |
Manc1631_LVM_66_12 | es töw wiſẜunotaļļ doht / ja tu ſemme krittieſẜi / vnd mann |
Manc1631_LVM_66_13 | peeluxi. Tad ẜatziya JEſus vs to / Attkahpeeß no mann |
Manc1631_LVM_66_14 | Sathan / aiſto raxtietz ſtahw / Töw buhß Deewu tawu |
Manc1631_LVM_66_15 | Kungu peeluhkt / vnd tam ween kallpoht. Tad attſtah- |
Manc1631_LVM_66_16 | yahß tas Wälls no to / vnd redſi / tad ghaya tee Engeļi |
Manc1631_LVM_66_17 | py to / vnd kallpoya tam. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_66_18 | @v{Epiſtel am andern Sontage in der Faſten /} |
Manc1631_LVM_66_19 | @v{Reminiſcere. 1. Theſſal. 4.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_66_20 | MYļi Brahļi / mehs luhdſam jums /vnd peemin- |
Manc1631_LVM_66_21 | nam eekſchan to Kungu CHriſto JEſu / kad juhß |
Manc1631_LVM_66_22 | nu eſẜeeta no mums dabbuyuſchi / ka jums buhß dſiewoht |
Manc1631_LVM_66_23 | vnd Deewam pattickt / ka juhß allaſch pillnigaki tohpaht. |
Manc1631_LVM_66_24 | Aiſto juhß ſinnaht / kahdus Baußlus mehs jums däh- |
Manc1631_LVM_66_25 | wuſchi äſẜam / czaur to Kungu JEſum. Aiſto tas gir |
Manc1631_LVM_66_26 | Deewa Prahtz / juhſẜo ſwehtiba / ka juhß behdſeeta no to |
| @b{Mauzibu /} |
| |
| [67.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_67_1 | Mauzibu / vnd ick kattram juhſẜo ſtarrpà buhß ſinnaht |
Manc1631_LVM_67_2 | ẜawu Trauku ghlabboht eekſchan ẜwehtibu vnd ghodu / |
Manc1631_LVM_67_3 | Nhe eekſchan Kahribas / ka tee Paggaņi / kattri no Dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_67_4 | wu nhe neeka nhe ſinna. Vnd ka nhe weens pa=tahļe |
Manc1631_LVM_67_5 | ſneeds / neds peewiļļ ẜawu Brahli pretzädams. Aiſto |
Manc1631_LVM_67_6 | tas Kunx gir tas Attrebeis / par to wiſẜu / ka mehs jums |
Manc1631_LVM_67_7 | papreekſche ẜatziyuẜchi vnd leezibu däwuſchi äſẜam. Aiſto |
Manc1631_LVM_67_8 | Deews nhe gir mums aizenayis py Nheſkieſtibas / bett |
Manc1631_LVM_67_9 | py ẜwehtibas. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_67_10 | @v{Evangelium am 2. Sontage in der Faſten /} |
Manc1631_LVM_67_11 | @v{Genand Reminiſcere, Matth. 15.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_67_12 | JEſus ißghaya no tur- |
Manc1631_LVM_67_13 | renes / vnd attkahpehß |
Manc1631_LVM_67_14 | prettib Tyro vnd Sydon. |
Manc1631_LVM_67_15 | Vnd raugi / weena Cana- |
Manc1631_LVM_67_16 | neera Ꞩeewa ißghaya no |
Manc1631_LVM_67_17 | teems paſſcheems eſcheems / |
Manc1631_LVM_67_18 | vnd kleedſe tam pehtz ẜatzi- |
Manc1631_LVM_67_19 | dama : Ock Kunx / tu Da- |
Manc1631_LVM_67_20 | wida Dähls / apſchäloyeeß |
Manc1631_LVM_67_21 | par mann / Manna Meita tohp no Wällu ļohte wahrd- |
Manc1631_LVM_67_22 | ſenahta. Vnd wings nhe atbilldeya tai nhe weenu Wahr- |
Manc1631_LVM_67_23 | du. Tad peekahpe to winja Mahzekļi / luhdſe to / vnd ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_67_24 | tziya : Attmättini to / aiſto ta brähtz mums pehtz. Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_67_25 | wings attbilldeya / vnd ẜatziya: Es nhe äßmu ẜuhtietz ka |
Manc1631_LVM_67_26 | ween py teems paſuſteems Ahweems no to czilltu Jſraël. |
| @b{Bett} |
| |
| [68.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_68_1 | Bett winja nahze / vnd kritta preekſchan to ſemme / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_68_2 | ẜatziya / Kunx palliedſi mann. Bett wings attbilldeya |
Manc1631_LVM_68_3 | vnd ẜatziya : Tas nhe klahyahß / teems Bährneems to |
Manc1631_LVM_68_4 | Mais jembt / vnd preekſch Ꞩunneems meſt. Winja ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_68_5 | tziya / Ja Kunx / bett tomähr ähd tee Ꞩunniſchi no teems |
Manc1631_LVM_68_6 | Drußzinņeems / kattri no winjo Kungo ghalldu nokrieth. |
Manc1631_LVM_68_7 | Tad atbilldeya JEſus / vnd ẜatziya vs tahß : O Ꞩeewa / |
Manc1631_LVM_68_8 | tawa Titziba gir leela / töw noteek / ka tu ghribbi. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_68_9 | winja Meita tappa wäſẜäla / tanny paſſchà ſtundà. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_68_10 | @v{Epiſtel am dritten Sontage in der Faſten /} |
Manc1631_LVM_68_11 | @v{genant Oculi, Epheſ. 5.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_68_12 | MYļi Brahļi / eſẜeta Deewa pehtz ſtaighayetayi / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_68_13 | tee myļi Bährni / vnd ſtaighayeeta eekſchan tahß |
Manc1631_LVM_68_14 | myläßtibas / ka CHriſtus mums myļoyis gir / vnd ẜöw |
Manc1631_LVM_68_15 | patti nodeweeß par Dahwanu vnd Vpperi Deewam |
Manc1631_LVM_68_16 | par ẜalldu Smarrſchu. Bett Mauzibu vnd wiſẜu Nhe- |
Manc1631_LVM_68_17 | ſkieſtibu / jeb Nheghauſẜibu / nhe laideeta no jums ißpauſt / |
Manc1631_LVM_68_18 | ka teems ſwähteems klahyahß / Arridſan beßkaunigus |
Manc1631_LVM_68_19 | Wahrdus vnd jeckigu Tehrſeſchanu / jeb gļaudu / kattri |
Manc1631_LVM_68_20 | jums nhe klahyahß / bett jo wairahk Patteitziba. Aiſto to |
Manc1631_LVM_68_21 | buhß jums ſinnaht / ka nhe weenam Mauzeneekam / jeb |
Manc1631_LVM_68_22 | nheſkieſtam / jeb nhegauſcham (katters gir weens ällka- |
Manc1631_LVM_68_23 | deewa Kallps) nheneekada daļļa gir py to Wallſtibu |
Manc1631_LVM_68_24 | CHriſti vnd Deewa. |
Manc1631_LVM_68_25 | Nhe leezeetees jums no nhe weenu peewillt / ar wellte |
Manc1631_LVM_68_26 | Wahrdeems / aiſto todehļ nahk. Deewa Dußmiba / par |
Manc1631_LVM_68_27 | teems Bährneems tahß Nhetitzibas. Tapehtz nhe eſẜeeta |
| @b{winjo} |
| |
| [69.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_69_1 | winjo Beedri. Aiſto juhß biyaht czittkahrt Tumſẜiba / bett |
Manc1631_LVM_69_2 | nu eſẜeeta juhß weena Ghaißma eekſchan to Kungu. |
Manc1631_LVM_69_3 | Staighayeeta ka tee Bährni tahß ghaiſchumas. Tee |
Manc1631_LVM_69_4 | augļi tha gharra gir wiſẜenada laipniba / vnd Taißniba / |
Manc1631_LVM_69_5 | vnd Patteeſẜiba. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_69_6 | @v{Evangelium am dritten Sontage in der Fa-} |
Manc1631_LVM_69_7 | @v{ſten / genand Oculi, Luc. 11.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_69_8 | TAs Kunx JEſus iß- |
Manc1631_LVM_69_9 | dſinna weenu Wällu / |
Manc1631_LVM_69_10 | tas by Mähms. Vnd tas |
Manc1631_LVM_69_11 | notickahß / kad tas Wälls |
Manc1631_LVM_69_12 | ißbehdſe / tad runnaya tas |
Manc1631_LVM_69_13 | Mähms / vnd tee Ļaudis |
Manc1631_LVM_69_14 | brienoyahß. Bett czitti no |
Manc1631_LVM_69_15 | teems ẜatziya: Tas ißdſänn |
Manc1631_LVM_69_16 | tohß Wällus czaur Beel- |
Manc1631_LVM_69_17 | zebubu / to Wirrſẜeneeku to Wällo. Bett czitti kahrdena- |
Manc1631_LVM_69_18 | ya to / vnd ghribbeya no to weenu Siem no Däbbäſẜu. |
Manc1631_LVM_69_19 | Bett wings nomanniya winjo Dohmas / vnd ẜatziya vs |
Manc1631_LVM_69_20 | teems: Jck=kattra Wallſtiba / ja ta ẜawà ſtarrpà enaidà |
Manc1631_LVM_69_21 | tohp / ta tohp ißpohſtita / vnd weens Namms krieth vs oh- |
Manc1631_LVM_69_22 | tru. Gir tad tas Sathanas arridſan ẜawà ſtarrpà enie- |
Manc1631_LVM_69_23 | dà / ka ghribb winja Wallſtiba pallickt? Kad juhß ẜackaht / |
Manc1631_LVM_69_24 | Es ißdſännu to Wällu czaur Beelzebubu? |
Manc1631_LVM_69_25 | Bett kad es tohß Wällus czaur Beelzebubu ißdſännu / |
Manc1631_LVM_69_26 | czaur ko ißdſäñ tad tohß juhſẜi Bährni? Tapehtz buhß tee |
Manc1631_LVM_69_27 | juhſẜi teeſẜatayi. Bett ja es czaur Deewa pirxtu tohß wäl- |
Manc1631_LVM_69_28 | lus ißdſännu / tad nahk jo ta Deewa Wallſtiba py jums. |
| @b{} |
| |
| [70.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_70_1 | Kad kahtz ſtippris abbrunņohtz ſawu Pili paſẜarr- |
Manc1631_LVM_70_2 | ga / tad palleek winja Pils ar meeru. Bett kad weens |
Manc1631_LVM_70_3 | ſtipprahx tam vseedt / vnd vswarr to / tad payämm tas |
Manc1631_LVM_70_4 | tham ẜawus brunņus / vs kattreems tas ẜöw pallaidehß / |
Manc1631_LVM_70_5 | vnd ißdalla to Laupiſchanu. Kas nhe gir ar man / tas gir |
Manc1631_LVM_70_6 | prettie mann / vnd kas ar mann nhe ẜakra / tas ißkaiſẜa. |
Manc1631_LVM_70_7 | Kad tas nheſkieſts Gharrs no to Czillwäku ißkreen / |
Manc1631_LVM_70_8 | tad parſtaigha tas ẜauſẜas weetas / meckle Duſẜeſchanu / |
Manc1631_LVM_70_9 | vnd nhe attrohd to. Tad ẜacka tas / Es ghribbu attkal |
Manc1631_LVM_70_10 | greeſtees mannà Nammà / no kurrenes es ißghayis äß- |
Manc1631_LVM_70_11 | mu. Vnd kad tas nahk / tad attrohd tas to ar{är} Slohteems |
Manc1631_LVM_70_12 | mähſtu vnd ſkieſtitu. Tad noeedt tas / vnd jämm ẜeptin- |
Manc1631_LVM_70_13 | jus Gharrus py ẜöw / kattri ļaunaki gir / nheka wings |
Manc1631_LVM_70_14 | patz. Vnd kad tee turr eekſchan nahk / dſiewo tee turr / |
Manc1631_LVM_70_15 | vnd tad pehtz tohp ar to paſſchu Czillwäku nicknake / nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_70_16 | ka pirrmahk. |
Manc1631_LVM_70_17 | Vnd tas notickahß / kad wings tha runnaya / pazeh- |
Manc1631_LVM_70_18 | le weena Ꞩeewa ſtarrpan teems Ļaudeems ẜawu |
Manc1631_LVM_70_19 | Ballxni / vnd ẜatziya vs to: Swähtas gir tahß Meeſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_70_20 | ẜas / kattras / töw gir näſẜuſchi / vnd tahß Kruhtis, kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_70_21 | tras tu ſiedis eſẜi. Bett wings ẜatziya / Ja ſwähti gir |
Manc1631_LVM_70_22 | tee / kattri Deewa Wahrdu dſirrd / vnd paſẜarrga to. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_70_23 | @v{Epiſtel am vierdten Sontage in der Faſten /} |
Manc1631_LVM_70_24 | @v{genand Laetare, Galat. 4.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_70_25 | SAckaita mann / myļi Brahļi / kattri juhß appack- |
Manc1631_LVM_70_26 | ſchan to Baußlu ghribbaht buht / Nhe eſẜeeta juhß |
| @b{to} |
| |
| [71.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_71_1 | to Baußlu dſirrdeyuſchi? Aiſto turr ſtahw raxtietz / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_71_2 | Abrahamam diwi Dähli by / weens no tahß Kallpones / |
Manc1631_LVM_71_3 | tas ohters no tahß Swabbadahß. Bett tas katters no |
Manc1631_LVM_71_4 | tahß Kallpones by / gir pehtz to Meeſẜu peedſimmis / bett |
Manc1631_LVM_71_5 | tas no tahß Swabbadahß / gir czaur to Ꞩohliſchanu |
Manc1631_LVM_71_6 | peedſimmis. Tee Wahrdi gir währa jämbtini / aiſto tee |
Manc1631_LVM_71_7 | gir tee diwi Eeſtadiyummi / Weens no to Kallnu Sinai / |
Manc1631_LVM_71_8 | katters py Kallpoſchanas peedſämm / kattra gir Agar. |
Manc1631_LVM_71_9 | Aiſto Agar tohp ẜatzieta eekſchan Arabia tas Kallns Si- |
Manc1631_LVM_71_10 | na / vnd ſteepyahß ihs Jeruſalem / kattra ſchinny laikà |
Manc1631_LVM_71_11 | gir / vnd gir muhſchiex Warx ar ẜaweems Bährneems. |
Manc1631_LVM_71_12 | Bett ta Jeruſalem / kattra tur auxte gir / ta gir ta |
Manc1631_LVM_71_13 | Swabbada / ta gir muhſẜo wiſẜo Mahte. Aiſto tur ſtahw |
Manc1631_LVM_71_14 | raxtietz / Preezayees tu Nheaugliga / kattra tu nhe dſemm / |
Manc1631_LVM_71_15 | vnd ißplauz / vnd ẜautz / kattra tu nhe eſẜi apghrutenata / |
Manc1631_LVM_71_16 | aiſto tai Attſtatai gir wairahk Bährni / nhe ka tai / kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_71_17 | trai Wiers gir. Bett mehs / myļi Brahļi / äſẜam Jſaa- |
Manc1631_LVM_71_18 | ca / pehtz to Ꞩoliſchanu / Bährni. |
Manc1631_LVM_71_19 | Bett ihten ka tanny laikà / katters pehtz to Meeſẜu |
Manc1631_LVM_71_20 | peedſimtz by / to eeniede / katters pehtz to gharru peedſim- |
Manc1631_LVM_71_21 | mis by: Tha noteek tas nu arridſan. Bett ko ẜacka tas |
Manc1631_LVM_71_22 | Raxtz? Jßghruhd aran to Kallpon ar ẜawu Dählu / ai- |
Manc1631_LVM_71_23 | ſto tahß Kallpones Dählam nhe buhß manntoht ar to |
Manc1631_LVM_71_24 | Dählu tas Swabbadahß. Tad äſẜam mehs nu / myļi |
Manc1631_LVM_71_25 | Brahļi / nhe tahß Kallpones Bährni/ Bett tahß Ꞩwab- |
Manc1631_LVM_71_26 | badahß. |
| @b{Evan-} |
| |
| [72.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_72_1 | @v{Evangelium am vierdten Sontage in der} |
Manc1631_LVM_72_2 | @v{Faſten / genand Laetare, Johann. G.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_72_3 | JEſus brautze par to Juhri / vs to Pili Tyberias eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_72_4 | ſchan Galilea / vnd Dauds Ļaudis ghaya tam |
Manc1631_LVM_72_5 | packaļļ / tapehtz ka tee winja Siemes redſeya / kattrus tas |
Manc1631_LVM_72_6 | py teems Nhewäſẜeleems |
Manc1631_LVM_72_7 | darriya. Bett JESVS |
Manc1631_LVM_72_8 | kahpe vs weenu Kallnu / |
Manc1631_LVM_72_9 | vnd paſẜehdehyahß turpatt |
Manc1631_LVM_72_10 | ar ẜaweems Mahzekļeems. |
Manc1631_LVM_72_11 | Bett ta Leeldeenà{Ļeeldeenà} to Jud- |
Manc1631_LVM_72_12 | do Swähtki / by tuwe |
Manc1631_LVM_72_13 | klaht. |
Manc1631_LVM_72_14 | Tad pazehle JEſus |
Manc1631_LVM_72_15 | Ꞩawus Atzis / vnd redſeya / ka dauds Ļaudis py to nah- |
Manc1631_LVM_72_16 | ze / vnd ẜatziya vs Wilippu / (@l{Letti pronunciant} Lipſt.) kur |
Manc1631_LVM_72_17 | pirrkam mehs Mais / ka ſchee ähd? Bett to ẜatziya |
Manc1631_LVM_72_18 | wings to Kahrdenadams : Aiſto wings ghann ſinnaya / |
Manc1631_LVM_72_19 | ko wings ghribbeya darriet. |
Manc1631_LVM_72_20 | Wilipps adbilldeya tham / Par diwi=ſimbtt kauſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_72_21 | ẜeems nhe gir ghanne Maiſes ſtarpan teems /ka ick weens |
Manc1631_LVM_72_22 | no teems magkeniet jembt warrätu. Weens no winjo |
Manc1631_LVM_72_23 | Mahzekļeems / Andres Simoņa Pehtera Brahlis / ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_72_24 | cka vs to: Ꞩcheitan gir weens Puiſẜis / tam gir peetz Mee- |
Manc1631_LVM_72_25 | ſcha Maiſes / vnd diwi Siwis / bett kas gir tas ſtarpan |
Manc1631_LVM_72_26 | tick dauds ļaudeems? Bett JEſus ẜatziya / darraita /ka tee |
| @b{Ļaudis} |
| |
| [73.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_73_1 | Ļaudis paſẜähdahß. Bett turr by dauds Sahles tanny |
Manc1631_LVM_73_2 | weeta. Tad paſẜehdehyahß py peetztuhxtoſchi Wieri. Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_73_3 | JEſus jehme tahß Maiſes / patteitze / vnd dewe tohß teems |
Manc1631_LVM_73_4 | Mahzekļeems. Bett tee Mahzekļi teems / kattri paſẜähdu- |
Manc1631_LVM_73_5 | ſchees by. Ta lieds arridſan no teems Siweems / czeek |
Manc1631_LVM_73_6 | tam patticka. |
Manc1631_LVM_73_7 | Bett kad tee pee=ähdehß / ẜatziya Wings vs ẜaweems |
Manc1631_LVM_73_8 | Mahzekļeems / ẜackrayeeta tahß attlicktas Drußkas / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_73_9 | no teems nheneeka ißbahrſtahß. Tad ẜackraya tee / vñ pill- |
Manc1631_LVM_73_10 | diya diwipaddeßmitt Kurrwyus ar drußkahms / no teems |
Manc1631_LVM_73_11 | peetz Meeſcha Maiſehms / kattri attlicka teems / kattri äh- |
Manc1631_LVM_73_12 | dinati tappa. Kad nu tee Czillwäki to Siem redſeya / kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_73_13 | tru JEſus darriya / ẜatziya tee / tas gir pattees tas Pro- |
Manc1631_LVM_73_14 | weetz / kattram eekſchan tahß Paſẜaules nahkt buhß. Kad |
Manc1631_LVM_73_15 | nu JEſus nomanniya / ka tee nahkt ghribbeya / vnd to |
Manc1631_LVM_73_16 | ghuſtiet / ka tee to par Koninju czälltu / attſtahyahß tas |
Manc1631_LVM_73_17 | attkall / vnd ghaya vs kallnu / wings pattz weens. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_73_18 | @v{Epiſtel am fünfften Sontage in der Faſten /} |
Manc1631_LVM_73_19 | @v{genand Iudica, Ebr. 9.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_73_20 | CHriſtus gir nahzis / ka tas buhtu weens Auxtz=Baſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_73_21 | nizas Kunx / to nakoſcho Mannto / czaur weenu lee- |
Manc1631_LVM_73_22 | laku vnd pillnighaku Dſiewoklu / kattra nhe gir ar Roh- |
Manc1631_LVM_73_23 | kams darrita / tas gir / kattra tah nhe gir taiſẜita / neds |
Manc1631_LVM_73_24 | arridſan czaur to Ahſcho jeb Teļļo aſẜini / bett tas gir czaur |
Manc1631_LVM_73_25 | ſawu paſſchu Aſẜini weenu reiſu eekſchan to Swähtumu |
Manc1631_LVM_73_26 | eeghayis / vnd gir weenu muhſchigu Peſtiſchanu nopell- |
Manc1631_LVM_73_27 | niyis. |
| @b{Aiſto} |
| |
| [74.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_74_1 | Aiſto ja to Wehrſcho vnd to Ahſcho Aſẜins / vnd tee |
Manc1631_LVM_74_2 | Pällni no tahß Ghohß apſlatziti / tohß nheſkieſtus ſweh- |
Manc1631_LVM_74_3 | tiya / py tahß meeſẜigas ſkieſtibas / ka dauds wairahk tad |
Manc1631_LVM_74_4 | tahß Aſẜinis CHriſti / katters ẜöw paſſchu beß wiſẜas |
Manc1631_LVM_74_5 | nheſkieſtibas czaur to ſwähtu Gharru Deewam vppere- |
Manc1631_LVM_74_6 | yees gir / muhſẜus Ꞩirrdes ſkieſties / no teems nomirru- |
Manc1631_LVM_74_7 | ſcheems darrbeems / py Kallpoſchanu tam dſiewigam |
Manc1631_LVM_74_8 | Deewam? Vnd tapehtz gir tas arridſan weens Widde- |
Manc1631_LVM_74_9 | tays tahß jaunas Eeſtahdiſchanas / ka czaur to Nahwu / |
Manc1631_LVM_74_10 | kattra notickuſẜi gir par Attpeſtiſchanu no teems Ghrä- |
Manc1631_LVM_74_11 | keems (kattri appakſchan to pirrmaku Eeſtadiyumu by) |
Manc1631_LVM_74_12 | tee kattri aitzenati gir / to ẜohlitu muhſchigu Manntu |
Manc1631_LVM_74_13 | dabbuit warr. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_74_14 | @v{Evangelium am fünfften Sontage in der} |
Manc1631_LVM_74_15 | @v{Faſten / genand Iudica, Johan. 8.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_74_16 | JEſus ẜatziya vs teems Juddeems: Katters gir juhſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_74_17 | ẜo ſtarrpa / kas vs mann weena Ghräka dehļ vs- |
Manc1631_LVM_74_18 | ſtahweht warr? Bett ja es jums pattees ẜacku / kapehtz |
Manc1631_LVM_74_19 | nhe titzaht juhß mann? Kas no Deewu gir / tas klauſẜa |
Manc1631_LVM_74_20 | Deewa Wahrdu. Tapehtz nhe klauſẜaita juhß / aiſto juhß |
Manc1631_LVM_74_21 | nhe eſẜeeta no Deewu. Tad adbilldeya tee Juddi / vnd ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_74_22 | tziya vs to : Nhe ẜackam mehs teeſcham / ka tu weens Sa- |
Manc1631_LVM_74_23 | mariteris eſẜi / vnd töw gir taß Wälls? JEẜus adbillde- |
Manc1631_LVM_74_24 | ya : Mann nhe gir nhe weens Wälls / bett es Ghodu |
Manc1631_LVM_74_25 | mannu Tähwu / vnd juhß Nhe=ghohdaht mann. Es nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_74_26 | meckleyu mannu ghodu / bett weens gir / kas to meckle vnd |
| @b{teeſẜa} |
| |
| [75.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_75_1 | teeſẜa. Pattees / patees es ẜacku jums / ja kas mannu |
Manc1631_LVM_75_2 | Wahrdu turrehß / tas to Nahwu muhſcham nhe red- |
Manc1631_LVM_75_3 | ſehß. Tad ẜatziya tee Juddi vs to / Nu nomannam mehß |
Manc1631_LVM_75_4 | ka töw tas Wälls gir. Abrahams gir nomirris / vnd tee |
Manc1631_LVM_75_5 | Proweetes / vnd tu ẜacki : Ja kas mannu Wahrdu turr / |
Manc1631_LVM_75_6 | tas to Nahwu muhſcham nhe baudieß. Eſẜi tu wairahk |
Manc1631_LVM_75_7 | nhe ka muhſẜo Tähws Abrahams? Katters nomirris |
Manc1631_LVM_75_8 | gir / vnd tee Proweetes gir nomirruſchi / ko darrais tu no |
Manc1631_LVM_75_9 | ẜöw paſſchu? |
Manc1631_LVM_75_10 | JEſus adbilldeya / kad es ẜöw patttz Ghodätu / tad |
Manc1631_LVM_75_11 | nhe gir mans Ghodtz nheneeka / bett mans Tähws gir / |
Manc1631_LVM_75_12 | kas mann Ghoda / kattru juhß ẜackaht / tas äſẜohtz juhſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_75_13 | ẜo Deews / vnd juhß nhe paſieſtaht to. Bett es paſieſtu |
Manc1631_LVM_75_14 | to. Vnd kad es ẜatzietu / es to nhe paſieſtu / tad buhtu es |
Manc1631_LVM_75_15 | ihten tahtz Mällkulis / ka juhß eſẜeeta. Bett es paſieſtu |
Manc1631_LVM_75_16 | to / vnd turru winja Wahrdu. |
Manc1631_LVM_75_17 | Abrahams juhſẜo Tähws |
Manc1631_LVM_75_18 | tappa liexmis / ka tas man- |
Manc1631_LVM_75_19 | nu deenu warrätu redſeht / |
Manc1631_LVM_75_20 | vnd tas redſeya to /vnd pree- |
Manc1631_LVM_75_21 | zayahß. Tad ſatziya tee |
Manc1631_LVM_75_22 | Juddi vs to : Tu nhe eſẜi |
Manc1631_LVM_75_23 | wehl peetzdeßmittz Ghad- |
Manc1631_LVM_75_24 | dus wätz/ vnd eſẜi Abraha- |
Manc1631_LVM_75_25 | mu redſeyis? JEſus ẜatzi- |
Manc1631_LVM_75_26 | ya vs teems / pattees / pattees / es ẜacku jums / pirms |
Manc1631_LVM_75_27 | Abrahams tappa / äßmu es. Tad czehle tee Ackminis |
| @b{aukſcham /} |
| |
| [76.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_76_1 | aukſcham / ka tee vs to meſt ghribbeya. Bett JEſus pa- |
Manc1631_LVM_76_2 | ſlehpehß / vnd ißghaya no tahß Baſnizas. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_76_3 | @v{Epiſtel auff den Palm Tag /} |
Manc1631_LVM_76_4 | @v{Philipper 2.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_76_5 | MYļi Brahļi / Jck weenam buhß tahdu prahtu tur- |
Manc1631_LVM_76_6 | reht / ka JEſu CHriſto arridſan by / katters / jeb tas |
Manc1631_LVM_76_7 | ghann eekſchan Deewiſkas ghiemes by / tomehr nhe czer- |
Manc1631_LVM_76_8 | reya tas to weenu laupiſchanu äſẜam / Deewam liedſähns |
Manc1631_LVM_76_9 | buht / bett wings pattz ſöw ſämmoyayahß / vnd vsjehmehs |
Manc1631_LVM_76_10 | weenu Kallpa ghiem / tappa ihten ka czittz Czillwähx / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_76_11 | no dabbu ka kahtz Czillwähx attraſts / wings pattz ẜöw |
Manc1631_LVM_76_12 | ẜämmoyayahß / vnd tappa paklauſẜiex ihs tay Nahwei / ja |
Manc1631_LVM_76_13 | ihs tay Nahwei py kruſtu. Tapehtz gir to arridſan Deews |
Manc1631_LVM_76_14 | pa=auxtenayis / vnd gir tam weenu Wahrdu dehwis / kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_76_15 | ters par wiſẜeems Wahrdeems gir / ka eekſchan to Wahr- |
Manc1631_LVM_76_16 | du JEſu lohziteems buhß wiſẜeems Czeļļeems / kattri eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_76_17 | ſchan Däbbäſẜu / vnd wirſẜon Semmes / vnd appackſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_76_18 | Semmes gir / vnd wiſẜahms Mehlehms attſieth buhß / |
Manc1631_LVM_76_19 | ka JEſus CHriſtus tas Kunx äſẜohtz par ghohdu Dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_76_20 | wa ta Tähwa. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_76_21 | @v{Evangelium am Palm Tage / Matth. 21.} |
Manc1631_LVM_76_22 | @v{Findeſtu am erſten Sontage des} |
Manc1631_LVM_76_23 | @v{Advents.} |
Manc1631_LVM_76_24 | @v{Epiſtel am grünen Donnerſtage /} |
Manc1631_LVM_76_25 | @v{1. Corinth. 11.} |
| @b{Es} |
| |
| [77.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_77_1 | ES äßmu to no to Kungu dabbuyis / ko es jums deh- |
Manc1631_LVM_77_2 | wis äßmu. Aiſto tas Kunx JEſus tanny nackty / |
Manc1631_LVM_77_3 | kad tas peewilltz tappa / jehme tas to Mais / patteitze / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_77_4 | pahrlauſe to / vnd ẜatziya / jemmeeta / ähdeeta / ta gir man- |
Manc1631_LVM_77_5 | na Meeſẜa / kattra par jums lauſta (lauſta / @v{vieleicht vmd des} |
Manc1631_LVM_77_6 | @v{einfältigen Pawren willen wehr es beſſer zu geben} / ißdallita. @l{Frangere,} |
Manc1631_LVM_77_7 | @l{enim phraſi hebraeâ diſtribuere ſignificat, Oſiand, ſup. hunc locum.)} tohp/to |
Manc1631_LVM_77_8 | darraita mannis peeminnädammi. |
Manc1631_LVM_77_9 | Ta lieds arridſan to Bickeri pehtz to Wackarähdenn / |
Manc1631_LVM_77_10 | vnd ẜatziya / Schiß Bickeris gir tas jauns Eeſtadiyums |
Manc1631_LVM_77_11 | eekſchan mannu Aſẜini / to darraita / czeekahrt juhß to |
Manc1631_LVM_77_12 | dſerreeta / mannis peeminnädammi. |
Manc1631_LVM_77_13 | Aiſto czeekahrt juhß no ſcho Mais ähdäht / vnd no |
Manc1631_LVM_77_14 | ſcho Bickeri dſerraht / buhß jums tha Kunga Nahwes |
Manc1631_LVM_77_15 | paſluddenaht / teekams tas nahk. Katters nu nhezeeni- |
Manc1631_LVM_77_16 | ge no ſcho Mais ähd / jeb no to Bickeri tha Kunga dſerr / |
Manc1631_LVM_77_17 | tas gir noſeedſeeß prett to Meeſẜu vnd Aſẜini tha Kunga. |
Manc1631_LVM_77_18 | Bett tam Czillwäkam buhß labbe ẜöw apdohmateeß / |
Manc1631_LVM_77_19 | vnd tad warr tas ähſt no ſcho Mais / vnd dſerrt no ſcho |
Manc1631_LVM_77_20 | Bickeri. Aiſto kas nhezeenige ähd / vnd dſerr / tas ähd |
Manc1631_LVM_77_21 | vnd dſerr ẜöw paſſcham to Sohdibu / ar to / ka tas nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_77_22 | noſkirr to Meeſẜu tha Kunga. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_77_23 | @v{Evangelium am grünen Donnerstage /} |
Manc1631_LVM_77_24 | @v{Johan 13.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_77_25 | PReekſch leeldeenas ſwähtkeems / kad JEſus noman- |
Manc1631_LVM_77_26 | niya / ka winja laix daggayis by / ka tas no ſchahß |
Manc1631_LVM_77_27 | Paſẜaules eetu py Tähwu / ihten ka tas by myļoyis |
| @b{Ꞩawus} |
| |
| [78.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_78_1 | ẜawus / kattri eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_78_2 | Paſẜaules by / ta myļoya |
Manc1631_LVM_78_3 | tas tohß lieds ghallam. |
Manc1631_LVM_78_4 | Vnd pehtz to Wackaräh- |
Manc1631_LVM_78_5 | denn / kad tas Wälls jaw |
Manc1631_LVM_78_6 | by tam Simoņam Jſcha- |
Manc1631_LVM_78_7 | rioth eekſchan Ꞩirdtz e- |
Manc1631_LVM_78_8 | dehwis / ka wings to pee- |
Manc1631_LVM_78_9 | willtu / ſinnaya JEſus / |
Manc1631_LVM_78_10 | ka tam tas Tähws by wiſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_78_11 | ẜas leetas ẜawahß Roh- |
Manc1631_LVM_78_12 | kahß dehwis / vnd ka tas no Deewu nahzis by / vnd py |
Manc1631_LVM_78_13 | Deewu eetu / czehlehß tas no to Wackarähdenn auk- |
Manc1631_LVM_78_14 | ſcham / nolicka ẜawas drehbes / vnd jehme weenu Autu / |
Manc1631_LVM_78_15 | vnd apyohſẜehß ẜöw. Pehtz to lehya tas Vhdeni eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_78_16 | weenu Begkeni / vnd eeẜahka teems Mahzekļeems tahß |
Manc1631_LVM_78_17 | Kahyas maſghaht / vnd ſchaweya tahß / ar to apyohſtu |
Manc1631_LVM_78_18 | Autu / ar kattru tas apyohſts by. Tad nahze tas py Si- |
Manc1631_LVM_78_19 | mon Peteri / vnd wings ẜatziya vs to: Kunx / buhß töw |
Manc1631_LVM_78_20 | man mannas Kahyas maſghaht? JEſus adbilldeya / |
Manc1631_LVM_78_21 | vnd ẜatziya vs to / ko es darru to tu nu nhe ſinni. Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_78_22 | tu to pehtz ẜayuttieſẜi. Tad ẜatziya Peteris vs to : Nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_78_23 | muhſcham buhß töw mann tahß Kahyas maſghaht. |
Manc1631_LVM_78_24 | JEſus ẜatziya vs to : Ja es töw nhe maſghaſchu / tad nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_78_25 | gir töw ar mann dallibas. Simon Peteris ẜatziya vs to: |
Manc1631_LVM_78_26 | Kunx nhe ween tahß Kahyas / bett arridſan tahß Roh- |
Manc1631_LVM_78_27 | kas vnd to ghallwu. JEſus ẜatziya vs to : Kas maſghahtz |
| @b{gir /} |
| |
| [79.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_79_1 | gir / tam nhe gir wairs wayaga ka ween tahß Kahyas |
Manc1631_LVM_79_2 | maſghaht / bett tas gir wiſchſkim ſkieſts / vnd juhß eſẜeeta |
Manc1631_LVM_79_3 | ſkieſti / bett nhe wiſẜi. Aiſto tas ſinnaya ghann ẜawu |
Manc1631_LVM_79_4 | Willteneeku / tapehtz ẜatziya tas / juhß nhe eſẜeeta wiſẜi |
Manc1631_LVM_79_5 | ſkieſti. |
Manc1631_LVM_79_6 | Kad tas nu winjo Kahyahß maſghayis by / jehme |
Manc1631_LVM_79_7 | tas ẜawas Drehbes py ẜöw / vnd noẜähdahß / vnd ẜatzi- |
Manc1631_LVM_79_8 | ya attkal vs teems / ſinnaita juhß / ko es jums darriyis |
Manc1631_LVM_79_9 | äßmu? Juhß ẜautzait mann Meiſteri vnd Kungu / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_79_10 | runnayeeta pareiſe / aiſto tas äßmu es arridſan / Ja nu |
Manc1631_LVM_79_11 | Es / juhſẜo Kunx vnd Meiſters jums tahß Kahyas äßmu |
Manc1631_LVM_79_12 | maſghayis / tad buhß jums arridſan weens ohtram tahß |
Manc1631_LVM_79_13 | Kahyas maſghaht. Weenu Liedſibu äßmu es jums |
Manc1631_LVM_79_14 | dehwis / ka jums buhß darriet / ihten ka es |
Manc1631_LVM_79_15 | jums darriyis äßmu. |
| @b{HISTO} |
| |
| |
| [80.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_80_1 | @l{HISTORIA PASSIONIS} |
Manc1631_LVM_80_2 | @l{DOMINI NOSTRI} |
Manc1631_LVM_80_3 | @l{IESV CHRISTI,} |
Manc1631_LVM_80_4 | @l{SECVNDVM QVATVOR} |
Manc1631_LVM_80_5 | @l{EVANGELISTAS.} |
Manc1631_LVM_80_6 | @v{Hiſtoria von dem Leiden vnd Sterben} |
Manc1631_LVM_80_7 | @v{vnſers Herrn vnd Heylandes} |
Manc1631_LVM_80_8 | @v{JESV CHriſti /} |
Manc1631_LVM_80_9 | @v{Nach den Vier Evangeliſten.} |
| @b{Tahß} |
| |
| [81.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_81_1 | TAhß ẜalldahß Maiſes ſwähtki by tu- |
Manc1631_LVM_81_2 | we / kattrus Leeldeenus ẜautz /vnd JE- |
Manc1631_LVM_81_3 | ſus ẜatziya vs ẜaweems Mahzekļeems: |
Manc1631_LVM_81_4 | Juhß ſinnaht / ka pehts diweems dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_81_5 | neems Leeldeena tohp / vnd tha Czill- |
Manc1631_LVM_81_6 | wäka Dähls kļuhß nohdohtz / ka tas |
Manc1631_LVM_81_7 | krußtà ẜiſts tohp. Tad ẜapullzenayahß tee Auxtibaſnizas= |
Manc1631_LVM_81_8 | Kungi / vnd Raxtemazetayi / vnd tee Wätzaki ſtarpan |
Manc1631_LVM_81_9 | teems Ļaudeems / tha Auxta Baſnizas=Kunga Nam- |
Manc1631_LVM_81_10 | ma / (@h{aul,} @l{domus regia, aula, domus principis.)} kattra wahrtz |
Manc1631_LVM_81_11 | by Caiwas / vnd abẜurunnayahß / ka tee JEſum ar Will- |
Manc1631_LVM_81_12 | tu dabbuitu / vnd nokautu / aiſto tee biyayahß ta Ļauſcho |
Manc1631_LVM_81_13 | dehļ. Bett tee ẜatziya : Ock nhe vs Swähtkeems / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_81_14 | nhe kļuhß kahtz Dumpis ſtarpan teems Ļaudeems. |
Manc1631_LVM_81_15 | Vnd kad JEſus by eekſchan Bethanias / Simoņa tha |
Manc1631_LVM_81_16 | Spittaliga Nammà / peeſtayahß tam weena Ꞩeewa / |
Manc1631_LVM_81_17 | tay by Ghlaſe / ar itt ſkieſtu vnd ļohte darrgu Sahles Vh- |
Manc1631_LVM_81_18 | deni / vnd ta ẜadauſiya to Ghlahs / vnd lehya to vs win- |
Manc1631_LVM_81_19 | ja Ghallwu / py Ghalldu ẜehſchoht. Kad to winja Mah- |
Manc1631_LVM_81_20 | zekļi redſeya / apſkaita tee / vnd ẜatziya: Ko pallieds ta ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_81_21 | maitata leeta? To Vhdeni warrätu dahrgake nhe ka par |
Manc1631_LVM_81_22 | trieß=ẜimto Ghroſſcheems pahrdoht / vnd to teems Vbba- |
Manc1631_LVM_81_23 | geems ißdalliet / vnd kurrneya par to. Kad to JEſus |
Manc1631_LVM_81_24 | nomanniya / ẜatziya tas vs teems: Leezeeta to ar meeru / |
Manc1631_LVM_81_25 | ko apbähdenayeeta juhß to Ꞩeewu? Winja gir labbu |
Manc1631_LVM_81_26 | darrbu py man darriyuſẜi / Jums gir allaſch Vbbagi / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_81_27 | kad juhß ghribbaht / warreeta juhß teems labbe darriet / |
| @b{Bett} |
| |
| [82.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_82_1 | Bett es nhe äßmu allaſch py jums / Winja gir Darri- |
Manc1631_LVM_82_2 | juſẜi / ko ta paſpehjuſẜi. Aiſto ka ta ſcho Vhdeni gir vs |
Manc1631_LVM_82_3 | mannu Meeſẜu lehyuſẜi / ar to gir papreekſch mannas |
Manc1631_LVM_82_4 | Meeſẜas ſwaidiet vs mannam behrehm. Pattees es ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_82_5 | cku jums / kur ſchis Evangeliums mahzietz taps wiſẜà |
Manc1631_LVM_82_6 | Paſẜauleh / tur arridſan taps tas ẜatzietz / winju peemin- |
Manc1631_LVM_82_7 | nedammi ko ta taggad gir darriyuſẜi. |
Manc1631_LVM_82_8 | Bett tas Sathanas by eeghayis eekſchan to Judas / |
Manc1631_LVM_82_9 | katters noẜauktz tappa Jſcarioth / katters by no to Pullku |
Manc1631_LVM_82_10 | to Diwipaddeßmitto / vnd tas noghaya / vnd runnaya ar |
Manc1631_LVM_82_11 | teems Auxteems Baſnizas Kungeems / vnd ar teems |
Manc1631_LVM_82_12 | Pills Kungeems / ka tas to peewilltu / vnd ẜatziya / ko |
Manc1631_LVM_82_13 | ghribbaht juhß mann doht / es ghribbu jums to peewylu- |
Manc1631_LVM_82_14 | ſchu nodoht? Kad tee to dſirrdeya / tappa tee liexmi / |
Manc1631_LVM_82_15 | vnd tee ẜohliya tam Trießdeßmitz ẜuddraba kauſẜus. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_82_16 | tas vsjehmehß / vnd no to laiku tas laweyahß / ka tas to |
Manc1631_LVM_82_17 | nodohtu beß Dumpi. |
Manc1631_LVM_82_18 | Bett pirrmà Deenà tahß Ꞩalldahßmaiſes / kad by |
Manc1631_LVM_82_19 | ja=vppere tas Leeldeenas=Jährs / ghaya tee Mahzekļi py |
Manc1631_LVM_82_20 | JEſu / vnd ẜatziya vs to : Kur ghribbi tu / ka mums buhß |
Manc1631_LVM_82_21 | no=eedt / vnd töw ẜattaiſẜiet to Leeldeenas=Jähru |
Manc1631_LVM_82_22 | äſt? Vnd tas ẜutiya Peteri vnd Jani / vnd ẜatziya: |
Manc1631_LVM_82_23 | Eita eekſchan tahß Pils / raughaita / kad juhß eekſcha |
Manc1631_LVM_82_24 | nahxeeta / ẜattaps jums weens Czillwähx / tas näß wee- |
Manc1631_LVM_82_25 | nu Vhdens Kruhß / eita tam packaļ tanny Nammà / kur |
Manc1631_LVM_82_26 | wings ee=eedt / vnd ſackaita vs to Ꞩaimneeku : Meiſte- |
Manc1631_LVM_82_27 | ris leek töw ẜatziet / manns laix gir daggayis / Es ghrib- |
| @b{bu} |
| |
| [83.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_83_1 | bu py töw Leeldeen turreht / kur gir tas Weeſẜonamms / |
Manc1631_LVM_83_2 | kur es to Leeldenas=Jähru ar manneems Mahzekļeems |
Manc1631_LVM_83_3 | ähſt warrätu. Vnd wings rahdies jums weenu leelu |
Manc1631_LVM_83_4 | ißbruggätu Jſtabu / turpatt ẜattaiſẜeeta to. Vnd tee no- |
Manc1631_LVM_83_5 | ghaya / vnd attradda / ka wings teems by ẜatziyis / vnd ẜat- |
Manc1631_LVM_83_6 | taiſẜiya to Leeldeenas=Jähru. Vnd wackarà nahze |
Manc1631_LVM_83_7 | wings / vnd ẜehdehyahß py Ghalldu / ar teems Diwipa- |
Manc1631_LVM_83_8 | deßmitteems Apuſtuļeems / vnd wings ẜatziya vs teems : |
Manc1631_LVM_83_9 | Mann no Ꞩirrdtz ghribbeyahß ſcho Leeldeenas=Jähru |
Manc1631_LVM_83_10 | ar jums ähſt / pirms es czeeſſchu. Aiẜto es ẜacku jums / |
Manc1631_LVM_83_11 | ka es joproyam wairahk no to nhe ähdiſchu / teekams pee- |
Manc1631_LVM_83_12 | pilldietz tohp eekſchan Deewa Wallſtibas. Vnd tas jeh- |
Manc1631_LVM_83_13 | me to Bickeri / patteitze / vnd ẜatziya Jemmeeta to paſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_83_14 | ſchu / vnd dallaitees to juhſẜo ſtarrpà. Aiſto es ẜacku |
Manc1631_LVM_83_15 | jums / Es nhe dſerrſchu no to augumu ta Wynakohka / |
Manc1631_LVM_83_16 | teekams ta Deewa Wallſtiba nahk / tanny Deenà / kad |
Manc1631_LVM_83_17 | es to no jaunu dſerrſchu ar jums / eekſchan manna Täh- |
Manc1631_LVM_83_18 | wa Wallſtibas. |
Manc1631_LVM_83_19 | Vnd ähdoht / tanny Nackty / kad tas Peewilltz tappa/ |
Manc1631_LVM_83_20 | jehme tas Kunx JEſus to Mais / patteitze / lauſe / vnd de- |
Manc1631_LVM_83_21 | we to teems Mahzekļeems / vnd ẜatziya: Jemmeeta / äh- |
Manc1631_LVM_83_22 | deeta / ta gir manna Meeſẜa / kattra par jums tohp dohta / |
Manc1631_LVM_83_23 | To darraita mann peeminnädami. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_83_24 | Ta lieds arridſan jehme tas to Bickeri / pehtz to Wa- |
Manc1631_LVM_83_25 | ckarähden / patteitze / dewe teems to / vnd ẜatziya : Dſerre- |
Manc1631_LVM_83_26 | ta wiſẜi no to / Schiß Bickeris gir ta jauna Eeſtadiſcha- |
Manc1631_LVM_83_27 | na / eekſchan mannu Aſẜini / katters par jums / vnd par |
| @b{daudſeems} |
| |
| [84.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_84_1 | daudſeems ißleetz tohp par pammeſchanu to Ghräko / To |
Manc1631_LVM_84_2 | darraita / czeekahrt juhß to dſerreta / mann peeminnä- |
Manc1631_LVM_84_3 | dami. Vnd tee dſehreh wiſẜi no to. |
Manc1631_LVM_84_4 | Bett pirrms leeladeena Swähtkeems / tas gir / tanny |
Manc1631_LVM_84_5 | paſſchà wackarà / kad JEſus nomanniya / ka winja laix |
Manc1631_LVM_84_6 | daggayis by / ka tas no ſchahß Paſẜaules eetu py Täh- |
Manc1631_LVM_84_7 | wu / ka tas by myļoyis tohß ẜawus / kattri eekſchan Paſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_84_8 | ẜaules by / ta tas tohß myļoya lieds patt ghallam. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_84_9 | pehtz to Wackarähden / kad jaw tas Wälls tam Judam |
Manc1631_LVM_84_10 | Ꞩimoņa Jſcharioth eekſchan Ꞩirdtz by eedewis / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_84_11 | wings / to peewilltu / ſinnaya JEſus / ka tam tas Tähws |
Manc1631_LVM_84_12 | wiſẜas leetas eekſchan winja Rohkahms dewis / vnd ka |
Manc1631_LVM_84_13 | tas no Deewu nahzis by / vnd py Deewu eetu / czehlehß |
Manc1631_LVM_84_14 | tas aukſcham no to Wackarähden / nolicka ẜawas Dreh- |
Manc1631_LVM_84_15 | bes / vnd jehme weenu preekſchautu / vnd apyoſẜehs ar to. |
Manc1631_LVM_84_16 | Pehtz to lehya tas Vhdeni eekſchan Beckeni / eeẜahka |
Manc1631_LVM_84_17 | teems Mahzekļeems tahß Kahyas maſghat / vnd ſcha- |
Manc1631_LVM_84_18 | weya tahß ar to Preekſchautu / ar kattru tas apyohſts by. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_84_19 | Tad nahze tas py Simon Peteri / vnd tas pattz ẜatzi- |
Manc1631_LVM_84_20 | ya vs to: Kunx / by töw mann tahß Kahyas maſghat? |
Manc1631_LVM_84_21 | JEſus attbilldeya / vnd ẜatziya vs to : Ko es darru /to tu |
Manc1631_LVM_84_22 | taggadien nhe ſinni / bett tu to pehtz nomannieſẜi. Tad ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_84_23 | tziya Peteris vs to: Muhſcham nhe buhß töw mann tahß |
Manc1631_LVM_84_24 | Kahyas maſghat. JEſus attbilldeya tam: Ja es töw |
Manc1631_LVM_84_25 | nhe maſghaſchu / tad nhe buhß töw daļļa py mann. Ꞩa- |
Manc1631_LVM_84_26 | cka vs to Simon Peteris: Kunx nhe tahß Kahyas ween / |
Manc1631_LVM_84_27 | bett arridſan tahß Rohkas vnd to Ghallwu. Ꞩacka |
| @b{JEſus} |
| |
| [85.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_85_1 | JEſus vs to: Kas maſghahtz gir / tam nhe wayaga / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_85_2 | ween tahß Kahyas maſghat / vnd juhß eſẜeeta ſkieſti / bett |
Manc1631_LVM_85_3 | nhe wiſẜi. Aiſto wings ghann ſinnaya ẜawu Willtenee- |
Manc1631_LVM_85_4 | ku / tapehtz ẜatziya tas / juhß nhe eſẜeeta wiſẜi ſkieſti. |
Manc1631_LVM_85_5 | Kad tas nu winyo Kahyas maſghayis by / jehme |
Manc1631_LVM_85_6 | tas ẜawas Drehbes / vnd ẜähdeyahß attkal ſemme / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_85_7 | ẜatziya attkal vs teems. Sinnaht juhß / ko es jums äß- |
Manc1631_LVM_85_8 | mu darriyis? Juhß ẜautzeeta mann Meiſteri vnd Kun- |
Manc1631_LVM_85_9 | gu / vnd runnayeeta teeſcham / aiſto es äßmu arridſan. |
Manc1631_LVM_85_10 | Ja tad es nu juhſẜo Meiſteris vnd Kunx / jums tahß Kah- |
Manc1631_LVM_85_11 | yas äßmu maſghayis / tad buhß jums arridſan weens |
Manc1631_LVM_85_12 | ohtram tahß Kahyas maſghaht. Weenu Mahzibu es |
Manc1631_LVM_85_13 | jums äßmu dewis / ka juhß darraita / ka es jums äßmu |
Manc1631_LVM_85_14 | darriyis. Pattees / pattees es ẜacku jums: Tas Kallps |
Manc1631_LVM_85_15 | nhe gir auxtahx ka winja Kunx / neds tas Ꞩuhtietz aux- |
Manc1631_LVM_85_16 | tahx ka tas kas to ẜuhtiyis gir : Ja juhß to ſinnaht / ſwäh- |
Manc1631_LVM_85_17 | ti eſẜeeta juhß / ja juhß to darraita. Nhe ẜacku es no jums |
Manc1631_LVM_85_18 | wiſẜems / Es ſinnu / kattrus es ißredſeyis äßmu / bett ka |
Manc1631_LVM_85_19 | tas Raxtz peepilldietz taptu : Kas mannu Mais ähd / |
Manc1631_LVM_85_20 | tas minn mann ar Kahyahms. Taggad ẜacku es to jums / |
Manc1631_LVM_85_21 | pirrms tas noteek / ka kad tas gir notitzis / juhß to titzaht / |
Manc1631_LVM_85_22 | ka es tas äßmu. Pattees / pattees es ẜacku jums kas vs- |
Manc1631_LVM_85_23 | jämm / ja es kahdu ẜuhtiſchu / tas mann vsjämm. Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_85_24 | kas mann vsjämm / tas vsjämm to / kas mann ẜuhtiyis |
Manc1631_LVM_85_25 | gir. |
Manc1631_LVM_85_26 | Kad to JEſus ẜatziyis by / tappa tas noſkummis eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_85_27 | ſchan Gharru / vnd dehwe leezibu / ẜatzidams Pattees / |
| @b{pattees} |
| |
| [86.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_86_1 | pattees es ẜacku jums / weens juhſẜo ſtarpà / kas ar mann |
Manc1631_LVM_86_2 | ähd / mann peewills? Raugi / ta Rohka manna Will- |
Manc1631_LVM_86_3 | teneeka gir ar mann py Ghalldu. Vnd tee Mahzekļi tap- |
Manc1631_LVM_86_4 | pa ļohte noſkummuſchi / vsluhkoyahß weens ohtru / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_86_5 | teems tappa bayl / no kattru tas runnaya. |
Manc1631_LVM_86_6 | Vnd tee eeẜahka waitzaht / ẜawà ſtarrpà / kas jele tas |
Manc1631_LVM_86_7 | winyo ſtarrpà äſẜohts / kas to darrietu / vnd ẜatziya vs to / |
Manc1631_LVM_86_8 | weens pehtz ohtru : Kunx äßmu es tas? Vnd tas oh- |
Manc1631_LVM_86_9 | tris : äßmu es tas? Wings adbilldeya vnd ẜatziya : |
Manc1631_LVM_86_10 | Weens no teems Diwipaddeßmitteems / kas ar mann |
Manc1631_LVM_86_11 | Bļohdà ẜneeds / tas mann peewills. Ta Czillwäka |
Manc1631_LVM_86_12 | Dähls aiseeedt tha /ka tam nolicktz vnd no to raxtietz gir / |
Manc1631_LVM_86_13 | tomähr Way tam Czillwäkam / czaur kattru ta Czill- |
Manc1631_LVM_86_14 | wäka Dähls peewilltz tohp / tam buhtu labbahk / ka tas |
Manc1631_LVM_86_15 | patttz Czillwähx wehl muhſcham nhe buhtu peedſimmis. |
Manc1631_LVM_86_16 | Tad adbilldeya Judas / kas to peewyleh / vnd ẜatziya /äß- |
Manc1631_LVM_86_17 | mu es tas Rabbi? Wings ẜatziya: Tu ẜackays. (@l{puta} |
Manc1631_LVM_86_18 | äſẜohtz. |
Manc1631_LVM_86_19 | Bett weens ſtarrpa winja Mahzekļeems by / katters |
Manc1631_LVM_86_20 | py Ghalldu ẜehdeya py JEſu kruhti / kattru JEſus my- |
Manc1631_LVM_86_21 | ļoya / tam mirrkſchkinaya Simon Peteris / tam by iß- |
Manc1631_LVM_86_22 | klauſẜiet / kurrſch tas buhtu / no kattru tas runna /aiſto |
Manc1631_LVM_86_23 | tas pattz ghulleya py JEſu Kruhti / vnd ẜatziya vs to: |
Manc1631_LVM_86_24 | Kunx / kurrſch gir tas? JEſus adbilldeya : Tas gir tas / |
Manc1631_LVM_86_25 | kattram es to Kummoſẜu eemährzu / vnd dohmu. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_86_26 | wings eemehrze to Kummoſẜu / vnd dewe to Judam Si- |
Manc1631_LVM_86_27 | moņa Jſcharioth / vnd pehtz to Kummoſẜu eſkreya tas |
Manc1631_LVM_86_28 | Sathans eekſchan to. Tad ẜatziya JEſus vs to: Ko tu |
| @b{Darri /} |
| |
| [87.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_87_1 | darri / to darri dries. To nhe ſinnaya nhe weens py |
Manc1631_LVM_87_2 | Ghalldu / kapehtz wings tam to ẜatziya. Czitti ſkitta / kad |
Manc1631_LVM_87_3 | Judam tas Max by / JEſus ẜatzitu vs to: Pirrtz kas |
Manc1631_LVM_87_4 | mums wayaga gir parr ſwähtkeems / jeb ka tas kolabb |
Manc1631_LVM_87_5 | teems Nabbageems dohtu. Kad tas nu to Kummoſẜu |
Manc1631_LVM_87_6 | jehmis by / ghaya tas tudeļļ aran / vnd Nacktz by. |
Manc1631_LVM_87_7 | Bett kad Judas by ißghayis / pazehlehß weena |
Manc1631_LVM_87_8 | Bahrſchana ſtarpan teems / kattram winjo ſtarrpa by |
Manc1631_LVM_87_9 | par to Auxtaku turrätam tapt. Bett wings ẜatziya vs |
Manc1631_LVM_87_10 | teems : Tee paſẜauligi Koningi wallda / vnd tee Warrä- |
Manc1631_LVM_87_11 | ni tohp czeenigi Kungi dähwähti. |
Manc1631_LVM_87_12 | Bett juhß nhe tha / bett tam Prahwakayam juhſẜo |
Manc1631_LVM_87_13 | ſtarrpa buhß buht / ka kadam Jaunakayam / vnd tam |
Manc1631_LVM_87_14 | Auxtakayam / ka kahdam Kallpam. Aiſto kurrſch gir tas |
Manc1631_LVM_87_15 | Auxtakais? Kas py Ghalldu ẜehſch / jeb kas Kallpo? Nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_87_16 | gir tas tha / kas py Ghalldu ẜehſch? Bett es äßmu juhſẜo |
Manc1631_LVM_87_17 | ſtarrpà ka kahtz Ꞩullainis. Bett juhß eſẜeeta tee / kattri |
Manc1631_LVM_87_18 | juhß eſẜeeta pallickuſchi py mann / eekſchan mannas Kahr- |
Manc1631_LVM_87_19 | denaſchanas. Vnd es ghribbu jums to Wallſtibu doht / |
Manc1631_LVM_87_20 | ka manns Tähws mann to dehwis gir / ka jums buhß |
Manc1631_LVM_87_21 | ähſt vnd dſerrt / py mannu Ghalldu / mannà Wallſtibà / |
Manc1631_LVM_87_22 | vnd ẜehdeht vs Krähßleems vnd teeſẜaht tohß Diwipad- |
Manc1631_LVM_87_23 | deßmittus czilltus Jſraëļa. |
Manc1631_LVM_87_24 | Tad ẜatziya attkall JEſus : Nu gir tha Czillwäka |
Manc1631_LVM_87_25 | Dähls apghaißmohtz / vnd Deews gir apghaißmohtz |
Manc1631_LVM_87_26 | eekſchan manu / tad arridſan Deews to apghaißmohß |
Manc1631_LVM_87_27 | eekſchan ẜöw paſſchu / vnd to dries apghaißmohß. Mieļi |
| @b{Behr=} |
| |
| [88.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_88_1 | Behrninyi / Es äßmu wehl weenu maſu brietinyu py |
Manc1631_LVM_88_2 | jums / juhß meckleſẜeeta mann / vnd ka es vs teems Jud- |
Manc1631_LVM_88_3 | deems ẜatziyu / kurr es no=eemu / turr juhß nhe warreta |
Manc1631_LVM_88_4 | kļuht. Vnd es jums taggad ẜacku / weenu jaunu Pa- |
Manc1631_LVM_88_5 | wehleſchanu dohmu es jums / ka juhß weens ohtru ẜöw |
Manc1631_LVM_88_6 | mieļoyeetees / ka es jums mieļoyis äßmu. Py to ick- |
Manc1631_LVM_88_7 | kattris attſieß / ka juhß manni Mahzekļi eſẜeeta / ja |
Manc1631_LVM_88_8 | jums mieläßtiba juhſẜo ſtarrpà gir. Ꞩacka Simon |
Manc1631_LVM_88_9 | Pehteris : Kunx / vs kurren tu ey? JEſus adbilldeya |
Manc1631_LVM_88_10 | tam : Vs kurren es no=eemu / nhe warri tu ar mann |
Manc1631_LVM_88_11 | ſcho briedi eet / bett tu pehtz ſcho laiku packaļļ mann nahxi. |
Manc1631_LVM_88_12 | Pehteris ẜacka vs winju : Kunx : Kapehtz nhe warru es |
Manc1631_LVM_88_13 | ſchinny briedi packaļļ töw eet? Es ghribbu ẜawu Dſie- |
Manc1631_LVM_88_14 | wibu py töw attſtaht. JESVS adbilldeya tam : |
Manc1631_LVM_88_15 | Tuggi buhtu ẜawu Dſiewibu py mann attſtayis? |
Manc1631_LVM_88_16 | Simon / Simon / redſi / tas Sathanas ghribbeya |
Manc1631_LVM_88_17 | juhß ẜiyaht ka Queeſchus. Bett es äßmu parr töw |
Manc1631_LVM_88_18 | luhdſis / ka tawa Titziba nhe mitteyahß. Vnd kad tu |
Manc1631_LVM_88_19 | ẜöw ween reis atghreeſeeß / tad ſtipprini ẜawus Brah- |
Manc1631_LVM_88_20 | ļus. Bett tas adbilldeya winjam : Kunx / es äßmu |
Manc1631_LVM_88_21 | ghattauß ar töw Czeetumà vnd Nahwy eet. Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_88_22 | wings ẜatziya : Patteeß / Patteeß / es ẜacku töw Pehte- |
Manc1631_LVM_88_23 | ri / tas Ghailis ſchodeen nhe dſeedahß / pirrms tu |
Manc1631_LVM_88_24 | trieß reiſas aisleedſis eſẜi / ka tu mann nhe paſie- |
Manc1631_LVM_88_25 | ſtohtz. |
Manc1631_LVM_88_26 | Vnd wings ẜatziya vs teems : Teek reiẜas es jums |
Manc1631_LVM_88_27 | ẜuhtiyis äßmu / beß Mackas / beß Kallites / vnd beß |
| @b{Kurrpehm /} |
| |
| [89.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_89_1 | Kurrpehm / giragg jums kas wayadſeyis? Tee ẜatziya : |
Manc1631_LVM_89_2 | Nheneeka. Tad ẜatziya Wings vs teems : Bett nu / |
Manc1631_LVM_89_3 | kam Macka gir / tas laid jämm to / ta lieds arridſan irr |
Manc1631_LVM_89_4 | to Kalliet / bett kam nhe gir / tas laid pardohd ẜawas |
Manc1631_LVM_89_5 | Drehbes / vnd pirrkahß weenu Sohbiņu. Aiſto es |
Manc1631_LVM_89_6 | ẜacku jums / irr tam buhß py mann peepillditam tapt / |
Manc1631_LVM_89_7 | kas raxtietz ſtahw : Tas girr ſtarrpan teems Ļaundar- |
Manc1631_LVM_89_8 | ritayeems lahghadietz. Aiſto kas no mann raxtietz gir / |
Manc1631_LVM_89_9 | tas gir pa ghallam. Bett tee ẜatziya : Kunx / redſi / |
Manc1631_LVM_89_10 | ſcheit gir diwi Sohbeņi. Bett wings ẜatziya vs teems : |
Manc1631_LVM_89_11 | Jaw ghanna gir. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_89_12 | Vnd to Patteitzibu dſeeßmu nodſeedayuſchi / gha- |
Manc1631_LVM_89_13 | ya JESVS ara / pehtz ẜawu Eeraddumu / par to |
Manc1631_LVM_89_14 | Vppi Kiedron / py to Ölyekallnu. Bett winja Mahze- |
Manc1631_LVM_89_15 | kļi ghaya / tam packaļļ / tad ẜatziya wings vs teems. |
Manc1631_LVM_89_16 | Schinny nackty juhß wiſẜi py mann apghräkohſẜeeteeß. |
Manc1631_LVM_89_17 | Aiſto raxtietz ſtahw : Es to Ghannu ẜittiſchu / vnd tahß |
Manc1631_LVM_89_18 | Ahwis tahß ghannibas ißkaiſẜieſẜees / bett kad es auk- |
Manc1631_LVM_89_19 | ſcham czeļļohß / ghribbu es juhſẜo preekſcha no=eet eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_89_20 | Galilea. Peteris atbilldeya / vnd ẜatziya vs winju : |
Manc1631_LVM_89_21 | Kad tee arridſan wiſẜi apghräkohtohß py töw / tad to- |
Manc1631_LVM_89_22 | mähr es muhſcham nhe ghribbu apghräkoteeß. JEſus |
Manc1631_LVM_89_23 | ẜatziya vs to : Pattees / es ẜacku töw / Schodeen ſchinny |
Manc1631_LVM_89_24 | nackty / pirms tas Ghailis diwi reiſas dſeedahß / tu |
Manc1631_LVM_89_25 | mann tries reiſas aisleexi. Ta lieds arridſan ẜatziya wiſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_89_26 | ẜi Mahzekļi. |
Manc1631_LVM_89_27 | Tad nahze JEſus ar teems py weenas Muiſchas / |
| @b{tai} |
| |
| [90.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_90_1 | tai Wahrtz by Gethſemane / turr by weens Dahrß / eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_90_2 | ſchan to ghaya JEſus vnd ẜawi Mahzekļi. Bett Judas / |
Manc1631_LVM_90_3 | kas to peewiele / ſinnaya arridſan to Weetu / aiſto JEſus |
Manc1631_LVM_90_4 | ẜapullzeyahß daſchereis turr=patt ar ẜaweems Mahze- |
Manc1631_LVM_90_5 | kļeems. Tad ẜatziya JEſus vs teems : Ꞩehdeeteeß juhß |
Manc1631_LVM_90_6 | ſcheitan / teekams es turr noeemo / vnd Pahtarus ſkaitu. |
Manc1631_LVM_90_7 | Vnd wings jehmehß py ẜöw / Peteri / vnd Jacobu / |
Manc1631_LVM_90_8 | vnd Jahni / tohß diwi Dählus Zebedei / vnd eeẜahka |
Manc1631_LVM_90_9 | trieſẜeht vnd bailoht / vnd ẜatziya vs teems : Manna |
Manc1631_LVM_90_10 | Dwehſẜele gir noſkummuſẜi ihß tay Nahwei / palleezee- |
Manc1631_LVM_90_11 | ta ſcheitan / vnd eſẜeeta nomohda ar mann / ſkaitaita Pah- |
Manc1631_LVM_90_12 | tarus / ka juhß eekſchan Kahrdenaſchanas nhe eekrietaht. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_90_13 | Vnd wings no=wehrſehß weenu Ackmins metten |
Manc1631_LVM_90_14 | taļumu / vnd mettehß czeļļohß / kritta vs ẜawu Waighu |
Manc1631_LVM_90_15 | py ſemmes / vnd luhdſe / ja tas warrätu buht / ka ta ſtun- |
Manc1631_LVM_90_16 | da pahreetu / vnd ẜatziya : Abba / manns Tähws / tu |
Manc1631_LVM_90_17 | ſpeh wiſẜas leetas / Jemm ſcho Bigkeri no mann / tomähr |
Manc1631_LVM_90_18 | nhe ko es ghribbu / bett ko tu ghribbi. Vnd wings nahze |
Manc1631_LVM_90_19 | py ẜaweems Mahzekļeems / vnd attradda tohß ghullo- |
Manc1631_LVM_90_20 | ſchus / vnd ẜatziya{ẜatziyu} vs Peteri : Simon ghulli tu? Nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_90_21 | ſpähtu tu nhe weenu ſtundu ar mann nomohdà buht? Eſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_90_22 | ẜeeta nomohdà{nomahdà} / vnd ſkaitaita Pahtarus / ka juhß eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_90_23 | Kahrdenaſchanas nhe eekrietaht. Tas Gharrs gir |
Manc1631_LVM_90_24 | drohſch / bett ta Meeſẜa gir waya. |
Manc1631_LVM_90_25 | Ohtran kahrtan no ghaya wings attkal / luhdſe ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_90_26 | tzidams : Manns Tähws / nhe warr tas buht / ka ſchiß |
Manc1631_LVM_90_27 | Bigkeris no mann eet / ja es to nhe dſerŗu / tad laid noteek |
| |
| [91.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_91_1 | taws Prahtz vnd wings nahze / vnd attradda tohß att- |
Manc1631_LVM_91_2 | kal ghulloſchus / vnd winjo Atzis py pillas meeghu / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_91_3 | nhe ſinnaya / ko tee winjam adbilldeya. Vnd wings licka |
Manc1631_LVM_91_4 | tohß ar meeru / vnd noghaya attkal / vnd luhdſe tohß paſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_91_5 | ſchus Wahrdus treſſchan kahrtan / vnd ẜatziya : Tähws |
Manc1631_LVM_91_6 | ghribbi tu / tad attjemm ſcho Bigkeri no mann / tomähr |
Manc1631_LVM_91_7 | nhe manns / bett taws Prahtz laid noteek. Bett winjam |
Manc1631_LVM_91_8 | paradiyahß weens Engels no Däbbäſẜu / vnd eedroſche- |
Manc1631_LVM_91_9 | naya to / vnd tas notickahß / ka wings ar to Nahwu czie- |
Manc1631_LVM_91_10 | niyahß / vnd wings luhdſe ſtipprake. Bett winja Swee- |
Manc1631_LVM_91_11 | dris by ka Aſẜina Lahſẜes / tahß kritta vs Semmes. |
Manc1631_LVM_91_12 | Vnd wings czehlehß aukſcham no teems Pahta- |
Manc1631_LVM_91_13 | reems / vnd nahze py ẜaweems Mahzekļeems / vnd attrad- |
Manc1631_LVM_91_14 | da tohß ghulloſchus no Noſkumſchanas / vnd ẜatziya vs |
Manc1631_LVM_91_15 | teems : Ock / ghribbaht juhß nu ghulleht vnd duſẜeht? Ko |
Manc1631_LVM_91_16 | ghullaht juhß? Jaw ghanna gir / Redſeeta ta ſtunda gir |
Manc1631_LVM_91_17 | nahkuſẜi / vnd ta Czillwäka Dähls taps nodohtz eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_91_18 | to ghrehzeneeko Rohkams. Czelleetees aukſcham / redſi / |
Manc1631_LVM_91_19 | kas mann peewiļļ / gir tuwe. Bett luhdſeeta / ka juhß eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_91_20 | ſchan Kahrdenaſchanas nhe eekrietaht. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_91_21 | Vnd tudeļļ / kad wings wehl runnaya / redſi / Judas |
Manc1631_LVM_91_22 | weens no teems Diwipadeßmitteems / kad tas py ẜöw jeh- |
Manc1631_LVM_91_23 | meeß by to Pullku / vnd tohß Ꞩullaiņus / to Auxtobaſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_91_24 | nizas Kungo / vnd Wariſeeŗo / to Wätzako vnd Raxta- |
Manc1631_LVM_91_25 | mahzetayo / ghaya tas preekſchan to Pullku / vnd nahze |
Manc1631_LVM_91_26 | turr ar Lahpahms / Swetzehms / ar Sobenneems vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_91_27 | Nuhyahms. |
| @b{Bett} |
| |
| [92.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_92_1 | Bett tas Willteneex by teems weenu Siem de- |
Manc1631_LVM_92_2 | wis / vnd ẜatziyis : Kattru es ſkuhpſtieſchu / tas gir tas / |
Manc1631_LVM_92_3 | to ghrahpſtaita / vnd weddeeta to ſtippre. Kad nu JE- |
Manc1631_LVM_92_4 | ſus wiſẜas leetas ſinnaya / kas winjam by notickt / ißgha- |
Manc1631_LVM_92_5 | ya wings ara / vnd ẜatziya vs teems : Pehtz ko meckleyee- |
Manc1631_LVM_92_6 | ta juhß? Tee adbilldeya winjam / Pehtz J E S V M |
Manc1631_LVM_92_7 | no Nazareth. JEſus ẜatziya vs teems. Es äßmu tas. |
Manc1631_LVM_92_8 | Bett Judas kas to peewiele / ſtahweya arridſan py |
Manc1631_LVM_92_9 | teems. Kad nu JEſus vs teems ẜatziya / Es äßmu tas / |
Manc1631_LVM_92_10 | atkahpe tee / vnd kritta py Semmes. Tad waizaya wings |
Manc1631_LVM_92_11 | tohß attkall : Pehtz ko meckleyeeta juhß? Bett tee ad- |
Manc1631_LVM_92_12 | billdeya. JEſum no Nazareth. JEẜus adbilldeya : Es |
Manc1631_LVM_92_13 | äßmu jums ẜatziyis / ka es tas äſẜohtz / Ja juhß pehtz mann |
Manc1631_LVM_92_14 | meckleyeeta / tad leezeeta ſchohß ar meeru. Ka tas |
Manc1631_LVM_92_15 | Wahrtz peepilldietz taptu / kattru wings ẜatziya : Es nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_92_16 | äßmu nhe weenu no teems pamettis / kattrus tu mann |
Manc1631_LVM_92_17 | dewis eſẜi. |
Manc1631_LVM_92_18 | Vnd Judas ſteidſehß ẜöw py JEſu / winju ſkuhp- |
Manc1631_LVM_92_19 | ſtiet / vnd tudeļļ ghaya tas py winju / vnd ẜatziya / labbs |
Manc1631_LVM_92_20 | Wackars Rabbi / vnd ſkuhpſtiya winju. Bett JE- |
Manc1631_LVM_92_21 | SVS ẜatziya vs to : Manns Draux / kapehtz eſẜi tu |
Manc1631_LVM_92_22 | nahzis? Juda / peewill tu ta Czillwäka Dählu ſkuhp- |
Manc1631_LVM_92_23 | ſtidams? Tad peeghaya tee / vnd peelicka Rohkas py |
Manc1631_LVM_92_24 | JEſum / vnd ẜajehme to. Bett to rädſädammi tee / kattri |
Manc1631_LVM_92_25 | apkahrt winju by / kas turr ghribbeya notickt / ẜatziya tee |
Manc1631_LVM_92_26 | vs winju : Kunx / buhß mums ar Sohbiņu ſtarrpa |
Manc1631_LVM_92_27 | czirrſt? Tad by Simoņam Peteŗam weens Sohbins / |
| @b{vnd} |
| |
| [93.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_93_1 | vnd ißwillka tho / vnd czirrta pehtz ta Auxtabaſnizas= |
Manc1631_LVM_93_2 | Kunga Kallpu / vnd nozirrta tam to labbu Auſẜi / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_93_3 | ta Kallpa Wahrtz by Malchus. Bett JEſus adbillde- |
Manc1631_LVM_93_4 | ya / vnd ẜatziya : Leezeeta tohß to darrbu darriet / vnd ſa- |
Manc1631_LVM_93_5 | tziya vs Peteri : Eebahs tawu Sohbiņu maxtieß / aiſto |
Manc1631_LVM_93_6 | kas to Sohbiņu jämm / tam buhß czaur to Sohbiņu no- |
Manc1631_LVM_93_7 | maitatam tapt. Jeb ſkeet tu / ka es nhe warrätu man- |
Manc1631_LVM_93_8 | nam Tähwam luhkt / ka tas mann ẜuhtitu wairahk nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_93_9 | ka diwipadeßmitt Legion Engeļo? Nhe buhß mann to |
Manc1631_LVM_93_10 | Bigkeri dſerrt / kattru mann manns Tähws dewis gir? |
Manc1631_LVM_93_11 | Bett ka taptu tas Raxtz peepilldietz? Tam buhß ta no- |
Manc1631_LVM_93_12 | tickt. Vnd wings aiskahre tam to Auſẜi / vnd dſeedenaya |
Manc1631_LVM_93_13 | to. Tanny ſtundà ẜatziya JEſus vs teems Auxteems- |
Manc1631_LVM_93_14 | Baſnizas Kungeems vnd Wirſẜeneekeems tahß Baſni- |
Manc1631_LVM_93_15 | zas / vnd teems Wätzakeems / kattri par winju nahkuſchi |
Manc1631_LVM_93_16 | by: Juhß eſẜeeta ihten ka vs kahdu Släppkawu / ar Soh- |
Manc1631_LVM_93_17 | biņeems vnd ar Nuhyahms ißghayuſchi / mann ghuhſtiet. |
Manc1631_LVM_93_18 | Jo es äßmu ick deenas ẜehdeyis py jums / vnd äßmu mah- |
Manc1631_LVM_93_19 | ziyis Baſnizà / vnd juhß nhe eſẜeeta nhekahdu Rohku py |
Manc1631_LVM_93_20 | mann lickuſchi. Bett ſchy gir juhſẜa ſtunda / vnd tas ſpähx |
Manc1631_LVM_93_21 | tahß Tumbſẜibas / ka tas Raxtz peepilldietz tohp. Bett ſchiß |
Manc1631_LVM_93_22 | gir wiß notitzis / ka tee Raxte to Proweeto peepilldieti tap- |
Manc1631_LVM_93_23 | tu. Tad attſtahya no winju wiſẜi Mahzekļi / vnd behdſe. |
Manc1631_LVM_93_24 | Vnd weens Jauneklis by / tas ghaya packaļļ winju / tas |
Manc1631_LVM_93_25 | by ar Audäklu apgherbees vs to kailu Meeſẜu / vnd tee |
Manc1631_LVM_93_26 | Jaunekļi twarrſtiya pehtz to. Bett wings licka to Audä- |
Manc1631_LVM_93_27 | klu ſpruckt / vnd behdſe plix no teems. |
| @b{Bett} |
| |
| [94.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_94_1 | Bett tas Pullx vnd tas Wirſẜo Pills Kunx / vnd tee |
Manc1631_LVM_94_2 | Ꞩullaiņi to Juddo / ẜayehme JEſum / vnd ẜehya to / wed- |
Manc1631_LVM_94_3 | de to wiß pirrmahk py Hannas / tas by Caiwas Ghaſpa- |
Manc1631_LVM_94_4 | ſchas Tähws / katters to ghaddu Auxtsbaſnizas Kunx |
Manc1631_LVM_94_5 | by. (Bett tas by Caiwas/ kas teems Juddeems to pad- |
Manc1631_LVM_94_6 | domu dewe / tas buhtu labb / ka weens Czillwähx taptu |
Manc1631_LVM_94_7 | nokautz to Ļauſcho dehļ.) Vnd wedde winju py to Auxtu- |
Manc1631_LVM_94_8 | baſnizas Kungu Caiwas / tas gir / py to Wirrſẜeneeku to |
Manc1631_LVM_94_9 | Baſnizas Kungo / py kattru wiſẜi Auxtibaſnizas=Kungi / |
Manc1631_LVM_94_10 | vnd Raxtimahzetayi vnd Wätzaki ẜapullzeyuſchees by. |
Manc1631_LVM_94_11 | Bett Simon Peteris ghaya packaļļ JEſum no ta- |
Manc1631_LVM_94_12 | ļenes / vnd wehl weens Mahzeklis / lieds to Nammu ta |
Manc1631_LVM_94_13 | Auxtabaſnizas Kunga. Tas pattz Mahzeklis by tam |
Manc1631_LVM_94_14 | Auxtambaſnizas Kungam paſieſtams / vnd eeghaya ar |
Manc1631_LVM_94_15 | JEſu eekſchan ta Auxtabaſnizaskunga Nammu. Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_94_16 | Peteris ſtahweya ara preekſchan Durrweems. Tad iß- |
Manc1631_LVM_94_17 | ghaya tas ohtris Mahzeklis / katters tam Auxtambaſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_94_18 | nizaskungam paſieſtams by / ara / vnd runnaya ar to |
Manc1631_LVM_94_19 | Durrwoſarrgu / vnd eewedde Peteri eekſchan. |
Manc1631_LVM_94_20 | Bett tee Kallpi vnd Ꞩullaiņi ſtahweya / vnd by wee- |
Manc1631_LVM_94_21 | nu Vgguni no Ohglehms kuhruſchi / ſemme widdu eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_94_22 | ſchan to Nammu / aiſto auxtz by / vnd ẜilldiyahß ẜöw. |
Manc1631_LVM_94_23 | Bett Peteris ſtahweya py teems / vnd ẜilldiyahß / ka tas |
Manc1631_LVM_94_24 | rädſätu kas pehtz taptu. Bett ta Kallpone ta Auxtabaſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_94_25 | nizas Kunga / ta Durrwoẜarrghataya / redſeya Peteri py |
Manc1631_LVM_94_26 | to ghaißmu / ẜilldotees / vnd luhkoyahß ihten vs winju / |
Manc1631_LVM_94_27 | vnd ẜatziya : Vnd tu biyi arridſan ar to JEſu no Galilea. |
| @b{Negg} |
| |
| [95.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_95_1 | Negg eſẜi tu arridſan weens no ſcha Czillwäka Mahze- |
Manc1631_LVM_95_2 | kļeems? Bett wings leedſehß preekſchan wiſẜeems / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_95_3 | ẜatziya : Ꞩeewa / es nhe ſinnu / es to nhe paſieſtu / es ar- |
Manc1631_LVM_95_4 | ridſan nhe ſinnu ko tu runna. |
Manc1631_LVM_95_5 | Bett tas Auxts Baſnizas Kunx waizaya JEſum / |
Manc1631_LVM_95_6 | par ẜaweems Mahzekļeems / vnd par ẜawu Mahzibu. |
Manc1631_LVM_95_7 | JEſus adbilldeya : Es äßmu wiſẜeems dſirrdoht mahzi- |
Manc1631_LVM_95_8 | yis preekſchan Paſẜaules / es äßmu allaſchien mahziyis |
Manc1631_LVM_95_9 | Skohlà vnd Baſnizà / kurr wiſẜi Juddi ẜa=eet / vnd nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_95_10 | äßmu nheneeka Kacktà runnayis. Ko jauta tu mann par |
Manc1631_LVM_95_11 | to? Waitza tohß par to / kattri dſirrdeyuſchi gir / ko es vs |
Manc1631_LVM_95_12 | teems runnayis äßmu / redſi / tee paſſchi ſinna / ko es ẜatzi- |
Manc1631_LVM_95_13 | yis äßmu. Bett to runnadams / dewe weens no teems |
Manc1631_LVM_95_14 | Ꞩullaiņeems / kattri klaht ſtahweya / JEſu weenu Wai- |
Manc1631_LVM_95_15 | ghaſẜittänu / vnd ẜatziya : Buhß töw tam Auxtambaſni- |
Manc1631_LVM_95_16 | zas Kungam tha adbilldeht? JEſus attbilldeya : Äßmu |
Manc1631_LVM_95_17 | es nhelabbe runnayis / tad parahdi to / ka tas nhelabbe |
Manc1631_LVM_95_18 | gir / bett äßmu es pareiſe runnayis / ko ẜitt kad tu mann? |
Manc1631_LVM_95_19 | Hannas by winyu ẜaſẜeetu noẜuhtiyis py to Auxtubaſni- |
Manc1631_LVM_95_20 | zas Kungu Caiwas. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_95_21 | Bett Simon Peteris ſtahweya vnd ẜilldiyahß ẜöw. |
Manc1631_LVM_95_22 | Vnd par weenu maſu briedi pehtz to pirrmu Leekſchanu / |
Manc1631_LVM_95_23 | kad wings ißghaya no to Preekſchanammu / dſeedaya |
Manc1631_LVM_95_24 | tas Ghailis. Vnd weena czitta Kallpone redſeya to / |
Manc1631_LVM_95_25 | vnd eeẜahka ẜatziet teems / kattri klaht ſtahweya : Schiß |
Manc1631_LVM_95_26 | by arridſan ar to JEſu no Nazareth. Tad ẜatziya tee vs |
Manc1631_LVM_95_27 | winju : Negg eſẜi tu weens no winja Mahzekļeems? |
| @b{Vnd} |
| |
| [96.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_96_1 | Vnd czittz ẜatziya : Tu arridſan eſẜi weens? Vnd wings |
Manc1631_LVM_96_2 | leedſehß attkal / vnd minneya Deewu / vnd ẜatziya / Czill- |
Manc1631_LVM_96_3 | wähx es tas nhe äßmu / vnd es arridſan nhe paſieſtu to |
Manc1631_LVM_96_4 | Czillwäku. Vnd par weenu maſu briedi / pa weenu |
Manc1631_LVM_96_5 | ſtundu / apſtipprenaya to czittz ar teems / kattri turr |
Manc1631_LVM_96_6 | ſtahweya vnd ẜatziya : Patteeß / tu eſẜi arridſan no teems |
Manc1631_LVM_96_7 | weens / aiſto tu eſẜi weens Galileeris / aiſto tawa Meh- |
Manc1631_LVM_96_8 | le ẜacka to. Ꞩacka ta Auxta Baſnizaskunga Kallps |
Manc1631_LVM_96_9 | weens Radda Wiers tha / kam Peteris to Auſẜi nozirr- |
Manc1631_LVM_96_10 | tis by : Negg es töw redſeyu Dahrſà py winju? Tad |
Manc1631_LVM_96_11 | tas eeẜahkahß nolahdeteeß vnd abſwehretees : Es nhe pa- |
Manc1631_LVM_96_12 | ſieſtu to Czillwäku / no ko juhß runnayeeta. Vnd tu- |
Manc1631_LVM_96_13 | deļļ / kad tas wehl runnaya / dſeedaya tas Ghailis ohtru |
Manc1631_LVM_96_14 | reiſu. Vnd tas Kunx apghreeſehs / vnd vsluhkoya Pe- |
Manc1631_LVM_96_15 | teri. Tad eeghadayahß Peteris to Wahrdu JEſu / kad |
Manc1631_LVM_96_16 | wings vs to ẜatziyis by : Pirrms tas Ghailis diwi reis |
Manc1631_LVM_96_17 | dſeedahß / tu mann tries reiſas aisleex / vnd ißghaya |
Manc1631_LVM_96_18 | ara / vnd raudaya ghauſche. |
Manc1631_LVM_96_19 | Bett tee Auxti Baſnizaskungi vnd tee Wätzaki / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_96_20 | wiſẜi Runnaskungi / meckleya willtigu leezibu prett JE- |
Manc1631_LVM_96_21 | ſum / ka tee winju warrätu nokaut / vnd nhe attradda nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_96_22 | kahdu / jeb ghann willtigi Leezineeki preekſcha nahze / aiſto |
Manc1631_LVM_96_23 | winjo leeziba nhe by weenada. Wiß pehdige czehlehß |
Manc1631_LVM_96_24 | aukſcham / vnd nahze preekſchan diwi willtigi Leezineeki / |
Manc1631_LVM_96_25 | vnd ſtahſtiya willtigu leezibu prett winju / ẜatzidami : |
Manc1631_LVM_96_26 | Mehß äſẜam dſirrdeyuſchi / ka wings ẜatziya : Es war- |
Manc1631_LVM_96_27 | ru vnd ghribbu noplehſt to Deewa Baſnizu / kattra ar |
| @b{Rohkahms} |
| |
| [97.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_97_1 | Rohkahms darrita gir / vnd treiyahß Deenahß czittu |
Manc1631_LVM_97_2 | vstaiſẜiet / kattra nhe gir ar Rohkahms darrita. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_97_3 | winjo leeziba wehl nhe by weenada. |
Manc1631_LVM_97_4 | Vnd tas Auxtais Baſnizaskunx czehlehß aukſcham |
Manc1631_LVM_97_5 | winjo ſtarrpa / vnd jautaya JEsum / vnd ẜatziya : Nhe ad- |
Manc1631_LVM_97_6 | billdi tu nheneeka vs to / ko ſchee prettie töw leezina? Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_97_7 | JESVS czeete kluß / vnd nhe adbilldeya nheneeka. |
Manc1631_LVM_97_8 | Tad jautaya winju tas Auxtais Baſnizaskunx att- |
Manc1631_LVM_97_9 | kal / vnd ẜatziya vs winju : Eſẜi tu CHriſtus tas Dähls |
Manc1631_LVM_97_10 | tha Auxtateitzama? Es ghribbu / to Dſiewigu Deewu |
Manc1631_LVM_97_11 | minnädams ſinnaht töw buhß mums ẜatziet / arrieg tu eſẜi |
Manc1631_LVM_97_12 | Chriſtus / Deewa Dähls? JEſus ẜatziya : Tu ẜacki to / Es |
Manc1631_LVM_97_13 | äßmu tas / tomähr ẜacku es jums / no ſcho laiku redſeſẜeeta |
Manc1631_LVM_97_14 | juhs tha Czillwäka Dählu ẜehſchamu py labbahß Roh- |
Manc1631_LVM_97_15 | kas ta Spähka / vnd nahkamu eekſchan Padebbeſẜeems |
Manc1631_LVM_97_16 | tahß Debbeſẜes : Tad ẜaplehſẜe tas Auxts Baſnizaskunx |
Manc1631_LVM_97_17 | ẜawas Drehbes / vnd ẜatziya : Wings gir Deewu ſaimo- |
Manc1631_LVM_97_18 | yis. Kahdu leezibu mehs wehl ghribbam? Redſeeta / tag- |
Manc1631_LVM_97_19 | gadien eſẜeeta juhß winja Deewaſaimoſchanu dſirrdeyu- |
Manc1631_LVM_97_20 | ſchi. Ko domayeeta juhß? Bett tee paſuhdenaya wiſẜi |
Manc1631_LVM_97_21 | winju / vnd ẜatziya : Wings gir to Nahwu nopellniyis. |
Manc1631_LVM_97_22 | Bett tee Wieri / kattri JEſum turreya / apmehdiya |
Manc1631_LVM_97_23 | winju / vnd iß=ſpļahwe ẜawà Waighà / vnd ẜitta to ar Roh- |
Manc1631_LVM_97_24 | kahms. Bett czitti apẜeddſe winju / vnd ẜitta winjam Wai- |
Manc1631_LVM_97_25 | ghà / wiß wairahk tee Kallpi / vnd ẜatziya : Stahſti mums |
Manc1631_LVM_97_26 | Chriſte / kurrſch gir / kas töw ẜitta? Vnd dauds czittus |
Manc1631_LVM_97_27 | Wahrdus mehdidami ẜatziya tee vs winju. |
| @b{Bett} |
| |
| [98.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_98_1 | Bett Rietà ẜapullzeyahß wiſẜi Auxti Baſnizaskun- |
Manc1631_LVM_98_2 | gi / Raxtamahzetayi / vnd tee Wätzaki no teems Ļau- |
Manc1631_LVM_98_3 | deems / ta lieds arridſan wiſẜi Runnas Kungi / vnd tur- |
Manc1631_LVM_98_4 | reya Runnas par JEſum / ka tee winjam py Nahwes pal- |
Manc1631_LVM_98_5 | liedſätu / vnd wedde winju aukſcham preekſchan / ẜaweems |
Manc1631_LVM_98_6 | Runnas Kungeems / vnd ẜatziya : Eſẜi tu CHriſtus? |
Manc1631_LVM_98_7 | Ꞩacki mums. Bett wings ẜatziya teems : Ꞩacku es jums |
Manc1631_LVM_98_8 | to / tad juhß mann nhe titzaht / bett Waizayu es / tad juhß |
Manc1631_LVM_98_9 | mann nhe adbilldaht / vnd tomähr nhe palaideeta juhß |
Manc1631_LVM_98_10 | mann. Tapehtz no ſcho laiku ẜehdehß ta Czillwäka Dähls |
Manc1631_LVM_98_11 | py labahß Rohkas ta Deewa ſpähka. Tad ẜatziya wiſẜi : |
Manc1631_LVM_98_12 | Eſẜi tu tad Deewa Dähls? Wings ẜatziya teems : |
Manc1631_LVM_98_13 | Juhß ẜackaht / Es äßmu. Bett tee ẜatziya : Kas gir |
Manc1631_LVM_98_14 | mums wayaga wairahk leezibas : Mehß äſẜam paſſchi |
Manc1631_LVM_98_15 | to dſirrdeyuſchi no winja Muttes. |
Manc1631_LVM_98_16 | Vnd wiß tas Pullx czehlehß aukſcham / vnd ẜehya |
Manc1631_LVM_98_17 | JEſum / vnd wedde winju no Caiwa / preekſchan to Ꞩoh- |
Manc1631_LVM_98_18 | da=nammu / vnd nodewe winju tam Semmes=ẜohgam |
Manc1631_LVM_98_19 | Pontio Pilato / vnd tas by wehl aggre. Kad to Judas |
Manc1631_LVM_98_20 | redſeya / kas winju peewielis by / ka wings paſuhdenahtz |
Manc1631_LVM_98_21 | by py Nahwas / by tas tam ſchähl / vnd attneſẜe attkal tohß |
Manc1631_LVM_98_22 | Trießdeßmittz ẜuddrabba Ghroſſchus teems Auxteems= |
Manc1631_LVM_98_23 | Baſnizaskungeems vnd teems Wätzakeems / vnd ẜatzi- |
Manc1631_LVM_98_24 | ya : Es äßmu nhepareiſe darriyis / ka es nhenoſeeghu- |
Manc1631_LVM_98_25 | ſchu Aſẜini peewielis äßmu. Tee ẜatziya : Ko mehß pehtz |
Manc1631_LVM_98_26 | to bähdayam? Peeluhko tu par to. Vnd tas mette tohß |
Manc1631_LVM_98_27 | Ꞩuddrabba Ghroſſchus / ghaya nohſt / vnd pakahrehß |
| @b{patz /} |
| |
| [99.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_99_1 | patz / vnd gir widdu puſſch ſprahdſis / vnd ẜawas Eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_99_2 | ſchas ißkrattiyis. |
Manc1631_LVM_99_3 | Bett tee Auxti Baſnizaskungi jehme tohß Ꞩuddra- |
Manc1631_LVM_99_4 | ba=Ghroſſchus / vnd ẜatziya : Tas nhe därr / ka mehß |
Manc1631_LVM_99_5 | tohß eekſchan to Deewaſkirrſtu dohdam / aiſto ta gir |
Manc1631_LVM_99_6 | Aſẜinanauda. Bett tee turreya Runnas / vnd pirrka par |
Manc1631_LVM_99_7 | ſcheems Ꞩuddrabba=Ghroſſcheems / par to Allgu tas |
Manc1631_LVM_99_8 | Taißnibas / weenu Pohdneeka Tyrumu / par Kappeni |
Manc1631_LVM_99_9 | to Sweſſcheneeko. Vnd tas ißpauda ſtarrpan wiſẜeems / |
Manc1631_LVM_99_10 | kattri eekſchan Jeruſalemes dſiewo / tha / ka taß pattz Tie- |
Manc1631_LVM_99_11 | rums ẜaucktz tohp vs ẜawu Wallodu Akeldama / tas gir |
Manc1631_LVM_99_12 | weens Aſẜinatierums / ihß ſcho paſſchu Deenu. Teitan |
Manc1631_LVM_99_13 | gir peepilldietz / kas ẜatzietz gir czaur to Proweetu Jere- |
Manc1631_LVM_99_14 | mias / kurr wings ẜacka : Tee gir jähmuſchi Trießdeßmittz |
Manc1631_LVM_99_15 | Ꞩuddrabaghroſſchus / ar kattreems nomaxahtz tappa |
Manc1631_LVM_99_16 | tas Pahrdohtz / kattru tee pirrka no teems Bährneems |
Manc1631_LVM_99_17 | Jſraël / vnd gir tohß däwuſchi par weenu Pohdneeka |
Manc1631_LVM_99_18 | Tierumu / ka mann tas Kunx pawehleyis gir. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_99_19 | Bett tee Juddi nhe ghaya eekſchan to Ꞩohdanam- |
Manc1631_LVM_99_20 | mu / ka tee nhe taptu nheſkieſti / bett tahß Leeldenas ähſt |
Manc1631_LVM_99_21 | warrätu. Tad ißghaya Pilatus py teems aran / vnd ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_99_22 | tziya : Ko ẜuhdſaht juhß par ſcho Czillwäku? Tee adbill- |
Manc1631_LVM_99_23 | deya vnd ẜatziya vs winju : Nhe buhtu ſchiß weens Ļaun- |
Manc1631_LVM_99_24 | darritais / mehß nhe buhtam töw to nodäwuſſchi. Tad |
Manc1631_LVM_99_25 | ẜatziya Pilatus vs teems : Tad jemmeeta juhß to nohſt / |
Manc1631_LVM_99_26 | vnd teeſẜayeeta to pehtz juhſẜu Teeſẜu. Tad ẜatziya tee Jud- |
Manc1631_LVM_99_27 | di vs winju : Mehß nhe drieſtam nhe weenu Nokaut. Ka |
| @b{peepill-} |
| |
| [100.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_100_1 | peepilldietz taptu tas Wahrtz JEſu / kattru wings ẜatziya |
Manc1631_LVM_100_2 | kahdas Nahwes winjam mirrt by. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_100_3 | Tad eeẜahka tee Auxtibaſnizaskungi vnd tee Wätza- |
Manc1631_LVM_100_4 | ki winju ļohte apẜuhdſeht / vnd ẜatziya : Scho attrohdam |
Manc1631_LVM_100_5 | mehß / ka wings tohß Ļaudis pahrwehrſch / vnd aisleeds |
Manc1631_LVM_100_6 | to Mättäcklu tam Keiſeŗam doht / vnd ẜacka / Wings äſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_100_7 | ẜohtz CHriſtus weens Konings. Tad eeghaya attkal Pi- |
Manc1631_LVM_100_8 | latus eekſchan to Ꞩohdanammu / vnd aizenaya JEſum / |
Manc1631_LVM_100_9 | vnd waizaya winjam / vnd ẜatziya : Eſẜi tu to Juddo Ko- |
Manc1631_LVM_100_10 | nings? JEſus ſtahweya preekſchan to / vnd adbilldeya : |
Manc1631_LVM_100_11 | Runna tu to no ẜöw paſſcham / jeb gir czitti to töw no |
Manc1631_LVM_100_12 | mann ẜatziyuẜchi? Pilatus adbilldeya : Äßmu es weens |
Manc1631_LVM_100_13 | Judds? Tawi Ļaudis / vnd tee Auxtibaſnizaskuugi gir |
Manc1631_LVM_100_14 | töw mann nodäwuſſchi / ko eſẜi tu darriyis? JEſus ad- |
Manc1631_LVM_100_15 | billdeya : Manna Wallſtiba nhe gir no ſchahß Paſẜaules / |
Manc1631_LVM_100_16 | buhtu manna Wallſtiba no ſchahß Paſẜaules / manni |
Manc1631_LVM_100_17 | Ꞩullaiņi par to kautohß / ka es teems Juddeems nhe tap- |
Manc1631_LVM_100_18 | tu nodohtz. Bett nu nhe gir manna Wallſtiba no tenne- |
Manc1631_LVM_100_19 | nes. Tad ẜatziya Pilatus vs winju : Tad eſẜi tu tomähr |
Manc1631_LVM_100_20 | weens Konings? JEſus adbilldeya / tu ẜacki to / es äßmu |
Manc1631_LVM_100_21 | pattees weens Konings / Es äßmu tapehtz peedſimmis / |
Manc1631_LVM_100_22 | ka mann to Teeſẜibu apleezenaht buhß. Kas no tahß Teeſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_100_23 | ẜibas gir / tas dſirrd mannu Ballxni. Ꞩacka Pilatus vs |
Manc1631_LVM_100_24 | winju : Kas gir Teeſẜibà. Vnd to ẜatziyis / ißghaya |
Manc1631_LVM_100_25 | tas attkall aran py teems Juddeems / vnd ẜacka vs teems : |
Manc1631_LVM_100_26 | Es nhe attrohdu nhekahdu Wainu py winju. Vnd kad |
Manc1631_LVM_100_27 | wings apẜuhdſähtz tappa no teems Auxteems Baſni- |
| @b{zas=} |
| |
| [101.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_101_1 | zaskungeems vnd Wätzakeems / nhe adbilldeya wings |
Manc1631_LVM_101_2 | nheneeka. Bett Pilatus jautaya winjam attkal / ẜatzi- |
Manc1631_LVM_101_3 | dams : Nhe adbillditu nheneeka? Redſi / ka ļohte tee töw |
Manc1631_LVM_101_4 | apẜuhds. Nhe dſirrdi tu? Vnd wings nhe adbilldeya tam |
Manc1631_LVM_101_5 | vs nhe weenu Wahrdu / tha / ka arridſan tas Semmes- |
Manc1631_LVM_101_6 | ẜohghis ļohte brienoyahß. Bett tee vhs=ſtahweya / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_101_7 | ẜatziya : Wings gir tohß Ļaudis vs Dumpi vsrunna- |
Manc1631_LVM_101_8 | yis / ar to / ka tas mahziyis gir ſchurp vnd turp eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_101_9 | viſẜu Galileero Semm / vnd gir eeẜahzis eekſchan Gali- |
Manc1631_LVM_101_10 | lea / ihß ſcho weetu. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_101_11 | Bett kad Pilatus Galileam dſirrdeya / waizaya tas |
Manc1631_LVM_101_12 | arrieg Wings no Galilea äſẜohtz? Vnd kad tas nomanni- |
Manc1631_LVM_101_13 | ya / ka wings Herodis Teeſẜà peedärohtz / noẜuhtiya tas |
Manc1631_LVM_101_14 | winju vs Herodes / katters tannieß deenahß arridſan eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_101_15 | ſchan Jeruſalemes by. Bett kad Herodes Jeſum redſe- |
Manc1631_LVM_101_16 | ya / tappa tas ļohte liexmis / aiſto tas ghribbeya jaw ẜenn |
Manc1631_LVM_101_17 | winju labpraht redſeht / aiſto tas by dauds no winju |
Manc1631_LVM_101_18 | Dſirrdeyis / vnd czerreya kahdu Siem no winju redſeht / |
Manc1631_LVM_101_19 | vnd tas waizaya winjam daſchadas leetas. Bett wings |
Manc1631_LVM_101_20 | nhe adbilldeya tam nheneeka. Bett tee Auxti Baſnizas- |
Manc1631_LVM_101_21 | kungi vnd Raxtamahzetayi ſtahweya / vnd apẜuhdſeya |
Manc1631_LVM_101_22 | winju ſtippre. Bett Herodes ar ẜawu Pillsſaim nitzinaya |
Manc1631_LVM_101_23 | vnd apmehdiya winju / apẜeddſe winjam balltu drehb / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_101_24 | ẜuhtiya winju atkal py Pilato. Vs to deenu tappa Pilatus |
Manc1631_LVM_101_25 | vnd Herodes Draughi kohpa / aiſto pirmahk by tee ẜawà |
Manc1631_LVM_101_26 | ſtarrpà Eenaidneeki. Bett Pilatus ẜautze tohß Auxtus= |
Manc1631_LVM_101_27 | baſnizaskungus / vñ tohß Wirrſẜenekus / vnd tohß Ļaudis |
| @b{kohpa /} |
| |
| [102.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_102_1 | kohpa / ẜatzidams vs teems : Juhß eſẜeeta ſcho Czillwä- |
Manc1631_LVM_102_2 | ku py mann attwädduſchi / ihten ka wings tohß Ļaudis |
Manc1631_LVM_102_3 | apwährſtu / vnd redſeeta / es äßmu winju juhſẜo preek- |
Manc1631_LVM_102_4 | ſchà noklauſẜiyis / vnd nhe attrohdu py to Czillwäku nhe- |
Manc1631_LVM_102_5 | neeka no to Wainu / par ko juhß winju apẜuhdſaht / Neds |
Manc1631_LVM_102_6 | arridſan Herodes / aiſto es äßmu juhß py winju noẜuh- |
Manc1631_LVM_102_7 | tiyis / vnd redſeeta / juhß nhe eſẜeeta warreyuſchi winjam |
Manc1631_LVM_102_8 | vsſtahweht / ar ko wings buhtu to Nahwu nopellniyis / |
Manc1631_LVM_102_9 | tapehtz ghribbu es winju pahrmahziet / vnd palaiſt. |
Manc1631_LVM_102_10 | Bett par teems Swähtkeems by tam Semmesẜoh- |
Manc1631_LVM_102_11 | gam pehtz Eeyukumu / teems Ļaudeems weenu Czeetu- |
Manc1631_LVM_102_12 | mà äſẜoſchu attlaiſt / kahdu tee ghribbeya. Bett tam by |
Manc1631_LVM_102_13 | to briedi weens Czeetumà / tam nhe by labba ſlawa / ar |
Manc1631_LVM_102_14 | wahrdu weens Ļaundarritais / vnd Släppkaws / ta |
Manc1631_LVM_102_15 | Wahrtz by Barrabas / katters ar teems Dumpenee- |
Manc1631_LVM_102_16 | keems Czeetumà eemäſts by / katters Dumpy / katters |
Manc1631_LVM_102_17 | Jällghawa noticka / czittu nokahwis by. Vnd tee Ļau- |
Manc1631_LVM_102_18 | dis ghaya aukſcham / vnd luhdſe / ka tas darritu / pehtz |
Manc1631_LVM_102_19 | ẜawu Eeyukumu. Vnd kad tee ẜapullzeyuſcheeß by / ad- |
Manc1631_LVM_102_20 | billdeya teems Pilatus : Juhß eſẜeeta eeyuhkuſchi / ka es |
Manc1631_LVM_102_21 | jums weenu attlaiſchu vs Leeldeen / kattru ghribbaht |
Manc1631_LVM_102_22 | juhß / ka es jums attlaiſchu? Barrabam / jeb JEſum / |
Manc1631_LVM_102_23 | katters tohp ẜaucktz Chriſtus? Aiſto tas ſinnaya / ka tee |
Manc1631_LVM_102_24 | Auxtibaſnizas Kungi winju eeniedädami nodäwuſchi by. |
Manc1631_LVM_102_25 | Vnd vs to Ꞩohdakrähßlu ẜehſchoht / ẜuhtiya winja |
Manc1631_LVM_102_26 | Ꞩeewa py to / vnd licka tam ẜatziet : Nhe darrboyees ar |
Manc1631_LVM_102_27 | ſcho Taißnu / es äßmu ſcho Nackti dauds czeetuſẜi Ꞩapp- |
Manc1631_LVM_102_28 | ny / no winja puſẜes. |
| @b{Bett} |
| |
| [103.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_103_1 | Bett tee Auxti Baſnizaskungi vnd tee Wätzaki |
Manc1631_LVM_103_2 | pahr=runnaya tahß Ļaudis / ka teems by par Barra- |
Manc1631_LVM_103_3 | bam luhkt / vnd JEſum nokaut. Tad adbilldeya nu tas |
Manc1631_LVM_103_4 | Semmesẜohgis / vnd ẜatziya vs teems : Kattru ghrib- |
Manc1631_LVM_103_5 | baht juhß no ſcheems diweems / kattru mann jums buhß |
Manc1631_LVM_103_6 | attlaiſt? Tad brehze wiß tas Pullx vud ẜatziya: Nohſt |
Manc1631_LVM_103_7 | ar ſcho / vnd attlaid mums to Barrabam. Tad brehze |
Manc1631_LVM_103_8 | Pilatus attkal vs teems vnd ghribbeya JESVM att- |
Manc1631_LVM_103_9 | laiſt / vnd ẜatziya: Ko buhß mann darriet ar JEſu / kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_103_10 | ters{katkers} tohp CHriſtus ẜaucktz? Tee brehze attkal / ẜitt win- |
Manc1631_LVM_103_11 | ju Kruſtà / ẜitt winju Kruſtà. Bett tas ẜatziya / treſſchà rei- |
Manc1631_LVM_103_12 | ẜà vs teems : Ko gir tad wings ļaun darriyis? Es nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_103_13 | attrohmu nhe kahdu Wainu tahß Nahwes py winju / ta- |
Manc1631_LVM_103_14 | pehtz ghribbu es to pahrmahziet / vnd palaiſt. Bett tee |
Manc1631_LVM_103_15 | brehze wehl wairahk vnd ẜatziya : Ꞩitt winju Kruſta. |
Manc1631_LVM_103_16 | Vnd tee mahze to ar leelu brehkſchanu / ghribbädami / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_103_17 | wings Kruſta ẜiſts taptu / vnd winjo vnd to Auxto Baſni- |
Manc1631_LVM_103_18 | zaskungo brehkſchana vswarreya. Tad jehme Pilatus |
Manc1631_LVM_103_19 | JEſum / vnd Schaute to / bett tee Kaŗŗa Wieri ta Sem- |
Manc1631_LVM_103_20 | mesẜohga eewedde winju eekſcha to Ꞩohdanammu / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_103_21 | ẜaſẜautze wiſẜu to Pullku / vnd ißwillka winju / vnd aplicka |
Manc1631_LVM_103_22 | winjam weenu paſẜarrkanu dahrgu Mehteli apkahrt / |
Manc1631_LVM_103_23 | vnd pinna weenu Krohni no Ehrſcheems / vnd licka win- |
Manc1631_LVM_103_24 | jam to vs Ghallwas / vnd dehwe winjam weenu Needru |
Manc1631_LVM_103_25 | eekſchan labbahß Rohkas / vnd lohziya tohß czeļļus preek- |
Manc1631_LVM_103_26 | ſchan winju / vnd apſmehya winju / vnd eeẜahka to ſweitze- |
Manc1631_LVM_103_27 | naht / vnd ẜatziya : Deews pallieds töw mieļais Konings |
| @b{to} |
| |
| [104.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_104_1 | to Juddo. Vnd ſweede winjam Atzis / ſpļaudidami / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_104_2 | jehme to Needru / vnd ẜitta ar to winja Ghallwu / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_104_3 | mettehß czeļļohß / vnd peeluhdſe winju. |
Manc1631_LVM_104_4 | Tad ißghaya Pilatus attkall aran / vnd ẜatziya vs |
Manc1631_LVM_104_5 | teems : Redſeeta / eß ißwäddu winju py jums / ka juhß |
Manc1631_LVM_104_6 | nomanniet warreeta / ka es nhe kahdu wainu py winju |
Manc1631_LVM_104_7 | attrohmu. Ta ißghaya JEſus aran / vnd neſẜe weenu |
Manc1631_LVM_104_8 | Ehrſcha Krohni / vnd to paſẜarrkanu dahrgu Drehb / |
Manc1631_LVM_104_9 | vnd tas ẜacka vs teems : Redſeeta / kahtz Czillwähx! |
Manc1631_LVM_104_10 | Kad winju tee Auxtibaſnizaskungi vnd tee Ꞩullaiņi red- |
Manc1631_LVM_104_11 | ſeya / brehze tee vnd ẜatziya : Sitt winju Kruſta / ẜitt |
Manc1631_LVM_104_12 | winju Kruſta. Pilatus ẜacka vs teems : Jemmeeta juhß |
Manc1631_LVM_104_13 | winju nohſt / vnd ẜitteeta winju Kruſta / aiſto es nhe att- |
Manc1631_LVM_104_14 | rohmu nhe kahdu Wainu py winju. Tee Juddi adbill- |
Manc1631_LVM_104_15 | deya tam : Mums gir weena Teeſẜa / vnd pehtz to Teeſẜu |
Manc1631_LVM_104_16 | buhß winjam mirrth / aiſto wings gir ẜöw patz par Dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_104_17 | wa Dählu darriyees. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_104_18 | Kad Pilatus to Wahrdu dſirrdeya / biyayahß tas |
Manc1631_LVM_104_19 | wehl wairahk / vnd ghaya attkal eekſchan to Ꞩohdanam- |
Manc1631_LVM_104_20 | mu / vnd ẜacka vs JEſu : No kurrenes eſẜi tu? Bett JE- |
Manc1631_LVM_104_21 | ſus nhe adbilldeya tam nheneeka. Tad ẜatziya Pilatus vs |
Manc1631_LVM_104_22 | winju : Nhe runna tu ar mann? Nhe ſinni tu / ka es war- |
Manc1631_LVM_104_23 | ru töw Kruſta ẜiſt / vnd warru töw attlaiſt? JEſus adbill- |
Manc1631_LVM_104_24 | deya : Tu nhe warrätu par mann / ja töw nhe buhtu ta |
Manc1631_LVM_104_25 | Waļļa no aukſchenes dohta / tapehtz / kas mann töw no- |
Manc1631_LVM_104_26 | dewis gir / tam gir tee Leelaki Ghräki. No to laiku gha- |
Manc1631_LVM_104_27 | daya Pilatus / ka tas winju attlaiſtu. Bett tee Juddi |
| @b{brehze} |
| |
| [105.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_105_1 | brehze vnd ẜatziya : Ja tu ſcho attlaidieſẜi / tad nhe eſẜi tu |
Manc1631_LVM_105_2 | tha Keiſeŗa Draux / aiſto kas ẜöw par Koninju czeļļahß / |
Manc1631_LVM_105_3 | tas gir prettie to Keiſeri. |
Manc1631_LVM_105_4 | Kad Pilatus to Wahrdu dſirrdeya / ißwedde tas JE- |
Manc1631_LVM_105_5 | ſum aran / vnd ẜähdahß vs to Ꞩohdakrähßlu / tanny |
Manc1631_LVM_105_6 | weetà / kattru ẜautz to Auxtu=Weetu / bett vs Ebrei- |
Manc1631_LVM_105_7 | ſku Wallodu Gabbatha. Bett ta by ta ẜattaiſẜama |
Manc1631_LVM_105_8 | Deena Leeldenà / apkahrt to ẜäſtu ſtundu / vnd tas ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_105_9 | tziya vs teems Juddeems : Redſeeta tas gir juſẜo |
Manc1631_LVM_105_10 | Konings. Bett tee brehze : Nohſt / nohſt ar ſcho / ẜitt |
Manc1631_LVM_105_11 | to Kruſta. Ꞩacka Pilatus vs teems : Buhß mann |
Manc1631_LVM_105_12 | juhſẜo Koninyu Kruſta ẜiſt? Tee Auxti Baſnizaskungi |
Manc1631_LVM_105_13 | adbilldeya : Mums nhe gir nhe kahtz Konings / ka ween |
Manc1631_LVM_105_14 | Keiſeris. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_105_15 | Bett kad Pilatus redſeya / ka tas nheneeka war- |
Manc1631_LVM_105_16 | reya darriet / bett ka jo leelahx trohxnis tappa / dohmaya |
Manc1631_LVM_105_17 | tas teems Ļaudeems ißtickt / vnd teeſẜaya / ka winjo luhk- |
Manc1631_LVM_105_18 | ſchana noticktu / jehme Vhdeni / vnd maſghaya tahß |
Manc1631_LVM_105_19 | Rohkas to Ļauſcho preekſcha / vnd ẜatziya : Es äßmu nhe- |
Manc1631_LVM_105_20 | noẜeedſiex py to Aſẜini ſcha Taißna / Peelukoyeeta juhß. |
Manc1631_LVM_105_21 | Tad adbilldeya wiſẜi Ļaudis / vnd ẜatziya : Winja Aſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_105_22 | ẜins laid nahk par mums / vnd par muhſẜeems Bähr- |
Manc1631_LVM_105_23 | neems. Tad attlaide tas teems to Barrabu / katters ta |
Manc1631_LVM_105_24 | Dumpya vnd Släppkawibas dehļ by czeetumà eemäſts / |
Manc1631_LVM_105_25 | par kattru tee luhdſe / bett JEſum ẜaſchauſtu vnd apmeh- |
Manc1631_LVM_105_26 | ditu / nodewe tas winjo paſſcho ghribbeſchana / ka tas |
Manc1631_LVM_105_27 | Kruſta ẜiſts taptu. |
| @b{Tad} |
| |
| [106.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_106_1 | Tad jehme tee Kaŗŗawieri JEſum / ißwillka win- |
Manc1631_LVM_106_2 | jam to Mehteli / vnd apwillka winjam ẜawas paſſchas |
Manc1631_LVM_106_3 | Drehbes / vnd no wedde winju ka tee winju Kruſta ẜiſtu / |
Manc1631_LVM_106_4 | vnd wings neſẜe ẜawu Kruſtu. |
Manc1631_LVM_106_5 | Vnd iß eiyoht / attradda tee weenu Czillwäku / kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_106_6 | ters czätzinn ghaya / no Kyrene / ar wahrdu Simon / kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_106_7 | ters no Lauku nahze / katters by weens Tähws Alexandri |
Manc1631_LVM_106_8 | vnd Ruwi / to ſpeede tee / ka tam by winja Kruſtu neſt / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_106_9 | czehle to Kruſtu vs to / ka tas to JEſu packaļ näſtu. |
Manc1631_LVM_106_10 | Bett leels pullx Ļauſcho vnd Ꞩeewas ghaya packal |
Manc1631_LVM_106_11 | winju / tee ſchälodami apraudaya winju. Bett JEſus |
Manc1631_LVM_106_12 | apghreeſehß vs tahms / vnd ẜatziya? Juhß Meitas no |
Manc1631_LVM_106_13 | Jeruſalemes / nhe raudaita par mann / bett raudaita par |
Manc1631_LVM_106_14 | ẜöw paſſchahms / vnd par juhſẜeems Bährneems. Aiſto |
Manc1631_LVM_106_15 | redſeeta / tas laix nahx / kad ẜatzies / ſwehtiti gir tahß Nhe= |
Manc1631_LVM_106_16 | aughlighaß / vnd tahß Meeſẜas / kattras nhe gir Bähr- |
Manc1631_LVM_106_17 | nus näſẜuſchas / vnd tahß Kruhtiß / kattras nhe gir Siedi- |
Manc1631_LVM_106_18 | nayuſchas. Tad eeẜahx tee ẜatziet vs teems Kallneems : |
Manc1631_LVM_106_19 | Krieteeta par mums / vnd vs teems maſeems Kallneems : |
Manc1631_LVM_106_20 | Apklayeeta mums. Aiſto ja tas tohp darrietz py to ſaļļu |
Manc1631_LVM_106_21 | Kohku / kas tad wehl notix py to ẜackalltuſchu. Bett turr |
Manc1631_LVM_106_22 | tappa arridſan nowäßti diwi czitti Ļaundarritayi / ka tee |
Manc1631_LVM_106_23 | ar winju nomaitati taptu. Vnd tee no wedde to py to wee- |
Manc1631_LVM_106_24 | tu / kattru ẜautz vs Ebreiſku Wallodu Gollgatha / tas gir |
Manc1631_LVM_106_25 | vs muhſẜu Wallodu / Peeres weeta / vnd tee dewe winjam |
Manc1631_LVM_106_26 | Ettickis jeb Wienu ar Mirrhem ẜayauktu dſerrt / ar |
Manc1631_LVM_106_27 | Schullti ẜamaiſẜitu / vnd to baudiyis / nhe ghribbeya |
Manc1631_LVM_106_28 | wings to dſerrt. |
| @b{Vnd} |
| |
| [107.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_107_1 | Vnd tee ẜitta winju vs to weetu Gollgatha Kruſtà / |
Manc1631_LVM_107_2 | vnd diwi Ļaundarritayus ar winju / weenu pa labbahß / |
Manc1631_LVM_107_3 | vnd ohtru pa kreiſẜahß Rohkas / bett JEſum widdu ſtarr- |
Manc1631_LVM_107_4 | pà. Vnd tas Raxtz gir peepilldietz / katters ẜacka : Wings |
Manc1631_LVM_107_5 | gir ſtarrpan teems Ļaundarritayeems laghadietz. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_107_6 | ta by ta treſſcha Stunda / kad tee winju Kruſta ẜitta. |
Manc1631_LVM_107_7 | @l{Primum Verbum Chriſti in Cruce pendentis.} Bett JEſus ẜatziya : Tähws / pee- |
Manc1631_LVM_107_8 | dohd teems / aiſto tee nhe ſinna / ko tee darra. |
Manc1631_LVM_107_9 | Bett Pilatus raxtiya weenu Wirrßraxtu / raxtietu |
Manc1631_LVM_107_10 | ko tee winjam vsẜuhdſeya / to Wainu winja Nahwes / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_107_11 | czehle to auxtu vs to Kruſtu / py winja Ghallwu. Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_107_12 | tas by raxtietz : JEſus no Nazareth to Juddo Konings. |
Manc1631_LVM_107_13 | Scho Wirrßraxtu laſẜiya dauds Juddis / aiſto ta weeta |
Manc1631_LVM_107_14 | by tuwe py tahß Pillß / kur JEſus Kruſta ẜiſts gir / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_107_15 | tas by raxtietz vs Ebreiſku / Greekiſku vnd Latiniſku Wal- |
Manc1631_LVM_107_16 | lodu. Tad ẜatziya tee Auxti Baſnizaskungi to Juddo vs |
Manc1631_LVM_107_17 | Pilato : Nhe raxti to Juddo Konings / bett ka wings ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_107_18 | tziyis gir : Es äßmu to Juddo Konings. Pilatus adbill- |
Manc1631_LVM_107_19 | deya : Ko es raxtiyis äßmu / to äßmu es raxtiyis. |
Manc1631_LVM_107_20 | Tee Kaŗŗawieri / kad tee JEſum Kruſta ẜittuẜchi |
Manc1631_LVM_107_21 | by / jehme tee winja Drehbes / vnd darriya tſchettrus |
Manc1631_LVM_107_22 | daļļus / ick=kattram Kaŗŗawieram weenu / ta lieds ar- |
Manc1631_LVM_107_23 | ridſan tohß Swahrkus. Bett tee Swahrki nhe by ſchuh- |
Manc1631_LVM_107_24 | ti / no aukſchenes auſti czaur vnd czaur. Tad ẜatziya tee |
Manc1631_LVM_107_25 | ẜawà ſtarrpà : Nhe laideeta mums tohß ißdalliet / bett par |
Manc1631_LVM_107_26 | tohß Kauliņus meſt / kam tee peederrehß. Ka tas Raxtz |
Manc1631_LVM_107_27 | peepilldietz taptu / katters ẜacka : Tee gir mannas Dreh- |
| @b{bes} |
| |
| [108.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_108_1 | bes ẜawà ſtarpà ißdalliyuſſchees / vnd gir par man- |
Manc1631_LVM_108_2 | neems Swahrkeems Kauliņus mättuſchi. Vnd tee |
Manc1631_LVM_108_3 | ẜatziya turr patt / vnd ẜarrghaya winju. To darriya |
Manc1631_LVM_108_4 | tee Kaŗŗawieri / vnd tee Ļaudis ſtahweya / vnd luhko- |
Manc1631_LVM_108_5 | yahß. |
Manc1631_LVM_108_6 | Bett turr ſtahweya py to Krußtu JEſu winja |
Manc1631_LVM_108_7 | Mahte / vnd winyas Mahtes Mahſẜa Maria Cleowas |
Manc1631_LVM_108_8 | Ꞩeewa / vnd Maria Maddaļa. Kad nu JEſus ẜawu |
Manc1631_LVM_108_9 | Maht redſeya / vnd to Mahzekli klaht ſtahwoſchu / kattru |
Manc1631_LVM_108_10 | wings mieļoya / ẜatziya Wings vs ẜawas Mahtes : |
Manc1631_LVM_108_11 | @l{2. Verbum} Ꞩeewa / redſi / tas gir taws Dähls. |
Manc1631_LVM_108_12 | Pehtz ẜacka Wings vs to Mahzekli : Redſi / tha gir |
Manc1631_LVM_108_13 | tawa Mahte. Vnd tudelien jehme tas Mahzeklis |
Manc1631_LVM_108_14 | to py ẜöw. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_108_15 | Bett kattri czätzen ghaya / ſaimoya winju / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_108_16 | krattiya tohß Ghallwus / ẜatzidami : Wuy töw / ka di- |
Manc1631_LVM_108_17 | ſchane nolauſi tu to Baſnizu / vnd vstaiſẜi to treiyahß |
Manc1631_LVM_108_18 | Deenahß / palliedſees ẜöw paſſcham / eſẜi tu Deewa |
Manc1631_LVM_108_19 | Dählß / tad kahp no Kruſtu ſemme. Ta lieds arridſan |
Manc1631_LVM_108_20 | tee Auxti Baſnizaskungi apmehdiya winju ẜawà ſtarr- |
Manc1631_LVM_108_21 | pà ar teems Raxtamahzetayeems vnd Wätzakeems / |
Manc1631_LVM_108_22 | vnd ẜatziya : Wings gir czitteems palliedſeyis / vnd ẜöw |
Manc1631_LVM_108_23 | paſſcham nhe warr wings palliedſehtees / Gir wings |
Manc1631_LVM_108_24 | CHriſtus / tas Konings no Jſraël / tas Deewa ißwäh- |
Manc1631_LVM_108_25 | lähtz / laid wings ẜöw paſſcham palliedſahß / vnd kahp |
Manc1631_LVM_108_26 | nu ſemme no Kruſtu / ka mehß rädſam / vnd titzam win- |
| @b{jam} |
| |
| [109.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_109_1 | jam. Wings gir Deewam vstitzeyis / laid tas winju |
Manc1631_LVM_109_2 | attpeſti / ja tas tam tiek / aiſto Wings gir ẜatziyis : Es |
Manc1631_LVM_109_3 | äßmu Deewa Dähls. To paſſchu winjam arridſan |
Manc1631_LVM_109_4 | pahrmette tee Släppkawi / kattri ar winju Kruſta ẜiſti |
Manc1631_LVM_109_5 | by / vnd ſaimoya winju. Jrr tee Kaŗŗakallpi apmeh- |
Manc1631_LVM_109_6 | diya winju / ghaya py winju / vnd neſẜe winjam Ettigkus |
Manc1631_LVM_109_7 | vnd ẜatziya : Eſẜi tu to Juddo Konings / tad palliedſeeß |
Manc1631_LVM_109_8 | ẜöw paſẜcham. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_109_9 | Bett weens no teems Ļaundarritayeems / kattri |
Manc1631_LVM_109_10 | pakahrti by / ſaimoya winju / ſatzidams : Eſẜi tu Chri- |
Manc1631_LVM_109_11 | ſtus / tad palliedſeeß ẜöw paſſcham / vnd mums. Tad ad- |
Manc1631_LVM_109_12 | billdeya tas ohters / ẜunniya to / vnd ẜatziya : Vnd tu ar- |
Manc1631_LVM_109_13 | ridſan nhe bieſteeß preekſchan Deewu / katters tu tomähr |
Manc1631_LVM_109_14 | weenà Ꞩohdibà eſẜi? Vnd pattees / mehs äſẜam teeſcham |
Manc1631_LVM_109_15 | eekſcha / aiſto mehß dabbuyam / ko mehß ar ẜawu darrbu |
Manc1631_LVM_109_16 | nopellniyuſchi äſẜam / bett ſchiß nhe gir nheneeka ļaun dar- |
Manc1631_LVM_109_17 | riyis. Vnd ẜatziya vs JEſu : |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_109_18 | Kunx / peeminn mannis / kad tu ẜawà Wallſtibà nahxi. |
Manc1631_LVM_109_19 | VNd JEſus ẜatziya vs to : @l{3. Verbum.} Pattees / es ſacku |
Manc1631_LVM_109_20 | töw / ſcho=deen buhß töw ar mann eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_109_21 | Paradieſe buht. |
Manc1631_LVM_109_22 | Vnd kad apkahrt to ẜäſtu ſtundu by / tappa tumbſch |
Manc1631_LVM_109_23 | par to wiſẜu Semm / ihs to dewitu ſtundu / vnd tai Ꞩau- |
Manc1631_LVM_109_24 | lei peetruhka ẜawa ghaiſẜiba. |
Manc1631_LVM_109_25 | Vnd apkahrt to dewitu ſtundu ẜautze JEſus / vnd ẜa= |
| @b{tziya :} |
| |
| [110.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_110_1 | tziya: @h{Eli / Eli / lama aſabthani} : Tas gir vs muhſẜu |
Manc1631_LVM_110_2 | Wallodu: @l{4.Ver bum.} Mañs Deews / manns Deews / |
Manc1631_LVM_110_3 | kapehtz eſſi tu mann attſtayis? Bett czitti / kattri |
Manc1631_LVM_110_4 | turr ſtaweya / to dſirrdedami / ẜatziya tee : Wings ẜautz to |
Manc1631_LVM_110_5 | Elias. Pehtz / kad JEſus ſinnaya / kad jaw wiſẜas leetas pa- |
Manc1631_LVM_110_6 | beiktas by / ka tas Raxtz peepilldietz taptu / ẜatziya Wings / |
Manc1631_LVM_110_7 | @l{5.Ver bum.} Mann twiext. Tad by weens Traux pills Et- |
Manc1631_LVM_110_8 | tigki / vnd dries notetzeya weens no teems / jämbdams wee- |
Manc1631_LVM_110_9 | nu Swammi / vnd pilldiya to ar Ettigki vnd Jſopu / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_110_10 | duhre to vs weenu Needru / vnd turreya winjam to py |
Manc1631_LVM_110_11 | Muttes / vnd dſirrdinaya winju / vnd ẜatziya vs teems |
Manc1631_LVM_110_12 | czitteems : Ghaidi / redſeſẜim / arrieg Elias nahk / vnd win- |
Manc1631_LVM_110_13 | ju nojämm. |
Manc1631_LVM_110_14 | Kad nu JEẜus to Ettigki jehmis by / ẜatziya Wings: @l{6.Verbum.} |
Manc1631_LVM_110_15 | Tas gir peepilldietz. Vnd attkal brehze wings ſkan- |
Manc1631_LVM_110_16 | nige / vnd ẜatziya : @l{7.Verbum.} Tähws Es pawelu ſawu |
Manc1631_LVM_110_17 | Dwehſſel tawahß Rohkahß. Vnd to ẜatziyis / no- |
Manc1631_LVM_110_18 | kahre wings to Ghallwu / vnd ißlaide ẜawu Dwehſẜel. |
Manc1631_LVM_110_19 | Vnd redſi / tas preekſchakarrayams Autz Baſnizà / |
Manc1631_LVM_110_20 | ẜaplieſẜa diweyohß ghabbalohß / no aukſchenes lieds ſem- |
Manc1631_LVM_110_21 | mes / vnd ta Semme trieſẜeya / vnd tee Ackminis plieſẜa / |
Manc1631_LVM_110_22 | vnd tee Kappeņi at=darriyahß / vnd czehlehß aukſcham |
Manc1631_LVM_110_23 | dauds Meeſẜas to Swähto / kattri ghulleya / vnd ißghaya |
Manc1631_LVM_110_24 | no teems Kappeņeems pehtz winja Aukſcham czellſcha- |
Manc1631_LVM_110_25 | nas / vnd nahze eekſchan to ſwähtu Pilli / vnd paradi- |
Manc1631_LVM_110_26 | yahß daudſeems. |
| @b{Bett} |
| |
| [111.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_111_1 | Bett tas Pillskunx / katters klaht ſtahweya / itt pret- |
Manc1631_LVM_111_2 | tie / vnd kattri py winju by / vnd ẜarrghaya JEſum / kad tee |
Manc1631_LVM_111_3 | redſeya / ka wings ar tahdu Brehkſchanu noſkiere / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_111_4 | redſeya to Semmestrieſẜeſchanu / vnd kas turr noticka / |
Manc1631_LVM_111_5 | ißbiyayahß tee ļohte / vnd teitze Deewu / ẜatzidami : Pat- |
Manc1631_LVM_111_6 | tees / ſchiß gir rahms Czillwähx biyis / vnd Deewa |
Manc1631_LVM_111_7 | Dähls. Vnd wiſẜi Ļaudis / kattri turr klaht by / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_111_8 | raudſiyahß / kad tee redſeya / kas turr noticka / ẜitta tee |
Manc1631_LVM_111_9 | py ẜawu Kruhti / vnd ghreeſehß attpackaļļ. Bett wiſẜi |
Manc1631_LVM_111_10 | winja Raddi ſtahweya no tahlenes / vnd dauds Ꞩeewas / |
Manc1631_LVM_111_11 | kattras ar winju no Galilea by nahkuſchi / vnd redſeya |
Manc1631_LVM_111_12 | to wiſẜu / ſtarrpan kattrahms by Maria Maddaļa / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_111_13 | Maria ta maſa Jäcoba / vnd Joſes Mahte / vnd Salo- |
Manc1631_LVM_111_14 | me / ta Mahte to Dählo Zebedei / kattras winjam packaļļ |
Manc1631_LVM_111_15 | ghayuſchi by / kad wings eekſchan Galilea by / vnd kallpo- |
Manc1631_LVM_111_16 | yuſchi / vnd dauds czittas / kattras ar winju vs Jeruſa- |
Manc1631_LVM_111_17 | lemes ghayuſchas by. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_111_18 | Bett tee Juddi / tapehtz kad ta ẜattaiſẜama Deena |
Manc1631_LVM_111_19 | by / ka tahß Meeſẜas nhe pallicktu py Kruſtu par Sweh- |
Manc1631_LVM_111_20 | deenu (aiſto ta paſſcha Swehdeenas Deena by leela) |
Manc1631_LVM_111_21 | luhdſe tee Pilatum / ka winjo Leeli lauſieti vnd nojämbti |
Manc1631_LVM_111_22 | taptu. Tad nahze tee Kaŗŗawieri / vnd lauſiya tam pirr- |
Manc1631_LVM_111_23 | mayam tohß Leelus / vnd tam ohtram / katters ar winju |
Manc1631_LVM_111_24 | Krußtà ẜiſts by. Bett kad tee py JEſu nahze / kad tee red- |
Manc1631_LVM_111_25 | ſeya / ka Wings jaw nomirris by / nhe lauſiya tee winyam |
Manc1631_LVM_111_26 | tohß Leelus / bett weens no teems Kaŗŗawiereems vs- |
Manc1631_LVM_111_27 | duhre winjam to Ꞩahnu ar Skäpu / vnd tudeļļ ißſkre- |
| @b{ya} |
| |
| [112.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_112_1 | ya Aſẜins vnd Vdens ara. Vnd kas to redſeyis gir / tas |
Manc1631_LVM_112_2 | gir to apleezinayis / vnd winja leeziba gir teeſẜa / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_112_3 | tas pattz ſinna / ka tas pattees runna / ka irr juhß ti- |
Manc1631_LVM_112_4 | tzaht / aiſto tas gir notitzis / ka tas Raxtz peepilldietz tap- |
Manc1631_LVM_112_5 | tu : Jums nhe buhß winjam nhe kahdu Kaulu lauſt. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_112_6 | atkall ẜacka czittz Raxtz : Tee redſehß / eekſchan kattru tee |
Manc1631_LVM_112_7 | duhruſchi gir. |
Manc1631_LVM_112_8 | Pehtz Wackarà / kad nu ta Sattaiſẜama=deena by / |
Manc1631_LVM_112_9 | kattra gir tee Preekſch=ſwähtki / nahze Joſeps no Arima- |
Manc1631_LVM_112_10 | thia / to Jällghawu to Juddo / weens bagghatz Wiers / |
Manc1631_LVM_112_11 | weens Rahts Kunx / labbs rahms Wiers / tas nhe by |
Manc1631_LVM_112_12 | nhe kahdu Paddomu teems dewis py winjo buhſchanas / |
Manc1631_LVM_112_13 | katters vs Deewa Wallſtibu ghaidiya / aiſto tas by weens |
Manc1631_LVM_112_14 | Mahzeklis JEſu / tomähr ſläppäne / biedams preek- |
Manc1631_LVM_112_15 | ſchan teems Juddeems / tas eedroſchenayahß / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_112_16 | ghaya eekſchan py Pilato / vnd luhdſe / ka tam waļļa |
Manc1631_LVM_112_17 | buhtu nojembt tahß Meeſẜas JESV. Bett Pilatus |
Manc1631_LVM_112_18 | brienoyahß / ka tas jaw by nomirris / vnd aitzenaya to |
Manc1631_LVM_112_19 | Pillßkungu / vnd jautaya tam / jaugh Wings ẜenn by |
Manc1631_LVM_112_20 | nomirris? Vnd kad tas ißklauſẜiya no Pillßkungu / |
Manc1631_LVM_112_21 | dewe tas Joſepam tahß Meeſẜas JESV vnd pa- |
Manc1631_LVM_112_22 | wehleya / tam by winju doht. Vnd Joſeps pirrka Au- |
Manc1631_LVM_112_23 | däklu. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_112_24 | Bett irr Nicodemus nahzo / katters czittu reis |
Manc1631_LVM_112_25 | Nackty py JESV nahzis by / vnd attneſẜe Myrrhes |
Manc1631_LVM_112_26 | vnd Alloës ẜajauktus py ẜimbtu Mahrzing. Tad jeh- |
Manc1631_LVM_112_27 | me tee tas Meeſẜas J E S V kattras nojämbtas |
| @b{by /} |
| |
| [113.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_113_1 | by / vnd eetinna tahß eekſchan weenu ſkieſtu Audä- |
Manc1631_LVM_113_2 | klu / vnd ẜehye winju ar Linna=auteems / vnd ar tahms |
Manc1631_LVM_113_3 | dahrgahms Sahlehms / ka tee Juddi eeradduſchi by |
Manc1631_LVM_113_4 | aprackt. |
Manc1631_LVM_113_5 | Bett turr by tanny weetà / kurr Wings tappa |
Manc1631_LVM_113_6 | Kruſta ẜiſts / weens Dahrß / vnd eekſchan Dahrſu wee- |
Manc1631_LVM_113_7 | na jauna Kappa / ta peederŗeya Joſepam / kattru tas |
Manc1631_LVM_113_8 | by litzeeß ißczirrſtees weenà Ackminy / eekſchan kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_113_9 | tru wehl nheweens by eelicktz / turr patt eelicka tee JE- |
Manc1631_LVM_113_10 | SVM / ta Ꞩattaiſẜama=deena dehļ ta Juddo / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_113_11 | tee Swähtki jaw preekſcha / vnd ta Kappa tuwe |
Manc1631_LVM_113_12 | by / vnd wehle weenu Ackmini preekſchan tahms |
Manc1631_LVM_113_13 | Durrweems tha Kappa / vnd ghaya nohſt. Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_113_14 | turr patt by Maria Maddaļa / vnd Maria Joſes / |
Manc1631_LVM_113_15 | tee apẜähdahß prett to Kappu / irr czittas Ꞩeewas / |
Manc1631_LVM_113_16 | kattri JESVM arridſan by packaļļ nahkuſchi / no |
Manc1631_LVM_113_17 | Galilea / ſkattiya / Kurrpu / vnd ka winya Meeſẜas no- |
Manc1631_LVM_113_18 | licktas tappa. Bett tee attkal attghreeſehß / vnd ẜattaiſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_113_19 | ẜiya tahß dahrghas Sahles / vnd to Swaidiſchanu / |
Manc1631_LVM_113_20 | vnd par teems Swähtkeems by tahß kluſẜe pehtz ẜawu |
Manc1631_LVM_113_21 | Teeſẜu. |
Manc1631_LVM_113_22 | Ohtrà Deenà / kattra nahk pehtz to Sattaiſẜamu- |
Manc1631_LVM_113_23 | deenu / nahze tee Auxti Baſnizaskungi vnd Wariſee- |
Manc1631_LVM_113_24 | ŗi weena draudſeh py Pilato / vnd ẜatziya: Kunx / mehß |
Manc1631_LVM_113_25 | äſẜam attghadayuſchees / ka ſchiß Willtineex ẜatziya / dſie- |
Manc1631_LVM_113_26 | wodams : Es ghribbu pehtz trims Deenahms aukſcham |
Manc1631_LVM_113_27 | czellteeß / tapehtz pawehl / ka ta Kappa tohp apẜarrghata / |
| @b{ihs} |
| |
| [114.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_114_1 | ihs to treſſchu deenu / ka nhe nahk winja Mahzekļi / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_114_2 | ſohg winju / vnd ẜacka teems Ļaudeems : Wings gir |
Manc1631_LVM_114_3 | aukſcham czehlees no teems Mirroņeems / vnd tohp ta |
Manc1631_LVM_114_4 | pehdeya Willtiba nicknaka / nhe ka ta pirrma. Pilatus ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_114_5 | tziya vs teems : Teh gir jums tee Ꞩarrghi / eita / vnd ghlab- |
Manc1631_LVM_114_6 | boyeeta / ka ſinnadammi. Tee noghaya / vnd apẜarr- |
Manc1631_LVM_114_7 | ghaya to Kappu ar Ꞩarrgheems / vnd aiß=ſpeh- |
Manc1631_LVM_114_8 | de to Ackmini. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_114_9 | @v{Ende der Hiſtorien des Leidens} |
Manc1631_LVM_114_10 | @v{CHRiſti.} |
| |
| @b{Lettiſche} |
| |
| [115.lpp.] |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_115_1 | @v{Lettiſche Evangelia vnd} |
Manc1631_LVM_115_2 | @v{Epiſteln / von Oſtern an biß auffs} |
Manc1631_LVM_115_3 | @v{Advent.} |
Manc1631_LVM_115_4 | @v{Epiſtel am heiligen Oſtertage /} |
Manc1631_LVM_115_5 | @v{1. Corinth. 5.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_115_6 | MYļi Brahļi / juhſẜo leeloſchana nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_115_7 | gir labba / nhe ſinnaht juhß / ka maß |
Manc1631_LVM_115_8 | Raux wiſẜu Mieklu ẜaraudſeh. Ta- |
Manc1631_LVM_115_9 | pehtz ißmehſeeta to wätzu Raugu / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_115_10 | juhß jauna Miekla eſẜeeta / ihten ka |
Manc1631_LVM_115_11 | juhß nhe eejauti eſẜeeta. Aiſto mums |
Manc1631_LVM_115_12 | gir arridſan weens Leeldeenasjährs / |
Manc1631_LVM_115_13 | tas gir CHriſtus preekſchan mums vppärähtz. Tapehtz |
Manc1631_LVM_115_14 | laideeta mums Leeldeen turreht / nhe eekſchan wätzu |
Manc1631_LVM_115_15 | Raugu / neds arridſan eekſchan Raugu tahß blehdibas |
Manc1631_LVM_115_16 | vnd ļaunumu / bett eekſchan to ẜalldu Mieklu tahß Tyh- |
Manc1631_LVM_115_17 | ribas vnd Taißnibas. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_115_18 | @v{Evangelium am heiligen Oſtertage /} |
Manc1631_LVM_115_19 | @v{Marci am 16. Cap.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_115_20 | VNd kad tee Leeldeenas=ſwähtki paghayuſchi by / pirr- |
Manc1631_LVM_115_21 | ka Maria Maddaļa / vnd Maria Jäcoba / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_115_22 | Salome dahrgas Sahles / ka tahß nahktu / vnd ſwaidie- |
Manc1631_LVM_115_23 | tu to Kungu JEſum. Vnd tahß nahze py to Kappu / vs |
| @b{weenu} |
| |
| [116.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_116_1 | weenu Swehdenu ļohte ag- |
Manc1631_LVM_116_2 | gre / kad ta Ꞩaule vsleh- |
Manc1631_LVM_116_3 | ze / vnd tahß runnaya ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_116_4 | wa ſtarrpa / kas noweļļ |
Manc1631_LVM_116_5 | mums to Ackmini no tahß |
Manc1631_LVM_116_6 | Kappas Durrweems? |
Manc1631_LVM_116_7 | Vnd tahß noſkattiyahß / |
Manc1631_LVM_116_8 | vnd nomanniya / ka tas |
Manc1631_LVM_116_9 | Ackminns nowälltz by / ai- |
Manc1631_LVM_116_10 | ſto tas by ļohte leels. Vnd tahß eeghaya eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_116_11 | Kappu / vnd redſeya weenu jaunu Puiſẜi / py labbahß |
Manc1631_LVM_116_12 | Rohkas ẜehſchoht / tas by ar gharŗu balltu Drehb ap- |
Manc1631_LVM_116_13 | tährptz / vnd tahß (Ꞩeewas) iſẜabiyayahß. Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_116_14 | wings ẜatziya vs tahms / Nhe iſẜabyeſtatees / juhß me- |
Manc1631_LVM_116_15 | ckleyeeta JESVM no Nazareth / katters py Kruſtu |
Manc1631_LVM_116_16 | ẜiſts by / tas gir aukſcham czehleeß / vnd nhe gir ſchei- |
Manc1631_LVM_116_17 | tan. Redſeeta ſcheit to Weetu / kur tee to nolicka. Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_116_18 | no=eyta / vnd ẜackaita to winja Mahzekļeems / vnd Pe- |
Manc1631_LVM_116_19 | teram / ka tas juhſẜo preekſcha no ees eekſchan Gali- |
Manc1631_LVM_116_20 | lea / tur juhß to redẜeſẜeeta / ka tas jums ſatziyis gir . |
Manc1631_LVM_116_21 | Vnd tahß (Ꞩeewas) ißghaya peepehſche aran / |
Manc1631_LVM_116_22 | vnd behdſe no to Kappu / aiſto tahms by drebbeſchana |
Manc1631_LVM_116_23 | vnd iſẜabiyaſchana vsghayuſẜi / vnd nhe ẜatziya nhewee- |
Manc1631_LVM_116_24 | nam nheneeka / aiſto tahß biyayahß. |
| @b{Epiſtel} |
| |
| |
| [117.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_117_1 | @v{Epiſtel am Oſtermontage / } |
Manc1631_LVM_117_2 | @v{Actorum 10.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_117_3 | PEteris attdarriya ẜawu Mutt / vnd ſatziya / Nu |
Manc1631_LVM_117_4 | es itt teeſcham nomanu / ka Deews to Czillwäku |
Manc1631_LVM_117_5 | nhe vsluhko / bett eekſchan wiſẜenadeems Ļaudeems / |
Manc1631_LVM_117_6 | kattri to byeſtahß / vnd pareiſe darra / tas tam pattiek. |
Manc1631_LVM_117_7 | Juhß ſinnaht no to Mahzibu / kattru Deews teems |
Manc1631_LVM_117_8 | Bährneems Jſraël ſuhtiyis gir / vnd litzis ſluddenaht |
Manc1631_LVM_117_9 | to Meeru czaur JESVM CHriſtum (katters gir |
Manc1631_LVM_117_10 | weens Kunx par wiſẜahms leetahms) kattra czaur |
Manc1631_LVM_117_11 | wiſẜu Juddoſemm notickuſẜi gir / vnd eeẜahkta eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_117_12 | Galilea pehtz tahß Chriſtibas / kattru Jahnis mahzi- |
Manc1631_LVM_117_13 | ya / ka Deews to paſſchu JESVM no Nazareth |
Manc1631_LVM_117_14 | ſwaidiyis gir / ar to ſwähtu Gharru vnd to ſpähku / kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_117_15 | ters wiſẜas mallas apſtaighayis gir / vnd gir labbe dar- |
Manc1631_LVM_117_16 | riyis / vnd wäſẜälus dariyis wiſẜus / kattri no Wällu |
Manc1631_LVM_117_17 | vswahräti by. Aiſto Deews by ar to. Vnd mehs äſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_117_18 | ẜam Leezeeneeki par wiſẜahms tahms leetahms / ko tas |
Manc1631_LVM_117_19 | darriyis gir / eekſchan Juddoſemmes / vnd eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_117_20 | Jeruſalem. To gir tee nokahwuſẜchi / vnd py weenu |
Manc1631_LVM_117_21 | Kohku pakaruſẜchi. To paſſchu gir Deews vsmoh- |
Manc1631_LVM_117_22 | denayis / tan treſſchan Deenan / vnd to litzis ſinna- |
Manc1631_LVM_117_23 | mu tapt / nhe wiſẜeems Ļaudeems / bett mums / teems |
Manc1631_LVM_117_24 | papreekſche ißrädſäteems Leezeneekeems no Deewu / |
Manc1631_LVM_117_25 | kattri mehs ar to Ähduſchi vnd Dſäruſchi äſẜam / |
Manc1631_LVM_117_26 | pehtz to laiku / ka tas aukſcham czehlees gir no teems |
| @b{Mirro-} |
| |
| [118.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_118_1 | Mirroņeems. Vnd tas gir mums pawehleyis to mah- |
Manc1631_LVM_118_2 | ziet teems Ļaudeems / vnd apleezenaht / ka tas gir eeſtah- |
Manc1631_LVM_118_3 | dietz no Deewu / weens Ꞩohgis par Dſieweems vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_118_4 | Mirroņeems. No ſcho dohd wiſẜi Proweetes leezibu / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_118_5 | czaur winja Wahrdu / wiſẜeems / kattri eekſchan to titz / |
Manc1631_LVM_118_6 | pammeſſchanu tohß Ghräkos dabbuit buhß. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_118_7 | @v{Evangelium am Oſtermontage} |
Manc1631_LVM_118_8 | @v{Luc. 24. Cap.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_118_9 | REdſi / diwi no teems Mahzekļeems ghaya tanny |
Manc1631_LVM_118_10 | paſſchà Deenà eekſchan weenu Jällghawu / ta by no |
Manc1631_LVM_118_11 | Jeruſalem diwi Juhds ſemmes tahļ / tahß Wahrtz gir |
Manc1631_LVM_118_12 | Emahus. Vnd tee runnaya ẜawà ſtarrpà / no wiſẜahms |
Manc1631_LVM_118_13 | tahms leetahms / kattri by notickuſſchi. vnd tas noti- |
Manc1631_LVM_118_14 | ckahß / kad tee tha runnaya / vnd apyautayahß ẜawà |
Manc1631_LVM_118_15 | ſtarrpà / peeghaya JEſus py teems / vnd ſtaigaya ar |
Manc1631_LVM_118_16 | teems. Bett winjo Atzis |
Manc1631_LVM_118_17 | tappa turrätas / ka tee to |
Manc1631_LVM_118_18 | nhe paſinna. Bett tas ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_118_19 | tziya vs teems / kahda gir |
Manc1631_LVM_118_20 | ta Walloda / kattru juhß |
Manc1631_LVM_118_21 | juhſẜo ſtarrpà runnayeeta |
Manc1631_LVM_118_22 | vs czeļļu / vnd eſẜeeta tick no- |
Manc1631_LVM_118_23 | ſkummuſẜchi ? Tad adbill- |
Manc1631_LVM_118_24 | deya weens ar wahrdu |
Manc1631_LVM_118_25 | Cleowas / vnd ẜatziya vs to : Tuggi tad weens eſẜi tick |
Manc1631_LVM_118_26 | ſweſſch eekſchan Jeruſalem / katters nhe ſinnatu / kas |
| @b{ſchinnys} |
| |
| [119.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_119_1 | ſchinnys Deenahß tur eekſchan notitzis gir ? Vnd wings |
Manc1631_LVM_119_2 | ẜatziya vs teems: Kas? Bett tee ẜatziya vs to: Tas / no |
Manc1631_LVM_119_3 | JEſu no Nazareth / katters by weens Proweetz / war- |
Manc1631_LVM_119_4 | rähns no Darrbeems vnd Wahrdeems preekſchan Dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_119_5 | wu vnd wiſẜeems Ļaudeems / ka to muhſẜi Auxti Baſni- |
Manc1631_LVM_119_6 | zaskungi vnd Wirſẜeneeki nodäwuſſchi gir py Noẜohdi- |
Manc1631_LVM_119_7 | ſchanas tahß Nahwes / vnd py Kruſtu ẜittuſchi. Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_119_8 | mehs czerreyam tam by Jſraëli attpeſtiet. Vnd par to |
Manc1631_LVM_119_9 | wiſẜu / gir ſchodeen ta treſſcha Deena / ka ſchahdas lee- |
Manc1631_LVM_119_10 | tas notickuſchi gir. Arridſan gir mums ißbeedeyuſchi |
Manc1631_LVM_119_11 | czitti no muhſẜahms Ꞩeewahms / tahs gir aggre py to |
Manc1631_LVM_119_12 | Kappu biyuſchi / vnd nhe gir winja Meeſẜu attradduſchi / |
Manc1631_LVM_119_13 | nahk vnd ẜacka: Tee gir weenu Ghiem tho Engeļo red- |
Manc1631_LVM_119_14 | ſeyuẜchi / katters ẜacka: Wings Dſiewoyohtz. Vnd czit- |
Manc1631_LVM_119_15 | ti no mums noghaya py to Kappu / vnd attradda tha / |
Manc1631_LVM_119_16 | ka tahß Ꞩeewas ẜatziya / bett winju nhe attradda tee. |
Manc1631_LVM_119_17 | Vnd tas ẜatziya vs teems / O juhß Jecki vnd kuhtri |
Manc1631_LVM_119_18 | no Ꞩirrdehms / ka juhß nhe ghribbaht titzeht wiſẜu to / |
Manc1631_LVM_119_19 | ko tee Proweetes ẜatziyuſchi gir. Nhe by Chriſtum tha |
Manc1631_LVM_119_20 | czeeſt / vnd eekſchan ẜawas Ghohdibas ee=eedt ? Vnd ee- |
Manc1631_LVM_119_21 | ẜahka no Moſe / vnd no wiſẜeems Proweetems / vnd iß- |
Manc1631_LVM_119_22 | ſtahſtiya teems wiſẜu Raxtu / katters no to ẜatzietz by. |
Manc1631_LVM_119_23 | Vnd tee nahze tuwe preekſchan to Jällgawu / vs |
Manc1631_LVM_119_24 | kurrenes tee ghaya / vnd tas lickahß iht ka ghribbädams |
Manc1631_LVM_119_25 | wehl tahļahk eet. Vnd tee luhdſe to / vnd ẜatziya / Pal- |
Manc1631_LVM_119_26 | leetz py mums / aiſto tas ghribb Wackars tapt / vnd ta |
Manc1631_LVM_119_27 | Deena gir pa ghallam. Vnd tas eeghaya eekſchan / ka |
| @b{tas} |
| |
| [120.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_120_1 | tas py teems pallicktu. vnd tas notickahß / kad tas ar |
Manc1631_LVM_120_2 | teems py Ghalldu ẜehdeya / jehme tas to Mais / pattei- |
Manc1631_LVM_120_3 | tze / pahrlauſe to / vnd dewe to teems. Tad tappa winja |
Manc1631_LVM_120_4 | Atzis attwährtas / vnd paſinna to. Vnd tas paſudda |
Manc1631_LVM_120_5 | preekſchan teems. |
Manc1631_LVM_120_6 | Vnd tee ẜatziya ẜawà ſtarrpà : Nhe dedſe muhſẜa |
Manc1631_LVM_120_7 | Ꞩirrdtz eekſchan mums / kad tas ar mums runnaya |
Manc1631_LVM_120_8 | wirſẜon Czeļļu / kad tas mums to Raxtu iß=ſtahſtiya? |
Manc1631_LVM_120_9 | Vnd tee czehlehß aukſcham tanny paſſchà ſtundà / gree- |
Manc1631_LVM_120_10 | ſehß attkal apkahrt vs Jeruſalem / vnd attradda tohß |
Manc1631_LVM_120_11 | Weenpaddeßmittus (Mahzekļus ) kopa ẜakratus / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_120_12 | tohß kattri py teems by / kattri ẜatziya / Tas Kunx gir |
Manc1631_LVM_120_13 | pattees aukſcham czehlees / vnd Simoņam paradiyees. |
Manc1631_LVM_120_14 | Vnd tee paẜatziya teems / kas vs Czeļļu notitzis by / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_120_15 | ka tas no teems paſietz by py to / kad tas teems to Mais |
Manc1631_LVM_120_16 | lauſe. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_120_17 | @v{Epiſtel am Oſterdinſtage /} |
Manc1631_LVM_120_18 | @v{Actor. 13. Cap.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_120_19 | JVhß Wyeri / myļi Brahļi / juhß Bährni no to czill- |
Manc1631_LVM_120_20 | tu Abrahama / vnd kattri juhſẜo ſtarrpà Deewu bi- |
Manc1631_LVM_120_21 | ya. Jums gir tas Wahrtz tahß Peſtiſchanas ſuhtietz / ai- |
Manc1631_LVM_120_22 | ſto tee kattri eekſchan Jeruſalemes dſiewo / vnd winja |
Manc1631_LVM_120_23 | Wirſẜeeneeki / pehtz to ka tee to nhe paſinna / neds tohß |
Manc1631_LVM_120_24 | Ballxnus tho Proweeto (kattri ick=Swehdeenohß laſẜiti |
Manc1631_LVM_120_25 | tohp) gir tee tohß paſſchus ar ẜawu Teeẜaſchanu peepilldi- |
Manc1631_LVM_120_26 | yuſchi. Vnd jeb tee nhe kahdu Wainu tahß Nahwes py |
| @b{to at-} |
| |
| [121.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_121_1 | to attradda / luhdſe tee to mähr Pilatum / to nokauth. |
Manc1631_LVM_121_2 | Vnd kad tee pabeighuſſchi by / wiſẜu kas no to raxtietz gir / |
Manc1631_LVM_121_3 | jehme tee to no Kohku / vnd licka to eekſchan weenu |
Manc1631_LVM_121_4 | Kappu. Bett Deews gir to Vsmohdenayis no teems |
Manc1631_LVM_121_5 | Mirroņeems vnd tas gir Paradiyees dauds Deenahß / |
Manc1631_LVM_121_6 | teems / kattri ar to no Galilea vs Jeruſalemes ghayu- |
Manc1631_LVM_121_7 | ſchi by / kattri gir winja Leezeneeki py teems Ļaudeems. |
Manc1631_LVM_121_8 | Vnd mehs paſluddenayam jums arridſan to Ꞩohliſcha- |
Manc1631_LVM_121_9 | nu / kattra muhſẜeems Tähweems notickuſẜi gir / ka tas |
Manc1631_LVM_121_10 | patz Deews mums / ẜaweems Bährneems peepilldi- |
Manc1631_LVM_121_11 | yis gir / ar to / ka tas JESVM vsmohdenayis gir . |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_121_12 | @v{Evangelium am Oſterdinſtage /} |
Manc1631_LVM_121_13 | @v{Luc. 24 Cap.} |
Manc1631_LVM_121_14 | KAd tee Mahzekļi no to (aukſcham czellſchanu JEſu) |
Manc1631_LVM_121_15 | runnaya / ſtahweya JEſus patz widdu ſtarrpan |
Manc1631_LVM_121_16 | teems / vnd ẜatziya vs teems / Meers gir ar jums. Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_121_17 | tee iſẜabiyayahß / vnd ſkit- |
Manc1631_LVM_121_18 | ta tee rädſätu weenu ghar- |
Manc1631_LVM_121_19 | ru. Vnd wings ẜatziya vs |
Manc1631_LVM_121_20 | teems: Ka eſẜeeta juhß tick |
Manc1631_LVM_121_21 | iſẜabiyuſſchees ? Vnd ka- |
Manc1631_LVM_121_22 | pehtz nahk tahdas dohmas |
Manc1631_LVM_121_23 | juhſẜahß ſirrdies? Redſeeta |
Manc1631_LVM_121_24 | mannas Rohkas / vñ man- |
Manc1631_LVM_121_25 | nas Kahyas / es äßmu |
| @b{pattz} |
| |
| [122.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_122_1 | pattz. Tauſtaita mann / vnd luhkoyeeta / aiſto weenam |
Manc1631_LVM_122_2 | Gharram nhe gir Meeſẜas vnd Kauli / ka juhß rädſoht |
Manc1631_LVM_122_3 | mann äſẜam. Vnd kad tas to ẜatziya / rahdiya tas teems |
Manc1631_LVM_122_4 | Rohkas vnd Kahyas. Bett kad tee wehl nhe titzeya no |
Manc1631_LVM_122_5 | Preeku / vnd brienoyahß / ẜatziya tas vs teems : Gir |
Manc1631_LVM_122_6 | jums ſcheitan kas ja=ähd ? Vnd tee czehle tam preekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_122_7 | weenu ghabbalu no czäptu Siwi vnd Mäddu. Vnd tas |
Manc1631_LVM_122_8 | jehme to / vnd ähde to winjo preekſcha. Bett tas ẜatziya |
Manc1631_LVM_122_9 | vs teems : Tee gir tee Wahrdi / kattrus es vs jums ẜatzi- |
Manc1631_LVM_122_10 | ya / py jums wehl buhdams. Aiſto tam buhß wißnotaļļ |
Manc1631_LVM_122_11 | peepillditam tapt / kas no mann raxtietz gir / eekſchan to |
Manc1631_LVM_122_12 | Baußlu Moſi / eekſchan teems Proweeteems / vnd eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_122_13 | ſchan teems dſeeßmeems. Tad attwehre tas teems to |
Manc1631_LVM_122_14 | Ꞩappraſſchanu / ka tee to Raxtu ẜappratta / vnd ẜatziya |
Manc1631_LVM_122_15 | vs teems: Ta ſtahw raxtietz / vnd ta by CHriſtum czeeſt / |
Manc1631_LVM_122_16 | vnd atkal aukſcham czellteeß no teems Mirroņeems treſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_122_17 | ſchà Deenà / vnd lickt mahziet / eekſchan winja Wahrdu |
Manc1631_LVM_122_18 | Attſtahſchanu / vnd Pammeſchanu to Ghräko wiſẜeems |
Manc1631_LVM_122_19 | Ļaudeems / vnd eeẜahkt eekſchan Jeruſalem. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_122_20 | @v{Epiſtel am erſten Sontage nach Oſtern / ge-} |
Manc1631_LVM_122_21 | @v{nant} @l{Quaſimodogeniti,} @v{1. Johan. 5.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_122_22 | JCk kattris kas no Deewu peedſimbtz gir / tas pahr- |
Manc1631_LVM_122_23 | warr to Paſẜaul / vnd muhſẜa Titziba gir ta Pahr- |
Manc1631_LVM_122_24 | wareſchana / kattra to Paſẜaul pahrwarreyis gir. Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_122_25 | kas gir / kas to Paſẜaul pahrwarr / ka ween / kas titz / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_122_26 | JEſus Deewa Dähls gir ? Schiß gir / kas nahk / ar |
| @b{Vhdeni} |
| |
| [123.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_123_1 | Vhdeni vnd Aſẜini / JEſus CHriſtus / nhe ar Vhdeni |
Manc1631_LVM_123_2 | ween / bett ar Vhdeni vnd Aſẜini. Vnd tas Gharrs gir / |
Manc1631_LVM_123_3 | katters leezibu dohd / ka tas Gharrs Teeſẜiba gir. Aiſto |
Manc1631_LVM_123_4 | tries gir / kattri leezibu dohd wirſẜon Semmes / Tas |
Manc1631_LVM_123_5 | Gharrs / vnd tas Vhdens / vnd tas Aſẜins / vnd tee tries |
Manc1631_LVM_123_6 | gir weenà kohpà. Kad mehß nu to Czillwäko leezibu vs- |
Manc1631_LVM_123_7 | jämmam / tad gir Deewa leeziba leelaka. Aiſto Deewa |
Manc1631_LVM_123_8 | leeziba gir ta / ka tas leezibu dewis gir no ẜawu Dählu / |
Manc1631_LVM_123_9 | kas eekſchan to Deewa Dählu titz /tam gir tahda leeziba |
Manc1631_LVM_123_10 | py ẜöw. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_123_11 | @v{Evangelium am erſten Sontage nach} |
Manc1631_LVM_123_12 | @v{Oſtern / genant} @l{Quaſimodogeniti,} @v{Joh. 20.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_123_13 | TAnni paſſchà Swehdeenas Wackarà / kad tee |
Manc1631_LVM_123_14 | Mahzekļi ẜaghayuſchi / vnd tahß Durrwis aiß- |
Manc1631_LVM_123_15 | ſlähktas by / no ißbailes par teems Juddeems / nahze |
Manc1631_LVM_123_16 | JEſus / vnd ſtahweya widdu / vnd ẜatziya vs teems: |
Manc1631_LVM_123_17 | Meers gir ar jums. Vnd kad tas to ẜatziya / puhte tas |
Manc1631_LVM_123_18 | vs teems / vnd ẜatziya vs teems : Jemmeeta to ſwähtu |
Manc1631_LVM_123_19 | Gharru / kattreems juhß tohß Ghräkus pammettieſẜee- |
Manc1631_LVM_123_20 | ta / teems gir tee pammäſti / vnd kattreems juhß tohß pat- |
Manc1631_LVM_123_21 | turrehſẜeeta / teems gir tee patturrähti. Bett Thomas |
Manc1631_LVM_123_22 | weens no teems Diwipaddeßmitteems / katters noẜauktz |
Manc1631_LVM_123_23 | Dwienis / nhe by py teems / kad JEſus nahze. Tad ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_123_24 | tziya tee czitti Mahzekļi vs to /mehß äſẜam to Kungu red- |
Manc1631_LVM_123_25 | ſeyuſẜchi. Bett wings ẜatziya / vs teems / ja tas tha nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_123_26 | noteek / ka es eekſchan winja Rohkahms rädſu tahß Nag- |
| @b{glo=Sie-} |
| |
| [124.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_124_1 | glo=Siemes / vnd leeku mannu Pirrxtu eekſchan winja |
Manc1631_LVM_124_2 | Ꞩahneems / nhe ghribbu es to titzeht. |
Manc1631_LVM_124_3 | Vnd par aſtohņ deeneems by winja Mahzekļi att- |
Manc1631_LVM_124_4 | kal turr eekſchan / vnd Thomas ar teems / nahk JEſus / |
Manc1631_LVM_124_5 | kad tahß Durrwis aisſlähktas by / vnd ſtahweya widdu |
Manc1631_LVM_124_6 | teems / vnd ẜatziya : Meers gir ar jums. Pehtz to ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_124_7 | tziya vs Thomu / ſteep |
Manc1631_LVM_124_8 | ſchurr tawu Pirrxtu / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_124_9 | reds mannas Rohkas / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_124_10 | ſteep tawu Rohku ſchurr / |
Manc1631_LVM_124_11 | vnd leetz tahß mannohß |
Manc1631_LVM_124_12 | Ꞩahnohß / vnd nhe eſẜi nhe- |
Manc1631_LVM_124_13 | titziex / bett titziex. Tho- |
Manc1631_LVM_124_14 | mas ẜatziya vs to : Manns |
Manc1631_LVM_124_15 | Kunx / vnd manns Deews. |
Manc1631_LVM_124_16 | JEſus ẜatziya vs to : Tapehtz / ka tu mann redſeyis eſẜi |
Manc1631_LVM_124_17 | Thoma / tad titzi tu. Swähti gir tee / kattri nhe räds / |
Manc1631_LVM_124_18 | vnd tomähr titz. |
Manc1631_LVM_124_19 | Jrr dauds czittas Siemes darriya JEſus preekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_124_20 | ẜaweems Mahzekļeems / kattri nhe gir raxtiti eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_124_21 | ſcho Ghramatu. Bett ſchee gir raxtiti / ka juhß titzaht / JE- |
Manc1631_LVM_124_22 | ſus gir CHriſt / tas Deewa Dähls / vnd ka jums czaur |
Manc1631_LVM_124_23 | to Titzibu ta Dſiewiba gir / eekſchan winja Wahrdu. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_124_24 | @v{Epiſtel am andern Sontage nach Oſtern /} |
Manc1631_LVM_124_25 | @v{genant Miſericordias Domini. 1.Pet. 2.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_124_26 | MYļi Brahļi / Tapehtz eſẜeeta juhß aitzenati ihten ka |
Manc1631_LVM_124_27 | Chriſtus czeetis gir muhſẜo Dehļ / vnd mums wee= |
| @b{nu} |
| |
| [125.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_125_1 | nu Preekſch=Siem attſtahyis / ta jums buhß pehtz ſtaigaht |
Manc1631_LVM_125_2 | winja Kahya=pähdeems. Katters nhe kahdus Ghräkus |
Manc1631_LVM_125_3 | darriyis gir / neds arridſan kahda Willtiba ẜawà Mutteh |
Manc1631_LVM_125_4 | attraſta gir / katters nhe lammaya prettie / kad tas lam- |
Manc1631_LVM_125_5 | mahtz tappa / neds draudeya / czeeßdams. Bett tas pa- |
Manc1631_LVM_125_6 | wehleya tam / katters teeſcham teeſẜa. Katters muhſẜus |
Manc1631_LVM_125_7 | Ghräkus pattz vppereyis gir / py ẜawahms Meeſẜahms |
Manc1631_LVM_125_8 | wirſẜon to Kohku / ka mehs no teems Ghräkeems nomir- |
Manc1631_LVM_125_9 | ruſchi äſẜam / vnd tai Taißnibai dſiewoyam czaur kattra |
Manc1631_LVM_125_10 | Wahtehms juhß ẜadſeedenati äſẜaht. Aiſto juhß biyaht / |
Manc1631_LVM_125_11 | ka tahß apallohtas Ahwis / bett nu eſẜeeta juhß attgreeſti / |
Manc1631_LVM_125_12 | py to Ghannu vnd Pieſkopu juhſẜo Dwehſẜeļo. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_125_13 | @v{Evangelium am andern Sontage nach} |
Manc1631_LVM_125_14 | @v{Oſtern / genant} @v{Miſericordias Domini,} |
Manc1631_LVM_125_15 | @v{Johan. 10.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_125_16 | Jeſus ẜatziya vs teems Juddeems: Es äßmu weens |
Manc1631_LVM_125_17 | labbs Ghanns / weens labbs Ghanns dohd ẜawu |
Manc1631_LVM_125_18 | dſiewibu par tahms Ah- |
Manc1631_LVM_125_19 | weems.Bett weens ẜaddä- |
Manc1631_LVM_125_20 | rähtz Ghanns / katters |
Manc1631_LVM_125_21 | Ghanns nhe gir / kam |
Manc1631_LVM_125_22 | tahß Ahwis nhe peedärr / |
Manc1631_LVM_125_23 | räds to Willku nahkoht / |
Manc1631_LVM_125_24 | vnd attſtahy tahß Ah- |
Manc1631_LVM_125_25 | wis / vnd bähg. Vnd tas |
Manc1631_LVM_125_26 | Willx ẜakamp vnd ißtränntz tahß Ahwis. Bett |
| @b{tas} |
| |
| [126.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_126_1 | tas ẜaddärähtz Ghanns bähg / aiſto tas gir ẜaddärähtz / |
Manc1631_LVM_126_2 | vnd nhe ohla tahß Ahwis. Es äßmu weens labbs |
Manc1631_LVM_126_3 | Ghanns / vnd ſinnu mannas Ahwis / vnd winyi paſieſt |
Manc1631_LVM_126_4 | mann. Lieds ka mann mans Tähws paſieſt / vnd es |
Manc1631_LVM_126_5 | paſieſtu to Tähwu / vnd es dohmu ẜawu Dſiewibu par |
Manc1631_LVM_126_6 | tahms Ahweems. Vnd mann gir wehl czittas Ahwis / |
Manc1631_LVM_126_7 | tahß nhe gir no ſchahß Kuhts / (@l{Dunaeburg & Seelburg. pronunciant} |
Manc1631_LVM_126_8 | Klähwa) vnd tohß paſſchas buhß mann arridſan ſcheitan |
Manc1631_LVM_126_9 | daweſt / vnd tahß dſirrdehß mannu Ballxni vnd buhß |
Manc1631_LVM_126_10 | weenam Ahwya=Pullkam vnd weenam Ghannam buht. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_126_11 | @v{Epiſtel am dritten Sontage nach Oſtern /} |
Manc1631_LVM_126_12 | @v{genand} @l{Iubilate,} @v{1. Petr. 2.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_126_13 | MYļi Brahļi / es peeminnu jums / ka tohß Sweſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_126_14 | ẜcheneekus vnd (@l{hoc innuit Graecum vocabulum} @h{parepidemos.}) |
Manc1631_LVM_126_15 | no tahļenes attnahkuſchus Ļaudis / noturraitees no |
Manc1631_LVM_126_16 | tahß meeſẜas Kahribas / kattri pretty to Dwehſẜel czieni- |
Manc1631_LVM_126_17 | yahß / vnd dſiewoyeeta labbe ſtarrpan teems Pagga- |
Manc1631_LVM_126_18 | ņeems / ka tee / kattri jums aprunna / ka Ļaundarrita- |
Manc1631_LVM_126_19 | yus / juhſẜus labbus darrbus räds / vnd Deewu teitz / |
Manc1631_LVM_126_20 | kad tas nu preekſch deenu nahx. Eſẜeeta packlauſẜigi |
Manc1631_LVM_126_21 | wiſẜai Czillwehzigai Raddibai / tha Kunga dehļ / jeb tas |
Manc1631_LVM_126_22 | gir tam Koninjam / ka tam Wirſẜeeneekam / jeb teems |
Manc1631_LVM_126_23 | Pills Kunngeems / ka teems kattri no teems ẜuhtiti gir / |
Manc1631_LVM_126_24 | par ẜohdu teems Ļaundarritayeems / vnd par ſlawu |
Manc1631_LVM_126_25 | teems labbeems. Aiſto tas gir Deewa Prahtz / ka juhß |
Manc1631_LVM_126_26 | ar labbdarriſchanu aisbahſeeta to Nheſinnaſchanu to |
| @b{Jegkigo} |
| |
| [127.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_127_1 | Jegkigo Czillwäko / ka tee Leimanņi / vnd nhe ka buhtu |
Manc1631_LVM_127_2 | jums ta Leimanniba par Apklahſchanu tahß blehdibas : |
Manc1631_LVM_127_3 | Bett ka tee Deewa Kallpi / parradaita ickweenam |
Manc1631_LVM_127_4 | Ghohdu / myļoyeeta tohß Brahļus / ghohdaita to Ko- |
Manc1631_LVM_127_5 | ninju. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_127_6 | @v{Evangelium am dritten Sontage nach} |
Manc1631_LVM_127_7 | @v{Oſtern / genant} @l{Iubilate,} @v{Joh.15.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_127_8 | JEſus ẜatziya vs ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_127_9 | weems mahzekļeems: |
Manc1631_LVM_127_10 | Par wenu maſu briedi / tad |
Manc1631_LVM_127_11 | juhß mann nhe redſeſẜeeta / |
Manc1631_LVM_127_12 | vnd attkal par weenu maſu |
Manc1631_LVM_127_13 | briedi / tad juhß man redſeſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_127_14 | ẜeeta / aiſto es eemu py Täh- |
Manc1631_LVM_127_15 | wu. Tad ſatziya czitti no |
Manc1631_LVM_127_16 | winja Mahzekļeems ẜawà |
Manc1631_LVM_127_17 | ſtarrpà : Kas gir tas / ka tas vs mums ẜacka / Par wee- |
Manc1631_LVM_127_18 | nu maſu briedi / tad juhß mann nhe redẜeſẜeeta / vnd att- |
Manc1631_LVM_127_19 | kal par weenu maſu briedi tad juhß mann redſeſẜeeta / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_127_20 | ka es py Tähwu eemu ? Tad ẜatziya tee / kas gir tas / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_127_21 | tas ẜacka / par weenu maſu briedi? Mehs nhe ſinnam / |
Manc1631_LVM_127_22 | ko tas runna. Tad nomanniya JEſus ka tee tam ghrib- |
Manc1631_LVM_127_23 | beya jautaht / vnd ẜatziya vs teems: Par to juhß apjau- |
Manc1631_LVM_127_24 | tateeß juhſẜo ſtarrpà / ka es ẜatziyis äßmu / Par weenu |
Manc1631_LVM_127_25 | maſu briedi / tad juhß mann nhe redſeſẜeeta / vnd attkal |
Manc1631_LVM_127_26 | par weenu maſu briedi / tad juhß mann redſeſẜeeta Pat- |
| @b{tees /} |
| |
| [128.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_128_1 | tees / pattees / es ẜacku jums / juhß raudahſẜeeta vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_128_2 | kaukſẜeeta / bett tha Paſẜaule preezahſẜeeß. Bett juhß |
Manc1631_LVM_128_3 | buhſẜeeta noſkummuſſchi. Bett juhſẜai Noſkumſchanai |
Manc1631_LVM_128_4 | buhß par Preeku tapt. |
Manc1631_LVM_128_5 | Weena Ꞩeewa / kad ta dſämm / tad gir ta noſkum- |
Manc1631_LVM_128_6 | muſẜi / aiſto winjas ſtunda gir daggajuſẜi. Bett kad |
Manc1631_LVM_128_7 | tha to Bährnu peedſimmuſẜi gir / tad nhe peeminn ta |
Manc1631_LVM_128_8 | wairs tahß ẜahpes / tahß liexmibas Dehļ / ka tas Czill- |
Manc1631_LVM_128_9 | wähx eekſchan tahß Paſẜaules peedſimmis gir . Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_128_10 | juhß arridſan eſẜeeta noſkummuſchi / bett es ghribbu juhß |
Manc1631_LVM_128_11 | attkal redſeht / vnd juhſẜa Ꞩirrdtz liexmohſẜees / vnd juhſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_128_12 | ẜu liexmibu nhe buhß nhe weenam no jums attjembt. |
Manc1631_LVM_128_13 | Vnd tanny paſſchà Deenà juhß mann nheneeka jau- |
Manc1631_LVM_128_14 | tahſẜeeta. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_128_15 | @v{Epiſtel am vierden Sontage nach Oſtern /} |
Manc1631_LVM_128_16 | @v{genant} @l{Cantate,} @v{Jacobi 1.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_128_17 | MYļi Brahļi / nhe alloyeetees / wiſẜi labbi dahwani / |
Manc1631_LVM_128_18 | vnd wiſẜi pillnigi dahwani nahk no aukſchenes |
Manc1631_LVM_128_19 | ſemmeh / no to Tähwu tahß ghaiſſchumas / py kattru nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_128_20 | gir nhekada Pahrwehrſchana / neds Mains tahß ghaiſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_128_21 | ſchumas vnd tahß tumſẜibas / Tas gir mums peedſim- |
Manc1631_LVM_128_22 | mis pehtz ẜawu Prahtu / czaur to Wahrdu tahß teeſẜibas / |
Manc1631_LVM_128_23 | ka mehs buhtam tee Pirrmaki ẜawas Raddibas.Tapehtz |
Manc1631_LVM_128_24 | myļi Brahļi / ickweenam Czillwäkam buhß attkielam |
Manc1631_LVM_128_25 | buht dſirrdeht / bett palähnam runnaht / vnd kuhtram |
Manc1631_LVM_128_26 | dußmoht / Aiſto ta Czillwäka dußmiba nhe darra kas |
| @b{Deewam} |
| |
| [129.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_129_1 | Deewam pa prahtam gir. Tapehtz leezeeta nohſt wiſẜu |
Manc1631_LVM_129_2 | Nheſkieſtibu / vnd blehdibu / vnd vsjemmeeta to Wahrdu |
Manc1631_LVM_129_3 | ar Lehnprahtibu / katters eekſchan jums eeſtahdietz gir / |
Manc1631_LVM_129_4 | katters warr juhſẜus Dwehſẜeļļus ſwähtus darrieth. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_129_5 | @v{Evangelium am vierden Sontage nach} |
Manc1631_LVM_129_6 | @v{Oſtern / genant} @l{Cantate,} @v{Joh. 16.} |
Manc1631_LVM_129_7 | JEſus ẜatziya vs ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_129_8 | weems mahzekļeems: |
Manc1631_LVM_129_9 | Nu no=eemu es py to / kas |
Manc1631_LVM_129_10 | mann ẜuhtiyis gir / vnd nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_129_11 | weens ſtarrpan jums jau- |
Manc1631_LVM_129_12 | tha mann / kur tu no e=ẜi? |
Manc1631_LVM_129_13 | Bett tadehļ / ka es to vs |
Manc1631_LVM_129_14 | jums runnayis äßmu / gir |
Manc1631_LVM_129_15 | juhſẜa Ꞩirdtz pilla noſkum- |
Manc1631_LVM_129_16 | ſchanas tappuſẜi : Bett es ẜacku jums to teeſcham / Tas |
Manc1631_LVM_129_17 | gir jums labb / ka es no=eemu. Aiſto ja es nhe no=eemu / |
Manc1631_LVM_129_18 | tad nhe nahk tas Eeepreezenatais py jums. Bett ja es |
Manc1631_LVM_129_19 | no=eemu / tad ghribbu es to jums ẜuhtiet. Vnd kad tas |
Manc1631_LVM_129_20 | pattz nahk / tas to Paſẜaul ẜohdies / par teems Ghrä- |
Manc1631_LVM_129_21 | keems / par to Taißnibu / vnd par to Ꞩohdu. Par teems |
Manc1631_LVM_129_22 | Ghräkeems / ka tee eekſchan mann nhe titz. Bett par to |
Manc1631_LVM_129_23 | Taißnibu / ka es py Tähwu eemu / vnd juhß mann joproh- |
Manc1631_LVM_129_24 | yam wairs nhe redſeſẜeeta. Par to Ꞩohdu / ka tas Kunx |
Manc1631_LVM_129_25 | ſchahß Paſẜaules noteeſẜahtz gir . |
Manc1631_LVM_129_26 | Mann gir jums wehl dauds ja=ẜacka / bett juhß nhe |
| @b{warreeta} |
| |
| [130.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_130_1 | warreeta to taggad paneſt / bett kad wings tas Gharrs |
Manc1631_LVM_130_2 | tahß Taißnibas nahx / tas jums wiſẜenadà Taißnibà |
Manc1631_LVM_130_3 | waddieß. Aiſto tas no ẜöw paſſcham nhe runnahß / bett |
Manc1631_LVM_130_4 | ko tas dſirrdehß / to tas runnahß / vnd nahkoſchus leetas |
Manc1631_LVM_130_5 | tas jums paſluddenahß. Tas pattz mann apſkaidrohß / |
Manc1631_LVM_130_6 | aiſto no manneems Wahrdeems tas jems / vnd jums pa- |
Manc1631_LVM_130_7 | ſluddenahß. Wis kas tam Tähwam gir / tas peedärr |
Manc1631_LVM_130_8 | mann / tapehtz äßmu es ẜatziyis / tas no manneems |
Manc1631_LVM_130_9 | Wahrdeems jems / vnd jums paſluddenahß. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_130_10 | @v{Epiſtelam fünfften Sontage nach Oſtern /} |
Manc1631_LVM_130_11 | @v{genant} @l{Vocem Iucunditatis,} @v{Jacobi 1.} |
Manc1631_LVM_130_12 | MYļi Brahļi / Darraita pehtz to Wahrdu / vnd nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_130_13 | dſirrdeeta ween / ar to juhß jums peewiļļatees. |
Manc1631_LVM_130_14 | Aiſto kad kaßlabba tickai ween dſirrd to Wahrdu / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_130_15 | nhe darra arridſan pehtz to / tas gir ihten ka weens |
Manc1631_LVM_130_16 | Wiers / katters ẜawu meeſẜigu Waigu eekſchan Spee- |
Manc1631_LVM_130_17 | geli apluhko / aiſto kad wings apluhkoyees gir / eet wings |
Manc1631_LVM_130_18 | tudeļļ nohſt / vnd aismirrſt kahdà waighà tas biyis gir . |
Manc1631_LVM_130_19 | Bett kas czaur luhkoyahß eekſchan to pillnigu Baußli / |
Manc1631_LVM_130_20 | tahß ſwabbadibas / vnd turr eekſchan palleek / vnd nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_130_21 | dſirrd aißmirrßdams / bett darridams / tas pattz buhß |
Manc1631_LVM_130_22 | ſwähtz ſawà darrbà. Bett ja kaßlabba juhſẜo ſtarrpà |
Manc1631_LVM_130_23 | czerre / tas kallpoyohtz Deewam / vnd nhe wallda ẜawu |
Manc1631_LVM_130_24 | Mehl / bett peewiļļ ẜawu Ꞩirrdi / ta Deewa=Kallpo- |
Manc1631_LVM_130_25 | ſchanna gir wellte. Weena ſkieſta vnd nheapghanita |
Manc1631_LVM_130_26 | Deewa=Kallpoſchanna preekſchan Deewu to Tähwu |
| @b{gir} |
| |
| [131.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_131_1 | gir ta / katters Barinus vnd Attraittnes ẜawahß bäh- |
Manc1631_LVM_131_2 | dahß apluhko / vnd no tahß Paſẜaules nhe apghanitu pa- |
Manc1631_LVM_131_3 | ghlabboyahß. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_131_4 | @v{Evangelium am fünfften Sontage nach} |
Manc1631_LVM_131_5 | @v{Oſtern / genant Vocem Iucund. Joh. 16.} |
Manc1631_LVM_131_6 | JESVS ẜatziya |
Manc1631_LVM_131_7 | vs ẜaweems Mahze- |
Manc1631_LVM_131_8 | kļeems: Pattees / pattees |
Manc1631_LVM_131_9 | es ẜacku jums / ja juhß tam |
Manc1631_LVM_131_10 | Tähwam ko luhxeeta eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_131_11 | ſchan mannu Wahrdu / |
Manc1631_LVM_131_12 | tad tas to jums dohß. Jhß- |
Manc1631_LVM_131_13 | ſchimm nhe eſẜeeta juhß |
Manc1631_LVM_131_14 | nhe neeka luhguſchi eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_131_15 | ſchan mannu Wahrdu. Luhdſeeta / tad juhß jemſẜeeta / |
Manc1631_LVM_131_16 | ka juhſẜa liexmiba pillniga warr buht. Scho äßmu es |
Manc1631_LVM_131_17 | jums czaur ẜackameems Wahrdeems runnayis / bett tas |
Manc1631_LVM_131_18 | Laix nahk / ka es wairs czaur ẜackameems Wahrdeems |
Manc1631_LVM_131_19 | ar jums nhe runnaſchu / bett jums ſkaidre paſluddena- |
Manc1631_LVM_131_20 | ſchu no ẜawu Tähwu. Tanny paſſchà Deenà juhß luhkſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_131_21 | ẜeeta eekſchan mannu Wahrdu / vnd es nhe ſacku jums / |
Manc1631_LVM_131_22 | ka es to Tähwu juhſẜo dehļ luhkt ghribbu / aiẜto tas |
Manc1631_LVM_131_23 | Tähws pattz juhß myļo / tapehtz / ka juhß mann myļoyee- |
Manc1631_LVM_131_24 | ta / vnd titzaht / ka es no Deewu ißghayis äßmu. Es |
Manc1631_LVM_131_25 | äßmu no Tähwu ißghayis / vnd nahzis eekſchan ſchahß |
Manc1631_LVM_131_26 | Paſẜaules / attkal attſtahyu es to Paſẜaul / vnd eemu py |
| @b{Tähwu.} |
| |
| [132.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_132_1 | Tähwu. Winja Mahzekļi ẜacka vs to : Reds / nu run- |
Manc1631_LVM_132_2 | na tu ſkaidre / vnd nhe ẜacki nhe kahdu ẜackamu=wahrdu. |
Manc1631_LVM_132_3 | Nu ſinnam mehß / ka tu wiſẜas leetas ſinni / vnd nhe gir |
Manc1631_LVM_132_4 | wayagg / ka töw kaßlabban jautha / tapehtz titzam mehß / |
Manc1631_LVM_132_5 | ka tu no Deewu ißghayis eſẜi. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_132_6 | @v{Epiſtel am Tage der Himmelfahrt CHriſti /} |
Manc1631_LVM_132_7 | @v{Actorum 1.Cap.} |
Manc1631_LVM_132_8 | PJrrmayà Ghramatà äßmu es / myļais Theowile / |
Manc1631_LVM_132_9 | runnayis no wiſẜu to / ko JEſus eeẜahka darriet vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_132_10 | mahziet / ihß tai Deeny / kad tas vsjämbtz tappa. Pehtz |
Manc1631_LVM_132_11 | to kad tas teems Apuſtuļeems ( kattrus tas ißraudſiyees |
Manc1631_LVM_132_12 | by) czaur to ſwähtu Gharru pawehleyis by / kattreems |
Manc1631_LVM_132_13 | tas pehtz ẜawas czeeſchanas dſiews paradiyees by / czaur |
Manc1631_LVM_132_14 | daſchadu Paradiſchanu / vnd lickahß redſetees par Tſchet- |
Manc1631_LVM_132_15 | tre deßmittahms Deenahms / vnd runnaya ar teems no |
Manc1631_LVM_132_16 | Deewa Wallſtibas. |
Manc1631_LVM_132_17 | Vnd kad tas tohß ẜapullzeyis by / pawehleya tas |
Manc1631_LVM_132_18 | teems / teems nhe by no Jeruſalemes attſtaht / bett ghai- |
Manc1631_LVM_132_19 | diet vs to ẜohliſchanu ta Tähwa / kattru juhß (ẜatziya tas) |
Manc1631_LVM_132_20 | no mann dſirrdeyuſchi äſẜaht. Aiſto Jahnis gir ar Vhde- |
Manc1631_LVM_132_21 | ni Chriſtiyis / bett jums buhß ar to ſwähtu Gharru Chri- |
Manc1631_LVM_132_22 | ſtiteems tapt / nhe illge pehtz ſchahms Deenahms. |
Manc1631_LVM_132_23 | Bett tee kattri kohpa ẜaghayuſẜchi by / jautaya tam / |
Manc1631_LVM_132_24 | vnd ẜatziya : Kunx ghribbi tu ſchinny laikà attkall vstaiſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_132_25 | ẜieth to Wallſtibu Jſraeļa ? Bett tas ẜatziya vs teems / |
Manc1631_LVM_132_26 | jums nhe peedärr ſinnaht to laiku / neds ſtundu / kattru |
| @b{tas} |
| |
| [133.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_133_1 | tas Tähws ẜawà ſpähkà patturreyees gir. Bett juhß to |
Manc1631_LVM_133_2 | ſpähku ta ſwähta Gharru dabbuiſẜeeta / katters vs jums |
Manc1631_LVM_133_3 | nahx / vnd buhſẜeeta manni Leezineeki eekſchan Jeruſale- |
Manc1631_LVM_133_4 | mes / vnd eekſchan wiſẜu Juddo Semm / vnd Samaria / |
Manc1631_LVM_133_5 | vnd ihß Paſẜaules ghallam. |
Manc1631_LVM_133_6 | Vnd kad tas ta ẜatziyis by / tappa tas vsjämbtz Atziem= |
Manc1631_LVM_133_7 | rädſoht / vnd weena Paddebbes ẜajehme to aukſcham |
Manc1631_LVM_133_8 | preekſchan winjo Atzeems. Vnd kad tee tam pehtz ſkatti- |
Manc1631_LVM_133_9 | yahß vs Däbbäſſu brautzoht / Reds / tad ſtahweya py |
Manc1631_LVM_133_10 | teems diwi Wieri / ar balltahms drehbehms / kattri ar- |
Manc1631_LVM_133_11 | ridſan ẜatziya: Juhß Wieri no Galilea / ko ſtahweeta juhß / |
Manc1631_LVM_133_12 | vnd ſkattaitees vs Däbbäſẜu ? Schiß JEſus / katters no |
Manc1631_LVM_133_13 | jums gir vsjämbtz eekſchan Däbbäſẜu / tahß nahx / ihten |
Manc1631_LVM_133_14 | ka juhß to eſẜeeta redſeyuſſchi vs Däbbäſẜu brautzam. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_133_15 | @v{Evangelium am Himmelfahrts Tage} |
Manc1631_LVM_133_16 | @v{CHriſti / Marci 16 Cap.} |
Manc1631_LVM_133_17 | WJß pehdige / kad tee weenpaddeßmitti ( Mahzekļi) |
Manc1631_LVM_133_18 | py Ghalldu ẜehdeya / paradiyahß JEſus / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_133_19 | lammaya winjo Nhetitzibu / vnd winjo Ꞩirrtz czeetumu |
Manc1631_LVM_133_20 | ka tee nhe by titzeyuſſchi teems / kattri to by redſeyuſſchi / |
Manc1631_LVM_133_21 | atkal aukſcham czähluſẜchu. Vnd ẜatziya vs teems: Ei- |
Manc1631_LVM_133_22 | tha pa wiſẜu Paſẜaul / vnd mahzaita to Ewangelium wiſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_133_23 | ẜai radditai leetai. Kas titz / vnd Chriſtietz tohp / tas taps |
Manc1631_LVM_133_24 | ſwähtz / bett kas nhe titz / tas taps paſuddis. |
Manc1631_LVM_133_25 | Bett tahß Siemes / kattras pehtz nahx / teems kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_133_26 | tri titz / gir ſchee : Mannà Wahrdà tee Wällus ißdſieß ar |
| @b{jaunahms} |
| |
| [134.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_134_1 | jaunahms Mehlehms runnahß / Tſchuhßkas nodſieß / |
Manc1631_LVM_134_2 | vnd kad tee ko nahwige dſerrß / tas teems nhe kaitehß. Vs |
Manc1631_LVM_134_3 | teems Nheweſẜeļeems tee tahß Rohkas vslix / tad buhß |
Manc1631_LVM_134_4 | ar teems labbahk. |
Manc1631_LVM_134_5 | Vnd tas Kunx / pehtz tho / |
Manc1631_LVM_134_6 | kad tas ar teems runnayis |
Manc1631_LVM_134_7 | by / tappa tas vsjämbtz eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_134_8 | ſchan Däbbäſẜu / vnd ẜehd |
Manc1631_LVM_134_9 | py Deewa labbu Rohku. |
Manc1631_LVM_134_10 | Bett tee (Mahzekļi) ißgha- |
Manc1631_LVM_134_11 | ya vnd mahziya wiſẜohß |
Manc1631_LVM_134_12 | mallohß. Vnd tas Kunx |
Manc1631_LVM_134_13 | palliedſeya teems / vnd ap- |
Manc1631_LVM_134_14 | ſtipprenaya to Wahrdu czaur pehtznahkammeems Sie- |
Manc1631_LVM_134_15 | mehms. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_134_16 | @v{Epiſtel am Sontage nach der Himmelfahrt} |
Manc1631_LVM_134_17 | @v{CHriſti / genant} @l{Exaudi,} @v{1. Petr. 4.} |
Manc1631_LVM_134_18 | MYļi Brahļi / eſẜeeta ghaddigi vnd mohdrigi py |
Manc1631_LVM_134_19 | Pahtareems. Bett par wiſẜahms leetahms / my- |
Manc1631_LVM_134_20 | ļoyeetees weens ohtru Vggunige. Aiſto tha Myläſtiba |
Manc1631_LVM_134_21 | apkla irr to Ghräko kohpu. Mahyoyeeta weens ohtru |
Manc1631_LVM_134_22 | bes Kurrneſchanas / vnd kallpoyeeta weens ohtram ick- |
Manc1631_LVM_134_23 | weens ar to dahwanu kattru tas dabbuyis gir / ka tee lab- |
Manc1631_LVM_134_24 | bi Nammaturretayi tahß daſchadas Deewa ſchälaſti- |
Manc1631_LVM_134_25 | bas. Kad kaßlabba runna / tad buhß tam to runnaht / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_134_26 | Deewa Wahrdu / gir kamlabba kahtz Ammatz / ka tas |
| @b{to} |
| |
| [135.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_135_1 | to darra aran to ſpähku kattru Deews dohd / ka eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_135_2 | wiſẜahms leetahms Deews ſlawätz tohp / czaur JEſum |
Manc1631_LVM_135_3 | CHriſtum / kattram gir Ghohtz vnd ſpähx muhſchige |
Manc1631_LVM_135_4 | muhſcham / Amen. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_135_5 | @v{Evangelium am Sontage nach der Him-} |
Manc1631_LVM_135_6 | @v{melfahrt CHriſti / genant} @l{Exaudi,} @v{Joh. 15. vnd 16.} |
Manc1631_LVM_135_7 | JESVS ſatziya vs |
Manc1631_LVM_135_8 | ẜaweems Mahze- |
Manc1631_LVM_135_9 | kļeems. Kad tas Eepreeze- |
Manc1631_LVM_135_10 | tays nahx / kattru es jums |
Manc1631_LVM_135_11 | ẜuhtiſchu no Tähwu / tas |
Manc1631_LVM_135_12 | Gharrs tahß Taißnibas / |
Manc1631_LVM_135_13 | katters no Tähwu iß=eet / |
Manc1631_LVM_135_14 | tas dohß leezibu no mann. |
Manc1631_LVM_135_15 | Vnd juhß arridſan dohſẜee- |
Manc1631_LVM_135_16 | ta leezibu / aiſto juhß eſẜeeta no Eeẜakummu py mann bi- |
Manc1631_LVM_135_17 | yuſſchi. |
Manc1631_LVM_135_18 | To äßmu es jums ẜatziyis / ka juhß nhe apghräko- |
Manc1631_LVM_135_19 | yeetees / Tee jums no tahß draudſibas ißſlähx / bett tas |
Manc1631_LVM_135_20 | laix nahk / ka tas / kas jums nokauß / ſkittieß / ka tas Dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_135_21 | wam ar to kallpoyohtz. Vnd to tee jums tapehtz darrieß / |
Manc1631_LVM_135_22 | ka tee neds mannu Tähwu / neds mann attſieſt. Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_135_23 | ſcho äſmu es jums runnayis / aiſto / kad tas laix nahk / |
Manc1631_LVM_135_24 | ka juhß to peeminnaht / ka es to jums ẜatziyis äßmu. |
Manc1631_LVM_135_25 | Bett ſcho nhe äßmu es jums no eeẜakummu ẜatziyis / ai- |
Manc1631_LVM_135_26 | ſto es biyu py jums. |
| @b{Epiſtel} |
| |
| [136.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_136_1 | @v{Epiſtel am heiligen Pfingſttage /} |
Manc1631_LVM_136_2 | @v{Actorum 2.Cap.} |
Manc1631_LVM_136_3 | VNd kad tahß peetzdeßmittz Deenas peepillditas by / |
Manc1631_LVM_136_4 | by tee Mahzekļi weenliedſige kohpa. Vnd turr no- |
Manc1631_LVM_136_5 | tickahß peepehſch weena ruhkſchana no Däbbäſẜu / ihten |
Manc1631_LVM_136_6 | ka kahtz leels Wehſch / vnd peepilldiya wiſẜu to Nammu / |
Manc1631_LVM_136_7 | kur tee ẜehdeya. Vnd tappa rädſätas py teems dallitas |
Manc1631_LVM_136_8 | Mehles / ihten ka buhtu tahß vggunigas. Vnd wings |
Manc1631_LVM_136_9 | ẜehdeyahß vs ick=kattru ſtarrpan teems / vnd wiſẜi tap- |
Manc1631_LVM_136_10 | pa pilli no to ſwähtu Gharru. Vnd eeẜahka mahziet ar |
Manc1631_LVM_136_11 | daſchadahms Mehlehms / ta / ka teems tas Gharrs |
Manc1631_LVM_136_12 | dewe ißrunnaht. Bett Juddi dſiewoya eekſchan Jeru- |
Manc1631_LVM_136_13 | ſalemes / tee by Deewa biyatayi Wieri no wiſẜenahdeems |
Manc1631_LVM_136_14 | Ļaudeems / kattri appackſchan Däbbeſẜu gir. Kad |
Manc1631_LVM_136_15 | nu ſchy Walloda ißpaude / nahze ta Draudſe kohpa / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_136_16 | ẜayucka / aiſto ick=kattris dſirrdeya tohß ar ẜawu Wallo- |
Manc1631_LVM_136_17 | du runnayoſchus. Bett tee iſẜatruhzenayahß wiſẜi / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_136_18 | iſẜabrienoyahß / vnd ẜatziya ẜawà starrpà: Redſeeta / negh |
Manc1631_LVM_136_19 | gir ſche wiſẜi / kattri teitan runna / no Galilea ? Ka dſirr- |
Manc1631_LVM_136_20 | dam mehß tad ick=kattris ẜawu Mehl / eekſchan kattras |
Manc1631_LVM_136_21 | mehß äſẜam dſimmuſchi / Partheŗi / vnd Meedeŗi / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_136_22 | Elamiteŗi / vnd kattri mehß dſiewoyam eekſchan Meſo- |
Manc1631_LVM_136_23 | potamia / vnd eekſchan Judea vnd Cappadocia / Ponto |
Manc1631_LVM_136_24 | vnd Aſia / Wrygia / vnd Pamwilia / Ägyptes / vnd py |
Manc1631_LVM_136_25 | teems Eſcheems to Lybieŗo / py Kyrenes / vnd ſweſſcha |
Manc1631_LVM_136_26 | tauta no Romes / Juddi vnd Juddiļaudis / Kreeteŗi vnd |
| @b{Arabeŗi / } |
| |
| [137.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_137_1 | Arabeŗi / mehß dſirrdam tohß ar muhſẜahms Mehlehms |
Manc1631_LVM_137_2 | tohß leelus Deewa darrbus runnayoſchus. Tee iſẜatruh- |
Manc1631_LVM_137_3 | zenayahß wiſẜi / vnd brienoyahß / vnd ẜatziya weens vs |
Manc1631_LVM_137_4 | ohtru / kas ghribb tas buht ? Bett czitti apmehdidami |
Manc1631_LVM_137_5 | ẜatziya / tee gir no ſalldu Wienu peedſäruſches. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_137_6 | @v{Evangelium am heiligen Pfingſtag /} |
Manc1631_LVM_137_7 | @v{Johann. 14. Cap.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_137_8 | JEſus ẜatziya vs Judda Lebbeo / vnd teems czittems |
Manc1631_LVM_137_9 | Mahzekleems : Kas man myļo / taß mannu Wahr- |
Manc1631_LVM_137_10 | du turrehß / vnd manns Tähws to myļohß / vnd mehs py |
Manc1631_LVM_137_11 | to nahxim / vnd Mahyaweetu py to darrieſẜim. Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_137_12 | kaß mann nhe myļo / tas nhe turr mannu Wahrdu. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_137_13 | to Wahrdu / kattru yuhß dſirrdaht / nhe gir manns / bett |
Manc1631_LVM_137_14 | ta Tähwa / katters mann ẜuhtiyis gir. |
Manc1631_LVM_137_15 | To äßmu es yums run- |
Manc1631_LVM_137_16 | nayis / teekams es py yums |
Manc1631_LVM_137_17 | äßmu biyis. Bett tas E- |
Manc1631_LVM_137_18 | preezenatais / tas ſwähtz |
Manc1631_LVM_137_19 | Gharrs / kattru manns |
Manc1631_LVM_137_20 | Tähws ẜuhtieß eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_137_21 | manu Wahrdu / tas patz |
Manc1631_LVM_137_22 | yums wiſẜas leetas mah- |
Manc1631_LVM_137_23 | zieß / vnd yums attminnehß |
Manc1631_LVM_137_24 | wiſẜu to / ko es yums ſatziyis äßmu. |
Manc1631_LVM_137_25 | To Meeru atſtahyu es yums / mannu Meeru doh- |
Manc1631_LVM_137_26 | mu es yums / nhe ka ta Paſẜaule dohd / dohmu es yums. |
| @b{Juhſ-} |
| |
| [138.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_138_1 | Juhſẜai Ꞩirrdei nhe buhß ißtruhzenateeß / vnd nhe bie- |
Manc1631_LVM_138_2 | teeß. Juhß eſẜeeta dſirrdeyuſchi / ka es jums ẜatziyis äß- |
Manc1631_LVM_138_3 | mu / Es no=eemu vnd atteemu attkal py jums. Kad juhß |
Manc1631_LVM_138_4 | mann buhtaht myļoyuſchi / tad buhteeta juhß preezayu- |
Manc1631_LVM_138_5 | ſchees / ka es ẜatziyis äßmu / Es eemu py Tähwu / aiſto tas |
Manc1631_LVM_138_6 | Tähws gir leelahx nheka es. Vnd nu äßmu es jums to |
Manc1631_LVM_138_7 | ſatziyis / pirrms tas noteek / aiſto kad tas nu notix / ka juhß |
Manc1631_LVM_138_8 | titzaht. Es nu joproyam wairs nhe runnaſchu ar jums / |
Manc1631_LVM_138_9 | aiſto tas Kunx ſchahß Paſẜaules nahk / vnd tas nhe att- |
Manc1631_LVM_138_10 | ſpeh nheneeka prett mann. Bett ka ta Paſẜaule attſieſt / |
Manc1631_LVM_138_11 | ka es to Tähwu myļoyu / vnd ka es ta darru / ka mann |
Manc1631_LVM_138_12 | tas Tähws pawehleyis gir. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_138_13 | @v{Epiſtel am Pfingſtmontage /} |
Manc1631_LVM_138_14 | @v{Actor. 10. Cap.} |
Manc1631_LVM_138_15 | PEteris ẜatziya vs Cornelio : JEſus CHriſtus gir |
Manc1631_LVM_138_16 | mums pawehleyis mahziet tohß Ļaudis / vnd leezi- |
Manc1631_LVM_138_17 | bu doht / ka tas gir czälltz no Deewu par Ꞩohgi teems |
Manc1631_LVM_138_18 | Dſieweems vnd Nomirruſcheems. Schim dohd wiſẜi |
Manc1631_LVM_138_19 | Proweetes leezibu / ka czaur winja Wahrdu / wiſẜeems / |
Manc1631_LVM_138_20 | kattri eekſchan to titz / Pammeſchanu to Ghräko dabbuit |
Manc1631_LVM_138_21 | buhß. |
Manc1631_LVM_138_22 | Kad Peteris wehl ſchohß Wahrdus runnaya / krit- |
Manc1631_LVM_138_23 | ta tas ſwähtz Gharrs vs teems wiſẜems / kattri to |
Manc1631_LVM_138_24 | Wahrdu dſirrdeya. Vnd tee Titzigi no tahß Apghraiſi- |
Manc1631_LVM_138_25 | ſchanas / kattri ar Peteri nakuſchi by / iſẜatruhzenayahß / |
Manc1631_LVM_138_26 | ka arridſan vs teems Pagganeems / tahß Dahwanas ta |
| @b{ſwähta} |
| |
| [139.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_139_1 | ſwähta Gharra ißleetas tappa. Aiſto tee dſirrdeya / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_139_2 | tee ar (ſweſſchahms) Mehlehms runnaya / vnd Deewu |
Manc1631_LVM_139_3 | ļohte patteitze. Tad adbilldeya Peteris / warr arridſan |
Manc1631_LVM_139_4 | kaßlabban to Vdeni leekt / ka ſchee nhe taptu Chriſtiti / kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_139_5 | tri to ſwähtu Gharru dabbuyuſchi gir / ihten ka arridſan |
Manc1631_LVM_139_6 | mehs? Vnd pawehleya tohß Chriſtiet / eekſchan to Wahr- |
Manc1631_LVM_139_7 | du tha Kunga. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_139_8 | @v{Evangelium am Pfingſtmontage /} |
Manc1631_LVM_139_9 | @v{Joh. 3. Cap.} |
Manc1631_LVM_139_10 | JEſus ẜatziya vs Nicodemo / Tha gir Deews to |
Manc1631_LVM_139_11 | Paſẜaul myļoyis / ka tas ẜawu weenigu Dälu de- |
Manc1631_LVM_139_12 | we / ka wiſẜi tee / kattri eekſchan to titz / nhe tohp paſuddu- |
Manc1631_LVM_139_13 | ſchi / bett to muhſchigu dſiewoſchaņnu dabbu. Aiſto |
Manc1631_LVM_139_14 | Deews nhe gir ẜawu däh- |
Manc1631_LVM_139_15 | lu ẜuhtiyis eekſchan tahß |
Manc1631_LVM_139_16 | Paſẜaules / ka tam to Paſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_139_17 | ẜaul Ꞩohdiet by / bett ka ta |
Manc1631_LVM_139_18 | Paſẜaule czaur to ſwähta |
Manc1631_LVM_139_19 | taptu. Kas eekſchan to titz / |
Manc1631_LVM_139_20 | tas nhe tohp Ꞩohdietz / bett |
Manc1631_LVM_139_21 | kas nhe titz / tas gir jaw |
Manc1631_LVM_139_22 | Ꞩohdietz / Aiſto tas nhe titz |
Manc1631_LVM_139_23 | eekſckan to Wahrdu ta weeniga peedſimbta Deewa |
Manc1631_LVM_139_24 | Dähla. |
Manc1631_LVM_139_25 | Bett ta gir ta Ꞩohdiba / ka ta Ghaiſma eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_139_26 | Paſẜaules nahkuſẜi gir / vnd tee Czillwäki myļoya to |
| @b{Tumſẜibu} |
| |
| [140.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_140_1 | Tumbſẜibu wairahk / nhe ka to Ghaißmu / aiſto winjo |
Manc1631_LVM_140_2 | Darrbi by nickni. Kas ļaun darra / tam nhe pattiek ta |
Manc1631_LVM_140_3 | Ghaißma vnd nhe nahk preekſchan Gaißmas / ka winja |
Manc1631_LVM_140_4 | darrbs nhe tohp ẜunnitas / bett kas pareiſe darra / tas |
Manc1631_LVM_140_5 | nahk preekſchan Ghaißmas / ka winja darrbu redſeht |
Manc1631_LVM_140_6 | warr / aiſto tee gir eekſchan Deewu darriti. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_140_7 | @v{Epiſtel am Pfingſtdinſtage /} |
Manc1631_LVM_140_8 | @v{Actor. 8.} |
Manc1631_LVM_140_9 | KAd tee Apuſtuļi dſirrdeya / eekſchan Jeruſalemes / |
Manc1631_LVM_140_10 | ka (ta Semme) Samaria to Deewa Wahrdu ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_140_11 | jähmuſẜi by / ẜuhtiya tee py teems Peteri vnd Jahni / kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_140_12 | tri / kad tee turr noghaya / par teems luhdſe / ka tee to ſwäh- |
Manc1631_LVM_140_13 | tu Gharru dabbuitu. Aiſto tas nhe by wehl vs nhe wee- |
Manc1631_LVM_140_14 | nu krittis / bett tee by ween Chriſtiti eekſchan to Wahrdu |
Manc1631_LVM_140_15 | CHriſti JEſu / tad licka tee ẜawas Rohkas vs teems / |
Manc1631_LVM_140_16 | vnd tee dabbuya to ſwähtu Gharru. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_140_17 | @v{Evangelium am Pfingſtdinſtage /} |
Manc1631_LVM_140_18 | @v{Johann. 10. Cap.} |
Manc1631_LVM_140_19 | JEſus ẜatziya vs teems Wariſeeŗeems : Pattees / |
Manc1631_LVM_140_20 | pattees es ẜacku jums / kas nhe ee=eedt pa tahms |
Manc1631_LVM_140_21 | Durrweems / tas gir weens Sagglis vnd Släppkaws. |
Manc1631_LVM_140_22 | Bett tas / kas pa tahms Durrweems ee=eeth / tas gir |
Manc1631_LVM_140_23 | weens Ghanns / to Ahwyo. Tam paſſcham attweŗŗ tas |
Manc1631_LVM_140_24 | durrwoſẜarrx / vnd tahß Awis dſirrd winja Ballxni / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_140_25 | wings ẜautz ẜawas Awis pa wahrdam / vnd ißwädd |
Manc1631_LVM_140_26 | tohß. Vnd kad tas ẜawas Awis gir ißlaidis / no=eeth tas |
| @b{winjo} |
| |
| [141.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_141_1 | winjo preekſcha / vnd tahß Awis ſtaigha tam pehtz / aiſto |
Manc1631_LVM_141_2 | tahß paſieſt winja ballxni. Bett czittam ſweſſcham nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_141_3 | ſtaigha tee pehtz / bett bähg no to / aiſto tee nhe paſieſt to |
Manc1631_LVM_141_4 | ſweſſchu ballxni. Scho liedſibu ẜatziya JEſus vs teems |
Manc1631_LVM_141_5 | (Wariſeeŗeems /) bett tee nhe ẜapratta / kas tas by / ko tas |
Manc1631_LVM_141_6 | vs teems runnaya. |
Manc1631_LVM_141_7 | Tad ẜatziya JEſus att- |
Manc1631_LVM_141_8 | kall vs teems / pattees / pat- |
Manc1631_LVM_141_9 | tees es ẜacku jums : Es |
Manc1631_LVM_141_10 | äßmu tahß Durrwis py |
Manc1631_LVM_141_11 | tahms Aweems. Wiſẜi |
Manc1631_LVM_141_12 | kattri preekſchan mann |
Manc1631_LVM_141_13 | nahkuſchi gir / tee gir Sag- |
Manc1631_LVM_141_14 | gļi vnd Ꞩläppkawi biyu- |
Manc1631_LVM_141_15 | ſchi. Bett tahß Awis nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_141_16 | gir tohß klauſẜiyuſchi. Es äßmu tahß Durrwis / ja kaß- |
Manc1631_LVM_141_17 | labban czaur mann ee=eet / tas tohp ſwähtz / vnd tas ee=ees / |
Manc1631_LVM_141_18 | vnd iß=ees / vnd ghannibu attraß. Weens Sagglis nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_141_19 | nahk czitta Dehļ / ka ween / ka tas ſohg / noſchņauds / |
Manc1631_LVM_141_20 | vnd nokauy. Es äßmu nahzis / ka tee to dſiewibu irr att- |
Manc1631_LVM_141_21 | leekoht dabbuitu. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_141_22 | @v{Epiſtel am Feſt der heiligen Dreyfaltigkeit /} |
Manc1631_LVM_141_23 | @v{Rom. 11. Cap.} |
Manc1631_LVM_141_24 | OCk kahtz dſiļļums tahß bagghatibas / tick lieds |
Manc1631_LVM_141_25 | tahß Ghuddribas / vnd Deewa Attſiſchannas. Ka |
Manc1631_LVM_141_26 | wiſchkim nheaptwerŗama gir winja Ꞩohdiba / vnd nhe |
| @b{ißwaizami} |
| |
| [142.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_142_1 | ißwaizayami gir winja Czeļļi. Aiſto kas gir tha Kunga |
Manc1631_LVM_142_2 | Prahtu atſinnis ? Jeb kas gir winja Paddomas deh- |
Manc1631_LVM_142_3 | weys biyis ? Jeb kas gir tam ko papreekſch dehwiß / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_142_4 | tas tam taptu attkal attmaxahtz ? Aiſto no to / vnd czaur |
Manc1631_LVM_142_5 | to vnd eekſchan to gir wiſẜas leetas / tam gir Ghohtz muh- |
Manc1631_LVM_142_6 | ſchige / Amen. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_142_7 | @v{Evangelium am Feſt der heiligen Dreyfal-} |
Manc1631_LVM_142_8 | @v{tigkeit / Johan. 3. Cap.} |
Manc1631_LVM_142_9 | TVrr by weens Czill- |
Manc1631_LVM_142_10 | wähx no teems Wa- |
Manc1631_LVM_142_11 | riſeeŗeems / wahrdà Nico- |
Manc1631_LVM_142_12 | demus / weens Wirrſẜe- |
Manc1631_LVM_142_13 | neex teems Juddo=Ļau- |
Manc1631_LVM_142_14 | ſcheems / tas nahze py JE- |
Manc1631_LVM_142_15 | ſu / Nackty / vnd ẜatziya vs |
Manc1631_LVM_142_16 | to : Meiſteri / mehß ſin- |
Manc1631_LVM_142_17 | nam / ka tu eſẜi weens Mah- |
Manc1631_LVM_142_18 | zetays no Deewu nahzis / aiſto nhe weens nhe warr tahß |
Manc1631_LVM_142_19 | Syemes darriet / kattrus tu darri / Deews warr tad ar |
Manc1631_LVM_142_20 | to buht. JEſus adbilldeya vnd ẜatziya vs to: Pattees / |
Manc1631_LVM_142_21 | pattees es ẜacku töw / tas gir tad / ja kaß labban no jaunu |
Manc1631_LVM_142_22 | nhe tohp peedſimbtz / tad nhe warr tas to Debbeſẜes= |
Manc1631_LVM_142_23 | wallſtibu redſeht. Nicodemus ẜatziya vs to : Ka warr |
Manc1631_LVM_142_24 | weens Czillwähx peedſimbtz tapt / kad tas wätz gir / war- |
Manc1631_LVM_142_25 | rieg tas arridſan attkal ẜawas Mahtes meeſẜahß ee=eet / |
Manc1631_LVM_142_26 | vnd peedſimbtz tapt ? JEſus adbilldeya / pattees / pattees |
| @b{es} |
| |
| [143.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_143_1 | es ẜacku töw / Tas gir tad / ja kaßlabban peedſimbtz tohp |
Manc1631_LVM_143_2 | czaur to Vdeni vnd to Gharru / czittahd tas nhe warr eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_143_3 | ſchan to Debbeſẜes wallſtibu nahkt. Kas no Meeſẜu pee- |
Manc1631_LVM_143_4 | dſimbtz tohp / tas gir Meeſẜa / vnd kas no Gharru pee- |
Manc1631_LVM_143_5 | dſimbtz tohp / tas gir Gharrs. |
Manc1631_LVM_143_6 | Nhe leezees brienohtees / ka es töw ẜatziyis äßmu / |
Manc1631_LVM_143_7 | jums buhß no jaunu peedſimbteems tapt. Tas Wähſſch |
Manc1631_LVM_143_8 | puhſch kurr tas ghribb / vnd tu ghann dſirrd winja Kauk- |
Manc1631_LVM_143_9 | ſchanu / bett tu nhe ſinni / no kurrenes tas nahk / vnd kurr- |
Manc1631_LVM_143_10 | pe tas eet. Ta gir ickweens / kas czaur to Gharru pee- |
Manc1631_LVM_143_11 | dſimbtz gir. |
Manc1631_LVM_143_12 | Nicodemus adbilldeya / vnd ẜatziya vs to / ka warr |
Manc1631_LVM_143_13 | tas notickt ? JEſus adbilldeya / vnd ẜatziya vs to: Eſẜi tu |
Manc1631_LVM_143_14 | weens Meiſters eekſchan Jſraël / vnd tu nhe ſinni to ? |
Manc1631_LVM_143_15 | Pattees / pattees / es ẜacku töw : Mehs runnam ko mehs |
Manc1631_LVM_143_16 | ſinnam / vnd dohdam leezibu / ko mehß redſeyuſchi äſẜam / |
Manc1631_LVM_143_17 | vnd juhß nhe ẜayämmaht muhſẜu leezibu. Nhe titzaht |
Manc1631_LVM_143_18 | juhß / kad es jums no Semmesſkigahms leetahms ẜacku / |
Manc1631_LVM_143_19 | ka buhtat juhß tad titzeyuſchi / kad es jums no Debbeßſki- |
Manc1631_LVM_143_20 | gahms leetahms ẜatzitu? |
Manc1631_LVM_143_21 | Vnd nhe weens nhe brautz vs Däbbäſẜu / ka ween |
Manc1631_LVM_143_22 | tas kas no Däbbäſẜu nahzis gir / ar wahrdu / ta Czill- |
Manc1631_LVM_143_23 | wäka Dählß / katters Debbeſẜies gir. Vnd ihten ka Mo- |
Manc1631_LVM_143_24 | ſes eekſchan tahß Tuxneſẜes weenu Tſchuhßku pa=auxte- |
Manc1631_LVM_143_25 | nayis gir / ta buhß tha Czillwäka Dählam pa=auxtena- |
Manc1631_LVM_143_26 | tam tapt / ka wiſẜi / kattri eekſchan to titz / nhe tohp paſud- |
Manc1631_LVM_143_27 | duſchi / bett to muhſchigu dſiewoſchanu dabbu. |
| @b{Epiſtel} |
| |
| [144.lpp.] |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_144_1 | @v{Epiſtel am erſten Sontage nach Trinitatis /} |
Manc1631_LVM_144_2 | @v{1. Johan. 4.} |
Manc1631_LVM_144_3 | DEews gir ta Myläſtiba / vnd kas eekſchan tahß |
Manc1631_LVM_144_4 | myläſtibas palleek / tas palleek eekſchan Deewu / |
Manc1631_LVM_144_5 | vnd Deews eekſchan to. Eekſchan to gir ta Myläſtiba |
Manc1631_LVM_144_6 | pillniga py mums / ka mehß drohſſchi äſẜam vs to Deenu |
Manc1631_LVM_144_7 | tahß Ꞩohdibas. Aiſto ihten ka wings gir / ta äſẜam mehß |
Manc1631_LVM_144_8 | arridſan eekſchan ſchahß Paſẜaules. Bieſchana nhe gir |
Manc1631_LVM_144_9 | eekſchan tahß Myläſtibas / bett ta pillniga Myläſtiba |
Manc1631_LVM_144_10 | ißdſänn to bieſchanu aran / aiſto tai bieſchanai gir ẜah- |
Manc1631_LVM_144_11 | pes. Bett kas ẜöw bieſtahß / tas nhe gir par pillu eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_144_12 | tahß myläſtibas. |
Manc1631_LVM_144_13 | Laideeta mums to (Deewu) myļoht / aiſto wings |
Manc1631_LVM_144_14 | gir mums pirrmahk myļoyis. Kad kaßlabban ẜacka / |
Manc1631_LVM_144_15 | es myļoyu Deewu / vnd tas eenied ẜawu Brahli{Brahļi} / tas gir |
Manc1631_LVM_144_16 | weens Mällkulis / aiſto kas ſawu Brahli nhe myļo / |
Manc1631_LVM_144_17 | kattru tas räds / ka warr tas Deewu myļoht / kattru tas |
Manc1631_LVM_144_18 | nhe räds ? Vnd ſchiß Baußlis gir mums no winju / |
Manc1631_LVM_144_19 | ka tas / kas Deewu mylo / arridſan ẜawu Brahli myļo- |
Manc1631_LVM_144_20 | yohtz. |
| |
| @b{Evangelium am erſten Sontage nach Tri-} |
| @b{nitatis / Luc. 16.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_144_23 | TVrr by weens baggahtz Wiers / tas aptehrpehß ar |
Manc1631_LVM_144_24 | Sieſchadrehbehms / vnd dahrgu Audäklu / vnd tas |
Manc1631_LVM_144_25 | dſiewoya ickdeenas kahrumà vnd liexmibà. Bett turr |
| @b{by} |
| |
| [145.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_145_1 | by weens nabbax Wiers / |
Manc1631_LVM_145_2 | ar wahrdu Lazarus / tas |
Manc1631_LVM_145_3 | ghulleya preekſchan winja |
Manc1631_LVM_145_4 | Durrweems pillß Wah- |
Manc1631_LVM_145_5 | tes / vnd ghribbeyahß pee- |
Manc1631_LVM_145_6 | ähdenayams no tahms |
Manc1631_LVM_145_7 | Drußkahms / kattri no ta |
Manc1631_LVM_145_8 | baggata Wiera Ghalldu |
Manc1631_LVM_145_9 | kritta / tomähr nahze tahß |
Manc1631_LVM_145_10 | Ꞩunnis / vnd laiſiya winja Wahtes. Bett tas notickahß / |
Manc1631_LVM_145_11 | ka tas Nabbax mirra / vnd tappa naſts no teems Enge- |
Manc1631_LVM_145_12 | ļeems eekſchan Abrahamas Klehpi. Bett tas baggahtz |
Manc1631_LVM_145_13 | nomirra arridſan / vnd tappa apracktz. |
Manc1631_LVM_145_14 | Kad tas nu Elleh / vnd Mohkahß by / pazehle tas ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_145_15 | was Atzis / vnd redſeya Abrahamu no tahļenes / vnd La- |
Manc1631_LVM_145_16 | zarumu winja Klehpy / ẜautze vnd ẜatziya / Tähws Abra- |
Manc1631_LVM_145_17 | ham / abſchäloyees töw par mann / vnd ſuhti Lazarum / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_145_18 | tas ẜawu pirrxta=ghallu Vhdeny eemährz / vnd dſiſẜina |
Manc1631_LVM_145_19 | mannu Mehl / aiſto es czeeſchu leelas Mohkas eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_145_20 | ſcheems Vgguns=lähßmeems. Bett Abrahams ẜatziya / |
Manc1631_LVM_145_21 | Attghadayees Dähls / ka tu tawu labbumu dabbuyis eſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_145_22 | ẜi turr dſiewß buhdams / vnd Lazarus turr prettie gir to |
Manc1631_LVM_145_23 | ļaunumu dabbuyis. Bett nu tohp ſchiß eepreezenahtz / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_145_24 | tu tohpi mohzietz. Vnd parr to wiſẜu / gir ſtarrpan mums |
Manc1631_LVM_145_25 | vnd jums leela ſtarrpa / ka tee kattri ghribbätu no ſchenne- |
Manc1631_LVM_145_26 | nes ſemmeh braukt py jums / tee nhe warr / neds arridſan |
Manc1631_LVM_145_27 | no turrenes ſcheitan py mums pahr braukt. |
| @b{Tad} |
| |
| [146.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_146_1 | Tad ẜatziya tas / Tad luhdſcho es töw Tähws / tu |
Manc1631_LVM_146_2 | ghribbätu to ẜuhtiet eekſchan manna Tähwa Nammu / |
Manc1631_LVM_146_3 | ka tas teems leezibu dohd / ka tee arridſan nhe nahk ſchin- |
Manc1631_LVM_146_4 | ny weeta tahß Mohzibas. Abraham ẜatziya vs to: |
Manc1631_LVM_146_5 | Teems gir Moſes vnd tee Proweetes / laid tee tohß paſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_146_6 | ſchus klauſẜa. Bett tas ẜatziya / Nhe / Tähws Abraham / |
Manc1631_LVM_146_7 | bett kad weens no teems Mirruſcheems py teems eetu / |
Manc1631_LVM_146_8 | tad tee attſtahtu no Ghräkeems. Wings ẜatziya vs to / |
Manc1631_LVM_146_9 | Nhe klauſẜa tee Moſen vnd tohß Proweetes / tad tee ar- |
Manc1631_LVM_146_10 | ridſan nhe titzehß / jeb arridſan kaßlabban no Mirro- |
Manc1631_LVM_146_11 | ņeems aukſcham czälltohß. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_146_12 | @v{Epiſtel am andern Sontage nach Trinita-} |
Manc1631_LVM_146_13 | @v{tis / 1. Joh. 3.} |
Manc1631_LVM_146_14 | MAnni Brahļi / nhe brienoyeetees / ja jums ta Paſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_146_15 | ẜaule eenied. Mehß ſinnam / ka mehß no tahß |
Manc1631_LVM_146_16 | Nahwes eekſchan tahß Dſiewoſchanas nakuſſchi äſẜam / |
Manc1631_LVM_146_17 | aiſto mehß myļoyam tohß Brahļus. Kas to Brahli nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_146_18 | myļo / tas palleek Nahweh. Kas ẜawu Brahli eenied / |
Manc1631_LVM_146_19 | tas gir weens Släppkaws / vnd juhß ſinnaht / ka weens |
Manc1631_LVM_146_20 | Släppkaws nhe warr to muhſchigu dſiewoſchannu dab- |
Manc1631_LVM_146_21 | buith. Py to äſẜam mehß atſinnuſſchi to Myläſtibu / |
Manc1631_LVM_146_22 | ka tas (Deewa Dähls) ẜawu Dſiewibu par mums |
Manc1631_LVM_146_23 | dewis gir / vnd mums buhß arridſan to Dſiewibu par |
Manc1631_LVM_146_24 | teems Brahļeems doht. Bett ja kamlabban ſchahß |
Manc1631_LVM_146_25 | Paſẜaules baggatiba gir / vnd räds ẜawu Brahli bähdas |
Manc1631_LVM_146_26 | czeeſcham / vnd aiß=ſlähds ẜawu Ꞩirrdi preekſchan to / |
| @b{ka} |
| |
| [147.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_147_1 | ka palleeck Deewa myläſtiba py to ? Manni Behrningi / |
Manc1631_LVM_147_2 | nhe laideeta mums myļoht ar Wahrdeems / neds ar |
Manc1631_LVM_147_3 | Mehl / bett ar darrbu vnd itt pattees. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_147_4 | @v{Evangelium am andern Sontage nach Tri-} |
Manc1631_LVM_147_5 | @v{nitatis / Luc. 14.} |
Manc1631_LVM_147_6 | JEſus ẜatziya ſcho liedſibu : Turr by weens Czill- |
Manc1631_LVM_147_7 | wähx / tas ẜattaiſẜiya weenu leelu Wackarähden |
Manc1631_LVM_147_8 | vnd aitzenaya dauds tur klaht. Vnd iß=ẜuhtiya ẜawu |
Manc1631_LVM_147_9 | kallpu / app to Wackarähden ſtundu / teems Aitzenateems |
Manc1631_LVM_147_10 | ẜatziet / nahzeeta / aiſto wiſẜas leetas gir ẜattaiſẜitas. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_147_11 | tee eeẜahkahß wiſẜi / weens pehtz ohtru / ißrunnatees. |
Manc1631_LVM_147_12 | Tas pirrmais ẜatziya vs to: Es äßmu weenu Tyerumu |
Manc1631_LVM_147_13 | pirrzis / vnd mann buhß iß=eet / vnd to apraudſiet / es |
Manc1631_LVM_147_14 | luhdſohß töw / aisbilldini mann. Vnd tas ohters ẜatzi- |
Manc1631_LVM_147_15 | ya / es äßmu peetz juhgus Wehrſchus pirrzis / vnd es no |
Manc1631_LVM_147_16 | eemu taggadien / tohß apraudſiet / Es luhdſohß töw / ais- |
Manc1631_LVM_147_17 | billdini mann. Vnd tas treſſchais ſatziya / Es äßmu |
Manc1631_LVM_147_18 | Ꞩeewu jehmees / tapehtz es nhe warru nahkt. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_147_19 | tas Kallps nahze / vnd at- |
Manc1631_LVM_147_20 | ẜatziya to ẜawam Kungam. |
Manc1631_LVM_147_21 | Tad tappa tas Nammas= |
Manc1631_LVM_147_22 | Kunx dußmiex / vnd ẜatziya |
Manc1631_LVM_147_23 | vs ẜawu Kallpu / iß=ey ti- |
Manc1631_LVM_147_24 | ckuſch vs tahms eelahms / |
Manc1631_LVM_147_25 | vnd czeļļems tahß Pillis / |
Manc1631_LVM_147_26 | vnd eewed tohß Nabba- |
| @b{gus /} |
| |
| [148.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_148_1 | gus / vnd Krohpļus / vnd Tiſlus / vnd Acklus ſcheit eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_148_2 | ſchan. Vnd tas Kallps ẜatziya / Kunx / tas gir notitzis / |
Manc1631_LVM_148_3 | ko tu pawehleyis eſẜi / bett tur gir wehl wairahk ruhmes. |
Manc1631_LVM_148_4 | Vnd tas Kunx ẜatziya vs to Kallpu / iß=ey vs tahms |
Manc1631_LVM_148_5 | Semmes Eelahms / vnd py tahms Ꞩähtahms / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_148_6 | ſpeed tohß ſcheit eekſchan nahkt / ka mans Namms pillß |
Manc1631_LVM_148_7 | tohp. Bett es ẜacku jums / ka nhe weens no teems Wie- |
Manc1631_LVM_148_8 | reem / kattri aizenati gir / mannu Wackarähden baudieß. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_148_9 | @v{Epiſtel am dritten Sontage nach Trinita-} |
Manc1631_LVM_148_10 | @v{tis / 1. Petr. 5.} |
Manc1631_LVM_148_11 | MJeļi Brahļi / Sämmoyeetees jums appackſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_148_12 | to ſpehzigu Deewa Rohku / ka tas jums pa=auxte- |
Manc1631_LVM_148_13 | na ẜawà laikà. Wiſẜu juhſẜu ghadibu metteeta vs to / aiſto |
Manc1631_LVM_148_14 | wings ghada par jums. Eſẜeeta ghaddigi vnd mohdrigi / |
Manc1631_LVM_148_15 | aiſto juhſẜo Prettibneex / tas Wälls eedt apkahrt / ka kahtz |
Manc1631_LVM_148_16 | ŗuhkdams Swährs / (Lawis /) vnd meckle / kattru tas war- |
Manc1631_LVM_148_17 | rätu aprieth. Tam ſtahweeta ſtippre prettie eekſchan Ti- |
Manc1631_LVM_148_18 | tzibas / vnd ſinnaita / ka juhſẜeems Brahleems Paſẜau- |
Manc1631_LVM_148_19 | leh ihten tada czeeſchana gir. |
Manc1631_LVM_148_20 | Bett tas Deews wiſẜas ſchäläſtibas / kas mums |
Manc1631_LVM_148_21 | aizenayis gir / py ẜawas muhſchigas Ghohdibas eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_148_22 | ſchan CHriſto JEſu / tas patz jums / kattri juhß weenu |
Manc1631_LVM_148_23 | maſa briedi czeeſchaht / par pillus ẜattaiſẜies / ee=ſtippre- |
Manc1631_LVM_148_24 | nahß / ſpehzigus darries / dibbinahß. Tam paſſcham |
Manc1631_LVM_148_25 | gir Ghohtz vnd ſpähx muhſchige muhſcham / Amen. |
| @b{Evange-} |
| |
| [149.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_149_1 | @v{Evangelium am dritten Sontage nach Tri-} |
Manc1631_LVM_149_2 | @v{nitatis / Luc. 15.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_149_3 | WJſẜenahdi Muiteneeki vnd Ghräzineeki ſteidſehß |
Manc1631_LVM_149_4 | ẜöw py to (Kungu JEſum) ghribbädami to dſirr- |
Manc1631_LVM_149_5 | deht. Vnd tee Wariſeeŗi vnd Raxtamahzetayi kurrneya |
Manc1631_LVM_149_6 | ẜatzidami: Schis vsjämm tohß Ghräzeneekus / vnd ähd |
Manc1631_LVM_149_7 | ar teems. Bett wings runnaya vs teems ſcho Liedſibu ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_149_8 | tzidams: Kurrſch Czillwähx gir juhſẜo ſtarrpà / kattram |
Manc1631_LVM_149_9 | ſimbtz Ahwis gir / vnd ja tas weenu no tahms pamätt / |
Manc1631_LVM_149_10 | katters nhe attſtah tahß dehwingus vnd dehwingdeßmit- |
Manc1631_LVM_149_11 | tas Tuxneſẜy / (tahß dehwingas ẜimbty Tuxneſſy) vnd noeet pehtz |
Manc1631_LVM_149_12 | to paſudduſchu / teekams tas to attrohd ? Vnd kad tas to |
Manc1631_LVM_149_13 | attraddis gir / tad czeļļ tas |
Manc1631_LVM_149_14 | to vs ẜawu Kammiſẜi liex- |
Manc1631_LVM_149_15 | modammeeß. Vnd mah- |
Manc1631_LVM_149_16 | yahß pahrghayiß / ẜaſẜautz |
Manc1631_LVM_149_17 | tas ẜawus draugus vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_149_18 | Kaimiņņus / ẜatzidams |
Manc1631_LVM_149_19 | vs teems / preezayeetees |
Manc1631_LVM_149_20 | ar mann / aiſto es äßmu |
Manc1631_LVM_149_21 | ẜawu Ahwi attraddis / kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_149_22 | tra{krattra} paſudduſẜi by. Es ẜacku jums / Ta buhß arridſan |
Manc1631_LVM_149_23 | Debbeſẜies liexmiba par weenu Ghräzeneeku / katters no |
Manc1631_LVM_149_24 | ghräkeems atmittahß wairahk nhe ka par dehwingeems / |
Manc1631_LVM_149_25 | vnd dehwingdeßmitteems Taißneems / kattreems to |
Manc1631_LVM_149_26 | Ghräko attmitteſchana nhe gir wayaga. Jebkattra Ꞩee- |
| @b{wa} |
| |
| [150.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_150_1 | wa gir / kattrai deßmittz Ghroſſchi gir / kad tai weens no |
Manc1631_LVM_150_2 | teems paſuhd / kattra weenu ſwetz nhe ee=dädſena / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_150_3 | mehſch to Nammu / vnd meckle Ꞩirrdige / teekams ta to |
Manc1631_LVM_150_4 | attrohd? Vnd kad ta to attradduſẜi gir / ẜaẜautz ta ẜawus |
Manc1631_LVM_150_5 | Draugus vnd Kaimiņņus ẜatzidamma: Preezayeetees |
Manc1631_LVM_150_6 | ar mann / aiſto es äßmu ẜawu Ghroſſi attkal attradduſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_150_7 | ſi / katters mann paſuddis by. Ta arridſan ẜacku es jums / |
Manc1631_LVM_150_8 | buhß liexmiba preekſchan teems Deewa Engeļeems / par |
Manc1631_LVM_150_9 | weenu Ghrezeneeku / katters no Gghräkeems attſtahyahß. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_150_10 | @v{Epiſtel am vierden Sontage nach Trinita-} |
Manc1631_LVM_150_11 | @v{tis / Rom. 8.} |
Manc1631_LVM_150_12 | MYļi Brahļi / Es titzu / ka ſchie laiziga czeeſchana |
Manc1631_LVM_150_13 | nhe attmaxa to Ghohdibu / kattru mums redſige |
Manc1631_LVM_150_14 | dabbuit buhß. Aiſto tahß mohkas vnd bähdas to raddi- |
Manc1631_LVM_150_15 | to leeto / ghaida vs to Apſkaidroſchanu to Deewa Bähr- |
Manc1631_LVM_150_16 | no / ta pehtz ka ta Raddiba padohta gir tai welltigai lee- |
Manc1631_LVM_150_17 | ti / bes ſawas ghribbeſchanas / bett ta dehļ kas to pa- |
Manc1631_LVM_150_18 | dehwis gir / vs czerribu. Aiſto irr ta Raddiba taps att- |
Manc1631_LVM_150_19 | peſtita no tahß Kallpoſchanas tahß ißniekamas leetas |
Manc1631_LVM_150_20 | vs to ghohdigu ſwabbadibu to Deewa Bährno. Aiſto |
Manc1631_LVM_150_21 | mehß ſinnam / ka wiſẜa Raddiba ar mums ghaida vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_150_22 | nopuhſchahß ẜöw wehl allaſchien. Vnd nhe ween tee / |
Manc1631_LVM_150_23 | bett mehß paſſchi arridſan / kattreems gir ta Gharra |
Manc1631_LVM_150_24 | Pirrmiba / vnd ghaidam arridſan py mums paſſcheems |
Manc1631_LVM_150_25 | pehtz to Behrnibu / vnd ghaidam to Attpeſtiſchanu muhſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_150_26 | ẜas Meeſẜas. |
| @b{Evangelium} |
| |
| [151.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_151_1 | @v{Evangelium am vierden Sontage nach Tri-} |
Manc1631_LVM_151_2 | @v{nitatis / Luc. 6.} |
Manc1631_LVM_151_3 | JEſus ẜatziya vs ẜaweems Mahzekļeems / Eſẜeta |
Manc1631_LVM_151_4 | ſchehligi / ihten ka juhſẜo Tähws ſchehliex gir / Nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_151_5 | Ꞩohdaita / tad nhe tapſẜeeta juhß Ꞩohditi. Nhe paſude- |
Manc1631_LVM_151_6 | nayeeta / tad nhe tapſẜeeta juhß paſudenati / Peedohdeeta / |
Manc1631_LVM_151_7 | tad taps jums peedohtz. Dohdeeta / tad taps jums |
Manc1631_LVM_151_8 | dohtz. Weens pills / ẜaſpaidietz vnd attleekams Mährs |
Manc1631_LVM_151_9 | taps jums juhſẜà klehpy ee=dohtz. Aiſto ar to Mähru / ar |
Manc1631_LVM_151_10 | kattru juhß ißmehŗohſẜeeta / taps jums attkal ee=mehŗohtz. |
Manc1631_LVM_151_11 | Vnd wings ẜatziya teems weenu Liedſibu / Warrieg |
Manc1631_LVM_151_12 | Acklis Acklam Czeļļu rahdiet? Negg kriet tee abbidiwi |
Manc1631_LVM_151_13 | Beddreh ? Tas Mahzeklis nhe gir auxtahx{autahx} ka Meiſters / |
Manc1631_LVM_151_14 | kad tas Mahzeklis gir ka winja Meiſters / tad gir tas |
Manc1631_LVM_151_15 | par pillu. Bett ko reds tu |
Manc1631_LVM_151_16 | weenu Skabbarrgu tawa |
Manc1631_LVM_151_17 | Brahļa Atzy / vnd to Balg- |
Manc1631_LVM_151_18 | ki tawà paſſchà Atzy tu nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_151_19 | nomani? Jeb ka warri tu |
Manc1631_LVM_151_20 | ẜatziet vs ẜawu Brahli: |
Manc1631_LVM_151_21 | Czeet Brahli / es ghribbu to |
Manc1631_LVM_151_22 | Skabbarrgu no tawu Atzi |
Manc1631_LVM_151_23 | ißwillckt / vnd tu patz nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_151_24 | redſi to Balgki ſawà Atzy? Tu blehdneex weltz papreekſch |
Manc1631_LVM_151_25 | to Balgki no tawas Atz / vnd peeluhko tad / ka tu to Skab- |
Manc1631_LVM_151_26 | harrgu no tawa Brahļa Atzi ißwillckt warrätu. |
| @b{Epiſtel} |
| |
| [152.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_152_1 | @v{Epiſtel am fünfften Sontage nach Trinita-} |
Manc1631_LVM_152_2 | @v{tis / 1. Pet. 3.} |
Manc1631_LVM_152_3 | MYļi Brahļi / eſẜeeta wiſẜinotaļ weenà prahtà / lieds |
Manc1631_LVM_152_4 | czeeſdami / Brahligi / ſchälſirrdigi / laipni. Nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_152_5 | attmaxayeeta ļaun ar ļaun / neds Lahſtus ar Lahſteems / |
Manc1631_LVM_152_6 | bett tur prettie ſwehtiyeeta / vnd ſinnaita / ka juhß tapehtz |
Manc1631_LVM_152_7 | aitzenahti eſẜeeta / ka jums to ſwähtumu manntoht buhß. |
Manc1631_LVM_152_8 | Aiſto kas dſiewoht ghribb / vnd labbas Deenas redſeht / |
Manc1631_LVM_152_9 | tas laid turr ẜawu Mehl / ka ta ļaun nhe runna / vnd ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_152_10 | was Luhpas / ka tee nhe peewiļļ. Tas attwehrſchahß no |
Manc1631_LVM_152_11 | ļaun / vnd taid labbe darra. Tas laid meckleh to Mee- |
Manc1631_LVM_152_12 | ru / vnd dſännahß tai pehtz. Aiſto tahß Atzis tha Kun- |
Manc1631_LVM_152_13 | ga ſkattahß vs teems Taißneems / vnd winja Auſẜis |
Manc1631_LVM_152_14 | vs to (Taißno) Luhkſchanu. Bett tas Waix ta Kunga |
Manc1631_LVM_152_15 | räds vs teems / kattrt ļaun darra. |
Manc1631_LVM_152_16 | Vnd kurrſch gir / kas jums ļaun darriet warr / kad juhß |
Manc1631_LVM_152_17 | pehtz to labbumu dſännatees ? Vnd jeb juhß arridſan |
Manc1631_LVM_152_18 | czeeſchaht tahß Taißnibas Dehļ / tad eſẜeta juhß tomähr |
Manc1631_LVM_152_19 | ſwahti. Bett nhe iſẜabyeſtatees par winjo Leeliſchanu / |
Manc1631_LVM_152_20 | vnd nhe ißtruhzenayeetees / bett ſwehtiyeeta Deewam |
Manc1631_LVM_152_21 | tam Kungam juhſẜahß Ꞩirrdies. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_152_22 | @v{Evangelium am fünfften Sontage nach} |
Manc1631_LVM_152_23 | @v{Trinitatis / Luc. 5.} |
Manc1631_LVM_152_24 | TAs notickahß / ka tee Ļaudis py to Kungu JEſum |
Manc1631_LVM_152_25 | ſpeedehß / Deewa Wahrdu dſirrdeht. Vnd wings |
| @b{ſtahweya} |
| |
| [153.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_153_1 | ſtahweya py to Äſäru Genezareth / vnd redſeya diwi Lai- |
Manc1631_LVM_153_2 | was py to Äſäru ſtahwoſchus / bett tee Sweineeki by iß- |
Manc1631_LVM_153_3 | kahpuſſchi / vnd maſghaya ẜawus Tieklus / Kahpe tas |
Manc1631_LVM_153_4 | weenà laiwà / kattra Simo- |
Manc1631_LVM_153_5 | ņam peederreya / vnd luhd- |
Manc1631_LVM_153_6 | ſe tam / ka tas to magkeniet |
Manc1631_LVM_153_7 | no Mallas noczälltu / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_153_8 | tas paſẜedeyahß / vnd mah- |
Manc1631_LVM_153_9 | ziya tohß Ļaudis no to Lai- |
Manc1631_LVM_153_10 | wu. |
Manc1631_LVM_153_11 | Vnd kad tas beidſe run- |
Manc1631_LVM_153_12 | naht / ẜatziya tas vs Si- |
Manc1631_LVM_153_13 | moni / dohdees vs auxtu / vnd ißmetteeta juhſẜus Tieklus / |
Manc1631_LVM_153_14 | ka juhß weenu Lohmu wällkaht. Vnd Simons adbillde- |
Manc1631_LVM_153_15 | ya / vnd ẜatziya vs to : Meiſteri / mehß äſẜam czauru Nack- |
Manc1631_LVM_153_16 | ti ſtradayuſſchi / vnd nheneeka dabbuyuſſchi / bett vs |
Manc1631_LVM_153_17 | tawu Wahrdu ghribbu es to Tieklu ißmeſt. Vnd kad tee |
Manc1631_LVM_153_18 | to darriya / apwillka tee leelu Kohpu Siwyu / vnd win- |
Manc1631_LVM_153_19 | jo Tieklis ẜapplieſẜa. Vnd tee aitzenaya ẜawus Beedrus / |
Manc1631_LVM_153_20 | kattri ohtrà Laiwà by / ka tee nahktu / vnd palliedſähtu |
Manc1631_LVM_153_21 | teems willckt. Vnd tee nahze / vnd peepilldiya abbus |
Manc1631_LVM_153_22 | Laiwas pillus / tha / ka tee ghrimma. Kad to Simons |
Manc1631_LVM_153_23 | Peteris redſeya / kritte tas JEſu apkahrt czeļļeems / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_153_24 | ẜatziya / Kunx / ey no mann aran / es äßmu weens |
Manc1631_LVM_153_25 | ghrehziex Czillwähx / aiſto tam by Jſẜabieſchana vs- |
Manc1631_LVM_153_26 | ghayuſẜi / vnd wiſẜeems kattri ar to by par ſcho Lohmu / |
| @b{kattru} |
| |
| [154.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_154_1 | kattru tee willkuſchi by / Ta lieds arridſan Jäcobam vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_154_2 | Jaņam teems Dähleems Zebedei / Simoņa Beedreems. |
Manc1631_LVM_154_3 | Vnd JEſus ſatziya vs Simoni / Nhe iſẜabieſtees / aiſto no |
Manc1631_LVM_154_4 | ſcho laiku / buhß töw Czillwäkus ſweyoht. Vnd wings |
Manc1631_LVM_154_5 | willka tahß Laiwas py mallas / vnd attſtahya wiſẜas lee- |
Manc1631_LVM_154_6 | tas / vnd ſtaighaya tam pehtz. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_154_7 | @v{Epiſtel am ſechſten Sontage nach Trinita-} |
Manc1631_LVM_154_8 | @v{tis / Rom. 6.} |
Manc1631_LVM_154_9 | MJeļi Brahļi / nhe ſinnaht juhß / ka wiſẜi / kattri |
Manc1631_LVM_154_10 | mehß eekſchan JEſum CHriſtum CHriſtiti äſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_154_11 | ẜam / tee äſẜam mehß eekſchan winja Nahwu CHriſtiti. |
Manc1631_LVM_154_12 | Tad äſẜam mehß nu ar to aprackti czaur to Chriſtibu eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_154_13 | ſchan to Nahwu / aiſto ihten ka CHriſtus vsmohdenahtz |
Manc1631_LVM_154_14 | gir no teems Mirroņeems / czaur to Ghohdibu ta Täh- |
Manc1631_LVM_154_15 | wa / ta buhß mums arridſan eekſchan jaunu Dſiewoſcha- |
Manc1631_LVM_154_16 | nu ſtaighaht. Bett ka mehß nu ar to eeſtadieti tohpam |
Manc1631_LVM_154_17 | eekſchan liedſigas Nahwes / tad buhß mums arridſan tai |
Manc1631_LVM_154_18 | Aukſchamczellſchanai liedſeems buht / pehtz to / ka mehß |
Manc1631_LVM_154_19 | ſinnam / ka muhſẜo wätz Czillwähx ar to krußtà ſiſtz gir / |
Manc1631_LVM_154_20 | ka ta ghräziga Meeſẜa mitteyahß / ka mehß no joproyam |
Manc1631_LVM_154_21 | teems Ghräkeems wairs nhe Kallpoyam. Aiſto kas no- |
Manc1631_LVM_154_22 | mirris gir / tas gir taißnohtz no Ghräkeems. Bett äſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_154_23 | ẜam mehß ar CHriſto mirruſchi / tad titzam mehß / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_154_24 | mehß arridſan ar to dſiewohſẜim / vnd ſinnam / ka CHri- |
Manc1631_LVM_154_25 | ſtus no teems mirroņeems vsmohdenahtz / nu wairs nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_154_26 | mirrſt ta Nahwe joproyam wairahk par to nhe wall- |
| @b{dieß} |
| |
| [155.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_155_1 | dies / aiſto ko tas mirris gir / to gir tas to Ghräko Dehļ |
Manc1631_LVM_155_2 | mirris ween reis / bett ko tas dſiewo / to dſiewo tas Dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_155_3 | wam. Ta juhß arridſan / turraitees jums par tahdeems / |
Manc1631_LVM_155_4 | ka juhß no teems Ghräkeems nomirruſchi eſẜeeta / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_155_5 | Deewam dſiewoyeeta / eekſchan JEſu CHriſto muhſẜu |
Manc1631_LVM_155_6 | Kungu. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_155_7 | @v{Evangelium am ſechſten Sontage nach Tri-} |
Manc1631_LVM_155_8 | @v{nitatis / Matth. 5.} |
Manc1631_LVM_155_9 | JEſus ẜatziya vs teems Ļaudeems vnd vs ẜaweems |
Manc1631_LVM_155_10 | Mahzekļeems : Es ẜacku jums / ja juhſẜa Taißni- |
Manc1631_LVM_155_11 | ba nhe gir labbaka ka to Raxtamahzetayo vnd Wariſee- |
Manc1631_LVM_155_12 | ŗo / tad juhß eekſchan tahß Däbbäſẜo=wallſtibas nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_155_13 | nahxeeta.Juhß eſẜeta dſirr- |
Manc1631_LVM_155_14 | deyuſchi / ka teems Wätza- |
Manc1631_LVM_155_15 | keems ẜatzietz gir / Töw nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_155_16 | buhß Nokaut.Bett kas No- |
Manc1631_LVM_155_17 | kaw / tas buhß to Ꞩohdibu |
Manc1631_LVM_155_18 | nopellniyis. Bett es ẜacku |
Manc1631_LVM_155_19 | jums / kas ar ẜawu Brahli |
Manc1631_LVM_155_20 | dußmo / tas gir to Ꞩohdibu |
Manc1631_LVM_155_21 | nopellniyis / bett kas vs ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_155_22 | wu Brahli ẜacka / Racha / tas gir tahß Runnas nopellni- |
Manc1631_LVM_155_23 | yis. Bett kas ẜacka / tu Jegkis / tas gir to Elles Vggu- |
Manc1631_LVM_155_24 | ni nopellniyis. |
Manc1631_LVM_155_25 | Tapehtz kad tu tawu Dahwanu vs to Alltari vp- |
Manc1631_LVM_155_26 | pere / vnd tu ee=ghadayees / ka töw ar tawu Brahli kas |
| @b{ja=darra} |
| |
| [156.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_156_1 | ja=darra gir / tad attſtah turr preekſchan to Alltari tawu |
Manc1631_LVM_156_2 | dahwanu / vnd noey pirrmahk / vnd ẜadderrees ar tawu |
Manc1631_LVM_156_3 | Brahli / vnd nahtz tad / vnd vppere tawu Dahwanu. |
Manc1631_LVM_156_4 | Eſẜi labprahtiex tawam Prettibneekam dries / teekams |
Manc1631_LVM_156_5 | tu wehl wirſẜon ſcho czeļļu eſẜi / ka töw tas Prettibneex |
Manc1631_LVM_156_6 | weenreis nhe nodohd tam Ꞩohgam / vnd tas Ꞩohgis |
Manc1631_LVM_156_7 | nodohd töw tam Ꞩullaiņam / vnd tu tohpi Czetumà |
Manc1631_LVM_156_8 | eemäſtz. Es ẜacku töw pattees / tu no turrenes nhe iß=eeſẜi / |
Manc1631_LVM_156_9 | pirrms tu to pehdigu Kauſẜu maxahſẜi. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_156_10 | @v{Epiſtel am ſiebenden Sontage nach Trini-} |
Manc1631_LVM_156_11 | @v{tatis / Rom. 6. Cap.} |
Manc1631_LVM_156_12 | MYeļi / Brahļi / mann buhß pehtz Czillwehzigu dab- |
Manc1631_LVM_156_13 | bu runnaht / tapehtz ka juhſẜa Meeſẜa wahya gir. |
Manc1631_LVM_156_14 | Jhten ka juhß juhſẜus Lohzekļus paddewuſchi eſẜeeta par |
Manc1631_LVM_156_15 | Kallpoſchanu tahß Nheſkieſtibas / vnd no weenas Nhe- |
Manc1631_LVM_156_16 | taißnibas py ohtras: Ta padohdeeta nu arridſan juhſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_156_17 | ẜus Lohzekļus py Kallpoſchanas tai Taißnibai / ka tee |
Manc1631_LVM_156_18 | ſwähti tohp. Aiſto kad juhß to Ghräko Kallpi biyaht / |
Manc1631_LVM_156_19 | tad biyaht juhß ſwabbadi no tahß Taißnibas / kahdus |
Manc1631_LVM_156_20 | augļus juhß to briedi dabbuyaht / par kattreems juhß nu |
Manc1631_LVM_156_21 | kaunahtees? Aiſto tas ghalls to paſſcho gir ta Nahwe. |
Manc1631_LVM_156_22 | Bett ka juhß nu no teems Ghräkeems ſwabbadi eſẜeeta / |
Manc1631_LVM_156_23 | vnd Deewa Kallpi tappuſchi / gir jums juhſẜi augļi / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_156_24 | juhß swähti tohpaht / bett tas ghalls gir ta muhſchiga |
Manc1631_LVM_156_25 | dſiewoſchana : Aiſto ta Nahwe gir to Ghräko Allga / |
| @b{bett} |
| |
| [157.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_157_1 | bett tas Deewa Dahwans gir ta muhſchiga dſiewoſcha- |
Manc1631_LVM_157_2 | na eekſchan CHriſto JEſu muhſẜu Kungu. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_157_3 | @v{Evangelism am ſiebenden Sontage nach} |
Manc1631_LVM_157_4 | @v{Trinitatis / Marc. 8.} |
Manc1631_LVM_157_5 | TAnny laikà / kad turr dauds Ļaudis by / vnd teems |
Manc1631_LVM_157_6 | nhe by ja=ähd / peeẜautze JESVS ẜawus Mah- |
Manc1631_LVM_157_7 | zekļus py ẜöw / vnd ẜatziya vs teems / Mann gir tick |
Manc1631_LVM_157_8 | ſchähl to Ļauſcho / aiſto tee gir nu tries Deenas py |
Manc1631_LVM_157_9 | mann pallickuſchi / vnd teems nhe gir nhe neeka ja=ähd. |
Manc1631_LVM_157_10 | Vnd ja es tohß nheähduſchus no mann attlaiſtu / tad tee |
Manc1631_LVM_157_11 | vs czeļļu baddu nomirrtu / aiſto czitti by no tahlenes att- |
Manc1631_LVM_157_12 | nahkuſchi. |
Manc1631_LVM_157_13 | Winja Mahzekļi adbilldeya tam / kur jämmam |
Manc1631_LVM_157_14 | mehß ſcheitan Maiſes Tuxneſẜy / ka mehß tohß pee=ähde- |
Manc1631_LVM_157_15 | nayam? Vnd wings jautaya teems: Czeek Maiſes gir |
Manc1631_LVM_157_16 | jums? Tee ẜatziya / Ꞩeptin- |
Manc1631_LVM_157_17 | gi. Vnd wings pawehleya |
Manc1631_LVM_157_18 | teems Ļaudeems / ka tee |
Manc1631_LVM_157_19 | ẜöw wirſẜon Semmes paſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_157_20 | ẜehſt by. Vnd wings jehme |
Manc1631_LVM_157_21 | tohß ẜeptingas Maiſes / |
Manc1631_LVM_157_22 | vnd patteitze / vnd pahr- |
Manc1631_LVM_157_23 | lauſe tahß / vnd dewe tahß |
Manc1631_LVM_157_24 | ẜaweems Mahzekļeems / |
Manc1631_LVM_157_25 | ka tee tahß paſſchas preekſcha czälltu / vnd tee czehle tahß |
Manc1631_LVM_157_26 | teems Ļaudeems preekſcha.Vnd teems by magkeniet Si- |
| @b{witingi /} |
| |
| [158.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_158_1 | witingi / vnd wings patteitze / vnd pawehleya tohß paſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_158_2 | ſchus arridſan preekſcha neſt. Bett tee ähde / vnd pee=äh- |
Manc1631_LVM_158_3 | de / vnd ẜalaſẜiya tahß attlickuſchas Druſkas / ẜeptingus |
Manc1631_LVM_158_4 | Kurrwus / vnd to by py tſchettri=tuxtoſchi / kattri turr äh- |
Manc1631_LVM_158_5 | duſchi by. Vnd wings attlaide tohß no ẜöw. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_158_6 | @v{Epiſtel am achten Sontage nach Trinitatis /} |
Manc1631_LVM_158_7 | @v{Rom. 8.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_158_8 | MJeļi Brahļi / Mehß äſẜam Parradneeki / nhe tahß |
Manc1631_LVM_158_9 | Meeſẜas / ka mums pehtz to Meeſẜu dſiewoht buhß / |
Manc1631_LVM_158_10 | aiſto ja juhß pehtz to Meeſẜu dſiewohſẜeeta / tad juhß mirrſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_158_11 | ẜeeta. Bett ja juhß czaur to Gharru tahß Meeſẜas darr- |
Manc1631_LVM_158_12 | bu ſlahpehſẜeeta / tad juhß dſiewohſẜeeta. Aiſto kattrus |
Manc1631_LVM_158_13 | tas Deewa Gharrs dſänn / tee gir Deewa Bährni. Ai- |
Manc1631_LVM_158_14 | ſto juhß nhe eſẜeeta kahdu Kallpa Gharru dabbuyuſchi / |
Manc1631_LVM_158_15 | ka jums attkal ja=bieſtahß / bett juhß eſẜeeta weenu Bähr- |
Manc1631_LVM_158_16 | na Gharru dabbuyuſchi / czaur kattru mehß ẜautzam / |
Manc1631_LVM_158_17 | Abba / mieļais Tähws. Tas pattz Gharrs dohd muhſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_158_18 | ẜam Gharram leezibu / ka mehß Deewa Bährni äſẜam. |
Manc1631_LVM_158_19 | Äſẜam mehß tad Bährni / tad äſẜam mehß arridſan |
Manc1631_LVM_158_20 | Mannteneeki / ar wahrdu / Deewa Mannteneeki / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_158_21 | Lieds=mannteneeki CHriſti / ja mehß tickai liedſe czeetieſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_158_22 | ẜim / ka mehß arridſan liedſe py Ghohdibas pa=auxtenati |
Manc1631_LVM_158_23 | tohpam. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_158_24 | @v{Evangelium am achten Sontage nach Tri-} |
Manc1631_LVM_158_25 | @v{nitatis / Matth. 7.} |
| |
| @b{JEſus} |
| |
| [159.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_159_1 | JESVS ẜatziya |
Manc1631_LVM_159_2 | vs teems Ļaudeems |
Manc1631_LVM_159_3 | vnd vs ẜaweems Mahze- |
Manc1631_LVM_159_4 | kļeems / ẜarrghayeetees par |
Manc1631_LVM_159_5 | teems willtigeems Prowee- |
Manc1631_LVM_159_6 | teems / kattri Awya dreh- |
Manc1631_LVM_159_7 | behß py jums nahk / bett no |
Manc1631_LVM_159_8 | eekſchanas gir tee pleſẜigi |
Manc1631_LVM_159_9 | Willki. Py winja augļeems |
Manc1631_LVM_159_10 | buhß jums tohß atſiet. Warrieg arridſan kaßlabban |
Manc1631_LVM_159_11 | Wiena=ohgus laſẜiet no teems Ehrſcheems ? Jeb Wieges |
Manc1631_LVM_159_12 | no teems dadſcheems? Aiſto ickkattris labbs kohx näß |
Manc1631_LVM_159_13 | labbus augļus / bett weens ẜappuwis kohx näß nicknus |
Manc1631_LVM_159_14 | augļus. Weens labbs kohx nhe warr nicknus augļus |
Manc1631_LVM_159_15 | neſt / vnd weens ẜappuwis kohx nhe warr labbus augļus |
Manc1631_LVM_159_16 | neſt. Jck kattris kohx / katters labbus augļus nhe näß / |
Manc1631_LVM_159_17 | tohp nozirrſts / vnd Vgguny ee=mäſts. Tapehtz py winja |
Manc1631_LVM_159_18 | augļeems buhß jums tohß attſiet. Nhe wiſẜi tee / kattri |
Manc1631_LVM_159_19 | vs mann ẜacka / Kunx / Kunx / eekſchan Däbbäſẜo=wall- |
Manc1631_LVM_159_20 | ſtibas nahx / bett tee / kattri to darra / ko manns Tähws |
Manc1631_LVM_159_21 | Debbeſẜies ghribb. Dauds vs mann ẜatzies winjà Dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_159_22 | nà / Kunx / Kunx / nhe äſẜam mehß tawà Wahrdà nahko- |
Manc1631_LVM_159_23 | ſchas leetas papreekſch ſatziyuſchi ? Nhe äſẜam mehß tawà |
Manc1631_LVM_159_24 | Wahrdà Wällus ißdſinnuſchi ? Nhe äſẜm mehß tawà |
Manc1631_LVM_159_25 | Wahrdà dauds darrbus darriyuſchi? Tad es vs teems |
Manc1631_LVM_159_26 | ẜatzieſchu : Es nhe äßmu juhß wehl muhſcham atſinnis / |
Manc1631_LVM_159_27 | Attkahpeeta no mann wiſẜi juhß Ļaundarritayi. |
| @b{Epiſtel} |
| |
| [160.lpp.] |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_160_1 | @v{Epiſtel am neundten Soltage nach Trini-} |
Manc1631_LVM_160_2 | @v{tatis / 1. Corinth 10.} |
Manc1631_LVM_160_3 | MJeļi Brahļi / Nhe tohpeeta Ällkadeewa Kallpi / |
Manc1631_LVM_160_4 | ihten ka czitti no winjeems tappa / ka turr raxtietz |
Manc1631_LVM_160_5 | ſtahw: Tee Ļaudis paſähdeyahß py ähſchanas vnd dſerr- |
Manc1631_LVM_160_6 | ſchanas / vnd czehlehß aukſcham meeßlohtes. Nhe lai- |
Manc1631_LVM_160_7 | deeta mums arridſan nhe kahdu Mauzibu dſieth / ka czit- |
Manc1631_LVM_160_8 | ti no winjeems Mauzibu dſinna / vnd kritta weenà Dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_160_9 | na diwideßmitti / vnd tries tuhxtoſchi. Bett nhe laideeta |
Manc1631_LVM_160_10 | mums arridſan Chriſtum kahrdenaht / ka czitti no teems |
Manc1631_LVM_160_11 | to kahrdenaya / vnd tappa no teems Ohdſehms nomehr- |
Manc1631_LVM_160_12 | däti. Nhe kurrneyeeta arridſan / lieds ka czitti no teems |
Manc1631_LVM_160_13 | kurrneya / vnd tappa nomahkti no to nomährdätayu. |
Manc1631_LVM_160_14 | Schiß noticka wis winjeems par preekſchſiem / bett |
Manc1631_LVM_160_15 | tas gir raxtietz mums par Attghadaſchanu / vs kattreems |
Manc1631_LVM_160_16 | tas ghalls tahß Paſẜaules nahzis gir. Tapehtz kas ſkee- |
Manc1631_LVM_160_17 | tahß / wings ſtahwohtz / tas warr labb peeluhkoht / ka tas |
Manc1631_LVM_160_18 | nhe krieth. Wehl jums nhe kahda ka ween Czillwehziga |
Manc1631_LVM_160_19 | Kahrdenaſchana pahrghayuſẜi gir . Bett Deews gir pee- |
Manc1631_LVM_160_20 | titziex / katters juhß nhe leek kahrdenaht par juhſẜu ſpähku / |
Manc1631_LVM_160_21 | bett darra tha / ka ta kahrdenaſchana tahdu ghallu jämm / |
Manc1631_LVM_160_22 | ka juhß to warreeta paneſt. Tapehtz manni myeļi / beh- |
Manc1631_LVM_160_23 | dſeeta no to ällkadeewigu buſchanu. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_160_24 | @v{Evangelium am neundten Sontage nach} |
Manc1631_LVM_160_25 | @v{Trinitatis / Lue. 16.} |
| @b{JEſus} |
| |
| [161.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_161_1 | JESus ẜatziya vs ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_161_2 | weems mahzekleems: |
Manc1631_LVM_161_3 | Turr by weens baggahtz |
Manc1631_LVM_161_4 | Wiers / tam by weens nam- |
Manc1631_LVM_161_5 | maturrätays / tas tappa |
Manc1631_LVM_161_6 | preekſchan winju aprun- |
Manc1631_LVM_161_7 | nahtz / ka buhtu tas tam win- |
Manc1631_LVM_161_8 | ja Mantu ißpohſtiyis. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_161_9 | wings aitzenaya to / vnd ẜatziya vs to: Ko dſirrſchu es no |
Manc1631_LVM_161_10 | töw? Dohd laghadibu no tawas Nammaturreſchanas / |
Manc1631_LVM_161_11 | aiſto tu nhe warri nu joproyam weens Nammaturretais |
Manc1631_LVM_161_12 | wairs buht. Tas Nammaturretais runnaya py ẜöw |
Manc1631_LVM_161_13 | paſſcham / ko buhß mann darrieth ? Manns Kunx jämm |
Manc1631_LVM_161_14 | to Nammaturreſchanu no mann. Rackt mann nhe ghrib- |
Manc1631_LVM_161_15 | bahß / es kaunohß arridſan deedeleht. Es ghann ſinnu / ko |
Manc1631_LVM_161_16 | es ghribbu darrieth / kad es no to Ammatu no czälltz toh- |
Manc1631_LVM_161_17 | pu / ka tee mann ẜawahß Nammahß ee=jämm. |
Manc1631_LVM_161_18 | Vnd tas aitzenaya py ẜöw wiſẜus Paraddneekus ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_161_19 | wa Kunga / vnd ẜatziya vs to pirrmo: Czeek eſẜi tu man- |
Manc1631_LVM_161_20 | nam Kungam parradà? Wings ẜatziya: Ꞩimbt Mutzus |
Manc1631_LVM_161_21 | Olye. Vnd tas ẜatziya vs winju: Jemm tawu Ghramatu / |
Manc1631_LVM_161_22 | ẜehdees / vnd raxti tudeļļ peezedeßmittz. Pehtz to ẜatziya tas |
Manc1631_LVM_161_23 | vs to Ohtru: Bett tu / czeek dauds eſẜi tu parradà? Wings |
Manc1631_LVM_161_24 | ẜatziya: Simbts mähru Queſcho. Vnd tas ẜatziya vs win- |
Manc1631_LVM_161_25 | ju: Jemm tawu Ghramatu / vnd raxti aſtoņ=deßmitz. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_161_26 | tas Kunx teitze to nhetaißnu Nammaturrätayu / ka tas |
Manc1631_LVM_161_27 | ghuddrige darriyis by. Aiſto tee bährni ſchahß Paſẜaules |
| @b{gir } |
| |
| [162.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_162_1 | gir ghuddraki / nhe ka tee Bährni tahß Ghaiſſchumas / |
Manc1631_LVM_162_2 | eekſchan ẜawu Raddu. Vnd es ẜacku jums arridſan / dar- |
Manc1631_LVM_162_3 | raita jums arridſan Draugus ar to nhetaißnu manntu / |
Manc1631_LVM_162_4 | ka tad kad jums peetruhxt / tee juhß vsjämm eekſchan to |
Manc1631_LVM_162_5 | muhſchigu Dſiewohklu. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_162_6 | @v{Epiſtel am gehenden Sontage nach Trinita-} |
Manc1631_LVM_162_7 | @v{tis / 1. Corinth. 12.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_162_8 | MJeļi Brahļi / no teems Gharrigheems dahwa- |
Manc1631_LVM_162_9 | neems nhe ghribbu es jums paſlept. Juhß ſin- |
Manc1631_LVM_162_10 | naht / ka juhß Paggaņi eſẜeeta biyuſchi / vnd noghayuſchi |
Manc1631_LVM_162_11 | py teems mähmeems Ällkadeeweems / ka juhß tad wäſti |
Manc1631_LVM_162_12 | tappaht. Tapehtz buhß jums ſinnaht / ka nhe weenam |
Manc1631_LVM_162_13 | buhß JEſum nolahdeht / katters czaur to Deewa Ghar- |
Manc1631_LVM_162_14 | ru runna. Vnd nhe weens nhe warr JEſum parr Kun- |
Manc1631_LVM_162_15 | gu ẜauckt / ka ween czaur to ſwätu Gharru. |
Manc1631_LVM_162_16 | Tur gir daſchadi Dahwani / bett tur gir weens |
Manc1631_LVM_162_17 | Gharrs / vnd tur gir daſchadi Ammati / bett tur gir weens |
Manc1631_LVM_162_18 | Kunx / vnd tur gir daſchada Spehziba / bett tur gir weens |
Manc1631_LVM_162_19 | Deews / katters ſtrahda wiſẜas leetas eekſchan wiſẜahms. |
Manc1631_LVM_162_20 | Eekſchan ick=kattru parahdahß ẜöw tahß dahwanas tha |
Manc1631_LVM_162_21 | Gharra / par labbu tai draudſei. Czittam tohp dohta |
Manc1631_LVM_162_22 | czaur to Gharru ta Runnaſchana (Walloda /) no tahß |
Manc1631_LVM_162_23 | Ghuddribas. Czittam tohp dohta ta Runnaſchana no |
Manc1631_LVM_162_24 | tahß Atſiſchanas pehtz to paſſchu Gharru / czittam ta |
Manc1631_LVM_162_25 | Titziba eekſchan to paſſchu Gharru / czittam ta dahwa- |
Manc1631_LVM_162_26 | na Wäſẜälu darriet eekſchan to paſſchu Gharru / czittam |
| @b{Brienu-} |
| |
| [163.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_163_1 | Brienumus darriet / czittam Mahziſchana / czittam |
Manc1631_LVM_163_2 | Gharrus Jßpraſt / czittam daſchada Mehle / czittam |
Manc1631_LVM_163_3 | tahß mehles Jß=ſtahſtiet. Bett ſcho wiſẜu darra tas patz |
Manc1631_LVM_163_4 | weeniex Gharrs / vnd ißdalla ickweenam to Dahwanu / |
Manc1631_LVM_163_5 | ka tam pattiek. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_163_6 | @v{Evangelium am zehenden Sontage nach} |
Manc1631_LVM_163_7 | @v{Trinitatis / Luc. 19.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_163_8 | KAd JEſus tuwe klaht py Jeruſalemes nahze / vs- |
Manc1631_LVM_163_9 | luhkoya tas to Pili / vnd raudaya par to / vnd ẜatzi- |
Manc1631_LVM_163_10 | ya / Kad tu to ſinnatu / tad buhtu tu ſchinny tawà laikà ar- |
Manc1631_LVM_163_11 | ridſan apdohmayuſẜi / kas py tawu Meeru wayadſätu. |
Manc1631_LVM_163_12 | Bett nu gir tas preekſchan taweems Atzeems paſläptz. |
Manc1631_LVM_163_13 | Aiſto tas laix par töw nahx / ka tawi Waideneeki apkahrt |
Manc1631_LVM_163_14 | töw vnd taweems Bährneems ar töw / weenu Rattupi- |
Manc1631_LVM_163_15 | li apkahrt töw ẜittieß / töw apẜehdehß / vnd wiſẜahß mal- |
Manc1631_LVM_163_16 | lahß ſpaidieß / vnd töw ſkieſt iß=pohſtieß / vnd nhe weenu |
Manc1631_LVM_163_17 | Ackmini vs ohtru atſtahß / tapehtz / ka tu nhe eſẜi attſin- |
Manc1631_LVM_163_18 | nuſẜi to laiku / kad tu peemäckläta eſẜi. Vnd wings gha- |
Manc1631_LVM_163_19 | ya Baſnizà / vnd eeẜahka |
Manc1631_LVM_163_20 | ißdſiet / kattri tur eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_163_21 | pahrdewe vnd pirrka / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_163_22 | ẜatziya vs teems / tur ſtahw |
Manc1631_LVM_163_23 | raxtietz / Mans Namms |
Manc1631_LVM_163_24 | gir weens Pahtaronam̃s / |
Manc1631_LVM_163_25 | bett juhß eſẜeeta to par wee- |
Manc1631_LVM_163_26 | nu ſläppkawo beddri darri- |
| @b{yuſchi.} |
| |
| [164.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_164_1 | yuſchi. Vnd mahziya ick Deenas Baſnizà. Bett tee |
Manc1631_LVM_164_2 | Auxtibaſnizaskungi vnd Raxtemahzetayi / vnd tee Prah- |
Manc1631_LVM_164_3 | waki ſtarrpan teems Ļaudeems / ghadaya / ka tee to No- |
Manc1631_LVM_164_4 | kautu / vnd nhe attradda ka teems darrieth by. Aiſto wiſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_164_5 | ẜi Ļaudis peekehrehß tam / vnd dſirrdeya to. |
| |
| @b{Epiſtel am eilfften Sontage nach Trinita-} |
| @b{tis / 1. Corinth. 15.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_164_8 | MJeļi Brahļi / es attminnu jums to Ewangelium / |
Manc1631_LVM_164_9 | ko es jums paſluddenayis äßmu / kattru juhß ar- |
Manc1631_LVM_164_10 | ridſan vsjämuſchi eſẜeeta / eekſchan kattru juhß arri- |
Manc1631_LVM_164_11 | dſan ſtahweeta / czaur kattru juhß arridſan ſwähti toh- |
Manc1631_LVM_164_12 | peeta / ka es jums to paſluddenayis äßmu / ja juhß tickai |
Manc1631_LVM_164_13 | to patturreyuſchi eſẜeeta / tas warr tad buht / ka juhß well- |
Manc1631_LVM_164_14 | te buhtat titzeyuſchi. Aiſto es äßmu jums papreekſch to |
Manc1631_LVM_164_15 | dewis / kattru es arridſan dabbuyis äßmu / ka CHriſtus |
Manc1631_LVM_164_16 | nomirris gir muhſẜo Ghräko dehļ / pehtz to Raxtu / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_164_17 | ka tas apracktz gir / vnd ka tas attkall aukſcham czehleeß |
Manc1631_LVM_164_18 | gir / treſſchà Deenà / pehtz to Raxtu. Vnd ka tas gir |
Manc1631_LVM_164_19 | rädſähtz no Keewas / pehtz no teems Diwipaddeßmit- |
Manc1631_LVM_164_20 | teems. Pehtz gir tas rädſähtz no wairahk nhe ka pee- |
Manc1631_LVM_164_21 | zeẜimbteems Brahļeems weenà reiſà / no teems paſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_164_22 | ſcheems wehl dauds dſiewo / bett czitti gir aismigguſchi. |
Manc1631_LVM_164_23 | Pehtz gir tas rädſahtz no Jacobu / pehtz no wiſẜeems |
Manc1631_LVM_164_24 | Apuſtuļeems. Wiß pehdige pehtz wiſẜeems gir tas arrid- |
Manc1631_LVM_164_25 | ſan no man / ka no kahdu nhelaizigu dſimbtibu rädſähtz. |
Manc1631_LVM_164_26 | Aiſto es äßmu tas ſämmakais no teems Apuſtuļeems / |
| @b{katters} |
| |
| [165.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_165_1 | katters es nhe äßmu czeeniex / ka mann par Apuſtuli |
Manc1631_LVM_165_2 | ẜautz / tapehtz / ka es to Deewa Draudſibu pullghayis |
Manc1631_LVM_165_3 | äßmu. Bett no Deewa ſchälaſtibas äßmu es / kas es |
Manc1631_LVM_165_4 | äßmu / vnd winja ſchäläſtiba py mann nhe gir wellte bi- |
Manc1631_LVM_165_5 | yuſẜi. Bett es äßmu dauds wairahk ſtradayis / nhe ka tee |
Manc1631_LVM_165_6 | wiſẜi. Bett nhe es / bett Deewa ſchäläſtiba / kattra eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_165_7 | ſchan mann gir. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_165_8 | @v{Evangelium am eilfften Sontage nach Tri-} |
Manc1631_LVM_165_9 | @v{nitatis / Luc. 18.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_165_10 | JEſus ẜatziya wißwairahk vs teems / kattri ſkittahß |
Manc1631_LVM_165_11 | taißni äſẜoſchi / vnd nitzinaya czittus / ſchadu liedſi- |
Manc1631_LVM_165_12 | bu: Diwi Czillwäki noghaya aukſcham Baſnizà Pah- |
Manc1631_LVM_165_13 | tarus ſkaitiet / weens by weens Wariſeeris / ohters weens |
Manc1631_LVM_165_14 | Muiteneex. Tas Wariſee- |
Manc1631_LVM_165_15 | ris ſtahweya / vnd ſkaitiya |
Manc1631_LVM_165_16 | py ẜöw paſſcham tha: Es |
Manc1631_LVM_165_17 | patteitſchu töw Deews / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_165_18 | es nhe äßmu ka czitti Lau- |
Manc1631_LVM_165_19 | dis / Laupitayi / Nhetaißni / |
Manc1631_LVM_165_20 | Ļaulibas=pahrlauſetayi / |
Manc1631_LVM_165_21 | jeb arridſan ka ſchiß Mui- |
Manc1631_LVM_165_22 | teneex. Es ghaweyu diwi- |
Manc1631_LVM_165_23 | reis nedeļļà / vnd dohmu to Deßmittu no wiſẜu kas |
Manc1631_LVM_165_24 | mann gir. |
Manc1631_LVM_165_25 | Vnd tas Muiteneex ſtahweya no tahlenes / neds |
Manc1631_LVM_165_26 | ghribbeya ẜawas Atzis paczellt vs Däbbäſẜu / bett ẜitta |
| @b{preekſchan} |
| |
| [166.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_166_1 | preekſchan ẜawu Kruhti / vnd ſatziya: Deews eſẜi mann |
Manc1631_LVM_166_2 | Ghrehzeneekam ſchehliex. Es ẜacku jums / Schiß nogha- |
Manc1631_LVM_166_3 | ya ſemmeh taißnis ẜawa Nammà preekſch winyu. Ai- |
Manc1631_LVM_166_4 | ſto kas ſöw patz auxtenayahß / tas tohp ſämmohtz / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_166_5 | kas ſöw patz ſämmoyahß / tas tohp pa=auxtenahtz. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_166_6 | @v{Epiſtel am zwölfften Sontage nach Trinita-} |
Manc1631_LVM_166_7 | @v{tis / 2. Corinth. 3.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_166_8 | MJeļi Brahļi / tada peetitziba gir mums czaur |
Manc1631_LVM_166_9 | CHriſtum py Deewu / nhe ta / ka mehß ko labb |
Manc1631_LVM_166_10 | därram no mums paſſcheems kahdu leetu apdohmaht / |
Manc1631_LVM_166_11 | ihten ka no mums paſſcheems: Bett ko mehß därram / |
Manc1631_LVM_166_12 | tas gir no Deewu / katters mums arridſan czeenigus dar- |
Manc1631_LVM_166_13 | riyis gir / to Ammatu tahß jaunas Eeſtadiſchanas ſtrah- |
Manc1631_LVM_166_14 | daht / nhe ta Baußla / bett ta Gharra. Aiſto tas Bauß- |
Manc1631_LVM_166_15 | lis nokau / bett tas Gharrs darra dſiewus. |
Manc1631_LVM_166_16 | Bett ja tam Ammatam / katters czaur to Baußlu |
Manc1631_LVM_166_17 | nokaw / vnd eekſchan teems Ackminņeems eſiemohtz gir / |
Manc1631_LVM_166_18 | ſkaidriba by / ka tee Bährni Jſrael nhe warreya vsluh- |
Manc1631_LVM_166_19 | koht to waighu Moſi / tahß ſkaidribas dehļ winya Wai- |
Manc1631_LVM_166_20 | gha / kattra mittahß / ka nhe by tad dauds wairahk tam |
Manc1631_LVM_166_21 | Ammatam / katters to Gharru dohd / ſkaidriba buht? |
Manc1631_LVM_166_22 | Aiſto ka nu tam Ammatam / katters to Paſuſſchanu |
Manc1631_LVM_166_23 | mahza / ſkaidriba gir / wehl dauds wairahk gir tam Am- |
Manc1631_LVM_166_24 | matam / katters to Taißnibu mahza / ſpehziga ſkaidriba. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_166_25 | @v{Evangelium am zwölfften Sontage nach} |
Manc1631_LVM_166_26 | @v{Trinitatis / Marci 7. Cap.} |
| @b{Kad} |
| |
| [167.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_167_1 | KAd JEſus atkal ißghaya no teems Eſcheems Tyri |
Manc1631_LVM_167_2 | vnd Sydon / nahze tas py to Galileero Juhri / wid- |
Manc1631_LVM_167_3 | du ſtarpan teems Eſcheems to deßmitto Pilo. Vnd tee |
Manc1631_LVM_167_4 | neſẜe weenu Kurrlu py to / tas by Mähms. Vnd tee luh- |
Manc1631_LVM_167_5 | dſe to / ka tas ẜawas Rohkas vs to licktu. Vnd tas jehme |
Manc1631_LVM_167_6 | to no teems Ļaudeems ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_167_7 | wißke py mallas / vnd licka |
Manc1631_LVM_167_8 | tam tohß pirrxtus Auſẜies / |
Manc1631_LVM_167_9 | vnd iß=ſpļahwe / vnd aiſka- |
Manc1631_LVM_167_10 | re winja Mehl / vnd ſkatti- |
Manc1631_LVM_167_11 | yahß vs Däbbäſſu / nopuh- |
Manc1631_LVM_167_12 | tehß vnd ẜatziya vs to: He- |
Manc1631_LVM_167_13 | phetah / tas gir / attwerrees. |
Manc1631_LVM_167_14 | Vnd tudeļļ attwehrehß |
Manc1631_LVM_167_15 | winja Auſẜis / vnd tas Ꞩaitz winja Mehles tappa |
Manc1631_LVM_167_16 | Ꞩwabbatz / vnd runnaya pareiſe. Vnd wings aißleedſe |
Manc1631_LVM_167_17 | teems / teems nhe by to nhe weenam ẜatziet. Bett jo wings |
Manc1631_LVM_167_18 | wairahk aißleedſe / jo tee wairahk ißpaude / vnd iſẜabrieno- |
Manc1631_LVM_167_19 | yahß parr to ļohte / vnd ẜatziya: Tas gir wiſẜas leetas |
Manc1631_LVM_167_20 | labbe darriyis / tohß Kurrlus gir tas dſirrdoſchus dar- |
Manc1631_LVM_167_21 | riyis / vnd tohß Mähmus runnayoſchus. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_167_22 | @v{Epiſtel am dreyzehenden Sontage nach Tri-} |
Manc1631_LVM_167_23 | @v{nitatis / Gal. 3.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_167_24 | MYļi Brahļi / es ghribbu vs Czillwehzigu dabbu |
Manc1631_LVM_167_25 | runnaht. Nhe weens nitzina weena Czillwäka Ee- |
Manc1631_LVM_167_26 | ſtadiſchanu (kad ta apſtipprenata gir) vnd nhe peeleek ar- |
| @b{ridſan} |
| |
| [168.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_168_1 | ridſan nhe neeka. Nu gir jo ta ẜohliſchana tam Abraha- |
Manc1631_LVM_168_2 | mam / vnd winja Sähklai ẜohlita. Tas nhe ẜacka / eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_168_3 | teems Ꞩähkleems / ka czaur dauds / bett ka czaur weenu: |
Manc1631_LVM_168_4 | Czaur tawu Ꞩähklu / katters gir CHriſtus. Bett es |
Manc1631_LVM_168_5 | ẜacku no to / ta Eeſtadiſchana kattra no Deewu pa- |
Manc1631_LVM_168_6 | preekſch apſtipprenata gir / vs CHriſtum / nhe tohp iß- |
Manc1631_LVM_168_7 | dſähſta / ka tai Ꞩohliſchanai by czaur to Baußlu miſt / |
Manc1631_LVM_168_8 | (@l{alij} mittehtees) katters dohtz gir par tſchettreẜimbteems |
Manc1631_LVM_168_9 | vnd trießdeßmitteems Ghaddeems. Aiſto ja ta Bährna |
Manc1631_LVM_168_10 | Mañtiba czaur to Baußlu nopellnita taptu / tad nhe tap- |
Manc1631_LVM_168_11 | tu ta czaur to Ꞩohliſchanu dohta. Bett Deews gir tam |
Manc1631_LVM_168_12 | Abrahamam to czaur to Ꞩohliſchanu wellte ee=ſkiņņko- |
Manc1631_LVM_168_13 | yis. Ko buhß tad tam Baußlam? Tas gir klaht pee=nah- |
Manc1631_LVM_168_14 | zis to Ghrähko dehļ teekam ka ta Ꞩähkla nahktu / tam kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_168_15 | tram ta Ꞩohliſchana notickuſẜi gir / vnd gir ißtaiſẜietz no |
Manc1631_LVM_168_16 | teems Engeļeems czaur to Rohku tha Widdetaya / bett |
Manc1631_LVM_168_17 | weens Widdetais nhe gir weena weeniga Widdetais bett |
Manc1631_LVM_168_18 | Deews gir weeniex. Kas{Ka?} gir tad tas Baußlis pretty Dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_168_19 | wa ẜohliẜchanu? Tas nhe=warr buht. Bett ja kahtz Bauß- |
Manc1631_LVM_168_20 | lis buhtu dohtz / kas warrätu dſiewus darriet / tad nahktu |
Manc1631_LVM_168_21 | ta Taißniba pattees no to Baußlu. Bett tas Raxtz gir |
Manc1631_LVM_168_22 | wiſẜus nolitzis appackſchan teems Ghräkeems / ka ta |
Manc1631_LVM_168_23 | Ꞩohliẜchana nahktu / czaur to Titzibu eekſchan CHriſto |
Manc1631_LVM_168_24 | JEſu / teems dohta / kattri titz. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_168_25 | @v{Evangelium am dreyzehenden Sontage} |
Manc1631_LVM_168_26 | @v{nach Trinitatis / Luc. 10.} |
| |
| @b{JEſus} |
| |
| [169.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_169_1 | JEſus attghreeſehß ẜöw vs ẜaweems Mahzekļeems / |
Manc1631_LVM_169_2 | vnd ẜatziya itt ihpaſſch: Swähtas gir tahß Atzis / |
Manc1631_LVM_169_3 | kattras räds / ko juhß rädſaht. Aiſto es ẜacku jums / dauds |
Manc1631_LVM_169_4 | Proweetes vnd Koningi ghribbeya redſeht / ka juhß räd- |
Manc1631_LVM_169_5 | ſaht / vnd nhe gir redſeyuſchi / vnd dſirrdeht / ko juhß dſirr- |
Manc1631_LVM_169_6 | daht / vnd nhe gir dſirrdeyuſchi. |
Manc1631_LVM_169_7 | Vnd reds / tad czehlehß |
Manc1631_LVM_169_8 | aukſcham weens Raxta= |
Manc1631_LVM_169_9 | mahzetayß / ghribbädams |
Manc1631_LVM_169_10 | to ißklauſẜiet ẜatziya: Mei- |
Manc1631_LVM_169_11 | ſteri / ko buhß mann dar- |
Manc1631_LVM_169_12 | rieth / ka es to muhſchigu |
Manc1631_LVM_169_13 | Dſiewoſchanu dabbu ? |
Manc1631_LVM_169_14 | Bett wings ẜatziya vs to: |
Manc1631_LVM_169_15 | Ka ſtahw Baußly raxtietz? |
Manc1631_LVM_169_16 | Ka laſẜi tu ? Tas attbilldeya vnd ẜatziya / Töw buhß Dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_169_17 | wu tawu Kungu mieļoht / no wiſẜas Ꞩirrdtz / no wiſẜu |
Manc1631_LVM_169_18 | Dwehſẜeli / no wiſẜu Ꞩpähku / vnd no wiſẜu Prahtu / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_169_19 | tawu Tuwaku ka ẜöw paſſchu. Bett wings ẜatziya vs |
Manc1631_LVM_169_20 | to: Tu eſẜi pareiſe adbilldeyis / darri to / tad tu dſie- |
Manc1631_LVM_169_21 | wohſẜi. |
Manc1631_LVM_169_22 | Bett tas ghribbädams ẜöw pattz taißnohtees / ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_169_23 | tziya vs JEſu: Kas gir tad manns Tuwakaiß? Tad |
Manc1631_LVM_169_24 | adbilldeya JEſus vnd ẜatziya / Turr by weens Czill- |
Manc1631_LVM_169_25 | wähx / tas ißghaya no Jeruſalemes vs Jericho / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_169_26 | tam ghaddiyahß ſtarrp Släppkaweems / tee ißwillka |
Manc1631_LVM_169_27 | to / vnd kuhle to / vnd ghaya nohſt / vnd atſtahya to pus |
| @b{nomirru-} |
| |
| [170.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_170_1 | nomirruſchu ghulloſchu. Bett tas lehzehß no nheyauſch / |
Manc1631_LVM_170_2 | ka weens Baſnizaskunx to paſſchu czeļļu ſtaighaya / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_170_3 | kad tas nahze py to weetu / vnd redſeya to / paghaya tas |
Manc1631_LVM_170_4 | czätzen. Ta lieds arridſan weens Leewietz / kad tas nahze |
Manc1631_LVM_170_5 | py to weetu / vnd redſeya to / ghaya tas czätzen. Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_170_6 | weens Samariters ſtaighaya vnd nahze turr. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_170_7 | kad tas to redſeya / abſchäloyahß tas ẜöw par to / vnd pee- |
Manc1631_LVM_170_8 | ghaya py to / ẜaſẜehya tam winja Wahtes / vnd lähya tam |
Manc1631_LVM_170_9 | eekſchan Ölye vnd Wienu. Vnd czehle to vs ẜawu Lohpu / |
Manc1631_LVM_170_10 | vnd wedde to eekſchan Mahyaweetas / vnd peeluhkoya |
Manc1631_LVM_170_11 | to. Ohtrà Deenà brautze tas nohſt / vnd ißwilka diwi |
Manc1631_LVM_170_12 | Ghroſſchus / vnd dewe tohß tam Ꞩaimneekam / vnd ẜatzi- |
Manc1631_LVM_170_13 | ya vs to: Ghlabba to / vnd ja tu ko wairahk ißdoſẜi / ghrib- |
Manc1631_LVM_170_14 | bu es töw to attmaxaht attee=dam̃s. Kattru ſkeetees tu / |
Manc1631_LVM_170_15 | no ſcheems trimm to Tuwaku äſẜam biyuſchu tam / kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_170_16 | tram ſtarrp Släppkaweems ghaddiyahß? Tas ẜatziya / |
Manc1631_LVM_170_17 | Tas / katters ſchälaſtibu tam darriya. Tad ẜatziya JE- |
Manc1631_LVM_170_18 | ſus vs to: Tad ey prohyam / vnd darri tha arridſan. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_170_19 | @v{Epiſtel am vierzehenden Sontage nach Tri-} |
Manc1631_LVM_170_20 | @v{nitatis / Gal. 5.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_170_21 | MJeļi Brahļi / ſtaighayeeta eekſchan Gharru / tad |
Manc1631_LVM_170_22 | juhß tahß Meſẜas kahribu nhe peepilldieſẜeeta. |
Manc1631_LVM_170_23 | Aiſto tai Meeſẜi ghribbahß prettie to Gharru / vnd tam |
Manc1631_LVM_170_24 | Gharram prettie to Meeſẜu. Tee paſſchi gir weens prett |
Manc1631_LVM_170_25 | ohtru / ka juhß nhe darraht / ko juhß ghribbaht. Bett ja |
Manc1631_LVM_170_26 | jums tas Gharrs wallda / tad nhe eſẜeta juhß appack- |
| @b{ſchan} |
| |
| [171.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_171_1 | ſchan to Baußli. Bett tee darrbi tahß Meeſẜas gir ſinna- |
Manc1631_LVM_171_2 | mi / ka turr gir Laulibas Pahrkahpſchana / Mauziba / |
Manc1631_LVM_171_3 | nheſkieſtiba / Beßkauniba / Ällkadeewiba / Burrwiba / |
Manc1631_LVM_171_4 | Eenaidiba / Bahrſchana / Eeniedeſchana / Dußmiba / |
Manc1631_LVM_171_5 | Reeſchana / Nheẜaddereſchana / nhelabba Mahziba / |
Manc1631_LVM_171_6 | Nhe ee=redſeſchana / Släppkawiba / Plieteſchana / Rye- |
Manc1631_LVM_171_7 | ſchana / vnd kas ta warr buht. No kattreems es jums |
Manc1631_LVM_171_8 | papreekſch ẜatziyis äßmu / vnd ẜacku wehl papreekſch / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_171_9 | tee / kattri to darra / to Deewa Wallſtibu par Bährna |
Manc1631_LVM_171_10 | manntibu nhe dabbuis. |
Manc1631_LVM_171_11 | Bett tee augļi tha Gharra gir / Myläſtiba / Liexmi- |
Manc1631_LVM_171_12 | ba / Meers / Pazeeſchana / lehniba / laipniba / Titziba / |
Manc1631_LVM_171_13 | lähns=prahtz{lähns=praptz} / Skieſtiba / prettie tahdeems nhe gir tas |
Manc1631_LVM_171_14 | Baußlis. Bett kattri CHriſto / peedärr / tee ſlahpina |
Manc1631_LVM_171_15 | ẜawu Meeſẜu / arr to Kahrumu vnd eeghribbeſchanu. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_171_16 | @v{Evangelium am vierzehenden Sontage} |
Manc1631_LVM_171_17 | @v{nach Trinitatis / Luc. 17.} |
Manc1631_LVM_171_18 | VNd tas notickahß / kad JEſus ghaya vs Jeruſale- |
Manc1631_LVM_171_19 | mes / ſtaighaya tas widdu czaur Samaria vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_171_20 | Galilea. Vnd kad wings |
Manc1631_LVM_171_21 | weenà Jellghawà nahze / |
Manc1631_LVM_171_22 | ẜattappa winjam deßmittz |
Manc1631_LVM_171_23 | Spittaligi Wieri / tee ſtah- |
Manc1631_LVM_171_24 | weya no tahļenes / pazäll- |
Manc1631_LVM_171_25 | dami ẜawus Ballxnes ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_171_26 | tziya: JEſu / myļais Mei- |
Manc1631_LVM_171_27 | ſteri / abſchäloyees töw par |
| @b{mums} |
| |
| [172.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_172_1 | mums. Vnd kad wings tohß redſeya / ẜatziya wings |
Manc1631_LVM_172_2 | vs teems: No eyta / vnd rahdaitees teems Baſnizas= |
Manc1631_LVM_172_3 | kungeems. Vnd tas notickahß kad tee noghaya / tappa |
Manc1631_LVM_172_4 | tee ſkieſti. |
Manc1631_LVM_172_5 | Bett weens no teems / rädſädams / ka tas by Wäſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_172_6 | ẜäls tappis / attghreeſehß tas attkal apkahrt / vnd teitze |
Manc1631_LVM_172_7 | Deewu / ar ſkannigu ballxni / vnd kritta vs ẜawu Wai- |
Manc1631_LVM_172_8 | gu / py winja kahyeems / vnd patteitze winjam. Vnd tas |
Manc1631_LVM_172_9 | by weens Samariters. Bett JEſus adbilldeya vnd ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_172_10 | tziya / Nhegg gir turr deßmittz ſkieſti tappuſchi? Bett kur |
Manc1631_LVM_172_11 | gir tee dehwingi? Nhe gir tad czittz nhe weens attrahſts / |
Manc1631_LVM_172_12 | katters attkal attghreeſtohß / vnd dohtu Deewam Ghoh- |
Manc1631_LVM_172_13 | du / ka weens ſchis Sweſſcheneex? Vnd wings ẜatziya vs |
Manc1631_LVM_172_14 | to: Czellees aukſcham / ey prohyam / tawa Titziba gir |
Manc1631_LVM_172_15 | töw palliedſeyuſẜi. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_172_16 | @v{Epiſtel am funffzehenden Sontage nach Tri-} |
Manc1631_LVM_172_17 | @v{nitatis / Gal. 6.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_172_18 | MJeļi Brahļi / ja mehß eekſchan Gharru dſiewo- |
Manc1631_LVM_172_19 | yam / tad laideeta mums arridſan eekſchan Ghar- |
Manc1631_LVM_172_20 | ru ſtaighaht. Nhe laideeta mums pehtz to neezigu Ghoh- |
Manc1631_LVM_172_21 | du kahrotees / neds dußmotees muhſẜo ſtarrpà / neds eenie- |
Manc1631_LVM_172_22 | dehtees. Myļi Brahļi / ja kahtz Czillwähx no kahdas wai- |
Manc1631_LVM_172_23 | nas pahrſteicktz tohp / tad palliedſeeta tam attkal ar lehn- |
Manc1631_LVM_172_24 | prahtigu Gharru / juhß kattri juhß Gharrigi eſẜeeta. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_172_25 | luhkoyees vs ẜöw paſſchu / ka tu arridſan nhe tohpi kahr- |
Manc1631_LVM_172_26 | denahtz. Weens laid pannäß ohtra Naßtu / tad juhß to |
| @b{Baußlu} |
| |
| [173.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_173_1 | Baußlu CHriſti peepilldieeſẜeta. Bett ja kaßlabba do- |
Manc1631_LVM_173_2 | matu / täs äſẜohtz kas / vnd tas tomähr nhe gir nheneeka / |
Manc1631_LVM_173_3 | tas peewiļļahß ẜöw pattz. Bett ickweens laid luhko vs ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_173_4 | wu paſſchu darrbu / vnd tad buhß tam py ſöw paſſcham |
Manc1631_LVM_173_5 | Ghohtz / vnd nhe py czittu. Aiſto ick weens ẜawu Naßtu |
Manc1631_LVM_173_6 | neſẜies. |
Manc1631_LVM_173_7 | Bett tas kas pamahzietz tohp ar to Wahrdu / tam buhß |
Manc1631_LVM_173_8 | ißdallieth wiſẜu labbumu tam kas to pamahza. Nhe allo- |
Manc1631_LVM_173_9 | yeetees / Deews nhe leekahß apſmeetees. Aiſto ko tas |
Manc1631_LVM_173_10 | Czillwähx ẜeh / to tas pļaws. Kas vs to Meeſẜu ẜeh / tas no |
Manc1631_LVM_173_11 | to Meeſẜu to ẜamaitaſchanu pļaws. Bett kas vs to Ghar- |
Manc1631_LVM_173_12 | ru ẜeh / tas no to Gharru to muhſchigu dſiewoſchanu |
Manc1631_LVM_173_13 | pļaws. Bett laideeta mums labbe darriet / vnd nhe pee- |
Manc1631_LVM_173_14 | kuſt. Aiſto ẜawà laikà mehß arridſan pļauſẜim bes mitte- |
Manc1631_LVM_173_15 | ſchanas. Kad mums nu laix gir / tad laideeta mums lab- |
Manc1631_LVM_173_16 | be darrieth ick=kattram / bett wißwairahk py tahß titzibas |
Manc1631_LVM_173_17 | draugheems. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_173_18 | @v{Evangelium am funffzehenden Sontage} |
Manc1631_LVM_173_19 | @v{nach Trinitatis / Matth. 6.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_173_20 | JEſus ẜatziya vs teems Ļaudeems: Nhe weens nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_173_21 | warr diweems Kungeems kallpoht / jeb tam buhß |
Manc1631_LVM_173_22 | weenu ee=niedeht / vnd to ohtru mieļoht / jeb tam buhß wee- |
Manc1631_LVM_173_23 | nam peekehrtees / vnd to ohtru ee=niedeht. Juhß nhe war- |
Manc1631_LVM_173_24 | reeta Deewam kallpoht vnd tam Mammoņam. Tapehtz |
Manc1631_LVM_173_25 | ẜacku es jums / Nhe ghadayeeta par juhſẜu Dſiewibu / ko |
Manc1631_LVM_173_26 | juhß ähdieſẜeeta vnd dſerrſẜeeta / neds arridſan par juhſẜu |
Manc1631_LVM_173_27 | Meeſẜu / ko juhß apwillxeeta. Negg gir ta Dſiewiba |
| @b{labbaka} |
| |
| [174.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_174_1 | labbaka nhe ka ta Barri- |
Manc1631_LVM_174_2 | ba? Vnd ta Meeſẜa labba- |
Manc1631_LVM_174_3 | ka nhe ka tahß Drehbes. |
Manc1631_LVM_174_4 | Raughaita vs teems Putt- |
Manc1631_LVM_174_5 | neems appackſchan to däb- |
Manc1631_LVM_174_6 | bäſẜu / Tee nhe ẜeh / tee nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_174_7 | pļaw / tee nhe ẜawädd Sku- |
Manc1631_LVM_174_8 | ny / vnd juhſẜo Däbbäſẜo |
Manc1631_LVM_174_9 | Tähws barryo tohß to- |
Manc1631_LVM_174_10 | mähr. Nhegg eſẜeeta juhß tad dauds labbaki nhe ka tee? |
Manc1631_LVM_174_11 | Kas gir juhſẜo ſtarrpa / katters ẜawai gharŗumai weenu |
Manc1631_LVM_174_12 | Ohleckti peelickt warr / jeb tas tadehļ ghann bähdayahß. |
Manc1631_LVM_174_13 | Vnd kapehtz ghadayeeta juhß par tahm Drehbem? Rau- |
Manc1631_LVM_174_14 | ghaita vs teems Pugkeems wirß Lauku{Ļauku} / ka tee aug. Tee |
Manc1631_LVM_174_15 | nhe ſtrahda / neds tee arridſan wehrp. Es ẜacku jums / |
Manc1631_LVM_174_16 | ka arridſan Salomons wiſẜà ẜawà Ghohdibà nhe gir |
Manc1631_LVM_174_17 | tha apghärbtz biyis / ka weens no teems paſſcheems. Ja |
Manc1631_LVM_174_18 | tad Deews to Sahl wirß Lauku tha apghärb / kattra |
Manc1631_LVM_174_19 | ſchodeen ſtahw / vnd riete Krahßny eemäſta tohp / negg by |
Manc1631_LVM_174_20 | tad tam to jums wehl wairahk darriet? O juhß wahyi- |
Manc1631_LVM_174_21 | titzigi! |
Manc1631_LVM_174_22 | Tapehtz nhe buhß jums ghadaht / vnd ẜatziet: Ko |
Manc1631_LVM_174_23 | mehß ähdieſẜim / ko mehß Dſerrſẜim / ar ko mehß ẜöw |
Manc1631_LVM_174_24 | apgherbẜimees? Pehtz tahdu leetu ghada tee Paggaņi / |
Manc1631_LVM_174_25 | aiſto juhſẜo Däbbäſẜo Tähws ſinna / ka jums tahdas lee- |
Manc1631_LVM_174_26 | tas wayaga gir. Ghadayeeta wiß pirrmahk pehtz Dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_174_27 | wa Wallſtibas / vnd pehtz winja Taißnibas / tad jums |
| @b{wiſẜas} |
| |
| [175.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_175_1 | wiſẜas leetas peekrittis. Tapehtz nhe ghadayeeta par to |
Manc1631_LVM_175_2 | nahkoſchu Rietu / aiſto ta Rietasdeena par ẜöw paſſcham |
Manc1631_LVM_175_3 | ghadahß. Tas gir ghann / ka ick=kattrai Deeni ẜawas |
Manc1631_LVM_175_4 | paſſchas bähdas gir. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_175_5 | @v{Epiſtel am ſechzehenden Sontage nach Tri-} |
Manc1631_LVM_175_6 | @v{nitatis / Epheſ. 3.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_175_7 | MYļi Brahļi / es luhdſcho / ka juhß nhe peekuhſtaht / |
Manc1631_LVM_175_8 | manno bähdo dehļ / kattrus es juſẜo dehļ czeeſcho / |
Manc1631_LVM_175_9 | kattri jums Ghodà gir. Tapehts lohku es ẜawus czeļļus |
Manc1631_LVM_175_10 | preekſchan to Tähwu muhſẜa Kunga JEſu CHriſti / kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_175_11 | ters tas ihſtäns Tähws gir par wiſẜeems / kattri Tähws |
Manc1631_LVM_175_12 | dehwe / eekſchan Debbes vnd wirſẜu Semmes / ka tas |
Manc1631_LVM_175_13 | jums Spähku dohd pehts to Baggatibu ẜawas Ghodi- |
Manc1631_LVM_175_14 | bas / ſtippreems tapt czaur ẜawu Gharru py to eekſchigu |
Manc1631_LVM_175_15 | Czillwäku / vnd CHriſtum dſiewoht czaur to Titzibu |
Manc1631_LVM_175_16 | juhſẜahß Syrdys / vnd czaur to Mylibu eeẜacknoti / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_175_17 | eedibbinati tohpat / ka juhß ẜayembt warreeta ar wiſẜeems |
Manc1631_LVM_175_18 | Swähteems / kas gir tas Plattums / vnd tas Ghar- |
Manc1631_LVM_175_19 | yums / vnd tas Dſiļļums / vnd ta Auxtiba. Arridſan ad- |
Manc1631_LVM_175_20 | ſiet / ka CHriſtum myļoht / dauds labbahke gir / nheka |
Manc1631_LVM_175_21 | wiß ſinnaht / ka juhß peepillditi tohpeeta ar wiſẜenahdu |
Manc1631_LVM_175_22 | Deewa pillnibu. |
Manc1631_LVM_175_23 | Bett tam / katters dauds wairahk darryht war par |
Manc1631_LVM_175_24 | wiſẜu / ko mehß luhdſam jeb ẜaprohtam / pehts to Späh- |
Manc1631_LVM_175_25 | ku / katters eekſchan mums ſtrahda / tam gir Ghohdts eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_175_26 | ſchan tahß Draudſibas / kattra eekſchan CHriſto JEſu |
Manc1631_LVM_175_27 | gir / wiſẜà laikà / muhſchige / Amen. |
| @b{Evan-} |
| |
| [176.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_176_1 | @v{Evangelium am ſechszehenden Sontage} |
Manc1631_LVM_176_2 | @v{nach Trinitatis / Luc. 7.} |
Manc1631_LVM_176_3 | VNd pehts to notickahß / ka JEſus weenà Pilly / ar |
Manc1631_LVM_176_4 | wahrdu Nain / ghaya / vnd dauds no winja Mah- |
Manc1631_LVM_176_5 | zekļeems ghaya liedſe / vnd dauds Ļaudis. Bett kad |
Manc1631_LVM_176_6 | wings tuwe py Pillswahrteems nahze / Rauge / tad iß- |
Manc1631_LVM_176_7 | neſẜe tee weenu Mirroni / |
Manc1631_LVM_176_8 | katters weens weeniex |
Manc1631_LVM_176_9 | Dähls ẜawas Mahtes |
Manc1631_LVM_176_10 | by / vnd tha by Attraitne. |
Manc1631_LVM_176_11 | Vnd dauds Pillsļaudis |
Manc1631_LVM_176_12 | ghaya ar tahß. Vnd kad to |
Manc1631_LVM_176_13 | tas Kunx redſeya / truhka |
Manc1631_LVM_176_14 | tam Ꞩirdts par tahß / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_176_15 | ẜatziya vs tahß. Nhe rau- |
Manc1631_LVM_176_16 | di. Vnd peeghaya / vnd aiſkahre to Mirronſkirrſtu / |
Manc1631_LVM_176_17 | vnd tee Neſẜeyi ſtahweya. Vnd wings ẜatziya / Puiſẜi / |
Manc1631_LVM_176_18 | es ẜacku töw / czelleeß aukſcham / vnd tas Puiſẜis czeh- |
Manc1631_LVM_176_19 | lehß aukſcham / vnd eeẜahka runnaht. Vnd wings eede- |
Manc1631_LVM_176_20 | we to ẜawai Mahtei. Vnd Biyaſchana pahrghaya |
Manc1631_LVM_176_21 | par wiſẜus / vnd teitze Deewu / vnd ẜatziya / Leels |
Manc1631_LVM_176_22 | Propeets muhſẜo ſtarpa gir pazehlees / vnd Deews gir |
Manc1631_LVM_176_23 | ẜawus Ļaudis apraudſiyis. Vnd ſchy Wallohda no |
Manc1631_LVM_176_24 | winju ißpauda par wiſſu Juddo Semm / vnd wiſẜahß |
Manc1631_LVM_176_25 | apkahrt ghullamahß Semmehß. |
| @b{Epiſtel} |
| |
| [177.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_177_1 | @v{Epiſtel am ſiebenzehenden Sontage nach} |
Manc1631_LVM_177_2 | @v{Trinitatis / Eph. 4.} |
Manc1631_LVM_177_3 | MYļi Braļi / Es Czeetumà buhdams eekſchan to |
Manc1631_LVM_177_4 | Kungu / peeminnu jums nu / ka juhß ſtaighayee- |
Manc1631_LVM_177_5 | ta / ka juhſẜai Aitzenaſchanai peeklayahß / eekſchan kattru |
Manc1631_LVM_177_6 | juhß aitzenati eſẜeeta / ar wiſẜu Sämmoſchanu vnd Lhen- |
Manc1631_LVM_177_7 | pratibu / ar Patzeeſchanu / vnd czeeteeta weens ohtru eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_177_8 | ſchan mileſtibas / vnd turraita no Ꞩirdts to Weenaidibu |
Manc1631_LVM_177_9 | Gharrà / czaur to Ꞩaitu ta Meera. Weena Meeſẜa / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_177_10 | weens Gharrs / ka juhß arridſan aitzenati eſẜeeta / vs wee- |
Manc1631_LVM_177_11 | nadigu czerribu juhſẜas Aitzenaſchanas. Weens Kunx / |
Manc1631_LVM_177_12 | weena Titziba / weenà Chriſtiba / weens Deews vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_177_13 | Tähws (muhſẜo) wiſẜo / katters gir par jums wiſẜeems / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_177_14 | czaur jums wiſẜeems / vnd eekſchan jums wiſẜeems. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_177_15 | @v{Evangelium am ſiebenzehenden Sontage} |
Manc1631_LVM_177_16 | @v{nach Trinitatis / Luc. 14.} |
Manc1631_LVM_177_17 | VNd tas notickahß / ka JESVS nahze weena |
Manc1631_LVM_177_18 | Wirſẜeeneeka Nammà / Swehdeenà to Mais ähſt. |
Manc1631_LVM_177_19 | Vnd tee ghluneya vs winju. Vnd raugi / turr by weens |
Manc1631_LVM_177_20 | Czillwähx preekſchan winju / tas by Vdenaẜehrdſiex. |
Manc1631_LVM_177_21 | Vnd JEſus adbilldeya / vnd runnaya vs teems Rax- |
Manc1631_LVM_177_22 | ta Mazetayeems vnd Phariſeereems / vnd ẜatziya: |
Manc1631_LVM_177_23 | Arrieg peedärr Swehdeenà dſedenaht? Bett tee czee- |
Manc1631_LVM_177_24 | te kluſẜe. Vnd wings jeme / vnd dſeedenaya to / |
Manc1631_LVM_177_25 | vnd pallaide to. Vnd adbilldeya / vnd ẜatziya vs |
Manc1631_LVM_177_26 | teems: Kas gir juhſẜo ſtarpà / kam ẜaws Wehrſẜis jeb |
| @b{Eſelis} |
| |
| [178.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_178_1 | Eſelis Ackà eekriet / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_178_2 | tas to tudeļ nhe ißwällk |
Manc1631_LVM_178_3 | Swehdeenà. Vnd tee nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_178_4 | warraya winjam nhe nee- |
Manc1631_LVM_178_5 | ka vs to atkal adbildeht. |
Manc1631_LVM_178_6 | Bett wings ẜatziya wee- |
Manc1631_LVM_178_7 | nu Liedſibu teems Weeſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_178_8 | ẜeems / nomannidams / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_178_9 | tee wehleyahß auxtakà we- |
Manc1631_LVM_178_10 | tà ẜehdeht / vnd ẜatziya vs teems: Kad tu no weenu aitze- |
Manc1631_LVM_178_11 | nahts kļuhſti Kahſahß / tad nhe ẜehdees auxtakà Weetà / |
Manc1631_LVM_178_12 | ka nhe nahx kahts czeenigahx / nhe ka tu / kas no winju |
Manc1631_LVM_178_13 | aitzenahts gir. Vnd kad tas tad nahk / kas töw vnd win- |
Manc1631_LVM_178_14 | ju aitzenayis gir / vs töw ẜacka / wirrẜees ſchim / vnd töw |
Manc1631_LVM_178_15 | buhß tad ar Kaunu ẜämmoyà weetà ẜehdeht. Bett kad |
Manc1631_LVM_178_16 | tu aitzenahts kļuhſti / tad no=ey / vnd ẜehdees ſämmoyà |
Manc1631_LVM_178_17 | weetà / kad tas nahk / kas töw aitzenayis gir / vs töw ẜac- |
Manc1631_LVM_178_18 | ka: Draux / wirrẜees aukſcham. Tad buhß töw Ghohdts |
Manc1631_LVM_178_19 | preekſchan teems / kattri ar töw py Ghalldu ẜehſch. Aiſto |
Manc1631_LVM_178_20 | kas ẜöw patz auxtenayahß / tam buhß ſämmotam tapt / |
Manc1631_LVM_178_21 | vnd kas ẜöw patz ſämmoyahß / tam buhß auxtenatam |
Manc1631_LVM_178_22 | tapt. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_178_23 | @v{Epiſtel am achtzehenden Sontage nach Tri-} |
Manc1631_LVM_178_24 | @v{nitatis / 1. Corinth. 1.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_178_25 | MYļi Brahļi / Es patteitſchu mannam Deewam |
Manc1631_LVM_178_26 | allaſchien / juhſẜo dehļ / par to Deewa ſchälaſtibu / |
| @b{kattra} |
| |
| [179.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_179_1 | kattra jums dohta gir eekſchan CHriſto JEſu. Ka juhß |
Manc1631_LVM_179_2 | eſẜeeta czaur to wiſẜahß Ghabbalohß baggati darriti / wiſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_179_3 | ẜa Mahzibà / vnd wiſẜà atſiſchanà. Ka tad ta Mahziba |
Manc1631_LVM_179_4 | no CHriſto eekſchan jums ſpehziga tappuſẜi gir / tha ka |
Manc1631_LVM_179_5 | jums nhe=neekads Dawans peetruhxt / vnd ghaidaita |
Manc1631_LVM_179_6 | ween vs to Paradiſchanu muhſẜa Kunga JEſu CHriſti / |
Manc1631_LVM_179_7 | katters juhß arridſan ſtipprus paturrehß ihß Ghallam / |
Manc1631_LVM_179_8 | ka juhß nheẜohdami eſẜeeta / vs to Deenu muhſẜa Kunga |
Manc1631_LVM_179_9 | JEſu CHriſti. Aiſto Deews gir peetitziex / czaur kattru |
Manc1631_LVM_179_10 | juhß aitzenati eſẜeeta / py tahß Draudſibas ẜawa Dähla |
Manc1631_LVM_179_11 | JEſu CHriſti muhſẜa Kunga. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_179_12 | @v{Evangelium am achtzehenden Sontage} |
Manc1631_LVM_179_13 | @v{nach Trinitatis / Matth. 22.} |
Manc1631_LVM_179_14 | KAd tee Pariſeeri dſirrdeya / ka JEſus teems Sa- |
Manc1631_LVM_179_15 | duceereems to Mutt aisbahſis by / ẜapullzeyahß |
Manc1631_LVM_179_16 | tee. Vnd weens ſtarpan teems / weens Raxtamazetais |
Manc1631_LVM_179_17 | kahrdenaya to / vnd ẜatziya: Meiſteri / kurrſch gir tas |
Manc1631_LVM_179_18 | auxtakais Baußlis eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_179_19 | ſchan to Baußli? Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_179_20 | JEſus ẜatziya vs to: Töw |
Manc1631_LVM_179_21 | buhß Deewu tawu Kun- |
Manc1631_LVM_179_22 | gu myļoht no wiſẜu Ꞩirrdi / |
Manc1631_LVM_179_23 | no wiſẜu Dwehſẜel / no wiſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_179_24 | ẜu Prahtu. Tas gir tas |
Manc1631_LVM_179_25 | auxtakais Baußlis. Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_179_26 | tas ohtris gir tam lie- |
| @b{dſäns} |
| |
| [180.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_180_1 | dſäns: Töw buhß tawu Tuwaku myļoht / ka ẜöw paſſchu. |
Manc1631_LVM_180_2 | Schinnies diweyohß Baußlies karrayahß wiß Bauß- |
Manc1631_LVM_180_3 | lis / vnd tee Propeetes. |
Manc1631_LVM_180_4 | Kad nu tee Pariſeeri kohpa by / jautaya tohß JE- |
Manc1631_LVM_180_5 | ſus / vnd ẜatziya: Ko ſkeetaht juhß no CHriſto? Ka |
Manc1631_LVM_180_6 | Dähls gir tas? Winyi ẜatziya / Dawida. Tas ẜatziya vs |
Manc1631_LVM_180_7 | teems: Ka ẜaudts to tad Dawids Gharrà Kungu? ẜatzi- |
Manc1631_LVM_180_8 | dams: Tas Kunx ẜatziya vs mannu Kungu / ẜehdees pa |
Manc1631_LVM_180_9 | mannu labbu Rohku / teekams es tawus Eenaidneekus |
Manc1631_LVM_180_10 | leeku par Pamäßlu taweems Kayeems. Ja to nu Da- |
Manc1631_LVM_180_11 | wids Kungu ẜautz / ka gir tas tad winja Dähls? Vnd nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_180_12 | weens nhe ſiñaya tam kahdu Wahrdu adbildeht / vnd nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_180_13 | drieſteya arridſan no tahß Deenas tam wairs jautaht. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_180_14 | @v{Epiſtel am neunzehenden Sontage nach Tri-} |
Manc1631_LVM_180_15 | @v{nitatis / Epheſ. 4.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_180_16 | MYļi Braļi / noleetzeeta nu no jums / pehts to preek- |
Manc1631_LVM_180_17 | ſchu buhſchanu to wätzu Czillwäku / katters czaur |
Manc1631_LVM_180_18 | Kahribeems eekſchan Apalloſchanas ẜöw ẜamaitayahß. |
Manc1631_LVM_180_19 | Bett atjaunayeetees eekſchan Gharru juhſẜo Prahto / |
Manc1631_LVM_180_20 | vnd apwelļzeeta to jaunu Czillwäku / katters pehts Dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_180_21 | wu raddiets gir eekſchan ihſtenu Taißnibu vnd Sweh- |
Manc1631_LVM_180_22 | tibu. Tapehts noleetzeeta tohß Mällus / vnd runnayeeta |
Manc1631_LVM_180_23 | Teeſcham / ick=kattris ar ẜawu Tuwaku / aiſto mehß muhſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_180_24 | ẜo ſtarpa äſẜam Lohzekļi. Dußmoyeeta / vnd nhe ghräko- |
Manc1631_LVM_180_25 | yeeta / nhe leetzeeta to Ꞩaul par juhſẜu dußmibu noreeſt. |
Manc1631_LVM_180_26 | Nhe atkapeeta tam Saimotayam. Kas ſadſis gir / tam |
| @b{nhe} |
| |
| [181.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_181_1 | nhe buhß wairs ſackt / bett ſtradaht / vnd pellniet ar Ro- |
Manc1631_LVM_181_2 | kahms ko labb / ka tas warr doht tam Wayadſigam. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_181_3 | @v{Evangelium am neunzehenden Sontage} |
Manc1631_LVM_181_4 | @v{nach Trinitatis / Matth. 9.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_181_5 | JEſus kahpe Laywà / |
Manc1631_LVM_181_6 | vnd czehlehß atkal |
Manc1631_LVM_181_7 | pahr / vnd nahze ẜawà Pili. |
Manc1631_LVM_181_8 | Vnd raugi / tad neſẜe tee wee- |
Manc1631_LVM_181_9 | nu Mällmänaẜehrdſigu / |
Manc1631_LVM_181_10 | tas ghulleya Ghulltà. Kad |
Manc1631_LVM_181_11 | nu JESVS winjo Ti- |
Manc1631_LVM_181_12 | tzibu redſeya / ẜatziya tas vs |
Manc1631_LVM_181_13 | to Mällmänaẜehrdſigu / |
Manc1631_LVM_181_14 | turrais labbu Prahtu / mans Dähls / tawi Ghräki gir |
Manc1631_LVM_181_15 | töw peedohti. Vnd raugi czitti ſtarpan teems Raxtama- |
Manc1631_LVM_181_16 | zetayeems runnaya ẜawà ſtarpà: Schiß ſaimo Deewu. |
Manc1631_LVM_181_17 | Bett kad JEſus winjo Dohmas redſeya / ẜatziya tas / |
Manc1631_LVM_181_18 | kapehts domayeeta juhß tick ļaun juhſẜahß Ꞩirrdyhß? |
Manc1631_LVM_181_19 | Kas gir lähtake ẜatziet: Töw gir tawi Ghräki peedoh- |
Manc1631_LVM_181_20 | ti / jeb ẜatziet: Czelees / vnd ſtaiga? Bett ka juhß ſin- |
Manc1631_LVM_181_21 | naht / ka ta Czillwäka dählam Warra gir wirſẜon Sem- |
Manc1631_LVM_181_22 | mes tohß Ghräkus peedoht / Satziya tas vs to Mäll- |
Manc1631_LVM_181_23 | mänaẜehrdſigu. Czellees aukſcham / jemm tawu |
Manc1631_LVM_181_24 | Ghulltu / vnd ey Mahyahß. Vnd tas czehlehß aukſcham |
Manc1631_LVM_181_25 | vnd ghaya Mahyahß. Kad tee Ļaudis to redſeya / |
| @b{brynoyahß} |
| |
| [182.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_182_1 | brynoyahß tee / vnd teitze Deewu / katters tahdu Späh- |
Manc1631_LVM_182_2 | ku teems Czillwäkeems dewis gir. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_182_3 | @v{Epiſtel am zwantzigſten Sontage nach Tri-} |
Manc1631_LVM_182_4 | @v{nitatis / Epheſ.5.} |
Manc1631_LVM_182_5 | MYļi Brahļi / peelukoyeeta nu / ka juhß apdohmige |
Manc1631_LVM_182_6 | ſtaigayeeta / nhe ka tee Nheghuddri / bett ka tee |
Manc1631_LVM_182_7 | Ghuddri vnd ẜattaiſẜeetees laikà / aiſto nhelabbs laix. |
Manc1631_LVM_182_8 | Tapehts nhe tohpeeta nheẜaprohtigi / bett prohtaita / kas |
Manc1631_LVM_182_9 | tha Kunga Prahts gir. Vnd nhe peeriyetees no Wynu / |
Manc1631_LVM_182_10 | no Kurrenes nickna dſiewoſchana attlätz. Bett tohpeeta |
Manc1631_LVM_182_11 | pilli Gharru / vnd runnayeeta juhſẜo ſtarpa no dſeeß- |
Manc1631_LVM_182_12 | meems / vnd Patteitzibas dſeeßmeems / vnd gharri- |
Manc1631_LVM_182_13 | gheems dſeeßmeems / dſeedayeeta vnd meesloyeeta tam |
Manc1631_LVM_182_14 | Kungam juhſẜahß Ꞩirrdihß / vnd pateitzeeta allaſchien |
Manc1631_LVM_182_15 | par wiſẜu leetu / Deewam vnd tam Tähwam eekſchan to |
Manc1631_LVM_182_16 | Wahrdu muhſẜa Kunga JEſu CHriſti / vnd eſẜeeta juhſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_182_17 | ẜo ſtarpa paklauſẜgi / eekſchan Deewa biyaſchanas. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_182_18 | @v{Evangelium am zwantzigſten Sontage nach} |
Manc1631_LVM_182_19 | @v{nach Trinitatis / Matth. 22.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_182_20 | JEſus runnaya atkal czaur Liedſibu vs teems Aux- |
Manc1631_LVM_182_21 | ta Baſnizaskungeems / vnd ẜatziya: Ta Debbeſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_182_22 | ẜes=wallſtiba gir liedſa weenam Koninjam / katters ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_182_23 | wam Dählam Kahſas darriya. Vnd iſẜuhtiya ẜawus |
Manc1631_LVM_182_24 | Kallpus / tohß Weeſẜis Kahſahß aitzenaht. Vnd tee nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_182_25 | ghribbeya nahkt. Atkal iſẜuhtiya wings czittus Kallpus / |
| @b{vnd} |
| |
| [183.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_183_1 | vnd ẜatziya / ẜackaita teems Weeſẜeems / Raugaita / mans |
Manc1631_LVM_183_2 | Ähdenagahdts gir ẜattaiſẜiets / manni Wehrſchi / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_183_3 | manni Baryomalohpi gir nokauti / vnd wiſẜas leetas |
Manc1631_LVM_183_4 | ẜattaiſẜitas / nahzeeta Kahſahß. Bett tee nitzinaya to / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_183_5 | nogaya / czitts vs ẜawu Tyrumu / czitts py ẜawu Darrbu. |
Manc1631_LVM_183_6 | Bett czitti ẜaghrabe winja Kallpus / ſaimoya / vnd noka- |
Manc1631_LVM_183_7 | wa tohß. Kad to tas Konings dſirrdeya / tappa tas duß- |
Manc1631_LVM_183_8 | miex / vnd iſẜutiya ẜawu Spähku / vnd licka ſchohß Släpp- |
Manc1631_LVM_183_9 | kawus nokaut / vnd eedädſenaya winjo Pili. |
Manc1631_LVM_183_10 | Tad ẜatziya wings vs ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_183_11 | weems Kallpeems: Tahß |
Manc1631_LVM_183_12 | Kähſas gir ghattaw ẜat- |
Manc1631_LVM_183_13 | taiſẜitas / bett tee Weeſẜis |
Manc1631_LVM_183_14 | nhe by czeenigi. Tapehts |
Manc1631_LVM_183_15 | eita vs teems Eeleems / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_183_16 | aitzenayeeta Kahſahß / kur- |
Manc1631_LVM_183_17 | rohß juhß attrohdaht. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_183_18 | tee Kallpi ißghaya vs |
Manc1631_LVM_183_19 | teems Eeleems / vnd ẜackraya / kahdus attrasdami / ļau- |
Manc1631_LVM_183_20 | nus vnd labbus / vnd tee Ghalldi kļua wiſẜi pilli. Tad |
Manc1631_LVM_183_21 | eeghaya tas Konings / tohß Weeſẜis apraudſiet / vnd ee- |
Manc1631_LVM_183_22 | lukoya weenu Czillwäku / tam nhe by Kahſadrehbes mug- |
Manc1631_LVM_183_23 | gurà. Vnd ẜatziya vs to: Draux / ka eſẜi tu ſcheitan ee- |
Manc1631_LVM_183_24 | nahzis / vnd nhe eſẜe Kahſadrehbes apwillzis? Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_183_25 | wings ka Mähms pallicka. Tad ẜatziya tas Konings vs |
Manc1631_LVM_183_26 | ẜaweems Kallpeems: Ꞩeeneeta tam Rohkas vnd Ka- |
Manc1631_LVM_183_27 | yas / vnd ißmetteeta to Tumſẜibà / tur buhß Kaukſchana |
| @b{vnd} |
| |
| [184.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_184_1 | vnd Sohbo trieſẜeſchana. Aiſto dauds gir aitzenati / bett |
Manc1631_LVM_184_2 | mas gir ißrädſäti. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_184_3 | @v{Epiſtel am ein=vnd=zwantzigſten Sontage} |
Manc1631_LVM_184_4 | @v{nach Trinitatis / Eph. 6.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_184_5 | PEhdige / manni Braļi / eſẜeeta ſtippri eekſchan to |
Manc1631_LVM_184_6 | Kungu / vnd eekſchan Warru ẜawà ſtipprumà. Ap- |
Manc1631_LVM_184_7 | wellzeeta tahß Deewa Brunņas / ka juhß warreeta pret- |
Manc1631_LVM_184_8 | tie ſtahweht / tai willtigai vstetzeſchanai tha Wälla. Ai- |
Manc1631_LVM_184_9 | ſto mums nhe gir ar Meeſẜu vnd Aſẜini ja=kauyahß / bett |
Manc1631_LVM_184_10 | ar leeleems Kungeems vnd Spehzigeems / ar wahrdu / |
Manc1631_LVM_184_11 | ar Kungeems tahß Paſẜaules / kattri ſchahß Paſẜaules |
Manc1631_LVM_184_12 | Tumſẜumà wallda / ar teems ļauneems Gharreems ap- |
Manc1631_LVM_184_13 | pakſchan Debbes. Tapehts ẜaghrabeeta tohß Deewa |
Manc1631_LVM_184_14 | Brunņas / ka juhß / kad ta ļauna Stundinya nahk / pret- |
Manc1631_LVM_184_15 | tie ſtahweht / vnd wiſẜas leetas labbe ißtaiſẜiet / vnd vs- |
Manc1631_LVM_184_16 | wahreht warreeta. |
Manc1631_LVM_184_17 | Tad ſtahweeta nu / apyoẜuſchi juhſẜus Ghurrnus |
Manc1631_LVM_184_18 | ar Taißnibu / vnd apwilkti ar teems Kruhſchabrunņeems |
Manc1631_LVM_184_19 | tahß Taißnibas / vnd ap Kayeems apſabaghoti / ka ghat- |
Manc1631_LVM_184_20 | tawi mahziet to Evangelium ta Meera. Bett par wiſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_184_21 | ẜahms leetahms / ẜaghrabeeta tohß Ällkona brunņas |
Manc1631_LVM_184_22 | tahß Titzibas / ar kattru juhß warreeta ißdſehſt wiſẜas |
Manc1631_LVM_184_23 | dedſigas bulltas ta Blehdneeka. Vnd jemmeeta to Brun- |
Manc1631_LVM_184_24 | ņazeppur tahß Peſtiſchanas / vnd to Sohbeni ta Ghar- |
Manc1631_LVM_184_25 | ra / katters gir tas Deewa Wahrdts. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_184_26 | @v{Evangelium am ein=vnd=zwantzigſten Son-} |
Manc1631_LVM_184_27 | @v{tage nach Trinitatis / Joh. 4.} |
| @b{Tha} |
| |
| [185.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_185_1 | THa Koninja Ꞩullainis by / tha Dähls ghulleya |
Manc1631_LVM_185_2 | nhewäſẜäls Capernaumà. Schis dſirrdeya / ka JE- |
Manc1631_LVM_185_3 | ſus nahtze no Judea / eekſchan Galileam / vnd noghaya py |
Manc1631_LVM_185_4 | to / vnd luhdſe to / ka tas noſtaighatu / vnd palliedſähtu win- |
Manc1631_LVM_185_5 | ja Dählam. Aiſto tas by ihß tay Nawei nhewäſẜäls. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_185_6 | JEſus ẜatziya vs to: Ja |
Manc1631_LVM_185_7 | juhß Siemes vnd Brynu- |
Manc1631_LVM_185_8 | mus nhe rädſaht / tad juhß |
Manc1631_LVM_185_9 | nhe titzaht. Tas Koninya |
Manc1631_LVM_185_10 | Ꞩullainis ẜatziya vs win- |
Manc1631_LVM_185_11 | ju. Kunx / nahtz / pirms |
Manc1631_LVM_185_12 | mans Bährns mirrſt. JE- |
Manc1631_LVM_185_13 | ſus ẜatziya vs to: Ey pro- |
Manc1631_LVM_185_14 | yam / taws Dähls dſiewo. |
Manc1631_LVM_185_15 | Tas Czillwähx titzeya tam Wahrdam / kattru JEſus |
Manc1631_LVM_185_16 | vs to ẜatziya / vnd aisghaya. |
Manc1631_LVM_185_17 | Vnd no=eyoht ẜattapa tam winja Kallpi / paſlud- |
Manc1631_LVM_185_18 | denaya tham / vnd ẜatziya / Taws Bährns dſiewo. Tad |
Manc1631_LVM_185_19 | ißwaizaya tas no teems to Stundu / kad labbahk ar win- |
Manc1631_LVM_185_20 | ju kļuis by. Vnd tee ẜatziya / Wackar ap to ẜeptitu ſtundu |
Manc1631_LVM_185_21 | atſtahya tas Draudſis. Tad nomanņiya tas Tähws / |
Manc1631_LVM_185_22 | ap to ſtundu äſẜam / kad JESVS ẜatziya vs to / Taws |
Manc1631_LVM_185_23 | Dähls dſiewo. Vnd tas titziya ar wiſẜu ẜawu Ꞩaim. |
Manc1631_LVM_185_24 | Ta gir nu ohtra Symeh / kattru JEſus darriya / nahk- |
Manc1631_LVM_185_25 | dams no Judea eekſchan Galileà. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_185_26 | @v{Epiſtel am zwen=vnd=zwantzigſten Sontage} |
Manc1631_LVM_185_27 | @v{nach Trinitatis / Philipp. 1.} |
| @b{Myļi} |
| |
| [186.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_186_1 | MYļi Braļi / Es patteitſchu mannam Deewam / |
Manc1631_LVM_186_2 | czeekahrt es juhſẜo peeminu (kattru es allaſch dar- |
Manc1631_LVM_186_3 | ru / wiſẜohß mannohß Patarohß par jums wiſẜeems / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_186_4 | darru tohß Patarus ar Lyxmibu) par juhſẜu Draudſibu |
Manc1631_LVM_186_5 | py to Ewangelio / no pirrmahß Deenas ihß ſcho. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_186_6 | äßmu labba czerribà / ka tas / katters eekſchan jums ee- |
Manc1631_LVM_186_7 | ẜahzis gir to labbu darrbu / tas to arridſan pabeix / ihß |
Manc1631_LVM_186_8 | tai Deeny JEſu CHriſti / ka man tad peedärr / tha no |
Manc1631_LVM_186_9 | jums wiſẜeems czerreht / Tapehts ka es jums mannà |
Manc1631_LVM_186_10 | Ꞩirdy turru / ſchinni mannà Czeetumà / kur es to Ewan- |
Manc1631_LVM_186_11 | geliumu aißbilldu / vnd apſtippru / ka juhß wiſẜi ar man |
Manc1631_LVM_186_12 | to ſchälaſtibu dabbuyuſchi eſẜeeta. |
Manc1631_LVM_186_13 | Aiſto Deews gir mans Leezeneex / ka mannai Ꞩirr- |
Manc1631_LVM_186_14 | dei ſchäle gir pehts jums eekſchan JEſu CHriſto / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_186_15 | par to luhdſcho es / ka juhſẜa myleſtiba jo Deenas jo wai- |
Manc1631_LVM_186_16 | rahk baggata tohp / wiſẜenadà atſiſchana vnd ẜajuſẜcha- |
Manc1631_LVM_186_17 | nà / ka juhß baudyht warraht / kas labbahx gir / ka juhß |
Manc1631_LVM_186_18 | tyre vnd nhe peedauſighi eſẜeeta ihß tai Deeny CHriſti / |
Manc1631_LVM_186_19 | peepillditi ar augļeems tahß Taißnibas / kattra czaur |
Manc1631_LVM_186_20 | JEſum CHriſtum notikuſẜi gir (eekſchan jums) Dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_186_21 | wam par Ghodu vnd Slawu. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_186_22 | @v{Evangelium am 22. Sontage nach Trini-} |
Manc1631_LVM_186_23 | @v{tatis / Matth. 18.} |
Manc1631_LVM_186_24 | JEſus ẜatziya vs ẜaweems Mahzekļeems: Ta Däb- |
Manc1631_LVM_186_25 | bäſẜa=wallſtiba gir liedſa weenam Koninjam / kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_186_26 | ters ar ẜaweems Kallpeems lagadiet gribbeya. Vnd kad |
| @b{tas} |
| |
| [187.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_187_1 | tas eeẜahka lagadiet / nahze tam weens preekſchan / tas |
Manc1631_LVM_187_2 | by tam deßmitz tuhxtoſchus Pohdus parrada. Kad tas |
Manc1631_LVM_187_3 | nu nhe=ſpehya to maxaht / |
Manc1631_LVM_187_4 | pawheleya tas Kunx par- |
Manc1631_LVM_187_5 | doht ẜöw / ẜawu Ꞩeewu |
Manc1631_LVM_187_6 | vnd ẜawus Bährnus / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_187_7 | wis kas tam by / vnd ma- |
Manc1631_LVM_187_8 | xaht. Tad kritta tas Kallps |
Manc1631_LVM_187_9 | ſemme / vnd peeluhdſe to / |
Manc1631_LVM_187_10 | vnd ẜatziya / Kunx / eſẜi ar |
Manc1631_LVM_187_11 | man ar Meeru / es gribbu |
Manc1631_LVM_187_12 | töw wiſẜunotaļ maxaht. Tad by tam Kungam ſchäl ta |
Manc1631_LVM_187_13 | Kallpa / vnd palaide to / vnd to Parradu atlaide tas tam |
Manc1631_LVM_187_14 | arridſan. |
Manc1631_LVM_187_15 | Tad ißghaya tas patz Kallps ara / vnd attradda |
Manc1631_LVM_187_16 | weenu no ẜaweems Beedrakallpeems / tas by tam ẜimbts |
Manc1631_LVM_187_17 | Groſchus parrada. Vnd tas ẜakampe to / vnd ſnaudſe to / |
Manc1631_LVM_187_18 | vnd ẜatziya / maxa man / ko tu man parrada eſẜi. Tad |
Manc1631_LVM_187_19 | kritta winja Beedrakallps ſemme / vnd luhdſe to / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_187_20 | ẜatziya / Eſẜi ar man ar Meeru / es gribbu töw wiſẜuno- |
Manc1631_LVM_187_21 | taļ maxaht. Bett wings nhe gribbeya / vnd noghaya / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_187_22 | mette to Czeetumà / teekams tas maxaya / ko tas parra- |
Manc1631_LVM_187_23 | da by. |
Manc1631_LVM_187_24 | Bett tad winja Beedrakallpi ſchahß leetas redſeya / |
Manc1631_LVM_187_25 | tappa tee ļohte noſkummuſchi / nahze vnd paſẜatziya ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_187_26 | wam Kungam / wiß kas by notitzis. Tad aitzenaya to |
Manc1631_LVM_187_27 | winja Kunx preekſch ẜöw / vnd ẜatziya vs to: Tu blehdyx |
| @b{Kallps /} |
| |
| [188.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_188_1 | Kallps / wiſẜu ſcho Paradu äßmu es töw attlaidis |
Manc1631_LVM_188_2 | kad tu man luhdſi / nhe by töw tad arridſan abſchälotees / |
Manc1631_LVM_188_3 | par tawu Beedrakallpu / ka es ẜöw par töw abſchälo- |
Manc1631_LVM_188_4 | yohß? Vnd winja Kunx apſkaita / vnd nodewe to teems |
Manc1631_LVM_188_5 | Mohzetayeems / teekams tas maxatu wiß ko tas tam |
Manc1631_LVM_188_6 | by parrada. Tha jums mans Däbbäſẜa Tähws arri- |
Manc1631_LVM_188_7 | dſan darrys / ja juhß nhe peedohſẜeeta no juhſẜeems Ꞩirr- |
Manc1631_LVM_188_8 | deems ick weens ẜawam Brahļam ẜawu Wainu. (ẜawus |
Manc1631_LVM_188_9 | Grähkus.) |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_188_10 | @v{Epiſtel am 23. Sontage nach Trinitatis /} |
Manc1631_LVM_188_11 | @v{Philipp. 3.} |
Manc1631_LVM_188_12 | MYļi Braļi / ſtaigayeeta man pehts / vnd lukoyee- |
Manc1631_LVM_188_13 | ta vs teems / kattri tha ſtaiga / ka mehß jums äſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_188_14 | ẜam par Preekſche Siem. Aiſto dauds ſtaiga / no kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_188_15 | treems es jums daſche kahrt äßmu ẜatziyis / bett nu ẜacku |
Manc1631_LVM_188_16 | es jums arridſan raudadams / tee Eenaidneeki ta Kruſta |
Manc1631_LVM_188_17 | CHriſti / kattro Galls gir ta Paſuſſchana / kattro Deews |
Manc1631_LVM_188_18 | tas Wähdärs gir / vnd kattro Ghohds kaunà tohp / tho / |
Manc1631_LVM_188_19 | kattri ſemmiſchke dohma. |
Manc1631_LVM_188_20 | Bett muhſẜa dſiewoſchana gir Debbeſẜihß / no kurre- |
Manc1631_LVM_188_21 | nes mehß arridſan ghaidam to Peſtitayu JEſum CHri- |
Manc1631_LVM_188_22 | ſtum to Kungu. Katters muhſẜu neezigu Meeſẜu apſkai- |
Manc1631_LVM_188_23 | drohß / ka ta liedſäna kļuhſt ẜawai apſkaidrotai Meeſẜi / |
Manc1631_LVM_188_24 | pehts to darrbu / ar kattru wings arridſan war wiſẜas |
Manc1631_LVM_188_25 | leetas ẜöw paklauſẜigus darriet. |
Manc1631_LVM_188_26 | @v{Evange-} |
| |
| [189.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_189_1 | @v{Evangelium am 23. Sontage nach Trini-} |
Manc1631_LVM_189_2 | @v{tatis / Matth. 22.} |
Manc1631_LVM_189_3 | TAd nogaya tee Pariſeeri / vnd turreya Runnas / |
Manc1631_LVM_189_4 | (ẜarunnayahß /) ka tee JEſum ẜawà Wallodà ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_189_5 | yämtu. Vnd ẜuhtiya py to ẜawus Mahzekļus / ar Hero- |
Manc1631_LVM_189_6 | dis Ꞩullaiņeems / vnd ẜatziya / Meiſter / mehß ſinnam ka |
Manc1631_LVM_189_7 | tu taißnis eſẜi / vnd mahzi to Deewa Czeļļu teeſcham / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_189_8 | tu nhe bähda pehtz nheweenu / aiſto tu nhe ohla to Vsluh- |
Manc1631_LVM_189_9 | koſchanu tho Czillwäko. Tapehtz ẜacki mums ko ſkeet tu / |
Manc1631_LVM_189_10 | girahk tas pareiſe / ka mehß tam Keiſeŗam Nohmu doh- |
Manc1631_LVM_189_11 | dam / jeb nhe? Kad nu JE- |
Manc1631_LVM_189_12 | ſus winjo blehdibu noman- |
Manc1631_LVM_189_13 | niya / ẜatziya tas. Juhß |
Manc1631_LVM_189_14 | Willtineeki / ko ißklauſẜaita |
Manc1631_LVM_189_15 | juhß mann? Radaita mann |
Manc1631_LVM_189_16 | ſchurr to Nohmukauſẜu. |
Manc1631_LVM_189_17 | Vnd tee parahdiya tham |
Manc1631_LVM_189_18 | weenu Ghroſẜi. Vnd wings |
Manc1631_LVM_189_19 | ẜatziya vs teems: Ka Syh- |
Manc1631_LVM_189_20 | me gir tha / vnd tas Wirſẜoraxtz? Tee ẜatziya vs win- |
Manc1631_LVM_189_21 | ju: Ta Keyſeŗa. Tad ẜatziya wings vs teems: Tad |
Manc1631_LVM_189_22 | dohdeeta tam Keiſeŗam / kas tam Keyſeŗam peedärr / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_189_23 | Deewam kas Deewam peedärr. Kad tee to dſirrde- |
Manc1631_LVM_189_24 | ya / iſẜabrienoyahß tee / vnd atſtahya to / vnd ghaya |
Manc1631_LVM_189_25 | nohſt. |
| @b{Epiſtel} |
| |
| [190.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_190_1 | @v{Epiſtel am 24. Sontage nach Trinitatis /} |
Manc1631_LVM_190_2 | @v{Coloſſ. 1.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_190_3 | MYļi Brahļi / Mehß nhe mittam par jums luhkt / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_190_4 | juhß peepillditi tohpat / ar Atſiſchanu Deewa |
Manc1631_LVM_190_5 | prahta / eekſchan wiſẜu gharrigu ghuddribu vnd ẜap- |
Manc1631_LVM_190_6 | praſſchanu / ka juhß ſtaighayeeta czeenige tam Kungam |
Manc1631_LVM_190_7 | pa wiſẜam prahtam. Vnd aughligi eſẜeeta eekſchan wiſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_190_8 | ẜeems labeems darrbeems / vnd aughaita eekſchan Dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_190_9 | wa atſiſchanas / vnd eeſtipprenati tohpeeta ar wiſẜenadu |
Manc1631_LVM_190_10 | Warru / pehtz winja ghohdigu ſpähku / eekſchan wiſẜena- |
Manc1631_LVM_190_11 | das pazeeſchanas / vnd lehnprahtibas / ar Liexmibu / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_190_12 | patteizibu ẜackam tam Tähwam / kas mums derrigus |
Manc1631_LVM_190_13 | darriyis gir / py tahß Bährna manntibas to ſwähto eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_190_14 | ſchan ghaiſchumas. Katters mums peſtiyis gir / no to |
Manc1631_LVM_190_15 | Spähku tahß Tumbſẜibas / vnd gir mums pahrſtattiyis |
Manc1631_LVM_190_16 | eekſchan tahß Wallſtibas ẜawa mieļa Dähla / py kattru |
Manc1631_LVM_190_17 | mums gir ta Peſtiſchana czaur ẜawu Aſẜini / ar wahrdu |
Manc1631_LVM_190_18 | ta Peedoſchaua to Ghräko. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_190_19 | @v{Evangelium am 24. Sontage nach Trini-} |
Manc1631_LVM_190_20 | @v{tatis / Matth. 9.} |
Manc1631_LVM_190_21 | KAd JEſus runnaya ar Jaņa Mahzekļeems / raugi / |
Manc1631_LVM_190_22 | tad nahze weens no teems Wirſẜeneekeems / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_190_23 | kritta preekſchan to ſemme / vnd ẜatziya / Kunx / manna |
Manc1631_LVM_190_24 | Meitha gir taggadien nomirruſẜi / bett nahz / vnd vsleetz |
Manc1631_LVM_190_25 | ẜawu Rohku vs tahß / tad taps tha dſiewa. JEſus czeh- |
| @b{lehß} |
| |
| [191.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_191_1 | lehß aukſcham / vnd ſtaighaya tam packaļ / vnd winja |
Manc1631_LVM_191_2 | Mahzekļi. Vnd raugi / weena Ꞩeewa / kattra diwipad- |
Manc1631_LVM_191_3 | deßmitt ghaddus Aſẜins= |
Manc1631_LVM_191_4 | ẜährgà by ghulleyuſẜi / gha- |
Manc1631_LVM_191_5 | ya attpackaļļ py to / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_191_6 | aißkahre winja Drehbes |
Manc1631_LVM_191_7 | Wiehl. Aiẜto ta ẜatziya py |
Manc1631_LVM_191_8 | ẜöw paſſchu / warrätu es |
Manc1631_LVM_191_9 | ween winja Drehbes Wiel |
Manc1631_LVM_191_10 | aißkahrt / tad taptu es Wäſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_191_11 | ẜäla. Tad attgreſehß JE- |
Manc1631_LVM_191_12 | ſus apkahrt / vnd vsluhkoya to / vnd ſatziya: Turrais |
Manc1631_LVM_191_13 | labbu prahtu manna Meita / tawa Titziba gir töw pal- |
Manc1631_LVM_191_14 | liedſeyuſẜi. Vnd ta Ꞩeewa tappa Wäſẜäla tanny paſſchà |
Manc1631_LVM_191_15 | ſtundà. |
Manc1631_LVM_191_16 | Vnd kad wings tha Wirrſẜeneeka Nammà nahze / |
Manc1631_LVM_191_17 | vnd redſeya tohß Stabbulneekus / vnd to Trohxne to |
Manc1631_LVM_191_18 | Ļauſcho / ẜatziya wings vs teems / Attkahpeetees / aiſto |
Manc1631_LVM_191_19 | ta Meitinya nhe gir nomirruſẜi / bett ta ghull. Vnd tee |
Manc1631_LVM_191_20 | apſmehya winju. Bett kad tee Ļaudis ißdſieti by / ghaya |
Manc1631_LVM_191_21 | wings eekſcha / vnd ẜathwere to py Rohkas. Tad czeh- |
Manc1631_LVM_191_22 | lehß ta Meitinya aukſcham. Vnd ta ſlawa ißpauda |
Manc1631_LVM_191_23 | par to paſſchu wiſẜu Semm. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_191_24 | @v{Epiſtel am 25. Sontage nach Trinitatis /} |
Manc1631_LVM_191_25 | @v{1. Theſſ. 4.} |
Manc1631_LVM_191_26 | MJeļi Brahļi / Mehß nhe ghribbam jums ſlehpt / |
Manc1631_LVM_191_27 | no teems kattri aiſmigguſchi gir / ka juhß nhe eſẜee- |
| @b{ta} |
| |
| [192.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_192_1 | ta noſkummuſchi / ka czitti / kattreems czerriba nhe gir. |
Manc1631_LVM_192_2 | Aiſto ja mehß titzam / ka JEſus nomirris / vnd attkal auk- |
Manc1631_LVM_192_3 | ſcham czehlees gir / ihten ta arridſan Deews / tohß / kattri |
Manc1631_LVM_192_4 | aismigguſchi gir / czaur JEſum / ar to weddies. |
Manc1631_LVM_192_5 | Aiſto to ẜackam mehß jums / ka weenu wahrdu tha |
Manc1631_LVM_192_6 | Kunga / ka mehß / kattri mehß dſiewoyam / vnd attlee- |
Manc1631_LVM_192_7 | kam / kad tas Kunx attnahx / teems nhe nahxim preek- |
Manc1631_LVM_192_8 | ſchan / kattri aiſmigguſchi gir / aiſto tas Kunx patz ar |
Manc1631_LVM_192_9 | weenu Kleekſchanu vnd Ballxni tha ihſtäna Eņgeļa / |
Manc1631_LVM_192_10 | vnd ar to Deewa Baſuni ſcheit ſemmeh nahx no Däb- |
Manc1631_LVM_192_11 | bäſẜu. Vnd tee Mirroņi eekſchan CHriſto / pirrmahk att- |
Manc1631_LVM_192_12 | kal aukſcham czelſẜees / tad pehtz / kattri mehß dſiewoyam / |
Manc1631_LVM_192_13 | vnd attleekam / tapſẜim lieds ar teems paſſcheems norau- |
Manc1631_LVM_192_14 | ti eekſchan teems Paddebbeſẜeems / tam Kungam prettie |
Manc1631_LVM_192_15 | ghaiſẜà / vnd ta buhſẜim mehß py to Kungu allaſchien. Ta |
Manc1631_LVM_192_16 | eeliexmoyeetees ẜöw nu ar ſcheems Wahrdeems ẜawà |
Manc1631_LVM_192_17 | ſtarrpà. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_192_18 | @v{Evangelium am 25. Sontage nach Trini-} |
Manc1631_LVM_192_19 | @v{tatis / Matth. 24.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_192_20 | JEſus ẜatziya vs ẜaweems Mahzekļeems: Kad juhß |
Manc1631_LVM_192_21 | nu redſeſẜeeta to nheghanntibu tahß ißpohſtiſcha- |
Manc1631_LVM_192_22 | nas / no kattru ẜatzietz gir czaur to Proweetu Daniel / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_192_23 | tas ſtahw eekſchan to ſwähtu weetu / kas to laſẜa / tam |
Manc1631_LVM_192_24 | buhß to labb abdohmaht. Tad laid bähg wirſẜon teems |
Manc1631_LVM_192_25 | Kallneems / kas Juddo=Semmeh gir / vnd kas wirs |
Manc1631_LVM_192_26 | Jumbtu gir / tas laid nhe kahp ſemmeh / kolabb no ẜawu |
Manc1631_LVM_192_27 | Nammu attneſteeß. Vnd kas wirrs Lauku gir / tas laid |
| @b{nhe} |
| |
| [193.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_193_1 | nhe attghreeſchahß ẜawas Drehbes attneßtees. Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_193_2 | way teems apgruhtenateems / vnd Sieſchameems tanny |
Manc1631_LVM_193_3 | laikà. Bett luhdſeeta ka juhſẜa behkſchana nhe lätzahß |
Manc1631_LVM_193_4 | Seemà jeb Swehdeenà / aiſto tad tahdas leelas bähdas |
Manc1631_LVM_193_5 | buhß / ka nhe gir biyis no Eeẜakumu tahß Paſẜaules / ihß |
Manc1631_LVM_193_6 | ſchim / vnd ka arridſan wairs nhe buhß. Vnd ja ſchahß |
Manc1631_LVM_193_7 | Deenas nhe taptu pa=ihſẜenatas / tad nhe taptu nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_193_8 | weens Czillwähx ſwähtz. |
Manc1631_LVM_193_9 | Bett to Jßrädſäto dehļ tohp |
Manc1631_LVM_193_10 | tahß Deenas pa=iſẜenatas. |
Manc1631_LVM_193_11 | Ja tad kaßlabban vs |
Manc1631_LVM_193_12 | jums ẜatzies / Redſeeta / ſcheit |
Manc1631_LVM_193_13 | gir CHriſtus / jeb tur / tad |
Manc1631_LVM_193_14 | nhe buhß jums to titzeht / |
Manc1631_LVM_193_15 | aiſto nhe vstitzami CHri- |
Manc1631_LVM_193_16 | ſti / vnd nhe=vstitzami Pro- |
Manc1631_LVM_193_17 | weetes ißdohſẜees / vnd leelas Siemes vnd brienumus |
Manc1631_LVM_193_18 | darries / ka arridſan tee ißrädſäti (ja tas tha warrätu |
Manc1631_LVM_193_19 | buht) leelà peewillſchanà peewillti taptu. Redſeeta / es |
Manc1631_LVM_193_20 | äßmu jums to papreekſch ẜatziyis. Tapehtz / kad tee vs |
Manc1631_LVM_193_21 | jums ẜatzies / redſeeta / tas gir Tuxneſẜy / tad nhe eita |
Manc1631_LVM_193_22 | aran / redſeeta / tas gir Kambary / tad nhe titzaht. Aiſto |
Manc1631_LVM_193_23 | ihten ka tas Sibbänns ißlätz no Rieta puſẜes / vnd att- |
Manc1631_LVM_193_24 | ſpied ihß Wackara puſẜes / ta buhß arridſan ta Attnahk- |
Manc1631_LVM_193_25 | ſchana tha Czillwäka Dähla. Aiſto kurr Maita gir / |
Manc1631_LVM_193_26 | turr ẜackrahyahß tee Ehrgļi. |
| @b{Epiſtel} |
| |
| [194.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_194_1 | @v{Epiſtel am 26. Sontage nach Trinitatis /} |
Manc1631_LVM_194_2 | @v{2. Petr. 3.} |
Manc1631_LVM_194_3 | MJeļi Brahļi / ſinnaita to papreekſch / ka eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_194_4 | pehdigahms Deenahms nahx Smehyehyi / kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_194_5 | tru pehtz ẜawu paſſchu Prahtu dſiewohß / vnd ẜatzies / |
Manc1631_LVM_194_6 | Kur gir ta ẜohliſchana winja (Deewa) atnahkſchanas? |
Manc1631_LVM_194_7 | Aiſto pehtz to ka tee Tähwi aismigguſchi gir / palleek wiſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_194_8 | ẜas leetas / ta ka tahß no Eeẜakumu tahß Raddibas bi- |
Manc1631_LVM_194_9 | juſchas gir. Bett nhe ghribbädammi nhe ghribb tee ſin- |
Manc1631_LVM_194_10 | naht / ka ta Debbes pirrmayohß laikohß arridſan by / ta |
Manc1631_LVM_194_11 | lieds arridſan ta Semme / no Vdeni vnd eekſchan Vdeni |
Manc1631_LVM_194_12 | biyuſẜi czaur Deewa Wahrdu / vnd tomähr tappa tanny |
Manc1631_LVM_194_13 | laikà ta Paſẜaule czaur teem paſſcheem ar to Vdens ghrä- |
Manc1631_LVM_194_14 | ku (czaur to Wardu vnd Vdeni.) ẜamaitata. Ta arridſan ta |
Manc1631_LVM_194_15 | Debbes / kattra taggad gir / vnd ta Semme / tohp czaur |
Manc1631_LVM_194_16 | winja Wahrdu ẜaudẜäta / ka tee tam Vggunim paſẜar- |
Manc1631_LVM_194_17 | ghati tohp / py to Deenu tahß Ꞩohdibas / vnd py paſu- |
Manc1631_LVM_194_18 | denaſchanas to beßdeewigo Czillwäko. Bett weenai lee- |
Manc1631_LVM_194_19 | tai nhe buhß jums paſlähptai buht / juhß mieligi / ka wee- |
Manc1631_LVM_194_20 | na Deena preekſchan to Kungu gir ka tuhxtoſchi ghaddi / |
Manc1631_LVM_194_21 | vnd tuhxtoſchi ghaddi ka weena Deena. Tas Kunx nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_194_22 | kawe to Ꞩohliſchana / ka daſchi to weenu kaweſchanu |
Manc1631_LVM_194_23 | ſkeet / bett tas gir lehniex ar mums / vnd nhe ghribb / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_194_24 | kamlabban buhß paſuſtam tapt / bett ka ick=kattris no |
Manc1631_LVM_194_25 | Ghräkeems attſtahyahß. |
Manc1631_LVM_194_26 | Bett ta Deena ta Kunga nahx / ka kahtz Sagglis |
| @b{nackty /} |
| |
| [195.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_195_1 | nackty / eekſchan kattru tahß Debbeſẜes ißniex / ar leelu |
Manc1631_LVM_195_2 | brackſchkeſchanu / bett tee Eẜakumi no karrſtumu ißkuſẜies / |
Manc1631_LVM_195_3 | vnd ta Semme / vnd tee Darrbi / kattri tur eekſchan gir / |
Manc1631_LVM_195_4 | taps ẜadädſenati. |
Manc1631_LVM_195_5 | Kad nu tam ta wiſẜam buhß ißniekt / ka buhß jums |
Manc1631_LVM_195_6 | tad ẜattaiſẜitees? Ar ẜwätu dſiewoſchanu vnd buhſchanu |
Manc1631_LVM_195_7 | kattra Deewam patiek / ka juhß ghaidaht vnd ſteidſatees |
Manc1631_LVM_195_8 | vs to nahkoſchu Deenu ta Kunga / kad tahß Debbeſẜes ar |
Manc1631_LVM_195_9 | Vgguni ißniex / vnd tee Eeẜakumi no karrſtumu ißkuſẜies. |
Manc1631_LVM_195_10 | Bett mehß ẜaghaidam weenu jaunu Debbes / vnd weenu |
Manc1631_LVM_195_11 | jaunu Semm / ka wings ẜohliyis gir / eekſchan kattras |
Manc1631_LVM_195_12 | Taißniba dſiewo. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_195_13 | @v{Evangelium am 26. Sontage nach Trini-} |
Manc1631_LVM_195_14 | @v{tatis / Matth.25.} |
Manc1631_LVM_195_15 | JEſus ẜatziya vs ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_195_16 | weems mahzekļeems: |
Manc1631_LVM_195_17 | Kad ta Czillwäka Dähls |
Manc1631_LVM_195_18 | nahx eekſchan ẜawas Gho- |
Manc1631_LVM_195_19 | dibas / vnd wiſẜi Engeļi ar |
Manc1631_LVM_195_20 | to / tad tas ẜehdehß vs to |
Manc1631_LVM_195_21 | Krähßlu ẜawas Ghodibas / |
Manc1631_LVM_195_22 | vnd wiſẜi Ļaudis taps |
Manc1631_LVM_195_23 | preekſchan to ẜakrahti / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_195_24 | wings tohß noſkirrß ihten ka kahtz Ghanns tahß Ahwis |
Manc1631_LVM_195_25 | no teems Ahſcheems noſkirŗ / vnd tahß Ahwis taps pa |
Manc1631_LVM_195_26 | winja labbas Rohkas licktas / bett tee Ahſchi pa kreiſẜas |
| @b{Rohkas} |
| |
| [196.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_196_1 | Rohkas. Tad tas Konings ẜatzies vs teems pa ẜawas |
Manc1631_LVM_196_2 | labbas Rohkas: Nahzeeta ſchurr / juhß ſwehtiti manna |
Manc1631_LVM_196_3 | Tähwa / eemanntoyeeta to Wallſtibu / kattra jums ẜat- |
Manc1631_LVM_196_4 | taiſẜita gir no Eeẜakumu tahß Paſẜaules. Aiſto es äß- |
Manc1631_LVM_196_5 | mu ißaltzis biyis / vnd juhß eſẜeeta mann pee=ähdenayu- |
Manc1631_LVM_196_6 | ſchi / es äßmu ißtwiezis biyis / vnd juhß eſẜeeta mann dſirr- |
Manc1631_LVM_196_7 | dinayuſchi / es äßmu Weeſẜis biyis / vnd juhß eſẜeeta mann |
Manc1631_LVM_196_8 | mayoyuſchi / es äßmu plix biyis / vnd juhß eſẜeeta mann |
Manc1631_LVM_196_9 | aptährpuſchi / es äßmu Nhewäſẜäls vnd czeetumà biyis / |
Manc1631_LVM_196_10 | vnd juhß eſẜeeta py mann nahkuſchi. |
Manc1631_LVM_196_11 | Tad tam tee Taißni adbilldehß / vnd ẜatzies / Kunx / |
Manc1631_LVM_196_12 | kad äſẜam mehß töw ißallkuſchu redſeyuſchi / vnd äſẜam |
Manc1631_LVM_196_13 | töw pee=ähdenayuſchi? Jeb ißtwiekuſchu / vnd äſẜam |
Manc1631_LVM_196_14 | töw dſirrdinayuſchi? Kad äſẜam mehß töw parr Weeſẜi |
Manc1631_LVM_196_15 | redſeyuſchi / vnd mahyoyuſchi? Jeb plicku / vnd äſẜam |
Manc1631_LVM_196_16 | töw aptährpuſchi? Kad äſẜam mehß töw nhewäſẜälu jeb |
Manc1631_LVM_196_17 | Czeetumà redſeyuſchi / vnd äſẜam py töw nahkuſchi? Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_196_18 | tas Konings adbilldehß / vnd vs teems ẜatzies / Pattees / |
Manc1631_LVM_196_19 | es ẜacku jums / ko juhß eſẜeeta darriyuſchi weenam no |
Manc1631_LVM_196_20 | ſcheems manneems wißmaſakayeems Brahļeems / to |
Manc1631_LVM_196_21 | eſẜeeta juhß mann darriyuſchi. |
Manc1631_LVM_196_22 | Tad wings arridſan ẜatzies vs teems / pa kreiſẜas |
Manc1631_LVM_196_23 | Rohkas: Eita nohſt no mann juhß nolahdäti eekſchan to |
Manc1631_LVM_196_24 | muhſchigu Vgguni / katters tur ẜataiſẜietz gir tam Wäl- |
Manc1631_LVM_196_25 | lam / vnd ẜaweems Engeļeems. Es äßmu ißallzis biyis / |
Manc1631_LVM_196_26 | vnd juhß nhe eſẜeeta mann peeähdenayuſchi / es äßmu |
Manc1631_LVM_196_27 | ißtwiezis biyis / vnd juhß nhe eſẜeeta mann dſirrdinayu- |
| @b{ſchi /} |
| |
| [197.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_197_1 | ſchi / es äßmu Weeſẜis biyis / vnd juhß nhe eſẜeeta mann |
Manc1631_LVM_197_2 | mahyoyuſchi / es äßmu plix biyis / vnd juhs nhe eſẜeeta |
Manc1631_LVM_197_3 | mann aptährpuſchi / Es äßmu Nhewäſẜäls vnd Czee- |
Manc1631_LVM_197_4 | tumà biyis / vnd juhs nhe eſẜeeta mann apraudſiyuſchi. |
Manc1631_LVM_197_5 | Tad tee arridſan adbilldehs / vnd ẜatzies / Kunx / kad |
Manc1631_LVM_197_6 | äſẜam mehs töw redſeyuſchi ißallkuſchu / jeb ißtwiekuſchu / |
Manc1631_LVM_197_7 | jeb Weeſẜi / jeb plicku / jeb Nhewäſẜälu / jeb Czeetumà / |
Manc1631_LVM_197_8 | vnd nhe äſẜam töw Kallpoyuſchi? Tad wings adbill- |
Manc1631_LVM_197_9 | dehß vnd ẜatzies / Pattees es ẜacku jums / ko juhß nhe eſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_197_10 | ẜeeta darriyuſchi / weenam no ſcheems wißmaſakayeems / |
Manc1631_LVM_197_11 | to nhe eſẜeeta juhß mann arridſan darriyuſchi. Vnd tee |
Manc1631_LVM_197_12 | ees eekſchan tahß muhſchigas mohzibas / bett tee Taißni |
Manc1631_LVM_197_13 | eekſchan tahß muhſchigas dſiewoſchanas. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_197_14 | @v{Epiſtel am 27. Sontage nach Trinitatis /} |
Manc1631_LVM_197_15 | @v{2. Petr. 1.} |
Manc1631_LVM_197_16 | MYļi Brahļi / es nhe ghribbu miſt / jums allaſchien |
Manc1631_LVM_197_17 | attminneht / ka juhß to ſinnaht / vnd eeſtipprenahti |
Manc1631_LVM_197_18 | eſẜeeta eekſchan tahs preekſchabuhdamas taißnibas. Aiſto |
Manc1631_LVM_197_19 | es ſkeetohs pareiſe darram / tick illge ka es ſchinny buhdà |
Manc1631_LVM_197_20 | äßmu / juhs vsmodenaht / vnd peemineht. Aiſto es ſinnu / |
Manc1631_LVM_197_21 | ka es ẜawu buhdu dries attſtahſchu / ka mann to arridſan |
Manc1631_LVM_197_22 | muſẜo Kunx JEſus Chriſtus gir ſinnamu darriyis. Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_197_23 | es ghribbu ta ſtrahdaht / ka juhs wiſẜur to warreeta kad |
Manc1631_LVM_197_24 | es buhſſchu no jums attſtahyis / peeminnädami pattur- |
Manc1631_LVM_197_25 | reht. Aiſto mehß nhe äſẜam klauſẜiyuſchi tohß Ghuddrus |
Manc1631_LVM_197_26 | Paſẜackus / kad mehß jums lickam ſinnaht to Spähku |
Manc1631_LVM_197_27 | @v{vnd} |
| |
| [198.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_198_1 | vnd to Attnahkſchanu muhſẜa Kunga JEſu CHriſti / |
Manc1631_LVM_198_2 | bett mehß äſẜam winja Ghohdibu paſſchi redſeyuſchi / kad |
Manc1631_LVM_198_3 | wings dabbuya no Deewu to Tähwu / Ghohdu vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_198_4 | Slawu / czaur weenu ballxni / kattra winjam / noticka / |
Manc1631_LVM_198_5 | no tahß leelas Ghohdibas / ar wahrdu: Schiß gir manns |
Manc1631_LVM_198_6 | mieļais Dähls / py kattru mann labbs Prahtz gir. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_198_7 | ſcho Ballxni äſẜam mehß dſirrdeyuſchi no Däbbäſẜu att- |
Manc1631_LVM_198_8 | näſtu / kad mehß ar to biyam / wirs to ẜwähtu Kallnu. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_198_9 | @v{Evangelium am 27. Sontage nach Trini-} |
Manc1631_LVM_198_10 | @v{tatis Matth. 17.} |
Manc1631_LVM_198_11 | PEhtz ẜeſſchams Deenahms jehme JEſus py ẜöw |
Manc1631_LVM_198_12 | Peteri vnd Jäcobu / vnd Jahni winja Brahli / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_198_13 | wedde tohß ẜawißke vs weenu auxtu Kallnu / vnd tappa |
Manc1631_LVM_198_14 | winjeems rädſoht apſkaidrohtz. Vnd winja Waix ſpiede- |
Manc1631_LVM_198_15 | ya ka ta Ꞩaule / vnd winja Drehbes tappa balltas / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_198_16 | ta Ghaißma. Vnd redſi / tad paradiyahß teems Moſes |
Manc1631_LVM_198_17 | vnd Elias / tee runnaya ar winju. Bett Peteris adbill- |
Manc1631_LVM_198_18 | deya vnd ẜatziya vs JEſu / |
Manc1631_LVM_198_19 | Kunx ſcheit gir labba buh- |
Manc1631_LVM_198_20 | ſchana / ghribbi tu / tad |
Manc1631_LVM_198_21 | ghribbam mehß ſcheit tries |
Manc1631_LVM_198_22 | Buhdas darriet / weenu |
Manc1631_LVM_198_23 | preekſch töw / Moſi ohtru / |
Manc1631_LVM_198_24 | vnd Elia treſſchu. Kad tas |
Manc1631_LVM_198_25 | wehl ta runnaya / redſi / |
Manc1631_LVM_198_26 | tad pahrſpiedehya tohß |
| @b{weena} |
| |
| [199.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_199_1 | weena ſpohſcha Padebbes / vnd reds / weena Ballxne no |
Manc1631_LVM_199_2 | tahß Padebbes ẜatziya / Schis gir manns myļais Dähls / |
Manc1631_LVM_199_3 | py kattru mann labbs Prahtz gir / to buhß jums klauſẜiet. |
Manc1631_LVM_199_4 | Kad to tee Mahzekļi dſirrdeya / kritta tee vs ẜawu Wai- |
Manc1631_LVM_199_5 | gu / vnd iſẜabiyayahß ļohte. Bett JEſus ghaya py teems / |
Manc1631_LVM_199_6 | aiſkahre tohß / vnd ẜatziya / czelleetees aukſcham / vnd nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_199_7 | iſẜabieſtatees. |
Manc1631_LVM_199_8 | Bett kad tee ẜawas Atzis pazehle / nhe redſeya tee |
Manc1631_LVM_199_9 | nhe weenu / ka JEſum ween. Vnd kad tee no to Kallnu |
Manc1631_LVM_199_10 | ſemmeh ghaya / aißleedſe teems JEſus / vnd ſatziya / jums |
Manc1631_LVM_199_11 | nhe buhß to ko juhß eſẜeeta redſeyuſchi / nheweenam ẜatziet / |
Manc1631_LVM_199_12 | teekams ka ta Czillwäka Dähls no teems Mirroņeems |
Manc1631_LVM_199_13 | atkal aukſcham czehlees gir. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_199_14 | @v{Folgen etliche Lettiſche} |
Manc1631_LVM_199_15 | @v{Epiſteln vnd Evangelia auff die fürnehmſte} |
Manc1631_LVM_199_16 | @v{Feſte im Jahr.} |
Manc1631_LVM_199_17 | @v{Epiſtel am Tage S. Andreae /} |
Manc1631_LVM_199_18 | @v{Rom. 10.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_199_19 | MJeļi Brahļi / ja kaßlabb no Ꞩirdtz titz / tas |
Manc1631_LVM_199_20 | tohp taißnohtz / vnd ja kaßlabb ar Mutt iß- |
Manc1631_LVM_199_21 | ẜacka / tas tohp ſwähtz. Aiſto tas Raxtz ẜacka / |
| @b{tas} |
| |
| [200.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_200_1 | kas vs to titz / tas nhe taps kaunà. Scheitan nhe gir ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_200_2 | wahtz Juddis / ẜawahtz Ghreekis / To wiſẜo gir weens |
Manc1631_LVM_200_3 | Kunx / bagghahtz par wiſẜeems kattri to peeẜautz. Aiſto |
Manc1631_LVM_200_4 | kas to Wahrdu tha Kunga peeẜaux / tam buhß ſwähtam |
Manc1631_LVM_200_5 | tapt. Bett ka buhß teems peeẜaukt / vs ko tee nhe titz? |
Manc1631_LVM_200_6 | Bett ka buhß teems titzeht / no kattru tee nhe gir nhenee- |
Manc1631_LVM_200_7 | ka dſirrdeyuſchi? Bett ka buhß teems dſirrdeht / bes |
Manc1631_LVM_200_8 | Mahzetayeems? Bett ka buhß teems mahziet / ja tee |
Manc1631_LVM_200_9 | nhe tohp ẜuhtiti? Ka tad raxtietz ſtahw / ka jaukas |
Manc1631_LVM_200_10 | Kahyas gir teems kattri to Meeru paſluddena / kattri to |
Manc1631_LVM_200_11 | labbumu paſluddena. Bett tee nhe gir wiſẜi tam Ewan- |
Manc1631_LVM_200_12 | gelio paklauſẜigi / Aiſto Eſaias ẜacka: Kunx kas titz |
Manc1631_LVM_200_13 | muhſẜai Mahzibai? Tad nahk ta Titziba no to Mahzi- |
Manc1631_LVM_200_14 | bu / bett ta Mahziba no to Deewa Wahrdu. Bett es |
Manc1631_LVM_200_15 | ẜacku: Negg gir tee to dſirrdeyuſchi? Pattees czaur |
Manc1631_LVM_200_16 | wiſẜu ſemm gir winja ballxnis ißghayis / vnd wiſẜà Paſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_200_17 | ẜauleh winjo Wahrtz. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_200_18 | @v{Evangelium am Tage S. Andreae} |
Manc1631_LVM_200_19 | @v{Matth. 4.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_200_20 | JEſus ſtaighadams py to Galileeŗo Juhri / eeraud- |
Manc1631_LVM_200_21 | ſiya diwi Brahļus / Simoni / katters noẜauktz gir |
Manc1631_LVM_200_22 | Peteris / vnd Andres ẜawu Brahļi / tee eemette ẜawu Tie- |
Manc1631_LVM_200_23 | klu Juhry / aiſto tee by Sweineeki. Vnd wings ẜatziya vs |
Manc1631_LVM_200_24 | teems: Nahzeeta packaļ mann / es ghribbu jums par |
Manc1631_LVM_200_25 | Czillwäko Sweineekus darriet. Dries attſtahya tee ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_200_26 | wus Tieklus / vnd ghaya packaļ winju. Vnd no tennenes |
| @b{tahļahk} |
| |
| [201.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_201_1 | tahļahk eedams / eeraudſi- |
Manc1631_LVM_201_2 | ya wings czittus diwi |
Manc1631_LVM_201_3 | Brahļus / Jäcobu / to Däh- |
Manc1631_LVM_201_4 | lu Zebedei / vnd Jahni ẜawu |
Manc1631_LVM_201_5 | Brahli / Laiwà ar ẜawu |
Manc1631_LVM_201_6 | Tähwu Zebedeo / ẜawus |
Manc1631_LVM_201_7 | Tieklus lahpoht. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_201_8 | wings ẜautze tohß: Tudeļļ |
Manc1631_LVM_201_9 | attſtahya tee to Laiwu vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_201_10 | ẜawu Tähwu / vud ghaya packaļļ winju. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_201_11 | @v{Epiſtel am Tage S. Tohmae /} |
Manc1631_LVM_201_12 | @v{Epheſ. 1.} |
Manc1631_LVM_201_13 | SLahwähtz gir Deews vnd tas Tähws muhſẜa |
Manc1631_LVM_201_14 | Kunga JEſu CHriſti / katters mums ſwehtiyis |
Manc1631_LVM_201_15 | gir ar daſchadu gharrigu ſwehtibu / eekſchan Debbeſki- |
Manc1631_LVM_201_16 | geems Dahwaneems czaur Chriſtum / ka wings mums |
Manc1631_LVM_201_17 | arridſan ißwehleyis gir czaur to paſſchu / pirms tai Paſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_201_18 | ẜaulei tas dibbins licktz tappa / ka mums by ſwähteems |
Manc1631_LVM_201_19 | buht vnd nhe peemettigheems preekſcha winju eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_201_20 | tahß miläſtibas. Vnd gir mums vsjehmis par Behr- |
Manc1631_LVM_201_21 | neems ẜöw paſſcham / czaur JEſum CHriſtum / ka win- |
Manc1631_LVM_201_22 | ya Prahtam pattitzis gir / par Ghohdu ẜawai krahßnai |
Manc1631_LVM_201_23 | ſchäläſtibai / czaur kattru wings mums peejemmigus |
Manc1631_LVM_201_24 | darriyis gir / eekſchan to mieligu. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_201_25 | @v{Evangelium am Tage S. Thomae /} |
Manc1631_LVM_201_26 | @v{Joh. 20.} @l{vide Dnic. Quaſimodogeniti} |
| @b{Epiſtel} |
| |
| [202.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_202_1 | @v{Epiſtel am Tage Pauli Bekehrung /} |
Manc1631_LVM_202_2 | @v{Act. 9. Cap.} |
Manc1631_LVM_202_3 | SAulus ẜchņahze wehl draudedams vnd kaudams / |
Manc1631_LVM_202_4 | prettie teems Mahzekļeems ta Kunga. Vnd gha- |
Manc1631_LVM_202_5 | ya py Auxtubaſnizaskungu / vnd luhdſe tam Ghrama- |
Manc1631_LVM_202_6 | tas vs Damaſco py teems Skohlneekeems / ja tas kah- |
Manc1631_LVM_202_7 | dus vs to paſſchu czeļļu attraſtu / Wierus vnd Ꞩeewas / |
Manc1631_LVM_202_8 | wings tohß ẜaſẜeetus wäßtu vs Jeruſalemes. Vnd kad |
Manc1631_LVM_202_9 | wings vs czeļļu by / vnd tuwe py Damaſco nahze / apſpie- |
Manc1631_LVM_202_10 | deya winju peepehſch weena Ghaißma no Däbbäſẜu / |
Manc1631_LVM_202_11 | vnd kritta py Semmes / vnd dſirrdeya weenu ballxni / ta |
Manc1631_LVM_202_12 | ẜatziya vs winju / Saul / Saul / ko tu mann prettie ſtah- |
Manc1631_LVM_202_13 | wi? Bett wings ẜatziya: Kunx / kas eſẜi tu? Tas Kunx |
Manc1631_LVM_202_14 | ẜatziya / Es äßmo JEſus / kattram tu prettie ſtahw. Töw |
Manc1631_LVM_202_15 | ghruht nahxees prettie Skähpu ſpahrdiet. Vnd wings ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_202_16 | tziya trieſẜädams vnd biedams / Kunx / ko ghribbi tu / ko |
Manc1631_LVM_202_17 | mann buhß darriet? Tas Kunx ẜatziya vs winju: Czel- |
Manc1631_LVM_202_18 | lees aukſcham / vnd ee=ey Pily / Teitan töw ẜatzies / ko töw |
Manc1631_LVM_202_19 | buhß darriet. |
Manc1631_LVM_202_20 | Bett tee Wieri / kattri winja Czeļļaļaudis by / ſtah- |
Manc1631_LVM_202_21 | weya vnd by pahrbiyuſchees / aiſto tee dſirrdeya weenu |
Manc1631_LVM_202_22 | ballxni / vnd nhe redſeya nhe weenu. Bett Saulus czeh- |
Manc1631_LVM_202_23 | lehß aukſcham no Semmes / vnd pazälldams ẜawas |
Manc1631_LVM_202_24 | Atzis / nhe redſeya wings nhe weenu. Bett tee jehme |
Manc1631_LVM_202_25 | winju py Rohkas / vnd wedde to vs Damaſco / vnd nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_202_26 | warreya trieyahß Deenahs redſeht / ney ähßdams / ney |
Manc1631_LVM_202_27 | dſärrdams. |
| @b{Bett} |
| |
| [203.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_203_1 | Bett weens Mahzeklis by eekſchan Damaſco / ar |
Manc1631_LVM_203_2 | wahrdu Ananias / vs to ẜatziya tas Kunx czaur ghiemi: |
Manc1631_LVM_203_3 | Anania / vnd wings ẜatziya / Scheitan äßmo es Kunx. |
Manc1631_LVM_203_4 | Tas Kunx ẜatziya vs winju / czellees aukſcham / vnd ey |
Manc1631_LVM_203_5 | eekſchan to Eelu / kattru ẜautz to Taißnu / vnd waiza eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_203_6 | ſchan to Nammu Juda pehtz Saulu / ar Wahrdu no |
Manc1631_LVM_203_7 | Tarſen / aiſto jemm währa / wings ſkaita Patarus / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_203_8 | gir redſeyis Ghiemy weenu Wieru / ar wahrdu Anani- |
Manc1631_LVM_203_9 | as{Anainas} / py ẜöw nahkam / vnd to Rohku vs winju leekam / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_203_10 | wings attkall redſiex tohp. |
Manc1631_LVM_203_11 | Bett Ananias adbilldeya / Kunx / es äßmu no dau- |
Manc1631_LVM_203_12 | dſeems dſirrdeyis no ſcho Wieru / ka tas dauds nhelaimes |
Manc1631_LVM_203_13 | taweems ſwähteems darriyis gir Jeruſalehmeh / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_203_14 | tam gir ſcheitan waļļa no teems Auxteems Baſnizas= |
Manc1631_LVM_203_15 | kungheems / ẜaiſtiet wiſẜus kattri tawu Wahrdu peeẜautz. |
Manc1631_LVM_203_16 | Tas Kunx ẜatziya vs winju: Ey prohyam / Aiſto ſchis |
Manc1631_LVM_203_17 | gir mann weens ißrädſähtz ammatariex / ka tas mannu |
Manc1631_LVM_203_18 | Wahrdu näs preekſchan teems Paggaņeems / vnd preek- |
Manc1631_LVM_203_19 | ſchan teems Koninyeems / vnd preekſchan teems Bähr- |
Manc1631_LVM_203_20 | neems no Jſrael / Es ghrihbu tam radiet / ka dauds tam |
Manc1631_LVM_203_21 | manna Wahrda dehļ czeeſt buhß. Vnd Ananias nogha- |
Manc1631_LVM_203_22 | ya vnd nahze tanny Nammà / vnd licka tahß Rohkas vs |
Manc1631_LVM_203_23 | winju / vnd ẜatziya: Mieļais Brahli Saul / tas Kunx |
Manc1631_LVM_203_24 | gir mann ẜuhtiyis / kas töw parahdiyees gir vs czeļļu |
Manc1631_LVM_203_25 | ſchurp nahkoht / ka tu attkal redſiex / vnd ar to ſwähtu |
Manc1631_LVM_203_26 | Gharru pepilldietz tohpi. Vnd tudeļļ nokritta tas no win- |
Manc1631_LVM_203_27 | ja Atzihms ka ſwieņi / vnd tappa attkal redſiex. Vnd |
| @b{czehlehß} |
| |
| [204.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_204_1 | czehlehß aukſcham / lickahß ẜöw Chriſtitees vnd jehme |
Manc1631_LVM_204_2 | Barribu py ẜöw / vnd attſpirrghahß. |
Manc1631_LVM_204_3 | Bett Saulus by daſchu Deenu py teems Mahze- |
Manc1631_LVM_204_4 | kļeems eekſchan Damaſco / vnd tudeļļ mahziya wings no |
Manc1631_LVM_204_5 | CHriſto eekſchan Skohlahms / ka tas patz äſẜohtz Deewa |
Manc1631_LVM_204_6 | Dähls. Bett tee wiſẜi iſẜabiyayahß / kattri to dſirrdeya |
Manc1631_LVM_204_7 | vnd ẜatziya. Negg gir tas kas eekſchan Jeruſalem ißpoh- |
Manc1631_LVM_204_8 | ſtiya wiſẜus / kattri ſcho Wahrdu peeẜautze / vnd tapehtz |
Manc1631_LVM_204_9 | attnahzis / ka tas tohß ẜaẜaiſtitus wäſtu py teems aux- |
Manc1631_LVM_204_10 | teems Baſnizaskungeems? Bett Paulus tappa jo wai- |
Manc1631_LVM_204_11 | rahk ſtiprahx / vnd eerunnaya tohß Juddus / kattri eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_204_12 | ſchan Damaſco dſiewoya / vnd apleezenaya / ka ſchiß gir |
Manc1631_LVM_204_13 | tas Chriſtus. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_204_14 | @v{Evangelium am Tage Pauli Bekehrung /} |
Manc1631_LVM_204_15 | @v{Matth.19.} |
Manc1631_LVM_204_16 | PEteris ẜatziya vs JEſu / Redſi / mehß äſẜam wißno- |
Manc1631_LVM_204_17 | taļļ attſtahyuſchi / vnd äſẜam ar töw ghayuſchi / kas |
Manc1631_LVM_204_18 | attlätz mums no to? Bett JEſus ẜatziya vs teems: Pat- |
Manc1631_LVM_204_19 | tees es ẜacku jums / ka juhß / kattri juhß eſẜeeta ar mann |
Manc1631_LVM_204_20 | ghayuſchi / eekſchan tahß Attdſimbſchanas / kad tha Czill- |
Manc1631_LVM_204_21 | wäka Dähls ẜehdehß vs to Krähßlu ẜawas Ghodibas / |
Manc1631_LVM_204_22 | juhß arridſan ẜehdehſẜeeta vs diwipaddeßmitt Krähß- |
Manc1631_LVM_204_23 | leems / vnd teeſẜahſẜeeta tohß diwipaddeßmitt Czilltus |
Manc1631_LVM_204_24 | Jſraëļa. Vnd kas attſtah Ähkus / jeb Brahļus / jeb Mahſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_204_25 | ẜas / jeb Tähwu / jeb Maht / jeb Ꞩeewu / jeb Bährnus / jeb |
Manc1631_LVM_204_26 | Tierumus / manna Wahrda dehļ / tas to ẜimbtkahrtige |
| @b{jembs /} |
| |
| [205.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_205_1 | jembs / vnd to muhſchigu dſiewoſchanu ee=manntohß. |
Manc1631_LVM_205_2 | Bett dauds kattri gir tee Pirrmi / buhß tee Pehdeyi / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_205_3 | tee Pehdeyi / buhß tee Pirrmi. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_205_4 | @v{Epiſtel am Tage der Reinigung Mariae} |
Manc1631_LVM_205_5 | @v{Malach. 3.} |
Manc1631_LVM_205_6 | RAughi / es ghribbu ẜawu Engeli ẜuhtiet / kattram |
Manc1631_LVM_205_7 | mannà preekſchà to czeļļu ẜataiſẜiet buhß / vnd dries |
Manc1631_LVM_205_8 | nahx py ẜawas Baſnizas tas Kunx / kattru juhß meckle- |
Manc1631_LVM_205_9 | yeeta / vnd tas Engels tahß ẜaliedſenaſchanas / kattru |
Manc1631_LVM_205_10 | juhß ghribbaht / Raughi / tas nahk / ẜacka tas Kunx Ze- |
Manc1631_LVM_205_11 | baoth. Bett kas warrehß to Deenu winja Attnahkſcha- |
Manc1631_LVM_205_12 | nas pazeeſt? Vnd kas paſtahwehß / kad wings paradieſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_205_13 | ẜees? Aiſto wings gir ka tas Vgguns weena Ꞩuddrab= |
Manc1631_LVM_205_14 | kalleya / vnd ka tahs Seepes tahß Maſghatayas / wings |
Manc1631_LVM_205_15 | ẜehdehß vnd kauſẜehß / vnd to Ꞩuddrabu tieries. Wings |
Manc1631_LVM_205_16 | tohß Bährnus Lewi ſkieſties vnd tieries ka Ꞩuddrabu / |
Manc1631_LVM_205_17 | vnd tad tee tam Kungam barriba Vpperi neſẜies / eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_205_18 | Taißnibas / vnd tam Kungam labbe pattix / tas barriba |
Manc1631_LVM_205_19 | Vpperis Juda vnd Jeruſalem / ka czittà reiſà vnd pirms |
Manc1631_LVM_205_20 | daudſeems ghaddeems. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_205_21 | @v{Evangelium am Tageder Reinigung Ma-} |
Manc1631_LVM_205_22 | @v{riae / Luc. 2.} |
Manc1631_LVM_205_23 | VNd kad tas Deenas winjo Skieſtiſchanas pehtz to |
Manc1631_LVM_205_24 | Baußli Moſis nahze / neſẜe tee to (Bährnu JE- |
Manc1631_LVM_205_25 | ſum) eekſchan Jeruſalemes / ka tee to preekẜch to Kungu |
Manc1631_LVM_205_26 | wäßtu / ka ta Raxtietz ſtahw / eekſchan to Baußli tha |
Manc1631_LVM_205_27 | Kunga: Wiſẜam Wieriſkam kas wißpirrmahk to Maht |
Manc1631_LVM_205_28 | @v{attpleſſch /} |
| |
| [206.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_206_1 | attpleſſch buhß tam Kun- |
Manc1631_LVM_206_2 | gam ſwähtitam tapt. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_206_3 | ka tee dohtu to Vpperi / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_206_4 | ẜatzietz gir eekſchan to |
Manc1631_LVM_206_5 | Baußlu tha Kunga / wee- |
Manc1631_LVM_206_6 | nu pahri Vhbeļa=Ballo- |
Manc1631_LVM_206_7 | ſchus / jeb diwi jaunus Bal- |
Manc1631_LVM_206_8 | loſchus. |
Manc1631_LVM_206_9 | Vnd raughi / weens Czill- |
Manc1631_LVM_206_10 | wähx by eekſchan Jeruſalemes / ar wahrdu Simeon / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_206_11 | tas pahtz Czillwähx by rahms vnd Deewabiyatais / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_206_12 | ghaidiya vs to Preeku Jſraël / vnd tas ſwähtz Gharrs |
Manc1631_LVM_206_13 | by eekſchan to / tam by weena Adbilldeſchana kļu=uſẜi no |
Manc1631_LVM_206_14 | to ſwähtu Gharru / tam nhe by to Nahwu redſeht / pirrms |
Manc1631_LVM_206_15 | tas to CHriſtum tha Kunga redſeyis by. Vnd nahze |
Manc1631_LVM_206_16 | czaur eedoſchanu tha ſwähta Gharra Baſnizà. |
Manc1631_LVM_206_17 | Vnd kad tee Wätzaki to Bährnu JEſum Baſnizà |
Manc1631_LVM_206_18 | ee=neſẜe / ka tee par to darritu / ka tas eeraddums by / pehtz |
Manc1631_LVM_206_19 | to Baußlu / tad jehme Wings to vs ẜawahms Rohkams / |
Manc1631_LVM_206_20 | vnd teitze Deewu / vnd ẜatziya: |
Manc1631_LVM_206_21 | Kunx / nu leetz tu tawu Kallpu Meerà aisbraukt / |
Manc1631_LVM_206_22 | ka tu ẜatziyis eſẜi. |
Manc1631_LVM_206_23 | Aiſto mannas Atzis gir tawu Peſtitayu redſeyuſchi. |
Manc1631_LVM_206_24 | Kattru tu ẜataiſẜiyis eſẜi wiſẜeems Ļaudeems parr |
Manc1631_LVM_206_25 | labb. |
Manc1631_LVM_206_26 | Weena ghaißma tohß Paggaņus apghaiſmoht / |
Manc1631_LVM_206_27 | vnd par ghohdu tawo Ļauſcho Jſraël. |
| @b{Am} |
| |
| [207.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_207_1 | @v{Am Tage der Verkündigung Mariae} |
Manc1631_LVM_207_2 | @v{Eſa. 7.} |
Manc1631_LVM_207_3 | TAs Kunx runnaya vs Ahas / vnd ẜatziya: Praſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_207_4 | ẜais weenu Siem no to Kungu tawu Deewu / jeb |
Manc1631_LVM_207_5 | appakſchan Elles dſiļļumà / jeb aukſcham paſſchà Aux- |
Manc1631_LVM_207_6 | tumà. Bett Ahas ẜatziya / es nhe ghribbu praſẜiet / ka es |
Manc1631_LVM_207_7 | to Kungu nhe kahrdenayo. Tad ẜatziya wings: Tad |
Manc1631_LVM_207_8 | dſirrdeeta juhß no to Nammu Dawid: Nhe gir tas |
Manc1631_LVM_207_9 | ghann / ka juhß teems Ļaudeems ļaun darraht / jums |
Manc1631_LVM_207_10 | buhß arridſan mannu Deewu apkaitenaht? Tapehtz |
Manc1631_LVM_207_11 | jums tas Kunx patz weenu Siem dohß / Raughi / weena |
Manc1631_LVM_207_12 | Jumprawa gir apghrutenata / vnd peedſimbs weenu |
Manc1631_LVM_207_13 | Dählu / to tha dehwehß Jmmannel / Sweeſtu vnd Jäh- |
Manc1631_LVM_207_14 | lu=Mäddu tas ähdies / ka tas ſinna to ļaunumu attmeſt / |
Manc1631_LVM_207_15 | vnd to labbumu ißwehleht. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_207_16 | @v{Evangelium am Tage der Verkündigung} |
Manc1631_LVM_207_17 | @v{Mariae / Luc. 1. Cap.} |
Manc1631_LVM_207_18 | SÄßtà Mehneſẜi tapa tas Engels Gabriels ẜuhtietz |
Manc1631_LVM_207_19 | no Deewu weenà Pily eekſchan Galilea / ta Wahrtz |
Manc1631_LVM_207_20 | ir Nazareth / py weenas Jumprawas / kattra ẜadärräta |
Manc1631_LVM_207_21 | by weenam Wieram ar wahrdu Joſeps no to Czilltu |
Manc1631_LVM_207_22 | Dawida / vnd ta Jumprawa dehwehya Maria. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_207_23 | tas Engels nahze py tahß eekſchan / vnd ſatziya / Deews |
Manc1631_LVM_207_24 | pallieds töw tu pilla (@l{puta,} no Deewu.) ſchälaſtibas / tas Kunx |
Manc1631_LVM_207_25 | gir ar töw / tu auxteteitzama no Ꞩeewahms. Bett winja |
| @b{to} |
| |
| [208.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_208_1 | to rädſädama / ißtruhzenayahß tha par winja Wallodu / |
Manc1631_LVM_208_2 | vnd domaya / kahda ſweizenaſchana gir ta? Vnd tas |
Manc1631_LVM_208_3 | Engels ẜatziya vs tahß / nhe byeſtees Maria / tu eſẜi ſchä- |
Manc1631_LVM_208_4 | laſtibu py Deewu attradduſẜi / Reds / tu tapſi apghrute- |
Manc1631_LVM_208_5 | nata eekſchan Meeſẜu / vnd peedſimſẜi weenu Dählu / tha |
Manc1631_LVM_208_6 | Wahrdu buhß töw JEſus dehweht / tas buhß leels / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_208_7 | taps weens Dähls tha Wiſẜaauxtaka dähwähtz / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_208_8 | Deews tas Kunx dohß tam to Krähßlu ẜawa Tähwa |
Manc1631_LVM_208_9 | Dawida / vnd tas buhß weens Konings par to Nammu |
Manc1631_LVM_208_10 | Jacob muhſchige / vnd tha Koninja=Wallſtiba nhe mit- |
Manc1631_LVM_208_11 | tehſẜees. |
Manc1631_LVM_208_12 | Tad ẜatziya Maria vs to Engeli / ka buhß tam notickt? |
Manc1631_LVM_208_13 | Aiſto es nhe ſinnohß no kahdu Wieru? Tas Engels ad- |
Manc1631_LVM_208_14 | billdeya vnd ẜatziya vs tahß: Tas ſwähtz Gharrs par töw |
Manc1631_LVM_208_15 | nahx / vnd tas ſpähx tha Wiſẜa=auxtaka töw apähnohß. |
Manc1631_LVM_208_16 | Tapehtz arridſan tas ſwähtais / kas no töw peedſimbs / |
Manc1631_LVM_208_17 | taps Deewa Dählß ẜaucktz. Vnd jemm währa / Eliſa- |
Manc1631_LVM_208_18 | beth / tawa Radda / gir arridſan apghrutenata ar weenu |
Manc1631_LVM_208_19 | Dählu wätza buhdama / vnd eet nu ẜäſtà Mehneſẜy / kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_208_20 | trai tahda ſlawa gir / ka tha nhe=aughliga äſẜoti. Aiſto |
Manc1631_LVM_208_21 | Deews warr wiſẜas leetas darriet. Bett Maria ẜatziya: |
Manc1631_LVM_208_22 | Redſi / es äßmu tha Kunga Kallpone / mann noteek / ka tu |
Manc1631_LVM_208_23 | ẜatziyis eſẜi. Vnd tas Engelis ſkierehß no tahß. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_208_24 | @v{Epiſtel am Tage Philipp vnd Jacobi /} |
Manc1631_LVM_208_25 | @v{Epheſ. 2.} |
Manc1631_LVM_208_26 | MJeļi Brahļi / Juhß nhe eſẜeeta wairs Weeſẜis vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_208_27 | Sweſſchineeki (@l{Dunaeburg,} Kirweneeki.) bet Namm- |
| @b{neeki} |
| |
| [209.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_209_1 | neeki ar teems ſwähteems / vnd Deewa Ꞩaime / vstaiſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_209_2 | ẜiti vs to dibbinu to Apuſtuļo vnd Proweeto / kurr JEſus |
Manc1631_LVM_209_3 | CHriſtus tas Kackta=ackmins gir / vs kattru wis tas |
Manc1631_LVM_209_4 | Darrbs ee=taiſẜietz / augh par ſwähtu Baſnizu / eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_209_5 | to Kungu / vs kattru juhß arridſan vstaiſẜiti tohpeeta / |
Manc1631_LVM_209_6 | par Deewa Mahyaweetu eekſchan Gharru. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_209_7 | @v{Evangelium am Tage Philippi vnd Jacobi /} |
Manc1631_LVM_209_8 | @v{Johan.14.} |
Manc1631_LVM_209_9 | JEſus ẜatziya vs ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_209_10 | weems mahzekļeems: |
Manc1631_LVM_209_11 | Juhſẜai Ꞩirrdei nhe buhß |
Manc1631_LVM_209_12 | ißbietees / Titzaht juhß vs |
Manc1631_LVM_209_13 | Deewu / tad titzaht juhß |
Manc1631_LVM_209_14 | arridſan vs mann. Man- |
Manc1631_LVM_209_15 | nà Tähwa Nammà gir |
Manc1631_LVM_209_16 | dſiewoſchanas ghann / kad |
Manc1631_LVM_209_17 | tas ta nhe buhtu / tad ghrib- |
Manc1631_LVM_209_18 | bätu es ẜatziet vs jums / es no=eemu jums to Wee- |
Manc1631_LVM_209_19 | tu ẜattaiſẜiet. Vnd jeb es no=eetu jums to Weetu ẜat- |
Manc1631_LVM_209_20 | taiſẜiet / ghribbu es tomähr attkall atteet / vnd juhß py |
Manc1631_LVM_209_21 | mann jembt / ka juhß eſẜeeta kur es äßmu / vnd kurr es |
Manc1631_LVM_209_22 | no=eemu / to ſinnaht juhß / vnd to czeļļu ſinnaht juhß |
Manc1631_LVM_209_23 | arridſan. |
Manc1631_LVM_209_24 | Ꞩacka vs to Thomas / Kunx / mehß nhe ſinnam / |
Manc1631_LVM_209_25 | kurrpu tu ey / vnd ka warram mehß to czeļļu ſinnaht? JE- |
Manc1631_LVM_209_26 | ſus ẜacka vs to: Es äßmu tas czellſch / vnd ta Taißni- |
| @b{ba} |
| |
| [210.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_210_1 | ba vnd ta dſiewiba. Nheweens nhenahk py Tähwu / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_210_2 | czaur mann. Kad juhß mann paſietaht / tad paſietaht |
Manc1631_LVM_210_3 | juhß arridſan mannu Tähwu / vnd no ſcho laiku paſie- |
Manc1631_LVM_210_4 | ſtaht juhß to / vnd eſẜeeta to redſeyuſchi. |
Manc1631_LVM_210_5 | Sacka vs to Wilipps / (@l{Letti} Lipſts) Kunx / rahdi mums |
Manc1631_LVM_210_6 | to Tähwu / tad gir mums ghann. JEſus ẜacka vs to: |
Manc1631_LVM_210_7 | Tick illge äßmu es py jums / vnd tu mann nhe paſieſti. |
Manc1631_LVM_210_8 | Wilip ( Lipſti /) kas mann räds / tas räds to Tähwu / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_210_9 | ẜacki tu tad / Rahdi mums to Tähwu? Nhe titzi tu / ka es |
Manc1631_LVM_210_10 | eekſchan to Tähwu / vnd tas Tähws eekſchan mann gir? |
Manc1631_LVM_210_11 | Tohß Wahrdus kattrus es vs jums runnayo / tohß nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_210_12 | runnayo es no ẜöw paſſchu. Bett tas Tähws katters |
Manc1631_LVM_210_13 | eekſchan mann dſiewo / tas pattz darra tohß darrbus. Ti= |
Manc1631_LVM_210_14 | tzaht mann / ka es eekſchan Tähwu / vnd tas Tähws eek= |
Manc1631_LVM_210_15 | ſchan mann gir / ja nhe / tad titzaht jehle man to Darrbo |
Manc1631_LVM_210_16 | dehļ. Pattees / Pattees / es ẜacko jums / kas vs mann |
Manc1631_LVM_210_17 | titz / tas arridſan tohß darrbus darries / kattrus es dar= |
Manc1631_LVM_210_18 | ro / vnd leelakus nhe ka ſchohß darries / aiſto es eemo py |
Manc1631_LVM_210_19 | Tähwu. Vnd ko juhß luhxeeta eekſchan mannu Wahr= |
Manc1631_LVM_210_20 | du / to ghribbo es darriet / katas Tähws Ghohdahtz |
Manc1631_LVM_210_21 | tohp eekſchan to Dählu. Ko juhß luhxeeta eekſchan man= |
Manc1631_LVM_210_22 | nu Wahrdu / to ghribbo es darriet. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_210_23 | @v{Epiſtel am Tage Johannis des Täuffers /} |
Manc1631_LVM_210_24 | @v{Eſaiae 40.} |
Manc1631_LVM_210_25 | EEpreezenayeeta / eepreezenayeeta mannus Ļaudis / |
Manc1631_LVM_210_26 | ẜacka juhſẜo Deews / runnayeeta ar Jeruſalem ẜirr- |
| @b{dige /} |
| |
| [211.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_211_1 | dige vnd mahzaita tai / ka winja (a) Darrbs pa ghallam |
Manc1631_LVM_211_2 | gir / aiſto winja Noſeedſiba gir peedohta / aiſto ta gir diwe- |
Manc1631_LVM_211_3 | kahrtige dabbuyuſẜi no ta Kunga Rohku / wiſẜo winjo |
Manc1631_LVM_211_4 | Ghräko dehļ. |
Manc1631_LVM_211_5 | (a) Darrbs) |
Manc1631_LVM_211_6 | Turr gir weens ballxnis weena Mahzetaya Tux- |
Manc1631_LVM_211_7 | neſẜy / ẜattaiſẜeeta tham Kungam to czeļļu / darraita wirſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_211_8 | ẜon lauku ghluddänu czeļļu muhſẜam Deewam / wiſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_211_9 | ẜahms Ee=leiyahms buhß pa=auxtenatahms tapt / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_211_10 | wiſẜeems Kallneems vnd czällmeems buhß noſämmo- |
Manc1631_LVM_211_11 | teems tapt / vnd kas nheliedſäns gir / buhß liedſänam / |
Manc1631_LVM_211_12 | vnd kas nhetaißnis gir / buhß taißnam tapt / aiſto tha |
Manc1631_LVM_211_13 | Kunga ghodam buhß ſinnamam tapt / vnd wiſẜa meeſẜa |
Manc1631_LVM_211_14 | redſehß / ka tha Kunga Mutte runna. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_211_15 | @v{Evangelium am Tage Johannis des Täuf-} |
Manc1631_LVM_211_16 | @v{fers / Luc. 1.} |
Manc1631_LVM_211_17 | ELiſabethes laix nahze / ka tay dſimbt by / vnd ta dſim- |
Manc1631_LVM_211_18 | ma weenu Dählu. Vnd winja Kaimiņņi vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_211_19 | Raddi dſirrdeya / ka tas Kunx leelu ſchäläſtibu py win- |
Manc1631_LVM_211_20 | jas darriyis by / vnd preezayahß ar winju. Vnd tas no- |
| @b{tickahß} |
| |
| [212.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_212_1 | tickahß aſtotà Deenà / nah- |
Manc1631_LVM_212_2 | ze tee apghraiſiet to Behr- |
Manc1631_LVM_212_3 | ninju / vnd dehweya to |
Manc1631_LVM_212_4 | ẜawa Tähwa wahrdà Za- |
Manc1631_LVM_212_5 | charias. Bett winja Mah- |
Manc1631_LVM_212_6 | te adbilldeya / vnd ẜatziya: |
Manc1631_LVM_212_7 | Nhe / bett tham buhß Ja- |
Manc1631_LVM_212_8 | ņam no ẜaucktam buht. |
Manc1631_LVM_212_9 | Vnd tee ẜatziya vs winjas: |
Manc1631_LVM_212_10 | Nhe weens nhe gir tawà Raddà / kam tahtz Wahrtz |
Manc1631_LVM_212_11 | gir? Vnd tee Mirckſchkinaya (@l{propriè} @v{mit Augen.}) ẜawam |
Manc1631_LVM_212_12 | Tähwam / ka wings to ghribbätu dehweht lickt. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_212_13 | wings praſẜiya weenu ghalldinyu / raxtiya vnd ẜatziya: |
Manc1631_LVM_212_14 | Winja Wahrtz gir Janis. Vnd tee iſẜabrienoyahß wiſẜi / |
Manc1631_LVM_212_15 | vnd tuhdeļļ tappa winja Mutte vnd Mehle attſwabbi- |
Manc1631_LVM_212_16 | nata / vnd runnaya Deewu ſlawädams. Vnd weena |
Manc1631_LVM_212_17 | Jßbaile nahze par wiſẜeems Kaimiņņeems. Vnd wiſẜa |
Manc1631_LVM_212_18 | ſchy leeta tappa ſinnama par wiſẜu to Juddo Kallnu. |
Manc1631_LVM_212_19 | Vnd wiſẜi kattri to dſirrdeya / jehmehß py Ꞩirrdtz / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_212_20 | ſatziya / ko ſkeet tu / kas buhß no ſcho Behrninju? Aiſto |
Manc1631_LVM_212_21 | tha Kunga Rohka by ar to. |
Manc1631_LVM_212_22 | Vnd winja Tähws Zacharias tappa pills no to |
Manc1631_LVM_212_23 | ſwähtu Gharru / mahziya / ẜatzidams: |
Manc1631_LVM_212_24 | Slawähtz gir tas Kunx / tas Deews Jſraël / aiſto |
Manc1631_LVM_212_25 | tas gir peemeckleyis / vnd peſtiyis ẜawus Ļaudis. |
Manc1631_LVM_212_26 | Vnd gir mums pazehlis weenu Raggu tahß Peſti- |
Manc1631_LVM_212_27 | ſchanas / eekſchan to Nammu ẜawa Kallpa Dawid. |
| @b{Ka} |
| |
| [213.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_213_1 | Ka tas pirrmayohß laikohß runnayis gir czaur to |
Manc1631_LVM_213_2 | Mutt ẜawo ſwähto Proweeto. |
Manc1631_LVM_213_3 | Ka tas mums peſtitu no muhſẜeems Eenaidenee- |
Manc1631_LVM_213_4 | keems / vnd no to Rohku wiſẜo tho / kattri mums eenied. |
Manc1631_LVM_213_5 | Vnd to ſchäläſtibu paradietu muhſẜeems Tähweems / |
Manc1631_LVM_213_6 | vnd attghada tohß ẜawas ſwähtas ẜaliedſenaſchanas. |
Manc1631_LVM_213_7 | Vnd tahß Swehreſchanas / kattru tas ſwehreyis gir |
Manc1631_LVM_213_8 | muhſẜam Tähwam Abrahamam / mums doht. |
Manc1631_LVM_213_9 | Ka mehß peſtiti tohpam / no to Rohku muhſẜo Wai- |
Manc1631_LVM_213_10 | deneeko / vnd tam Kallpoyam bes bieſchanas tick illge ka |
Manc1631_LVM_213_11 | mehß dſiewoyam. |
Manc1631_LVM_213_12 | Eekſchan ſwehtibas vnd Taißnibas / kattra tam pattiek. |
Manc1631_LVM_213_13 | Vnd tu Behrnings tapſi weens Proweetz tha Wiſẜa= |
Manc1631_LVM_213_14 | auxtaka dähwähtz / tu eeſi preekſchan to Kungu / ka tu |
Manc1631_LVM_213_15 | tam to czeļļu ẜataiſẜi. |
Manc1631_LVM_213_16 | Vnd Adſiſchanu tahß Peſtiſchanas dohd ẜaweems Ļau- |
Manc1631_LVM_213_17 | deems / kattra gir eekſchan winjo Ghräko Peedoſchanu. |
Manc1631_LVM_213_18 | Czaur to Ꞩirdtzdibbenigu ſchäläſtibu muhſẜa Dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_213_19 | wa / czaur kattru mums peemeckleyis gir tas Auſtrums |
Manc1631_LVM_213_20 | no tahß Auxtibas. |
Manc1631_LVM_213_21 | Ka tas atſpiedätu teems / kattri ẜehſch Tumbſẜumà / |
Manc1631_LVM_213_22 | vnd nahwes ähnà / vnd ißtaiſẜitu muhſẜas Kahyas vs |
Manc1631_LVM_213_23 | to czeļļu tha Meera. |
Manc1631_LVM_213_24 | Vnd tas Behrnings augha / vnd tappa ſtippris eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_213_25 | ſchan Gharru / vnd by Tuxneſẜy / teekams ka tam by preek- |
Manc1631_LVM_213_26 | ſcha nahkt / preekſchan teems Ļaudeems Jſraël. |
| @b{Epiſtel} |
| |
| [214.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_214_1 | @v{Epiſtel am Tage S. Petri vnd S. Pauli /} |
Manc1631_LVM_214_2 | @v{Act. 12.} |
Manc1631_LVM_214_3 | KAs Konings Herodes peelicka tahß Rohkas py |
Manc1631_LVM_214_4 | czitteems no tahß draudzes tohß mohziet. Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_214_5 | wings nomaitaya to Jaņa Brahli ar Sobeni. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_214_6 | kad wings redſeya / ka tas teems Juddeems patticka / |
Manc1631_LVM_214_7 | ẜayehme tas irr Peteri. Bett tanny paſſchà laikà by |
Manc1631_LVM_214_8 | tahß Deenas tahß Ꞩalldahß=maiſes. Kad wings to |
Manc1631_LVM_214_9 | nu ẜayehme / licka wings to Czeetumà / vnd nodewe to |
Manc1631_LVM_214_10 | tſchettreems tſchetterdaļļeems Kaŗŗawiereems / to ghlab- |
Manc1631_LVM_214_11 | boht / vnd ſkittahß to pehtz Leeldeen teems Ļaudeems |
Manc1631_LVM_214_12 | preekſcha weſt. Vnd teeſẜa / Peteris tappa Czeetumà |
Manc1631_LVM_214_13 | turrähtz / bett ta Draudſe luhdſe par to Deewu beß mit- |
Manc1631_LVM_214_14 | teſchanas. Vnd kad Herodes to ghribbeya preekſcha weſt / |
Manc1631_LVM_214_15 | tanny paſſcha nackty ghulleya Peteris ſtarrpa diweems |
Manc1631_LVM_214_16 | Kaŗŗawiereems / ẜaſẜeetz ar diweems Kehdehms / vnd tee |
Manc1631_LVM_214_17 | Ꞩarrghi preekſchan Durrweems ẜarrghaya to Czeetu- |
Manc1631_LVM_214_18 | mu. |
Manc1631_LVM_214_19 | Vnd reds / tas Engels ta Kungha attghaya / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_214_20 | weena ghaißma ſpiedeya eekſchan to ähku / vnd ẜitta Pe- |
Manc1631_LVM_214_21 | teri Ꞩahnohß / vnd vsmohdenaya to / vnd ẜatziya / czel- |
Manc1631_LVM_214_22 | lees tickuſẜche aukſcham / vnd tahß Kehdes kritta tam no |
Manc1631_LVM_214_23 | winja Rohkahms. Vnd tas Engels ẜatziya vs to / apyohſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_214_24 | ẜees / vnd apwellzees ẜawas Kurrpes. Vnd tas darriya |
Manc1631_LVM_214_25 | tha. Vnd wings ẜatziya vs to: Apmettees ẜawu Meh- |
Manc1631_LVM_214_26 | teli apkahrt ẜöw / vnd nahtz ar mann. Vnd tas ißghaya / |
| @b{vnd} |
| |
| [215.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_215_1 | vnd ghaya winyam packaļļ / vnd nhe ſinnaya / ka tas |
Manc1631_LVM_215_2 | tam itt teeſcham noticktu czaur to Engeli / hett tas ſkitta |
Manc1631_LVM_215_3 | weenu ghiemi rädſohtz. |
Manc1631_LVM_215_4 | Bett tee ghaya czaur to pirrmu vnd ohtru Wackti / |
Manc1631_LVM_215_5 | vnd nahze py teems dſällſa Durrweems / kattras vs Jäll- |
Manc1631_LVM_215_6 | ghawu eet / tahß no ẜöw paſſcheems attdarriyahß. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_215_7 | ißghaya / vnd ghaya weenu Eelas ghaŗŗumu / vnd tudeļļ |
Manc1631_LVM_215_8 | ſkierehß tas Engels no to. Vnd kad Peteris attghahda- |
Manc1631_LVM_215_9 | yahß / ẜatziya tas / Nu ſinnu es teeſcham / ka tas Kunx |
Manc1631_LVM_215_10 | ẜawu Engeli ẜuhtiyis gir / vnd mann ißpeſtiyis no to Roh- |
Manc1631_LVM_215_11 | ku Herodis / vnd no wiſẜu ẜarrghaſchanu to Juddo Ļau- |
Manc1631_LVM_215_12 | ſcho. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_215_13 | @v{Evangelium am Tage S. Petri vnd S. Pau-} |
Manc1631_LVM_215_14 | @v{li / Matth. 16.} |
Manc1631_LVM_215_15 | JEſus nahze eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_215_16 | teems Eſcheems tahß |
Manc1631_LVM_215_17 | Pilis Ceſarea Wilippi / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_215_18 | waizaya ẜawus Mahze- |
Manc1631_LVM_215_19 | kļus vnd ẜatziya / ko ẜacka tee |
Manc1631_LVM_215_20 | Ļaudis / kas ta Czillwäka |
Manc1631_LVM_215_21 | Dähls äſẜohtz? Tee ẜatzi- |
Manc1631_LVM_215_22 | ya: Czitti ẜacka / Tu äſẜohtz |
Manc1631_LVM_215_23 | Janis tas Chriſtetais: |
Manc1631_LVM_215_24 | Czitti / tu äſẜohtz Elias / czitti / tu äſẜohtz Jeremias / jeb |
Manc1631_LVM_215_25 | weens no teems Proweeteems. Wings ẜatziya vs teems: |
Manc1631_LVM_215_26 | Ko ẜackaht tad juhß / kas es äſẜohtz? Tad adbilldeya Si- |
| @b{mon} |
| |
| [216.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_216_1 | mon Peteris / vnd ẜatziya / Tu eſẜi Chriſtus / ta dſiewa |
Manc1631_LVM_216_2 | Deewa Dähls. |
Manc1631_LVM_216_3 | Vnd JEſus adbilldeya vnd ẜatziya vs to: Swähtz |
Manc1631_LVM_216_4 | eſẜi tu Simon Jonaſa Dähls / aiſto Meeſẜas vnd Aſẜins |
Manc1631_LVM_216_5 | nhe gir töw to ẜatziyuẜchi / bett manns Tähws Debbeſẜies. |
Manc1631_LVM_216_6 | Vnd es ẜacku töw arridſan / tu eſẜi Peteris / vnd vs ſcho |
Manc1631_LVM_216_7 | czeetu Ackmini ghribbu es vstaiſẜiet ẜawu Drauds / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_216_8 | teems Wahrteems tahß Elles nhe buhß to vswahreht. |
Manc1631_LVM_216_9 | Vnd ghribbu töw tahß Däbbäſẜo=wallſtibas Atzlä- |
Manc1631_LVM_216_10 | ghas doht / Wiß ko tu vs Semmes ẜeeſẜi / buhß arridſan |
Manc1631_LVM_216_11 | Debbeſẜies ẜeetam buht / vnd wiß ko tu vs Semmes att- |
Manc1631_LVM_216_12 | ẜeeſẜi / buhß arridſan Debbeſẜies attẜeetam buht. Tad aiß- |
Manc1631_LVM_216_13 | leedſe wings ẜaweems Mahzekļeems / ka teems nhe by |
Manc1631_LVM_216_14 | nhe weenam ẜatziet / ka wings JEſus / tas Chriſtus äſẜohtz. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_216_15 | @v{Epiſtel am Tage Mariae Heimsuchung} |
Manc1631_LVM_216_16 | @v{Rom. 12. vide Dnic. 2. nach der Erſchei-} |
Manc1631_LVM_216_17 | @v{nung CHriſti.} |
Manc1631_LVM_216_18 | @v{Evangelium am Tage Mariae Heimſu-} |
Manc1631_LVM_216_19 | @v{chung / Luc. 1.} |
Manc1631_LVM_216_20 | MAria mettehß kahyop tannies Deenahß / vnd gha- |
Manc1631_LVM_216_21 | ya par to Kallnu tickuſche / vs to Pili Juda / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_216_22 | nahze eekſchan to Nammu Zacharias / vnd ſweizenaya |
Manc1631_LVM_216_23 | Eliſabeth. Vnd tas notickahß / kad Eliſabeth to ſweize- |
Manc1631_LVM_216_24 | naſchanu Mariae dſirrdeya / deedams lehze tas Bährns |
Manc1631_LVM_216_25 | winja Meeſẜahß. Vnd Eliſabeth tappa no to ſwähtu |
| @b{Gharru} |
| |
| [217.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_217_1 | Gharru pilla / vnd brehze |
Manc1631_LVM_217_2 | ſtippre / ẜatzidama: Teickta |
Manc1631_LVM_217_3 | eſẜi tu no tahms Ꞩee- |
Manc1631_LVM_217_4 | wahms / vnd teickta gir ta |
Manc1631_LVM_217_5 | Aughle tawas Meeſẜas / |
Manc1631_LVM_217_6 | vnd no kurrenes tas mann |
Manc1631_LVM_217_7 | nahkahß / ka tha Mahte |
Manc1631_LVM_217_8 | manna Kungha py mann |
Manc1631_LVM_217_9 | nahk? Redſi / kad es to |
Manc1631_LVM_217_10 | ballxni tawas ſweizenaſchanas dſirrdeyu / preezadam- |
Manc1631_LVM_217_11 | mees lähze tas Bährns mannahß Meeſẜahß. Vnd O |
Manc1631_LVM_217_12 | ſwähta eſẜi tu / kattra tu titzeyuſẜi eſẜi / aiſto tas taps pee- |
Manc1631_LVM_217_13 | pilldietz / kas töw ẜatzietz gir no to Kungu. |
Manc1631_LVM_217_14 | Vnd Maria ẜatziya: |
Manc1631_LVM_217_15 | Manna Dwehſẜele teitz to Kunghu / vnd mans Gharrs |
Manc1631_LVM_217_16 | epreehzeenayahß par to Deewu mannu Peſtitayu. |
Manc1631_LVM_217_17 | Aiſto tas gir to Sämmoſchanu ẜawas Kallpones |
Manc1631_LVM_217_18 | vsraudſiyis / Redſi no ſcho laiku mann ſwätu teix wiſẜi |
Manc1631_LVM_217_19 | Bährno Bährni. |
Manc1631_LVM_217_20 | Aiſto tas gir leelu leethu py man darriyis / katters |
Manc1631_LVM_217_21 | Spehziex gir / vnd kattra wahrtz Swähtz gir. |
Manc1631_LVM_217_22 | Vnd winja Schälaſtiba palleek no weenas Czilltas |
Manc1631_LVM_217_23 | ihs ohtras / py teems / kattri to biya. |
Manc1631_LVM_217_24 | Tas gir ſpehziex ar ẜawu Ällkonu / vnd ißkaiſẜa tohß |
Manc1631_LVM_217_25 | kattri gräſni gir ẜawas Ꞩirdtz prahta. |
Manc1631_LVM_217_26 | Tas gruhſch tohß Spehzigus no to Kräſlu / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_217_27 | pazeļļ tohs Sämmoſchus aukſcham. |
| @b{Tohß} |
| |
| [218.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_218_1 | Tohß Jßallkuſchus peepillda tas arr Labbibu / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_218_2 | attſtay tohs Baggatus tuckſchus. |
Manc1631_LVM_218_3 | Tas peeminn tahs ſchälaſtibas / vnd vspallieds ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_218_4 | wam Kallpam Jſrael. |
Manc1631_LVM_218_5 | Ka tas gir runnayis muhſẜeems Tähweems / Abra- |
Manc1631_LVM_218_6 | ham vnd winja Ꞩäklam muhſchige. |
Manc1631_LVM_218_7 | Vnd Maria palicka py tahs py trims Mehneſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_218_8 | ẜeems / pehtz greeſehs ta attkal vs Mahyu. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_218_9 | @v{Epiſtel am S. Michaelis tage /} |
Manc1631_LVM_218_10 | @v{Apocal. 12.} |
Manc1631_LVM_218_11 | WEens Karrſch pazehlees ẜöw Debbeſẜies / Micke- |
Manc1631_LVM_218_12 | lis vnd winja Engeļi Karŗoya ar to Satahna / |
Manc1631_LVM_218_13 | vnd tas Sathanas Karŗoya / vnd winja Engeļi / vnd nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_218_14 | vswahreya / neds arridſan winjo Weeta tappa Debbeſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_218_15 | ẜies attraſta. Vnd tas leels Puhgkis / ta wätza Tſchuhß- |
Manc1631_LVM_218_16 | ka / kattrai wahrtz gir tas Wälls vnd Sathanas tappa |
Manc1631_LVM_218_17 | ißmäſtz / katters wiſẜu to Paſẜaul ar Wiltu wadda / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_218_18 | tappa mäſtz wirſẜon Semmes / vnd winja Engeļi tappa |
Manc1631_LVM_218_19 | arridſan nomäſti. |
Manc1631_LVM_218_20 | Vnd es dſirrdeyu weenu leelu ballxne / ta ẜatziya |
Manc1631_LVM_218_21 | Debbeſẜies / Nu gir ta Peſtiſchana / vnd tas Spähx / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_218_22 | ta Wallſtiba / vnd ta Warra muhſẜa Deewa / ẜawa |
Manc1631_LVM_218_23 | CHriſtus tappuſẜi / tapehtz ka tas ißmäſtz gir / katters |
Manc1631_LVM_218_24 | tohß apẜuhdſeya Deenas vnd Nacktis preekſchan Dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_218_25 | wu. Vnd tee gir to vswarreyuſchi czaur ta Jähra Aſẜi- |
Manc1631_LVM_218_26 | ni / vnd czaur to Wahrdu ẜawas leezibas / vnd nhe gir |
| @b{ẜawa} |
| |
| [219.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_219_1 | ẜawu dſiewibu mieļoyuſchi / ihs to Nahwu. Tapehtz |
Manc1631_LVM_219_2 | liexmoyeetees juhs Debbeſẜes / vnd kattri tur eekſchan |
Manc1631_LVM_219_3 | dſiewo. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_219_4 | @v{Evangelium am tage S. Micha?lis /} |
Manc1631_LVM_219_5 | @v{Matth. 18.} |
Manc1631_LVM_219_6 | TEe Mahzekli ghaya |
Manc1631_LVM_219_7 | py JEſu vnd ẜatziya{ẜaiya}: |
Manc1631_LVM_219_8 | Kas gir tas Prawakais |
Manc1631_LVM_219_9 | Debbeſẜo=Wallſtibà? JE- |
Manc1631_LVM_219_10 | ſus aizenaya weenu Bähr- |
Manc1631_LVM_219_11 | nu py ẜöw / vnd wedde to |
Manc1631_LVM_219_12 | widdu ſtarrpan teems / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_219_13 | ẜatziya: Pattees / es ẜacku |
Manc1631_LVM_219_14 | jums / Ja juhß nhe apghre- |
Manc1631_LVM_219_15 | ſchatees / vnd tohpeeta ka |
Manc1631_LVM_219_16 | tee Bährni / tad juhß |
Manc1631_LVM_219_17 | Debbeſẜo=Wallſtibà nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_219_18 | nahxeta. Kas ẜöw pattz ẜämmoyahß ka ſchis Bährns / |
Manc1631_LVM_219_19 | tas gir tas Prahwakays Debbeſẜo=wallſtiba / vnd kas |
Manc1631_LVM_219_20 | tahdu Bährnu vsjämm eekſchan mannu Wahrdu / tas |
Manc1631_LVM_219_21 | vsjämm mann. Bett kas weenu no ſcheems wiſẜeems |
Manc1631_LVM_219_22 | maſakeems apghrehzi / kattri eekſchan mann titz / tam |
Manc1631_LVM_219_23 | buhtu labbahk / ka tam weens Dſirna=ackminns py win- |
Manc1631_LVM_219_24 | ja Riekles pakahrtz taptu / vnd apſlietzenahtz taptu Juh- |
Manc1631_LVM_219_25 | ri / kurr wißdſiļļahk gir. |
Manc1631_LVM_219_26 | Way tai Paſẜaulei tahs apghrehzibas dehļ. Ap- |
| @b{ghrehzibai} |
| |
| [220.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_220_1 | ghrehzibai buhß jo nahkt / bett tomähr way tam Czillwä- |
Manc1631_LVM_220_2 | kam / czaur kattru Apghrehziba nahk. Bett ja töw ta- |
Manc1631_LVM_220_3 | wa Rohka jeb tawa Kahya Karrina / no czehrt to / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_220_4 | mett to no ẜöw / tas gir töw labbahk / ka tu eekſchan dſie- |
Manc1631_LVM_220_5 | woſchanas Tiſlis / jeb Krohplis ee=ey / nhe ka töw diwi |
Manc1631_LVM_220_6 | Rohkas / jeb Kahjas gir / vnd tohpi eekſchan to muh- |
Manc1631_LVM_220_7 | ſchigu Vgguni ee=mäſts. Vnd ja töw tawa Atz Karri- |
Manc1631_LVM_220_8 | na / ißrau to aran / vnd mett to no ẜöw / tas gir töw lab- |
Manc1631_LVM_220_9 | bahk / ka tu ar weenu Atzi eekſchan dſiewoſchanas ee=ey / |
Manc1631_LVM_220_10 | nhe ka töw diwi Atzis gir / vnd tohpi Elles Vgguny ee- |
Manc1631_LVM_220_11 | mäſts. |
Manc1631_LVM_220_12 | Peeraughaita / ka juhß nhe weenu no ſcheems nitzi- |
Manc1631_LVM_220_13 | nayeeta: Aiſto es ẜacku jums: Winjo Engeļi Debbeſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_220_14 | ẜies / räds allaſchien to Waighu manna Tähwa Deb- |
Manc1631_LVM_220_15 | beſẜies. Aiſto tha Czillwäka Dähls gir natzis / ſwäh- |
Manc1631_LVM_220_16 | tus darriet tohs kattri paſudduſchi gir. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_220_17 | @v{Evangelium von der Tauffe Chriſti /} |
Manc1631_LVM_220_18 | @v{Matth. 3. Cap.} |
Manc1631_LVM_220_19 | TAnny laikà nahze JEſus aran Galileeŗo Sem- |
Manc1631_LVM_220_20 | mes / py to (vppi) Jordan py Jani / ka tas ẜöw no to |
Manc1631_LVM_220_21 | licktees Kruſtitees. Bett Janis leedſe tam / vnd ẜatzi- |
Manc1631_LVM_220_22 | ya / Mann buhtu ghan wayaga biyis / ka es no töw Kru- |
Manc1631_LVM_220_23 | ſtietz taptu / vnd tu nahz py mann? Bett JEſus adbil- |
| @b{deya /} |
| |
| [221.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_221_1 | deya / ẜatzidams vs to: Laid nu to tha buht / tha peekla- |
Manc1631_LVM_221_2 | yahß mums wiſẜu Taißnibu peepilldiet. Tad ļahwe |
Manc1631_LVM_221_3 | wings tam. |
Manc1631_LVM_221_4 | Vnd kad JEſus Kruſtietz by / ißkahpe Wings dries |
Manc1631_LVM_221_5 | aran to Vdeni. Vnd redſi / tad attwehrehß tas Debbeß |
Manc1631_LVM_221_6 | par Winju. Vnd Janis redſeya to Deewa Gharru / |
Manc1631_LVM_221_7 | ihten ka kahdu Ballodi ſemmeh nolaiſchohtz / vnd par |
Manc1631_LVM_221_8 | winyu nahkam. Vnd redſi weens Ballxnis no Debbes |
Manc1631_LVM_221_9 | ẜatziya: Schiß gir manns mieļais Dähls / py kattru |
Manc1631_LVM_221_10 | mann labbs Prahtz gir (vel, katters mann pattiek.) |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_221_11 | @v{Evangelium am Friedenstage / welcher} |
Manc1631_LVM_221_12 | @v{Jährlich im Fürſtenthumb Churland vnd Semgallen /} |
Manc1631_LVM_221_13 | @v{auff anordnung Fürſtl. Durchl. Hertzog Gotthardts /} @l{etc.} @v{Chriſt-} |
Manc1631_LVM_221_14 | @v{milder gedächtniß / wegen des zwiſchen dem Pohlen vnd Moßcovi-} |
Manc1631_LVM_221_15 | @v{ter / betrffend den Lieffländiſchen Krieg / anno 1582. durch ſonderba-} |
Manc1631_LVM_221_16 | @v{re ſchickung Gottes / getroffen Friedens / den 15. Januarii} |
Manc1631_LVM_221_17 | @v{feyerlich gehalten wird.} |
Manc1631_LVM_221_18 | @v{Luc. 13. Cap.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_221_19 | TAnny laykà paſluddenaya zitti tam Kungam JE- |
Manc1631_LVM_221_20 | ſu no teems Galileeŗeems / kattro Aſẜini Pilatus ar winyo |
Manc1631_LVM_221_21 | Vpperi ẜajautzis by. Vnd JEſus adbilldeya vnd ẜatziya vs |
Manc1631_LVM_221_22 | teems: Skeetaht juhß / ka ſchee Galileeŗi par wiſẜeems Galilee- |
Manc1631_LVM_221_23 | ŗeems Ghräzeneeki biyuſſchi gir tapehtz kad tee to zeetuſſchi gir? Es |
Manc1631_LVM_221_24 | ẜacku / Nhe / Bett ja juhß nhe tapſẜeeta labbaki / tad irr juhß wiſẜi ar- |
Manc1631_LVM_221_25 | ridſan tha tapſẜeeta nomaitati. Jeb ſkeetaht juhß / ka tee aſtohņpa- |
Manc1631_LVM_221_26 | deßmitti / vs kattreems{kattrerms} tas Thurnis eekſchan Siloha kritta / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_221_27 | noẜitta tohß / gir noſeguſſchi par wiſẜeems Czillwäkeems / kattri eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_221_28 | ſchan Jeruſalemes dſiewo? Es ẜacku / Nhe: Bett ja juhß |
Manc1631_LVM_221_29 | nhe tapſẜeeta labbaki / tad irr juhß wiſẜi arri- |
Manc1631_LVM_221_30 | dſan tha tapſẜeeta nomaitati. |
| |
| [222.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_222_1 | @v{Die trawrige Hiſtoria der er-} |
Manc1631_LVM_222_2 | @v{bärmlichen} |
Manc1631_LVM_222_3 | @v{Zerſtörung der Statt} |
Manc1631_LVM_222_4 | @v{Jeruſalem / 40. Jahr nach des} |
Manc1631_LVM_222_5 | @v{HErren Chriſti leiden.} |
Manc1631_LVM_222_6 | @v{Hiebevor in Lettiſcher Sprache nie ge-} |
Manc1631_LVM_222_7 | @v{ſehen / itzo aber verſetzet} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_222_8 | @v{Durch} |
Manc1631_LVM_222_9 | @v{GEORGIVM MANCELIVM} |
Manc1631_LVM_222_10 | @v{Semgallum P.} |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_222_11 | @l{Ad Zoilum:} |
Manc1631_LVM_222_12 | @l{Serviat omne DEO ſtudium, fremat Orbis & Orcus;} |
Manc1631_LVM_222_13 | @l{Rumpatur Momus: Sat placuiſſe Deo.} |
Manc1631_LVM_222_14 | @l{Cum Grat. & Privileg. Sereniſ. Reg. Svec.} |
Manc1631_LVM_222_15 | @v{Gedruckt zu Riga in Lieffland / durch vnd in} |
Manc1631_LVM_222_16 | @v{Verlegung Gerhard Schröders / 1631.} |
| |
| [223.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_223_1 | @v{Hiſtoria} |
Manc1631_LVM_223_2 | @v{Von der Zerſtörung der} |
Manc1631_LVM_223_3 | @v{Statt Jeruſalem Lettiſch.} |
| |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_223_4 | Kad tas laix daggaya / kad Deews ghribbeya |
Manc1631_LVM_223_5 | par Jeruſalem / vnd teems Juddo ļaudeems ẜawu Duß- |
Manc1631_LVM_223_6 | mibu iß=krattiet / ka tee Proweetes / vnd tas Kunx Chri- |
Manc1631_LVM_223_7 | ſtus patz teems by draudeyuſchi / vnd papreekſch ẜatziyuſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_223_8 | ſchi / gir ſchahß Siemes pirrmahk rädſätas. |
Manc1631_LVM_223_9 | Py Däbbäſẜu gir weena Aſtita=Swaigſne rädſäta ka kahtz |
Manc1631_LVM_223_10 | Sohbens / kattra wiſẜu Ghaddas kahrtu par to Pili ſtahweya / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_223_11 | ick=kattris Czillwähx to redſeya. |
Manc1631_LVM_223_12 | Jtt paſſchahß Leeldeenahs / app to aſtotu Stundu Nackty / 8. |
Manc1631_LVM_223_13 | Aprill gir py to Alltari Baſnizà tahß ſkaidris ſpohſch ghaiſchums |
Manc1631_LVM_223_14 | attſpiedeyis / ka ick=kattris ſkitta /Deenu äſẜam. |
Manc1631_LVM_223_15 | Weenas waŗŗas leelas ſtippras Wahrtis / eekſchan to eekſkigu |
Manc1631_LVM_223_16 | Baſnizu / kuŗŗas diwi deßmitteems Wiereems zelltt by / ghribbäda- |
| @b{mi} |
| |
| [224.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_224_1 | mi tahs attdarriet / kattras ar ſtipprahms Atzläghams vnd Dſällſa= |
Manc1631_LVM_224_2 | klinckeems by apdarrinatas / gir ẜöw paſſchas app to ẜäßtu Stundu |
Manc1631_LVM_224_3 | Nackty attdarriyuſſchahß. 21.Junij. App Ꞩehna laiku gir rädſäti |
Manc1631_LVM_224_4 | Paddebbeſẜies Ratti=liddinayammees / vnd ka kahtz leels Spähx no |
Manc1631_LVM_224_5 | Jahtneekeems vnd Kahyeneekeems Paddebbeſẜies ẜa=eiyoht / vnd koh- |
Manc1631_LVM_224_6 | pa kauyohtees nackty. To Deenu pirrms Waſẜaraſwähtkeems / kad |
Manc1631_LVM_224_7 | tee Baſnizaskungi eekſchan to Baſnizu ghribbeyuſchi ẜattaiſẜiet / kas |
Manc1631_LVM_224_8 | vs Ꞩwähtkeems wayadſeya / gir tee leelu dimbdu / vnd pehtz weenu |
Manc1631_LVM_224_9 | Ballxni dſirrdeyuſchi / katters gir brehzis / laideeta mums no ſchenne- |
Manc1631_LVM_224_10 | nes nohſt behkt. Jeb tomähr czitti ẜacka / tas äſẜohtz to laiku notitzis / |
Manc1631_LVM_224_11 | kad tas preekſchkarrayams Autz Baſnizà CHriſto mirrſtoht / gir ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_224_12 | plieſẜis. |
Manc1631_LVM_224_13 | Tur gir arridſan weens Czillwähx biyis / JEſus / Anani däh- |
Manc1631_LVM_224_14 | wähtz / nabbaga Wiera Dähls / tas patz nahkdams Jeruſalemeh vs |
Manc1631_LVM_224_15 | teems Waſẜaraſwähtkeems / gir ar leelu ſtippru Gharru brehzis: Ock |
Manc1631_LVM_224_16 | weena Kleekſchana no Auſtrumas / ock weena Kleekſchana no Wa- |
Manc1631_LVM_224_17 | ckara puſẜes / ock weena Kleekſchana no tſchettreems Wehyeems / wee- |
Manc1631_LVM_224_18 | na Kleekſchana par wiſẜu Jeruſalem vnd to Baſnizu / weena leela |
Manc1631_LVM_224_19 | Waida par Bruht vnd Brudgamu / weena Kleekſchana par wiſẜeems |
Manc1631_LVM_224_20 | Ļaudeems. Vnd ta wings Deenas vnd Nacktis waideya / vnd ſkreya |
Manc1631_LVM_224_21 | ka trax apkahrt eekſchan to Pili. Vnd jebſche Winju zitti ar Pahta- |
Manc1631_LVM_224_22 | gahms vnd Riextehms ſchaute / kattri ſchohß Wahrdus ka nhelab- |
Manc1631_LVM_224_23 | bus par to Pili labpraht nhe dſirrdeya / tad to mähr Wings nhe zeete |
Manc1631_LVM_224_24 | kluß. |
Manc1631_LVM_224_25 | Vnd kad ſchiß Czillwähx preekſchan to Semmeſẜohgi nowäſts |
Manc1631_LVM_224_26 | gir / kattru tee Römeŗi eelickuſchi by / katters to arridſan ar Pata- |
Manc1631_LVM_224_27 | gahms ghauſche lieds patt Aſẜinim ſchauſt licka / tomähr nhe gir |
Manc1631_LVM_224_28 | Wings nhe ar weenu Wahrdu ſchälaſtibu luhdſees / nei kahdu Aſẜaru |
Manc1631_LVM_224_29 | ißlaidis / bett bes mitteſchanas wiſẜà ghallwà brehzis / Way / Way / |
Manc1631_LVM_224_30 | töw / O tu nabbaga Jeruſalem. Albinus tas Ꞩohgis gir to ka kah- |
Manc1631_LVM_224_31 | du Jegki ſmehyis. Bett ſchiß Czillwähx nhe gir ẜeptinyohß Ghad- |
Manc1631_LVM_224_32 | dohß dauds ar Ļaudeems runnayis / bett allaſch weens ghayis / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_224_33 | kahtz Czillwähx kas ko labb ļohte py ẜöw paſſcham apdohma / vnd gir |
| @b{allaſchien} |
| |
| [225.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_225_1 | allaſchien ſchohß Wahrdus brehzis / Way / Way töw / O tu nabba- |
Manc1631_LVM_225_2 | ga Jeruſalem. Vnd no tahdas brehkſchanas nhe gir Wings apnitzis. |
Manc1631_LVM_225_3 | Vnd kad nu ta Pils no teems Römeŗeems gir apẜähſta biyuſẜi / |
Manc1631_LVM_225_4 | gir wings wirſẜu teems Muhreems apkahrt ſtaighayis / vnd alla- |
Manc1631_LVM_225_5 | ſchien brehzis / Way par ta Baſnizu / Way par wiſẜeems Ļaudeems. |
Manc1631_LVM_225_6 | Vnd wißpehdige gir wings arridſan ſchohß nhe=eraſtus Wahrdus |
Manc1631_LVM_225_7 | klaht ẜatziyis / Way irr mann. Vnd to ẜatzidams gir wings no nhe- |
Manc1631_LVM_225_8 | yauſche no to Waideneeko ſchaudiſchanu aisjämtz / vnd ta nomirris. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_225_9 | Schahß vnd zittas leelas Siemes gir papreekſch rädſätas / |
Manc1631_LVM_225_10 | pirms Jeruſalem ißpohſtita tappa. Nu ghribbam mehß no tahß |
Manc1631_LVM_225_11 | paſſchas ißpoſtiſchanas arridſan magkeniet runnaht. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_225_12 | Kad tee Juddi / ka Steppings ẜacka / ka Ꞩläppkawi vnd Will- |
Manc1631_LVM_225_13 | tineeki / to taißnu vnd nhenoſeeguſchu CHriſtum nokahwuſchi by / |
Manc1631_LVM_225_14 | gir tas ar wiſẜu to Juddo Wallſtibu eekſchan wiſẜahms leetahms al- |
Manc1631_LVM_225_15 | laſchien nicknake tappis. Tee Auxtibaſnizaskungi eeẜahka / vnd dar- |
Manc1631_LVM_225_16 | riya Warru teems zitteems Baſnizaskungeems. Starrpa teems |
Manc1631_LVM_225_17 | zitteems auxteems Kungeems by wiſẜenada Eeniedeſchana / wiſẜas lee- |
Manc1631_LVM_225_18 | tas Wallſtibà taiſẜiyas vs Nheẜadderreſchanas / vnd by janomanna / |
Manc1631_LVM_225_19 | ka wiſẜahms leetahms by zittade tapt / vnd tai Wallſtibai ẜajuckt. No |
Manc1631_LVM_225_20 | tahdas Nheẜadderieſchanas vnd Eeniedeſchanas to auxto Kungo ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_225_21 | wa ſtarrpà czehlehß ẜahwahtz Pullx draux py draughu / vnd no to |
Manc1631_LVM_225_22 | attlehze wiſẜenada Nhelaimiba / leela Abpohſtiſchana vnd Släppka- |
Manc1631_LVM_225_23 | wiba eekſchan Jeruſalemes vnd ara Pills / vnd wiſẜas leetas taiſẜi- |
Manc1631_LVM_225_24 | yahß / ka abbi Wallſtibas / Gharriga vnd Paſẜauliga / to Ļauſcho / |
Manc1631_LVM_225_25 | apkahrt kahrtim by greeſtam tapt. Tapehtz arridſan notickahß / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_225_26 | tas Keyſers Nero Ceſtium Wlorum Juddoſemmeh ee=ẜuhtiya / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_225_27 | kad wings teems Juddeems ļohte barx by / ar dauds leetams / ẜawu |
Manc1631_LVM_225_28 | Nheghauſẜibu / leppnibu vnd Pahrghallwibu dſiedams / gir tee Jud- |
Manc1631_LVM_225_29 | di winju ißdſinnuſchi / vnd kad wings ar teems kahwehß / gir winjam |
Manc1631_LVM_225_30 | peetz=tuhxtoſchi Wieri no ẜawu ſpähku apkawti. Tha trackoya tee |
Manc1631_LVM_225_31 | Juddi zaur Deewa lickumu / ka tee arridſan prett teems Römeŗeems |
Manc1631_LVM_225_32 | turreyahß / vnd teems nhe ghribbeya klauſẜiet. Bett kad tas Keiſers |
| @b{Nero} |
| |
| [226.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_226_1 | Nero to ẜayutta / ẜuhtiya wings to Wlawium Weẜpaſianum ar |
Manc1631_LVM_226_2 | ẜawu Dählu Tito eekſchan Syria=ſemmes. |
Manc1631_LVM_226_3 | Vnd apkahrt to laiku gir eekẜchan wiſẜu Auſtruma pus / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_226_4 | arridſan Tranquillus raxta / Runnas iß=pauduſchi / ka ihten apkahrt |
Manc1631_LVM_226_5 | to laiku zitteems / kattri aran Judea nahktu / ļohte auxteems vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_226_6 | ſpehzigeems eekſchan wiſẜas Paſẜaules by tapt. Vnd jebſche tas py |
Manc1631_LVM_226_7 | to gharrigu Wallſtu Chriſti tha tees tappa / ka tas Wahrtz CHri- |
Manc1631_LVM_226_8 | ſti (katters peedſimmis gir no to Juddo tautu) zaur to Mahzibu |
Manc1631_LVM_226_9 | ta Ewangelij eekſchan wiſẜas Paſẜaules auxts tappa / tad gir tomähr |
Manc1631_LVM_226_10 | to zitti vs teems diweems Weſpaſianeems ghreeſuſchi. Bett tee Jud- |
Manc1631_LVM_226_11 | di ghreeſe ſchohß Wahrdus vs ẜöw / kad teems ißdewehß daſchereis |
Manc1631_LVM_226_12 | ẜawus Waideneekus kaut / tappa tee läppni / zehle tries Wirrß- |
Manc1631_LVM_226_13 | neekus / ghribbädami to Pili Aſcalon ar Warru vsjembt / teitan gir |
Manc1631_LVM_226_14 | tee diweyohß Slacktinyohß apkauti / tee Wirrßneeki / vnd diwideß- |
Manc1631_LVM_226_15 | mittz tuhxtoſchi Wieri. |
Manc1631_LVM_226_16 | Ta nu pehtz to dewehß Weſpaſianus vs tha Keiſeŗa pawehle- |
Manc1631_LVM_226_17 | ſchanu eekſchan Galileam / kattra weena Semme by pilla Ļauſcho / |
Manc1631_LVM_226_18 | ißpohſtiya wis zaur zaurim / vnd nhe by no Kauſchanas / Pohſti- |
Manc1631_LVM_226_19 | ſchanas / vnd Dädſenaſchanas ghalls / tad tappa dauds tuhxtoſchi |
Manc1631_LVM_226_20 | Juddi nokauti / weenà reiſà peetzdeßmittz tuhxtoſchi Wieri / bes |
Manc1631_LVM_226_21 | Ꞩeewahms / Bährneems / vnd Ļaudeems no Semmes. Tee Karŗa= |
Manc1631_LVM_226_22 | Wieri nhe gir teitan neds Wätzus neds Jaunus ſchäloyuſchi / ney |
Manc1631_LVM_226_23 | ghruhtas Ꞩeewas / ney Bährnus Schuhply. Ꞩeſſchus=tuhxtoſchus |
Manc1631_LVM_226_24 | Jaunus Wierus gir Weſpaſianus weenà reiſà / ka ẜawus paſſchus |
Manc1631_LVM_226_25 | muhſchigus Wahrgus / ſuhtiyis to gharŗu ſchauru Semm @l{Iſthmus} |
Manc1631_LVM_226_26 | ſtarpan teems diweems Juhreems eekſchan Achaia ißrackt. Triesdes- |
Manc1631_LVM_226_27 | mitz=tuhxtoſchi Karŗawieri to Juddo gir tanny laikà weenà reiſà |
Manc1631_LVM_226_28 | par muhſchigeems Wahrgeems pahrdohti. Peetztuhxtoſchi gir ẜöw |
Manc1631_LVM_226_29 | paſſchi no Jſẜamiſẜeſchanas no auxteems Kallneems no ghaſuſſchees. |
| |
Manc1631_LVM_226_30 | Tanny laikà by weens auxtz Kunx / labbe mahziyees / ghud- |
Manc1631_LVM_226_31 | dris vnd prahtiex / Baſnizaskunx ſtarpan teems Juddeems / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_226_32 | weens no winjo Wirßneekeems Karŗà / ar wahrdu Joſeps. Vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_226_33 | kàd wings pirrmà Jßbaileh ar maſu Pullzinņu weenà Dohbeh (leela |
| @b{Zauruma} |
| |
| [227.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_227_1 | Zauruma) bähgdams eeliedis by / py to Galileeŗo Pili / Jotapatra |
Manc1631_LVM_227_2 | noẜaukta / tappa wings Rohka dabbuitz / vnd py Weſpaſiano |
Manc1631_LVM_227_3 | wäſts. Vnd kad wings tam papreekſch ſluddenaya / tam by wehl |
Manc1631_LVM_227_4 | Keiſeŗam tapt / gir tas winju ſchäloyis. Vnd tas patz Joſeps gir |
Manc1631_LVM_227_5 | to raxtiyis / ko mehß no ſchahms leetahms ſinnam / Kad ſchis eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_227_6 | ſchan Galilea noticka / gir weens pullx Ļauſcho / nhebehdneeki / |
Manc1631_LVM_227_7 | Pohſtitayi ẜapullzeyuſſchees vnd vs Jeruſalem nahkuſchi / tohs |
Manc1631_LVM_227_8 | gir weens no teems auxteems Kungeems / Johannes / ẜakrah- |
Manc1631_LVM_227_9 | yis / ka tas zaur ſcho Pullku wiſẜu to Spähku dabbuitu. Tad |
Manc1631_LVM_227_10 | gir attkal dauds Släppkawibas / dauds Pohſtiſchanas / dauds |
Manc1631_LVM_227_11 | laupiſchanas eekſchan Jeruſalem notitzis / vnd gir wiſẜur leela nhe- |
Manc1631_LVM_227_12 | laime rahdiyuſẜees / ta by ta nabbaga Pills leelahs bähdahs. |
Manc1631_LVM_227_13 | Tanny laikà gir zitti Auxtibaſnizaskungi nokauti / vnd da- |
Manc1631_LVM_227_14 | ſchereis aſẜinus ißleetz / irr paſſchà Baſnizà. Joſeps raxta / ka diwi- |
Manc1631_LVM_227_15 | padeßmitt=tuhxtoſchi no wislabbakeems Muiſchneekeems to Jud- |
Manc1631_LVM_227_16 | do ſchinny Dumpy nokauti gir / vnd winjo Mannta vnd Nammi |
Manc1631_LVM_227_17 | gir teems Kallpeems ißpohſtiet attlaiſti. Zitti ſkeet / to äſẜoſchi tee |
Manc1631_LVM_227_18 | Römeri ar Willtu darriyuſchi. |
Manc1631_LVM_227_19 | Tad by nu jaw tanny laikà / pirms wehl ta ihſtäna Auka vs- |
Manc1631_LVM_227_20 | ghaya / Jeruſalem ar treyadu Nhelaim apdohta / ar wahrdu ar to |
Manc1631_LVM_227_21 | Karŗu to Römero Ļauſcho / ar Dumpi / vnd wiſẜenadu ẜakudena- |
Manc1631_LVM_227_22 | ſchanu eekſchan Pili / vnd ar nickneems barrgheems Kungeems / kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_227_23 | tri ar Wiiltu weens pehtz ohtru paſſchi vsmettehß / vnd ghribbäda- |
Manc1631_LVM_227_24 | mi Kungi buht / dauds Aſẜins ißleya. |
Manc1631_LVM_227_25 | Kad nu tanny laikà tee Gadareneri ļaudis teems Römereems pret- |
Manc1631_LVM_227_26 | tie turreyahß / by tam Weſpaſiaņam no to Seemaslegeri peepehſch |
Manc1631_LVM_227_27 | zelltees / vnd vsjehme to Pili Gadara / vnd zaur ẜawu Karŗakungu |
Manc1631_LVM_227_28 | Placidum apkahwe wings py trießdeßmitz=tuhxtoſcho Namneeko / |
Manc1631_LVM_227_29 | bähgoht / diwi tuhxtoſchus jehme wings zeetumà / zitti Ļaudis vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_227_30 | tas Pullx bähgoht eeghaſehß ẜöw eekſchan to Vppi Jordan / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_227_31 | winjo nomirruſchas Meeſẜas gir eekſchan to Jordan Strauhmeh |
Manc1631_LVM_227_32 | noſkreyuſſchas lieds to Juhri Aſpaltiten / kattru ẜautz to nomir- |
| @b{ruſchu} |
| |
| [228.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_228_1 | ruſchu Juhri / vnd tad gir winja pus Jordanes lieds Macheron / |
Manc1631_LVM_228_2 | wiſẜur tee Römeri par wiſẜeems Juddeems vsklieduſchi / vnd leelu |
Manc1631_LVM_228_3 | breeßmibu darriyuſchi. Kad nu Seemu iß=eiyoht tas Pawaſẜaris |
Manc1631_LVM_228_4 | attghaya / vnd Weſpaſianus dſirrdeya / ka Nero nomirris by / ghul- |
Manc1631_LVM_228_5 | leya wings Caeſareà / vnd ſattaiſẜiyahß peepehſch / vnd gir wiſẜus Pi- |
Manc1631_LVM_228_6 | lis to Juddo vnd Jdumeero vsjehmis / beß zittus Pilis / kattrus zit- |
Manc1631_LVM_228_7 | ti ſweſſchi Karŗaļaudis turreya / vnd wiſẜur gir wings eekſchan tahms |
Manc1631_LVM_228_8 | Pilehms eeẜädenayis Römeŗo Karŗaļaudis / ka wings Jeruſalem / |
Manc1631_LVM_228_9 | kattra ween attlicka / jo lähtake vswarreht vnd vsjembt warrätu. |
Manc1631_LVM_228_10 | Vnd gir tanny laikà Weſpaſianus par Keiſeri vsmäſts / pehtz to gha- |
Manc1631_LVM_228_11 | ya Wings eekſchan Egyptes / vnd no tennenes dſierehß wings eet eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_228_12 | ſchan Jtalien / vnd pa=wehleya tam Tito teekam to Spähku vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_228_13 | Karŗu prettie teems Juddeems. Bett Titus / ghribbädams kahdas |
Manc1631_LVM_228_14 | Weetas py Jeruſalem ißluhkoht / kad wings tuwe pee=jayis by / tick |
Manc1631_LVM_228_15 | iß=ſprucka / ka tas Juddo Rohkahß nhe tappa. Pehtz vs=ẜitta wings |
Manc1631_LVM_228_16 | ẜawu Lägäri py Scopos / nhe taļe no Pills / vnd ißdalliya tohß Kar- |
Manc1631_LVM_228_17 | ŗaļaudis / to Pili wairahk nhe ka weenà weetà apẜehdeht. Teekams |
Manc1631_LVM_228_18 | by warrän leels Pullx Ļauſcho no wiſẜahms Pilehms / no wiſẜeems |
Manc1631_LVM_228_19 | malleems ghribbädammi tohß Ļeeladeena Swähtkus ſwehtiet eek- |
Manc1631_LVM_228_20 | ſchan Jeruſalemes / ẜaghayuſſchi. To briedi by arridſan (ka jaw ẜa- |
Manc1631_LVM_228_21 | tzietz gir) eekſchan tahß Pills dauds ẜapullzeyuſſchees / nhebehdneeki |
Manc1631_LVM_228_22 | nickni Ļaudis / no Galileero Semmes iß=dſieti / vnd by tries Pullki |
Manc1631_LVM_228_23 | eekſchan tahß Pills / kattri to weenadigu Wallſtu jo Deenas jo wai- |
Manc1631_LVM_228_24 | rahk (ka tad noteek) ẜaplohſẜiya. Weens Pullx turreya to Baſni- |
Manc1631_LVM_228_25 | zu / teems by par Wirßneeku Eleazarus / Simoņa Dähls / teems |
Manc1631_LVM_228_26 | palliedſeya tee Muitineeki / nickni blehdigi Ļaudis / kattri tohß |
Manc1631_LVM_228_27 | Nammneekus ļohte eeniedeya. To ohtru puß tahß Pills turreya |
Manc1631_LVM_228_28 | Johannes / katters wiſẜu Nhelaim ee=ẜahka. To auxtaku Pus turre- |
Manc1631_LVM_228_29 | ya Simons ar diwideßmitt=tuhxtoſcheems Jdumeeŗeems / kattri ai- |
Manc1631_LVM_228_30 | tzenati by / to Pili prett Muiteneeko Wehligumu / vnd Warras= |
Manc1631_LVM_228_31 | darrbu ghellbeht / vnd ghribbeya daſſch / ka tee Weeſẜis nohſt buhtu |
Manc1631_LVM_228_32 | biyuſchi / bett nhe ſpeya. |
Manc1631_LVM_228_33 | Titus / rädſädams / ka eekſchan tahß Pills Jeruſalem tick dauds |
| @b{Ļauſcho /} |
| |
| [229.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_229_1 | Ļauſcho / kattrus nhe warreya ſkaitiet / ẜamuckuſſchi by / ẜattaiſẜiyahß |
Manc1631_LVM_229_2 | vnd ẜapullzeyahß leelo ſteikſchano / to Pili apẜehdeht / vnd weenu |
Manc1631_LVM_229_3 | Rattapili apkahrt tahß ẜiſt / ka CHriſtus teems by ẜatziyis / teekams |
Manc1631_LVM_229_4 | tee Ļaudis kohpa / ka tas Badds tohß jo ſtipprake ſpeeſtu / vnd moh- |
Manc1631_LVM_229_5 | zitu. |
Manc1631_LVM_229_6 | Kad to te Juddi redſeya / ẜayehmehß tee ar wiſẜu ſpähku tam pret- |
Manc1631_LVM_229_7 | tie ſtahweht. Bett ghalls by klahte / laime nhe by wairs / Deews |
Manc1631_LVM_229_8 | muhhſẜo Kunx ghribbeya tohß wiſchkim ißpohſtiet / tapehtz teems ar- |
Manc1631_LVM_229_9 | ridſan nheneeka iß=dewehß / tee nhe warreya ẜaderretees. Vnd gir |
Manc1631_LVM_229_10 | tanny laikà eekſchan Pills weens Dumpis biyis / ka leels Pullx Ļau- |
Manc1631_LVM_229_11 | ſcho apkautz tappa / py tahß Baſnizas. |
Manc1631_LVM_229_12 | Ta Pills Jeruſalem by ļohte ſtippra tanny weeta / kur warreya |
Manc1631_LVM_229_13 | pee=kļuht py Pills / tries Muhŗi by / apkahrt teems tee Juddo Kar- |
Manc1631_LVM_229_14 | ŗaļaudis ar wiſẜu ſpähku apẜehdehß / to Pili ſturrmeht / vnd leelu |
Manc1631_LVM_229_15 | darrbu ſtrahdadammi gir tee diwi Muhŗus vswarreyuſchi vnd eeyä- |
Manc1631_LVM_229_16 | muſchi. |
Manc1631_LVM_229_17 | Tanny paſſchà laikà gir nhe iß=ſkaitamams Pullx Ļauſcho |
Manc1631_LVM_229_18 | Badda mirris. Par weenu maſu kummoſẜinņu Maiſes gir tee lab- |
Manc1631_LVM_229_19 | baki draugi ſöw kappayuſſchees vnd baddiyuſſchees. Tee Bährni |
Manc1631_LVM_229_20 | gir teems Wätzakeems Tähwam vnd Mahtei daſche reis to Barri- |
Manc1631_LVM_229_21 | bu no Muttes ißrawuſſchi / teitan nhe gir ney Brahlis ney Mahſẜa |
Manc1631_LVM_229_22 | weens ohtru ſchäloyis. Weens Puhrs labbibas gir dauds gulldin- |
Manc1631_LVM_229_23 | ņus maxayis. Daſſch gir Ghowaẜuhdus no leelu baddu / daſchi |
Manc1631_LVM_229_24 | tohß Ꞩixnus no Ꞩäddleems / tahß Ahdas no Brunņeems no krim- |
Manc1631_LVM_229_25 | tuſſchi vnd ähduſchi / daſcheems gir Ꞩeens Mutteh biyis / vnd gir tha |
Manc1631_LVM_229_26 | nomirruſchi attraßti / zitti gir Langwegohß meckleyuſſchi / ar Ꞩuh- |
Manc1631_LVM_229_27 | deems prett Baddu twerrtees / vnd gir tahtz leels Pullx baddà mirris / |
Manc1631_LVM_229_28 | ka Ananias / Eleazara Dähls / katters Apẜedeſchanas laikà py Ti- |
Manc1631_LVM_229_29 | tum behdſis by / ſtahſta / ka ẜimbtz vnd peetz padeßmitt tuhxtoſchi no- |
Manc1631_LVM_229_30 | mirruſſchi Czillwäki eekſchan Pills attraßti vnd aprackti gir . |
Manc1631_LVM_229_31 | Egeſippus raxta / ka zaur weeneem Wahrteem tick dauds tuhx- |
Manc1631_LVM_229_32 | toſchi Mirroņi ißnäßti gir / vnd ka py ẜeſſchi ẜimbti=tuhtoſchi Czill- |
Manc1631_LVM_229_33 | wäki palickuſſchi gir / kamehr ta Pills apẜähſta biyuſẜi. |
| @b{Tee} |
| |
| |
| [230.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_230_1 | Tee Juddi turreya wehl to Pilli Antoniam / kattra ſtippra |
Manc1631_LVM_230_2 | Pills by / tee turreya arridſan to Baſnizu / no kattras weens Tilltz |
Manc1631_LVM_230_3 | eekſchanto Pili ghaya. To Pili vsjembt / by ſtipprake jaſtrada / nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_230_4 | ka kahdà weetà. Bett Tito / jebſche ghann teeſẜe by / ka tas Badds |
Manc1631_LVM_230_5 | tohß Juddus pehtz ghallà eekſchan to Pili dälldätu vnd dallitu / kļua |
Manc1631_LVM_230_6 | tas laix ghann gharrſch / vnd mohziyahß / pakuhdenadams tohß |
Manc1631_LVM_230_7 | Karŗaļaudis / teems by to Pili ſturrmeht. |
Manc1631_LVM_230_8 | Jebſche nu leela breeßmiba teitan by jaräds / tad tomähr wiſẜas |
Manc1631_LVM_230_9 | leetas teems Romeŗeems ißdewehß / vnd nhe by wairs ney Vswah= |
Manc1631_LVM_230_10 | reſchanas ney Laimes py teems Juddeems. Kad nu tee Römeri to Pi- |
Manc1631_LVM_230_11 | li vsjämuſchi by / dewe tas Trummeteris ar to Baſun weenu ſiem / |
Manc1631_LVM_230_12 | vnd tappa tee Juddi / kattri to Pili turreya / wiſẜi nokauti / zitti no |
Manc1631_LVM_230_13 | to Muhri nomäßti / zitti gir paſſchi nomättuſſchees vnd nomirruſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_230_14 | ſchi / zitti gir Nackty peepehſch eekſchan to Jällgawu bähguſſchi. |
Manc1631_LVM_230_15 | Pehtz gir tee Karŗaļaudis vs teems kattri to Baſnizu turreya ſtippre |
Manc1631_LVM_230_16 | mahkuſſchees. Titus ghribbeyis to Baſnizu ſchäloht / bett Deews |
Manc1631_LVM_230_17 | tha nolicka / ka wiſẜa ſchäloſchana pa ghallam by. Aiſto kad ghann |
Manc1631_LVM_230_18 | illge vnd ar wiſẜu ſpähku karŗohtz vnd ſtrahdahtz by / vnd tee Juddi |
Manc1631_LVM_230_19 | ney ar Draudeſchanu ney ar Pahr=Runnaſchanu tahß ſtippras Wee- |
Manc1631_LVM_230_20 | tas vsdoht ghribbeya / nomanniya tee Karŗaļaudis / ka teems tanny |
Manc1631_LVM_230_21 | weetà nhe warrätu zittade peekļuht / ka ar Baddu (katters wehl ka- |
Manc1631_LVM_230_22 | wätohß) jeb ar Vgguni. Vnd ta gir zitti no teems Karŗaļaudeems |
Manc1631_LVM_230_23 | Vgguni eekſchan to Baſnizu ee=mättuſſchi / teitan gir ta eedägguſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_230_24 | ẜees / vnd tanny ſtundà tas krahßnis / jaux vnd auxtz Namms / kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_230_25 | ters to briedi ſchurrp vnd turrp teicktz by ẜadädſenahtz vnd pällnohß |
Manc1631_LVM_230_26 | tappis. |
Manc1631_LVM_230_27 | Tee Juddi kattri to auxtaku Weetu tahß Jällgawas turreya / |
Manc1631_LVM_230_28 | gir zitti eekſchan to Jällgawu eebäguſſchi / bett dauds wairahk gir |
Manc1631_LVM_230_29 | zaur Vgguni vnd ar Sobeni nomaitati. Tee Baſnizas Kungi gir |
Manc1631_LVM_230_30 | leelo luhkſchano luhguſchi / tohß dſiewus attſtaht / bett teitan nhe gir |
Manc1631_LVM_230_31 | ſchälaſtiba py Deewu vnd Czillwäkeems attraſtina biyuſẜi. Titus / |
Manc1631_LVM_230_32 | ka Egeſippus raxta / gir adbilldeyis / kad winjo Baſniza vnd Deewa= |
Manc1631_LVM_230_33 | kallpoſchana pohſt gir / tad irr to Baſnizaskungo nhe wayagoht. |
| @b{Ta} |
| |
| [231.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_231_1 | Ta Jßpoſtiſchana tahß Baſnizas gir notickuſẜi vs patt Labrent- |
Manc1631_LVM_231_2 | ſcha Deenu / 10. Auguuſti. ihtt vs to Deenu / kad ta pirrma Baſniza |
Manc1631_LVM_231_3 | no to Babyloniero Koninyu ẜadäſenata gir. Vnd gir ta Deena |
Manc1631_LVM_231_4 | ihpaſſche ta Nhelaimes deena tay Baſnizai biyuſẜi / vnd no to pirrmo |
Manc1631_LVM_231_5 | Baſnizu vnd tahß Vstaiſẜiſchanas / kattru Salomons vstaiſẜiya / |
Manc1631_LVM_231_6 | ihß to ohtro ghaddu Weſpaſiani / kad ta Baſniza wiß klahye ißpoh- |
Manc1631_LVM_231_7 | ſtita tappa / gir tuhxtoſchi ẜimbtz vnd weens Ghadds. |
Manc1631_LVM_231_8 | Bett no to laiku / kad ta ohtra Baſniza tappa eeẜahkta darrieta / |
Manc1631_LVM_231_9 | kattra ohtrà ghaddà ta pirrmaya Cyri eeẜahkta tappa / gir trießẜimb- |
Manc1631_LVM_231_10 | ti / ſeſſchdeßmittz vnd dewinyi Ghaddi. Kad nu tee Juddi tha ſpaidie- |
Manc1631_LVM_231_11 | ti tappa / jebſche nheneekada zerriba tahß Peſtiſchanas by / mirra |
Manc1631_LVM_231_12 | dauds tuhxtoſchi Baddu / tomähr pallicka tee Attlickuſchi vs ẜawu |
Manc1631_LVM_231_13 | Pratu. Joſeps raxta / ka tannies Deenahß / kad ta Baſniza ẜadäg- |
Manc1631_LVM_231_14 | guſẜi vnd ißpohſtita gir / weena breeßmiga leeta notickuſẜees / kattru |
Manc1631_LVM_231_15 | zitti Ļaudis nhe lähte titzehß. Tur by weena ghodiga Ghaſpaſcha / |
Manc1631_LVM_231_16 | baggata vnd no auxtas Tautas / winja puß Jordanes / no ißbailes |
Manc1631_LVM_231_17 | ar zitteems eekſchan Jeruſalemes eebäguſẜi / kad nu ta Jellgawa tick |
Manc1631_LVM_231_18 | lohte mohzita vnd ſpaidita tappa / ar Baddu / gir winja ẜawu jaunu |
Manc1631_LVM_231_19 | Behrninyu eekſchan Schuhpli / (ar kahdu Mohku vnd Waidu / warr |
Manc1631_LVM_231_20 | ick=kattris nopraſt) nokahwuſẜi / vnd weenu puß zäppuſẜi vnd ähduſẜi / |
Manc1631_LVM_231_21 | to ohtru Puß gir winja preekſcha zähluſẜi teems Karŗaļaudeems / kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_231_22 | tri apkahrt ſkraidiya / ähſt mecklädami. Bett tee Karŗaļaudis gir |
Manc1631_LVM_231_23 | par to breeßmigu leetu nobiyayuſſchees / vnd tomähr par to nabbagu |
Manc1631_LVM_231_24 | Ꞩeewu abſchäloyuſſchees / vnd ſchahß leetas teems auxteems Kun- |
Manc1631_LVM_231_25 | geems eekſchan Jeruſalem ſtahſtiyuſſchi. Schy breeßmiga leeta gir |
Manc1631_LVM_231_26 | tohß parrunnayuſẜi / ka tee no to Deenu dohmaya ſöw dohtees / gir ar |
Manc1631_LVM_231_27 | Tito aprunnayuſſchees vnd derreyuſſchi / bett kad nu illge by ghaidietz |
Manc1631_LVM_231_28 | Meeru darriet / vnd tee Meeru vnd meerigu dſiewoſchanu luhdſe / |
Manc1631_LVM_231_29 | kad tee jaw ar baddu ißmehrdäti vnd par leeku mahkti by / palicka tas |
Manc1631_LVM_231_30 | tha / vnd gir nhe dauds Deenas ta Jällgawa wehl ar leelu Mohku |
Manc1631_LVM_231_31 | vsturräta. Tanny briedy gir nhe iß=ſkaitamams leels pullx Ļau- |
Manc1631_LVM_231_32 | ſcho no leelas ißbailes vnd bähdams / ka tee to Baddu wairs nhe war- |
Manc1631_LVM_231_33 | reya pahrzeeſt / no to Jällgawu eekſchan Legeri teems Waidenee- |
| @b{keems} |
| |
| [232.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_232_1 | keems Rohkahß eebäguſſchi. Teitan gir tee ļohte ļähte pahrdoti |
Manc1631_LVM_232_2 | tappuſſchi. |
Manc1631_LVM_232_3 | To laiku gir no nheyauſch tee Karŗawieri redſeyuſſchi / ka weens |
Manc1631_LVM_232_4 | Judds no ẜawu paſſchu Ꞩuhdu gir Sältu / kattru tas by ee=riyis / |
Manc1631_LVM_232_5 | meckleyis / tad gir tudeļļ tee Karŗaļaudis ẜatziyuſſchi par wiſẜu Legeri/ |
Manc1631_LVM_232_6 | tee Juddi / kattri Legery eebäguſſchi / gir Sältu eeriyuſſchi. (Aiſto |
Manc1631_LVM_232_7 | turr by zitti no teems Juddeems / kattri no leelas Apmeckleſchanas |
Manc1631_LVM_232_8 | zittu nheneeka ka Sälltu warreya nohſt neſt / vnd preekſchan teems |
Manc1631_LVM_232_9 | Karraļaudeems twerrt. ) Schy ſlawa darriya / ka tee Karŗaļaudis / |
Manc1631_LVM_232_10 | Dohmadammi py wiſẜeems Juddeems Sälltu attraſt / wairahk nhe |
Manc1631_LVM_232_11 | ka diwi tuhxtoſchus Juddus weenà Nackty vsgreeſuſſchi gir / vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_232_12 | buhtu wairahk nomaitati / nhe buhtu Titus litzis iß=ẜaukt vnd pa- |
Manc1631_LVM_232_13 | wehleyis / ka nhe by tohß ghuhſtitus kaut vnd murriet. |
Manc1631_LVM_232_14 | Pehdige gir ta Jällgawa Jeruſalem vsjämbta / vnd teitan gir |
Manc1631_LVM_232_15 | neds Jauns neds Wätz ſchählohtz / tomähr gir pawehlähtz / ka by |
Manc1631_LVM_232_16 | wiſẜus nabbagus Ļaudis / kattri nhe ſpehya prettie turrehtees / ſchä- |
Manc1631_LVM_232_17 | loht. Tha gir wiſẜa Jeruſalem zaur zaurem no teems Waidenekeems |
Manc1631_LVM_232_18 | breeßmige ißpohſtita / eedädſenata vnd ẜadädſenata / ka tas wis wai- |
Manc1631_LVM_232_19 | rahx ghabbals pohſt palicka / mas Nammo gir palickuſſchi / ka war- |
Manc1631_LVM_232_20 | rätu Römero Karŗaļaudis eekſcha eelickt to Pili ẜarrghat. |
Manc1631_LVM_232_21 | Tur gir arridſan zitti pohſti / ackminaini Nammi vnd Turrņi |
Manc1631_LVM_232_22 | pa weenam palickuſſchi / tuckſchi vnd pohſti / tickai Simey / ka tur zit- |
Manc1631_LVM_232_23 | tureis weena Pills behſt gir biyuſẜi. |
Manc1631_LVM_232_24 | Vnd gir tha Jeruſalem ißpohſtita vnd wiſchkim ẜamaitata / |
Manc1631_LVM_232_25 | 8 Septembris id eſt vs maſo Marias Deenu / peektà Mehneſẜi |
Manc1631_LVM_232_26 | pehtz to ka ta apẜähſta tappa. |
Manc1631_LVM_232_27 | No to leelu Pullku / kattru nhe warreya nhe iß=ſkaitiet to kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_232_28 | tri dſiewi by Rohkà jämbti / gir Titus ẜeptingpadeßmitt=tuhxto- |
Manc1631_LVM_232_29 | ſchus / wiſẜi jauni ſtippri Wieri / vs Alexandria ẜuhtiyis / turrpatt ka |
Manc1631_LVM_232_30 | muhſchigi Warrgi Ackminus neſt vnd ſtradaht. Dauds jauni Ļaudis |
Manc1631_LVM_232_31 | gir / ka Lohpi / itt lähte pardohti. Diwi tuhxtoſchi gir ſchurp vnd turp |
Manc1631_LVM_232_32 | ſweſſchahß Semmehß ißdalliti / par wiſſu Römero Wallſtu / ka tee |
Manc1631_LVM_232_33 | ka kahdi ährmi / no Swäreems ẜaploſẜiti taptu. Wis Pullx no teems |
| @b{ghuhſti-} |
| |
| [233.lpp.] |
Manc1631_LVM_233_1 | ghuhſtiteems / kattri dſiewi gir biyuſẜchi / dewinyideßmitz vnd ſeptin- |
Manc1631_LVM_233_2 | yi tuhxtoſchi / kur pirms tahß Apẜehdeſchanas biyujjchi gir deßmitz |
Manc1631_LVM_233_3 | reiſas ẜimbti tuhxtoſchi / eekſchan tahß Pills / kattri wis wairahk ſweſ- |
Manc1631_LVM_233_4 | ſchi biyuſſchi / nhe Nammneki / tomähr wiſẜi no Juddo tautas vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_233_5 | zilltu. |
Manc1631_LVM_233_6 | Kad nu Titus Jeruſalem ar Warru vsjehmis / ẜadädſenayis / iß- |
Manc1631_LVM_233_7 | pohſtiyis vnd klaiye darriyis by / apſtipprenaya wings to Weetu no |
Manc1631_LVM_233_8 | tahß Sem̃es ar Karŗaļaudeems / to apkahrt ghullamo Ļauſcho dehļ / |
Manc1631_LVM_233_9 | vnd wings noghaya lieds to Vppi Euwraten / aiſto lieds to weetu |
Manc1631_LVM_233_10 | ghaya tanny laikà to Römero Wallſtas Eſcha. (@l{alij} RobEſch.) Bett |
Manc1631_LVM_233_11 | kad ta baggata / ißteickta / ſwähta Pills Jeruſalem ißpohſtita gir / |
Manc1631_LVM_233_12 | tappa ſkaititi no eeẜakumu tahß Paſẜaules tſchettri tuhxtoſchi{tuhxtaſchi} |
Manc1631_LVM_233_13 | trießdeßmittz vnd tſchettri ghaddi. No eeẜakumu tahß Pills Rom |
Manc1631_LVM_233_14 | aſtoņiẜimbti diwideßmittz vnd tries Ghaddi. Pehtz to ka CHriſtus |
Manc1631_LVM_233_15 | mohzietz by zättortadeßmitty Ghaddà. Ta gir Jeruſalem / ta wiſẜa |
Manc1631_LVM_233_16 | ißteickta Pills eekſchan Auſtruma Semmes weenu breeßmigu ghal- |
Manc1631_LVM_233_17 | lu jähmuſẜi. |
Manc1631_LVM_233_18 | Ta gir Deews to Nitziſchanu vnd Pullgoſchanu ta Ewangelij |
Manc1631_LVM_233_19 | ẜodiyis / vnd wiſẜai Paſẜauley weenu breeßmigu Mahzibu dewis / tohß |
Manc1631_LVM_233_20 | pamahziet Deewa dußmibu vnd ẜohdibu byet / vnd ẜöw py Deewu vnd |
Manc1631_LVM_233_21 | CHriſti Attſiſchanas attgreeſt. Aiſto ja Deews nhe gir ſcho Ļauſcho |
Manc1631_LVM_233_22 | ſchäloyis / kattreems wings tick krahßnas Ꞩohliſchanas dewis / kurr |
Manc1631_LVM_233_23 | tick dauds leeli ſwähti Proweetes vnd wätzi Tähwi biyuſſchi / ja / kat- |
Manc1631_LVM_233_24 | tra CHriſto Aſẜinies Raddi biya / ka tad wings ghauſchake nhe Ꞩoh- |
Manc1631_LVM_233_25 | dies / zittus Ļaudis / kattreems no ẜawadas ſchälaſtibas tas Ewange- |
Manc1631_LVM_233_26 | liums dohtz gir / vnd tee tomähr nhepatteizigi gir / vnd iſtänu Dee- |
Manc1631_LVM_233_27 | wa kallpoſchanu vnd Attſiſchanu nitzina / vnd ar leelaku zeetaku |
Manc1631_LVM_233_28 | Ꞩirrdi pullgo / ka muhſſcham Paſẜauleh nhe gir notitzis. Tapehtz gir |
Manc1631_LVM_233_29 | tas ghann tees / ta Ꞩohdiba nhe buhß tahļe / vnd teems notix / kas Je- |
Manc1631_LVM_233_30 | ruſalemey notitzis gir. To buhß mums no Ꞩirrtz apdomaht / ka |
Manc1631_LVM_233_31 | mehß attſtayammees no Ghräkeems / vnd eekſchan ihſtänas |
Manc1631_LVM_233_32 | Attſiſchanas CHriſti attgreeſchammeeß / |
Manc1631_LVM_233_33 | AMEN. |
| |