EvEp1587_1_1@v{Euangelia vnd}
EvEp1587_1_2@v{Epiſteln / aus dem deud-}
EvEp1587_1_3@v{ſchen in vndeudſche Sprache gebracht / ſo}
EvEp1587_1_4@v{durchs gantze Jar / auff alle Sontage vnd fürnem-}
EvEp1587_1_5@v{ſten Feſte / in den Kirchen des Fürſten-}
EvEp1587_1_6@v{thumbs Churlandt vnd Semigallien in}
EvEp1587_1_7@v{Lieffland vor die vndeudſchen}
EvEp1587_1_8@v{geleſen werden.}
EvEp1587_1_9@v{Mit der Hiſtorien des Lei-}
EvEp1587_1_10@v{dens / vnd Aufferſtehung vn-}
EvEp1587_1_11@v{ſers HErrn Jeſu Chriſti /}
EvEp1587_1_12@v{aus den vier Euange-}
EvEp1587_1_14@v{Gedruckt zu Königsperg in Preuſſen / bey}
EvEp1587_1_15@v{Georgen Oſterbergern.}
EvEp1587_1_16@l{M, D. LXXXVII.}
EvEp1587_3_1@v{Die Epiſtel des Er-}
EvEp1587_3_2@v{ſten Sontags des Aduents / zun}
EvEp1587_3_3@v{Römern am 13. Capitel.}
EvEp1587_3_4VNde äſto / ka mhes to ſzyn-
EvEp1587_3_5nam ar wärde to laike / ka ta ſtunde
EvEp1587_3_6tuwe klät gir / auxam czeltes nho to Me-
EvEp1587_3_7ge (peetcz to ka muſſe peſtiſchenne nu
EvEp1587_3_8tuwake gir / neeka mhes to titczeyam) Ta nacktz
EvEp1587_3_9gir pagaiuſſe / beth ta Dene gir adgaiuſſe. Thad
EvEp1587_3_10laideth mums nolickt tös darbes täs tumpßibes /
EvEp1587_3_11vnd apwilckt tös Brunniges täs Gaiſybes. Lay-
EvEp1587_3_12deth mums godige ſtaygäth / kha py Dene / Nhe ex-
EvEp1587_3_13kan ryſchenne / vnde leke czerſchenne / nhe exkan kam-
EvEp1587_3_14merims vnde neeſſkyſtibe / nhe exkan Baarſchenne
EvEp1587_3_15vnde Enaydibe / Beth apwelceth to Kunge Jeſum
EvEp1587_3_16Chriſtum / Vnde ßargath to Meße / ka tha gayßin-
EvEp1587_3_17ne nhe thope.
EvEp1587_3_18@v{Euangelium am Erſten Sonta-}
EvEp1587_3_19@v{ge des Aduents / Matth. 21. capit.}
EvEp1587_3_20VNd kad the nu tuwe py Jeruſalẽ
EvEp1587_3_21nätcze / py Bethphage py tho Olyekalne / no
EvEp1587_4_1ßuutye Jeſus no ßouwims maetceklims duewe / vnd
EvEp1587_4_2ßatcy vs tems / No eyget exkan to Jelgouwe / kattra
EvEp1587_4_3prexan yums gir / Vnde tudelyn yuus attraſſeth
EvEp1587_4_4peſete wene Eſelemate / vnd wene kummelle py täs /
EvEp1587_4_5atrayßet thös / vnde at weeddet thös py man / Vnd
EvEp1587_4_6khad yums kaſlabban ko ßatcys / tha ßacket / Tam
EvEp1587_4_7kungam gir thös wayage / tudelyn thas thös yums
EvEp1587_4_8palaidys. Beth tas noticke wueſſenotalle / ka pe-
EvEp1587_4_9pueldytcz tapte / kas tur ßatcytcz gir czour{czourto} to Pro-
EvEp1587_4_10phete / katters tur treeße / Szacket tay Meyte Zion /
EvEp1587_4_11Rouge / tows Köninx nake py thöw leenpratyx /
EvEp1587_4_12vnd yaye vs wene Eſel / vnd vs wene kummelle täs
EvEp1587_4_13naſte neſſetayes Eſellemates.
EvEp1587_5_1Te Maetcekle nogaye / vnd darrye / ka tims Je-
EvEp1587_5_2ſus pawheleys by / vnd atwedde to Eſelle mathe
EvEp1587_5_3vnd to kummelle / vnd licke ßouwes dreebes tur wuer-
EvEp1587_5_4ßon / vnd ßeedenaye to tur wuerßon. Beth doudcze
EvEp1587_5_5loudis yſplattye ßouwes dreebes vs tho czelle. Te
EvEp1587_5_6czitte czirte Szarres no tims kokims / vnd kayßy
EvEp1587_5_7thös wuerßon to czelle. Beth te loudys kattre pa-
EvEp1587_5_8preſche gaya vnd peetcz ſtaigaya / breetcze vnd ßat-
EvEp1587_5_9cy : Hoſianna tham Dauids Dhelam. Slaweetcz
EvEp1587_5_10gir tas katters tur nake / exkan to wärde tä kunge /
EvEp1587_5_11Hoſianna exkan to auxtibe.
EvEp1587_5_12@v{Die Epiſtel am andern Sontage}
EvEp1587_5_13@v{des Aduents / Rom. cap. 15.}
EvEp1587_5_14MYlige Brale / Beth kas paprexke raxtitcz gir
EvEp1587_5_15tas gir mums pär maetczibe raxtytcz / ka
EvEp1587_5_16mhes czour patczeſchenne / vnd precibe to
EvEp1587_5_17Raxte / wene Czerribe dabbuyam. Beth Dews
EvEp1587_5_18thäs patczeſchennes vnd täs precibes{precibees} / dode
EvEp1587_5_19yums /
EvEp1587_5_20ka yuus wen pratige eſſet / ſtarpan yums / peetcz Je-
EvEp1587_5_21ſu Chriſto / ka yuus wene lidtczige ar wene Mutte
EvEp1587_5_22teitczet / Dewe to Thewe muße Kunge Jeſu Chriſti /
EvEp1587_5_23Tapeetcz ſayemmettes wene to otre / lidtcz ka yums
EvEp1587_5_24Chriſtus gir ſayemis py Dewe ßlawe.
EvEp1587_5_25Beth es ßack / ka Jeſus Chriſtus gir wens kalps
EvEp1587_5_26buewys thäs abgreſchennes thäs Dewe taiſnybes /
EvEp1587_6_1py apſtipproſchennes täs peßatciſchennes thems
EvEp1587_6_2Thewems notitczis. Beth ka te Pagane Dewe
EvEp1587_6_3teitcz thäs Szeeleſtibes puſſes / Ka tur raxtytcz
EvEp1587_6_4ſthawe. Tapeetcz grib es thöw teickt ſtarpan tems
EvEp1587_6_5paganems vnd touwam{toumam} wärdam czedath. Vnde
EvEp1587_6_6whel wenne kärth treß thas pretczetes yums yuus
EvEp1587_6_7Pagane / ar ßouwims loudims. Vnde whel wen-
EvEp1587_6_8kärth : Szlaweeth to Kunge wueſſe Pagane / vnd
EvEp1587_6_9teitczeth to wueſſe loudis. Vnd whel ßack Eſaias.
EvEp1587_6_10Tur buus buuth thay Szackne Jeſſe / vnd katteers
EvEp1587_6_11tur auxkam czelßees / py waldiſchenne pär tems
EvEp1587_6_12Paganems / vs to te Pagane czerrees. Beth Dews
EvEp1587_6_13täs Czerribes / pepueldena yums ar wueßade pre-
EvEp1587_6_14cibe vnd mere / exkan titczybe / ka yums wene pepul-
EvEp1587_6_15nige czerribe gir / czour to ſpeeke thä ſweete Garre.
EvEp1587_6_16@v{Euangelium{Euandelium} auff den andern Son-}
EvEp1587_6_17@v{tag des Aduents / Luc. 21. cap.}
EvEp1587_6_18VNd tur notitczys / Symes py to Soule / vnd
EvEp1587_6_19Mhenes / vnd Swayſnims / vnd wuerßon
EvEp1587_6_20Semmes / buus tims loudems baile / vnd
EvEp1587_6_21taps Jſſamiſſuſſche / Vnd ta Jure / vnd te Vdenne
EvEp1587_6_22Wylne koutczys / vnd te czilwheke nobaddos no ißa-
EvEp1587_6_23byſchenne / vnd no ßagaidyſchen thäs lethes / kat-
EvEp1587_6_24trims tur näckt buus wuerßon Semmes. Aeſto
EvEp1587_6_25arridtczan te ſtipprumme to debbeſſe ßöw kuſtena-
 @b{ſes /}
EvEp1587_7_1ſes / Vnd tad te redtczees to Czilwheke Dele na-
EvEp1587_7_2kamme exkan to paddebeſſe / ar lele ſpeeke vnd godibe.
EvEp1587_7_3Beth kad ſchis eſaax notickt / tad lukoyet auxam /
EvEp1587_7_4vnd paczelleth yuuſſes Galwes / tapeetcz / ka ßöw
EvEp1587_7_5yuuſſe peſtyſchenne tuwe kläth gir.
EvEp1587_7_6Vnd thas ßatcy tems wene Lydtczibe / Rou-
EvEp1587_7_7geth vs to vygekoke / vnd wueſſems kokems / tudelin
EvEp1587_7_8kad the Jſlouzaas / thad redtczath yuus py tems /
EvEp1587_7_9vnd nomanneth / ka ta Waſſara tuwe klathe gir.
EvEp1587_7_10Ta yuus arridtczan / kad yuus to wuſſe redtczee-
EvEp1587_7_11ſeeth notekamme / tad ſinnath ka ta Dewe walſtibe
EvEp1587_7_12tuwe klathe gir. Patteſe / es ßack yums. Schis
EvEp1587_7_13Radtcz nhe iſſuddys tekams ſchis wueſſe notix.
EvEp1587_8_1Debbes vnd Semme paßuddys / beth manne Wär-
EvEp1587_8_2de nhe ßuddys.
EvEp1587_8_3Beth ßargates yums / ka yuuſes Szyrdes / nhe
EvEp1587_8_4thope abgrutenate ar riſchenne / vnd leke czerſchen-
EvEp1587_8_5ne / vnd ar Gadybims täs vſturreſchennes / vnd ſcha
EvEp1587_8_6dene nake pepeſſche pär yums. Aeſto lydtcz ka wens
EvEp1587_8_7ſlaſte Walx thas natczys / pär wueſems kattre
EvEp1587_8_8wuerſom Semmes czywo. Tha eſſet nu modrige
EvEp1587_8_9allaßyn / vnd luudczet / ka yuus czenige warreet
EvEp1587_8_10tapt / yſbeeckt wueſſems ſchems / kattrems notickt
EvEp1587_8_11buus / vnd prexkan to Czilwheke Dhele ſthaweet.
EvEp1587_8_12@v{Die Epiſtel auff den Dritten Son-}
EvEp1587_8_13@v{tag des Aduents 1. Corinth. 4.}
EvEp1587_8_14MYlige Brale / pär tadems thur mums yck-
EvEp1587_8_15wens / ar wärde / pär Chriſtus kalpems vnde
EvEp1587_8_16Namme thurretayems / pär Dewe apßleepy-
EvEp1587_8_17be / Nu nhe thope wayrs meckleetz py tems Namme-
EvEp1587_8_18thurretayems / kawen tas / ka the petitzamme attra-
EvEp1587_8_19ſte thope. Beth es thur to pär maſſe lethe / ka es
EvEp1587_8_20nho yums teſatcz thope / ieb nho wene Czilwhekige
EvEp1587_8_21Dene. Es arridtczan nhe teſayos man pattim.
EvEp1587_8_22Es man neeneke apßinnos / Beth tur exkan nhe eſme
EvEp1587_8_23es tayſnootcz. Beth thas Kunx gir kas man teßa.
EvEp1587_8_24Tapeetcz nhe teſaath prexkan to layke / tekam tas
EvEp1587_8_25Kunx näx / katteers arridtczan preſchan to gaiſme
 @b{neßys /}
EvEp1587_9_1neſſis / kas exkan tumpßibe apßleeptcz gir / vnd to
EvEp1587_9_2ßirdes{ßirdeſ} dome / ßinnamme darrys / tad buus ickwe-
EvEp1587_9_3nam / no dewe ßlawe notickt.
EvEp1587_9_4@v{Euangelium auff den dritten Son-}
EvEp1587_9_5@v{tag des Aduents / Matth. 11. cap.}
EvEp1587_9_6BEth kad Johannes / exkan to cetumme tös bri-
EvEp1587_9_7nummedarbes Chriſti czirdey / no ßuutye thas
EvEp1587_9_8no ßouwims Maetceklims duewe / vnd licke
EvEp1587_9_9tham ßatcyth : Eſ tu{Eſtu} kattram tur näckt buus / ieb
EvEp1587_9_10buus mums wene citte pagaidyt ? Jeſus adbildey
EvEp1587_9_11vnd ßatcy vs tems / no eyeth / vnd ßacket Johanni
EvEp1587_9_12atkal / ko yuus redtczath vnd czirdat{ßirdat} / Te Ackle
EvEp1587_9_13redtcze / vnd te Tyſle edth / te Spittalige thope ſkyſte /
EvEp1587_9_14vnde te kurle czirde / te Muerrone czelyas auxkam /
EvEp1587_10_1vnd tems Nabbagems thope tas Euangeliums
EvEp1587_10_2maetcytz. Vnd ſweetcz gir tas / katteers ßöw Py man
EvEp1587_10_3nhe abgreetczyas.
EvEp1587_10_4Kad te nogaye / eſaka Jeſus / treßeet / vs tems
EvEp1587_10_5loudems no Johanne / ko eſſet yuus yſgaiſche exkan
EvEp1587_10_6to Tuxniſſe tur redczeeth ? Gribbet yuus wene Ne-
EvEp1587_10_7dre redczeeth / kattre tas Wheys turpe vnd ſchurpe
EvEp1587_10_8ſchoube ? Jeb ko eſſeth yuus yſgayſche redczeeth ?
EvEp1587_10_9Gribbeeth yuus wene Czilwheke exkan myxtims
EvEp1587_10_10dreebims redczeeth ? Rouget / kattre tur myxthas
EvEp1587_10_11dreebes neßa / te gir exkan tims köninge Nammims.
EvEp1587_10_12Jeb ko eſſet yuus yſgaiſche tur redtczeeth ? Gribbeth
EvEp1587_10_13yuus wene Prophete redtczeeth ? Ja es ßack yums /
EvEp1587_10_14katteers arridtzan wayrs gir neka wens Prophetz.
EvEp1587_10_15Aeſto ſchis gir / no kattre raxtytz ſthawe / Rouge /
EvEp1587_10_16es ſuute manne Engel prexkan thöw / kattram
EvEp1587_10_17touwe Czelle / preſchan thöw ßattaiſith buus.
EvEp1587_10_18@v{Die Epiſtel auff den vierden Son-}
EvEp1587_10_19@v{tag des Aduents Phillip. 4. capit.}
EvEp1587_10_20MYlige Brale / preceetes yums exkan to kunge
EvEp1587_10_21allaßin / vnde whel wene kärte ßacke es / pre-
EvEp1587_10_22ceetes yums / Juuſe Laipnybe laideth ßin-
EvEp1587_10_23namme buuth wueſſims czilwhekims / Tas kunx gir
EvEp1587_10_24tuwe klathe / Nhe gadayeth neeneke / Beth exkan
EvEp1587_10_25wueſſims letims / laydeth yuuſe Lueckſchenne exkan{exan}
EvEp1587_11_1noluckſchenne vnd peßouckſchenne / ar patteiczi-
EvEp1587_11_2be prexkan Dewe ßinnamme tapt / vnd thas Dewe
EvEp1587_11_3Mers / katters auxtax gir neeka wueſſa ßappraſ-
EvEp1587_11_4ſchen / paſſarge yuuſſes Szirdes vnd prathe exkan
EvEp1587_11_5Chriſto Jeſu.
EvEp1587_11_6@v{Euangelium auff den vierden Son-}
EvEp1587_11_7@v{tag des Aduents / Johan. 1. cap.}
EvEp1587_11_8VNde ta gir ta ledtcybe Johannis / kad te Judde
EvEp1587_11_9no Jeruſalem Baſnicekunges vnd Leuites
EvEp1587_11_10ſuty / ka te tam joutate / kas eſ tu{eſtu} ? Vnde thas
EvEp1587_11_11adßinne vnd nhe ayſledtcze to. Vñ täs adßinne / Es
EvEp1587_11_12nhe eſme{eeſme} Chriſtus. Vnd te joutaya tam / kas tad ?
EvEp1587_11_13Eſ tu{Eſtu} Elias ? Thas ßatcy / es nhe eſme : Estu wens
 @b{Prophetz ?}
EvEp1587_12_1Prophetz ? Vnd thas adbildeye / Nee. Tad ßatcye
EvEp1587_12_2the vs tho / kas eſ tu{eſtu} tad ? ka mhes wene adbildee-
EvEp1587_12_3ſchen dodam / tims / kattre mums yßutyſche gir / Ko
EvEp1587_12_4ßack tu no thöw pattim ? Thas ßatcy / Es eſme we-
EvEp1587_12_5na ſoutctzamme balexnis wene Maetczetaye exkan
EvEp1587_12_6to Tuxniſſe / Darreth tho czelle tha Kunge tayſne /
EvEp1587_12_7ka tas Prophetcz Eſaias ßatcys gir.
EvEp1587_12_8Vnde te kattre tur yßutite bye / te bye no tims
EvEp1587_12_9Phariſeerims / tad youtaye te tam vnd ßatcy vs to /
EvEp1587_12_10kapetcz chruſty tu tad / ka tu Chriſtus nhe eße / nedtcz
EvEp1587_12_11Elias / nedtcz wens Prophetcz : Johannes adbil-
EvEp1587_12_12dey tims / vnd{vndſatcye} ßatcye / es chruſty ar Vdenne / Beth
EvEp1587_12_13täs gir wueddon ſtarpan yums egays / kattre yuus
EvEp1587_12_14nhe paßyſteet / tas girre / katteers peetcz man nät-
EvEp1587_12_15cys katteers prexkan man buewis gir / kattre es cze-
EvEp1587_12_16nix nhe eſme / ka es winge kurpeßixnes attraiſſe.
EvEp1587_12_17Schis noticke py Bethabara / vs winge puſſe to
EvEp1587_12_18Jordane / kur Johannes chruſtye.
EvEp1587_12_19@v{Die Epiſtel am heiligen Chriſtage}
EvEp1587_12_20@v{Tito am 2. capit.}
EvEp1587_12_21AEſto ta Dewe ßeeleſtibe gir paſpideiſſe wueſ-
EvEp1587_12_22ſims Czilwhekims / vnd pammace mums / ka
EvEp1587_12_23mums buus aiſleckt / to beſdewige buuſchen /
EvEp1587_12_24vnd to paſſoulige egribbeſchenne / vnd gaddige / taiſ-
EvEp1587_12_25nige vnd ſwetige cziwoyam / exkan ſcho paſſoule / vnd
EvEp1587_13_1gaydam vs to ßeelige czerribe / vnd paſpydeſchenne /
EvEp1587_13_2täs godibes tha lele Dewe / vnd muße peſtitay Je-
EvEp1587_13_3ſu Chriſti / katters ßöw pattim preſchan mums no
EvEp1587_13_4duewis gir / ka täs mums atpeſtite no wueſſe netaiſ-
EvEp1587_13_5nibe / vnd ßöw pattim ſkyſtite wenes loudes py
EvEp1587_13_6paſſche pederreeſchen / kattre tyckuſſche buute py lab-
EvEp1587_13_7bems darbems. To treße vnd pemin / vnd ßode ar
EvEp1587_13_8wueſſe prate / nhe ledtcz thöw nhe no wene ſaymoth.
EvEp1587_13_9@v{Euangelium am heiligen Chri-}
EvEp1587_13_10@v{ſtage / Luc. am 2. cap.}
EvEp1587_13_11BEth tas notickas ßöw py to layke / ka wens
EvEp1587_13_12Boußlis no to Keiſere Auguſto Jſgaya / ka
EvEp1587_13_13ta wueſſe paſſoule mheſlota tapte. Vnd ſcha
EvEp1587_13_14mheſloſchenne by ta wueſſe pirmaka / vnd noticke py
EvEp1587_14_1to layke / kad Kyrenius Semmeßoge exkan Syrien
EvEp1587_14_2by. Vnd Jckwens nogaya / ka the ßöw mheſlotes
EvEp1587_14_3lickte / yckwens exkan ßouwe Pille.
EvEp1587_14_4Tad nogay arridtczan Joſeph no Galilea / aran
EvEp1587_14_5täs Pilles Nazareth / exkan to Judde ſemme / vs to
EvEp1587_14_6Pille Dauid / kattra tur dheweey Bethlehem / Ta-
EvEp1587_14_7peetcz ka tas no to Namme vnd Radde Dauid by /
EvEp1587_14_8vs to / ka täs ßöw mheſlote lickte / ar Maria ßouwe
EvEp1587_14_9ßaloulata Gaſpaſſche / kattra tur apgrutenata by.
EvEp1587_14_10Vnd kad the tur path by / nätce tas laix ka thay pe-
EvEp1587_14_11czimpt by. Vnd tha peczimme ßouwe pirmoye Dhe-
EvEp1587_14_12le / vnd tinne to exkan autims / vnd licke to exkan we-
EvEp1587_14_13ne Szille. Aeſto thems nhe by czittur neewena
EvEp1587_14_14weta exkan to Maiawete.
EvEp1587_14_15Vnd tur by Ganne exkan to patte wete / tur
EvEp1587_14_16prettybe wuerßon to louke / te gannye py to Nackte
EvEp1587_14_17ßouwes lopes. Vnd Rouge / tas Engels tha kun-
EvEp1587_14_18ge apſpydey tös / vnd the iſſabyas ßöw lote / Vnd
EvEp1587_14_19tas Engels ßatcy vs tems / nhe yßabyates yums /
EvEp1587_14_20Rougeth / Es paßluddena yums lele precibe / kattra
EvEp1587_14_21wueſſems loudems notitczys. Aeſto yums gir ſcho-
EvEp1587_14_22dene tas Peſtitays peczimmis / katters gir Chriſtus
EvEp1587_14_23tas Kunx exkan to Pille Dauid. Vnde to yemmet
EvEp1587_14_24pär Syme / juus to Beerne attraſſeet exkan autims
EvEp1587_14_25etythe / vnd exkan wene Szille gullite. Vnd tudelin /
EvEp1587_14_26by tur py to Engele / ta kopybe täs Debbeſſes
EvEp1587_14_27droudczibes / te ßlawey Dewe / vnd ßatci / Gode gir
EvEp1587_15_1Dewam exkan tho auxtibe / vnd mers wuerßon
EvEp1587_15_2Semmes / vnd tims Czilwhekims wens labs pratcz
EvEp1587_15_3@v{Die Epiſtel in der andern Chriſt-}
EvEp1587_15_4@v{meſſen. Tito 3. cap.}
EvEp1587_15_5BEth tad parradyas ta myleſtibe / vnde louſcho
EvEp1587_15_6milibe thä Dewe muſſe peſtitaye. Nhe to dar-
EvEp1587_15_7be deele täs Taiſnybes / kattre mhes darriſche
EvEp1587_15_8byam / Beth peetcz ßouwe ßeeleſtibe / darrye thas
EvEp1587_15_9mums ſweetes / czour to peſtiſchenne thäs atczimp-
EvEp1587_15_10ſchennes vnd paiounaſchennes tha ſweete Garre /
EvEp1587_15_11kattre täs baggatige Jſleys gir pär mums / czour
EvEp1587_15_12Jeſum Chriſtum muſſam Peſtitayam. Vs to ka
EvEp1587_15_13mhes czour to patte ßeeleſtibe tayſne vnde Bherne
EvEp1587_15_14eſſem täs mußiges cziwibes / peetcz tho czerribe / tas
EvEp1587_15_15gir yo teſcham teſe.
EvEp1587_15_16@v{Euangelium in der andern Chriſt-}
EvEp1587_15_17@v{meſſen Luc. 2. cap.}
EvEp1587_15_18VNd kad te Engele no tims{notims} vs debbeſſe brout-
EvEp1587_15_19cze / treſſey te Ganne ſtarpan ßöw / laydeet
EvEp1587_15_20mums nu noedth vs Bethlehem / vnd to
EvEp1587_15_21redtczeet katters tur notitcis gir / ka mums tas kunx
EvEp1587_15_22gir ßinnamme darrys / Vnd te näetcze pepeſche /
EvEp1587_16_1vnd attrade abbe Mariam vnd Joſeph / vnd to
EvEp1587_16_2Bherne exkan to Szillite gullite. Beth kad te to
EvEp1587_16_3redtczeiſche by / Jſplattye te to Wärde / ka vs tems /
EvEp1587_16_4no ſcho Bherne ßatcytz by / vnd wueſſe kur tas prex-
EvEp1587_16_5kan nätce / ißabrinoyas te ßöw / pär to Wallode /
EvEp1587_16_6kattra tems te Ganne ßatcyſche by. Beth Maria
EvEp1587_16_7patturrhey wueſſes ſchos Wärdes / vnd apdomaya
EvEp1587_16_8thos exkan ßouwe Szirde. Vnde te Ganne atgre-
EvEp1587_16_9ſches / patteitcze vnd ßlawey Dewe / pär wueſſe / ko
EvEp1587_16_10te czirdeiſche vnd redtczeiſche by / kha tad vs tems
EvEp1587_16_11ßatcytz by.
EvEp1587_16_12@v{Die Epiſtel in der dritten Chriſt-}
EvEp1587_16_13@v{meſſen / Ebre. 1. cap.}
EvEp1587_17_1PEetcz to ka exkan preſchelaikims Dews
EvEp1587_17_2doudtcze{duodtcze} kärth vnd vs daſſchade mhere treße-
EvEp1587_17_3ys gir / vs tems Thewems / czour tems Pro-
EvEp1587_17_4phetems / gir täs peedige exkan ſchims denims vs
EvEp1587_17_5mums treßeys / czour to Dhele / kattre täs eſthadys
EvEp1587_17_6gir pär Manteneke pär wueſſe lethe / czour kattre
EvEp1587_17_7thas arridtczan to Paſſoule darrys gir. katteers /
EvEp1587_17_8peetcz to kärte ka thas gir tas ſpidums winges Go-
EvEp1587_17_9dybes / vnd ta lydtcze Waix winges buuſchennes /
EvEp1587_17_10vnd nes wueſſe lethe / ar ßouwe ſpetczige wärde /
EvEp1587_17_11vnd gir darrys to ſkyſtiſchenne muſſes greekes /
EvEp1587_17_12czour ßöw pattim / gir thäs ßöw ſeedes py to lab-
EvEp1587_17_13be roke thäs auxtas godibes / exkan to auxtibe / Ta
EvEp1587_17_14doudcze labbäx tappis / neeka te Engele / tha wue-
EvEp1587_17_15ſtym doudtczake thas wene auxtake wärde preſchan
EvEp1587_17_16tems mantays gir.
EvEp1587_17_17Aeſto vs kattre Engele gir täs kadekärte ßatcys /
EvEp1587_17_18tu eße mans Dhels / ſchodene eſme es thöw peczim-
EvEp1587_17_19mis ? Vnd whel wene kärte / es buſſcho winge Thews
EvEp1587_17_20vnd thas buus mans Dheles. Vnd atkal kad thas
EvEp1587_17_21tho pirme peczimpte ewedde exkan to Paßoule / ßatcy
EvEp1587_17_22thas / vnd to buus wueſſe Dewe Engelims peluckt
EvEp1587_17_23no tims{notims} engelims treß tas teſchã / thas dar ßouwes
EvEp1587_17_24engeles garres / vnd{vũ} ßouwes kalpes vggunneleſmes.
EvEp1587_17_25Beth no to dhele Dews touws kreeßls palleke no
EvEp1587_17_26mußibe mußam. Ta ſpeetcibe touwes{tuowes} walſtibes / gir
EvEp1587_17_27wene taiſnige ſpetczibe. Tu es myleis to taiſnybe / vñ
EvEp1587_18_1enydeys to ne taiſnybe / Tapeetcz gir thöw / O
EvEp1587_18_2Dews / ſchwaidys tows Dews / ar tho Olye täs
EvEp1587_18_3Lyxmibes / pär touwems lydtcz bedrigims.
EvEp1587_18_4Vnd tu Kunx es no Eßakumme / to Semme
EvEp1587_18_5duebbenays / vnd te Debbeſſe gir touwes Rokas
EvEp1587_18_6darbe. Te patte paßuddys / beth tu pallix / Vnde te
EvEp1587_18_7wueſſe no whetzaas / kha wena drebe / vnd ka Wad-
EvEp1587_18_8malle tu thös younas / vnd the ßöw pawerſees.
EvEp1587_18_9Beth tu eße tas patz / vnd touwe{tuowe} gadde
EvEp1587_18_11@v{Euangelium in der dritten Chriſt-}
EvEp1587_18_12@v{meſſen / Johannis 1. cap.}
EvEp1587_18_13EXkan eßakumme by tas Wärdtcz / vnd tas
EvEp1587_18_14Wärdtcz by py Dewe / vnd Dews by tas
EvEp1587_18_15Wärdtcz. Tas patcz by exkan Eßakumme
EvEp1587_18_16py Dewe Wueſſa letha gir czour to patte / darryta /
EvEp1587_19_1vnd bes to patte neneke darrytcz gir. Exkan to
EvEp1587_19_2by ta Cziwibe / vnd ta cziwibe by ta gaiſme to czil-
EvEp1587_19_3weke / vnd ta gaiſme{gayſyme} ſpydeye exkan tho tumpßybe{tumpzybe} /
EvEp1587_19_4vnd ta tumpßybe nhe gir to aptwheruſſe.
EvEp1587_19_5Tur tappe wens czilwhex no Dewe Jſſutytcz
EvEp1587_19_6tas dhewe Johannes. Tas patz naetce pär ledczibe /
EvEp1587_19_7ka thas no tho gaißme / ledtczibe dothe / ka the wueſſe
EvEp1587_19_8czour tho titczeete. Tas nhe by ta gaiſme / beth ka
EvEp1587_19_9thas ledtczybe dothe no to gaiſme. Ta by ta patteſe
EvEp1587_19_10gaiſme / kattra wueſſes czilwhekes abſkaydro / kattre
EvEp1587_19_11exkan ſcho paſſoule nake. Tas by exkan tho paſſou-
EvEp1587_19_12le / vnd ta paſſoule gir czour tho patte darrita / vnd
EvEp1587_19_13ta paſſoule nhe paſinna tho.
EvEp1587_19_14Tas naetce exkan ßouwe paſſche paddomibe /
EvEp1587_19_15vnd te ßouwe nhe peyeme to. Beth czeke doudcz to
EvEp1587_19_16vſſyeme / tims döwe thas ſpeeke Dewe beernes tapt /
EvEp1587_19_17kattre tur exkan winge Wärde titcz. Katteers nhe
EvEp1587_19_18no tho aſſen / nedtcz no tho gribbeſchenne thäs me-
EvEp1587_19_19ſes / nedtcz no tho gribbeſchenne wena wyra / beth
EvEp1587_19_20no Dewe peczimmuſſche gir. Vnd tas Wärdtcz
EvEp1587_19_21tappe Meßa / vnd cziwoye ſtarpan mums / vnd
EvEp1587_19_22mhes redczeyam wynge godybe / wene godybe / kha
EvEp1587_19_23tha wene peczimpte Dhele no Dewe /puelns ßeele-
EvEp1587_19_24ſtibe vnde taiſnibe.
EvEp1587_20_1@v{Die Epiſtel am tage des heiligen}
EvEp1587_20_2@v{Stephani / Act. am 6. vnd 7. cap.}
EvEp1587_20_3BEth Stephanus puelns thäs Titczibes vnd
EvEp1587_20_4ßpeeke darrye Brinumme vnd lelas Szi-
EvEp1587_20_5mes ſtarpan tems loudems. Tad czheles czit-
EvEp1587_20_6te auxkam / no tho Skole / kattre tur dhewe tho Li-
EvEp1587_20_7bertiner / vnd tho Kyrener / vnd to Alexanderer vnd
EvEp1587_20_8tho / kattre no Cilicia vnd Aſia bye / vnd apioutay-
EvEp1587_20_9as ßöw ar Stephano. Vnd the nhe pawarrey pret-
EvEp1587_20_10tibe ſthaweeth tay guddribe / vnd tam Garram kat-
EvEp1587_20_11ters tur treßey.
EvEp1587_20_12Tad yeme te cittes wyres / te ßatcy / mhes eſſem to
EvEp1587_20_13czirdeiſſche newiges wärdes treßote / prettibe Moſe
EvEp1587_20_14vnd prettybe Dewe. Vnd kuudenay tös loudes vnd
EvEp1587_20_15tös whetczakös / vnd tös Raxtmaetcetaies{Raxtmaetcetates} / vnd ga-
EvEp1587_20_16ye tur klathe / vnde rawe to nohſt / vnd wedde to pre-
EvEp1587_20_17ſchan tems Runne kungems. Vnd atwedde wil-
EvEp1587_20_18tiges letzenekes preſchan / te ßatci Schis Czilwhex
EvEp1587_20_19nhe mittas treſſhet ßaimiges wärdes prettybe ſcho
EvEp1587_20_20ſweete wete vnde to Boußle. Aeſto mhes eſſeme to
EvEp1587_20_21czirdeiſche ßacköte / Jeſus no Nazareth ſcho wete
EvEp1587_20_22Jſpöſtys / vnd pär wärtis tös dotes Boußles / kat-
EvEp1587_20_23tre mums Moſes doeuwis gir. Vnd te lukoyas
EvEp1587_20_24vs to / wueſſe te / kattre exkan to Runne ſeedeeye /
EvEp1587_20_25vnd redtczey winge wayge / ka wene Engele wayge.
EvEp1587_21_1Kad te ſcho czirdeye / gaye tas tims czour to
EvEp1587_21_2Szirde / vnd ßackode tös Sobes. Beth khad thas
EvEp1587_21_3puelns tha ſweete Garre by / lukoya thas vs tho
EvEp1587_21_4Debbes / vnd redtczey to Dewe godybe / vnde
EvEp1587_21_5Jeſum ſtawote py Dewe labbe roke / vnd ßatcy /
EvEp1587_21_6Rougeth / es redtczo to Debbeſſe atwarre / vnd to
EvEp1587_21_7Czilwheke Dhele py to Dewe labbe roke ſtawote.
EvEp1587_21_8Beth te breedtcze ſkannige vnd ayſturrey ßouwes
EvEp1587_21_9außes / vnde mette wene lidtczige vs to / vnd Jſſtu-
EvEp1587_21_10me to aran Pillis / vnd ackmenoya to. vnd te Ledt-
EvEp1587_21_11czeeneke nolicke ßouwes dreebes py tems kayems
EvEp1587_21_12wene Maetcekle tas dhewey Saulus. Vnd{Vud} ackme-
EvEp1587_21_13noya Stephanum / Tas ßoutce vnd ßatcy : Kunx
EvEp1587_21_14Jheſu / vs yem manne Garre. Beth tas mettes
EvEp1587_21_15ßöw czellos / vnd breetcze ſkannige / Kunx nhe pela-
EvEp1587_21_16gadi tims ſchös greekes. Vnd khad thas to ßatcys
EvEp1587_21_17by / ayſmigga thas.
EvEp1587_21_18@v{Euangelium am tage S. Stepha-}
EvEp1587_21_19@v{ni / Matth. 23. cap.}
EvEp1587_21_20TApeetcz rougeth / es ſuute py yums Prophe-
EvEp1587_21_21tes vnd Guddres / vnd Raxtmaetcetayes /
EvEp1587_21_22vnd no tims pattims yuus czittes nokoußeet /
EvEp1587_21_23vnd kruſtan ßittiſet / vnd czittes yuus ſchoutiſeth
EvEp1587_21_24exkan yuußims Skolims / vnd tös wayiaſeeth / no
EvEp1587_21_25wenas Pillis exkan to otre / ka par yums nake
EvEp1587_22_1wueſſe tas taiſnyx aßens katteers iſledtcz gir wuer-
EvEp1587_22_2ſon Semmes / no to Aſſenne tha tayſne Abels / is{js}
EvEp1587_22_3to aſſenne Zacharie tha Dhele Barrachie / kattre
EvEp1587_22_4yuus nokouwuſſche eſſeth / ſtarpan tho Baſnice
EvEp1587_22_5vnde Altare. Patteſe es ßack yums / ka tas wueſſe-
EvEp1587_22_6notol pär ſcho Radde naetczys.
EvEp1587_22_7Jeruſalem / Jeruſalem / kattra tu nokow tös
EvEp1587_22_8Prophetes vnd ackmenna tös / kattre py thöw ßuti-
EvEp1587_22_9te gir. Czekärt eſſeme es touwes Bhernes gribbeis
EvEp1587_22_10ßackraath / lydtcz / kha wena Wueſte ßouwes czaly-
EvEp1587_22_11ſches ßackray appeſkan ßouwems ſpaarnems / vnd
EvEp1587_22_12yuus nhe eſſet gribbeiſſche ? Rougeth / yuuſe Nam-
EvEp1587_22_13mam buus pooſte atſtatam tapt. Aeſto es ßacke
EvEp1587_22_14yums / yuus man no ſcho laike nhe redtczeeſeth /
EvEp1587_22_15tekams / ka yuus ßatcyſhet / Slaweetz gir tas / kat-
EvEp1587_22_16teers tur nake exkan tho Wärde tha kunge.
EvEp1587_22_17@v{Die Epiſtel am tage Johannes / des}
EvEp1587_22_18@v{Apoſtels vnd Euangeliſten / Eccleſ. 15. cap.}
EvEp1587_22_19SCho dar neewens / beth tas kas tho kunge by-
EvEp1587_22_20ſthas / vnd kas ßöw py Dewe wärde thur-
EvEp1587_22_21ras / tas attrode to. Vnd ta to ßaſtaps kha
EvEp1587_22_22wena Mathe / vnd to ßayems kha wena youna
EvEp1587_22_23Brute. Ta to ehdenas ar Mayße thäs ſappraſ-
EvEp1587_22_24ſchennes / vnde to czirdenas ar Vdenne thäs gud-
EvEp1587_22_25dribes / czour to taps thas ſtiprs{ſtirps} / ka thas ſtippre
EvEp1587_23_1ſtawhet war / vnd ßöw py thäs thurreeßes / ka thas
EvEp1587_23_2kounan nhe thope. Ta to paauſtenas / pär ßouwe
EvEp1587_23_3tuwake / vnde tham winge Mutte atwhers exkan
EvEp1587_23_4to droudtczibe. Ta to apkrones ar precibe vnd lyx-
EvEp1587_23_5mibe / vnde ar wene mußige wärde apdawenas.
EvEp1587_23_6Beth te Jecke nhe attrode to / vnd te Beeſdewige to
EvEp1587_23_7nheſaredtczes / aesto ta gir tale no tims{notims} greeſnims /
EvEp1587_23_8vnd wiltenekems / vnd nhe ßin no thäs
EvEp1587_23_9@v{Euangelium am tage Johannis des}
EvEp1587_23_10@v{Apoſtels vnd Euangeliſten / Johan. 21. cap.}
EvEp1587_23_11BEth kad tas to by ßatcys treſſey thas vs tho /
EvEp1587_23_12ſtayga man peetcz. Beth Petrus greſhes
EvEp1587_23_13ßöw apkaarth / vnde redtczey to Maetcekle
EvEp1587_23_14peetcz ſtaygayote / kattre Jeſus myle thurrey / kat-
EvEp1587_23_15ters arridtczan py winge kruute py Wackarree ede-
EvEp1587_23_16ne gulleis by / vnd ßatcys by / Kunx / kas gir / kas
EvEp1587_23_17thöw pewils ? Kad Petrus ſcho redtczey / ßatcy
EvEp1587_23_18tas vs Jeſu / Kunx / beth ko buus ſchim ? Jeſus{Jeſns} ßat-
EvEp1587_23_19cy vs to / kad es gribbe / ka thas pallecke / tekams ka es
EvEp1587_23_20nako / ko bheda tu pär to ? Staiga tu man peetcz.
EvEp1587_23_21Tad Jſgaya wena wallode ſtarpan tems Bralems /
EvEp1587_23_22Schis Maetceklis nhe muerſt / Vnd Jeſus nhe
EvEp1587_23_23ßatcy vs to / Tas nhe muers / beth ka es gribbe ka tas
EvEp1587_23_24palleck / tekams ka es nako / ko bheda tu par to ?
EvEp1587_23_25Schis gir tas Maetceklis / katteers no scho
EvEp1587_24_1lethe ledtczibe dode / vnd gir ſcho raxtys / vnde mhes
EvEp1587_24_2ßinnam / ka winge ledtczybe teſa gir.
EvEp1587_24_3@v{Die Epiſtel am tage nach dem}
EvEp1587_24_4@v{Chriſtage / Gala. 4. cap.}
EvEp1587_24_5BEth es ßack / tickylge ka thas Mantenex wens
EvEp1587_24_6Bherns gir / thad nhe gir ſtarpan tho vnd we-
EvEp1587_24_7ne kalpe neewene ſtarpybe / Ja tomher thas
EvEp1587_24_8wens Kunx gir wueſſes Paddomybes / Beth thas
EvEp1587_24_9gir apeſkan tims Paglabegims / vnd Szargims /
EvEp1587_24_10tekams iſ to{iſto} nolickte layke no Thewe. Ta mhes ar-
EvEp1587_24_11ridtczan / kad mhes Bherne byam / tad byam mhes
EvEp1587_24_12cetumman appeſkan tims ßargims no eſtadibems.
EvEp1587_24_13Beth kad thas Layx pepueldytcz tappe / ßuutye
EvEp1587_24_14Dews ßouwe Dhele peczimpte no wenas ſewes /
EvEp1587_24_15vnd appeskan to Boußle nolickte / ka tas tös / kattre
EvEp1587_24_16appeſkan tho Boußle by / peſtyte / ka mhes to Bher-
EvEp1587_24_17ne mantybe dabbutem. Tapeetcz ka yuus tad
EvEp1587_24_18Bherne eſſet / gir Dews to Garre ßouwe Dhele
EvEp1587_24_19ſuutys exkan yuuſims ßirdims / tas breetcz Abba /
EvEp1587_24_20myleis Thews. Ta peetcz{peettz} nhe gir nu ſcheitan nee-
EvEp1587_24_21wens kalps wayrs / beth Bherne wene. Beth gir
EvEp1587_24_22the nu Bherne / tad gir the arridtczan Dewe wal-
EvEp1587_24_23ſtibes Manteneke / czour Chriſtum.
EvEp1587_25_1@v{Euangelium am Sontage nach dem}
EvEp1587_25_2@v{Chriſtage / Luc. am 2. cap.}
EvEp1587_25_3VNde winge Thews vnde Mathe Jſbrinoyas
EvEp1587_25_4ßöw to / katteers no tho ßatcytz tappe / Vnde
EvEp1587_25_5Simeon ſweetye thös / vnd ßatcy vs Mari-
EvEp1587_25_6am winge Mathe / Rouge / ſchis thope licktz pär
EvEp1587_25_7wene krittumme / vnd auxkam czelſchenne doudczims
EvEp1587_25_8exkan Jſrael / vnde pär wene Syme / kattram pret-
EvEp1587_25_9tibe treſſeetcz tope. Vnd wens Sobens taps czour
EvEp1587_25_10touwe Dhweſel ſpeſtz / ta peetcz ka doudtcze ßirdige
EvEp1587_25_11damaſchennes ßinnamme thope.
EvEp1587_25_12Vnd tur by wena Prophetinna Hanna / wena
EvEp1587_25_13Mheite Phanuel / no tho radde Aſer / ta by wetczy-
 @b{ga /}
EvEp1587_26_1ga / vnd by ßeptinge gadde cziwoyſſe ar ßouwe Wy-
EvEp1587_26_2re / no ßouwe Jumprowibe / vnd by wene Attraite
EvEp1587_26_3py aſtonedeſmette vnd czeetre Gaddems / ta nhe
EvEp1587_26_4naetce neewenkärth no tho Baſnice / kalpoye De-
EvEp1587_26_5wam ar gauweſchenne vnd peluckſchenne / Dene
EvEp1587_26_6vnd nackte. Ta patte gaye arridtzan tur klathe py
EvEp1587_26_7to patte ſtunde / vnd teytze to kunge / vnd treßey no
EvEp1587_26_8to vs wueſſems / kattre vs to peſtiſchenne exkan
EvEp1587_26_9Jeruſalem gaidye.
EvEp1587_26_10Vnd kad the wueſſes lethes pabeyguſſche by /
EvEp1587_26_11peetcz tho Boußle tha Kunge / greſhes the ßöw
EvEp1587_26_12atkal vs Galileam / exkan ßouwe Pille Nazareth.
EvEp1587_26_13Beth tas Bherns auga / vnde tappe ſtippris exkan
EvEp1587_26_14Garre / puelns guddribe / vnd Dewe ßeeleſtibe by
EvEp1587_26_15py tho.
EvEp1587_26_16@v{Die Epiſtel am Newen Jarsta-}
EvEp1587_26_17@v{ge{tage} / Galat. 3. cap.}
EvEp1587_26_18BEth pirms ta Titczibe naetcze / tappam mhes
EvEp1587_26_19appeſkan tho Boußle paſſargathe vnd ap-
EvEp1587_26_20ßleeckte / vs to tytczibe / kattra tur bye ßinnam-
EvEp1587_26_21me tapt. Ta gir tas Boußlis muſſe maetcetais vs
EvEp1587_26_22Chriſtum{Ehriſtum} / ka mhes czour to tytczibe tayſne thopam.
EvEp1587_26_23Beth nu ta Tytczibe nakuſſe gir / tha eſſem mhes
EvEp1587_26_24nhe wayrs appeſkan tho czetige maetczetaye. Aeſto
EvEp1587_26_25yuus eſſet wueſſe Dewe Bheerne / czour to tytczibe
EvEp1587_27_1exkan Chriſto Jeſu. Aeſto ceke yuus chriſtite eſſet /
EvEp1587_27_2the gir Chriſtum apwilkuſſche. Scheit nhe gir
EvEp1587_27_3neewens Judtz nedtcz Grekis / Scheit nhe gir nee-
EvEp1587_27_4wens kalps nedtcz Swabbadcz / ſcheit nhe gir nee-
EvEp1587_27_5wens Wyrs nedtcz Sewa. Aeſto yuus eſſet wueſ-
EvEp1587_27_6ſe notal wene exkan Chriſto Jeſu. Beth eſſet yuus
EvEp1587_27_7Chriſti / thade eſſet yuus no{yo} Abrahams Szeekla /
EvEp1587_27_8vnd peetcz to peßatcyſchenne Manteneke / ieb Dewe
EvEp1587_27_10@v{Euangelium am newen Jarsta-}
EvEp1587_27_11@v{ge / Luc. 2. cap.}
EvEp1587_27_12VNde kad te aſtone dene ſeetzẽ by / ka tas bherns
EvEp1587_27_13apgreſtz tapte / tad tappe winge wärdtcz dhe-
EvEp1587_27_14weetcz Jeſus / katters dhewetcz by no tho en-
EvEp1587_27_15gele / pirms thas exkan Mathe meße eyemptz tappe.
EvEp1587_28_1@v{Die Epiſtel am tage der heiligen drey}
EvEp1587_28_2@v{Könige Eſaie am 60. cap.}
EvEp1587_28_3VSmodes thöw / thope gaiße / aeſto touwa
EvEp1587_28_4gaiſma nake / vnd ta kunge godibe vs eth pär
EvEp1587_28_5thöw / aeſto rouge tumßibe apkla to Sem-
EvEp1587_28_6me / vnd kreeßlybe tös loudes / Beth par thöw vſedth
EvEp1587_28_7tas kunx / vnde winge godibe paſſpide pär thöw / vnd
EvEp1587_28_8te pagane exkan touwe gaiſſibe ſtaigaas / vnd te
EvEp1587_28_9loudes exkan ſkaydrumme kattra pär thöw vs
EvEp1587_28_10edth / paczel touwes atczes / ſkattes apkart / ſche
EvEp1587_28_11wueſſe ßackrate nake py thöw / touwe Dehle no tha-
EvEp1587_28_12lenes ſchur naetczys / vnde touwes Mheites py tho
EvEp1587_28_13Sane taps vs autczenate / Tad tu touwe Joucibe
EvEp1587_28_14redtczees / vnd touwa Syrdtcz ßöw Jſbrinoſſes /
EvEp1587_28_15vnd Jſplattyſſes / kad ßöw ta doudtczibe py Jures
EvEp1587_28_16py thöw atgreſſäs / vnd ta warre tho pagane py
EvEp1587_28_17thöw nake / aeſto ta doudtcybe to kammele te thöw
EvEp1587_28_18apklaas / vnd te tetczetaye aran Midian vnd Epha /
EvEp1587_28_19the aran Saba wueſſe naetczys / Selte vnde Wy-
EvEp1587_28_20rock atneſſis / vnde tha kunge Slawe paßluude-
EvEp1587_28_22@v{Euangelium am tage der heiligen}
EvEp1587_28_23@v{drey Könige Matth. am 2. cap.}
EvEp1587_29_1KAd Jeſus peczimmis by / exkan Bethlehem
EvEp1587_29_2exkan Judeſemme / py to layke ta Köninge
EvEp1587_29_3Herodis / Rouge / tad naetce te Guddre / no
EvEp1587_29_4auſtrumme ſemmes exkan Jeruſalem / vnde ßatcy /
EvEp1587_29_5kur gir tas youns peczimptcz Köninx to Judde /
EvEp1587_29_6Mhes eſſem winge Swaiſſene redtczeiſche / exkan
EvEp1587_29_7auſtrumme ſemme / vnde eſſem nakuſſche to peluckt.
EvEp1587_29_8Kad to tas Köninx Herodes czirdey / Jſbyas
EvEp1587_29_9thas / vnd ar to ta wueſſe{wneſſe} Jeruſalem. Vnde
EvEp1587_29_11ßackraat wueſſes auxtes Baſnice Kunges vnd
EvEp1587_29_12Raxtmaetcetayes ſtarpan tems loudems / vnd Jſ-
EvEp1587_29_13waytczaya no tims / kur Chriſtum by peczimptam
EvEp1587_29_14tapt. Vnd te ßatcy tham : Exkan Bethlehem ex-
EvEp1587_29_15kan Judde ſemme. Aeſto tha ſtawe tur raxtytz czour
EvEp1587_30_1to Prophete. Vnde tu Bethlehem{Bethleyem} exkan Judde
EvEp1587_30_2ſemme / es neenekade tha maſſaka ſtarpan thems
EvEp1587_30_3lele kungems Juda / aeſto aran thöw buus man
EvEp1587_30_4nackt / tham Kungam / katteers pär mannems lou-
EvEp1587_30_5dems Jſrael wens Kunx buus.
EvEp1587_30_6Tad aytczenaye Herodes tös Guddres paßlep-
EvEp1587_30_7pen py ßöw / vnde maetcye tickuſſche no tims / kad ta
EvEp1587_30_8Swayſne paſſpideyſe bye / vnd radye tös vs Beth-
EvEp1587_30_9lehem / vnde ßacye : Noeyet / vnd Jſwaitczayet tickuſ-
EvEp1587_30_10ſche peetcz to Beerninge. Vnd kad yuus to attraſ-
EvEp1587_30_11ſeth / thad atßackat to man / ka es arrydtczan nako /
EvEp1587_30_12vnd peludtcze to.
EvEp1587_30_13Kad the nu to Köninge czyrdeiſche by / no gay
EvEp1587_30_14the. Vnd rouge / ta Swayſſene / kattre the exkan
EvEp1587_30_15auſtrumme Semme redtczeyſche by / gay tems pa-
EvEp1587_30_16prexke / tekams ka tha naetce / vnde ſthawey tur
EvEp1587_30_17wuerßon / kur tas Beerninx by.
EvEp1587_30_18Kad te to Swayſſene redtczeey{reedtczeey} / tappe the war-
EvEp1587_30_19ren eprecenate. Vnde gay exkan to Namme / vnde
EvEp1587_30_20attradde to Beerninge ar Marien winge Mathe /
EvEp1587_30_21vnde kritte ſemmen / vnd peludtze to. Vnde atwhere
EvEp1587_30_22ßouwe Bagatibe / vnde abdawenaye to ar Selte /
EvEp1587_30_23Wyrock vnd Myrren. Vnd Dews pawheley tims
EvEp1587_30_24exkan Szapne / ka thems nhebye ßöw atkal py He-
EvEp1587_30_25rodem greeſtes. Vnde gaye czour wene czitte czelle
EvEp1587_30_26atkal exkan ßouwe Semme.
EvEp1587_31_1@v{Die Epiſtel am erſten Sontage nach}
EvEp1587_31_2@v{der heiligen drey Könige tage / Rom. 12. cap.}
EvEp1587_31_3MYlige Brale / es peminno yums / czour to
EvEp1587_31_4Dewe ßeeleſtibe / ka yuus yuuſe Meße nodo-
EvEp1587_31_5deth par vpperre / katters tur cziwe / ſweete /
EvEp1587_31_6vnde Dewam papratige gir / kattra gir yuuſe ßap-
EvEp1587_31_7prattige dewe kalpoſchenne / vnde nhe thurretes
EvEp1587_31_8yums lydtcze ſcho paſſoule / beth pawhertetes yums
EvEp1587_31_9czour payounaſchenne yuuſe pratthe / ka yuus ßa-
EvEp1587_31_10yuſth warreth / katteers tur gir / tas labbes / tas
EvEp1587_31_11patykams / vnde puelnige Dewe prätcz.
EvEp1587_31_12Aeſto es ßack czour to ßeeleſtibe / kattra man do-
EvEp1587_31_13ta gir / Jckwenam ſtarpan yums / ka neewens way-
EvEp1587_31_14rack no ßöw thurras / ka tam peklayas thurretes /
EvEp1587_31_15beth ka thas gaddyge ßöw thurras. Jckwens / peetcz
EvEp1587_31_16tho ka Dews yſdallys gir / to Mhere täs Titczybes.
EvEp1587_31_17@v{Euangelium am erſten Sontage nach}
EvEp1587_31_18@v{der heiligen drey Könige tage / Luc. 2. cap.}
EvEp1587_31_19VNde winge whetczacke gaye jck gadde vs Je-
EvEp1587_31_20ruſalem / vs to leledene ſweetke. Vnd kad tas
EvEp1587_31_21duewe paddeſmette gadde whetz by / nogay the
EvEp1587_31_22vs Jeruſalẽ / peetcz to erraddumme thös ſweetkes.
EvEp1587_31_23Vnd kad thaſe denes pabeicktes by / vnd the atkal tur
EvEp1587_31_24mayas gay / pallicke tas bherns Jeſus exkã Jeruſalẽ /
EvEp1587_32_1vnd wynge Whetczake to nhe ßynnaye : Beth te
EvEp1587_32_2czerrey / ka buute tas ſtarpan thems Czellenekems /
EvEp1587_32_3vnde naetce wene dene brouckſchen / vnd meckleye
EvEp1587_32_4to ſtarpan tems drougems / vnd paßiſtammems.
EvEp1587_32_5Vnd kad the to nhe attradde / gaye the atkal vs Je-
EvEp1587_32_6ruſalem / vnd meckley to. Vnde tas noticke peetcz
EvEp1587_32_7trims denims / attradde the to exkan Baſnice ſee-
EvEp1587_32_8damme / ſtarpan thems Maetcetayems / ka thas
EvEp1587_32_9tös czyrdeete / vnde Joutate. Vnd wuſſe kattre to
EvEp1587_32_10czyrdey / Jſſabrinoyas ßöw pär wynge ßappra-
EvEp1587_32_11ſchenne / vnd atbildeeſchenne. Vnd kad the to redt-
EvEp1587_32_12czey / Jſſabyas the ßöw.
EvEp1587_33_1Vnde wynge Mathe ßatcy vs tho / Mans Dhels /
EvEp1587_33_2kapeetcz eſ tu{eſtu} mums to darrys ? Rouge tows Thews
EvEp1587_33_3vnde es / eſſem thöw ar ßuſteſchenne meckleiſche. Vn-
EvEp1587_33_4de tas ßatcy vs thems / kas gir tas / ka yuus man
EvEp1587_33_5meckleiſche eſſeth ? nhe ßinneth yuus / ka man buus
EvEp1587_33_6buuth / exkan tho katters manna Thewa gir ? Vnde
EvEp1587_33_7the nhe ßappratta to wärde / kattre tas ar tims treſ-
EvEp1587_33_8ſey : Vnd tas gaya ar tims ſemmen / vnde naetce ex-
EvEp1587_33_9kan Nazareth / vnd by tims packlouſyx. Vnd wynge
EvEp1587_33_10Mathe patturrey wueſſes ſchös wärdes exkan
EvEp1587_33_11ßouwe ßirde. Vnd Jeſus peyemhe exkan Guddri-
EvEp1587_33_12be / Whetzibe / vnde ßeeleſtibe py Dewe vnde thems
EvEp1587_33_14@v{Die Epiſtel am andern Sontage}
EvEp1587_33_15@v{nach der heiligen drey Könige / Rom. 12. cap.}
EvEp1587_33_16AEſto lydtcz ta / ka mums exkan wene Meße
EvEp1587_33_17doudtcze lodzekle gir / beth wueſſems lodtcze-
EvEp1587_33_18klems nhe wenade darbe gir. Ta eſſem mhes
EvEp1587_33_19doudcze wena meßa exkan Chriſto / beth ſtarpan we-
EvEp1587_33_20notre gir wens ta otre lodtczeklis. Vnd gir daſſcha-
EvEp1587_33_21de dawane / peetcz to ßeeleſtibe / kattra mums dota
EvEp1587_33_22gir. Gir kadã paprexke ßluddenaſchenne / thad laide
EvEp1587_33_23to tay titczibe lydtcze buuth. Gir kadam wens Am-
EvEp1587_33_24matcz tad ßarge thas to Ammatte. Maetcze kaſlab-
EvEp1587_33_25ban / thad ßarge tas to maetczybe. Peminne ka-
 @b{ſlabban /}
EvEp1587_34_1ſlabban / thad ßarge tas to peminneeſchenne. Dode
EvEp1587_34_2kaſlabban / thad dode tas weneteßige. Walde ka-
EvEp1587_34_3ſlabban / thad buus tam tickuſcham buuth. Parra-
EvEp1587_34_4de kaſlabban ßirde{ßrde} ßeeleſtibe / thad dar thas to
EvEp1587_34_6labbe prate.
EvEp1587_34_7Tay mylibe nhe buus wyltige buut. Enideth
EvEp1587_34_8to loune. Pekarreth tam labbem. Tay bralige
EvEp1587_34_9mylibe ſtarpan wenotre buus ßirdduebbenige
EvEp1587_34_10buuth. Wens nake tam otram prexkan ar gode
EvEp1587_34_11parradiſchenne. Nhe eſſet kuutre exkan tho / ko yums
EvEp1587_34_12darryth buus. Eſſet vgunige exkan Garre. Szat-
EvEp1587_34_13taiſetes yums exkan to layke. Eſſet lyxme exkan
EvEp1587_34_14czerribe / preczyge exkan noſkummybe. Nhe mittet
EvEp1587_34_15no luckſchennes. Peyemmetes thös ſweetes bhede-
EvEp1587_34_16czetiges. Maioyeth labprath. Swetiget kattre
EvEp1587_34_17yums pulga. Swetyet vnde nhe ladeth. Preceetes
EvEp1587_34_18yums ar tims preczigyms / Vnde roudeth ar tims
EvEp1587_34_19roudamims. Thurret wenadige prathe ſtarpan
EvEp1587_34_20wenotre. Nhe gadhat peetcz auxtems lethems / beth
EvEp1587_34_21thurretes yums py thems Szemmoſkems.
EvEp1587_34_22@v{Euangelium am andern Sontage}
EvEp1587_34_23@v{nach der H. drey Könige / Johan. 2. cap.}
EvEp1587_34_24VNde than treſſchan denan tappe wena kaaſa
EvEp1587_34_25exkan Cana Galilea / vnd tha Mathe Jeſu
EvEp1587_34_26by tur. Beth Jeſus vnd wynge / Maetcekle /
EvEp1587_35_1tappe arridtczan kaaſas aytcenathe. Vnd kad
EvEp1587_35_2tims Wyns petruke / ßatcy tha Mathe Jeſus vs to.
EvEp1587_35_3Thems nee gir Wyna. Jeſus ßatcye vs täs / Sewe
EvEp1587_35_4kas gir man ar thöw Jadar ? Manna ſtunda nhe
EvEp1587_35_5gir whel nakuſſe. Wynge Mathe ßatcye vs tems
EvEp1587_35_6kalpems / ko thas yums ßack / to darreth. Beth tur
EvEp1587_35_7by lickte ſeſſche ackmenne vdenne Kruſes / peetcz to
EvEp1587_35_8Eraddumme tho Juddige ſkyſtiſchenne / vnde exkan
EvEp1587_35_9ickwene gaye / py duewe ieb triß Mhere.
EvEp1587_35_10Jeſus ßatcye vs tems / pueldeth thäs Vdenne-
EvEp1587_35_11kruſes ar Vdenne. Vnde the pueldye thös Jſmal-
EvEp1587_35_12lems puelne. Vnd thas ßatcye vs tems eleyth nu /
EvEp1587_35_13vnd neſſet to tham Barribe ſargam. Vñ the no neſſe
EvEp1587_35_14tham. Beth kad tas Barribeſſarx to Wyne boudye
EvEp1587_36_1katters Vdens buewis by / vnd nhe ßinnaya no
EvEp1587_36_2kurrenes thas naeckte / Beth te kalpe ßinnaya to /
EvEp1587_36_3kattre to vdenne ſmheluſſche by / aitcenaye tas Bar-
EvEp1587_36_4ribe ſargs to Brudegam / vnd ßatcy vs tho / Jckwens
EvEp1587_36_5dode pirmack labbe Wyne / vnde kad the czeeruſſche
EvEp1587_36_6tappuſſche gir / ka tad to planako. Tu eſſe to labbe
EvEp1587_36_7Wyne Jſ ſchim{Jſſchim} ßoudtczeys.
EvEp1587_36_8Ta gir ta pirma Syme / kattre Jheſus dar-
EvEp1587_36_9rye / vnde noticke exkan Cana Galilea / vnde parra-
EvEp1587_36_10dye ßouwe Godibe. Vnde wynge Maetcekle titczey
EvEp1587_36_11exkan tho.
EvEp1587_36_12@v{Die Epiſtel am dritten Sontage}
EvEp1587_36_13@v{nach der heiligen drey Könige / Rom. 12. cap.}
EvEp1587_36_14NHe thurretes yums paſſchems pär Guddres.
EvEp1587_36_15nhe atmaxayeth loune ar lounibe. Par-
EvEp1587_36_16radeth tickuſſche godibe prettibe yckweno. Ja
EvEp1587_36_17tas ta war buuth / tick doudtcz ka exkan yums gir /
EvEp1587_36_18thad thurret ar wueſſims Czilwhekims Mere.
EvEp1587_36_19Nhe reedetes yums paſſchems / manne mylige / beth
EvEp1587_36_20dodeth wete tay Dewe duſmibe. aeſto tur ſthawe
EvEp1587_36_21raxtytz / ta Reediſchen gir manna / es grib atmaxath
EvEp1587_36_22ßacke tas Kunx.
EvEp1587_36_23Kad nu touwam enaidenekam Jßalckeſt / thad
EvEp1587_36_24baryo to / Twyxth tham / thad czirdena to. Kad tu
EvEp1587_36_25tho darre / thad tu queeleines Ogles wuerßon wyn-
EvEp1587_37_1ge Galwe ßakraas. Nhe layde thöw to loune pär
EvEp1587_37_2warreeth / beth pär war tu to loune ar tho labbe.
EvEp1587_37_3@v{Euangelium am dritten Sontage}
EvEp1587_37_4@v{nach der heiligen drey Könige / Matth. 8. cap.}
EvEp1587_37_5BEth kad tas no tho kalne gaye / ſtaigaye tham
EvEp1587_37_6doudtcze loudes peetcz. Vnd rouge / wens
EvEp1587_37_7Spittals wyrs naetce / vnde peludtce to / vnde
EvEp1587_37_8ßatcy / Kunx / kad tu grib / war tu man ganne ſkyſtyth
EvEp1587_37_9Vnde Jeſus iſſtepe ßouwe Roke / aiſkaare to / vnde
EvEp1587_37_10ßatcy / Es grib darryth / thope ſkyſtytcz. Vnde ta tu-
EvEp1587_37_11deline by tas no ßouwe Spittalibe ſkyſtcz. Vnde
EvEp1587_37_12Jeſus ßatcy vs to / perouge / nhe ßack to newenam.
EvEp1587_37_13Beth no ey / vnde rades thöw tam Baſnicekungam /
EvEp1587_37_14vnde vppere to Dawane / kattre Moſes pawheleis
EvEp1587_37_15gir pär wene letczibe pär thems.
EvEp1587_38_1Beth kad Jeſus gaye exkan Capernaum / gaye
EvEp1587_38_2wens Galwenex py to tas ludtcze to / vnde ßatcy
EvEp1587_38_3Kunx / Mans kalps gulle tur mayas / vnd gir mehl-
EvEp1587_38_4mene ßerdczyx / vnde thope warren wärdtcenaatz.
EvEp1587_38_5Jeſu ßatcy vs tho / Es grib näckt / vnde tho wheſſelle
EvEp1587_38_6darryth. Tas Galwenex adbildey / vnde ßatcy /
EvEp1587_38_7Kunx es ne eſme czenyx / ka tu appexkan manne
EvEp1587_38_8Jumpte eſe. Beth ßack wene wärde / thad taps mans
EvEp1587_38_9kalps / wheſſels aeſto es eſme wens Czilwhex / vnd to
EvEp1587_38_10wuerſeneke kalpenex / vnd appeſkan man gir karye
EvEp1587_38_11Wyre / Beth kad es ßacke vs to whene / no ey / thad
EvEp1587_38_12nö edth thas. Vnd vs to Otre / nätce ſchur / tad nake
EvEp1587_38_13thas. Vnde vs manne kalpe / dar to / thad dar
EvEp1587_38_14thas tho.
EvEp1587_38_15Kad tho Jeſus czirdey / Jſſabrinoyas thas ßöw /
EvEp1587_38_16vnde ßatcy vs tems / kattre tham peetczſtaigaya /
EvEp1587_38_17Patteſe es ßack yums / thade tytczibe nhe eſme es
EvEp1587_38_18exkan Jſrael attraddis. Beth es ßack yums /
EvEp1587_38_19doudtce nätczys / no tho auſtrumme / vnd no tho
EvEp1587_38_20wackare puſſe / vnd ar Abraham vnd Jſaac / vnd
EvEp1587_38_21Jacob / exkan debeſſe walſtibe ſhedees. Beth te
EvEp1587_38_22Beerne täs walſtibes / taps aran Jſtumpte exkan
EvEp1587_38_23to tumpßibe / tur buus roudaſchenne / vnde Sobe-
EvEp1587_38_24triſeſchenne. Vnd Jeſus ßatcy vs tho Galweneke /
EvEp1587_38_25No ey / thöw no teke / ka tu titczeys eſſe. Vnde wynge
EvEp1587_38_26kalps / tappe wheſſels tan pattan ſtundan.
EvEp1587_39_1@v{Die Epiſtel am vierden Sontage}
EvEp1587_39_2@v{nach der H. drey Könige tage / Rom. 13. cap.}
EvEp1587_39_3NHe eſſet newenam neeneke parradam / ka wen /
EvEp1587_39_4ka yuus yums ſtarpan wenotre myle thurree-
EvEp1587_39_5tes. Aeſto kas to otre myley / tas gir to Bouß-
EvEp1587_39_6le pepueldys. Aeſto ka tur ßatcytz gir / Töw nhe
EvEp1587_39_7buus loulibe pär louſt / töw nhe buus no kouth /
EvEp1587_39_8Töw nhe buus ſackt / Töw nhe buus nhe wene wyl-
EvEp1587_39_9tige lydtczibe dhot / Töw nhe buus neneke ekaro-
EvEp1587_39_10tes. Vnd Ja tur wens citz Boußlis wayrs gir /
EvEp1587_39_11tas thope exkan ſcho wärde aptwhertz / Töw buus
EvEp1587_39_12touwe Tuwake myleeth ka thöw pattim. Ta my-
EvEp1587_39_13libe nhe dar tam tuwakam loune. Ta gir nu ta my-
EvEp1587_39_14libe thäs Boußlibes pepueldiſchenne.
EvEp1587_39_15@v{Euangelium am vierden Sontage}
EvEp1587_39_16@v{nach der H. drey Könige tage / Matth. 8. cap.}
EvEp1587_39_17VNnde thas kaape exkan to laiwe / vnd winge
EvEp1587_39_18Maetcekle ſtaigaye tham peetcz / vnd Rouge /
EvEp1587_39_19tur paczelees ßöw wena lela whedra exkã ju-
EvEp1587_39_20res / tha / ka arridtczan ta laywinge ar wilnims ap-
EvEp1587_39_21klata tappe. Vnde thas gulley te Maetcekle gaye py
EvEp1587_39_22tho / vnde modenaye to auxkam / vnde ßatcye Kunx /
EvEp1587_39_23pallydtcze mums{muns} / mhes grimſtã. Tad ßatcy thas
EvEp1587_40_1thems / Juus Maſſetitzige / kapeetcz eſſet yuus tha
EvEp1587_40_2Jſſabiuſſche ? Vnde czelees auxkam / vnde apdrou-
EvEp1587_40_3dye to Wheye vnde to jure / Tad tappe tas wueſtyme
EvEp1587_40_4kluſſe. Beth the Czilwheke Jßabrinoyas ßöw /
EvEp1587_40_5vnde ßatcye / kas gir tas par Wyre / ka tham tas
EvEp1587_40_6Wheys vnde ta jure packlouſſyge gir ?
EvEp1587_40_7@v{Die Epiſtel am fünfften Sontage}
EvEp1587_40_8@v{nach der heiligen drey Könige /}
EvEp1587_40_9@v{Coloſſ. am 3. cap.}
EvEp1587_40_10THad apwheltzet nu / ka te Jſredtczeete tha
EvEp1587_40_11dewe Sweete / vnd milige / Syrdtczduebbeni-
EvEp1587_40_12ge / ßeeleſtibe / laipnibe / Semmoſkybe / Lehen-
EvEp1587_40_13pratybe / patczeſchenne / vnd wens pannes to otre.
EvEp1587_41_1Vnde pammetteet yums wenotre / kad kadam ßuud-
EvEp1587_41_2ceſchenne prettibe to otre gir / lydtz ka yums Chri-
EvEp1587_41_3ſtus pammettis gir / tha yuus{yus} arridtczan. Beth pär
EvEp1587_41_4to wueſſe apwelcet to mylibe / katteers tur gir tas
EvEp1587_41_5Saytcz täs puelnibes. Vnde tas Dewe mers
EvEp1587_41_6walde exkan yuuſims ßirdims / py kattre yuus ar-
EvEp1587_41_7ridtczan aitczenate eſſet exkan wene Meße. Vnd
EvEp1587_41_8eſſet patteitczige. Laidet to wärde Chriſti bagga-
EvEp1587_41_9tyge ſtarpan yums cziwoth / exkan wueſſade gudry-
EvEp1587_41_10be pammacetes vnde peminneethes yums paſſchems
EvEp1587_41_11ar dzeſmims vnde patteitczybems / vnde garrigims
EvEp1587_41_12miligims dzeſmims / vnd czedeth{ſczedeth} tham kungam
EvEp1587_41_13exkan yuuſims ßirdims. Vnde wueſſe notalle ko
EvEp1587_41_14yuus darreeth / ar wärdims ieb ar darbims / to dar-
EvEp1587_41_15ret exkan tho wärde tha Kunge Jeſu / vnde patteit-
EvEp1587_41_16czeth Dewam / vnd tham Thewam czour tho.
EvEp1587_41_17@v{Euangelium am fünfften Sonta-}
EvEp1587_41_18@v{ge nach der heiligen drey Könige}
EvEp1587_41_19@v{Matth. 13. capit.}
EvEp1587_41_20Thas doeuwe tims wene czitte Lydtczibe pre-
EvEp1587_41_21ſchan / vnde ßatcy / Ta debeſſe walſtybe gir
EvEp1587_41_22lydtcz wenam Czilwekam / katters labbe
EvEp1587_41_23Szeeckle vs ßouwe Tyrumme ßeeye. Beth kad te
EvEp1587_41_24loudes gulley / naetce wynge Enaidenex / vnde ßeeye
EvEp1587_41_25nickme Sale ſtarpan thems Queſchems / vnde gaye
EvEp1587_42_1tur noſt. Kad nu ta Sale auga / vnde augles neſſe /
EvEp1587_42_2tad atraddas aridtczan ta nickma Sale. Tad gaye
EvEp1587_42_3te kalpe py tho Nammethewe / vnde ßatcy / Kunx /
EvEp1587_42_4nhe eſ tu{eſtu} labbe ßeeckle / vs touwe Tyrumme ſeegys ?
EvEp1587_42_5No kurrenes gir tad ta nickme Sale ? Tas ßatcy
EvEp1587_42_6vs tims / to gir tas Enaidenex darrys. Tad ßatcy
EvEp1587_42_7te kalpe / grib tu tad / ka mhes no etham / vnd to yſra-
EvEp1587_42_8wheyam ? Tas ßatcy / Nee / tapeetcz ka yuus nhe
EvEp1587_42_9lydtcz tös Queſches nhe jſpluutczeeth / kad yuus to
EvEp1587_42_10nickme Sale Jſrawhet. Laydeth thös abbe auckte /
EvEp1587_42_11ys tho plauyamme laike. Vnde tan plauyamman
EvEp1587_42_12laykan / grib / es vs tems Plawhegyms ßatcyth /
EvEp1587_42_13ßackrayeth pirmacke to nickme Sale kopan / vnde
EvEp1587_42_14ßeneth to exkan naſtinims / ka ta ſaddetczenata
EvEp1587_43_1thope. Beth thös Queſches ßackrayeth man ex-
EvEp1587_43_2kan manne Sckune.
EvEp1587_43_3@v{Die Epiſtel am Sontage Septua-}
EvEp1587_43_4@v{geſima / 1. Corinth. 9. vnd 10. cap.}
EvEp1587_43_5Nhe ßinneth yuus / ka te kattre tur ßadoeuwuſ-
EvEp1587_43_6ſches gir / te teck wueſſe / beth wens dabbuy to
EvEp1587_43_7alge. Titczeth nu tha / ka yuus to dabboyet.
EvEp1587_43_8Beth yckwens katters tur czyxtaas no thurras ßöw
EvEp1587_43_9no wueſſenade lethe / wynge tha / ka the wene krone
EvEp1587_43_10dabbu / beth mhes wene nhe paſſuddige. Beth es tecko
EvEp1587_43_11tha / nhe kha vs to neſſinnamme. Es ßitto tha / neh
EvEp1587_43_12tha ka tas / katters exkan{exan} to Gayſſe ßitte. Beth es no
EvEp1587_43_13tirpena manne Meße vnde ßlaapeyo to / ka es nhe
EvEp1587_43_14tims czittims maetczo vnde patcz nomhettyx thope.
EvEp1587_43_15Beth es nhe grib yums / mylige Brale / to ap-
EvEp1587_43_16ßleepthe / ka muſſe Thewe wueſſe{wueſſc} gir appeſkan tho
EvEp1587_43_17paddebbeſſe buewuſſche / vnd{vud} gir wuſſe czour to Jure
EvEp1587_43_18gayuſſche / vnde gir wueſſe appeſkan Moſen chruſty-
EvEp1587_43_19te / ar tho paddebbeſſe / vnde ar to Jure / vnde gir
EvEp1587_43_20wueſſe Wenade garryge Barribe ehduſſche /
EvEp1587_43_21vnde gir wueſſe wenade garryge Czerreſſe czhe-
EvEp1587_43_22ruſſche{ſczheruſſche}. Beth te czhere{ßhere} no to garryge Ackmenne / kat-
EvEp1587_43_23ters peetcz ſtaigaya katters Ackmens by Chriſtus.
EvEp1587_43_24Beth py doudtczems nhe by Dewam wens labs
EvEp1587_43_25prätcz / aeſto the gir paßiſte exkan to Tuxniſſe.
EvEp1587_44_1@v{Euangelium am Sontage Sep-}
EvEp1587_44_2@v{tuageſima / Matth. 20. cap.}
EvEp1587_44_3TA debbeſſe walſtybe gir lydtcz wenam Nam-
EvEp1587_44_4methewam / katteers py ryte aggrumme Jſ-
EvEp1587_44_5gaye / darbeloudes derreth exkan ßouwe Wy-
EvEp1587_44_6ne kalne. Vnde{Vndc} kad thas ar tims Darbenekims
EvEp1587_44_7ßadderreye / pär wene groſſche / pär dene alge / noßu-
EvEp1587_44_8tye thas thos exkan ßouwe Wynekalne. Vnd Jſ-
EvEp1587_44_9gaye apkärth to treſſche ſtunde / vnde redtczeye whel
EvEp1587_44_10czittes / py tho Tyrge bes darbe ſthawites / vnde ßat-
EvEp1587_44_11cy vs tems / No eydth yuus arridtczan exkan tho
EvEp1587_44_12Wynekalne / Es grib yums dote kas teſe gir. Vnde
EvEp1587_44_13the no gaye. Atkal Jſgaya thas apkärth to Szeſte /
EvEp1587_44_14vnde döuwite ſtunde / vnd darrye lytcz tha. Beth
EvEp1587_44_15apkärth to wene paddeſmette ſtunde gaye thas
 @b{aran /}
EvEp1587_45_1aran / vnd attradde whel czittes bes darbe ſthawi-
EvEp1587_45_2tes / vnde ßatcy vs tems / ko yuus ſcheit to wueſſe
EvEp1587_45_3dene bes darbe ſtaweth ? The ßatcy{ßacy} vs tho / mums
EvEp1587_45_4nhe gir newens ßadderreis. Tas ßatcy vs tems /
EvEp1587_45_5No eyeth yuus arridtczan exkan to Wynekalne /
EvEp1587_45_6Vnde kas teſe buus taps yums dootz.
EvEp1587_45_7Kad tas nu wäkars tappe / ßatcy tas Kunx
EvEp1587_45_8tha Wynekalne / vs ßouwe Perouge / ßoutce tös
EvEp1587_45_9darbe loudes / vnde dode tims to alge / vnde eſätcze /
EvEp1587_45_10no tems peedigems js tims pirmakims. Tad nätce
EvEp1587_45_11te kattre apkärth to wenepaddeſmette ſtunde ßad-
EvEp1587_45_12derrethe by / vnde yckwens dabbuye ßouwe Groſ-
EvEp1587_45_13ſche. Beth kad te pirmake nätce / czerrey the wairack
EvEp1587_45_14dabbuuthe / vnde the dabbuye arridtczan yckwens
EvEp1587_45_15ßouwe Groſſche. Vnd kad the to dabbuye / kurneye
EvEp1587_45_16te prettibe to Namme thewe / vnde ßatcy / Sche pee-
EvEp1587_45_17dige gir wene ſtunde ſtradayſche / vnde tu eſſe thös
EvEp1587_45_18mums lydtcz darrys / kattre mhes täs denes naſthe /
EvEp1587_45_19vnde to karſtumme czetuſſche eſſem.
EvEp1587_45_20Beth thas adbildey / vnde ßatcy vs to wene
EvEp1587_45_21ſtarpan thems / Mans droux. Es nhe darro thöw
EvEp1587_45_22nhe patteſe / Nhe eſ tu{eſtu} ar man ßadderreys / pär wene
EvEp1587_45_23Groſſche ? Jem kas tows gir / vnde ey noſth / Beth
EvEp1587_45_24es grib ſchim peedygam doth lydtcz kha thöw. Jeb
EvEp1587_45_25nhe gir man walya darrith / ko es grib / ar to man-
EvEp1587_45_26ne ? Lukoyes tu tapeetcz greyſe / ka es ta labs eſme ?
EvEp1587_46_1Ta taps te peedige te pirmake / vnde te pirmake te
EvEp1587_46_2peedige. Aeſto doudtcze gir aytczenate / beth maſſe
EvEp1587_46_3gir yſredtczhete.
EvEp1587_46_4@v{Die Epiſtel am Sontage Sex-}
EvEp1587_46_5@v{ageſima / 2. Corinth. 11. cap.}
EvEp1587_46_6AEſto yuus czeſchat tös Jeckes ieb nhe ßapprat-
EvEp1587_46_7tiges / labpraath / peetcz to ka yuus guddre eſſet.
EvEp1587_46_8Juus ceſchat kad yums kaſlabban pär kal-
EvEp1587_46_9peems dar / kad yums kas labban dyra / kad yums
EvEp1587_46_10kaſlabban exkan tho wayge ßytte. To ßack es peetcz
EvEp1587_46_11tho neegode / kha butem mhes waaye tappuſſche.
EvEp1587_46_12Kur nu kaſlabban droſchis wuerßon gir (Es
EvEp1587_46_13treſſe exkan nhe ſappraſſchenne) tur eſme es arridt-
EvEp1587_46_14czan droſchis wuerßon. The gir Ebreer loudis / Es
EvEp1587_46_15arridtczan / The gir Jſraeliter / Es arridtczan / The
EvEp1587_46_16gir Abraham Szeekla / Es arridtczan / The gir kal-
EvEp1587_46_17pe Chriſti / (Es treſſe jeckyge) Es eſme whel way-
EvEp1587_46_18raack / Es eſme wairaack ſtraddais / Es eſme wai-
EvEp1587_46_19raack ßittenes czetis / es eſme daſſchekärte guuſtytcz /
EvEp1587_46_20daſſchekärtige exkan nawigims bhedims buewis /
EvEp1587_46_21No tims Juddims eſme es pece kaarte dabbuys czet-
EvEp1587_46_22tredeſmette ßittenes bes wene. Es eſme tris kärth
EvEp1587_46_23ſchouſtz / Wenekärt ackmennhotz. Tris kaarth eſ-
EvEp1587_46_24me es ar laywe vdenne bhedes cetis / Dene vnde
EvEp1587_47_1Nackte es exkan tho czillumme täs Jures bue-
EvEp1587_47_2wis. Es eſme daſſchekaarth broukais / Es eſme ex-
EvEp1587_47_3kan breſmibe buewis vs vdenne / Exkan bhedims
EvEp1587_47_4ſtarpan thems Szlepkouwems / Exkan bhedims
EvEp1587_47_5ſtarpan thems Juddems / Exkan bhedims ſtarpan
EvEp1587_47_6thems pagane loudems / Exkan bhedims exkan tims
EvEp1587_47_7pillems / Exkan bhedims exkan to tuxniſſe / Exkan
EvEp1587_47_8bhedims vs to Jure / Exkan bhedims ſtarpan thems
EvEp1587_47_9wiltigems Bralems / Exkan Bhede vnde Darbe /
EvEp1587_47_10exkan doudtze nomodybe / exkan Jßalckſchenne / vnd
EvEp1587_47_11Jſtwyckſchenne / exkan doudtcze Gaweeſchen / exkan
EvEp1587_47_12ßaltybe{ßaltyhe} vnd nodzibe.
EvEp1587_47_13Bes to kas ßöw whel czittade notekaas / ar
EvEp1587_47_14wärde / ka es deniſke thope pär tetceetz vnde nheſſo
EvEp1587_47_15gadaſchenne pär{pärwueſſe} wueſſe droudtczybe. Kas gir wa-
EvEp1587_47_16gis / vnde es nhe thope ways ? Kas thope apgreet-
EvEp1587_47_17cytz / vnde es nhe deggo ? Ja kad es man lelo-
EvEp1587_47_18the / Tad grib es man mannes waybes lelotes.
EvEp1587_47_19Dews vnde tas Thews muße Kunge Jeſu Chriſti /
EvEp1587_47_20katters tur ßlaweetz gir mußige / ſin ka es nhe mel-
EvEp1587_47_21lo. Exkan Damaſco tas Semmeßoge ta Könin-
EvEp1587_47_22ge Areta / paßargaye to pylle tho Damaſcer / vnd
EvEp1587_47_23grybbey man guuſtyth. Vnd es tappe exkan wene
EvEp1587_47_24kurwe czour to Logo aran pär to Mure nolayſtz /
EvEp1587_47_25vnde yſbhego aran wingims rokims.
EvEp1587_48_1Ta leloſchenne nhe gir man yo lab / Tomher
EvEp1587_48_2grib es näckt vs tems redtczammems / vnde para-
EvEp1587_48_3dytims letims ta Kunge. Es paßyſte wene Czil-
EvEp1587_48_4weeke exkan Chriſto / pirms czetterpaddeſmette gad-
EvEp1587_48_5dems gir tas exkan to Meße buewis / tad es to nhe
EvEp1587_48_6ßinno / ieb gir tas aran to Meße buewys / thad es
EvEp1587_48_7to arridtczan nhe ßin / Dews ßin to / tas patcz tappe
EvEp1587_48_8noroutcz / exkan to treſſhe debbes. Vnde es paßiſte
EvEp1587_48_9to patte Czilwheke / ieb tas exkan to Meße ieb aran
EvEp1587_48_10tho Meße buewis gir / to es nhe ßinno / Dews ßin
EvEp1587_48_11to. Tas tappe noroutcz exkan to Paradis / vnde
EvEp1587_48_12czirdeye nhe jſtreſchammes wärdes / katters newens
EvEp1587_48_13czilwhex ßatcyt war. No tho grib es man lelotes.
EvEp1587_48_14Beth no man pattim / nhe grib es man lelotes / beth
EvEp1587_48_15wene mannes waybes. Vnd kad es man lelotes
EvEp1587_48_16gribbete / nhe darryth es tapeetcz jeckige / aeſto es
EvEp1587_48_17gribbeth to teſcham ßatcyth. Beth es no thurros
EvEp1587_48_18man to tapeetcz / ka man neewens auxtake tur / ne-
EvEp1587_48_19ka tas no man redtcz{reedtcz} / ieb no man czyrde.
EvEp1587_48_20Vnde ka es man thös auxtiges paradiſchen-
EvEp1587_48_21nes nhe paauxtenayos / gir man dotcz wens Meetz
EvEp1587_48_22exkan Meße / ar wärde ta Satanna Engels / kat-
EvEp1587_48_23ters man ar duurims ßith / tapeetcz ka es man nhe
EvEp1587_48_24pa auxtenayos. Pär kattre es tad to Kunge tris
EvEp1587_48_25kaarth ludtczis eſme / ka tas no man bhekete. Vnd
EvEp1587_48_26tas gir vs man ßatcys Layde thöw manna ßeele-
EvEp1587_48_27ſtibe wayrack buth / aeſto manna ſpeetczibe gir exkan
EvEp1587_49_1tims wayms warrena. Ta peetcz gribes man
EvEp1587_49_2wueſſe wairake lelotes mannes wagibes / ka tas
EvEp1587_49_3Speex Chriſti py man czywo.
EvEp1587_49_4@v{Euangelium am Sontage Sex-}
EvEp1587_49_5@v{ageſima Luc. 8. cap.}
EvEp1587_49_6KAd nu doudtcze loudes wenan kopan by /
EvEp1587_49_7vnd aran tims pillims py to ſteidtczees / ßatcy
EvEp1587_49_8tas czour wene Lydtczibe. Wens Szeyeis
EvEp1587_49_9Jſgaye ßouwe Szeeckle ßhet / Vnd exkan to kad tas
EvEp1587_49_10ßeye / kritte czitta py to Czelle vnd tappe ßamita / vnd
EvEp1587_49_11te Putne appeſkan to Debbes / aprye to. Vnd czitta
EvEp1587_49_12kritta wuerſſon to Ackmenne / vnd kad ta vſdiga /
EvEp1587_49_13ßackalta ta / tapeetcz / ka tay newene ßlappybe by.
EvEp1587_49_14Vnd ta czitta kritta wueddon ſtarpan thems Ehr-
 @b{ſchims /}
EvEp1587_50_1ſchims / vnd te Ehrſche vſdiga lydtcz / vnd abßlapeye
EvEp1587_50_2to. Vnde zitta kritta wuerſſon wene labbe ſemme /
EvEp1587_50_3vnde ta vs diga / vnde neſſe ßumpt kaartiges aug-
EvEp1587_50_4les / kad tas to ßatcy / ßoutce tas / kam außes gir czir-
EvEp1587_50_5dhet / tas czirde.
EvEp1587_50_6Beth winge Maetcekle youtaya tham / vnde
EvEp1587_50_7ßatcy / kas ſcha lydtczibe gir. Beth thas ßatcy /
EvEp1587_50_8Jums gir dota / ßinnath tho apßlepſchenne tho
EvEp1587_50_9Dewe walſtibe / beth tims czittims exkan lydtczi-
EvEp1587_50_10bims / ka the to nhe redtcze / ieb the tho yow redtcz vnd
EvEp1587_50_11nhe ßapprooth / ieb the tho yow czirde.
EvEp1587_50_12Beth ſcha gir ta Lytczibe / ta Szeekla gir tas
EvEp1587_50_13Dewe wärdtcz. Beth ta / kattra py to czelle gir / te
EvEp1587_50_14gir / kattre to czirde. Turpeetcz nake tas Whelns /
EvEp1587_50_15vnde yem tho wärde no winge ßirdims. Tapeetcz
EvEp1587_50_16ka the nhetitcz / vnde ßweete thope. Beth the wuer-
EvEp1587_50_17ßon to Ackmenne / gir the / kad the to czirde / vs yem
EvEp1587_50_18the to wärde ar precibe / vnde thems nhe gir neewena
EvEp1587_50_19Szacknes. Wene maſſe laike / titcz the / vnde py tho
EvEp1587_50_20layke tho kardenaſchenne no kryt the. Beth kattra
EvEp1587_50_21ſtarpan thems Ehrſchims kryte / gir the / kattre to
EvEp1587_50_22czirde / vnde no edth appeſkan tims gadaſchennims /
EvEp1587_50_23thäs Bagatibes vnde karybes täs czywybes / vnde
EvEp1587_50_24apßlaape / vnde neeneeſſe newenes augles. Beth
EvEp1587_50_25kattra wuerßon tho labbe ſemme / gir te / kattre to
EvEp1587_50_26wärde czirde / vnde pattur to exkan wene labbe
EvEp1587_50_27Szyrde / vnde neeſſe augles exkan paceſchenne.
EvEp1587_51_1@v{Die Epiſtel am Sontage Quin-}
EvEp1587_51_2@v{quageſima oder}
EvEp1587_51_3@l{Eſto mihi /}
EvEp1587_51_4@v{1. Corinth. 13.}
EvEp1587_51_5KAd es ar Czilwheke vnde Engele mhelims
EvEp1587_51_6treſſeete / vnde man nee buute ta myleſtibe /
EvEp1587_51_7Thad buute es ka wens ſkanyes warris / ieb
EvEp1587_51_8ka wens ſkannyge Szwarguls. Vnd kad es war-
EvEp1587_51_9rethe paprexke ſluddenath / vnde ßinnate wueſſe ap-
EvEp1587_51_10ßlepſchenne / vnde wueſſe atßiſchenne vnde man
EvEp1587_51_11buute wueſſe Titczibe / tha / ka es wueſſes kal-
EvEp1587_51_12nes warreethe / vs czitte wete ſtattyth / vnde man
EvEp1587_51_13nhe buute ta myleſtibe / Thad buute es neeneke.
EvEp1587_51_14Vnde kad es wueſſe manne Bagatybe tems Nabba-
EvEp1587_51_15gems dothe / vnde lickte manne Meße deckte / vnde
EvEp1587_51_16nhe buute ta myleſtibe / Thad nhe buut tas man
EvEp1587_51_17neeneke labbe.
EvEp1587_51_18Ta myleſtibe gyr lhenpratige vnd laypnige / ta
EvEp1587_51_19myleſtibe nhe gir ſkaudiga / ta myleſtibe nhe dar blee-
EvEp1587_51_20dibe / ta ßöw nhe vſpuuſchäs / ta ßöw nhe turras
EvEp1587_51_21nettickle / ta nhe meckle{meeckle} ßouwe Gode / ta ßöw nhe le-
EvEp1587_51_22kas ßabargooth / ta nhe gada peetcz loune / tha nhe
EvEp1587_51_23preczayas ßöw thäs nhe tayſnybes / Beth ta precza-
EvEp1587_51_24yas{prczayas} ßöw thäs teſnibes / Tha pannes wueſſe lethe /
EvEp1587_51_25ta titcz wueſſenade / Tha czerre wueſſe lethe / Ta pe-
EvEp1587_51_26czeſche wueſſe lethe. Ta myleſtibe nhe tope pekuſſuſ-
EvEp1587_51_27ſe / ka tomher ta preſche ſluddenaſchenne nomit-
EvEp1587_51_28teeſſes vnde täs Wallodes nomitteeſſes / vnde ta at-
EvEp1587_51_29ßiſchnne arridtczan no mitteeſſes.
EvEp1587_52_1Aeſto muße ßinnaſchenne gir gabballedarbs /
EvEp1587_52_2Vnde muße ßluddenaſchen gir gabballedarbs /
EvEp1587_52_3Beth kad nätcys ta puelnybe / thad tas gabballe-
EvEp1587_52_4darbs mitteeſſes. Kad es wens Beerns by /
EvEp1587_52_5tad treſſeye es ka wens Beerns / vnde by guddris ka
EvEp1587_52_6wens Beerns / vnde by berniga dabba. Beth kad es
EvEp1587_52_7wens Wyrs tappe / no licko es kas bherniga by.
EvEp1587_52_8Mhes redtczam nu czour wene Spegel / exkan wene
EvEp1587_52_9pakreeſlige wärde / Beth tad no Wayge py wayge.
EvEp1587_52_10Nu atßyſto es to ka wene gabballedarbe / beth tad es
EvEp1587_52_11to atßiſteeſcho / iten ta ka es atſytz eſme. Beth nu
EvEp1587_52_12pallecke ta Titczybe / Czerrybe / Myleſtibe / ſche tris /
EvEp1587_52_13Beth ta myleſtibe gir ta lelaka ſtarpan tems.
EvEp1587_52_14@v{Euangelium am Sontage Quin-}
EvEp1587_52_15@v{quageſima / oder Eſto mihi. Luc.18. cap.}
EvEp1587_52_16BEth Jeſus{Jheſus} yeme tös duewepaddeſmette py
EvEp1587_52_17ßöw / vnde ßatcy vs tems / Rougeth / mhes no-
EvEp1587_52_18etam vs Jeruſalem / vnde tas taps wueſſe-
EvEp1587_52_19notal pepueldytz / katters tur raxtitz gir czour thems
EvEp1587_52_20Prophetems / no tho Czilwheke Dhele / Aeſto thas
EvEp1587_52_21taps no dhotz tims paggane loudims / vnde thas
EvEp1587_52_22taps apmhedytz vnde Newaatcz / vnde apſploudytz /
EvEp1587_52_23vnde the tho ſchoutys / vnde nokows / vnde than treſ-
EvEp1587_52_24ſchan denan thas atkal auxkam czelſſes. Beth the
EvEp1587_52_25neeßapprate no tho neeneke. Vnde ta walloda by
EvEp1587_53_1tims apßleepta / vnde nhe ßinnaye kas tas ßat-
EvEp1587_53_2cytz by.
EvEp1587_53_3Beth tas noticke kad tas tuwe klathe py Jericho
EvEp1587_53_4nätce / ßedeye wens py tho czelle / vnde dedelleye. Beth
EvEp1587_53_5kad thas tös loudes czyrdeye / kattre tur ſetczã gaya
EvEp1587_53_6Jſwaytczaye thas / kas tur buute ? Tad paßludde-
EvEp1587_53_7naye the tham / Jeſus no Nazareth edth tur ſetczen.
EvEp1587_53_8Vnde thas ſoutce vnde ßatcy / Jeſu tu Dhels Da-
EvEp1587_53_9uide / abßeelo thöw mannis. Beth kattre paprexke
EvEp1587_53_10gaya / abdroudye to / tham bye kluſſe czeſth. Beth
EvEp1587_53_11thas breetce whel wayrack / Tu Dauide Dhels / ab-
EvEp1587_53_12ßeelo thöw mannis. Beth Jeſus ſthawey kluſſe /
EvEp1587_53_13vnde pawheley tho py ßöw daweeſt. Beth kad the
EvEp1587_53_14to tuwe klathe py to dawedde / youtaya tas tham /
EvEp1587_53_15vnde ßatcy / ko grib tu / ka man thöw darryth buus ?
EvEp1587_54_1Thas ßatcy / Kunx / ka es redtczeeth warre. Vnde
EvEp1587_54_2Jeſus ßatcy vs tho / thope redtczyx / Touwe tytczi-
EvEp1587_54_3be / gyr thöw pallydtczeis. Vnde tha tudelin tappe
EvEp1587_54_4thas redtczyx / vnde ſtaygaya tham peetcz / teytcze{teytczee}
EvEp1587_54_5Dewe. Vnde wueſſe te loudes / kattre to redtzey
EvEp1587_54_6Slawey Dewe
EvEp1587_54_7@v{Die Epiſtel am erſten Sontage in}
EvEp1587_54_8@v{der Faſten / 2. Corinth. 6.}
EvEp1587_54_9BEth mhes peminnam yums ka lydtcz palli-
EvEp1587_54_10gus / ka yuus to Dewe ßeeleſtibe nhe whelte
EvEp1587_54_11yemmäth. Aeſto thas ßacke / Es eſme thöw ex-
EvEp1587_54_12kan tho peyemtige layke packloußys / vnde eſme thöw
EvEp1587_54_13py to dene täs peſtiſchennes pallydtczeys. Rou-
EvEp1587_54_14geth / nu gir tas precyx layx Nu gir ta dene täs peſti-
EvEp1587_54_15ſchennes. Beth nhe laydeth mums neewenam kade
EvEp1587_54_16abgreetczibe doth / ka muße ammatz nhe thope ſaimo-
EvEp1587_54_17otz / Beth exkan wueſſims letims laydeth mums pa-
EvEp1587_54_18radytes / ka te Dewe kalpe.
EvEp1587_54_19Exkan lele paceſchenne / exkan noſkumſchen /
EvEp1587_54_20exkan bhedibe / exkan bailybe / exkan ßittenims / exkan
EvEp1587_54_21czetummims / exkan ſoribims / exkan darbims ex-
EvEp1587_54_22kan nomodibe / exkã atßiſchenne / exkan lhenpratybe /
EvEp1587_54_23exkan myleſtibe / exkan tho ſweete Garre / exkan nee-
EvEp1587_54_24wiltige myleſtibe / exkan tho wärde tho taiſnibe exkan
EvEp1587_54_25tho Dewe ſpeeczibe. czour brunge täs taiſnibes /
EvEp1587_55_1pa labbe vnd pa kreyſe roke / czour gode vnde koune /
EvEp1587_55_2czour loune ßlawe{ßlaawe} / vnde labbe ßlawe.
EvEp1587_55_3Ka tös wiltenekes vnde tomher teſiges / ka te
EvEp1587_55_4neepaßyſtamme / vnd tomher paßyſtamme. Ka te
EvEp1587_55_5nomuerſtamme / vnde rougeth mhes cziwoyam.
EvEp1587_55_6Ka te noßodyte / vnde tomher nhe nokoute. Ka te
EvEp1587_55_7noſkummuſſche / beth allaßin lyxme. Ka te Nabba-
EvEp1587_55_8ge / beth kattre tomher doudcze bagates dar. Kat-
EvEp1587_55_9trims neeneke gir / vnde tomher wueſſa letha gir.
EvEp1587_55_10@v{Euangelium am erſten Sontage in}
EvEp1587_55_11@v{der Faſten oder}
EvEp1587_55_13@v{Matth. 4. cap.}
EvEp1587_55_14TAd tappe Jeſus no Garre exkan to Tuxniſſe
EvEp1587_55_15wheſtz / ka tas no tho Whelne kärdenaatz tap-
EvEp1587_55_16te. Vnde kad thas czetterdeſmette denes vnd
EvEp1587_55_17nacktes gaweys by / Jßalcka tham. Vnde tas kärde-
EvEp1587_55_18natais gaye py tho / vnde ßatcy / Eſ tu{Eſtu} Dewe Dhels /
EvEp1587_55_19tad tres / ka ſche Ackmennes Mayſes thope. Vnde
EvEp1587_55_20thas adbildey vnde ßatcy / tur ſthawe raxtytz / tas
EvEp1587_55_21Czilwhex necziwo nhe wene no tho Mayſe beth no
EvEp1587_55_22yckwene wärde / katters czour to Dewe mutte edth.
EvEp1587_55_23Tad wedde to tas Whelns{Weelns} ar ßöw / exkan tho
EvEp1587_55_24ſweete Pille / vnde ſtadye to wuerßon to galle thäs
EvEp1587_55_25Baſnices vnde ßatcy vs to / Eſ tu{Eſtu} Dewe Dhels /
EvEp1587_55_26thad nolaides thöw / ſemmen / Aeſto tur ſtawe rax-
EvEp1587_55_27titcz / thas ßouwims Engelims pär thöw pa-
EvEp1587_55_28wheleſchenne dhos / vnde the thöw vs ßou-
EvEp1587_56_1wems rokems neſſys / aeſto ka tu nhe touwe kaye
EvEp1587_56_2py wene Ackmenne nodouſſe. Tad ßatcy Jeſus vs
EvEp1587_56_3tho / arridtczan ſthawe atkal raxtytz / thöw nhe buus
EvEp1587_56_4Dewe touwe Kunge kärdennaath.
EvEp1587_56_5Atkal / wedde to tas Whelns ar ßöw / vs wene
EvEp1587_56_6lothe auxte kalne / vnde radye tham / wueſſe Bagga-
EvEp1587_56_7tibe thäs paſſoules / vnde winge Godybe / vnde ßatcy
EvEp1587_56_8vs tho / To grib es thöw wueſſe notal dhot / Ja tu
EvEp1587_56_9ſemmen krittys / vnde peludtczys man. Tad ßatcy
EvEp1587_56_10Jeſus vs tho / Bhedtz nohſt no man Sathan / aeſto
EvEp1587_56_11tur ſthawe raxtitz / thöw buus Dewe touwe Kunge
EvEp1587_56_12peluckt / vnde tham wene kalpooth. Tad pallayde to
EvEp1587_56_13tas Whelns / vnde rouge / tad gaye te Engele py tho /
EvEp1587_56_14vnde kalpooye tham.
EvEp1587_57_1@v{Die Epiſtel am andern Sontage}
EvEp1587_57_2@v{in der Faſten / 1. Theſſalo. 4. cap.}
EvEp1587_57_3JO proyam / mylige Brale / ludczam mhes
EvEp1587_57_4yums vnde peminnam exkan to Kunge Jeſu /
EvEp1587_57_5peetcz tho ka yuus no mums dabbuiſſche eſſet /
EvEp1587_57_6ka yums ſtaigaath buuſe / vnde Dewam patickt /
EvEp1587_57_7ka yuus allaßyn puelnige thopet. Aeſto yuus ßin-
EvEp1587_57_8nath / kades Boußles mhes yums döwuuſche eſſem /
EvEp1587_57_9czour to Kunge Jeſum. Aeſto tas gyr tas Dewe
EvEp1587_57_10praatcz yuuſe ſweetybe / ka yuus noturrates no
EvEp1587_57_11Moutzybe / vnde ka yckwens no yums / ßouwe Meße
EvEp1587_57_12ßinne turreth exkan ſweetybe vnde godibe / vnde nhe
EvEp1587_57_13exkan to kaare ßeerdtczybe / ka te pagane loudis / kat-
EvEp1587_57_14tre no Dewe neeneke ßin. Vnde ka newens nhe ta-
EvEp1587_57_15lake ßnedtcze / nedtcz ßouwe Brale pewyl exkan
EvEp1587_57_16pretczeſchenne. Aeſto tas Kunx gir tas Szode-
EvEp1587_57_17tays pär to wueſſe / ka mhes yums papreſche ßat-
EvEp1587_57_18cyſche vnde ledtczibe döwuſſche eſſem. Aeſto Dews
EvEp1587_57_19nhe gir mums aitczenays py neeſkyſtibes / beth py
EvEp1587_57_20ſweetybes. katteers nu polga / tas nhe polga wene
EvEp1587_57_21czylwheke / beth Dewe / katteers ßouwe ſwete Garre
EvEp1587_57_22exkan yums döwis gir.
EvEp1587_57_23@v{Euangelium am andern Sontage}
EvEp1587_57_24@v{in der Faſten oder Reminiſce. Matth. 15.cap.}
EvEp1587_58_1VNde Jeſus js gaya no turrenes / vnde atſtha-
EvEp1587_58_2yas prettibe Tyro vnde Sydon. Vnde rou-
EvEp1587_58_3ge / wena Cananeiſche Sewe js gaya aran
EvEp1587_58_4to patte Eßhe / vnde breetcze tham peetcz / vnde ßat-
EvEp1587_58_5cy / O kunx tu Dauide dhels abßeeloyes / thöw man-
EvEp1587_58_6nis / manna Meythe thope lothe no tho Whelne
EvEp1587_58_7wardtczenata{wardrczenata} . Vnde tas nhe adbildeye tay neewene
EvEp1587_58_8wärde. Tad gay winge Maetcekle{Maetckle} py tho / ludtce to /
EvEp1587_58_9vnde ßatcy / layde tho no thöw / aeſto ta breedtce
EvEp1587_58_10mums peetcz. Beth Jeſus adbildeye / vnde ßatcy /
EvEp1587_58_11Es nhe eſme ſuutitz / ka wen py thems paßuſtems
EvEp1587_58_12auwems / no tho Namme Jſrael. Beth ta naetce /
EvEp1587_58_13vnde kritte prexkan tho Semmen / vnde ßatcy / kunx /
EvEp1587_58_14pallydtcz man. Beth tas adbildeye vnde ßatcy / tas
EvEp1587_58_15nhe gir lab / ka tims bhernims winge Mayſe yempta
EvEp1587_59_1thope / vnd prexkan tims Szunnims mheſtha.
EvEp1587_59_2Ta adbildeye / Ja Kunx / Beth tomher ehde te Szun-
EvEp1587_59_3niſche no tims druſkynims / kattre no winge kunge
EvEp1587_59_4galdims kryte. Tad adbildeye Jeſus / vnde ßatcy vs
EvEp1587_59_5thäs / O Sewe / touwe Tytczibe gir lela / Thöw no-
EvEp1587_59_6teke ka tu grib. Vnde{Bnde} täs Meyte tappe weſſele / py
EvEp1587_59_7to patte ſtunde.
EvEp1587_59_8@v{Die Epiſtel am dritten Sontage}
EvEp1587_59_9@v{in der Faſten oder Oculi / Epheſ. 5. cap.}
EvEp1587_59_10Eſſet nu Dewe peetcz ſthaygataye / ka te mylige
EvEp1587_59_11Bherne vnde ſthaygayeth exkan to mylibe /
EvEp1587_59_12ka Chriſtus mums myleis gir / vnde ßöw pat-
EvEp1587_59_13tim no doeuwes pär mums / pär dawane vnde vppe-
EvEp1587_59_14re / Dewam pär wene ßalde Ooſnybe. Beth Mout-
EvEp1587_59_15cybe vnde wueſſe neeſſkyſtibe / ieb neegouſſibe / nhe lai-
EvEp1587_59_16deth no yums ßatcytz tapt / ka tims ſweetims peder.
EvEp1587_59_17Arridtczan neeganiges wärdes / vnde jeckige treſſe-
EvEp1587_59_18ſchenne / ieb gloudaſchenne / kattre yums nhe pekla-
EvEp1587_59_19yaas / beth doudtcze{dodtcze} wayrack / patteitcibe ßatciſchen-
EvEp1587_59_20ne. Aeſto tho buus yums ßynnath / ka neewens
EvEp1587_59_21Moutczenex ieb neeſſkyſtz / ieb neegoußyx (katters
EvEp1587_59_22tur gir wens Elkedewe kalps) neewene dallibe gir /
EvEp1587_59_23exkan tho walſtybe Chriſti vnde Dewe.
EvEp1587_59_24Nhe laideth yums nhe no wene pewilth / ar tux-
EvEp1587_59_25ſchims / ieb ar wiltygims wärdims. Aeſto tapeetz na-
 @b{ke /}
EvEp1587_60_1ke / ta Dewe duſmibe pär tems Bhernems thäs
EvEp1587_60_2neettitczybes / Tapeetcz / nhe thopet winge bedredrou-
EvEp1587_60_3ge. Aeſto yuus byeth czitkärth tumpßibe. Beth nu
EvEp1587_60_4eſſeth yuus wena Gayſme exkan tho Kunge. Stay-
EvEp1587_60_5gath ka te Bheerne täs Gayßybes. Tas auglis
EvEp1587_60_6tha Garre gyr wueſſenade laipnybe / vnde taiſny-
EvEp1587_60_7be / vnde teſibe.
EvEp1587_60_8@v{Euangelium am dritten Sontage}
EvEp1587_60_9@v{in der Faſten oder Oculi / Luc. 11. cap.}
EvEp1587_60_10VNd tas Kunx Jeſus Jſcinna wene Whelne /
EvEp1587_60_11tas by mhems. Vnde tas noticke / kad tas
EvEp1587_60_12Whelns yſ broudtce / tad treſſeye tas mhems /
EvEp1587_61_1vnde te loudis yßabrinoyas ßöw. Beth czitte no
EvEp1587_61_2tims ßatcy tas Jſcenne tös Whelnes czour Beelze-
EvEp1587_61_3bub / to wuerſeneke tho Whelne / Beth te czitte kärde-
EvEp1587_61_4naye to / vnd meckleye wene Syme no tho no debbes.
EvEp1587_61_5Beth tas nomannie winges domaſchennes /
EvEp1587_61_6vnd ßatcy vs tems / yckwena walſtyba / kad ta ar ßöw
EvEp1587_61_7pattim enaidan thope / ta thope pooſta / vnde wens
EvEp1587_61_8Nams kryte wuerßon to otre. Gir tad tas Satha-
EvEp1587_61_9nas arridtczan ar ßöw pattim enaidan / ka grib tad
EvEp1587_61_10wynge walſtybe paſthaweet ? Peetcz to ka yuus
EvEp1587_61_11ßacketh / es js czenne tös Whelnes czour Beelze-
EvEp1587_61_12bub. Beth kad es tös Whelnes czour Beelzebub
EvEp1587_61_13Jſczenno / czour kade Jſczen thös tad yuuſe Bher-
EvEp1587_61_14ne ? Tapeetcz buus thems yuuſe noteſetayems
EvEp1587_61_15buuth. Beth kad es czour{zour} to Dewe pyrſte tös Whel-
EvEp1587_61_16nes yſczenno / tad nake / yo ta Dewe walſtybe py
EvEp1587_61_18Kad wens ſtippraax abbrunyotz ßouwe pille
EvEp1587_61_19paßarge / tad pallecke wynge pils ar mere. Beth kad
EvEp1587_61_20wens ſtippraax pär to nake / vnde vſwar to / tad pa-
EvEp1587_61_21yem thas tham wynge Brunnige / vs kattre thas
EvEp1587_61_22ßöw pallaidees / vnde Jſdalle to Loupiſchenne. Kas
EvEp1587_61_23ar man neegir / tas gir prettibe man. Vnde kas
EvEp1587_61_24neeßakra ar man / tas Jsbaarſte.
EvEp1587_61_25Kad tas neskyſtz Gars no tho Czilwheke Js-
EvEp1587_61_26broudtcze / tad czour ſtaiga tas ßackaltuſſches we-
EvEp1587_61_27tes / meckle duſſeſchenne / vnde nhe attrode tho. Tad
EvEp1587_62_1tres tas / Es grib atkal greſtes exkan manne Nam-
EvEp1587_62_2me / kur es Jſgays eſme. Vnd kad tas nake / thad at-
EvEp1587_62_3trode thas to ar Szlotims mheſto vnde ſkiſtite. Tad
EvEp1587_62_4no edht thäs / vnde yem ßeptinges Garres py ßöw /
EvEp1587_62_5kattre nickmake gir / neeka thas patz. Vnde kad the
EvEp1587_62_6tur exkan nake / cziwo the tur / vnd tad thope peetcz
EvEp1587_62_7ar to patte czilwheke nickmake nhe ka papreſche.
EvEp1587_62_8Vnde tas notickas ßöw / kad thas tha treſſeye /
EvEp1587_62_9czele wena Sewe ſtarpan tems loudems ßouwe
EvEp1587_62_10Balxne auxam / vnde ßatcy vs tho / Sweeta gir ta
EvEp1587_62_11Meßa / kattra thöw neſſuſſe gir / vnd te krutis kat-
EvEp1587_62_12tres tu ßydis es. Beth tas ßatcy / Ja ſweete gir te /
EvEp1587_62_13kattre tho Dewe wärde czirde / vnd paßarge to.
EvEp1587_62_14@v{Die Epiſtel am vierden Sontage in}
EvEp1587_62_15@v{der Faſten oder Letare / Gal. 4 cap.}
EvEp1587_62_16SZacket man / kattre yuus appeſkan tho Bouß-
EvEp1587_62_17le gribbath buut / Nhe eſſet yuus to Boußle
EvEp1587_62_18czyrdeiſche ? Aeſto tur ſthawe raxtytz / ka Abra-
EvEp1587_62_19ham duewe dhele by / tas wens no thäs kalpunes /
EvEp1587_62_20tas oters no thäs ſwabbaddes. Beth tas kat-
EvEp1587_62_21ters{tees} no thäs kalpunes by / gir peetcz tho Meße
EvEp1587_62_22peczimmis / beth tas no thäs Swabbades / gir
EvEp1587_62_23czour tho peßatcyſchenne peczimmis. Te wärde
EvEp1587_62_24eſymo ko lab / aeſto te gir te duewe Eſtadyum-
EvEp1587_62_25me. Wens no tho kalne Sinai / katters py kal-
EvEp1587_62_26poſchen peczem / kattra gir Agar. Aeſto agar dhewa
EvEp1587_63_1exkan Arabia tas kalns Sina / vnd ſtepyas js Je-
EvEp1587_63_2ruſalem kattra py ſcho laike gir / vnde gir wene
EvEp1587_63_3wußige Werdtczybe ar ßouwims Bhernims.
EvEp1587_63_4Beth tha Jeruſalem / kattra tur auxkam gir /
EvEp1587_63_5ta gir ta attwallote / ta gir muße wueſſe Mathe.
EvEp1587_63_6Aeſto tur ſthawe raxtytz / Es lyxma tu neeauglyga /
EvEp1587_63_7kattra tu nhe czeem / vnde Jſloußes vnde ßoutce / kat-
EvEp1587_63_8tra tu nhe eſſe abgrutenata / aeſto tay wenteſyge ieb
EvEp1587_63_9atſtate / gir doudtce wairack Bherne / neka tay / kat-
EvEp1587_63_10tre tas Wyrs gir. Beth mhes / mylige Brale / eſſem
EvEp1587_63_11Jſaacs / peetcz to peßatcyſchenne Bherne.
EvEp1587_63_12Beth lydtcz ka py tho laike / katters peetcz tho
EvEp1587_63_13Meße peczimptz by / polgaye to / katters peetcz to
EvEp1587_63_14Garre peczimmis by : tha noteke tas nu arridt-
EvEp1587_63_15czan. Beth ko tres tas raxtz ? Stum to kalpune
EvEp1587_63_16tur aran / ar ßouwe Dhele / aeſto täs kalpunes dhe-
EvEp1587_63_17lam nhe buus mantooth / ar tho dhele täs atwal-
EvEp1587_63_18lotes Sewes. Thad eſſem mhes nu / mylige Brale /
EvEp1587_63_19nhe täs kalpunes Bherne / beth täs atwallotes ieb
EvEp1587_63_20Swabbades Sewes.
EvEp1587_63_21@v{Euangelium am vierden Sontage}
EvEp1587_63_22@v{in der Faſten oder Letare / Johan. 6. cap.}
EvEp1587_63_23PEetcz to broudtce Jeſus nohſt pär to Jure / vs
EvEp1587_63_24to Pille Tyberias exkã Galilea / vnde doudtce
EvEp1587_63_25loudes ſtaygaye tham peetcz / ta peetcz ka the
EvEp1587_64_1täs Simes redtczeye / kattres tas py thems neeweſ-
EvEp1587_64_2ſelems darrye. Beth Jeſus gaye / vs wene kalne /
EvEp1587_64_3vnde paßeedas ßöw tur ar ßouwims maetceklims /
EvEp1587_64_4beth ta leledene tho Judde Sweetke / by tuwe klathe.
EvEp1587_64_5Tad paczeele Jeſus ßouwes atczes / vnde redt-
EvEp1587_64_6czey / ka tur doudtcze loudes / py to nätcze / vnde ßatcy
EvEp1587_64_7vs Philippo / kur pirkam mhes Mayßes / ka ſche
EvEp1587_64_8ehde ? Beth tho ßatcy tas / to kärdenadams / aeſto
EvEp1587_64_9thas ganne ßynnaye / ko thas darryth gribbeye.
EvEp1587_64_10Philippus adbildeye tham / pär duewe ßuempte
EvEp1587_64_11kouſe Mayßes nhe gir ganne ſtarpan thems / ka
EvEp1587_64_12Jckwens no tims{notims} maſſe war dabbuth. Wens win-
EvEp1587_64_13ge Maetceklis Andreas tas Bralis Simonis Pe-
EvEp1587_64_14tri ßatcy vs tho / Scheit gir wens Puißis / tam gir
EvEp1587_65_1pece Meſche mayßes / vnde duewe ſuewis / beth kas
EvEp1587_65_2gir tas ſtarpan tick doudtczems ? Beth Jeſus ßatcy
EvEp1587_65_3darreth / ka ßöw te loudes paßedhas beth tur by dou-
EvEp1587_65_4dtce Sales py to Wete. Tad paßedhas ßöw py pece
EvEp1587_65_5tuuſtoſche Wyre. Beth Jeſus yeme tös Mayßes /
EvEp1587_65_6patteytce / vnde döwe thös tims Maetceklims / Beth
EvEp1587_65_7te Maetcekle tims / kattre ßöw paſſeeduſſchees by.
EvEp1587_65_8Ta lydtcz arridtczan no tims Suewims / tickt
EvEp1587_65_9doudtce ka thas gribbye.
EvEp1587_65_10Beth kad the peeduſſche by / ßatcy tas vs ßou-
EvEp1587_65_11wims Maetceklims / Szackrayeth tös atlicktes dru-
EvEp1587_65_12ſkes kopan / ka no tims neeneke / Jsbaarſthas. Tad
EvEp1587_65_13ßackraye te / vnde pueldye duewepaddeſmette kur-
EvEp1587_65_14wes ar druskims / no tims pece Meſche Mayßems /
EvEp1587_65_15kattre tur pär pallicke / tims / kattre ehdenate tappe.
EvEp1587_65_16Kad nu te Czilwheke tho Syme redtczeye / kattre
EvEp1587_65_17Jeſus darrye / ßatcy the / tas gyr patteſe thas Pro-
EvEp1587_65_18phetcz / kattram exkan to paſſoule naackt buus. Kad
EvEp1587_65_19nu Jeſus nomannye / ka the naackt gribbey / vnde /
EvEp1587_65_20tho guuſtyth / ka the to pär Köninge darryte / at-
EvEp1587_65_21ſthayas thas atkal / vnde gaye tas patz wens wuer-
EvEp1587_65_22ßon to kalne.
EvEp1587_65_23@v{Die Epiſtel am fünfften Sontage}
EvEp1587_65_24@v{in der Faſten / oder Judica / Ebre. 9. cap.}
EvEp1587_66_1BEth Chriſtus gir naetcis / ka thas gir wens
EvEp1587_66_2Auxtzbaſnicekunx / thäs nakammes paddomi-
EvEp1587_66_3bes / czour wene lelake vnde puelnake ziwokle /
EvEp1587_66_4kattra nhe gir ar to roke darrita / tas gir / kattra tha
EvEp1587_66_5nhe taißita gir / nedtcz arridtczan czour to aazo ieb
EvEp1587_66_6Telle aſſenne / beth tas gir czour ßouwe patte Aſ-
EvEp1587_66_7ſenne / wenekärth exkan to Sweetumme egays /
EvEp1587_66_8vnde gir wene mußige peſtiſchenne nopelnys.
EvEp1587_66_9Aeſto ka tho Wherſche vnde tho aazo
EvEp1587_66_10aſſens / vnde te Pelne no täs Gowis apßlatcita / tös
EvEp1587_66_11neeſkyſtes ſwety / py tho meßige ſkyſtybe / ka doudt-
EvEp1587_66_12cze wairack tad tas Aſſens Chriſti / katters ßöw
EvEp1587_66_13pattim bes wueſſe neeſkyſtibe / czour to ſweete Garre /
EvEp1587_66_14Dewã vppeereyes gir / muſſe ßinnaſchenne ſkyſtys /
EvEp1587_66_15no tims nomuerruſchims darbims / py kalpoſchen
EvEp1587_66_16tham czywigam Dewam ? Vnde tapeetcz gir tas
EvEp1587_66_17arridtzan wens Wueddetays thäs jounes Eſtadi-
EvEp1587_66_18ſchennes / aeſto ka thas czour tho nawe / kattra no-
EvEp1587_66_19tickuſſe gir / py to atpeſtiſchenne no tims{notims} pär-
EvEp1587_66_20kaaptims letims (kattre appeſkan tho pirmako Eſta-
EvEp1587_66_21dyumme by) te kattre tur aytczenate gir / to peßatcyte
EvEp1587_66_22mußyge Mantibe / enackt.
EvEp1587_66_23@v{Euangelium am fünfften Sontage}
EvEp1587_66_24@v{in der Faſten oder Judica / Johan. 8. cap.}
EvEp1587_67_1KAs gir tur ſtarpan yums / kas man war
EvEp1587_67_2wenes greekes pär treſſeet. Beth kad es yums
EvEp1587_67_3nu teſcham to ßacko / kapeetcz nhe titczaath
EvEp1587_67_4yuus tad man ? Katters no Dewe gir / tas czirde
EvEp1587_67_5Dewe wärde. Tapeetcz nhe czirdeth yuus / aeſto
EvEp1587_67_6yuus nhe eſſet no Dewe. Tad adbildeye te Judde /
EvEp1587_67_7vnde ßatcy vs to / Nheßackam mhes teſcham / ka tu{tu-}
EvEp1587_67_8wens Samariters eße / vnde töw gir tas Whelns ?
EvEp1587_67_9Jeſus adbildey / Man nhegir{nehgir} neewens Whelns /
EvEp1587_67_10beth es gode Manne Thewe / vnde yuus neegodeth
EvEp1587_67_11man. Es neemeckleyo manne Gode. Beth tur gir
EvEp1587_67_12wens / katters to meckleye / vnde teſa.
EvEp1587_67_13Patteſe / patteſe / es ßack yums / ja kas manne wär-
EvEp1587_67_14de thurrees / tas to Nawe mußam nheredtczees. Tad
EvEp1587_67_15ßatcy te Judde vs to / Nu atßiſtam mhes / ka töw
EvEp1587_68_1tas Whelns gir / Abraham gir nomuerris / vnde te
EvEp1587_68_2Prophetes / vnd tu ßack / Ja kas lab manne Wärde
EvEp1587_68_3tur / tas tho Nawe mußam nhe boudys. Es tu way-
EvEp1587_68_4rack neeka muße Thews Abraham ? katters no-
EvEp1587_68_5muerrys gir / vnde te Prophetes gir nomuerruſſche /
EvEp1587_68_6ko dar tu no thöw pattim ?
EvEp1587_68_8adbildeye / kad es man patthe godhete
EvEp1587_68_9khad nhe gir mans goodtcz neeneke. Beth
EvEp1587_68_10tur gir mans Thews / kas man godee / kattre yuus
EvEp1587_68_11ßackath / tas gir yuuſe Dews / vnde nhe paßiſteth
EvEp1587_68_12to. Beth es paßiſt to. Vnd kad es ßatcyte / Es nhe
EvEp1587_68_13paßiſte to / thad tapte es wens Mhelkullis{Mhekullis} / lydtcz ka
EvEp1587_68_14yuus eſſet. Beth es paßiſte tho / vnde thurre winge
EvEp1587_68_16Abraham yuuſe Thews tappe lyxmis / ka thas
EvEp1587_68_17manne dene redtczeete. Vnde thas redtczeye to /
EvEp1587_68_18vnde epreceyas ßöw. Tad ßatcy te Judde vs tho /
EvEp1587_68_19tu nhe es whel peecedeſmette Gadde whedtcz / vnde
EvEp1587_68_20es Abraham redtczeis ? Jeſus ßatcy vs tems / pat-
EvEp1587_68_21teſe / patteſe / es ßacke yums / pirms Abraham tappe /
EvEp1587_68_22eſme es. Tad yeme te Ackmennes auxam / ka the vs
EvEp1587_68_23tho mheſte. Beth Jeſus paßlepees ßöw / vnde Jſ-
EvEp1587_68_24gaye aran to tho Baſnice.
EvEp1587_68_25@v{Die Epiſtel auff den Palm-}
EvEp1587_68_26@v{tag / Philip. 2.}
EvEp1587_69_1ESſet Jckwens tadan pratan / ka Jeſus Chri-
EvEp1587_69_2ſtus arridtczan by / katters ka tomher thas
EvEp1587_69_3exkan dewige buuſchen by / nhe thurreye tas
EvEp1587_69_4parr wene loupyſchenne Dawam lydtcz buuth / beth
EvEp1587_69_5ßemmoyaas ßöw pattim / vnde vs ieme wene kalpe
EvEp1587_69_6buuſchenne / tappe lydtcz ka wens citcz Czilwhex /
EvEp1587_69_7vnde no prate kha wens Czilwhex attraſtz / ßemmo-
EvEp1587_69_8yas ßöw{ßüw} pattim / vnde tappe pakloußyx js tho nawe /
EvEp1587_69_9ya js tho Nawe py tho kruſte.
EvEp1587_69_10Tapeetcz gir tho arridtzan Dews paauxtenays /
EvEp1587_69_11vñ gir tam wene wärde doeuwys / katters pär wueſ-
EvEp1587_69_12ſems Wärdems gir / ka ßöw exkan tho Wärde Je-
EvEp1587_69_13ſu lodczyth buus / wueſſe the czelye / kattre exkan
EvEp1587_69_14Debbes vnde wuerßon Szemmes / vnde appeſkan
EvEp1587_69_15tho Semme gir / vnde wueſſems Mhelems atßyth
EvEp1587_69_16buuſe / ka Jeſus Chriſtus tas Kunx gir pär gode
EvEp1587_69_17Dewe tho Thewe.
EvEp1587_69_18@v{Euangelium{Euangelum} am Palmtage Matth. 21.}
EvEp1587_69_19@v{Cap. ſuche dort oben Erſten Son-}
EvEp1587_69_20@v{tage des Aduents.}
EvEp1587_69_21@v{Die Epiſtel am grünen Donner-}
EvEp1587_69_22@v{ſtage / 1. Corinth. 11. cap.}
EvEp1587_69_23ES eſme to no tho Kunge dabbuys / kattre es
EvEp1587_69_24yums doeuwys eſme. Aeſto tas Kunx Jeſus
EvEp1587_69_25exkan thäs nactz / kad thas tappe pewyltz / yeme
EvEp1587_70_1thas to Mayſe patteitcze / vnde pär louſe to / vnde
EvEp1587_70_2ßatcy / yemmet / ehdet / ta gir manna meße kattra pär
EvEp1587_70_3yums pär louſta thope / to darreth py manne pemin-
EvEp1587_70_4neſchenne. Ta lydtcz arridtczan to Bickere / peetcz
EvEp1587_70_5to wackarre ehdenne / vnde ßatcy / Schis Bickers gir
EvEp1587_70_6tas youns Eſtadiums exkan manne Aſſenne / To
EvEp1587_70_7darreth / czekärth yuus to ſczerreth{ſerreth} / py manne pemin-
EvEp1587_70_8neſchenne. Aeſto czekärth kha yuus no ſcho Mayſe
EvEp1587_70_9ehdath / vnde no ſcho Bickere ſczerſeth / buus yums{ynms}
EvEp1587_70_10ta Kunge Nawe paßluddenath / tekams ka thas
EvEp1587_70_11naetcys. Katters nu neecenige no ſcho Mayſe
EvEp1587_70_12ehde / ieb no tho Bickerre tha Kunge ſczers / tas gir
EvEp1587_70_13noſedczis / py tho Meße vnde Aſſenne tha Kunge.
EvEp1587_70_14Beth tas Czilwhex apdoma ßöw pattim / vnde ta
EvEp1587_70_15ehde tas no ſcho Mayſe / vnde ſczerre no ſcho Bi-
EvEp1587_70_16ckerre. Aeſto kas neeczenige eede / vnde ſczerye / tas
EvEp1587_70_17ehde vnde ſczeerye ßöw pattim to ßodybe / ar to / ka
EvEp1587_70_18thas nhe noſſkyr / to Meſſe tha Kunge.
EvEp1587_70_19@v{Euangelium am grünen Donner-}
EvEp1587_70_20@v{ſtage / Johan. 13.cap.}
EvEp1587_70_21BEth prexkan tho ſweetke to leledene kad Jeſus
EvEp1587_70_22atßynne / ka winge layx nätczis by / ka thas
EvEp1587_70_23aran ſcho Paſſoule edth py Thewe / lydtcz ka
EvEp1587_70_24thas by myleis thos ßouwes / kattre exkan tho paſ-
EvEp1587_70_25ſoule by / tha myley thas thos js tam gallam. Vnd
EvEp1587_70_26peetcz tho wackarre ehdene / kad thas Whelns yow
EvEp1587_71_1by tam Juda Simonis Jſcharioth exkan ßirde
EvEp1587_71_2edoeuwis / ka thas tho pewilte / ſinnaye Jeſus ka
EvEp1587_71_3tham thas Thews by wueſſes lethes exkan wynge
EvEp1587_71_4roke doeuwis / vnd ka thas no Dewe nätczis by /
EvEp1587_71_5vnde py Dewe ete / Czeeles thas no tho Wackarre
EvEp1587_71_6ehdene auxkam / no licke ßouwes dreebes / vnde yeme
EvEp1587_71_7wene aute / vnd apyoſees ßöw. Peetcz to leeye thas
EvEp1587_71_8Vdenne exkan wene Beckenne / vnd eſaka tims maet-
EvEp1587_71_9ceklims thos kayes maſgaath / vnd ßouſenaye thos /
EvEp1587_71_10ar tho apyooſte aute / ar kattre tas apyooſtz by.
EvEp1587_71_11Tad nätce thas py Simon Petro. Vnd tas ßat-
EvEp1587_71_12cy vs to / kunx / buus thöw man mannes kayes maſ-
EvEp1587_71_13gath ? Jeſus adbildey / vnd ßatcy vs tho / ko es dar to
EvEp1587_71_14nhe ßin tu nu. Beth tu to peetcz ßayus. Tat ßatcy
EvEp1587_72_1Petrus vs to. Neemußam buhs thöw man tös ka-
EvEp1587_72_2yes maſgaath ? Jeſus ßatcy vs to / kad es thöw nhe
EvEp1587_72_3maſgathe / thad neegir thöw neewene dallibe ar
EvEp1587_72_4man. Simon Petrus ßatcy vs tho / Kunx nhe we-
EvEp1587_72_5ne thos kayes / beth arridtczan täs rokas / vnde to
EvEp1587_72_6Galwe. Jeſus ßatcy vs tho / kas maſgaatz gir / tam
EvEp1587_72_7ne gir wairs wayage / ka wen tös kayes / beth thas
EvEp1587_72_8gir wueſtim ſkyſtz / vnde yuus eſſet ſkyſte / beth nhe
EvEp1587_72_9wueſſe. Aeſto thas ßinnaye ßouwe Wilteneke gan /
EvEp1587_72_10tapeetcz ßatcy thas / yuus ne eſſet / wueſſe ſkyſte.
EvEp1587_72_11Kad thas nu winge kayes maſgays by / yeme
EvEp1587_72_12thas ßouwes drebes py ßöw / vnde paſeedäs ßöw /
EvEp1587_72_13vnde ßatcy atkal vs thems / ßinneth yuus / ko es
EvEp1587_72_14yums darrys eſme ? Juus dheweet man Meyſter
EvEp1587_72_15vnd Kunge / vnde ßacketh tho teſcham / aeſto es eſme
EvEp1587_72_16arridtczan / Ja es nu yuuſe Kunx vnde Meyſters
EvEp1587_72_17yums tös kayes maſgays eſme / Ta buus yums ar-
EvEp1587_72_18ridtczan ſtarpan weneotre tös kayes maſgath.
EvEp1587_72_19Wene Lydttzybe eſme es yums doeuwis / ka yuus
EvEp1587_72_20darreth / lydtcz kha es yums darrys eeſmhe.
EvEp1587_73_1@l{P A S S I O}
EvEp1587_73_2@v{Von dem Leiden vnd}
EvEp1587_73_3@v{Sterben vnſers HErn vnd Heilan-}
EvEp1587_73_4@v{des Jeſu Chriſti nach den vier Euangeliſten.}
EvEp1587_73_5@v{Aus Deudſcher Sprache in Vn-}
EvEp1587_73_6@v{deudſche gebracht/ Durch}
EvEp1587_73_7@v{Godthard. Reymers Predi. zum Bouſchenburg.}
EvEp1587_73_8@l{Anno 1587.}
EvEp1587_74_1Klauſſet laſſam no to
EvEp1587_74_2Mocybe vnd Nomuerſchenne muſze
EvEp1587_74_3Kunge Jeſu Chriſti / ka mums appraxte
EvEp1587_74_4te ſweete Maetcetaye ar Wärde.
EvEp1587_74_5Mattheus 26. Marcus 14. Lucas 22. vnd Johannes 13. wetan.
EvEp1587_74_6VNde kad the to Patteitcibe
EvEp1587_74_7czeſme ßatcyſche bye / gaya Jeſus aran
EvEp1587_74_8peetcz ßouwe Eraddumme / par to Vppe
EvEp1587_74_9Kidron py to Olyekalne. Beth winge
EvEp1587_74_10Macekle ſtaigaye tham peetcz. Tad ßatcy tas vs
EvEp1587_74_11tems : Exkan ſcho Nacte yuus wueſſe py man ap-
EvEp1587_74_12greeczenaſes. Aeſto tur ſtawe raxtytcz /Es to
EvEp1587_74_13Ghanne ßittiſcho / vnde te Auwes thäs Gannibes
EvEp1587_74_14ßöw Jsbärſtiſes / Beth kad es atkal auxkam czel-
EvEp1587_74_15ſchos / grib es prexkan yums no edth exkan Galileã.
EvEp1587_74_16Beth Petrus adbildeye / vnde ßatcy vs tho / Ja kad
EvEp1587_74_17the arridtczan wueſſe ßöw py thöw apgreetczenate /
EvEp1587_74_18thad neegrib es man mußam apgreetczenates. Je-
EvEp1587_74_19ſus ßatcy vs tho : Patteſe es ßack thöw / Schodene
EvEp1587_74_20exkan ſcho Nacte / pirmack tas Gaylis duewekärte
EvEp1587_74_21czedas tu man triſkärth ayſledtczys. Beth thas
EvEp1587_74_22ßatcy whel wairack : Ja kad man arridtczan ar thöw
EvEp1587_74_23muerth buthe / tad nhe gribbethe es thöw ayſleeckt.
EvEp1587_74_24Ta lydtcz arridtczan ßatcy wueſſe Maetcekle.
EvEp1587_75_1Tad nätce Jeſus ar tims / py wenas Muyßas /
EvEp1587_75_2ta dhewey Getſemane / tur by wens Därſis / tur ex-
EvEp1587_75_3kan gaya Jeſus vnd winge Maetcekle. Beth Judas
EvEp1587_75_4katters to pewile / ßinnay arridtczan to Wete / aeſto
EvEp1587_75_5Jeſus ßackrayas ßöw daſſchekärte tur patte ar ßou-
EvEp1587_75_6wims Maceklims. Tad ßatcy Jeſus vs tims : ße-
EvEp1587_75_7deth yuus ſcheit / tekams ka es no emo vnd luudtczo.
EvEp1587_75_8Vnde yeme py ßöw Petrum vnde Jacobum vnde
EvEp1587_75_9Johannem tös duewe Dheles Zebedei/ vnde eßaka
EvEp1587_75_10bhedates / tryſeeth vnd bayloth. Vnde ßatcy vs
EvEp1587_75_11tims : Manna Dhweſſelle gir Noſkummuſſe lydtcz
EvEp1587_75_12tay Nawe / palledtczet ſcheit/ vnde eſſeth modige ar
EvEp1587_75_13man/ luudtczet / ka yuus exkan kärdenaſchenne nee-
EvEp1587_75_15Vnde thas wherſees ßöw no tims py wene ack-
EvEp1587_75_16menne mettenne täl / vnde meetthes czellos / vnd krit-
EvEp1587_75_17te vs ßouwe Wayge vs to Semme / vnde luddtcze /
EvEp1587_75_18Ja tas tha warreth buuthe / ka ta ſtunde ſedtczen
EvEp1587_75_19edthe / vnde ßatcy : Abba mans Thews / tu war
EvEp1587_75_20wueſſes lethes darryth / Jem ſcho Bickerre no man /
EvEp1587_75_21beth nhe tha kha es grib / beth kha tu grib. Vnde thas
EvEp1587_75_22nätcze py ßouwems Maetceklems / vnde attradde
EvEp1587_75_23thös gullites / vnde ßatcy vs Petro Simon gultu ?
EvEp1587_75_24Nhe war tu newene Stunde ar man modhet ? Eſſet
EvEp1587_75_25modige vnde luudtczet / ka yuus exkan kärdenaſchen
EvEp1587_75_26ne ekritet. Tas gars gir labpratyx / beth tha meße
EvEp1587_75_27gir beſſpeetczige.
EvEp1587_76_1Oteran kärtan gaya tas atkal / luudtcze vnde ßat-
EvEp1587_76_2cy Mans Thews / war tas ta buut/ ka ſchis Bicker-
EvEp1587_76_3rys no man edthe / es ſczerre tad to / thad noteke tows
EvEp1587_76_4prätcz. Vnde thas nätcze vnde attradde thös whel
EvEp1587_76_5wene kärth gullites / vnde winge Atczes by puelne
EvEp1587_76_6Mege / vnd nhe ßinnaye / ko the tham adbildeye. Vnd
EvEp1587_76_7thas licke thös ar mere / vnde gaye whel wene kärth /
EvEp1587_76_8vnde luudtcze than treſſchan kaartan / tös pattes
EvEp1587_76_9Wärdes vnde ßatcy : Thews grib tu / thad yem ſcho
EvEp1587_76_10Bickere nho man / Tomher nhe mans / beth tows
EvEp1587_76_11Prätcz noteke.
EvEp1587_76_12Beth tam paradyas wens Engels / no Deb-
EvEp1587_76_13bes / vnd eſtipprenaye to. Vnde tas notickas / ka
EvEp1587_76_14thas ar to Nawe czyxteye / vnd luudtcze ſtipprake.
EvEp1587_76_15Beth winge Swedre tappe Aſſenne laſſes / te kritte
EvEp1587_76_16wuerßon to Semme.
EvEp1587_76_17Vnde thas czeeles auxkam no to Luuckſchen-
EvEp1587_76_18ne / vnde nätcze py ßouwems Maceklems/ vnde at-
EvEp1587_76_19tradde thös gullites / no Noſkumſchennes vnd ßatcy
EvEp1587_76_20vs thems{thcms} : Ach gribbeth yuus nu gulleeth vnde duſ-
EvEp1587_76_21ſeeth ? ko gulleth yuus ? Tas gir ganne. Rouget /
EvEp1587_76_22ta ſtunde gir nakuſſe/ kha tha Czilwheke Dhels
EvEp1587_76_23taps nodootcz{nddootcz} exkan tims Greetczeneke rokims.
EvEp1587_76_24Czelletes auxkam / laydeth mums edthe Rougeth /
EvEp1587_76_25kas man pewilß gir tuwe klathe / Beth luudtcet/ ka
EvEp1587_76_26yuus exkan kärdenaſchenne nhe kritet.
EvEp1587_77_1Vnde tudelyne kad thas whel treßeye / Rouge /
EvEp1587_77_2Judas wens no tims Duewepaddeſmettims / kad
EvEp1587_77_3tas nu py ßöw yemis by to kope / vnde karyekalpes /
EvEp1587_77_4thös Auxtebaſnicekunges vnd Phariſeeres / thös
EvEp1587_77_5Wetczakes vnde Raxtmacetayes / gaya thas
EvEp1587_77_6prexkan tho droudtcze / vnde nätcze tur / ar vg-
EvEp1587_77_7gunne ſwetczims / vnd ar Sobennims / vnde ar
EvEp1587_77_8daſſchadems Erotczems.
EvEp1587_77_9Beth tas Wiltenex by tems wene Syme doeu-
EvEp1587_77_10wis vnde ßatcys/ kattre es ſkupſtiſcho/ tas gir to
EvEp1587_77_11guuſteth / weddeth vnde thurreth to ſtippre. Kad nu
EvEp1587_77_12Jeſus ſynnaye wueſſes letees kas tam notickt bye /
EvEp1587_77_13gaya thas aran / vnde ßatcy vs tems : Ko meckleyet
EvEp1587_77_14yuus ? The adbildey tam Jeſum no Nazareth. Je-
EvEp1587_77_15ſus ßatcy vs tems : Es eeſme.
EvEp1587_77_16Beth Judas / kas to pewile / ſthawey arridtczan
EvEp1587_77_17py tems. Kad nu Jeſus vs tems ßatcy / Es eeſme /
EvEp1587_77_18kritte the atpackal py Semmes. Tad youtaye thas
EvEp1587_77_19tems whel wen kärte / ko meckleyet yuus ? Beth the
EvEp1587_77_20ßatcy : Jeſum no Nazareth. Jeſus adbildey es
EvEp1587_77_21eſme yums ßatcys / ka es tas eeſme. Meckleyet yuus
EvEp1587_77_22man thad laydet ſchös edth / ka tas Wärdtcz pepuel-
EvEp1587_77_23dytcz tapte / kattre thas ßatcy / Es nhe ehſſeme no
EvEp1587_77_24tims nee wene paſſuddys / kattres tu man doeuwis
EvEp1587_77_26Vnde Judas ſteyczes ßöw py Jeſu ka thas to
EvEp1587_77_27ßkupſtyte / vnde tudelin gaya thas py tho / vnd ßatcy :
EvEp1587_78_1Summenatcz eſ tu{eſtu} Rabbi Vnde ßkupſtye tho. Beth
EvEp1587_78_2Jeſus ßatcy vs to / mans Droux / kapeetcz eſ tu{eſtu} ſcheit
EvEp1587_78_3nätczys / O Juda / pewil tu ta Czilwheke Dhele /
EvEp1587_78_4ar wene Szkupſtiſchenne ? Tad gaye the py to / vnde
EvEp1587_78_5pelicke täs Rokes py Jeſum / vnde guſtye to.
EvEp1587_78_6Beth kad te redtczeye / kattre py to bye / kas tur
EvEp1587_78_7notickt gribbey / ßatcy the vs tho : Kunx / buus mums
EvEp1587_78_8ar to Sobenne tur ſtarpan ßiſt ? Tad bye Simon
EvEp1587_78_9Petrum wens Sobens / vnde Jſwilke to / vnde ßitte
EvEp1587_78_10peetcz to Auxtebaſnitczekunge Kalpe / vnde no czirte
EvEp1587_78_11tham winge labbe Auße / Vnde tas Kalps dhewey
EvEp1587_78_13Beth Jeſus adbildey vnde ßatcy vs Petro /
EvEp1587_78_14Baaſe touwe Sobenne exkan to Maxte / aeſto kas
EvEp1587_78_15to Sobenne yem tam buus czour to Sobenne ßa-
EvEp1587_78_16maitatam tapt. Jeb czerre tu / ka es mannam The-
EvEp1587_78_17wam nhe warreethe luuckt ? ka thas man ßutite /
EvEp1587_78_18wairack neka duewepaddeſmette Legion Engel ?
EvEp1587_78_19Nee buus man to bickeerre ſczeert kattre man mans
EvEp1587_78_20Thews doeuwis gir ? Beth ka tapte tas Raxtz pe-
EvEp1587_78_21pueldytcz ? Tam buus ta notickt / Vnde thas aiſkare
EvEp1587_78_22winge Auße vnde czedenaye to.
EvEp1587_78_23Py to ſtunde ßatcy Jeſus vs tems Auxtbaſnit-
EvEp1587_78_24czekungems vnde Galwenekems thäs Baſnitczes /
EvEp1587_78_25vnde tems Whetczakems / kattre py to nakuſſche bye /
EvEp1587_78_26Juus eſſet lydtcze kha py wene Szlepkouwe ar So-
EvEp1587_78_27benims / vnd ar Skeepims / jſgayſche / man guſtyth{gu ſtyth}
EvEp1587_79_1Es eſme deniſke py yums ßedeis/ vnde eſme
EvEp1587_79_2macys exkan Baſnitczes / vnde yuus nhe eſſeth nee-
EvEp1587_79_3wene Roke py man dalickuſſche. Beth ta gir yuuſe
EvEp1587_79_4Stunde / vnde ta Näcktz thäs tumſſibes / ka the raxte
EvEp1587_79_5pepueldite tapte. Beth tas gir wueſſe notal notit-
EvEp1587_79_6czis / ka te Raxte thös Prophetes pepueldite tapte.
EvEp1587_79_7Tad pallayde to wueſſe Maetcekle vnd beedtcze.
EvEp1587_79_8Vnde tur by wens Maetceklis / tas ſtaigaye
EvEp1587_79_9tham peetcz tas by ar Lynne wadmalle aptherptcz /
EvEp1587_79_10vs to kayle Meße / vnde te Kalpe guuſty to / beth
EvEp1587_79_11thas licke to Lynnewadmalle ſpruckth / vnde beetcze
EvEp1587_79_12Nöx no tims{notims}.
EvEp1587_79_13Beth{BBeth} ta kopa vnde wuerſegalweneke vnd te
EvEp1587_79_14Kalpe/ tho Juddelouſcho / yeme Jeſum / vnde
EvEp1587_79_15ßeie to / vnde wedde to wueſſe pirmacke py
EvEp1587_79_16Hannas / tas by Caiphas ßnodtcz katters to Gadde
EvEp1587_79_17Auxtebaſnitczekunx by. Beth Caiphas by tas /
EvEp1587_79_18katters tems Juddeloudems paddome doeuwe / tas
EvEp1587_79_19buute labbe / ka wens Czilwhex tapte no mäcktcz
EvEp1587_79_20par tems loudems.
EvEp1587_79_21Vnde te wedde to py to Auxtebaſnitczekunge Cai-
EvEp1587_79_22phas (tas gir / py to auxtekunge ieb wuerſeneke tos
EvEp1587_79_23baſnitczekunges) kur ßöw wueſſe auxtebaſnitczekun-
EvEp1587_79_24ge / vnde Raxtmaetcetaye vñ whetczake ßagaiuſſche
EvEp1587_79_25by. Beth Simon Petrus ſtaigaye Jeſum peetcz /
EvEp1587_80_1no talenes / vnd wens czitcz Maetceklis / Js to
EvEp1587_80_2Namme tha Auxtbaſnitczekunge. Tas patcz by
EvEp1587_80_3tham Auxtebaſnitczekungam paſſiſtams vnde gaya
EvEp1587_80_4ar Jeſu exkan / exkan to Auxtebaſnitczekunge Nam-
EvEp1587_80_5me. Beth Petrus ſtawey aran prexkan to Durwe.
EvEp1587_80_6Tad gay tas oters Maetceklis / katters tham Aux-
EvEp1587_80_7tam baſnicekungam paßiſtams by / aran / vnde tre-
EvEp1587_80_8ßey ar tho Durwe ßargetaya / vnd wedde Petrum
EvEp1587_80_10Beth the Kalpe vnde Szullaine ſtaweye vnde
EvEp1587_80_11by wene ogle vggunne darriſche / ſemmen wueddon
EvEp1587_80_12exkan to Namme / aeſto tas py auſte vnde ßildyas
EvEp1587_80_13ßöw. Beth Petrus ſtawey py tims vnde ßildyas
EvEp1587_80_14ßöw / ka thas redtczeete / kas ſcheitan gribbeete no-
EvEp1587_80_15tickt. Beth ta Kalpune / tha Auxte baſnitczekunge /
EvEp1587_80_16ta Durwe Szargataya redtczey Petrum py to
EvEp1587_80_17Gaiſme / kad thas ßöw ßildyas / vnde lukoyas vs to/
EvEp1587_80_18vnd ßatcy : Vñ tu by arridtczan ar ſcho Jeſu no Ga-
EvEp1587_80_19lilea / Nhe eſ tu{eſtu} arridtczan ſcha Czilwheke Maetce-
EvEp1587_80_20klis wens ? Beth thas ayſledtcze to prexkan wueſ-
EvEp1587_80_21ſims / vnde ßatcy / Szewes waardtcz / es neepaßiſte
EvEp1587_80_22to es arridtczan nhe ßinno / ko tu ßack.
EvEp1587_80_23Beth tas Auxtz baſnitczekunx Joutaye Jeſum /
EvEp1587_80_24pär winge Maceklims / vnde pär winge Macibe.
EvEp1587_80_25Jeſus adbildey tham / Es eſme ßwabbadde vnde
EvEp1587_80_26ſkaidre treßeis prexkã to paſſoule / es eſme allaßin
EvEp1587_80_27macys exkan to Skole/ vnde exkan to Baſnitcze kur
EvEp1587_81_1wueſſe Judde loudis kopan nätcze / vnde nhe ehſſeme
EvEp1587_81_2neeneke exkan to kackte treßeys / ko youta tu man
EvEp1587_81_3peetcz to ? Jouta tems kattre man czirdeiſche gir /
EvEp1587_81_4ko es treßeys ehſſeme / Rouge / te paſſche ßin ko es
EvEp1587_81_5ßatcys ehſſeme. Beth kad thas ta treßey / doeuwe
EvEp1587_81_6wens Szullains / katters tur klathe ſtawey Jeſum
EvEp1587_81_7wene Wayge ßittenne / vnd ßatcy / buus thöw tham
EvEp1587_81_8Auxtebaſnicekungam ta adbildeeth ? Jeſus adbil-
EvEp1587_81_9dey ehſſeme es loune treßeis / tad parade to / ka tas
EvEp1587_81_10nhe taiſne gir / beth eſme es teſcham treßeys / ka peetcz
EvEp1587_81_11ßitte tu man tad ? Vnde Hannas ßutye to ßaſſete /
EvEp1587_81_12py tho Auxtebaſnitczekunge Caiphas.
EvEp1587_81_13Simon Petrus ſthawey vnde ßildyas ßöw / vnd /
EvEp1587_81_14pär wene maße bryde (peetcz to pirmake ayſleck-
EvEp1587_81_15ſchenne) khad thas tur aran gaya / exkan to preſche
EvEp1587_81_16ßeete / czedaye tas Gailis. Vnde{Vmde} wene czitta Kal-
EvEp1587_81_17pune redtczeye to / vnde eßaka atkal ßatcyth / tims /
EvEp1587_81_18kattre tur kläth ſtawey / Schis by arridtczan ar
EvEp1587_81_19Jeſu no Nazareth. Tad ßatcy the vs to / Nhe es tu
EvEp1587_81_20winge Maetceklis wens ? Vnde wens czytcz ßatcy
EvEp1587_81_21tu eße no tims arridtczan wens. Vnde thas ayſ-
EvEp1587_81_22ledtcze{ayledtcze} whel wenkärth / dewe minnedams vnde ßatcy /
EvEp1587_81_23Czilwhex es nhe eſme/ vnde es nhe paßiſte arridt-
EvEp1587_81_24czan to Czilwheke.
EvEp1587_81_25Vnde pär wene maße bryde / py wene ſtunde /
EvEp1587_81_26apſtippreye to wens czytcz ar tims/ kattre tur ſta-
EvEp1587_81_27weye / vnd ßatcy / Patteſe / tu es arridtczan wens
EvEp1587_82_1aeſto tu es wens Galileers / vnde touwe Wallode
EvEp1587_82_2pewil thöw. Ta Auxtebaſnitczekunge Kalps / wens
EvEp1587_82_3droux tha kattram Petrus to Auße noczirtis by /
EvEp1587_82_4ßacke / ka nhe redtczeye es thöw exkan Därſe py to ?
EvEp1587_82_5Tad eſaacke thas ßöw no ladeetes vnde Dewe min-
EvEp1587_82_6neth / Es nhe paßiſte to Czilwheke / no kattre yuus
EvEp1587_82_8Vnde tudelin / kad thas whel treßey/ czeday tas
EvEp1587_82_9Gailis tan otran kärtan. Vnde thas Kunx gre-
EvEp1587_82_10ßhees ßöw apkärth / vnde vs lukoye Petrum.
EvEp1587_82_11Tad egadayas Petrus py to Wärde Jeſu / kha thas
EvEp1587_82_12vs to ßatcys by / pirms tas Gailis duewekärte cze-
EvEp1587_82_13de / tu man trys kärte ayſlex / vnde Jſgaye / vnde rou-
EvEp1587_82_14daye gauſche.
EvEp1587_82_15Beth te Auxtebaſnitczekunge vnde te Weetcza-
EvEp1587_82_16ke / vnd te wueſſe Runneskunge / meckleye wiltige
EvEp1587_82_17Ledtczybe prettibe Jeſum / ka te to nokoute / vnde nhe
EvEp1587_82_18attradde neewene wayne / ja tomher doudtcze wiltige
EvEp1587_82_19Ledtczeneke / kläth nätcze / aeſto winge Ledtczibe nhe
EvEp1587_82_20by wenade. Peedige nätcze duewe wiltige Ledtcze-
EvEp1587_82_21neke klathe / vnde doeuwe wiltige Ledtczybe prettibe
EvEp1587_82_22to / vnd ßatcy : Mehs ehſſem czirdeiſche : ka thas
EvEp1587_82_23ßatcy / Es war vnde grib to Dewe Baſnitcze / kat-
EvEp1587_82_24tra ar Rokims darrita gir / ßalouſt / vnde exkan
EvEp1587_82_25trims Denims wene czitte tayßith / kattra nhe gir ar
EvEp1587_82_26Rokims darrita. Beth winge Ledtczybe nhe by
EvEp1587_83_1Vnde tas Auxtebaſnitczekunx czeelees auxkam
EvEp1587_83_2ſtarpan tims / vnde Joutaye Jeſum vnde ßatcy : ad-
EvEp1587_83_3bilde tu neeneke vs to / ka ſche prettibe thöw ledtczena ?
EvEp1587_83_4Beth Jeſus czete kluſſe / vnde nhe adbildey neeneke.
EvEp1587_83_5Tad youtaye tham tas Auxtzbaſnitczekunx whel-
EvEp1587_83_6wenekärte / vnde ßatcy vs tho : Es tu Chriſtus / tas
EvEp1587_83_7Dhels ta auxte teitczamme ? Es peſpeſche thöw py
EvEp1587_83_8to cziwe Dewe / ka tu mums ßacke / Ja tu eße Chri-
EvEp1587_83_9ſtus / tas Dewe Dhels. Jeſus ßatcy / tu ßack to / es
EvEp1587_83_10eſme. Tomher ßack es yums / no ſcho Layke yuus
EvEp1587_83_11to Czilwheke Dhele ßeedithe redtczeßeth / py to lab-
EvEp1587_83_12be Roke ta Speeke / vnde nakamme exkan to paddeb-
EvEp1587_83_13beſſe tho Debbes.
EvEp1587_83_14Tad ßapleeße tas Auxtebaſnitczekunx ßouwes
EvEp1587_83_15Drebes / vnde ßatcy / thas gir Dewe ßaimois / kade
EvEp1587_83_16gir mums wairack Ledtczibe wayage. Rouget ta-
EvEp1587_83_17gadin ehſſeth yuus winge Dewe ßaimoſchenne{ßannoſchenne} czir-
EvEp1587_83_18deiſche ? Ko domath yuus ? Beth the paßudenaye
EvEp1587_83_19to wueſſe / vnde ßatcy : thas gir to Nawe noßedtczis.
EvEp1587_83_20Beth te Wyre kattre Jeſum turreye apmhedye to /
EvEp1587_83_21vnde ſplawe aran exkan winge Wayge / vnde ßitte
EvEp1587_83_22to ar Durems. Beth te czitte ayßklaye to / vnde
EvEp1587_83_23ßitte tham exkan winge Wayge / ßawiſke te Kalpe /
EvEp1587_83_24vnde ßatcy / Szacke mums Chriſte / kas tas gir /
EvEp1587_83_25kas thöw ßitte ? Vnde doudtcze czitte Szaimo-
EvEp1587_83_26ſchenne / ßatcy the prettibe to.
EvEp1587_84_1Beth tan Rytan / ßagaye wueſſe Auxtebaſnit-
EvEp1587_84_2czekunge / Raxtmaetczetaye / vnde Weetczake tho
EvEp1587_84_3Louſcho / vnd te wueſſe Runnekunge / vnde thurrey
EvEp1587_84_4wenes Runnes pär Jeſum / ka the to nokouthe / vnd
EvEp1587_84_5wedde to auxkam prexkan ßouwems Runnes kun-
EvEp1587_84_6gems / vnde ßatcy : Es tu Chriſtus ? Szacke
EvEp1587_84_7mums / Beth thas ßatcy vs tems : Szacke es to
EvEp1587_84_8yums / tad nhe titczeeth yuus / Beth youtaye es
EvEp1587_84_9yums / tad nhe adbildeth yuus man / vnde nhe lai-
EvEp1587_84_10deth man tomher ßwabbade. Tapeetcz no ſcho Lay-
EvEp1587_84_11ke ßeedees tha Czilwheke Dhels / py to labbe Roke /
EvEp1587_84_12tho Dewe Speeke. Tad ßatcy the wueſſe/ Eße tu
EvEp1587_84_13tad Dewe Dhels ? Thas ßatcy vs tims / juus ßa-
EvEp1587_84_14cketh / aeſto es eſme. Beth the ßatcy / kas wayage
EvEp1587_84_15mums wayrack{wyrack} Ledtczibe ? Mhes eſſem paſſche czir-
EvEp1587_84_16deiſche aran winge Mutte.
EvEp1587_84_17VNde ta wueſſe kopa czeeles auxkam / vnde ßa-
EvEp1587_84_18ßeye Jeſum / wedde to prexkan Caipha / prex-
EvEp1587_84_19kan to Szodibe Namme / vnde nodoeuwe to
EvEp1587_84_20tham Semmeßoyam Pontio Pilato/ vnde tas
EvEp1587_84_21by whel aggre.
EvEp1587_84_22Kad to Judas / kas to pewylis by / redtczey / ka
EvEp1587_84_23thas paſſuddenatcz / by tay Nawe / by tas tham ßeele /
EvEp1587_84_24vnde atneſſe tös triſdeſmette Szueddrabe koußes
EvEp1587_84_25tems Auxtebaſnitczekungems vnde tems Weetcza-
EvEp1587_84_26kems atkal / vnde ßatcy : Es eſme loune darrys / ka
EvEp1587_85_1es neenoßeguſſche Aſſenne pewylis eſme. Te ßatcye /
EvEp1587_85_2ko pe edth / tas mums ? Tu peluko tho. Vnde thas
EvEp1587_85_3mhette tös Szuddrabe koußes exkan to Baſnitcze /
EvEp1587_85_4gaya no turrenes noſth / vnd packarees ßöw pattim /
EvEp1587_85_5vnd gir wueddon puſſche ſpradtczis / vnde gir ßouwe
EvEp1587_85_6Exſche jſkrattis.
EvEp1587_85_7Beth te Auxtebaſnitczekunge yeme tös ßuddrab-
EvEp1587_85_8be koußes /vñ ßatcy tas nhe der / ka mhes tös exkan
EvEp1587_85_9to Dewe ſkirſte dodam / aeſto ta gir aſſenne Nouda.
EvEp1587_85_10Beth the thurrey wenas Runnas / vnde pirke
EvEp1587_85_11par tems Szuddrabbe koußems / par to neetaiſnige
EvEp1587_85_12Alge wene Podeneke tyrumme par aprackſchenne /
EvEp1587_85_13thös ßweſſchenekes. Vnde tas gir ßinnams tappis /
EvEp1587_85_14wueſſems kattre exkan Jeruſalem cziwo / tha / ka tas
EvEp1587_85_15pattz Tyrums / dhewetcz thope / vs Judiſke wallode /
EvEp1587_85_16Hakeldama / tas gir /wens Aſſenne tyrums / Js ſcho
EvEp1587_85_17patte dene. Tha gir pepueldytcz / katters tur ßat-
EvEp1587_85_18cytcz gir / czour to Prophete Jeremiã / lydtcz ka thas
EvEp1587_85_19ßacke / the gir yemuſſche triſdeſmette Szueddrabe
EvEp1587_85_20koußes / ar kattre thas pärdodtcz vnd nomackßatcz
EvEp1587_85_21tappe / kattre the pirke / no tems Beernems Jſrael /
EvEp1587_85_22vnde gir thös doeuwuſſche par wene Podeneke ty-
EvEp1587_85_23rumme kha man tas Kunx pawheleis gir.
EvEp1587_85_24Beth te Judde loudis nhe gaye exkan to Szo-
EvEp1587_85_25dibenamme ka the neeſkyſte nhe thapte / beth to Lele-
EvEp1587_85_26dene yeere ehſt warreeth. Tad gaye Pilatus py
EvEp1587_85_27tims aran / vnde ßatcy : Kade Szuudczibe atneßeth
EvEp1587_86_1yuus prettibe ſcho Czilwheke ? The adbildey vnde
EvEp1587_86_2ßatcy vs tho / Nhe buuthe ſchis newens Loune dar-
EvEp1587_86_3ritays / mhes neebutem to thöw nodoeuwuſſche
EvEp1587_86_4Tad ßatcy Pilatus vs tims / tad yemmeth yuus to
EvEp1587_86_5vnde ßoddigeth to peetcz yuuſe Boußle : Tad ßatcy
EvEp1587_86_6te Judde loudis vs tho / Mhes needriſtam neewene
EvEp1587_86_7nokouth. Ka pepueldytcz thapte tas Wärdtcz
EvEp1587_86_8Jeſu / kattre thas ßatcy / kad thas Jſlicke / kade Nawe
EvEp1587_86_9tam muerth by.
EvEp1587_86_10Tad eßake te Auxtebaſnitczekunge vnde te Whet-
EvEp1587_86_11czake to lote apßuudtczeet / vnde ßatcy / Scho attro-
EvEp1587_86_12dam mhes ka thas thös Loudes nogreſche / vnde
EvEp1587_86_13ayſledtcze to Muyte tam Keyſeram nhe doth. Vnd
EvEp1587_86_14ßack / ka thas gir Chriſtus / wens Köninx. Tad
EvEp1587_86_15gaya Pilatus atkal tur exkan to Szodibenamme /
EvEp1587_86_16vnde ſoutce Jeſum / vnde youtaye tham / vnde ßatcy :
EvEp1587_86_17Eße tu to Juddelouſche Köninx ? Jeſus ſtaweye
EvEp1587_86_18prexkan tho / vnde adbildey / treſtu to no thöw pat-
EvEp1587_86_19tim / ieb gir thöw czitte no man ßatcyſche.
EvEp1587_86_20Pilatus adbildey / Eſme es wens Judtcz ? Tou-
EvEp1587_86_21we / loudys vnde te Auxtebaſnitczekunge gir thöw
EvEp1587_86_22man nodoeuwuſſche / ko ehſſe tu darrys ? Jeſus
EvEp1587_86_23adbildey : Manna Walſtibe nhe gir no ſchäs Paſ-
EvEp1587_86_24ſoules / buuthe manna Walſtibe no ſchäs Paſſoules
EvEp1587_86_25buewis / manne Szullaine pär to Czyxteete ka es
EvEp1587_86_26tems Judde loudems nhe tapte nodootcz / Beth nu
EvEp1587_86_27nhe gir manna Walſtibe no ſchäs Paſſoules. Tad
EvEp1587_87_1ßatcy Pilatus vs to / tad eſ tu{eſtu} tomher wens Kö-
EvEp1587_87_2ninx ? Jeſus adbildey / tu ßack to / Es eſme Jo wens
EvEp1587_87_3Köninx Es eſme vs to peczimmis vnde exkan{exan} ſcho
EvEp1587_87_4Paſſoule nätcis / ka man to tayſnibe abledtczenath
EvEp1587_87_5buus. Kas aran Taiſnibe gir/ tas czirde manne
EvEp1587_87_6Balexne. Pilatus ßatcy vs tho / kas gir Taiſnibe ?
EvEp1587_87_7Vnde kad tas to ßatcys by / gaya thas atkal
EvEp1587_87_8aran py tems Juddeloudems / vnd ßatcy vs tems.
EvEp1587_87_9Es nhe attrome nhe wene Wayne py to. Vnde kad
EvEp1587_87_10thas apſuudtczetz thappe no tims Auxtims baſnit-
EvEp1587_87_11czekungims / vnde Whetczakims / nhe adbildeye thas
EvEp1587_87_12neeneke. Pilatus youtay tam whel wenkärth / vnde
EvEp1587_87_13ßatcy : Nee adbilde tu neeneke ? Rouge / ka warren-
EvEp1587_87_14ne te thöw apſuudtcze / nhe czirde tu ? Vnde thas
EvEp1587_87_15Neeadbildey tham vs nhe wene Wärde / lydtcz tha /
EvEp1587_87_16ka ßöw arridtczan tas Semmeßoge lothe Jßabri-
EvEp1587_87_18Beth te nhe nomitteyas / vnde ßatcy / thas gir
EvEp1587_87_19thös Loudes pär treßeis / ar tho / kur thas macys
EvEp1587_87_20gir / ſchurp vnde thurp exkan wueſſe Judde ſemme /
EvEp1587_87_21vnde gir exkan Galilea eßatcys Js ſcho wete.
EvEp1587_87_22Beth kad Pilatus Galileam czirdey / Joutaye
EvEp1587_87_23thas jeb thas aran Galilea by / vnd kad thas no-
EvEp1587_87_24manny / ka thas apeſkan Herodes walſtiibe pederrey /
EvEp1587_87_25ſuuty thas to py Herodes / katters exkan tims pat-
EvEp1587_87_26tims denims arridtczan exkan Jeruſalem bye
EvEp1587_88_1Beth kad Herodes Jeſum redtczeye / tappe thas
EvEp1587_88_2lothe lyxmis / aeſto thas gribbeye tho Jow ßenne lab-
EvEp1587_88_3prate redtczeeth / aeſto thas by doudtcze no to czir-
EvEp1587_88_4deys / vnde czeereye / ka thas wene Szime no to redt-
EvEp1587_88_5czeete / vnde thas Joutaye tham daſſchades lethes.
EvEp1587_88_6Beth thas nhe adbildeye tham neeneke. Beth te
EvEp1587_88_7Auxtebaſnitczekunge vnde Raxtmacetaye ſtawey
EvEp1587_88_8vnde apßuudtczeye to lothe warrenne. Beth Hero-
EvEp1587_88_9des ar ßouwe Muyße ßayme Szaimoye vnde ap-
EvEp1587_88_10mhedye to / apwilke tham wene balte Dreebe / vnde
EvEp1587_88_11ßuuty to atkal vs Pilato. Vs to dene tappe Pilatus
EvEp1587_88_12vnd Herodes drouge atkal kopan / aeſto paprexke by
EvEp1587_88_13the ſtarpan ßöw Enaydeneke.
EvEp1587_88_14Beth Pilatus ßoutce tös Auxtebaſnitczekun-
EvEp1587_88_15ges vnde Wuerßenekes / vnde tös Loudes wenan
EvEp1587_88_16kopan / vnd ßatcy vs tims : Juus eſſet ſcho Czilwe-
EvEp1587_88_17ke py man atwedduſſche / kha wene / katters tös Lou-
EvEp1587_88_18des nogreſche / vnd rouget / es eſme to Jſklouſis / vnd
EvEp1587_88_19nhe attrome / py to Czilwheke / no to Waine / ar kat-
EvEp1587_88_20tre yuus to apßuudtczath / nedtcz arridtczan Hero-
EvEp1587_88_21des / aeſto es eſme tho py yums ßutys / vnde rougeth
EvEp1587_88_22te nhe gir neeneke warreyſche par to ßuudtczeth /
EvEp1587_88_23ka thas to Nawe pelnis gir / Tapeetcz grib es to
EvEp1587_88_24pammacyth / vnde to ßwabbade laiſth.
EvEp1587_88_25Beth vs to Leledene Sweetke / bye tham Sem-
EvEp1587_88_26meßoyam peetcz tho Eraddumme / tems Loudems
EvEp1587_88_27wene guuſtite ßwabbade doth / kattre the gribbey.
EvEp1587_89_1Beth tham by than laykan / wens Czetuman /
EvEp1587_89_2tas by lothe apkudenätcz / ar wärde / wens loune-
EvEp1587_89_3darritays vnd Szlepkous / tas dhewe Barrabas /
EvEp1587_89_4katters ar tims Lounedarritayems by exkan to
EvEp1587_89_5Czetumme emeeſtcz / katters exkan Dumpe / kattre
EvEp1587_89_6exkan tho Pille noticke / wene Szlepkouwibe darrys
EvEp1587_89_7by. Vnde te Loudis gaya auxkam vnde luudtcz / ka
EvEp1587_89_8thas darrithe / kha thas eraddys by. Vnde kad the
EvEp1587_89_9ßagaiuſſche by / adbildey Pilatus / jums gir wens
EvEp1587_89_10Eraddums / ka es yums vs leledene wene ßwabba-
EvEp1587_89_11de domo ? kattre gribbeth yuus / ka es yums ßwab-
EvEp1587_89_12bade domo ? Barrabam / jeb Jeſum to Köninge tho
EvEp1587_89_13Judde louſcho / kattre the Chriſtum Dhewe ? Aeſto
EvEp1587_89_14thas ßinnaye ganne / ka to te Auxtebaſnitczekunge
EvEp1587_89_15aran Enidybe nodoeuwuſſche{nodoeuwuſlche} bye.
EvEp1587_89_16Vnde kad thas vs tho Szodibe Kreeßele ßedeye
EvEp1587_89_17ßuutye winge Gaſpaſſche py to / vnd licke tham ßat-
EvEp1587_89_18cyth. Töw nhe buus neeneke darryth ar ſcho Tayſ-
EvEp1587_89_19nige / Es eſme ſchodene doudcze czetuſſe exkan ßap-
EvEp1587_89_20ne / no winge puſſes.
EvEp1587_89_21Beth te Auxtebaſnitczekunge / vnde te Whet-
EvEp1587_89_22czake pär treßeye vnde ßayudye{ßakudye} tös loudes / ka tems
EvEp1587_89_23pär Barrabam luuckt bye / vnde Jeſum nokoute.
EvEp1587_89_24Tad adbildey thas Semmeßoge / vnd ßatcy vs
EvEp1587_89_25tims / kattre gribbeth yuus no ſchims duewims kat-
EvEp1587_89_26tre es yums ßwabbade buhs doth ? Tad breedtcze
EvEp1587_89_27ta wueſſe Kopa / vnd ſatcy / Noſth ar ſcho / vnde dode
EvEp1587_90_1mums Barrabam ßwabbade. Tad ßoutce Pila-
EvEp1587_90_2tus whel wene kärth vs tims / vnde gribbeye Jeſum
EvEp1587_90_3ßwabbade layſt / vnde ßatcy : ko buus man tad dar-
EvEp1587_90_4rith ar Jeſu / katters Chriſtus Dehwe ? Te breedt-
EvEp1587_90_5cze whel wairack / ßitte to kruſtan/ ßitte to kruſtan.
EvEp1587_90_6Beth thas ßatcy treſſchan kärtan / ko gir thas tad
EvEp1587_90_7loune darrys ? Es nhe attrome nhe wene Waine
EvEp1587_90_8täs Nawes py tho / tapeetcz grib es to pammacyt /
EvEp1587_90_9vnd ßwabbade layſth. Beth te bredtcze whel way-
EvEp1587_90_10rack / vnde ßatcy : ßitte to kruſtan. Vnde the ſpede to
EvEp1587_90_11lote ar lele breeckſchenne / vnde gribbeye ka tas kru-
EvEp1587_90_12ſtan ßiſtz thapte{thaptc} / Vnde winge / vnde tho Auxtebaſ-
EvEp1587_90_13nitczekunge breeckſchenne yeme vs warreeſchenne.
EvEp1587_90_14Tad yeme Pilatus Jeſum vnde ſchoute to / beth
EvEp1587_90_15te Karyekalpe tha Semmeßoges / wedde to exkan to
EvEp1587_90_16Szodibe namme / vnde ßoutce kopan / to wueſſe kope /
EvEp1587_90_17vnde wilke to aran / vnde licke tham wene darge
EvEp1587_90_18Szide Mhetelle apkärth / vnde pinne wene Krone
EvEp1587_90_19no Ehrſchims / vnd licke tho tam vs winge Galwe /
EvEp1587_90_20vnde doeuwe tham wene Nedre exkan winge labbe
EvEp1587_90_21Roke / vnd lotczye tös czeels preſchan to / vnd ap-
EvEp1587_90_22mhedye to / vnde eßake to Szummenath / vnde ßatcy
EvEp1587_90_23Dews ßummena thöw / tu myleis Köninx to Judde.
EvEp1587_90_24Vnde ßitte tham exkan Wayge vnde vs ſplawe to /
EvEp1587_90_25vnde yeme tho Nedre / vnde ßitte ar to winge Galwe /
EvEp1587_90_26vnde kritte vs tems Czellems / vnde peluudtcze to.
EvEp1587_91_1Tad gaya Pilatus atkal aran / vnde ßatcy vs
EvEp1587_91_2tims / Rougeth es jſwedde to py yums arã / ka yuus
EvEp1587_91_3adßiſteth / ka es nhe wene Waine py to attrome.
EvEp1587_91_4Ta gaya Jeſus aran / vnde neſſe wene Eherſke kro-
EvEp1587_91_5ne / vnde wene Sydedrebe. Vnde thas ßatcy vs
EvEp1587_91_6tims / Rougeth / kätz Czilwhex. Kad to te Auxte-
EvEp1587_91_7baſnitczekunge vnde te Szullaine redtczey / breedt-
EvEp1587_91_8cze the vnde ßatcy : ßitte to kruſtan Pilatus treß vs
EvEp1587_91_9tims / yemmeth yuus to / vnde ßitteth to kruſtan /
EvEp1587_91_10aeſto es nhe attrome nhe wene Wayne py to. Te
EvEp1587_91_11Judde adbildey tam / mums gir wens Boußlis
EvEp1587_91_12vnd peetcz to Boußle buus tam muerth / aeſto thas
EvEp1587_91_13gir ßöw pattim par Dewe Dhele darrys.
EvEp1587_91_14Kad Pilatus to wärde czirdeye / Jßabias
EvEp1587_91_15thas ßöw / whel wairack / vnde gaya atkal tur ex-
EvEp1587_91_16kan / exkan to Szodibe Namme / vnde ßack vs Jeſu /
EvEp1587_91_17no kurrenes eſ tu{eſtu} ? Beth Jeſus nhe adbildey tam nee-
EvEp1587_91_18neke. Tad ßatcy Pilatus vs to/ Nhe treß tu nee-
EvEp1587_91_19neke ar man / neeßin tu / ka man walle gir thöw
EvEp1587_91_20Kruſtan ßiſt / vnde walle gir thöw ßwabbade doth ?
EvEp1587_91_21Jeſus adbildey : Thöw nhe buuthe neewene warre
EvEp1587_91_22pär man / kad ta thöw nhe buuthe no{nu} auxſchas dota /
EvEp1587_91_23Tapeetcz katters man thöw nodoeuwis gir / tam
EvEp1587_91_24gir lelake Greeke. No to layke gadaye Pilatus{Pilaus}
EvEp1587_91_25peetcz to ka thas tho ßwabbade laiſte. Beth te Jud-
EvEp1587_91_26de loudis breedtcze vnde ßatcy / Laidys tu ſcho
EvEp1587_91_27ßwabbade / tad nhe ehße tu tha Keyſerre droux{drouxa} / aeſto{eſto} /
EvEp1587_92_1kas ßöw par wene Köninge darre / tas gir prettibe
EvEp1587_92_2to Keyſerre.
EvEp1587_92_3Kad Pilatus to wärde czirdey / whedde thas
EvEp1587_92_4Jeſum aran / vnde ßedas ßöw vs to Szodibe kreeß-
EvEp1587_92_5le / exkan to wete / kattra dhewe ta Auxtaweta / vnde
EvEp1587_92_6vs Juddiſke Gabbata. Beth ta by ta ßataiſama
EvEp1587_92_7dena täs leledenes / apkärth to Szeſte ſtunde / vnde
EvEp1587_92_8thas ßatcy vs tems Judde loudems / Rougeth / tas
EvEp1587_92_9gir yuße Köninx. Beth the breetcze / Nöſth / nöſth /
EvEp1587_92_10ar ſcho / ßitte to kruſtan. Pilatus ßack vs tims /
EvEp1587_92_11buus man yuſſe Köninge kruſtan ßiſt ? Te Auxte-
EvEp1587_92_12baſnitczekunge adbildey / mums nhe gir neewens
EvEp1587_92_13köninx / ka wen tas Keyſers.
EvEp1587_92_14Beth kad Pilatus redtceye / ka thas neeneke
EvEp1587_92_15warreye darryth / Beth ka tur wairack wene lelake
EvEp1587_92_16dumpis neetapte / Domaye thas thems Loudems
EvEp1587_92_17Jſtickt / vnde noßodyt ka winge Luuckſchenne{Lunckſchenne} notick-
EvEp1587_92_18te / yeme Vdenne / vnde maſgaye täs Rokas prex-
EvEp1587_92_19kan thems Loudems vnde ßatcy / Es eſme neeno-
EvEp1587_92_20ßedtczyx py ſcho Aſſenne tha Tayſne/ pelukoyeht
EvEp1587_92_21yuus to. Tad adbildeye wueſe te Loudis / vnde ßatcy :
EvEp1587_92_22Winge Aſſens gir pär mums / vnde pär/ mußems
EvEp1587_92_24Tad doeuwe thas to Barrabam ßwabbade / kat-
EvEp1587_92_25ters to Dumpe vnde to ßlepkouwibes peetcz / exkan
EvEp1587_92_26to Czetumme emheſtcz by / pär kattre the luudtcze.
EvEp1587_93_1Beth Jeſum ßa ſchouſte / vnde apmhedite nodouwe
EvEp1587_93_2thas exkan winge gribbeſchenne / ka thas kruſtan
EvEp1587_93_3ßiſtz tapte.
EvEp1587_93_4TAd yeme te Karyekalpe Jeſum / vnde jſwilke
EvEp1587_93_5tham to Sydedrebe vnde apwilke tham winge
EvEp1587_93_6paſſche drebe / vnde js whedde to / ka the to kru-
EvEp1587_93_7ſtan ßiſte / vnd tham by ßouwe patte{patke} kruſte neſt.
EvEp1587_93_8Vnde exkan to kad the tur aran gaye / attradde the
EvEp1587_93_9wene Czilwheke / katters tur ſetczenne gaya / no Ky-
EvEp1587_93_10rene ar wärde Simon / katters no to louke nätce /
EvEp1587_93_11katters wens Thews by Alexandri vnd Ruffi to
EvEp1587_93_12ſpede the / ka tham winge kruſte neſt bye / vnd the licke
EvEp1587_93_13to kruſte vs to / ka thas to Jeſum peetcz neſte.
EvEp1587_93_14Beth tham ſtaygaya peetcz wena lela kopa
EvEp1587_93_15Loudes / vnde Szewes / te abßeeloyas vnde aprou-
EvEp1587_93_16daye to. Beth Jeſus greſhes ßöw apkärth vs tems
EvEp1587_93_17vnde ßatcy : Juus Meytes no Jeruſalem nhe rou-
EvEp1587_93_18deth pär man / Beth roudeth pär yums pattems /
EvEp1587_93_19vnde pär yuuſe Beernems. Aeſto rougeth / thas
EvEp1587_93_20layx nätczys / exkan kattre the ßatcys / Sweete gir te
EvEp1587_93_21Neeauglige / vnd thäs Meßes / kattre nhe peczim-
EvEp1587_93_22muſſche gir / vnd thäs krutes / kattre Neeßidamme
EvEp1587_93_23buewuſſche gir. Aeſto tad the eſatcys ßatcyth vs
EvEp1587_93_24tems Kalnems / Kryttet vs mums vnde vs tems
EvEp1587_93_25maßems kalnems / apklayet mums. Aeſto Ja te nu
EvEp1587_94_1to darre / py to Szalye koke/ kas grib tad py to
EvEp1587_94_2Szackaltuſſche notickt ?
EvEp1587_94_3Beth tur tappe arridtczan{arridtczau} noweſte doeuwe
EvEp1587_94_4czitte Lounedarritaye / ka the ar tho nokoute tapte.
EvEp1587_94_5Vnde the wedde to py to Wete / kattra Dhewe vs
EvEp1587_94_6Judde wallode Golgatha / tas gir vs muße Wallo-
EvEp1587_94_7de / tas Karrattekalns / vnd the doeuwe tham Eticke /
EvEp1587_94_8ar Myrrhen exkan Wyne ſczeerth / ar Sulckte
EvEp1587_94_9Szamaißite. Vnde kad thas to boudy / nhe gribbey
EvEp1587_94_10thas ſczerdth. Vnde the ßitte to Kruſtan / py to we-
EvEp1587_94_11te Golgata / vnde duewe Lounedarritayes to /
EvEp1587_94_12wene py to labbe Roke / vnd wene py to kreyße Roke.
EvEp1587_94_13Beth Jeſum tur wueddon. Vnde tas Raxtcz
EvEp1587_94_14gir pepueldytcz / katters ßacke. Tas gir ſtarpan
EvEp1587_94_15tems Lounedarritayems lagadytcz. Vnd ta by ta
EvEp1587_94_16treſſche Stunde / kad the to Kruſtan ßitte. Beth
EvEp1587_94_17Jeſus ßatcy.
EvEp1587_94_18Thews pammeth{yammeth} to tims aeſto the
EvEp1587_94_19nhe ſzin ko the darre : Beth Pilatus raxty we-
EvEp1587_94_20ne Wuerße raxte / tur by exkan raxtytcz / ta Wayne
EvEp1587_94_21winges Nawes / vnde kade Wayne the tham doeu-
EvEp1587_94_22we / vnde licke tho wuerßon to Kruſte / wuerßon py
EvEp1587_94_23winge galwe. Beth tur by tha raxtytcz Jeſus no
EvEp1587_94_24Nazareth tho Judde Köninx. Scho
EvEp1587_94_25Wuerßeraxte laßy doudtcze Judde loudis / aeſto ta
EvEp1587_95_1Wete by thuwe py tho Pille kur Jeſus kruſtan
EvEp1587_95_2ßyſtcz by / Vnde tas by raxtytcz / vs Juddiſke / Gre-
EvEp1587_95_3kiſke / vnde vs Latiniſke wallode. Tad ßatcy te Aux-
EvEp1587_95_4tebaſnitczekunge{tebanitczekunge} to Judde vs Pilatum / Nhe raxte /
EvEp1587_95_5tho Judde Köninge / Beth{Beh} ka thas ßatcys gir / Es
EvEp1587_95_6eſme tho Judde Köninx. Pilatus adbildeye / ko es
EvEp1587_95_7raxtys eſme / to eſme es raxtys.
EvEp1587_95_8Te Karye kalpe / kad te Jeſum kruſtan ßittuſſche
EvEp1587_95_9by / yeme the winges Drebes / vnde darrye czettres
EvEp1587_95_10dalles / Jckwenam Karyekalpan wene dalle / vnde
EvEp1587_95_11arridtczan tös Szwärkes. Beth te Szwarke by
EvEp1587_95_12neeſchute / vnd by no wuerße auſte czour vnde czour.
EvEp1587_95_13Tad ßatcy the ſtarpan ßöw / Nelaideth mums tös
EvEp1587_95_14ßagreſth / beth par tems kouletes kam the pederrees /
EvEp1587_95_15Ka tas Raxtcz tapte pepueldytcz / katters ßack / the
EvEp1587_95_16gir mannes Drebes ſtarpan ßöw dalliſche vnde gir
EvEp1587_95_17pär mannems Szwärkems kouleſches / Vnde ßee-
EvEp1587_95_18dey / tur vnde paßargaye to. To darrye te Karye-
EvEp1587_95_19kalpe / vnde te loudis ſthaweye vnde peluuckoye.
EvEp1587_95_20Beth tur ſtaweye py to kruſte Jeſu winge Ma-
EvEp1587_95_21the / vnd winge Mathes Maßa Maria Cleophas
EvEp1587_95_22gaſpaſſche / vnde Maria Magdalena kad nu Jeſus
EvEp1587_95_23ßouwe Mathe redtczeye / vnde tho Macekle tur
EvEp1587_95_24kläth ſtawote / kattre thas myle turreye / ßack thas
EvEp1587_95_25vs ßouwe Mathe :
EvEp1587_96_1Szewe rouge tas gir touws Dhels.
EvEp1587_96_2Peetcz to ſzack thas vs to Maetcekle.
EvEp1587_96_3Rouge ta gir touwa Mathe : Vnde no to
EvEp1587_96_4patte Stunde / yeme tas Maceklis to py ßöw.
EvEp1587_96_5Beth te kattre ſetczen gaye / ßaimoye to / vnde
EvEp1587_96_6krattye ßouwes Galwes / vnde ßatcy Phy thöw ka
EvEp1587_96_7kräßene ßalouße tu to Baſnitcze / vnde vs tayſe to
EvEp1587_96_8exkan trims Denims atkal / pallidtcze thöw nu pat-
EvEp1587_96_9tim. Eſ tu{Eſtu} Dewe Dhels / tad kape ſemmen no to
EvEp1587_96_10kruſte. Ta lydtcz apmhedye to arridtczan te Auxte-
EvEp1587_96_11baſnitczekunge ſtarpan ßöw ar tims Raxtmaceta-
EvEp1587_96_12yems / vnde Whetczakems ar tims Loudims / vnde
EvEp1587_96_13ßatcy : Tas gir czittems Loudems pallydtczeys /
EvEp1587_96_14vnde neewar ßöw pattim pallydtczeth / Gir thas
EvEp1587_96_15Chriſtus tas Köninx Jſrael / tas Dewe Jsredt-
EvEp1587_96_16ſhetcz / Tad pallidtcze thas ßöw pattim / vnde nokape
EvEp1587_96_17no to kruſte / ka mhes to redtczam / vnd tham tytczam.
EvEp1587_96_18Thas gir Dewam titczeys / tas peſty to nu / tyke tas
EvEp1587_96_19tham / aeſto thas gir ßatcys / es eſme Dewe Dhels.
EvEp1587_96_20Ta lydtcz ßaimoye to arridtzan te Szlepkouwe /
EvEp1587_96_21kattre ar to kruſtan ßiſte by. Arridtczan apmhedy
EvEp1587_96_22to te Karyekalpe / gaye py tho / vnde neſſe tham
EvEp1587_96_23Etick vnde ßatcy : Eſſe tu tho Judde Köninx / tad
EvEp1587_96_24pallydtcz thöw pattim.
EvEp1587_97_1Beth wens no tems Loune darrytayems / kattre
EvEp1587_97_2pa kaarte by / ßaimoye{ßaimyeo} to / vnd ßatcy : es tu
EvEp1587_97_4thad pallidtcze thöw / vnde mums arridtczan. Tad
EvEp1587_97_5adbildeye tas Oters / ßodye to / vnde ßatcy : vnde tu
EvEp1587_97_6nhe byſtes thöw arridtczan prexkan Dewe / katters
EvEp1587_97_7tu lydtczige exkan to paſſuddenaſchenne eße / Vnde
EvEp1587_97_8pattheſe mhes eſſem teſcham tur exkan / aeſto mhes
EvEp1587_97_9dabbuyam / ko mhes pelniſche ehſſem / Beth ſchis gir
EvEp1587_97_10neeneke loune darrys / vnde ßatcy vs Jeſu / Kunx
EvEp1587_97_11pemin mannis / kad tu exkan touwe walſtibe näx{naäx}.
EvEp1587_97_12Vnde Jeſus ßatcy vs tho :
EvEp1587_97_13Patteſe es ſzacke thöw / Schodene
EvEp1587_97_14buus thöw ar man exkan tho Paradyſe
EvEp1587_97_15buuth. Vnde apkärth to ßeſte Stunde / tappe
EvEp1587_97_16wena Tumſſiba pär to wueſſe Semme js to doeuwi-
EvEp1587_97_17te Stunde / vnde ta Soule paßuudde ßouwe Spi-
EvEp1587_97_18dumme. Vnde apkärth to doeuwite Stunde / ßoudt-
EvEp1587_97_19cze Jeſus ſkannyge vnde ßatcy
EvEp1587_97_20@v{ELI, ELI, LA-}
EvEp1587_97_21@v{MA ASABTHANI?}
EvEp1587_97_22Tas gir vs muße Wal-
EvEp1587_97_23lode ßatcytcz :
EvEp1587_97_24Mans Dews / mans Dews / ka-
EvEp1587_97_25peetcz ehſſe tu man atſtays ? Beth te czitte /
EvEp1587_98_1kattre tur ſtawey / kad the to czirdey / ßatcy the / tas
EvEp1587_98_2ßoutcz Eliam. Peetcz to / kad Jeſus ßynnaye ka
EvEp1587_98_3wueſſe lethe Jow pabeickte by / ka thas Raxtcz pe-
EvEp1587_98_4pueldytcz tapte / ßatcy thas.
EvEp1587_98_5Man twyxt : Tad ſtawey tur wens Troux
EvEp1587_98_6puelns Etticke / vnde tudelin tetczey wens no tims /
EvEp1587_98_7yeme wene Schwamme / vnd pueldy to ar Ecke
EvEp1587_98_8vnde Jſop / vnde dure to vs wene Nedre / vnd thurreye
EvEp1587_98_9to tam py to Mutte / vnde ſczirdye to / vnde ßatcy ar
EvEp1587_98_10tims czittims / Layd redtczeeth /Ja Elias nake / vnde
EvEp1587_98_11to ſemmen no yem. Kad nu Jeſus to Eticke / py ßöw
EvEp1587_98_12yemis by / ßattcy tas :
EvEp1587_98_13Tas gir pepueldytcz. Vnde thas ßou-
EvEp1587_98_14cze whel wene kärth ſkannige vnd ßattcy :
EvEp1587_98_15Thews / es pawhel manne Garre
EvEp1587_98_16exkan touwe Roke : Vnde kad thas to ßatcys
EvEp1587_98_17by / nokäre thas to Galwe vnd noſkyre.
EvEp1587_98_18Vnd rouge tas preſchekaryams Autcz exkan
EvEp1587_98_19to Baſnitcze ßapliſe exkan duewims gabbolims / no
EvEp1587_98_20Auxtenes js tho Semme / vnde ta Semme tryſeye /
EvEp1587_98_21vnde te Ackmennes ßapliſe / vnde te Muerrunne
EvEp1587_98_22kappes atthweres ßöw / vnde doudtcze tös Sweetes /
EvEp1587_99_1kattre ayſmigguſſche by czeelhes auxkam / vnde gaye
EvEp1587_99_2aran tems Kappems / peetcz winge auxkam czel-
EvEp1587_99_3ſchenne / vnde nätcze exkan to ſweete Pille / vnd pa-
EvEp1587_99_4radyas doudtczems.
EvEp1587_99_5Beth tas Galwenex / katters tur kläth ſtaweye /
EvEp1587_99_6tur prettibe Jeſum / vnde kattre py to by / vnde ßar-
EvEp1587_99_7gaya Jeſum / kad the redtczey / ka thas ar thade ßouck-
EvEp1587_99_8ſchenne noſkyre/ vnde redtczeye to Semme tryſſße-
EvEp1587_99_9ſchenne / vnde kas tur noticke / Jßabyas the lothe /
EvEp1587_99_10vnde patteitcze Dewe / vnde ßatcy : Patteſe / Schis
EvEp1587_99_11gir wens labs czilwhex buewis / vnde Dewe Dhels.
EvEp1587_99_12Vnde wueſſe te Loudes / kattre tur kläth ſtawey /
EvEp1587_99_13vnde lukoyas / kad the redtczey / kas tur noticke / ßitte
EvEp1587_99_14the py ßouwe kruthe / vnde greſhes atkal apkärth.
EvEp1587_99_15Beth wueſſe winge paſſiſtamme ſtawey no thale-
EvEp1587_99_16nes / vnde doudtcze Szewes / kattre tam aran Gali-
EvEp1587_99_17lea by no thalenes{thalens} peetcz ſtaygaiſche / vnde redtczeye
EvEp1587_99_18to wueſſe / ſtarpan kattrems by Maria Magdale-
EvEp1587_99_19na / vnde Maria tha maßako Jacobs / vnde Joſephs
EvEp1587_99_20Mathe / vnde Salome / ta Mathe Zebedei / kattre
EvEp1587_99_21tham arridtczan by peetcz ſtaygaiſche / kad thas exkan
EvEp1587_99_22Galilea by / vnde tham kalpuyſche / vnde doudtcze
EvEp1587_99_23czitte / kattre ar to tur vs Jeruſalem gayuſche by.
EvEp1587_100_1Beth te Judde loudis / peetcz to / ka ta / ta ßatty-
EvEp1587_100_2ßamme dene by / ka ta Meße Chriſti py to kruſte
EvEp1587_100_3neepallickte / pär to leledene Sweetke (aeſto ta patte
EvEp1587_100_4leledene Sweedene by lela) luudtcze the Pilatum /
EvEp1587_100_5ka winge lele louſte / vnde noyempte tapte. Tad
EvEp1587_100_6nätcze te Karyekalpe / vnde louſe tam pirmoyam
EvEp1587_100_7tös Lelees / vnde tam Otram / katters ar to kruſtan
EvEp1587_100_8ßiſtz by. Beth kad the py Jeſu nätcze / kad the redt-
EvEp1587_100_9czey / ka thas yow nomuerris by / nhelouße the tham
EvEp1587_100_10tös Lelees. Beth wens no tims karye Szullai-
EvEp1587_100_11nims / atwhere tam winge Szane / ar wene Skeepe /
EvEp1587_100_12vnde tudelin tetczeye tur Aſſens vnde Vdens aran.
EvEp1587_100_13Vnde kas to redtczeys gir / tas gir to apledtcze-
EvEp1587_100_14nays / vnde winge ledtczibe gir teſcham / vnde thas
EvEp1587_100_15patcz ßin / ka thas teſcham ßack / aeſto ka yuus arridt-
EvEp1587_100_16czã titczeth. Aeſto tas gir notitczis / ka tas Raxtcz{Raxt}
EvEp1587_100_18pueldytcz tapte. Jums nhe buuſe neewene koule
EvEp1587_100_19ßalouſth. Vnd whel wenkärth treß wens czitcz / the
EvEp1587_100_20redtczes exkan kattre the duruſſche gir.
EvEp1587_100_21Peetcz to tan Wackaran / ka tha / ta Szatayßam-
EvEp1587_100_22me dene by / kattra gir ta paprexke Sweedene / Nätcze
EvEp1587_100_23Joſeph no Aramathia thäs Judde Pillis / wens
EvEp1587_100_24bagatcz / Wyrs wens godyx Rateſkunx / wens labs
EvEp1587_100_25rames Wyrs katters neeby neewene paddome doeu-
EvEp1587_100_26wis exkan winge Runne / katters arridtczan vs
EvEp1587_101_1Dewe walſtibe gaydie / aeſto / thas by wens Maet-
EvEp1587_101_2czeklis Jeſu / beth paßleppen no Jsbyſchenne prex-
EvEp1587_101_3kan tems Judde loudems / tas edroſchenayas vnde
EvEp1587_101_4gaye py Pilato / vnde luudcze / ka thas to Nomuer-
EvEp1587_101_5ruſſche Meße Jeſu warreete noyempt.
EvEp1587_101_6Beth Pilatus Jßabrinoyas ßöw / ka thas yow
EvEp1587_101_7nomuerris by / vnde ßoudtcze to Galwheneke / vnd
EvEp1587_101_8Joutay tham / Ja thas ßen nomuerris by / vnde kad
EvEp1587_101_9thas no to Galwheneke ßayuttis by / doeuwe thas
EvEp1587_101_10Joſeph to Meße Jeſu / vnde pawheleye / ka tems by
EvEp1587_101_11to tam dothe. Vnde Joſeph pirke Linne wadmalle.
EvEp1587_101_12Beth tur nätcze arridtczan Nicodemus / katters
EvEp1587_101_13paprexke py tho Nackte / py Jeſu nätczis by / vnde
EvEp1587_101_14atneße Mirrhen vnde Aloen py ßumpte maertczin-
EvEp1587_101_15ge. Thad yeme the to Meße Jeſu / katters noyemptcz
EvEp1587_101_16by no to kruſte / vnde tinne to exkan wene ſkyſte Linne
EvEp1587_101_17wadmalle / vnd ßeeye tham wene Lynne pallage / ar
EvEp1587_101_18kräßenims Salims / kha the Judde loudis erad-
EvEp1587_101_19duſſche by ßouwes Muerrones aprackt.
EvEp1587_101_20Beth tur by py to wete kur thas kruſtan ßiſtz{ßitz}
EvEp1587_101_21tappe / wens Därſis / vnde exkan to Därſe by wens
EvEp1587_101_22kaps / tas by Joſephs{Joſehps} kaps / kattre thas by
EvEp1587_101_24czirſt exkan wene Ackmenne / exkan kattre wehl nee-
EvEp1587_101_25wenkärth kaſlabban elicktz bys / tur patte licke the
EvEp1587_101_26to / ka ta leledene Sweetke adgayuſſe by / vnde thas
EvEp1587_101_27Jeſum / pär to Szatayßamme dene tho Judde peetcz
EvEp1587_102_1kaps tur tuwe kläth by / vnde ayſwhele wene lele Ack-
EvEp1587_102_2menne / prexkan to kappe durwe vnd gaye tur noſth.
EvEp1587_102_3Beth tur by Maria Magdalena / vnde Ma-
EvEp1587_102_4ria Joſephs / te paßeedas ßöw prettibe tho kappe /
EvEp1587_102_5arridtczan czittes Szewes / kattre Jeſum by peetcz
EvEp1587_102_6ſtaygaiſche no Galilea / lukoyas / kurpu / vnde ka
EvEp1587_102_7winge Meße nolickta thappe. Beth the greſhes
EvEp1587_102_8apkärth / vnde ßattayſye täs Sales vnde Salwes
EvEp1587_102_9vnde pär to ſweedene by the kluſſe / peetc to Dewe
EvEp1587_102_11Than otran denan/ kattra nätcze / peetcz tho
EvEp1587_102_12Szattaißamme dene / nätcze te Auxtebaſnitczekun-
EvEp1587_102_13ge vnde Phariſeer wenlydtczige py Pilato / vnde
EvEp1587_102_14ßatcye / Kunx mhes ſinnam / ka ſchis No wedde-
EvEp1587_102_15tays ßatcy / kad thas whel cziwoye. Es grib peetcz
EvEp1587_102_16trims denims atkal auxkam czelthes. Tapeetcz
EvEp1587_102_17pawhel / ka tas kaps paßargätcz thope / Js to treſ-
EvEp1587_102_18ſche dene / aeſto / ka winge Maetcekle nhe nake / vnde
EvEp1587_102_19ßoge tho / vnde ßacke vs tems Loudems / thas gir at-
EvEp1587_102_20kal auxkã czeles no tims Muerronims / vnde ta pee-
EvEp1587_102_21dige Wiltibe thope lounake / nhe ka ta pirmaka. Pi-
EvEp1587_102_22latus ßatcy vs tims Tur gir yums the Szarge /
EvEp1587_102_23eyeth vnde Szargat to / ka yuus ßinneth. The
EvEp1587_102_24nogaye vnd paßargaye to kappe ar
EvEp1587_102_25Szargims vnde apßimoye{apßimoyeto} to
EvEp1587_102_27@v{Ende der Hiſtorien des Leidens Chriſti.}
EvEp1587_103_1@v{Vndeudſche Euan-}
EvEp1587_103_2@v{gelia vnd Epiſteln / von Oſtern}
EvEp1587_103_3@v{an bis auffs Aduent.}
EvEp1587_103_4@v{Gedruckt zu Königsperg}
EvEp1587_103_5@v{bey Georgen Oſterbergern.}
EvEp1587_103_7@l{M. D. LXXXVII.}
EvEp1587_104_1@v{Die Epiſtel am heiligen Oſter-}
EvEp1587_104_2@v{tage / 1. Corinth. 5.}
EvEp1587_104_3JVuſe leloſchenne nhe gir labba nheſinneth
EvEp1587_104_4yuus / ka wens mas Roux / tho wueſſe mykle
EvEp1587_104_5ßarouczey. Tapeetcz Jſmheſet to wetcze
EvEp1587_104_6rouge / ka Juus wena youna mykla eſſet / lydtcz kha
EvEp1587_104_7yuus neeroudtczeete eſſet. Aeſto mums gir arridt-
EvEp1587_104_8czan wens leledeneyeers / tas gir Chriſtus / par
EvEp1587_104_9mums vppereetcz. Tapeetcz laidet mums leledene
EvEp1587_104_10thurreet / nhe exkan weetcze Rougu / nedtcz arridt-
EvEp1587_104_11czan exkan Rougu täs lounibes vnde bleedibes / beth
EvEp1587_104_12exkan tho ßalde mykle täs tyribes vnde teſnibes.
EvEp1587_104_13@v{Euangelium am heiligen Oſter-}
EvEp1587_104_14@v{tage / Marci am 16. Cap.}
EvEp1587_104_15VNde kad ta leledene ſweeta ßetczen by / pirka
EvEp1587_104_16Maria Magdalena / vnde Maria Jacobi
EvEp1587_104_17vnde Salome / darges ſales / ka the näckte /
EvEp1587_104_18vnde ſwaidite{ſwazdite} to. Vnde the nätce py tho kappe / vs
EvEp1587_104_19wene ſweedene lothe aggre / kad ta Soule vs gaya /
EvEp1587_104_20vnde the treſſeey ßouwan ſtarpan / kas nowhel
EvEp1587_104_21mums to ackmenne no tho kappe durwe ? Vnde the
EvEp1587_104_22nomannye / ka tas Ackmens nowheldtcz by / aeſto
EvEp1587_104_23tas by warren lels.
EvEp1587_105_1Vnde the gaya tur exkan to Kappe / vnd redt-
EvEp1587_105_2czey wene joune puyſe / py tho labbe roke ſeedamme /
EvEp1587_105_3tas by ar wene garye balte dreebe apteerptz / vnde the
EvEp1587_105_4Jßabias ßöw. Beth tas ßatcy vs tems / nhe Jßa-
EvEp1587_105_5byates yums / yuus meckleeyet Jeſum no Nazareth
EvEp1587_105_6to kruſtan ßiſte / tas gir auxkam czeles / vnde nhe gir
EvEp1587_105_7ſcheit. Rougeth tur / to wete / kur te to no licke.
EvEp1587_105_8Beth noeyget / vnd ßacketh tho winge Maetceklims /
EvEp1587_105_9vnde Petro / ka tas prexkan yums no eſe exkan Ga-
EvEp1587_105_10lilea / tur yuus to redtczeeſeeth / kha thas yums ßat-
EvEp1587_105_11cys gir.
EvEp1587_105_12Vnde te Jſgaye pepeeſche aran / vnde bhedtcze
EvEp1587_105_13no tho kappe / aeſto tims by wena drebbeſchenne vnd
EvEp1587_105_14jſſzabyaſchenne{jſſza byaſchenne} vs nakuſſe / vnde nhe ßatcye neewe-
EvEp1587_105_15nam neeneke / aeſto the jßabyas ßöw.
EvEp1587_106_1@v{Die Epiſtel am Oſtermontage /}
EvEp1587_106_2@v{Actorum 10. Cap.}
EvEp1587_106_3BEth Petrus atwehre ßouwe Mutte / vnde ßat-
EvEp1587_106_4cy / Nu ßayute es to teſcham / ka Dews tho
EvEp1587_106_5czilwheke nhe vs luko : beth exkan wueſſadems
EvEp1587_106_6loudems / kattre to byſthas / vnd teſcham dar / tas
EvEp1587_106_7tyke tham. Juus ßinneth no tho Maetcybe / kattre
EvEp1587_106_8Dews py tems Bernims Jſrael ßutis gir / vnde
EvEp1587_106_9ßluddenath lidtczis to Mere czour Jeſum Chri-
EvEp1587_106_10ſtum (katters tur gir wens Kunx par wuſſe
EvEp1587_106_11lethe) katters czour tho wueſſe Judde ſemme no-
EvEp1587_106_12titcis gir / vnd eſäcktz exkan Galilea peetcz tho Chru-
EvEp1587_106_13ſtybe / kattre Johannes maetcye / ka Dews to patte
EvEp1587_106_14Jeſum no Nazareth / ſwaidis gir / ar to ſweete Garre
EvEp1587_106_15vnde tho ſpeeke / katters apkärth ſtaigais gir / vnde
EvEp1587_106_16gir labbedarris vnde weeſſelle darrys / wueſſe / kattre
EvEp1587_106_17no Whelne pärwarreethe bye. Aeſto Dews by ar
EvEp1587_106_18to. Vnde mhes eſſem Ledtczeneke wueſſe to / ko tas
EvEp1587_106_19darris gir exkan Judde ſemme / vnde exkan Jeruſa-
EvEp1587_106_20lem. To gir the nokouwuſſche / vnde py wene koke
EvEp1587_106_22To patte gir Dews vſmodenays / than treſſchan
EvEp1587_106_23denan / vnde to lidtczis ßinnamme tapth / nhe wueſ-
EvEp1587_106_24ſems loudems / beth mums / tims papreſche iſredt-
EvEp1587_106_25czeetims ledtczenekims no Dewe / kattre mhes ar tho
EvEp1587_107_1eduſſche vnd ſczeruſſche eſſem / peetcz to / kha thas
EvEp1587_107_2auxkam czeeles gir no tims muerronims. Vnd thas
EvEp1587_107_3gir mums Boußlis to maetcyt tems loudems / vnd
EvEp1587_107_4Ledtczybe doth / ka thas gir eſtadytz no Dewe / wens
EvEp1587_107_5Szoge pär Czywems vnde murronems. No ſcho
EvEp1587_107_6dode wueſſe Prophetes ledtczibe / ka czour win-
EvEp1587_107_7ge wärde / wueſſe / kattre exkan to titcz / pammeſchen
EvEp1587_107_8thos greekes dabbuth buus.
EvEp1587_107_9@v{Euangelium am Oſtermontage /}
EvEp1587_107_10@v{Luc. 24. cap.}
EvEp1587_107_11VNde rouge / duewe no tims gaye to patte dene
EvEp1587_107_12exkan wene Jelgouwe / ta by no Jeruſalẽ due-
EvEp1587_107_13we yuudtcze thalumme / thäs wärdctz dhewey
EvEp1587_108_1Emmahus. Vnde the runnaye ſtarpan ßöw / no
EvEp1587_108_2wueſſims ſchims noticktims letims. Vnde tas no-
EvEp1587_108_3ticke / kad the ta runnaye / vnde apyoutayas ßou-
EvEp1587_108_4wan ſtarpan / ſteytczes ßöw Jeſus py tems / vnde
EvEp1587_108_5ſtaigay ar tims. Beth winge atczes tappe thurree-
EvEp1587_108_6te ka the to nhepaßinne. Beth thas ßatcy vs tems /
EvEp1587_108_7kada gyr ta Wallode / kattre yuus ſtarpan yums
EvEp1587_108_8runnayath vs to Czelle / vnde eſſet tha noſkummuſ-
EvEp1587_108_9ſche ? Tad adbildey wens ar wärde Cleophas /
EvEp1587_108_10vnde ßatcy vs tho / Eſ tu{Eſtu} wens ſtarpan tems Sweſ-
EvEp1587_108_11ſchennekems exkan Jeruſalem / katters nhe ßin / kas
EvEp1587_108_12exkan ſchims denims tur exkan notitczis gir ? Vnd
EvEp1587_108_13thas ßatcy vs tems / kas ? Beth te ßatcy vs tho / tas /
EvEp1587_108_14no Jeſu no Nazareth / katters tur by wens Prophetz /
EvEp1587_108_15warrens nho darbims vnde wärdims prexkan
EvEp1587_108_16Dewe vnde wueſſims loudims / ka to muſſe Auxte-
EvEp1587_108_17baſnicekunge vnde wuerſſeneke nodoeuwuſſche gyr /
EvEp1587_108_18py noßodiſchennes thäs Nawes / vnde kruſtan czit-
EvEp1587_108_19tuſſche. Beth mhes czerreyam tham by Jſrael
EvEp1587_108_20atpeſtyth. Vnde pär to wueſſe / gir ſchodene ta treſ-
EvEp1587_108_21ſcha dena / ka ſchade lethes notickuſſche gir. Arridt-
EvEp1587_108_22czan gir mums Jsbedeiſche czitte no mußims Se-
EvEp1587_108_23wims / te gir aggre py tho kappe buewuſſche / vnde
EvEp1587_108_24nhe gyr winge Meße attraduſſche / nake{nakevnde} vnde ßacke /
EvEp1587_108_25the gyr wene wayge tho Engel redtczeiſche / katters
EvEp1587_108_26tur ßacke / thas cziwo. Vnde czitte no mums no
EvEp1587_108_27gaye py tho{the} kappe / vnde attradde tha / kha thäs Se-
EvEp1587_108_28wes ßatcy / beth to nhe attradde the.
EvEp1587_109_1Vnde thas ßatcy vs tems / O yuus Jecke vnde kutre
EvEp1587_109_2no ßirdims py titczeſchenne wueſſe tho / ko the Pro-
EvEp1587_109_3phete ßatcyſche gyr / Nhe by Chriſtum tha ceeſth /
EvEp1587_109_4vnde py ßouwe Godibe e eth ? Vnde eſaka no Moſe /
EvEp1587_109_5vnde no wueſſims Prophetims / vnde Jslicka tims
EvEp1587_109_6wueſſe raxte / kattre no tho ßatcyte by.
EvEp1587_109_7Vnd the nätce tuwe prexkan to Jelgouwe / kur
EvEp1587_109_8the nogaya / Vnde thas thurreyas ßöw / ka gribbeth
EvEp1587_109_9thas whel talacke edth Vnde the luudtcze to / vnde
EvEp1587_109_10ßatcy / palledtcz py mums / aeſto tas grib wackars
EvEp1587_109_11tapt / vnde ta dene gir pabeickta. Vnde thas gaye
EvEp1587_109_12tur exkan / py tims tur pallickt. Vnde tas noticke /
EvEp1587_109_13kad tas ar tims py Galde ſeedeey / Jeme thas to
EvEp1587_109_14Mayſe / pateitcze / pärlouſe tho vnde doeuwe to
EvEp1587_109_15tims. Tad tappe winge Atczes attwherte / vnde pa-
EvEp1587_109_16ßinne to. Vnde thas paßudde preſchan tems.
EvEp1587_109_17Vnd ßatcy ſtarpan ßöw / nhe dedtcze muſſa
EvEp1587_109_18Szyrdtcz exkan mums / kad thas ar mums treſſey
EvEp1587_109_19wuerßon tho Czelle / khad thas mums to Raxte att-
EvEp1587_109_20where ? Vnde the czeeles auxkam py to patte ſtunde /
EvEp1587_109_21greſhes atkal apkaarth vs Jeruſalem / vnde attrad-
EvEp1587_109_22de tös wene paddeſmetteſ kopan{paddeſmetteſkopan} ſagayuſſches / vnde
EvEp1587_109_23tös kattre py tims by / kattre ßatcy / Tas Kunx gir
EvEp1587_109_24teſcham auxkam czeeles / vnde Simoni paradyes.
EvEp1587_109_25Vnde the paßatcy tims / kas wuerßon to czelle notit-
EvEp1587_109_26cis by / vnd ka thas no tims paſſyſtz by / py to / kad
EvEp1587_109_27thas tims to Mayſe louſe.
EvEp1587_110_1@v{Die Epiſtel am Oſterdinſtage}
EvEp1587_110_2@v{Acto. 13. cap.}
EvEp1587_110_3JVus Wyre / mylige Brale / yuus Beerne tha
EvEp1587_110_4Radde Abraham / vnde kattre ſtarpan yums
EvEp1587_110_5Dewe byſthas. Jums gir tas Wärdtcz
EvEp1587_110_6thäs peſtiſchennes ſuutyttz. Aeſto the / kattre exkan
EvEp1587_110_7Jeruſalem cziwo / vnde wynge Wuerßeneke / peetcz
EvEp1587_110_8to / ka the to nhe paßinne / nedtcz tös Balxnes thös
EvEp1587_110_9Prophetes (kattre vs wueſſims Sweedenims laſſi-
EvEp1587_110_10te thope) gyr tös pattes ar ßouwe teſe pepueldiſche.
EvEp1587_110_11Vnde ka tomher the newene Wayne thäs Nawes
EvEp1587_110_12py to attradde / luudtcze the tomher Pilatum / to no-
EvEp1587_110_13kouth. Vnd khad the pabeiguſſche by / wueſſe kas
EvEp1587_110_14no tho raxtytz gyr / yeme the to no tho koke / vnde
EvEp1587_110_15licke tho exkan wene kappe. Beth Dews gir to vs
EvEp1587_110_16modenays no tims muerrunnims / vnde thas gir
EvEp1587_110_17paradyes doudtcze dene / tims / kattre ar to auxkam
EvEp1587_110_18no Galilea vs Jeruſalem gayuſſche by / kattre gir
EvEp1587_110_19winge ledtczeneke py thems loudems.
EvEp1587_110_20Vnde mhes pasſluddenaiam yums arridtczan to
EvEp1587_110_21peßatciſchenne / kattra py muſſems Thewems no-
EvEp1587_110_22titczis gir / ka tas patz Dews mums / ßouwims
EvEp1587_110_23Beernims pepueldys gir. Exkan to / ka thas Jeſum
EvEp1587_110_24vs modenais gir.
EvEp1587_111_1@v{Euangelium am Oſterdinſtage /}
EvEp1587_111_2@v{Luc. 24. cap.}
EvEp1587_111_3BEth kad the no to treßeye / ſtaweye Jeſus patcz
EvEp1587_111_4wueddon ſtarpan thems / vnd ßatcy vs tems /
EvEp1587_111_5Mers gyr ar yums. Beth the yßabyias ßöw /
EvEp1587_111_6vnde ſkytte / the redttzeete wene Garre. Vnde tas
EvEp1587_111_7ßatcy vs tems / ka eſſet yuus tha Jßabiuſſche ? Vnde
EvEp1587_111_8kapeetcz nake thade domaſchenne exkan yuuſims
EvEp1587_111_9Szirdims ? Redtczeth mannes Rokes / vnde man-
EvEp1587_111_10nes kayes / es eſme thas patz. Touſteth man / vnde lu-
EvEp1587_111_11koyeth / aeſto wenam Garram nhe gir Meßa vnde
EvEp1587_111_12koule / kha yuus redtczeth / ka man gir. Vnd kad thas
EvEp1587_111_13to ßatcy / radye thas tims rokes vnd kayes. Beth kad
EvEp1587_111_14the weel nhe titczeye no lyxmibe / vnde ßöw Jßa-
EvEp1587_111_15brinoyas / ßatcy thas vs tems gir yums ſcheit
EvEp1587_112_1kas yaehde ? Vnde the licke tham wene gabballe
EvEp1587_112_2no czepte Suewe vnde Medde prexkan. Vnde thas
EvEp1587_112_3yeme to / vnde ehde tho prexkan tems.
EvEp1587_112_4Beth thas ßatcy vs tems / te gir te wärde / kat-
EvEp1587_112_5tres es vs yums ßatcy / kad es weel py yums by.
EvEp1587_112_6Aeſto tam buus wueſſenotal pepuelditam tapt /
EvEp1587_112_7kas no man raxtitcz gir / exkan to Boußle Moſi /
EvEp1587_112_8exkan tims Prophetims / vnd exkan tims czeſmims.
EvEp1587_112_9Tad attwhere thas tims to ßappraſchenne / ka the to
EvEp1587_112_10Raxte ßappratte / vnde ßatcy vs tems. Tha gyr
EvEp1587_112_11raxtitcz / vnd tha by Chriſtum czeſt / vñ atkal auxkam
EvEp1587_112_12czelt no tims muerronims / py tho treſſche dene / vnde
EvEp1587_112_13maetcith tickt / exkan wynge wärde atmitteſchenne /
EvEp1587_112_14no loune / vnde pammeſſchenne thös greekes / ſtar-
EvEp1587_112_15pan wueſſems loudems / vnde eßaackt exkan Jeru-
EvEp1587_112_17@v{Die Epiſtel des erſten Sonta-}
EvEp1587_112_18@v{ges nach Oſtern / 1. Johan. 5.}
EvEp1587_112_19AEſto wueſſe kas no Dewe peczimpctz gir / tas
EvEp1587_112_20pärwar to Paſſoule / vnde muße titczibe gir ta
EvEp1587_112_21pärwarreſchenne / kattra to Paſſoule pärwar-
EvEp1587_112_22reys gir.
EvEp1587_112_23Beth kas gir / katters to Paſſoule pärwarre /
EvEp1587_112_24ka wene / kas tur titcz / ka Jeſus Dewe Dhels gir ?
EvEp1587_112_25Schis gir / katters tur nake / ar Vdenne vnde Aſ-
 @b{ſenne /}
EvEp1587_113_1ſenne / Jeſus Chriſtus / nhe ar Vdenne wene / beth
EvEp1587_113_2ar Vdenne vnd Aſſenne. Vnde tas Gars gir / kat-
EvEp1587_113_3ters tur Ledtczybe dode / ka tas Gars teſybe gir.
EvEp1587_113_4Aeſto trys gir / kattre tur Ledtczybe dode wuerßon
EvEp1587_113_5Semmes / Tas Gars / vnde tas Vdens / vnde tas
EvEp1587_113_6Aſſens / vnde te trys gir wenan kopan. Kad mhes
EvEp1587_113_7nu to Czilwheke Ledtczybe vs yemmam / thad gir
EvEp1587_113_8Dewe Ledtczybe lelake. Aeſto Dewe Ledtczybe gir
EvEp1587_113_9ta / ka thas Ledtczybe doeuwis gir no ßouwe Dhele.
EvEp1587_113_10Katters exkan to Dewe Dhele titcz / tam gir thada
EvEp1587_113_11Ledtczybe{Ledtczzbe} py ßöw.
EvEp1587_113_12@v{Euangelium des erſten Sontags}
EvEp1587_113_13@v{nach Oſtern / Johan. 20. cap.}
EvEp1587_113_14BEth py Wackerre to patte Sweedene kad the
EvEp1587_113_15Maetcekle ſagaiuſſche / vnd te durwes ayſleck-
EvEp1587_113_16te by / No Jßabyſchenne prexkan tems Jud-
EvEp1587_113_17dems nätce Jeſus / vnde ſthawey exkan wuedde / vnde
EvEp1587_113_18ßatcy vs tems. Mers gir ar yums. Vnde kad thas to
EvEp1587_113_19ßatcy / radye thas tims tas Rokas / vnde ßouwe
EvEp1587_113_20Sane. Tad tappe te Maetcekle lyxme / ka the to
EvEp1587_113_21Kunge redtczeye. Tad ßatcy Jeſus whel wene kärth
EvEp1587_113_22vs tems. Mers gir ar yums. Lydtcz kha man tas
EvEp1587_113_23Thews ßutis gir / tha ſuute es yums. Vnde kad thas
EvEp1587_113_24to ßatcye / vs puute thas thös / vnde ßatcy vs tems /
EvEp1587_113_25Jemmeth to ſweete Garre / kattrems yuus tös
EvEp1587_114_1greekes pammeſſeth / tems gir the pammeſte / vnd kat-
EvEp1587_114_2trims yuus thös patturreeſeth / tims gir the pat-
EvEp1587_114_3thurreete. Beth Thomas wens no tims duewepad-
EvEp1587_114_4deſmettims / katters tur dhewey Dwynis / nhe by py
EvEp1587_114_5tems / kad Jeſus nätce. Tad ßatcy te czitte Maetce-
EvEp1587_114_6kle vs tho / mhes eſſem to Kunge redtczeiſche. Beth
EvEp1587_114_7tas ßatcy vs tems / Ja tas ta ne notecke / ka es exkan
EvEp1587_114_8winge Rokims / redtczo täs Symes thös Naggles /
EvEp1587_114_9vnde leke manne Pirſte exkan winge Sane / neegrib
EvEp1587_114_10es to titczeeth.
EvEp1587_114_11Vnde pär aſtone denems / by winge Macekle
EvEp1587_114_12atkal tur exkan / vnde Thomas ar tims / Jeſus nake /
EvEp1587_114_13kad täs durwes aißlecktas by / vnde ſthawey wued-
EvEp1587_114_14don tems / vnde ßatcy / Mers gir ar yums / Peetcz to
EvEp1587_114_15ßatcy tas vs Thoma / ſtepe touwe pirſte ſchur / vnde
EvEp1587_115_1redtcz mannes Rokes / vnde ſtepe touwe Roke ſchur /
EvEp1587_115_2vnde ledtcz thös exkan manne Sane / vnde nhe eſſe
EvEp1587_115_3netitczyx / beth titczyx. Thomas ßatcy vs tho :
EvEp1587_115_4Mans Kunx vnde mans Dews. Jeſus ßatcy vs
EvEp1587_115_5tho / peetcz to / ka tu man redtczeys eſſe Thoma / thad
EvEp1587_115_6titcztu. Sweete gir the / kattre neeredtcz / vnde to-
EvEp1587_115_7mher titcz.
EvEp1587_115_8Arridtczan darrye Jeſus doudtcze czitte Symes
EvEp1587_115_9preſchan ßouwems Maceklems / kattre nhe gir rax-
EvEp1587_115_10tyte exkan{erkan} ſcho Gramatte. Beth ſche gir raxtyte / ka
EvEp1587_115_11yuus titczeth Jeſus gir Chriſt / tas Dewe Dhels /
EvEp1587_115_12vnd ka yums czour to Titczibe / ta cziwoſchenne gir /
EvEp1587_115_13exkan winge wärde.
EvEp1587_115_14@v{Die Epiſtel am andern Sontage}
EvEp1587_115_15@v{nach Oſtern / 1. Pet. 2.}
EvEp1587_115_16AEſto py to eſſeth yuus aitczenate / peetcz to
EvEp1587_115_17ka arridtczan Chriſtus czetis gir pär mums /
EvEp1587_115_18vnde mums wene preſke Syme atſthays / ka
EvEp1587_115_19yums buus peetcz ſtaigath winge kaye peedims.
EvEp1587_115_20Katters neewenes greekes darrys gir / arridtczan
EvEp1587_115_21gir tur ne wena Wyltybe exkan winge Mutte at-
EvEp1587_115_22traſta / katters prettybe nhe lammaya / kad thas
EvEp1587_115_23lammatcz tappe / nedtcz droudye / kad thas cethe.
EvEp1587_115_24Beth thas no doeuwe to tham / katters tur teſcham
EvEp1587_115_25ßode. Katters muſes greekes patz vppereys gir /
EvEp1587_116_1py ßouwe Meße / wuerßon to kruſte koke / ka mhes no
EvEp1587_116_2tims greekims nomuerruſſche eſſem / vnde tay Taiſ-
EvEp1587_116_3nybe cziwoyam. czour kattre Wathems yuus ſa-
EvEp1587_116_4czedenate eſſet. Aeſto yuus byet / kha te alloyamme
EvEp1587_116_5Auwes / beth yuus eſſet nu atgreſthe / py to Ganne
EvEp1587_116_6vnde Pyſkope yuuſes Dwheſelles.
EvEp1587_116_7@v{Euangelium am andern Sontage}
EvEp1587_116_8@v{nach Oſtern Miſericordia / Johan. 10. cap.}
EvEp1587_116_9ES eſme wens labs Gans / Wens labs Gans
EvEp1587_116_10dode ßouwe Cziwibe pär tims Auwims.
EvEp1587_116_11Beth wens Szaſſpreſtcz Gans / katters wens
EvEp1587_116_12Gans nhe gir / kattram te Auwes pattim nhe peder /
EvEp1587_116_13redtcz to Wuelke nakamme / vnde atſtaye{aſtaye} tös Auwes /
EvEp1587_117_1vnde bhege. Vnde thas Wuelx ßagraab vnde Jſ-
EvEp1587_117_2baarſte tos Auwes. Beth tas Szaſſpreſtcz Gans
EvEp1587_117_3bhege / aeſto thas gir wens Szaſſpreſtz Gans / vnde
EvEp1587_117_4nhe ola thos Auwes. Es eſme wens labs Gans /
EvEp1587_117_5vnde atßiſto tös mannes / vnde eſme paßiſtams
EvEp1587_117_6tims mannims. Lydtcz kha man mans Thews
EvEp1587_117_7paßyſt / vnde es paßiſto to Thewe / vnde es dome
EvEp1587_117_8manne Cziwybe par tims Auwims. Vnde man gir
EvEp1587_117_9whel cytte Auwes / te nhe gir aran ſcho kuute / vnde
EvEp1587_117_10thös pattes buus man arridtczan ſcheit klathe
EvEp1587_117_11neſth / vnde the czirdes manne Balxne. Vnde buus
EvEp1587_117_12wena Auwekuutz / vnde wens gans buuth.
EvEp1587_117_13@v{Die Epiſtel am dritten Sontage}
EvEp1587_117_14@v{nach Oſtern / 1. Pet. 2.}
EvEp1587_117_15MYlige Brale es peminno yums / kha tös
EvEp1587_117_16Sweſſchenekes / vnde egathnekes / nothur-
EvEp1587_117_17reetes / yums no meßige egribbeſchenne / kattre
EvEp1587_117_18prettibe to Dwheſel czinyas / vnde thurret wene lab-
EvEp1587_117_19be buuſchenne ſtarpan tems Paggane loudems / ka
EvEp1587_117_20te / kattre yums aptreſſe / kha no lounedarretayems /
EvEp1587_117_21yuuſes labbes darbes redtcz / vnde Dewe teitcz / kad
EvEp1587_117_22tas nu py to dene nätczys.
EvEp1587_117_23Eſſeth packlouſſige wueſſe czilwhecige raddibe /
EvEp1587_117_24tho Kunge peetcz / tas gir tham Köningam / kha /
EvEp1587_117_25tham Wuerßenekam / yeb tims Galwenekims / kha
EvEp1587_118_1thös Szutites no to / py ßodiſchenne pär tems Lou-
EvEp1587_118_2nedarretayems / vnd pär Slawe tims labbims.
EvEp1587_118_3Aeſto tas gir Dewe prätz / ka yuus ar labbe darri-
EvEp1587_118_4ſchenne aysbaſcheet / to neßapraſſchenne / tims
EvEp1587_118_5Jeckigims Czilwhekims / kha tös Swabbaddes /
EvEp1587_118_6vnde nhe ka buute yums ta Swabbadibe py apkla-
EvEp1587_118_7ſchenne täs lounibes. Beth kha te Dewe kalpe /
EvEp1587_118_8Parradeth yckwenam Gode / Thurret tös Brales
EvEp1587_118_9myle / byſtet Dewe / godet to Köninge.
EvEp1587_118_10@v{Euangelium am dritten Sontage}
EvEp1587_118_11@v{nach Oſtern/ Jubila. Johan. 15. cap.}
EvEp1587_118_12PAer wene maße bryde / thad yuus man nhe
EvEp1587_118_13redtczeeſeth / vnde atkal pär wene maße bryde /
EvEp1587_118_14tad yuus man redtczeeſeth / aeſto es emo py
EvEp1587_119_1Thewe. Tad ßatcy citte no winge Maetceklims
EvEp1587_119_2ßouwan ſtarpan / kas gir tas / ka thas vs mums
EvEp1587_119_3ßacke pär wene maße bryde / thad yuus man nhe
EvEp1587_119_4redtczeeſeth / vnde atkal pär wene maße bryde / thad
EvEp1587_119_5yuus man redtczeeſeth / vnde ka es py Thewe emo ?
EvEp1587_119_6Tad ßatcy the / kas gir tas ka tas ßack / pär wene
EvEp1587_119_7maße bryde ? Mhes neeſinnam / ko tas ßacke. Tad
EvEp1587_119_8nomannye Jeſus / ka the tham youthadt gribbey vnd
EvEp1587_119_9ßatcy vs tems / Juus abyoutayetes ſtarpan yums
EvEp1587_119_10peetcz to / ka es ßatcys eſme / pär wene maſſe bryde /
EvEp1587_119_11thad yuus man nhe redtczeeſeth / vnde atkal pär
EvEp1587_119_12wene maſſe bryde / thad yuus man redtczeeſeth.
EvEp1587_119_13Patteſe / patteſe / es ßack yums / Juus roudaſeeth
EvEp1587_119_14vnde kouckſeth / beth ta Paſſoule ßöw preczeſſes.
EvEp1587_119_15Beth yuus buuſeeth noſkummuſſche / beth yuuſe no-
EvEp1587_119_16ſkumſchenne buus pär preczybe tapt.
EvEp1587_119_17Wena Sewe / kad tha czem thad gir tay noſkum-
EvEp1587_119_18ſchenne / aeſto winge ſtunde gir nakuſſe. Beth kad
EvEp1587_119_19tha to Bherne peczimmuſſe gir / thad nhe pemin
EvEp1587_119_20ta wayrs to ſape / thäs lyxmibes peetcz / ka tas
EvEp1587_119_21Czilwhex exkan tho Paſſoule peczimptz gir. Vnde
EvEp1587_119_22yums gir nu arridtczan noſkumſchenne / Beth es
EvEp1587_119_23grib yums atkal redtczeeth / vnde yuuſe Syrdtcz
EvEp1587_119_24ßöw lyxmoſes / vnde yuuſe Lyxmibe buus neewe-
EvEp1587_119_25nam no yums yempt. Vnde py to patte dene yuus
EvEp1587_119_26man neeneke Jouthaſeth.
EvEp1587_120_1@v{Die Epiſtel am vierden Sontage}
EvEp1587_120_2@v{nach Oſtern oder Cantate / Jacobi 1.}
EvEp1587_120_3NHe alloyet mylige Brale / wueſſe labbe dawa-
EvEp1587_120_4ne / vnd wueſſe puelnige dawane / nake no aux-
EvEp1587_120_5ſches ſemmen / no tho Thewe thäs Gayßibes /
EvEp1587_120_6py kattre gir neewena pärwerſchenne / nedtcz apmeto-
EvEp1587_120_7ſchenne thäs Gayßibes / vnde thäs tumßibes / Thas
EvEp1587_120_8gir mums peczimmis peetcz ßouwe{ßouwepraathe} praathe/ czour
EvEp1587_120_9to wärde thäs teſnibes / ka mhes butem te pirmige
EvEp1587_120_10winges raddibes. Tapeetcz mylige Brale / ickwens
EvEp1587_120_11Czilwhex gir pepeſſche py czirdeſchennes / beth pa-
EvEp1587_120_12leene py treſſeeſchennes / vnde lhenige py duſmibes /
EvEp1587_120_13Aeſto tha Czilwheke duſmibe nhe dar / kas Dewam
EvEp1587_120_14paprate gir. Tapeetcz ledtczeth noſth wueſſe nee-
EvEp1587_120_15ſkyſtybe / vnde lounybe / vnde vs jemmeth to wärde
EvEp1587_120_16ar lheenpratibe / katters exkan yums eſtaditz gir /
EvEp1587_120_17katters war yuuſes dwheſelles ſweetes darryth.
EvEp1587_120_18@v{Euangelium am vierden Sontage}
EvEp1587_120_19@v{nach Oſtern oder Cantate / Joh. 16. cap.}
EvEp1587_120_20BEth nu no emo es py tho / kas man ſutis gir /
EvEp1587_120_21vnd neewens ſtarpan yums youtha man / kur
EvEp1587_120_22tu no eſſe ? Beth peetcz tho / ka es tho vs yums
EvEp1587_120_23treſſeys eſme / gir yuuſe Syrdtz puelna noſkumſchen-
EvEp1587_120_24ne tappuſſe. Beth es ßacke yums to teſcham. Tas
EvEp1587_121_1yums labbe / ka es no emo. Aeſto khad es nhe no
EvEp1587_121_2etho / thad nhe nake tas Eprecetays py yums. Beth
EvEp1587_121_3kad es no emo / grib es to py yums ſuutyth. Vnde
EvEp1587_121_4kad tas patcz nake / tas to Paſſoule ßodys / pär to
EvEp1587_121_5greeke / pär to tayſnibe / vnde pär to Szodibe. Pär
EvEp1587_121_6tems Greekems / ka the exkan man nhe titcze. Beth
EvEp1587_121_7pär to tayſnibe / ka es py Thewe emo. Vnde yuus
EvEp1587_121_8man yoproyam nhe redtczeeſeth. Pär to Szodibe /
EvEp1587_121_9ka tas Kunx ſchäs Paſſoules no teſaatz gir.
EvEp1587_121_10Man gir yums whel doudtcze yaßacke / beth
EvEp1587_121_11yuus nhe warreth taggadine panneſt / Beth kad
EvEp1587_121_12wyngs tas Gars täs Teſnibcs nätczys / tas yums
EvEp1587_121_13exkan wueſſe tayſnibe waddys. Aeſto thas no ßöw
EvEp1587_121_14pattim nhe treßees. Beth ko thas czirdees / to thas
EvEp1587_121_15treſſees / vnde kas nakams gir / to thas yums paß-
EvEp1587_122_1ſluddenas. Tas patcz man apſkaydrees / aeſto no
EvEp1587_122_2tho manne thas to yems / vnde yums paßluddenas.
EvEp1587_122_3Wueſſe kas tham Thewam gir / tas gir mans / ta-
EvEp1587_122_4peetcz eſme es ßatcys / tas no tho manne jemps vnde
EvEp1587_122_5yums paßluddenas.
EvEp1587_122_6@v{Die Epiſtel am fünfften Sontage}
EvEp1587_122_7@v{nach Oſtern oder Vocem jucundi. Jac. 1. cap.}
EvEp1587_122_8BEth eſſeth darretaye tha Wärde / vnde nhe-
EvEp1587_122_9wen czirdetaye / ar kattre yuus yums paſ-
EvEp1587_122_10ſchems pewilyates. Aeſto khad wens gir wens
EvEp1587_122_11czirdetays tha wärde / vnde nhe gir wens darretays /
EvEp1587_122_12tas gir lidtcz wenam Wyram / katters ßouwe meßi-
EvEp1587_122_13ge Wayge exkan Spegel apluko / aeſto tur peetcz /
EvEp1587_122_14kad thas ßöw aplukoyes gir / edth thas tudelin
EvEp1587_122_15noſth / vnde ayſmirſth ka thas buewis gir. Beth
EvEp1587_122_16kas czour lukoyas exkan to puelnige Boußle täs
EvEp1587_122_17Swabbadibes / vnde tur exkan palleck / vnde nhe gir
EvEp1587_122_18wens ayſmyrſtams czirdetays / beth wens darre-
EvEp1587_122_19tays / tas patcz buus ſweetcz exkan ßouwe darbe.
EvEp1587_122_20Beth kad ßöw wens ſtarpan yums czerre / thas
EvEp1587_122_21kalpo Dewam / vnde nhe tur ßouwe Mhele exkan
EvEp1587_122_22Emoute / beth pewille ßouwe Szirde / tha Dewe
EvEp1587_122_23kalpoſchenne gir wheltige. Wena ſkyſta vnde ne-
EvEp1587_122_24apganite Dewe kalpoſchenne / prexkan Dewe to
EvEp1587_122_25Thewe gir ta / katters Barynes vnde attraites
EvEp1587_123_1exkan wingims bhedims pemeckle / vnde ßöw no thäs
EvEp1587_123_2paſſoules neeapganite paſſargas.
EvEp1587_123_3@v{Euangelium am fünfften Sontage}
EvEp1587_123_4@v{nach Oſtern oder Voc. jucun. Joh. 16. cap.}
EvEp1587_123_5PAtteſe / patteſe / es ßacke{ßackc} yums / khad yuus
EvEp1587_123_6tham Thewam ko luckßeete exkan manne
EvEp1587_123_7Wärde thad thas to yums dhos / Jſ ſchim{Jſſchim} nee
EvEp1587_123_8eſſet yuus neeneke luguſſche exkan manne wärde.
EvEp1587_123_9Ludtczeeth / thad yuus dabbuſeeth / yuuſe lyx-
EvEp1587_123_10mibe puelnige gir. Tades lethes eſſeme es vs yums
EvEp1587_123_11czour Lydtczibems treſſeys / Beth tas Layx nake / ka
EvEp1587_123_12es nhe wayrs czour lydtczibems ar yums treſſee-
EvEp1587_123_13ſcho / beth yums ſkaydre paßluddenaſcho no manne
EvEp1587_123_14Thewe. Py to patte dene yuus luckßhet exkan
EvEp1587_123_15manne wärde Vnde es nhe ßacke yums / ka es to
EvEp1587_124_1Thewe par yuus luckth grib / aeſto / tas Thews tur
EvEp1587_124_2yums patcz myle / Tapeetcz / ka yuus man myleeth /
EvEp1587_124_3vnde titczeeth / ka es no Dewe Jſgays eſme : Es
EvEp1587_124_4eſme no Thewe Jſgays / vnde nätczis exkan to Paſ-
EvEp1587_124_5ſoule / atkal atſthayo es to Paſſoule / vnde emo py
EvEp1587_124_7Wynge Macekle ßack vs to / Rouge / nu treſtu
EvEp1587_124_8ſkaydre aran / vnde ßack neewene Lydtczybe / Nu ßin-
EvEp1587_124_9nam mhes / ka tu wueſſes lethes ßin / vnde nhe gir
EvEp1587_124_10wayage / ka thöw kaſlabban joutha. Tapeetcz tit-
EvEp1587_124_11czam mhes / ka tu no Dewe jſgays es.
EvEp1587_124_12@v{Die Epiſtel am tage der Himelfart}
EvEp1587_124_13@v{Chriſti / Actorum ain 1. cap.}
EvEp1587_124_14TO pirmake Wallode eſſeme / es teſcham
EvEp1587_124_15treſſeis myleis Theophile / no wueſſe to / kat-
EvEp1587_124_16tres Jeſus eſake darryth vnde maetcyt / js tay
EvEp1587_124_17dene / kad thas vſyemptcz tappe. Peetcz to ka thas
EvEp1587_124_18tims Apoſtolims (kattres thas by Jſredtczeys)
EvEp1587_124_19czour to ſweete Garre pawheleſchenne doeuwis by.
EvEp1587_124_20Kattrims thas ßöw peetcz ßouwe czeſchenne czywis
EvEp1587_124_21paradyes by / czour daſſchade paradiſchenne / vnde
EvEp1587_124_22lickaas ßöw redtczeeth par tems czettredeſmette de-
EvEp1587_124_23nems / vnde treßeey ar tims no tho Dewe walſtybe.
EvEp1587_124_24Vnde kad thas thös ßackrays by / paweeley thas
EvEp1587_124_25tims / ka the no Jeruſalem nhe atſthate / beth gaydite
EvEp1587_125_1vs to peßatciſchenne tha Theewe kattre yuus (ßatcy /
EvEp1587_125_2tas) no man czirdeiſche eſſeth. Aeſto Johannes gir
EvEp1587_125_3ar Vdenne chruſtys / beth yums buus ar tho ſweete
EvEp1587_125_4Garre chruſtytims tapt / nhe jlge peetcz ſchims
EvEp1587_125_6Beth te / kattre kopan ſagaiuſſche by / jouthaye
EvEp1587_125_7tam vnde ßatcy. Kunx grib tu exkan ſcho laike atkal
EvEp1587_125_8vs tayßyth / to walſtybe no Jſrael ? Beth thas ßatcy
EvEp1587_125_9vs tems / yums nhe peder ſinnath to{tolayke} layke nedtcz
EvEp1587_125_10ſtunde / kattre tas Thews exkan ßouwe warre pat-
EvEp1587_125_11turreys gir / Beth yuus to ſpeeke tha ſweete Garre
EvEp1587_125_12dabbuuſſeth / katters vs yums nätczys / vnd buuſeth
EvEp1587_125_13manne ledtczeneke exkan Jeruſalem / vnde exkan to
EvEp1587_125_14wueſſe Judea vnde Samaria / vnd js tam gallam
EvEp1587_125_15taes Semmes.
EvEp1587_125_16Vnde kad thas tha ßatcys by / tappe thas vs
EvEp1587_125_17jemptcz redttzite / vnde wena paddebbes yeme to aux-
EvEp1587_125_18kam preſchan winge atczems. Vnde kad the tham
EvEp1587_125_19peetcz lukoyas vs debbeſſe kapyote / Rouge tad ſtha-
EvEp1587_125_20wey py to duewe Wyre / exkan baltims drebims /
EvEp1587_125_21kattre arridtczan ßatcy / Juus Wyre no Galilea / ko
EvEp1587_125_22ſthaweet yuus / vnd lukoyetes vs tho debbes ? Schis
EvEp1587_125_23Jeſus katters no yums gir vs yemptz exkan debbes /
EvEp1587_125_24thas nätczys / lidtcz kha yuus to redtczeiſſche eſſeth
EvEp1587_125_25vs debbeſſe broudtczote.
EvEp1587_126_1@v{Euangelium am tage der Himelfart}
EvEp1587_126_2@v{Chriſti / Marci 16. cap.}
EvEp1587_126_3WVeſſe peedige / kad te wene paddeſmette py
EvEp1587_126_4Galde ſeedeye / paradyas thas ßöw / vnde la-
EvEp1587_126_5deye winge neetitczybe / vnde winges ßyrdeſ-
EvEp1587_126_6cetybe / ka te nhe by titczeiſche / kattre the to
EvEp1587_126_8by / atkal auxkam czeluſſche. Vnd ßatcy vs tems :
EvEp1587_126_9Eyth exkan tho wueſſe Paſſoule / vnde maetcet to
EvEp1587_126_10Euangelium wueſſe raddite lethe. Kas tur titcz
EvEp1587_126_11vnde chruſtitcz thope / tas taps ſweetcz. Beth kas
EvEp1587_126_12nhe titcz / tas taps paſſuddis.
EvEp1587_126_13Beth taes Symes / kattre tur peetcz nätcys /
EvEp1587_126_14tims / kattre tur titcz / gir the / exkan manne wärde the
EvEp1587_126_15whelnes Jſczys / ar younims mhelims treſſees /
EvEp1587_127_1czuuſkes noczys / vnde khad the ko nawyge ſczeers /
EvEp1587_127_2tas tims nhe kaythes. wuerßon thems nheweſſe-
EvEp1587_127_3lems the tas Rokas lidtczys / thad buus tas ar tims
EvEp1587_127_4thapt labbake.
EvEp1587_127_5Vnde tas Kunx peetcz tho / ka thas ar tims
EvEp1587_127_6treßeis by / tappe tas vs yemptz exkan debbes / vnde
EvEp1587_127_7ſeede py Dewe labbe Roke. Beth the Jſgaye vnde
EvEp1587_127_8maetcye exkan wueſſims mallims. Vnde tas
EvEp1587_127_9Kunx pallydtczeye tims / vnde apſtippreey to wärde /
EvEp1587_127_10czour peetcz nakammims Symims.
EvEp1587_127_11@v{Die Epiſtel am Sontage nach der}
EvEp1587_127_12@v{Himelfart Chriſti oder Exaudi / 1. Petri 4.}
EvEp1587_127_13THad eſſeth nu gaddige vnde modige py luck-
EvEp1587_127_14ſchennes. Beth pär wueſſems lethems thur-
EvEp1587_127_15reth ſtarpan yums wene karſtige myleſtibe.
EvEp1587_127_16Aeſto ta myleſtibe apkla arridtczan tho Greeke ko-
EvEp1587_127_17pybe. Eſſet mayotaye ſtarpan yums bes kurne-
EvEp1587_127_18ſchen. Vnde kalpoyeth wens tham otram / yck-
EvEp1587_127_19wens ar to dawane / kattre thas dabbuys gir / kha te
EvEp1587_127_20labbe Nammethurretaye thäs daſchades Dewe
EvEp1587_127_21ßeeleſtibes. Khad wens treße / tad thas to treße
EvEp1587_127_22ka Dewe Wärde. Khad wenam wens Ammaetcz
EvEp1587_127_23gir / ka thas to darre / aran tho ſpeeke ka Dews dode.
EvEp1587_127_24Ka exkan wueſſims letims Dews teycktz thope /
EvEp1587_127_25czour Jeſum Chriſtum / kattram gir Goodtcz vnde
EvEp1587_127_26Warre / muußige muußam / Amen.
EvEp1587_128_1@v{Euangelium am Sontage nach der}
EvEp1587_128_2@v{Himelfart Chriſti oder Exau.Joh. 15. vnd 16.}
EvEp1587_128_3BETh kad tas Eprecetays nätczys / kattre es
EvEp1587_128_4yums ßutiſcho no Theewe / tas Gars thäs
EvEp1587_128_5tayſnibes / katteers no Theewe Jſedth / tas
EvEp1587_128_6dhos Ledtczybe no man. Vnde yuus arridtczan
EvEp1587_128_7dhoſeth ledtczybe / aeſto yuus eſſeth no eſakumme /
EvEp1587_128_8py man buewuſſche.
EvEp1587_128_9Scho eſme es vs yums treßeys / ka yuus yums
EvEp1587_128_10nhe apgrekoyates. The yums exkan to Banne lidt-
EvEp1587_128_11czys. Beth tas layx nake / ka tas / kas yums no-
EvEp1587_128_12kows / ſkyttis / ka tas dar Dewam wene kalpoſchen-
EvEp1587_128_13ne. Vnd to te yums tapeetcz darrys / ka the nedtcz
EvEp1587_128_14manne Thewe / nedtcz man atßyſth. Beth ſchös eſſe-
EvEp1587_128_15me es vs yums treßeys / aeſto / kad tas layx nätcys /
EvEp1587_129_1ka yuus to peminneth / ka es to yums ßatcys eſſeme.
EvEp1587_129_2Beth ſcho nhe eſſeme es vs yums no eſakumme ßat-
EvEp1587_129_3cys / aeſto es by py yums.
EvEp1587_129_4@v{Die Epiſtel am heiligen Pfingſta-}
EvEp1587_129_5@v{ge / Actorum 2. cap.}
EvEp1587_129_6VNde khad thäs pecedeſmettes denes bi pepuel-
EvEp1587_129_7dites / bye the wueſſe wenlydtczyge kopan.
EvEp1587_129_8Vnde tur noticka pepeeſche wena ruuckſchen
EvEp1587_129_9no debbes / Jten kha wene warrene wheye / vnde pe-
EvEp1587_129_10pueldye to wueſſe Namme / kur the ſeedeeye. Vnde
EvEp1587_129_11tappe redtceetz py thems dallites mheles / Jten kha
EvEp1587_129_12buute the vggenige. Vnde thas ſeedaas ßöw vs
EvEp1587_129_13yckwene ſtarpan thems / vnde tappe wueſſe puelne to
EvEp1587_129_14ſweete Garre. Vnde eſake maetcyt ar daſchadims
EvEp1587_129_15mhelims / peetcz to / kha tims tas Gars doeuwe
EvEp1587_129_16Jſtreßeet. Beth tur cziwoye Judde exkan Jeruſa-
EvEp1587_129_17lem / the by{hy} Dewebyataye wyre aran wueſſenadims
EvEp1587_129_18loudims / kattre appeſkan to debbes gir. Khad nu
EvEp1587_129_19ſchis Balxnis noticka / nätce ta doudtcibe{duodtcibe} kopan /
EvEp1587_129_20vnd tappe ſtarpan ßöw jſtruzenate / aeſto yckwens
EvEp1587_129_21czirdeye / ka the ar ßouwe Wallode treßeye. Beth te
EvEp1587_129_22Jſſabyas ßöw wueſſe / vnd Jßabrinoyas ßöw / vnde
EvEp1587_129_23ßatcy ſtarpan ßöw / Rougeth / nhe gir ſche wueſſe /
EvEp1587_129_24kattre tur treſſe / aran Galilea ? ka czirdam mhes
EvEp1587_129_25tad / yckwens ßouwe wallode / kur mhes exkan czim-
EvEp1587_130_1muſſche eſſem. Parther vnd Meder / vnd Elamiter /
EvEp1587_130_2vnde kattre mhes cziwoyam exkan Meſopotamia /
EvEp1587_130_3vnde exkan Judea vnd Capadocia / Ponto vnd
EvEp1587_130_4Aſia / Phrygia vnde Pamphilia / Egypten / vnd py
EvEp1587_130_5tems eſſzams / to Libien / py Cyrenen / vñ Sweſſche-
EvEp1587_130_6neke no Rome / Judde vnde Juddeloudes / Kreter
EvEp1587_130_7vnd Araber / mhes czirdam thös ar muſſims mhe-
EvEp1587_130_8lims / tös leles Dewe darbes treßotes.
EvEp1587_130_9The Jſſabyas ßöw / wueſſe / vnde jſſabrinoyas
EvEp1587_130_10ßöw / vnd ßatcy wens vs to Otre / kas grib tas
EvEp1587_130_11buuth ? Beth te citte apmhedidamme vnd ßatcy / the
EvEp1587_130_12gir tho ßalde wine puelne.
EvEp1587_130_13@v{Euangelium am heilgen Pfing-}
EvEp1587_130_14@v{ſtage / Johan. 14. cap.}
EvEp1587_130_15JEſus adbildey / vnde ßatcy vs to / kas man
EvEp1587_130_16miloy / tas manne wärde thurrees / vnde
EvEp1587_130_17mans Thews to mylees / vnde mhes py tho
EvEp1587_130_18nacyſem. Beth kas man nhe myloy / tas nhe tur
EvEp1587_130_19manne wärde. Vnde to wärde / kattre yuus czir-
EvEp1587_130_20daat / nhe gir mans/ beth tha Thewe / katters man
EvEp1587_130_21ßuutys gir.
EvEp1587_130_22Tades wärdes eſſeme es vs yums treßeys / ti-
EvEp1587_130_23ckilge ka es py yums buewis eſme. Beth tas Epre-
EvEp1587_130_24cetais / tas ſweetcz Gars / kattre mans Thews ßuu-
EvEp1587_130_25tys exkã manne wärde / tas patcz yums wueſſe lethe
EvEp1587_131_1maetcys / vnde yums peminnees wueſſe to / ka es
EvEp1587_131_2yums ßatcys eſſeme.
EvEp1587_131_3To Mere atſthayo es yums/ manne Mere
EvEp1587_131_4dome es yums / nhe ka tha Paſſoule dode / dome es
EvEp1587_131_5yums. Juuſe Syrdtcz nhe iſtruczenas / vnde nhe
EvEp1587_131_6jsbyſtas ßöw. Juus eſſeth czirdeiſſche / ka es yums
EvEp1587_131_7ßatcys eſſeme / Es no emo vnde nako atkal py yums.
EvEp1587_131_8Thurreete yuus man myle / thad yuus tapte lyxme /
EvEp1587_131_9ka es ßatcys eſſeme / Es emo py Thewe / aeſto thas
EvEp1587_131_10Thews / gir lelaax neeka es. Vnde nu eſſeme es to
EvEp1587_131_11yums ßatcys / pirms tas noteke / aeſto kad tas nu
EvEp1587_131_12notitczys / ka yuus titczath. Es nu Joproiam nhe
EvEp1587_131_13wayrs ar yums treßeeſcho.
EvEp1587_131_14Aeſto tas Kunx ſchäs Paſſoules nake / vnde
EvEp1587_131_15tham nee gir neeneke py man. Beth ka ta Paſſoule
EvEp1587_131_16atßyſth ka es to Thewe myley / vnd ka es tha dar /
EvEp1587_131_17kha man tas Thews boußlis gir.
EvEp1587_132_1@v{Die Epiſtel am Pfingſtmontage /}
EvEp1587_132_2@v{Actorum 10. cap.}
EvEp1587_132_3VNde tas gir mums paweleys maetczyt tös
EvEp1587_132_4loudes / vnde ledtczybe doth / ka thas gir licktz
EvEp1587_132_5no Dewe / wens Szoige pär cziwems vnd
EvEp1587_132_6nomuerruſſchems. Schim dode wueſſe Prophetes
EvEp1587_132_7ledtczybe / czour winge Wärde / wueſſe kattre exkan
EvEp1587_132_8ko tytcze / pammeſſchen thös greekes dabbauuth
EvEp1587_132_10Kad Petrus whel ſchos wärdes treſſey / kritte
EvEp1587_132_11tas ſweetcz Gars vs wueſſems tems / kattre to
EvEp1587_132_12wärde czirdeeye. Vnde te Titczige aran tho abgre-
EvEp1587_132_13ſchenne / kattre ar Petro nakuſſche by / yſtrukas jeb
EvEp1587_132_14ysbyas ßöw / ka arridtczã vs tims pagane loudims /
EvEp1587_132_15tas Dawans ta ſweete Garre Jſledtcz thappe.
EvEp1587_132_16Aeſto the czirdeye / ka te ar mhelims treſſey / vnd
EvEp1587_132_17Dewe auxte patteitcze. Tad adbildey Petrus / war
EvEp1587_132_18arridtczan wens to Vdenne ays leckt / ka ſche chru-
EvEp1587_132_19ſtyte nhe tapte / kattre to ſweete Garre dabbuiſſche
EvEp1587_132_20gyr / lydtcz kha arridczan mhes ? Vnde pawheleye
EvEp1587_132_21tös chruſtyt / exkan ta wärde tho Kunge.
EvEp1587_132_22@v{Euangelium am Pfingſtmontage /}
EvEp1587_132_23@v{Johan. 13. cap.}
EvEp1587_133_1THa gir Dews to Paſſoule pemileys / ka thas
EvEp1587_133_2ßouwe wenige Dhele doeuwe / ka wueſſe the
EvEp1587_133_3kattre exkan to titcz / nhe thope paſſuſte / beth
EvEp1587_133_4to mußige cziwoſchenne dabbu. Aeſto Dews nhe
EvEp1587_133_5gir ßouwe Dhele ßutis exkan tho Paſſoule / ka thas
EvEp1587_133_6to Paſſoule ßode / beth ka ta Paſſoule czour to ſweete
EvEp1587_133_7thope. Kas exkan to titcz / tas nhe taps ßodytz.
EvEp1587_133_8Beth kas nhe titcz / tas gir yow noßodytz / aeſto thas
EvEp1587_133_9nhe titcz exkan to wärde tha wenyge peczimpte
EvEp1587_133_10Dewe Dhele.
EvEp1587_133_11Beth ta gir ta Szodibe / ka ta Gaiſme exkan to
EvEp1587_133_12Paſſoule nakuſſe gir / vnde te Czilwheke pemileye
EvEp1587_133_13to tumpßibe wairack / neeka to Gaiſme / aeſto winge
EvEp1587_134_1darbe by loune. Kas loune dar / tas enide to Gaiſ-
EvEp1587_134_2me / vnde nhe nake py tho Gaiſme / ka wynge darbe
EvEp1587_134_3nhe thope ßodite / Beth kas teſcham dar / tas nake py
EvEp1587_134_4to Gaiſme / ka winge darbe ßinnamme thope / aeſto
EvEp1587_134_5the gir exkan Dewe darryte.
EvEp1587_134_6@v{Die Epiſtel am Pfingſtdinſtage}
EvEp1587_134_7@v{Actorum 8. cap.}
EvEp1587_134_8BEth kad te Apoſtele czirdeey exkan Jeruſalem /
EvEp1587_134_9ka Samaria to Dewe wärde vs yemuſſche
EvEp1587_134_10by / Szuuty the py tems Petrum vnde Johan-
EvEp1587_134_11nem / kattre / kad the ſemmen nätce / luudtcze the pär
EvEp1587_134_12thems / ka the to ſweete Garre dabbuthe. Aeſto thas
EvEp1587_134_13by whel vs neewene krittis / Beth by wen Chruſty-
EvEp1587_134_14te exkan tho wärde Chriſti Jeſu / Tad licka the thäs
EvEp1587_134_15Rokes vs thems / vnde the dabbuy to ſweete Garre.
EvEp1587_134_16@v{Euangelium am Pfingſtdinſtage /}
EvEp1587_134_17@v{Johannis / 10. cap.}
EvEp1587_134_18PAtteſe / patteſe Es ßack yums / kas czour to
EvEp1587_134_19Durwe nhe e eth / exkan to Auwekuute / beth
EvEp1587_134_20kape czittur exkan / tas gir wens Sagglis
EvEp1587_134_21vnde Szlepkows. Beth tas / kas czour to Durwe
EvEp1587_134_22e eth / tas gir wens Gans / tho Aweyo. Tham
EvEp1587_134_23pattim attwherre tas Durwe ßarx / vnde the auwes
EvEp1587_135_1czirde winge Balexne. Vnde thas ßoudtcze ßouwes
EvEp1587_135_2pa wärdam / vnde Jſwhedde tös. Vnde kad thas
EvEp1587_135_3ßouwes Auwes gir yſlaidis / no edth thas prexkan
EvEp1587_135_4tems / vnde the auwes ſtaiga tham peetcz / aeſto the
EvEp1587_135_5paßyſth winge Balexne. Beth wenam Sweſſcham
EvEp1587_135_6nhe ſtaiga the peetcz / beth ſkrey no tho / aeſto the nhe
EvEp1587_135_7paſiſth tho Sweſſche balexne. Scho lydtczybe
EvEp1587_135_8ßatcy Jeſus vs tems / Beth the nhe ßappratte / kas
EvEp1587_135_9tas by / ka thas vs tems treßey.
EvEp1587_135_10Tad ßatcy Jeſus atkal vs tems / patteſe /
EvEp1587_135_11patteſe / es ßacke yums / Es eſme ta Durwis py
EvEp1587_135_12tems Auwems. Wueſſe kattre prexkan man na-
EvEp1587_135_13kuſſche gir / te gir Saggle vnde Szlepkouwe bue-
EvEp1587_135_14wuſſche. Beth the Auwes nhe gir thos kloußiſche.
EvEp1587_135_15Es eſme ta Durwis / kad kas czour man e edth / tas
EvEp1587_136_1thope ſweetcz. Vnde tas e eſe vnde js eſe{e ſe} / vnde gan-
EvEp1587_136_2nibe attras. Wens Saglis nhe nake czite peetcz /
EvEp1587_136_3ka wen / ka thas ſooge / noßnoudtcze vnde nomaetcze.
EvEp1587_136_4Es eſme nätczis / ka thems to cziwybe puelnibe vnde
EvEp1587_136_5to gaußybe dabbuut buus.
EvEp1587_136_6@v{Die Epiſtel am tage der heiligen}
EvEp1587_136_7@v{Dreyfaltigkeit Röm. 11. cap.}
EvEp1587_136_8O Kada wena czillibe thäs Bagatibes / lidtcz
EvEp1587_136_9thäs Guddribes / vnde Dewe atßiſchennes.
EvEp1587_136_10Ka wueſtim neeaptweryamme gir winge ßo-
EvEp1587_136_11dibe / vnde nhe jſwaytczaiamme gir winge Czelle.
EvEp1587_136_12Aeſto kas gir ta Kunge prathe atßinnis ? Jeb kas
EvEp1587_136_13gir winge Paddome doeuwetays buewys ? Jeb kas
EvEp1587_136_14gir tham ko papreſche doeuwis / ka tas tham tapte
EvEp1587_136_15atkal atmackſatz ? Aeſto no tho / vnde czour tho / vnde
EvEp1587_136_16exkan tho / gir wueſſa letha / tam gir Goodtz mußige /
EvEp1587_136_18@v{Euangelium am tage der heiligen}
EvEp1587_136_19@v{Dreyfaltigkeit / Johan. 3. cap.}
EvEp1587_136_20BEth tur by wens Czilwhex ſtarpan tems
EvEp1587_136_21Phariſeerems / ar wärde Nicodemus / wens
EvEp1587_136_22wuerßenex ſtarpan tems Judde loudems / tas
EvEp1587_136_23nätce py Jeſu py to Nackte / vnd ßatcy vs to / Meiſter.
EvEp1587_137_1Mhes ßinnam / ka tu es wens Maetcetays no
EvEp1587_137_2Dewe nätcys / aeſto neewens war täs Symes dar-
EvEp1587_137_3ryth{dyth} / kattres tu dar / Dews gir tad ar to.
EvEp1587_137_4Jeſus adbildey vnde ſatcy vs to / patteſe / patteſe /
EvEp1587_137_5es ßack thöw / tas gir tad / ja wens no joune pe-
EvEp1587_137_6czimptz nhe thope / nhe war tas to Dewe Walſtibe
EvEp1587_137_7redtczeeth. Nicodemus ßatcy vs tho / ka war wens
EvEp1587_137_8Czilwhex peczimptz tapt / kad thas whetcz gir / war
EvEp1587_137_9thas arridtczan atkal exkan ßouwe Mathe Meße
EvEp1587_137_10edth / vnde peczimptz tapt ? Jeſus adbildey / patteſe /
EvEp1587_137_11patteſe / es ßack thöw / Tas gir tad ja nee wens pe-
EvEp1587_137_12czimptz thope aran to Vdenne vnde Garre / thad nee
EvEp1587_137_13war thas exkan to Dewe walſtibe naackt. Katteers
EvEp1587_137_14no Meße peczimptz thope / ta gir Meßa / vnde
EvEp1587_137_15katteers no Garre peczimptz thope / tas gir Gars.
EvEp1587_138_1Nhe yßabrinoyes{yßabri noyes} / ka es thöw ßatcys eſſeme /
EvEp1587_138_2jums buus no joune peczimptims tapt. Tas
EvEp1587_138_3Wheis puuſche kur tas grib / vnde tu czirde ganne
EvEp1587_138_4winge kauckſchenne / beth tu nhe ßin / no kurrenes tas
EvEp1587_138_5nake / vnde kurpo tas edth. Ta gir jckwens / katters
EvEp1587_138_6aran to Garre peczimptz gir.
EvEp1587_138_7Nicodemus adbildeye / vnd ßatcy vs to / ka war
EvEp1587_138_8tas notickt / Jeſus adbildey vnd ßatcy vs to / Eße tu /
EvEp1587_138_9wens Meiſters exkan Jſrael / vnde tu nhe ßin to ?
EvEp1587_138_10Patteſe / patteſe / es ßack thöw / mhes treßam ko mhes
EvEp1587_138_11ßinnam / vnde dodam ledtczibe / ko mhes redtczeiſſche
EvEp1587_138_12eſſem / vnde yuus nhe ſayemmath muße lidtczibe.
EvEp1587_138_13Nhe titczath yuus / kad es jums no Semmeſkims
EvEp1587_138_14letims ßacko / ka yuus tad titczeete / kad es yums no
EvEp1587_138_15debbeſkims letims ßatcyte.
EvEp1587_138_16Vnde neewens broudtcze vs debbes / ka wen tas /
EvEp1587_138_17kas no debbeſſe nätczis gir / ar wärde /tha czilwheke
EvEp1587_138_18Dhels / katteers exkan Debbes gir. Vnde lydtcz
EvEp1587_138_19ka Moſes exkan to Tuxniſſe / wene ßcuuſke patcze-
EvEp1587_138_20lis gir / tha buus ta Czilwheke Dhelam patczeltam
EvEp1587_138_21tapt / ka wueſſe / kattre exkan to titcz / nhe thope pa-
EvEp1587_138_22ſuſte / beth to mußige cziwoſchen dabbuu.
EvEp1587_138_23@v{Die Epiſtel am erſten Sontage}
EvEp1587_138_24@v{nach Trinitatis / 1. Johan. 4. cap.}
EvEp1587_139_1DEws gir ta myleſtibe / vnde kas exkan to my-
EvEp1587_139_2leſtibe pallecke / tas pallecke exkan Dewe / vnde
EvEp1587_139_3Dews exkan to. Exkan to gir ta myleſtibe
EvEp1587_139_4puelnige py mums / ka mums wena droſchibe gir / py
EvEp1587_139_5to Dene thäs Szodibes. Aeſto lydtcz ka thas gir /
EvEp1587_139_6tha eſſem mhes arridtczan exkan ſcho Paſſoule.
EvEp1587_139_7Byaſchenne nhe gir exkan to myleſtibe / beth ta puel-
EvEp1587_139_8nige myleſtibe js czen to byaſchen aran / aeſto tay by-
EvEp1587_139_9ſchenne gir bheda. Beth kas ßöw byſthas / tas nhe
EvEp1587_139_10gir pär puelne exkan to myleſtibe.
EvEp1587_139_11Laideth mums to myle thurreet / aeſto thas gir
EvEp1587_139_12mums pirmake myleis. Kad wens ßack / es tur
EvEp1587_139_13Dewe myle / vnde enyde ßouwe Brale / tas gir wens
EvEp1587_139_14Mheelkullis. Aeſto kas ßouwe Brale nhe tur myle /
EvEp1587_139_15kattre thas redtcz / ka war tas Dewe myle thurreet /
EvEp1587_139_16kattre thas nhe reedtcz ? Vnde ſchis Boußlis gir
EvEp1587_139_17mums no wynge/ Aeſto{Aſto} kas Dewe myle tur / thas
EvEp1587_139_18thur arridtczan ßouwe Brale myle.
EvEp1587_139_19@v{Euangelium am erſten Sontage}
EvEp1587_139_20@v{nach Trinitatis / Luc. 16.}
EvEp1587_139_21BEth tur by wens bagaatz wyrs / tas apteerpees
EvEp1587_139_22ßöw ar ſide dreebims / vñ darge linnewadmal-
EvEp1587_139_23le / vñ thas cziwoye yckdennes kaarige vnd exkã
EvEp1587_139_24lyxmibe. Beth tur by wens Nabbax Wyrs / ar wärde
EvEp1587_139_25Lazarus / tas gulley preſchan winge durwe puelns
EvEp1587_139_26wahtes vnde egribbeyas ßöw pe ehdenams no tims
EvEp1587_140_1druſkims / katrre no tha bagathe Wyre galde krytte /
EvEp1587_140_2tomher nätce te Szunnis vnde laiſye winge wa-
EvEp1587_140_3thes. Beth tas notickas / ka tas Nabbax muerre /
EvEp1587_140_4vnde tappe neſtz no tims Engelims / exkan Abra-
EvEp1587_140_5ham kleepe. Beth tas baggatz nomuerre arridt-
EvEp1587_140_6czan / vnde tappe apracktz.
EvEp1587_140_7Kad thas nu exkan to Helle / vnde exkan to
EvEp1587_140_8moke by / czele thas ßouwes atcees auxam / vnd redt-
EvEp1587_140_9czey Abraham no talene / vnd Lazarumme exkan
EvEp1587_140_10winge Kleepe / ßoutce vnde ßatcy / Thews Abraham
EvEp1587_140_11abßeelo thöw mannis / vnde ſuute Lazarum / ka thas
EvEp1587_140_12to puerſte galle exkan vdenne emhertcze / vnde czeſſe-
EvEp1587_140_13na manne mhele / aeſto es czeſcho lelas mokas exkan
EvEp1587_140_14ſcho vggunne leſme. Beth Abraham ßatcy / Pemin
EvEp1587_140_15Dhels ka tu touwe labbumme dabbuis eſſe exkan
EvEp1587_141_1touwe cziwibe / vnde Lazarus tur prettibe gir to
EvEp1587_141_2loune dabbuys. Beth nu thope thas eprecenaatz /
EvEp1587_141_3vnde tu thope moetcytz. Vnd pär to wueſſe / gir ſtar-
EvEp1587_141_4pan mums vnde yums wena lela ſtarpybe / ka te /
EvEp1587_141_5kattre tur gribbeete no{noſchennes} ſchennes ſemmen brouckt py
EvEp1587_141_6yums / te nhewar / vnde nedtcz arridtczan no turre-
EvEp1587_141_7nes ſcheit py mums pare brouckt.
EvEp1587_141_8Tad ßatcy thas / Tad ludtcze es thöw Thews /
EvEp1587_141_9ka tu to ßuute exkan manne Thewe Namme / aeſto
EvEp1587_141_10man gir whel pece Brale / ka thas tims Ledtczibe
EvEp1587_141_11dode / ka the arridtczan nhe nake exkan ſcho wete täs
EvEp1587_141_12Moczybes : Abraham ßatcy vs to / thems gir Mo-
EvEp1587_141_13ſes vnd the Prophete / layde the tös pattes czirdeeth.
EvEp1587_141_14Beth thas ßatcy / Nhe / Thews Abraham / beth kad
EvEp1587_141_15wens no tims muerronims py thems edthe / tad the
EvEp1587_141_16atſthate no Greekims. Tas ßatcy vs to / Nhe czirde
EvEp1587_141_17the Moſen vnde tös Prophetes / thad the arridtczan
EvEp1587_141_18nhe titczees / kad wens no tims muerronims auxam
EvEp1587_141_20@v{Die Epiſtel am andern Sontage}
EvEp1587_141_21@v{nach Trinitatis / 1. Jon. 3.}
EvEp1587_141_22NHe yſſabrinoyetes yums / manne Brale / khad
EvEp1587_141_23yums ta Paſſoule enyde. Mhes ßinnam / ka
EvEp1587_141_24mhes aran to Nawe exkan to Cziwoſchenne
EvEp1587_141_25nakuſſche eſſem / aeſto mhes thurram myle tös
EvEp1587_142_1Brales. Kas to Brale nhe tur myle / tas palleck
EvEp1587_142_2exkan to Nawe. Kas ßouwe Brale enide / tas gir
EvEp1587_142_3wens nokouweys. Vnde yuus ßinneth / ka wenam
EvEp1587_142_4Nokouweyam / nhe gir tha mußige cziwoſchenne py
EvEp1587_142_5ßöw pallekamme.
EvEp1587_142_6Py to eſſem mhes atßinnuſſche to mylleeſtibe /
EvEp1587_142_7ka thas ßouwe cziwybe pär mums doeuwis gir /
EvEp1587_142_8vnde mums buus arridtczan to cziwybe par tims
EvEp1587_142_9Bralims doth. Beth kad wenam ſchäs paſſoules
EvEp1587_142_10baggatibe gir / vnde redtcz ßouwe Brale bhedes cze-
EvEp1587_142_11ſchote vñ ays ßledtcze ßouwe ßirde prexkã to / ka pal-
EvEp1587_142_12leck ta Dewe myleſtibe py tho ? Manne Bherninge
EvEp1587_142_13nhe laideth mums myle thurreet ar wärdims / nedtcz
EvEp1587_142_14ar tho Mhele / beth ar to darbe vnde ar to tayſnibe.
EvEp1587_142_15@v{Euangelium am andern Sontage}
EvEp1587_142_16@v{nach Trinitatis. Luc. 14. cap.}
EvEp1587_142_17BEth thas ßatcy vs to / tur by wens Czilwhex
EvEp1587_142_18tas darrye wene lele wackarre ehdene / vñ ayt-
EvEp1587_142_19czenaye doudtcze tur kläth. Vnde js ſuutye
EvEp1587_142_20ßouwe kalpe / py to ſtunde tho wackarre ehdene / tims
EvEp1587_142_21aytcenatims ßatcyth nätcet / aeſto wueſſe lethe gir
EvEp1587_142_22ßattaiſyte. Vnde the eßake wueſſe / wens peetcz to
EvEp1587_142_23otre / ßöw adbildeetes. Tas pirmays ßatcy vs tho /
EvEp1587_142_24Es eſſeme wene Tyrumme pyrtczis / vnde man buus
EvEp1587_142_25js edth / vnd to aproudtczyt / es ludtce thöw / ays bilde
EvEp1587_143_1man. Vnde tas oters ßatcy es eſme pece yuge
EvEp1587_143_2Weerſche pyrtczis / vnde es no emo tagedine / thos
EvEp1587_143_3aproudtczit / Es ludtcze thöw aysbilde man. Vnd
EvEp1587_143_4tas treſſchais ßatcy / Es eſme wene Sewe yemis /
EvEp1587_143_5tapeetcz nhe war es näckt.
EvEp1587_143_6Vnd tas Kalps nätce / vnde atßatcy to ßouwam
EvEp1587_143_7kungam. Tad tappe tas Nammekunx duſmyx / vnd
EvEp1587_143_8ßatcy vs ßouwe kalpe / js ey pepeſche wuerßon tems
EvEp1587_143_9czellems vnde eleems thäs Pillis / vnd ewed tös nab-
EvEp1587_143_10bages / vnd kropls / vñ tiſlees / vñ ackles / ſcheit exkan.
EvEp1587_143_11Vnd tas Kalps ßatcy / kunx / tas gir notitczis / ko
EvEp1587_143_12tu pawheleis eſſe / beth tur gir whel wayrs wete. Vñ
EvEp1587_143_13tas Kunx ßatcy vs to Kalpe / js ey wuerßon tems
EvEp1587_143_14Semme elems vnd py tems Szeetems vnde ſpede
EvEp1587_144_1thos ſcheit exkan näckt / ka mans Nams puelns
EvEp1587_144_2thope. Beth es ßacke yums / ka te Wyre / kattre ayt-
EvEp1587_144_3czenate gir / neewens manne Wackarre ehdene{edhene}
EvEp1587_144_5@v{Die Epiſtel am dritten Sontage}
EvEp1587_144_6@v{nach Trinitatis / 1. Pet. 5.}
EvEp1587_144_7THa ſemmoyates yums nu appeſkan to ſpeet-
EvEp1587_144_8czyge Dewe Roke / ka thas yums paauxtena
EvEp1587_144_9ßouwan laykan. Wueſſe yuuſſe Gadybe
EvEp1587_144_10mettet vs tho / aeſto thas gada par yums.
EvEp1587_144_11Eſſeth gaddige vnde nomodige / aeſto yuuſe Pret-
EvEp1587_144_12tibenex thas Whelns edth apkärth / kha wens ruudt-
EvEp1587_144_13czams Szweers / vnde meckle / kattre thas war ap-
EvEp1587_144_14ryte. Tam ſthaweet ſtippre prettybe. Exkan Tit-
EvEp1587_144_15czybe / vnde ßinnet / ka yuuſe Bralims exkan tho
EvEp1587_144_16Paſſoule / ta patte czeſchenne gir.
EvEp1587_144_17Beth tas Dews wueſſes ßeeleſtibes / kas mums
EvEp1587_144_18aitczenays gir / py ßouwe mußige Godibe exkan
EvEp1587_144_19Chriſto Jeſu / tas patz yums / kattre yuus wene
EvEp1587_144_20maſſe laike czeſchaat / par puelne ßattaiſys / eſtippre-
EvEp1587_144_21naas / ſpeetczige darris / duebbenas / Tam pattim
EvEp1587_144_22gir Goodtcz vnde Warre / no mußige mußam / Amẽ.
EvEp1587_144_23@v{Euangelium am dritten Sontage}
EvEp1587_144_24@v{nach Trinitatis / Luc. 15.}
EvEp1587_145_1BEth wueſſade Muyteneke vnde Greetceneke
EvEp1587_145_2ſteitczes ßöw py to / ka the to czirdeete. Vnd the
EvEp1587_145_3Phariſeer vnde Raxtmaetcetaye kurneye / vnd
EvEp1587_145_4treßey / ſchis vs jem tös greetcenekes / vñ ehde ar tims.
EvEp1587_145_5Beth thas treßey vs tems ſcho Lydtczybe / vnde
EvEp1587_145_6ßatcy / katters Czilwhex gir ſtarpan yums / kattram
EvEp1587_145_7ßumpte Auwes gir / vnd kad thas wene no tims
EvEp1587_145_8paſuude / katteers nhe atſtha / tös doeuwinge / vnd
EvEp1587_145_9doeuwingedeſmettes exkan to Tuxniſſe vnde no edth
EvEp1587_145_10peetcz to paßuſte / tekams ka thas to attrode ? Vnde
EvEp1587_145_11kad thas to attraddis gir / thad leke thas to vs ßouwe
EvEp1587_145_12kammeſe ar Lyxmibe. Vnde kad thas Mayas
EvEp1587_145_13nake / ſaßoutce thas ßouwes drouges / vnde Kaimin-
EvEp1587_145_14ges ßatcydams vs thems / lyxmoyet yuus ar man-
EvEp1587_146_1nim aeſto es eſme manne Auwe attraddis / kattra
EvEp1587_146_2paßuſte by. Es ßack yums / Tha buus arridtczan
EvEp1587_146_3Lyxmibe exkan debbes buuth / pär wene Greedtce-
EvEp1587_146_4neke / katters no greekims admittas / par doeuwinge /
EvEp1587_146_5vnd doeuwinge deſmettes tayſnes / kattrems / tha
EvEp1587_146_6greeke atmitteſchenne nhe gir wayage. Jeb kattra
EvEp1587_146_7Sewe gir tur / kattre deſmette Groſſche gir / kad tha
EvEp1587_146_8no tims wene paſſude / kattra wene Swetcze / nhe
EvEp1587_146_9edegge / vnd mheeſche to Namme / vnde meckle ti-
EvEp1587_146_10ckuſſche / tekams ka tha to attrode ? Vnde kad tha to
EvEp1587_146_11attradduſſche gir / ſaßoutcze tha ßouwes drougay-
EvEp1587_146_12nes vnd kaiminges / ßatczydamma / Lyxmoyeth yuus{yues}
EvEp1587_146_13ar man / aeſto es eſme manne Groſſche atkal attrad-
EvEp1587_146_14duſſe / kattre es paßudduſſe by. Ta arridtczan ßacke
EvEp1587_146_15es yums / buus lyxmibe buuth prexkan tims Dewe
EvEp1587_146_16Engelims / pär wene Greetceneke / katters no gree-
EvEp1587_146_17kyms atſthaias.
EvEp1587_146_18@v{Die Epiſtel am vierden Sontage}
EvEp1587_146_19@v{nach Trinitatis/ Röm. 8. cap.}
EvEp1587_146_20AEſto es titcz / ka ſcha laike czeſchenne täs Godi-
EvEp1587_146_21bes nhe czenige gir / kattra py mums buus redt-
EvEp1587_146_22czeta tapt. Aeſto ta bhedige gaidiſchenne thäs
EvEp1587_146_23raddibes / gaide vs to apſkaidroſchenne tho Dewe
EvEp1587_146_24Beerne. Peetcz to / ka ta Raddibe padhota gir tay
EvEp1587_146_25wheltige lethe / prettibe winge prate / beth tapeetcz /
EvEp1587_147_1kas thos padoeuwis gir / vs czerrybe. Aeſto ar-
EvEp1587_147_2ridtczan ta Raddite lethe ſwabbade tappys / no to
EvEp1587_147_3kalpoſchenne to laykige buuſchenne / vs to godige
EvEp1587_147_4Swabbadibe tho Dewe Bherne. Aeſto mhes ßin-
EvEp1587_147_5nam / ka wueſſa Raddiba ar mums gaide / vnde no-
EvEp1587_147_6puuſchäs / ßöw whel allaßin.
EvEp1587_147_7Vnd nhe wen the / beth mhes paſſche arridtczan /
EvEp1587_147_8kattrims mums gir ta Garre pirmibe / vnde gaidam
EvEp1587_147_9arridtczan py mums / pattims peetcz tho Beernibe /
EvEp1587_147_10vnd gaydam vs mußes Meßes atpeſtiſchennes.
EvEp1587_147_11@v{Euangelium am vierden Sontage}
EvEp1587_147_12@v{nach Trinitas / Luc. 6. cap.}
EvEp1587_147_13TApeetcz eſſeth ßeelige / lydtcz ka arridtczan
EvEp1587_147_14yuuſe Thews ßelix gir / Nhe ßodeth / thad nee
EvEp1587_147_15tapßeeth yuus ßodite. Nhe paſſuddenath.
EvEp1587_147_16tad yus nhe tapſeet paſſuddenate / Pammettet / thad
EvEp1587_147_17taps yums pammeſtcz. Dodeth / thad taps yums
EvEp1587_147_18dhotz. Wens puelns / ßaſpeſtcz vnde pärledtczyx
EvEp1587_147_19Mhers / taps yums exkan yuuſe kleepe dhotz. Aeſto /
EvEp1587_147_20ar tho Mhere / ar kattre yuus Jſmheriſeeth / taps
EvEp1587_147_21yums atkal emherydtcz.
EvEp1587_147_22Vnde thas ßatcy tims wene Lydtczibe / warra ar-
EvEp1587_147_23ridtczan wens acklis wenam acklam to czelle radyth ?
EvEp1587_148_1Nhe ßakryte the abbeduewe exkan to Beddre ?
EvEp1587_148_2Tas maetceklis nhe gir pär ßouwe Meiſter. Kad
EvEp1587_148_3thas maetceklis gir ka winge Meiſters / thad gir tas
EvEp1587_148_4pär puelne. Beth ko redtcze tu wene ßkabbarge
EvEp1587_148_5exkan touwe Brale Atcze / vnde tho Balcke exkan
EvEp1587_148_6touwe / Atcze tu nhe noman ? jeb ka war tu ßatcyt
EvEp1587_148_7vs touwe Brale / thur klus Brale es grib to ßkab-
EvEp1587_148_8barge aran touwe Atcze jswilckt / vnde tu nhe redtcz
EvEp1587_148_9patcz to Balcke exkan touwe Atcze ? Tu Wyltenex
EvEp1587_148_10wheltz papreſche to Balcke aran touwe Atcze / vnde
EvEp1587_148_11peluko tad / ka tu to ßkabbarge aran touwe Brale
EvEp1587_148_12atcze Jſwheltcze.
EvEp1587_148_13@v{Die Epiſtel am fünfften Sontage}
EvEp1587_148_14@v{nach Trinitatis / 1. Pet. 3. cap.}
EvEp1587_149_1BEth eſſeth wueſſenotal wen pratyge / lydtcz-
EvEp1587_149_2czetige / Bralige / Szeelßyrdige / Laipne. Nhe
EvEp1587_149_3atmaxayeth loune ar loune / nedtcz ladiges /
EvEp1587_149_4wärdes ar ladigims wärdims. Beth tur prettibe
EvEp1587_149_5ſwetyet. Vnde ßinnet / ka yuus py to aytcenate
EvEp1587_149_6eſſeth / ka yuus to ſwetumme mantoyeth. Aeſto kas
EvEp1587_149_7cziwoth grib / vnde labbes denes redtczeeth / tas
EvEp1587_149_8kluſſena ßouwe Mhele / ka tha loune neetreß / vnde
EvEp1587_149_9ßouwes Luupes / ka the nhe pewil. Thas atgreßaas
EvEp1587_149_10ßöw no loune / vnde dar to labbe. Tas meckley
EvEp1587_149_11Mere / vnde czennas tay peetcz. Aeſto the Atczes /
EvEp1587_149_12tha Kunge / redtcz vs tems tayſnems / vnde winge
EvEp1587_149_13Außes vs winge Luckſchenne. Beth tas Wayx
EvEp1587_149_14tha Kunge / redtcz vs tems / kattre loune dar.
EvEp1587_149_15Vnde katters gir tur / kas yums loune darryth
EvEp1587_149_16war / khad yuus tam labbam peetcz ſtaygayeth ?
EvEp1587_149_17Vnde jeb yuus arridtczan czeſchat pär to Tayſnybe /
EvEp1587_149_18tad eſſeth yuus tomher ſweete. Beth nhe Jſſabyſte-
EvEp1587_149_19tes yums pär winge lepnoſchenne / vnd nhe jſtrutze-
EvEp1587_149_20nates. Beth ſweetyet Dewam tam Kungam exkan
EvEp1587_149_21yuußims Szyrdims.
EvEp1587_149_22@v{Euangelium am fünfften Sontage}
EvEp1587_149_23@v{nach Trinitatis / Luc. 5.}
EvEp1587_149_24TAs notickas / kad ßöw te loudis py tho ſpe-
EvEp1587_149_25dhes / to Dewe wärde czyrdeeth. Vnde tas
EvEp1587_150_1ſthawey py to Eſſerre Genezareth / vnde redtczeye
EvEp1587_150_2duewe Laywes py to Eſſerre ſthawites / Beth te
EvEp1587_150_3Sweyneke by iſkapuuſſche / vnde maſgaya ßouwes
EvEp1587_150_4Tykles. Kape thas exkan to wene Laywe / kattra
EvEp1587_150_5Simonis by / vnde ludtcze tham / ka thas tho maſſe
EvEp1587_150_6no to Malle no weeſte / vnde thas ßeedas ßöw / vnde
EvEp1587_150_7maetcye tös loudes aran to Laywe.
EvEp1587_150_8Vnde khad thas by mitteis no treſſeſchenne /
EvEp1587_150_9ßatcy thas vs Simon / wedde vs to auxke / vnde jſ-
EvEp1587_150_10mettet yuuſes tykles / ka yuus wene Lome whelkäth.
EvEp1587_150_11Vnde Simon Adbildeye / vnde ßatcy vs to / Meiſter /
EvEp1587_150_12mhes eſſem to wueſſe Nackte ſtradayſche / vnd neeneke
EvEp1587_150_13dabbuiſche. Beth vs touwe Wärde / grib es tho
EvEp1587_151_1Tykle jſmeeſth. Vnde kad the to darrye / abwilcke the
EvEp1587_151_2wene lele kope no Szuewems. Vnde winge Tykle
EvEp1587_151_3ßapplyſe. Vnde the aytczenaye ßouwes drouges /
EvEp1587_151_4kattre exkan to Otre Laywe by / ka the nackte / vnde
EvEp1587_151_5pallydtczeete tims wilckt. Vnde the nätce / vnde pe-
EvEp1587_151_6pueldye abbes Laywes puelne / tha ka the grimme.
EvEp1587_151_7Kad to Simon Petrus redtczeye{redtczye} / kritte thas Jeſu
EvEp1587_151_8py tems czellems / vnde ßatcy / Kunx / Ey no mannim
EvEp1587_151_9aran / es eſme wens greetczyx Czilwhex / aeſto tam
EvEp1587_151_10by wena Jßabyſchenne vs nakuſſe / vnd wueſſims
EvEp1587_151_11kattre ar to by / pär ſcho ßuewe wilckſchenne / kattre
EvEp1587_151_12the kopan darriſche / jeb wilckuſſche by. Ta lydtcz
EvEp1587_151_13arridtczan Jacobum vnd Johannem tims dhelims
EvEp1587_151_14Zebedei / Simonis bedredrougems. Vnde Jeſus
EvEp1587_151_15ßatcy vs Simon / Nhe Jsbyſtes thöw / aeſto peetcz
EvEp1587_151_16ſcho layke / buus thöw Czilwhekes guuſtyth. Vnde
EvEp1587_151_17thas wedde thos Laywes py tho malle jeb ſemmes /
EvEp1587_151_18vnde atſthaye wueße lethe / vnde ſthaygaye tham
EvEp1587_151_20@v{Die Epiſtel am ſechſten Sontage}
EvEp1587_151_21@v{nach Trinitatis / Rom. 6. cap.}
EvEp1587_151_22KA nhe ßinneth yuus / ka wueſſe / kattre mhes exkan
EvEp1587_151_23Jeſum Chriſtũ chruſtyte eſſem / the gyr exkã winge
EvEp1587_152_1Nawe chruſtite. Tha eſſem mhes{mehs} nu ar tho aprack-
EvEp1587_152_2te czour to Chruſtybe exkan to Nawe / aeſto / lydtcz ka
EvEp1587_152_3Chriſtus vs modenaatcz gir no tims muerronims /
EvEp1587_152_4czour to godibe ta Thewe / ta buus mums arrydtczã
EvEp1587_152_5exkan wene joune cziwoſchenne ſthaygath. Beth ka
EvEp1587_152_6mhes nu ar to eſthadyte thopam py lydtcze Nawes /
EvEp1587_152_7thad buus mums arridtczan tay auxkamczelſchenne
EvEp1587_152_8lydtcze buuth / peetcz to / ka mhes ßynnam / ka muße
EvEp1587_152_9wetczyx Czilwhex ar tho Chruſtan ßiſtz gir / ka ta
EvEp1587_152_10greetczige Meße no mittas / ka mhes nu joproyam
EvEp1587_152_11tims Greekims nhe wairs kalpoyam. Aeſto kas
EvEp1587_152_12nomuerris gir / thas gir tayſnootz no tims greekims.
EvEp1587_152_13Beth eſſem mhes ar Chriſto muerruſſche / Tad
EvEp1587_152_14titczam mhes / ka mhes arridtczan ar tho cziwoßem /
EvEp1587_152_15vnde ßinnam / ka Chriſtus no tims muerronims vs
EvEp1587_152_16modenaatz / un nhe wairs muerſt / ta nawe yoproyam
EvEp1587_152_17nhe wairs pär to waldys / aeſto ka thas muerris
EvEp1587_152_18gir / to gir thas to Greeke peetcz muerris / wen kärth /
EvEp1587_152_19beth ka thas cziwo / to cziwo thas Dewam. Tha
EvEp1587_152_20yuus arridtczan / thurreetes yums par tims / ka
EvEp1587_152_21yuus thos Greekes muerruſſche eſſeth / vnd Dewam
EvEp1587_152_22cziwooth / exkan Chriſto Jeſu mußam Kungam.
EvEp1587_152_23@v{Euangelium am ſechſten Sontage}
EvEp1587_152_24@v{nach Trinitatis / Matth. 5.}
EvEp1587_153_1AEſto es ßack yums / tas gir tad / Ja yuuſe Taiſ-
EvEp1587_153_2nibe nhe gir labbaka / nhe ka tho Raxtmaetce-
EvEp1587_153_3tayo vnde Phariſeer / Thad yuus exkan to
EvEp1587_153_4Debbeſſe walſtibe nhe näckßeth.
EvEp1587_153_5Juus eſſeth czirdeiſche / ka vs tems wetczakems
EvEp1587_153_6ſatcytz{ſtatcytz} gir / Töw nhe buus nokowth. Beth kas
EvEp1587_153_7nokow / tas buus tay Szodibe paradan. Beth es
EvEp1587_153_8ßacke yums / kas ar ßouwe Brale{Barle} duſmo / tas gir to
EvEp1587_153_9Szodibe pelnis. Beth kas vs ßouwe Brale ßack /
EvEp1587_153_10Racha / tas gir thäs Runnes parradan. Beth
EvEp1587_153_11kas ßack / tu Jeckis / tas gir to helles vggunne pelnis.
EvEp1587_153_12Tapeetcz kad tu touwe Dawanne wuerßon to
EvEp1587_153_13Altar vppere / vnde tu edoma / ka touwam Bralam
EvEp1587_153_14kaſlab prettibe thöw gir / Tad atſta tur prexkan tho
EvEp1587_154_1Altare touwe dawane / vnde noey papreſche / vnde
EvEp1587_154_2ßalydtczenayes thöw ar touwe Brale / vnde nätce
EvEp1587_154_3tad / vnde vppeere touwe Dawane.
EvEp1587_154_4Eſſe labpratyx touwam prettibenekam driſe /
EvEp1587_154_5tapeetcz ka tu whel ar tho wuerßon to czelle eſſe.
EvEp1587_154_6Ka thöw tas prettibenex / wen kärth nhe nodode
EvEp1587_154_7tham Sogem / vnde thas Szoge nodode thöw tham
EvEp1587_154_8Szullaynam / vnde tu thope exkan to Czetumme
EvEp1587_154_9emheſtz. Es ßack thöw patteſe / tu no turrenes nhe
EvEp1587_154_10Js eſe{e ſe} / tekams ka tu to peedige kouſſe mackßaas.
EvEp1587_154_11@v{Die Epiſtel am ſiebenden Sonta-}
EvEp1587_154_12@v{ge nach Trinitatis / Rom. 6. cap.}
EvEp1587_154_13MAn buus czilwhetczige no to treßeth / thäs
EvEp1587_154_14Wagybes peetcz yuuſes Meßes. Lydtcze ka
EvEp1587_154_15yuus yuuſes Lootczekles / paddoeuwuſſche
EvEp1587_154_16eſſeth / py kalpoſchenne thas neſkyſtibes / vnde no
EvEp1587_154_17wene neetaiſnybe py to otre / Tha paddodeth nu
EvEp1587_154_18arridtczan yuuſes Lodtczeklees py kalpoſchenne
EvEp1587_154_19thay Taiſnybe / ka the ſweete thope. Aeſto kad yuus
EvEp1587_154_20thos greekes kalpe byet / tad byet yuus ſwabbade / no
EvEp1587_154_21tho Taiſnybe / kas by yums tad py to laike par augle /
EvEp1587_154_22kattre Juus nu kounates ? aeſto tas gals tho patte
EvEp1587_154_23gir ta Nawe. Beth ka yuus nu no tims Greekims
EvEp1587_154_24ſwabbade eſſeth / vnde Dewe kalpe tappuſſche{tuppuſſche} / gir
EvEp1587_154_25yums yuuſe augle / ka yuus ſweete thopet / Beth
EvEp1587_155_1tas Gals gir ta mußige cziwoſchenne. Aeſto / ta
EvEp1587_155_2Nawe gir tho Greeke alga / Beth tas Dewe dawans
EvEp1587_155_3gir ta mußige cziwoſchenne exkan Chriſto Jeſu
EvEp1587_155_4mußam Kungam.
EvEp1587_155_5@v{Euangelium am ſiebenden Sonta-}
EvEp1587_155_6@v{ge nach Trinitatis / Marci 8. cap.}
EvEp1587_155_7PY to layke / kad tur doudtcze loudes by / vnde
EvEp1587_155_8tems nhe by ya ehde / ßoutcze Jeſus ßouwes
EvEp1587_155_9Maetcekles py ßöw / vnd ßatcy vs tems / man
EvEp1587_155_10gir to louſcho ßeele / aeſto the gir nu tris denes py mã
EvEp1587_156_1pallickuſſche / vnde thems nhe gir neeneke yaehde.
EvEp1587_156_2Vnde kad es thos Jßalcktes no man lickte mayaas
EvEp1587_156_3edth / thad the wuerßon tho czelle / badde nomuerte /
EvEp1587_156_4aeſto czitte by no thalenes nakuſſche.
EvEp1587_156_5Wynge Maetcekle adbildey tham / kur yemmam
EvEp1587_156_6mhes ſcheitan / mayſes exkan to Tuxniſſe / ka mhes
EvEp1587_156_7thos pe ehdenam ? Vnde thas youtaye tems / czeke
EvEp1587_156_8Mayſes gir yums ? The ßatcye / Septinge. Vnde
EvEp1587_156_9thas pawheley thems loudems / ka the ßöw wuerßon
EvEp1587_156_10to Semme paſhedeete. Vnde thas yeme thos Sep-
EvEp1587_156_11tinge Mayſes / vnde patteitcze / vnde pär louſe thos /
EvEp1587_156_12vnde doeuwe thos ßouwims Maetceklims / ka the
EvEp1587_156_13thos pattes preſchan lickte / vnde the licke thos tems
EvEp1587_156_14loudems preſchan / vnde thems by maſe Szuewetin-
EvEp1587_156_15ge / vnde thas patteitcze / vnd pawheley thos pattes
EvEp1587_156_16arridtczan preſchan neſt. Beth the ehde / vnde tappe
EvEp1587_156_17pe eduſſche / vnde yeme thos pär atlicktes druſkas
EvEp1587_156_18auxam / Septinge kurwes / vnde tho by py czettre
EvEp1587_156_19tuxtoſche / kattre tur ehduſſche by. Vnde thas palay-
EvEp1587_156_20de thos no ßöwim.
EvEp1587_156_21@v{Die Epiſtel am achten Sontage}
EvEp1587_156_22@v{nach Trinitatis / Rom. 8.}
EvEp1587_156_23THa eſſem mhes nu / mylige Brale / parradene-
EvEp1587_156_24ke / nhe thay Meße / ka mhes peetcz to Meße
EvEp1587_156_25cziwoyam / aeſto kad yuus peetcz tho Meße
 @b{cziwoßeth /}
EvEp1587_157_1cziwoßeth / thad yuus muerßeth. Beth kad yuus
EvEp1587_157_2czour to Garre thäs Meßes darryſchenne ſchlapee-
EvEp1587_157_3ſeth / thad yuus cziwoſeth. Aeſto kattres tas
EvEp1587_157_4Dewe Gars czen / the gir Dewe Beerne. Aeſto
EvEp1587_157_5yuus nhe eſſeth nhe wene kalpyge Garre dabbuyſche /
EvEp1587_157_6ka yuus yums atkal Jsbites buus. Beth yuus
EvEp1587_157_7eſſeth wene beernige Garre dabbuyſche / czour kattre
EvEp1587_157_8mhes ßoutczam / Abba myleys Thews. Tas patcz
EvEp1587_157_9Gars dode mußam Garram ledtczibe / ka mhes
EvEp1587_157_10Dewe Beerne eſſem / Eſſem mhes thad Beerne /
EvEp1587_157_11tad eſſem mhes arridtczan Manteneke / ar wärde
EvEp1587_157_12Dewe manteneke / vnde lydtcz manteneke Chriſti /
EvEp1587_157_13Ja mhes czittade lydtcze czetißem / vnd ka mhes ar-
EvEp1587_157_14ridtczan lydtcz py Godibes paauxtenate thopam.
EvEp1587_157_15@v{Euangelium am achten Sontage}
EvEp1587_157_16@v{nach Trinitatis / Matth. 7. cap.}
EvEp1587_157_17SZargates yums par tims wiltigims Prophe-
EvEp1587_157_18tims kattre exkan Auwe drebims py yums
EvEp1587_157_19nake / Beth eſkige gir the pleeſige Wuelke. Py
EvEp1587_157_20winge auglims buus yums thos atßyth. War ar-
EvEp1587_157_21ridtczan Wyne oges laſſyth no tims Ehrſcheko-
EvEp1587_157_22kims ? Jeb Vyge oges no tims dadczims ? Aeſto / yck-
EvEp1587_157_23wens labs Köx neeſſe labbes augles. Beth wens
EvEp1587_157_24ßappuwys kokes / neß lounes augles. Wens labs
EvEp1587_157_25köx neewar lounes augles neſth. Vnde wens ßap-
EvEp1587_158_1puwis köx / nhe war labbes augles neſth. Jckwens
EvEp1587_158_2köx katters labbes augles neenees / thope noczirſtcz /
EvEp1587_158_3vnde exkan to vggunne mheſtcz.
EvEp1587_158_4Tapeetcz py winge auglims buus yums thos
EvEp1587_158_6Nhe wueſſe te / kattre vs man ßack / kunx / kunx /
EvEp1587_158_7exkan to Debbeſſe walſtibe nätczys / Beth te / kattre
EvEp1587_158_8to praate dar / manne Thewe exkã debbes. Doudtcze
EvEp1587_158_9vs man ßatcys winian denan / Kunx / Kunx / Nhe
EvEp1587_158_10eſſem mhes exkan touwe wärde Whelnes Js czin-
EvEp1587_158_11nuſſche nhe eſſem mhes exkan touwe wärde doudtze
EvEp1587_158_12brinummes darriſche. Thad es vs tems ßatcyſchu /
EvEp1587_158_13Es nhe eſme yuus whel neewene kärth adßinnis /
EvEp1587_158_14atſthayetes wueſſe no man yuus loune darretaye.
EvEp1587_159_1@v{Die Epiſtel am neunden Sonta-}
EvEp1587_159_2@v{ge nach Trinitatis / 1. Corinth. 10. cap.}
EvEp1587_159_3BEth tas gir mums par preſche ſime notitczis /
EvEp1587_159_4ka mhes mums nhe ekaarotes lekam tho lou-
EvEp1587_159_5ne / lydtcz ka winge ekaroyas. Nhe thopeth
EvEp1587_159_6arridtczan Elkedewyge / lydtcz kha czitte no win-
EvEp1587_159_7gems tappe / ka tur raxtytz ſthawe / Te loudis paſee-
EvEp1587_159_8dhas ßemmen py eeſchennes vnde py czerſchennes /
EvEp1587_159_9vnde czeelees auxkam py meßloſchennes. Nhe lay-
EvEp1587_159_10deth mums arridtczan nee wene Mouczybe czyth /
EvEp1587_159_11kha czitte no wingems Mouczybe czinne / vnd krytte
EvEp1587_159_12vs wene dene Duewedeſmette / vnde tris tuux-
EvEp1587_159_13toſche. Beth nhe laydeth mums arridtczan Chri-
EvEp1587_159_14ſtum kärdenath / Ka czitte no tims to kärdenaye{kärdenye} / vnde
EvEp1587_159_15tappe no tims Ozims jeb czuuſkims nomackte. Nhe
EvEp1587_159_16kurneth arridtczan / lydtcz ka czitte no tims kurneye /
EvEp1587_159_17vnd tappe nomaeckte czour to Nomaetcetaye.
EvEp1587_159_18Schis noticke wueſſe wynggims par preſche
EvEp1587_159_19ſime. Beth tas gir raxtytz mums par peminnee-
EvEp1587_159_20ſchenne / vs kattrims tas gals thäs Paſſoules
EvEp1587_159_21nätcis gir. Tapeetcz / kas tur doma / ka thas
EvEp1587_159_22ſthawe / tas war labbe peroudtczyth / ka thas nhe
EvEp1587_159_23kryte. Tur nhe gir whel neewena / ka wen Czil-
EvEp1587_159_24wheke kärdenaſchenne pär yums nakuſſe. Beth
EvEp1587_159_25Dews gir petitczyx / katters yums nhe leke kär-
EvEp1587_159_26denath / par yuuſe warreſchenne / Beth dar ta / ka ta
EvEp1587_160_1kärdenaſchenne / wene galle yem / ka yuus tho war-
EvEp1587_160_2reth panneſt. Tapeetcz manne mylige / bhetczeth
EvEp1587_160_3no tho Elkedewige / kalpoſchenne.
EvEp1587_160_4@v{Euangelium am neunden Sontage.}
EvEp1587_160_5@v{nach Trinitatis / Luc. 16. cap.}
EvEp1587_160_6BEth thas ßatcy arridtczan vs ßouwems
EvEp1587_160_7Maetceklems / Tur by wens bagaatcz Wyrs /
EvEp1587_160_8tam by wens Nammethurretays / tas tappe
EvEp1587_160_9prexkan tho apßatcytz / ka buute thas tham winge
EvEp1587_160_10Paddome Jſpoſtys. Vnde thas aytczenaye to /
EvEp1587_160_11vnde ßatcy vs to / ka czirde es to no thöw ? Dode la-
EvEp1587_160_12gadibe no touwe Nammethurreſchenne / aeſto tu nhe
EvEp1587_160_13war nu yoproiam wens Nammethurretays wayrs
EvEp1587_160_14buuth. Tas Nammethurretays ßatcy py ßöw
EvEp1587_161_1patteme / ko buus man darryth ? Mans Kunx yem
EvEp1587_161_2to Ammatte no man / Rackte es nhe war / tha kou-
EvEp1587_161_3noos es man dedelleeth. Es ßinno gan ko es dar-
EvEp1587_161_4ryth grib / kad es no to Ammatte no celtz thope / ka
EvEp1587_161_5the man exkan ßouwims Nammims e yem.
EvEp1587_161_6Vnde thas ßoutce py ßöw wueſſes parradenekes
EvEp1587_161_7ßouwe Kunge / vnde ßatcy vs tho pirmako. Czicke
EvEp1587_161_8doudtcze eſſe tu mannam kungam parradan ? Thas
EvEp1587_161_9ßatcy / Szumpte mutcze Olie. Vnde thas ßatcy vs
EvEp1587_161_10to / Jem touwe gramatte / ſeedes thöw / vnde raxte
EvEp1587_161_11tudelyne pecedeſmette / peetcz to ßatcy thas vs to
EvEp1587_161_12Otre / Beth tu / Czick doudtcze eſſe tu parradan ?
EvEp1587_161_13Thas ßatcy ßumpte Mhere queſche. Vnd thas
EvEp1587_161_14ßatcy vs tho / Jem touwe Gramatte / vnde raxte
EvEp1587_161_15aſtonedeſmette. Vnd thas Kunx teitcze to neetayſ-
EvEp1587_161_16nige Nammethurretaye / ka tas guddrige darrys by.
EvEp1587_161_17Aeſto te Beerne ſchäs paſſoules gir guddrake / ne ka
EvEp1587_161_18the Beerne thäs gayßibes / exkan ßouwe Radde.
EvEp1587_161_19Vnd es ßack yums arridtczan / darreth yums drou-
EvEp1587_161_20ges / ar to neetayſnige Mammon / kad yuus nu bhe-
EvEp1587_161_21dees czeſchat / ka the yums vs yem exkan to mußige
EvEp1587_161_23@v{Die Epiſtel am zehenden Sonta-{Sonta} }
EvEp1587_161_24@v{ge nach Trinitatis / 1. Corinth. 12. cap.}
EvEp1587_162_1BEth no tims Garrigims dawanims / nhe grib
EvEp1587_162_2es yums mylige Brale paßleept. Juus ßin-
EvEp1587_162_3nath / ka yuus pagane loudis buewuſſche
EvEp1587_162_4eſſeth / vnd eſſeth nogayſche py tems mhemigems El-
EvEp1587_162_5kedewems / kha yuus{yuustad} tad weeſte tappeth. Tapeetcz
EvEp1587_162_6buus yums ßinnath / ka neewens Jeſum no lade /
EvEp1587_162_7katters czour to Dewe Garre treſſe. Vnde neewens
EvEp1587_162_8war Jeſum wene Kunge dheweet / bes wene czour to
EvEp1587_162_9ſweete Garre.
EvEp1587_162_10Tur gir daſſchade dawane / beth tur gir wens
EvEp1587_162_11Gars. Vnde tur gir daſſchade Ammatte / Beth tur
EvEp1587_162_12gir wens Kunx / vnde tur gir daſſchada Speetczybe /
EvEp1587_162_13beth tur gir wens Dews / katters tur ſtrada wueſſes
EvEp1587_162_14lethes exkan{erkan} wueſſims. Exkan yckwene paradhas
EvEp1587_162_15ßöw te Dawane tha Garre / py thäs droudtczibes
EvEp1587_162_16labbummine. Tam wenam thope dodtz czour to Garre /
EvEp1587_162_17ta treßeeſchenne no tho Guddribe. Tam czittam
EvEp1587_162_18thope dodtz ta treßeeſchenne no tho adßiſchenne /
EvEp1587_162_19peetcz tho patte Garre / Czittam ta Titczybe / exkan
EvEp1587_162_20to patte Garre / Czittam Dawane wheſſelle
EvEp1587_162_21darryth / exkan to patte Garre. Czittam Brinumme
EvEp1587_162_22darryth. Czittam Szluddenaſchenne. Czittam
EvEp1587_162_23Garres noſkyrt. Czittam daſchada walloda. Czit-
EvEp1587_162_24tam täs Wallodes yslickt. Beth ſcho wueſſe dar
EvEp1587_162_25tas patz wenyx Gars. Vnde Jſdalle yckwenam to
EvEp1587_162_26Dawane / kha tas grib.
EvEp1587_163_1@v{Euangelium am zehenden Sonta-}
EvEp1587_163_2@v{ge nach Trinitatis / Luc. 19. cap.}
EvEp1587_163_3VNde khad thas tuwe klathe nätce / vs lukoye
EvEp1587_163_4thas to Pille / vnd roudaye pär tho / vñ ßatcy /
EvEp1587_163_5kad tu to ßinnate / thad buute tu py ſcho touwe laike
EvEp1587_163_6arridtczan apdomayſe / kas py touwe Mere wayage
EvEp1587_163_7buute. Beth nu gir tas prexkan touwems atczems
EvEp1587_163_8apßleeptcz. Aeſto tas laix pär thöw nätczys / ka tou-
EvEp1587_163_9we Enaydeneke apkärth thöw / vnd touwe Beerne ar
EvEp1587_163_10thöw / wene ratte pille apkärth thöw ßittys / thöw ap-
EvEp1587_163_11ſeedes / vnd py wueſſems mallems apſpedys / vnd
EvEp1587_163_12thöw gluddenne darrys / vnd neewene ackmenne vs
EvEp1587_163_13tho otre atſthas / tapeetcz / ka tu nhe eſſe adßinnuſſe
EvEp1587_163_14to laike / kattran tu pemeckleeta eſſe. Vnde thas gaya
EvEp1587_164_1exkan to Baſnice / vnde eſaka Js czyth / kattre tur ex-
EvEp1587_164_2kan pärdoeuwe vnde pirka / vnde ßatcy vs tems.
EvEp1587_164_3Tur ſthawe raxtytz / Mans Nams gir wens Ludt-
EvEp1587_164_4czamme Nams / Beth yuus eſſet tho par wene ßlep-
EvEp1587_164_5kouwe beddre darriſche. Vnde maetcye deniſke exkan
EvEp1587_164_6to Baſnice. Beth te Auxtebaſnicekunge vnde Raxt-
EvEp1587_164_7maetcetaye / vnde te Prawake ſtarpan tems lou-
EvEp1587_164_8dems / gadhaye tam peetcz / ka the to nomaackte.
EvEp1587_164_9Vnde nhe attradde ka thems to darryth by. Aeſto
EvEp1587_164_10wueſſe te loudes / pekares tham / vnde czirdeye to.
EvEp1587_164_11@v{Die Epiſtel am eilfften Sontage}
EvEp1587_164_12@v{nach Trinitatis / 1. Corinth. 15.}
EvEp1587_164_13BEth es peminno yums / mylige Brale / tho
EvEp1587_164_14Euangelij / ka es yums paßluddenays eſſeme /
EvEp1587_164_15kattre yuus arridtczan vs yeemuſſche eſſeth /
EvEp1587_164_16exkan kattre yuus arridtczan ſthaweth / czour kattre
EvEp1587_164_17yuus arridtczan ßweete thopet / ka es to yums pa-
EvEp1587_164_18ßluddenays eſſeme / Ja yuus to wen patthureiſche
EvEp1587_164_19eſſeth / tas buthe tad / ka yuus buutet welte titczeiſche.
EvEp1587_164_20Aeſto es eſme yums ßäwiſke doeuwis / kattre es ar-
EvEp1587_164_21ridtczan dabbuys eſme / ka Chriſtus nomuerris gir
EvEp1587_164_22par mußems Greekems / peetcz to Raxte / vnde ka
EvEp1587_164_23thas apracktz gir / vnde ka thas atkal auxkam czeeles
EvEp1587_164_24gir / tan treſſchan denan / peetcz to Raxte. Vnde ka
EvEp1587_164_25thas gir redtſheetcz taptz no Kephas / peetcz to no
 @b{tims /}
EvEp1587_165_1tims duewepaddeſmettims. Peetcz to gir thas red-
EvEp1587_165_2ſhetz taptz / wairack nhe ka no peceßumptims Bra-
EvEp1587_165_3lims wenan kaartan / to paſſche whel doudcze cziwo /
EvEp1587_165_4beth czitte gir apgulluſſche. Peetcz to gir thas red-
EvEp1587_165_5ſhetz taptz no Jacobo. Turpeetcz no wueſſims
EvEp1587_165_7Wueſſe peedige peetcz wueſſems / gir thas ar-
EvEp1587_165_8ridtczan no{noman} man / kha no wene neelaikyge czimptibe
EvEp1587_165_9redſhetz taptz. Aeſto es eſme tas maßakays ſtarpan
EvEp1587_165_10tems Apoſtelems / katters es nhe czenyx eſme / ka es
EvEp1587_165_11wens Apuſtullis Dhewe. Tapeetcz / ka es to Dewe
EvEp1587_165_12Droudtczibe pulgais eſſeme. Beth no Dewe Szee-
EvEp1587_165_13leſtibe eſme es / kas es eſme / vnde winge ßeeleſtibe py
EvEp1587_165_14man nhe gir whelte buewuuſe. Beth es eſſeme
EvEp1587_165_15doudcze wayrack ſtradays / nhe ka the wueſſe. Beth
EvEp1587_165_16nhe es / beth Dewe ßeeleſtibe / kattra exkan man gir.
EvEp1587_165_17@v{Euangelium am eilfften Sontage}
EvEp1587_165_18@v{nach Trinitatis / Luc. 18. cap.}
EvEp1587_165_19BEth tas ßatcy ßawiſke vs tems / kattre ßöw
EvEp1587_165_20pattems thurreyas / ka the Tayſne by / vnde
EvEp1587_165_21pulgay tös czittes / thade wene Lydtczibe :
EvEp1587_165_22Duewe Czilwheke no gaye auxam / exkan to Baſ-
EvEp1587_165_23nice vs luuckſchennes / Tas wens by wens Phari-
EvEp1587_165_24ſeers / Tas Oters / wens Muitenex. Tas Phari-
EvEp1587_166_1ſeers ſthaweye / vnde ludtcze py ßöw pattim tha : Es
EvEp1587_166_2pateitcze thöw Dews / ka es nhe eſſeme / kha czitte
EvEp1587_166_3loudis / loupetaye / neetaiſnige / loulibes pärlouſetay /
EvEp1587_166_4jeb arridtczan kha ſchis Muitenex. Es gauwe
EvEp1587_166_5duewe kärth exkan tho Neddelle / vnde domo to
EvEp1587_166_6Deſmetto / no wueſſe kas man gir. Vnde thas Mui-
EvEp1587_166_7tenex ſthawey no thalenes / nedtcz gribbey ßouwes
EvEp1587_166_8Atczees czelth vs Debbeſſe / beth ßitte prexkan ßouwe
EvEp1587_166_9kruute / vnde ßatcy / Dews eſſe man Greetczenekam
EvEp1587_166_10ßeelix. Es ßack yums / Schis no gaya ſemmen tayſ-
EvEp1587_166_11nis exkan ßouwe Namme / prexkan winge. Aeſto /
EvEp1587_166_12kas ßöw pattim auxtenayas / tas thope ſemmootcz.
EvEp1587_166_13Vnde kas ßöw pattim ſemmoyas / tas thope paaux-
EvEp1587_167_1@v{Die Epiſtel am zwölfften Sonta-}
EvEp1587_167_2@v{ge nach Trinitatis / 2. Corinth. 3. cap.}
EvEp1587_167_3BEth thada petitczibe gir mums czour Chri-
EvEp1587_167_4ſtum py Dewe / nhe ta / ka mhes ko labbe der-
EvEp1587_167_5ram no mums pattims / tur peminneet / ka no
EvEp1587_167_6mums pattims / Beth Ja mhes ko derram / tas gir
EvEp1587_167_7no Dewe / katters mums arridtczan czeniges darris
EvEp1587_167_8gir / to ammatte pabeickt / thäs Jounes Eſtadiſchen-
EvEp1587_167_9nes / Nhe tho Boußle / beth to Garre. Aeſto tas
EvEp1587_167_10Boußlis nokow / beth tas Gars darre cziwes.
EvEp1587_167_11Beth ka tas Ammatz / katters czour to Bou-
EvEp1587_167_12ßele nokouwe / vnd exkan tims Ackmennims eßimootz
EvEp1587_167_13gir / Skaydribe by / Tha / ka the Beerne Jſrael nhe
EvEp1587_167_14warrey vs lukooth to Wayge Moſi / thäs Skay-
EvEp1587_167_15dribes peetcz winge wayge / kattra tur mittas / ka
EvEp1587_167_16nhe by tad doudtcze wayrack tham Ammattam /
EvEp1587_167_17katteers to Garre dode / ſkaydribe buuth ? Aeſto kha
EvEp1587_167_18nu tas ammatz / katters to paßuſſchenne maetcza
EvEp1587_167_19ſkaydribe gir / Whel doudtcze wayrack gir tham Am-
EvEp1587_167_20mattam / katters to Tayſnibe maetcze / pär warreene
EvEp1587_167_22@v{Euangelium am zwölfften Sonta-{Sonta} }
EvEp1587_167_23@v{ge nach Trinitatis / Marci 12. cap.}
EvEp1587_168_1VNde kad thas atkal Jsgaya / no tims Eßyms
EvEp1587_168_2Tyri vnde Sydon / nätce thas py to Gali-
EvEp1587_168_3leiſche Juure / wueddon ſtarpan tems Eßems
EvEp1587_168_4thos deſmette Pilles. Vnde the neſſe wene kurle py
EvEp1587_168_5to / katters tur mhems by. Vnde the luudtcze to / ka
EvEp1587_168_6thas to Roke vs to lickte. Vnde thas yeme to no
EvEp1587_168_7tims loudimes ßawiſke py malles / vnde licke tam tös
EvEp1587_168_8pyrſtes exkan tims Außims / vnde Js ſplawe / vnde
EvEp1587_168_9ayſkare winge Mhele / vnde redtczey vs tho Debbes /
EvEp1587_168_10no puuthes / vnde ßatcy vs tho / Hephetah / tas gir /
EvEp1587_168_11atwerres thöw. Vnde tudeline atwherees ßöw
EvEp1587_168_12winge Außes / vnde tas Szaytz winges Mheles
EvEp1587_168_13thappe ſwabbadtz / vnde treßey teſcham. Vnde thas
EvEp1587_168_14ayſledtcze tims / thems nhe by to neewenam ßatcyth.
EvEp1587_168_15Beth yo thas to wayraack ayſledtcze / yo the to
EvEp1587_169_1wayraack yſplattye / vnde Jßabrinoyas ßöw / pär to
EvEp1587_169_2warrene lothe / vnde ßatcy : Thas gir wueſſe notal
EvEp1587_169_3lab darrys. Thos Kurles / gir thas czirdames dar-
EvEp1587_169_4rys / vnde thos beſwallodiges / treßames.
EvEp1587_169_5@v{Die Epiſtel am dreyzehenden Son-}
EvEp1587_169_6@v{tage nach Trinitatis / Gal. 3. cap.}
EvEp1587_169_7MYlige Brale / es grib peetcz Czilwheke dabbe
EvEp1587_169_8treßeth. Nhe wens pulga wena Czilwheke
EvEp1587_169_9Eſtadiſchen (kad tha apſtippreeta gir) vnde
EvEp1587_169_10nhe leke tur arridtczan neeneke klathe. Nu gir yo ta
EvEp1587_169_11Szoliſchen Abrahe / vnde wingam Szheklam pe-
EvEp1587_169_12ßatcita. Tas nhe tres / exkan tims Szheklims / kha
EvEp1587_169_13czour doudtcze / beth ka czour{zour} wene. Czour touwe
EvEp1587_169_14Szhekle / katters gir Chriſtus. Beth es ßacke no
EvEp1587_169_15tho / Ta Eſtadiſchenne / kattra no Dewe papreſche
EvEp1587_169_16apſtipprota gir vs Chriſtum / nhe thope jſardyta / ka
EvEp1587_169_17tay peßatcyſchenne by czour to Boußle mitthet /
EvEp1587_169_18katters tur peetcz dhotz gir par czettreßumpte / vnde
EvEp1587_169_19trisdeſmette gaddems. Aeſto ja ta Beerne man-
EvEp1587_169_20tibe czour to Boußle no pelnita tapte / thad nhe thope
EvEp1587_169_21ta czour to peßatciſchenne dhota.
EvEp1587_169_22Beth Dews gir to Abraham czour to peßat-
EvEp1587_169_23ciſchenne abdawenays. Ko buus tad tam Bouß-
EvEp1587_169_24lam ? Tas gir tur klathe nätczis / to Greeke peetcz /
EvEp1587_169_25tekams ka ta Szekla näckte / Tam kattram ta peßat-
EvEp1587_170_1ciſchenne notickuſſe gir / Vnd gir nodhotz no tims
EvEp1587_170_2Engelims / czour to Roke tha Wueddetaye. Beth
EvEp1587_170_3wens Wueddetays nhe gir wena wenige Wuedde-
EvEp1587_170_4tays / beth Dews gir wenyx. Ka ? Gir tad tas
EvEp1587_170_5Boußlis prettibe Dewe peſſatciſchenne ? Tas gir
EvEp1587_170_6thale. Beth kad tur wens Boußlis dhotz buuthe /
EvEp1587_170_7katters cziwes darryth warrhete / Thad näckte ta
EvEp1587_170_8Taiſnybe teſcham aran to Boußle. Beth te Raxte
EvEp1587_170_9gir to wueſſe apßleeguſſche appeſkan tems Gree-
EvEp1587_170_10kems / ka ta peßatciſchenne näckte / czour to Titczibe
EvEp1587_170_11exkan Chriſto Jeſu / dota tems / kattre tur titz.
EvEp1587_170_12@v{Euangelium am dreyzehenden}
EvEp1587_170_13@v{Sontage nach Trinit. Luc. 10.}
EvEp1587_170_14VNde thas greſhes ßöw py ßouwems Maet-
EvEp1587_170_15ceklems / vnde ßatcy ßawiſke / Sweete gir te
EvEp1587_170_16Atczes / kattre tur reedtcz / ko yuus redtczath /
EvEp1587_170_17Aeſto es ßacke yums / doudtcze Prophetes vnde Kö-
EvEp1587_170_18ninge / gribbey redtczeth / ko yuus redtczath / vnde
EvEp1587_170_19nhe gir redtczeiſche. Vnd czirdeet / ko yuus czirdaath /
EvEp1587_170_20vnde nhe gir czirdeiſche.
EvEp1587_170_21Vnde rouge / tad czhelees wens Raxtmaetce-
EvEp1587_170_22tays auxam / kärdenaye to / vnde ßatcy / Meiſter / ko
EvEp1587_170_23buus man darryth / ka es to mußige Cziwoſchenne
EvEp1587_170_24dabbu / Beth tas ßatcy vs tho / Ka ſthawe exkan
EvEp1587_170_25Boußle raxtytz ? Ka las tu ? Thas adbildey vnde
 @b{ßatcy /}
EvEp1587_171_1ßatcy / Thöw buus Dewe touwe Kunge myleth / no
EvEp1587_171_2wueſſe Szirde / no wueſſe Dwheſelle / no wueſſe
EvEp1587_171_3Speeke / vnde no wueſſe Praate. Vnd touwe Tu-
EvEp1587_171_4wako ka thöw pattim. Beth tas ßatcy vs tho / tu
EvEp1587_171_5eſſe teſcham adbildeys / dar to / thad tu czywos.
EvEp1587_171_6Beth thas gribbeye ßöw pattim tayſnotes /
EvEp1587_171_7vnde ßatcy vs Jeſu / kas gir tad mans Tuwa-
EvEp1587_171_8kays ? Tad adbildeye Jeſus vnde ßatcy / Tur by
EvEp1587_171_9wens Czilwhex / tas jſgaye no Jeruſalem vs
EvEp1587_171_10Jericho / vnde kritte ſtarpan thems Szlepkouwems /
EvEp1587_171_11te jſwilke to / vnde ßitte to / vnd gaya tur noſth / vnde
EvEp1587_171_12atſthaye to pus nomuerruſſche gullite. Beth tas
EvEp1587_171_13leedtczes ßöw no nhe youſche / ka wens Baſnicekunx
EvEp1587_172_1to patte Ele broudtcze / vnde kad thas nätce py
EvEp1587_172_2to wete vnde redtczey to / gay thas zetczen. Ta lydtcz
EvEp1587_172_3arridtczan wens Leuitcz / kad thas nätce py to wete
EvEp1587_172_4vnde redtczeye to / gay tas zetczen.
EvEp1587_172_5Beth wens Samariters broudtcze vnde nätce
EvEp1587_172_6tur. Vnde kad tas to redtczeye / abßeeloy thas to /
EvEp1587_172_7gaye py to / ßaſſeye tham winge Waates / Vnde
EvEp1587_172_8lheye tur exkan Olye vnde Wyne. Vnde licke to vs
EvEp1587_172_9ßouwe Lope. Vnde wedde to exkan to Mayewete /
EvEp1587_172_10vnde glabe tho. Tan Otran denan broudtcze
EvEp1587_172_11thas nhoſt / vnde Jſwilcka duewe Groſſches / vnde
EvEp1587_172_12doeuwe thos tham Szaimenekam / vnde ßatcy vs
EvEp1587_172_13tho. Glabba to / vnde ja tu ko wayrack jſdhos / grib
EvEp1587_172_14es to thöw atmackßat / kad es atkal nackſcho. Kattere
EvEp1587_172_15czerre tu / kas no ſchims trims tas Tuwakays gir
EvEp1587_172_16buewis tham / katteers ſtarpan thems Szlepkou-
EvEp1587_172_17wems kryttis by ? Tas ßatcy / tas / katteers ßeeleſti-
EvEp1587_172_18be py to darrye. Tad ßatcy Jeſus vs tho / Tad no
EvEp1587_172_19ey / vnde dar tha arridtczan.
EvEp1587_172_20@v{Die Epiſtel am vierzehenden Son-{Son /} }
EvEp1587_172_21@v{tage nach Trinitatis / Gal. 5. cap.}
EvEp1587_172_22BEth es ßacko / Staygath exkan Garre / thad
EvEp1587_172_23yuus thas Meßes karibe / nhe pepueldyſeet /
EvEp1587_172_24Aeſto tay Meße ekaras prettibe to Garre /
EvEp1587_172_25vnde tham Garram prettibe to Meße. The paſſche
EvEp1587_173_1gir prettibe wene otre / ka yuus nhe darreth / ko yuus
EvEp1587_173_2gribbet. Beth walde yums tas Gars / thad nhe
EvEp1587_173_3eſſeth yuus appeſkan to Boußle.
EvEp1587_173_4Beth the Darbe thäs Meßes gir / Sinnamme /
EvEp1587_173_5kha tur gir Loulibe pärkäpſchenne / Moutczybe /
EvEp1587_173_6neeſkyſtibe / neekounibe / Elkadewibe / Burwibe
EvEp1587_173_7Enaydibe / Baarſchenne / Nydeſchenne / Duſmybe /
EvEp1587_173_8Naraſchen / neßadderreſchen / neetickla macibe / enay-
EvEp1587_173_9dibe / Szlepkouwibe / Periſchenne / Ryſchenne / vnde
EvEp1587_173_10tha lidtcze. No kattrims es yums paprexke ßatcys
EvEp1587_173_11eſſeme / vnde ßacko whel paprexke / ka te / kattre to dar /
EvEp1587_173_12to Dewe walſtybe pär Beerne Mantibe nhe
EvEp1587_173_14Beth tas auglis tha Garre gir / Mileſtibe /
EvEp1587_173_15Lyxmibe / Meribe / Paczeſchenne / mylibe / Laypnibe /
EvEp1587_173_16Titczibe / Lhenpratybe / Skyſtibe / prettibe thadems
EvEp1587_173_17nhe gir thas Boußlis. Beth kattre Chriſto peder /
EvEp1587_173_18te Szlape ßouwe Meße / vnd to karibe vnde egrib-
EvEp1587_173_20@v{Euangelium am vierzehenden Son-}
EvEp1587_173_21@v{tage nach Trinitatis / Luc. 17. cap.}
EvEp1587_173_22VNd thas notickas ßöw / kad thas gaya vs Je-
EvEp1587_173_23ruſalem / ſthaigaye thas wueddon czour Sa-
EvEp1587_173_24marien vnde Galileam / vnd kad thas exkan
EvEp1587_173_25wene Jelgouwe nätce / ßaſtappe tam deſmette Spit-
EvEp1587_174_1tale Wyre / te ſthaweye no thalenes / vnd czelle ßou-
EvEp1587_174_2wes Balxnes auxkam / vnde ßatcy / Jeſu / myleys
EvEp1587_174_3Meiſter / abßeelo thöw muße / Vnde khad thas thos
EvEp1587_174_4redtczeye / ßatcy thas vs tems / No eyet / vnde radetes
EvEp1587_174_5yums tims Baſnicekungims. Vnde thas noticke /
EvEp1587_174_6kad the nogaye / tappe the ſkyſte.
EvEp1587_174_7Beth wens no tims / kad thas redtczeye / ka thas
EvEp1587_174_8wheſſels tappis by / greſhes thas atkal apkaart vnde
EvEp1587_174_9teitcze Dewe / ar ſkanye balxne / vnd kritte vs ßouwe
EvEp1587_174_10Wayge py winge kagims / vnde patteitcze tham.
EvEp1587_174_11Vnde thas by wens Samariters. Beth Jeſus
EvEp1587_174_12adbildeye vnd ßatcy / Nhe gir tur deſmette ſkyſte tap-
EvEp1587_174_13puuſche ? Beth kur{ku r} gir the doeuwinge ? Nhe gir tur
EvEp1587_174_14cytcz neewens attraſtcz / katters atkal greſthe / vnde
EvEp1587_175_1dote Dewam to Gode / ka wen ſchis Sweſſchenex ?
EvEp1587_175_2Vnde thas ßatcy vs tho / Czelles auxam / ey pro-
EvEp1587_175_3yam / touwa titcziba gir thöw pallydtczeis.
EvEp1587_175_4@v{Die Epiſtel am funffzehenden Son-}
EvEp1587_175_5@v{tage nach Trinitatis / Gal. 6.}
EvEp1587_175_6JA mhes exkan Garre cziwoyam / thad laideth
EvEp1587_175_7mums arridtczan exkan Garre ſtaigath.
EvEp1587_175_8Nhe laideth mums peetcz wheltige Gode nee-
EvEp1587_175_9goußigems buuth / nedtcz apduſmotes ſtarpan
EvEp1587_175_10mums / nedtcz enidhetes. Mylige Brale / khad wens
EvEp1587_175_11Czilwhex no wenas waynes tapte pärſteycktz / thad
EvEp1587_175_12pallydtczet tham atkal vs to taiſne czelle / ar Lhen-
EvEp1587_175_13pratige Garre / kattre yuus Garryge eſſeth. Vnde
EvEp1587_175_14lukoyes vs thöw pattim / ka tu arridtczan nhe thope
EvEp1587_175_15kärdenaatz. Wens pannes tha Otre Naſthe /
EvEp1587_175_16thad yuus to Boußle Chriſti pepueldyſeth. Beth
EvEp1587_175_17khad wens domate / ka thas buuthe kaſlabban / ka
EvEp1587_175_18tomher thas nhe neke gir / tas pewilyas ßöw pat-
EvEp1587_175_19tim. Beth yckwens luko vs ßouwe patte darbe /
EvEp1587_175_20vnde tad buus tham py ßöw pattim Goodtcz / vnde
EvEp1587_175_21nhe py wene czitte. Aeſto yckwens ßouwe Naſte
EvEp1587_176_1Beth tas katters pammatcytz thope ar to wärde /
EvEp1587_176_2tas dalla ar tho wueſſade labbumme / tam katters
EvEp1587_176_3to pammaetce. Nhe alloyeth / Dews nhe leke ßöw
EvEp1587_176_4apmhedites. Aeſto ko tas Czilwhex ßheye / to thas
EvEp1587_176_5plows. Kas vs to Meße ßheye tas no to Meße to
EvEp1587_176_6ßammaytaſchenne plows. Beth kas vs to Garre
EvEp1587_176_7ßheye / tas no to Garre to mußige cziwoſchenne
EvEp1587_176_8plows. Beth laideth mums labbedarryth / vnde nhe
EvEp1587_176_9pekuuſte tapt. Aeſto ßouwan laikan mhes arridt-
EvEp1587_176_10czan ploußem / bes mitteſchenne. Kad mums nu
EvEp1587_176_11layx gir / tad laideth mums labbe darryth py yck-
EvEp1587_176_12wene. Beth wueſſe wayrack py tems titcibes
EvEp1587_176_14@v{Euangelium am funffzehenden Son-}
EvEp1587_176_15@v{tage nach Trinitatis / Matth. 6.}
EvEp1587_176_16NEewens war duewims Kungims kalpooth /
EvEp1587_176_17jeb thas wene enidees / vnde to Otre mylees /
EvEp1587_176_18Jeb thas wenam pekaarſes / vnde to otre pul-
EvEp1587_176_19gas. Juus nhe warreth Dewam kalpooth vnde
EvEp1587_176_20tham Mammon. Tapeetcz ßacke es yums / Nhe
EvEp1587_176_21gadayeth par yuuſe cziwybe / ko yuus ehſeth vnde
EvEp1587_176_22ſczerſet / nedtcz arridtczan pär yuuſe Meße ko yuus
EvEp1587_176_23aptherpſeth. Nhe gir ta cziwybe wayrack neeka ta
EvEp1587_176_24Barribe ? Vnde ta Meße wayrack neeka ta aptherp-
EvEp1587_176_25ſchenne ? Vs lukoyeth tös Putnes appeſkan tho
EvEp1587_177_1Debbeſſe / The nhe ßheye / the nhe plouwe / the nhe ßa-
EvEp1587_177_2kraaye exkan to Sküne / vnd yuuſe Debbeſſe Thews
EvEp1587_177_3baryo thös tomher. Nhe eſſeth yuus tad doudtcze
EvEp1587_177_4wayrack / neeka the ? Kas gir tur ſtarpan yums /
EvEp1587_177_5katters ßouwe garyumme / wene Oleckte pelickt war /
EvEp1587_177_6kad thas jow / tapeetcz bhedayas.
EvEp1587_177_7Vnde kapeetcz Gadayeth yuus pär to aptherp-
EvEp1587_177_8ſchenne ? vs lukooyeth tös Lilies / wuerßon tho louke /
EvEp1587_177_9ka thäs Auge. The nhe ſtradha / the arridtczan nhe
EvEp1587_177_10wherpye. Es ßacko yums / ka arridtczan Salomon /
EvEp1587_177_11exkan wueſſe ßouwe Godibe / tha nhe gir aptherptz
EvEp1587_177_12buewis / ka to paſſcho wena. Ja tad Dews to Saa-
EvEp1587_177_13le wuerßon tho louke tha apterpeye / kattra ſchodene
EvEp1587_177_14ſthawe / vnde rytan exkan to kraaſene emheſta thope.
EvEp1587_178_1Nhe by tham tad yums to doudtcze wayrack darrith ?
EvEp1587_178_2O yuus maße titczige.
EvEp1587_178_3Tapeetcz nhe buhs yums Gadath / vnd ßatcyth /
EvEp1587_178_4ko mhes ehſem / ko mhes ſczerſem / Ar ko mhes mums
EvEp1587_178_5aptherpſemes. Peetcz tade wueſſe gada te pagane
EvEp1587_178_6loudis. Aeſto yuuſe Debbeſſe Thews ßin to / ka
EvEp1587_178_7yums tade wueſſe wayage gir. Gadayeth pirmaack
EvEp1587_178_8peetcz tho Dewe walſtibe / vnd peetcz winge Tayſ-
EvEp1587_178_9nibe / Tad yums ſche wueſſe notal pekrittis. Ta-
EvEp1587_178_10peetcz nhe gadayeth par to Otre Rythe / Aeſto ta
EvEp1587_178_11Rytha dena pär ßöuwe pattem gadhas. Tas gir
EvEp1587_178_12ganne / ka yckwene Dene ßouwa paſſcha bheda gir.
EvEp1587_178_13@v{Die Epiſtel am ſechzehenden Son-}
EvEp1587_178_14@v{tage nach Trinitatis / Epheſ. 3. cap.}
EvEp1587_178_15Tapeetcz ludcze es / ka yuus nhe thopet pekuſſuſ-
EvEp1587_178_16ſche / mannes bhedaſchennes peetcz / kattres es
EvEp1587_178_17pär yums czeſcho / kattre yums wens Goodtcz
EvEp1587_178_18gir. Tapeetcz loczye es mannes czellees prexkan
EvEp1587_178_19tho Thewe muße Kunge / Jeſu Chriſti / katteers tas
EvEp1587_178_20jſtens Thews gir / pär wueſſims kattre Thews dhe-
EvEp1587_178_21we / exkan Debbes vnd wuerßon Semmes. Ka thas
EvEp1587_178_22yums ſpeeke dode peetcz tho Baggatibe ßouwe Go-
EvEp1587_178_23dibe / ſtipprims tapt czour ßouwe Garre / py tho
EvEp1587_178_24eſchige Czilwheke / vnde Chriſtum cziwoth / czour
 @b{to Titczibe}
EvEp1587_179_1to Titczibe exkan yuuſims Szirdims / vnd czour to
EvEp1587_179_2mylibe eßacknote / vnde eduebbenate thopet / ka yuus
EvEp1587_179_3apthwert warreth ar wueſſims Sweetims / kattra
EvEp1587_179_4tur gir tas plattums / vnde tas garyums / vnde tas
EvEp1587_179_5czillyums / vnde ta Auxtibe. Arridtczan atßyt / ka
EvEp1587_179_6Chriſtum myle thurreet / doudcze labbake gir / ne ka
EvEp1587_179_7wueſſe ßinnaſchenne / ka yuus pepueldyte thopet / ar
EvEp1587_179_8wueſſe Dewe puelnibe.
EvEp1587_179_9Beth tham / katters pär warrene wairack dar-
EvEp1587_179_10ryth war / neeka wueſſe / ko mhes ludtczam yeb ßap-
EvEp1587_179_11protam / peetcz to Speeke / katters exkan mums ſtra-
EvEp1587_179_12da. Tam gir Goodtcz exkan to Droudtczibe katters
EvEp1587_179_13exkan Chriſto Jeſu gir / py wueſſe layke / no mußige
EvEp1587_179_14mußam / Amen.
EvEp1587_179_15@v{Euangelium am ſechzehenden Son-}
EvEp1587_179_16@v{tage nach Trinitatis / Luc. 7. cap.}
EvEp1587_179_17VNde tas notickas ßöw peetcz to / ka tas exkan
EvEp1587_179_18wene Pille / ar wärde Nain gaya / vnd winge
EvEp1587_179_19Maetcekle gaye doudtcze ar tho / vnd doudtcze lou-
EvEp1587_179_20des. Beth kad thas tuwe py tems Pylle Wärtems
EvEp1587_179_21nätce. Rouge / tad jſneſſe the wene Muerrone / kat-
EvEp1587_179_22teers wens wenyx Dhels by ßouwe Mathe / vnde ta
EvEp1587_179_23by wene Attraitne. Vnde doudtcze loudis aran thas
EvEp1587_180_1pilles gaye ar to. Vnde kad tho thas Kunx redtczeye /
EvEp1587_180_2Abßeeloyas thas täs / vnde ßatcy vs to / Nhe roude.
EvEp1587_180_3Vnd gaye tur kläth / vnde aiſkare to muerrone ſkyrſte
EvEp1587_180_4vnd the Neſſetaye ſthawey kluſſe. Vnd tas ßatcy / pu-
EvEp1587_180_5yſe / es ßacke thöw / czelles auxkam. Vnde tas Muer-
EvEp1587_180_6ronis czeelhes auxkam / vnde eßaka treßeth. Vnde
EvEp1587_180_7thas doeuwe to ßouwe Mathe. Vnde wena Jſſa-
EvEp1587_180_8byaſchenne vs nätce thems wueſſems / vnde teitcze
EvEp1587_180_9Dewe / vnde ßatcye / Tur gir wens lels Prophetcz
EvEp1587_180_10ſtarpan mums vs czheles / vnde Dews gir ßouwes
EvEp1587_180_11loudes pemeckleis. Vnde ſcha Walloda no tho / tappe
EvEp1587_180_12ßinnamme / pär to wueſſe Judde Semme / vnde ex-
EvEp1587_180_13kan wueſſims apkaarth gullammims ſemmims.
EvEp1587_181_1@v{Die Epiſtel am ſiebenzehenden Son-}
EvEp1587_181_2@v{tage nach Trinitatis / Epheſ. 4. cap.}
EvEp1587_181_3TA peminno es yums nu / es czetumman
EvEp1587_181_4guuſtytcz exkan tho Kunge / ka yuus ſthayga-
EvEp1587_181_5get ka ßöw peklayas yuuſe aitczenaſchenne
EvEp1587_181_6peetcz / exkan kattre yuus aitczenate eſſeet / ar wueſſe
EvEp1587_181_7Semmoſchenne / vnde Lhenpratybe / vnde ar pacze-
EvEp1587_181_8ſchenne : vnd panneſſet wens to Otre exkan tho my-
EvEp1587_181_9leſtibe / vnd eſſeth tickuſſche / thurreet to wenaydibe
EvEp1587_181_10exkan Garre / czour to ßaite ta mere. Wena Meßa /
EvEp1587_181_11vnde wens Gars / ka yuus arridtczan aitczenate
EvEp1587_181_12eſſeth / vs wenadige czerribe yuuſe aitcenaſchenne.
EvEp1587_181_13Wens Kunx / wena Titczibe / wena Chruſtibe / wens
EvEp1587_181_14Dews vnde Thews (muße) wueſſe / katters tur gir
EvEp1587_181_15pär yums wueſſims / vnde czour yums wueſſems /
EvEp1587_181_16vnde exkan yums wueſſims.
EvEp1587_181_17@v{Euangelium am ſiebenzehenden Son-}
EvEp1587_181_18@v{tage nach Trinitatis / Luc. 14. cap.}
EvEp1587_181_19VNde tas notickas / ka thas nätce exkan wene
EvEp1587_181_20Namme wene wuerßeneke / vs wene ſweedene
EvEp1587_181_21to Mayſe ehſt. Vnd the gluneye vs to. Vnde
EvEp1587_181_22rouge / tur by wens Czilwhex prexkan tho / tas by
EvEp1587_181_23Vdenne ßerdtczyx. Vnde Jeſus adbildeye / vnd ßatcy
EvEp1587_181_24vs tems Raxtmacetayems vnde Phariſeerems / vnd
EvEp1587_182_1ßatcy : Peklayas tas arridtczan / vs to Sweedene
EvEp1587_182_2ßaczedhet ? Beth the czete kluſſe{klüſſe} . Vnde thas yeme /
EvEp1587_182_3vnde czedenaye to / vnde pallayde to. Vnd adbildeye /
EvEp1587_182_4vnde ßatcy vs tems / katters gir tur ſtarpan yums /
EvEp1587_182_5kattram winge Wherſis jeb Eſels exkan tho Acke
EvEp1587_182_6krythe / vnde ka tas to tudelin nhe Jſwhelke than
EvEp1587_182_7Sweedenan. Vnde the neewarreye tham neeneke
EvEp1587_182_8vs to adbildhet.
EvEp1587_182_9Beth thas ßatcy wene Lydtcybe vs tems / We-
EvEp1587_182_10ſims / kad thas nomanni / ka the ßöw wheleyas tan
EvEp1587_182_11auxtan wetan ſeedhet / vnde ßatcy vs tems / kad tu
EvEp1587_182_12no khade aytczenaatz thope / kaaſas / thad nhe ſeedes
EvEp1587_182_13thöw auxtan wetan / ka tur nhe wens Czenigax
EvEp1587_183_1nake / neeka tu / katters no to aytcenaatz gir. Vnde
EvEp1587_183_2khad thas tad nake / kas thöw vnde winge aytcenays
EvEp1587_183_3gir. vs thöw ßacke / wirſees ſchim / vnde thöw buus
EvEp1587_183_4tad ar koune ſemmoyan wetan ſeedhet. Beth kad tu
EvEp1587_183_5aytcenaatz thope / thad no ey / vnde ſeedes thöw ſem-
EvEp1587_183_6moyan Wetan / kad tas tur nake / katters thöw ayt-
EvEp1587_183_7cenays gir / vs thöw ßacke. Drougs / wirſees tur
EvEp1587_183_8auxam. Tad buus thöw Goodtcz prexan tems
EvEp1587_183_9kattre ar thöw py to Galde ſeede. Aeſto kas ßöw
EvEp1587_183_10pattim auxtenayas / tam buus ſemmotam tapt.
EvEp1587_183_11Vnde kas ßöw pattim ſemmoyas / tam buus auxte-
EvEp1587_183_12natam tapt.
EvEp1587_183_13@v{Die Epiſtel am achtzehenden Son-}
EvEp1587_183_14@v{tage nach Trinitatis / 1. Corinth. 1.}
EvEp1587_183_15ES patteitce mannam Dewam allaßin / yuuße
EvEp1587_183_16peetcz / par to Dewe ßeeleſtibe / kattra yums
EvEp1587_183_17dotha gir exkan Chriſto Jeſu. Ka yuus eſſeth
EvEp1587_183_18czour to exkan wueſſims gabbalims bagate dar-
EvEp1587_183_19ryte / py wueſſade maetcibe / vnde exkan wueſſade atſi-
EvEp1587_183_20ſchenne. Kha tad ta maetciſchenne no Chriſto ex-
EvEp1587_183_21kan yums ſpeetczige tappuſſche gir / Tha / ka yums
EvEp1587_183_22neewena petruckſchenne gir py neewenade Dawa-
EvEp1587_183_23ne / Vnde gaydeth wen vs to paradiſchenne muße
EvEp1587_183_24Kunge Jeſu Chriſti. Katters yums arridtczan
EvEp1587_184_1apſtipprenäs / Js to galle / ka yuus neeßodamme
EvEp1587_184_2eſſeth / vs to dene muße Kunge Jeſu Chriſti. Aeſto
EvEp1587_184_3Dews gir petitczyx / czour kattre yuus aytcenate
EvEp1587_184_4eſſeth py Szaddroudtczibes ßouwe Dhele Jeſu
EvEp1587_184_5Chriſti / muße Kunge.
EvEp1587_184_6@v{Euangelium am achtzehenden Son-}
EvEp1587_184_7@v{tage nach Trinitatis / Matth. 22. cap.}
EvEp1587_184_8BEth kad te Phariſeer czirdeey / ka thas tems
EvEp1587_184_9Saduceerims to Mutte aisbaſis by / ßa-
EvEp1587_184_10ckrayas the ßöw. Vnde wens ſtarpan tems /
EvEp1587_184_11wens Raxtemacetays / kärdenaye to / vnde ßatcy /
EvEp1587_184_12Meiſter / katters gir tas prawakais Boußlis exkan
EvEp1587_184_13tho Boußle ? Beth Jeſus ßatcy vs to / Thöw buus
EvEp1587_184_14Dewe touwe Kunge myleeth no wueſſe Szirde / no
EvEp1587_185_1wueſſe Dhweſel / no wueſſe praate. Tas gir tas
EvEp1587_185_2prawakays / vnde lelakays Boußlis. Beth tas
EvEp1587_185_3Oters gir tam lydtcz. Thöw buus touwo Tuwake
EvEp1587_185_4myleeth / kha thöw pattim. Exkan ſchims duewims
EvEp1587_185_5Boußlims / karras tas wueſſe Boußlis / vnde the
EvEp1587_185_7Kad nu the Phariſeer kopan bye / Joutaye tims
EvEp1587_185_8Jeſus vnde ßatcy / ko domaath yuus no Chriſto ?
EvEp1587_185_9ka Dhels gir tas ? The ßatcy / Dauides / Thas
EvEp1587_185_10ßatcy vs tems / ka dhewe to tad Dauidz exkan Garre
EvEp1587_185_11wene Kunge ? Kur thas ßack / Tas Kunx gir ßatcys
EvEp1587_185_12vs manne Kunge / Szeedes thöw py manne labbe
EvEp1587_185_13Roke / Tekams ka es touwes Enaidenekes leke par
EvEp1587_185_14pammheßle / touwems Kayems. Kad to nu Dauidz
EvEp1587_185_15wene Kunge Dhewe / ka gir tas tad winge Dhels ?
EvEp1587_185_16Vnde neewens dryſthey tham neewene wärde ad-
EvEp1587_185_17bildeth. Vnde neewens dryſthey tham arridtczan
EvEp1587_185_18no thäs Denes wairs Jouthat.
EvEp1587_185_19@v{Die Epiſtel am neunzehenden Son-}
EvEp1587_185_20@v{tage nach Trinitatis / Epheſ. 4. cap.}
EvEp1587_185_21THa no ledtczeth nu no yums / peetcz to papre-
EvEp1587_185_22ſchye Buuſchenne / to whetcze Czilwheke / kat-
EvEp1587_185_23ters ßöw czour Egribbeſchenne / exkan apallo-
EvEp1587_185_24ſchenne Szammaitayas. Beth payounayet yums
EvEp1587_185_25exkan Garre yuuſes praates / vnde apwheldtczet to
EvEp1587_186_1youne Czilwheke / katters peetcz Dewe raddytz gir /
EvEp1587_186_2exkan Jſtenne tayſnibe vnde Sweetybe. Tapeetcz
EvEp1587_186_3noletczeth tös Mhelles / vnde treßet to teſchammybe /
EvEp1587_186_4yckwens ar ßouwe Tuwake / peetcz tho kha mhes
EvEp1587_186_5ſtarpan thems Loczekle eſſem / duſmoyeth vnde nhe
EvEp1587_186_6greekoyet. Nhe laidet to Soule pär yuuſe duſmibe
EvEp1587_186_7noreeſth. Nhe dodeth arridtczan neewene wete tam
EvEp1587_186_8Szaimotayam. Kas ſadczys gir / tas nhe ſoge way-
EvEp1587_186_9rake / beth ſtrada / vnde pelnye ar tims rokims / kas
EvEp1587_186_10godige gir / ka thas war{wardhot} dhot / tam Wayatczygam.
EvEp1587_186_11@v{Euangelium am neunzehenden Son-}
EvEp1587_186_12@v{tage nach Trinitatis / Matth. 9. cap.}
EvEp1587_186_13TAd kaape{kapee} thas exkan to Laywe / vnd broudtcze
EvEp1587_186_14atkal pär / vnde nätce exkan ßouwe Pille.
EvEp1587_186_15Vnde rouge / tad neße the py tho wene Mhel-
EvEp1587_186_16menne ßerczige / tas gulley vs wene Gulte. Kad
EvEp1587_186_17nu Jeſus winges Titczibes redtczey / ßatcy thas vs
EvEp1587_186_18to Mhelmenne ßertczige / thur wene labbe prathe /
EvEp1587_186_19Mans Dhels / touwe Greeke gir thöw pammeſte.
EvEp1587_186_20Vnde rouge / czitte ſtarpan thems Raxtmaet-
EvEp1587_186_21cetayems / treßey py ßöw pattems / Schis ßaimo
EvEp1587_186_22Dewe. Beth kad Jeſus winges domaſchennes
EvEp1587_186_23redtczey / ßatcy thas / kapeetcz domath yuus tick lou-
EvEp1587_186_24ne exkan yuuſims Szirdims ? Katteers gir lhetake
EvEp1587_187_1ßatcyt / Thöw gir touwe Greeke pammeſte / Jeb ßat-
EvEp1587_187_2cyt / Czelles auxkam / vnde ſtayga ? Beth ka yuus
EvEp1587_187_3ßinnat / ka tam Czilwheke Dhelam warre gir wuer-
EvEp1587_187_4ßon Semmes / tös Greekes pammeſt / ßatcy thas vs
EvEp1587_187_5to Mhelmenneßertczyge / Czelles auxkam / yem
EvEp1587_187_6touwe Gulte / vnde ey Mayas. Vnde thas czelees
EvEp1587_187_7auxam / vnde gaya Mayas. Kad to te loudis redt-
EvEp1587_187_8czey / Jßabrinoyas the ßöw / vnde teytcze Dewam /
EvEp1587_187_9katters thade Speeke tims Czilwhekims doeuwis
EvEp1587_187_11@v{Die Epiſtel am zwantzigſten Son-}
EvEp1587_187_12@v{tage nach Trinitatis / Epheſ. 5. cap.}
EvEp1587_188_1THa pelukoyeth nu / ka yuus abdomyge ſtai-
EvEp1587_188_2gayet / nhe ka te Neeßappratige / beth ka te ßap-
EvEp1587_188_3prattige / vnde ßattaiſetes yums exkan to Lay-
EvEp1587_188_4ke / aeſto tas gir louns Layx. Tapeetcz nhe thopet
EvEp1587_188_5neeßapprattige / kas tha Kunge praatz gir. Vnde
EvEp1587_188_6nhe peryetes yums puelne Wyne / aran kattre wena
EvEp1587_188_7loune buuſchenne nake / Beth thopet puelne Garre /
EvEp1587_188_8vnde treßet ſtarpan yums no Czeſmims / vnde pat-
EvEp1587_188_9teitczybe Czeſmims / vnde Garrige Czeſmims / cze-
EvEp1587_188_10deth vnde Meßloyet tam Kungam exkan yuußims
EvEp1587_188_11Szirdims / vnde ßacketh patteitczybe allaßin / par
EvEp1587_188_12wueſſe lete / Dewam vnde tham Thewam / exkan to
EvEp1587_188_13wärde muße Kunge Jeſu Chriſti / vnde eſſeth ſtar-
EvEp1587_188_14pan yums packlouſige / exkan to Dewe byaſchenne.
EvEp1587_188_15@v{Euangelium am zwantzigſten Son-}
EvEp1587_188_16@v{tage nach Trinitatis / Matth. 22. cap.}
EvEp1587_188_17VNde Jeſus adbildeye / vnde treßey atkal czour
EvEp1587_188_18Lydtczybe vs tems / vnde ßatcy / ta Debbeſſe
EvEp1587_188_19walſtibe gir lydtcz wenam Köningam / kat-
EvEp1587_188_20ters ßouwam Dhelam kaſas darrye. Vnde ßutye
EvEp1587_188_21ßouwes kalpes aran / ka the tös Weßes kaſas ayt-
EvEp1587_188_22cenate. Vnde the nhe gribbey näckt. Atkal Jßutye
EvEp1587_188_23thas czittes kalpes / vnd ßatcy / ßacket tims Weßims /
EvEp1587_188_24Rouget / mans ehdenegaldtz{ehdenegadtz} gir pattayſytz / manne
EvEp1587_188_25Wherſche vnde manne Baryomelope gir nokoute /
EvEp1587_189_1vnde wueſſa letha ßatayßyta / nätcet kaſas. Beth the
EvEp1587_189_2polgaye to / vnde nogaye / Tas wens vs ßouwe Ty-
EvEp1587_189_3rumme / tas Oters py ßouwe Darbe. Beth te czitte
EvEp1587_189_4guuſtye winges Kalpes / Szaimoye / vnde nokouwe
EvEp1587_189_5tös. Kad to tas Köninx czirdeye / tappe thas duſ-
EvEp1587_189_6myx / vnde Jßuutye ßouwe karye / vnde licke ſchös
EvEp1587_189_7Szlepkouwes nomaackt / vnde ededtczenaye winge
EvEp1587_189_9Tad ßatcy thas vs ßouwems kalpems. Ta
EvEp1587_189_10kaſa gir teſcham ßattayßita / beth te Weßes nhe by
EvEp1587_189_11czenige. Tapeetcz eyeth vs tems Elems / vnde ayt-
EvEp1587_189_12czenayet kaſas / kattres yuus attrodeth. Vnde te
EvEp1587_189_13Kalpe Jſgaye / vs tems Elems / vnd ßakraye kopan /
EvEp1587_190_1kattres te attradde / lounes vnde labbes / Vnde te
EvEp1587_190_2Galde tappe wueſſe puelne. Tad gaya tas Köninx
EvEp1587_190_3exkan / tös weßes approudtczyt / vnde redtczey tur
EvEp1587_190_4wene Czilwheke / tas nhe by ar kaſa dreebe aptherptz.
EvEp1587_190_5Vnd ßatcy vs to / Droux / ka eſ tu{eſtu} ſcheit exkan nätcis /
EvEp1587_190_6vnde tu nhe es ar kaſa dreebe aptherptz{apthreptz} ? Beth tas
EvEp1587_190_7tappe Mhems. Tad ßatcy tas Köninx vs ßou-
EvEp1587_190_8wims kalpims / Szeneth tham Rokas vnde kayas /
EvEp1587_190_9vnde Jſmeettet to exkan to Tumpßibe / tur buus
EvEp1587_190_10buuth kouckſchenne / vnde Sobe triſeeſchenne. Aeſto
EvEp1587_190_11doudtcze gir aytczenate / beth mas gir jſredtczhete.
EvEp1587_190_12@v{Die Epiſtel am 21. Sontage}
EvEp1587_190_13@v{nach Trinitatis / Epheſ. 6. cap.}
EvEp1587_190_14TAlake manne Brale / eſſeth ſtippre exkan to
EvEp1587_190_15kunge / vnd exkan to warre / winges ſtippribes.
EvEp1587_190_16Apwheltzet to Dewe Brunye / ka yuus warret
EvEp1587_190_17prettybe ſtawhet / thay wiltyge vs tetceſchenne to lou-
EvEp1587_190_18ne whelne. Aeſto mums nhe gir ar meße vnd aſſenne
EvEp1587_190_19ja czyxthas / beth ar kungims / vnde warrhenims / ar
EvEp1587_190_20wärde / ar tims kungims thas paſſoules / kattre exkan
EvEp1587_190_21tho tumpßibe ſchäs paſſoules walda /ar tims lou-
EvEp1587_190_22nims Garrims appeſkan to Debbes. Tapeetcz yem-
EvEp1587_190_23met to Dewe Brunye / ka yuus warreth prettybe
EvEp1587_190_24ſtawhet exkan to loune Dene / vnde wueſſes lethes
EvEp1587_190_25lab jſtaiſyt / vnde to vs warreſchenne patthurreet.
EvEp1587_191_1Tad ſthaweet nu ap yoſuſſche yuuſes Gurnes
EvEp1587_191_2ar taiſnibe / vnde apwilckte ar to kruute Brunye täs
EvEp1587_191_3tayſnibes / vnde apßabagothe py tems khagims / ar
EvEp1587_191_4to Euangelium tha Mere / ar kattre yuus ßattaiſyte
EvEp1587_191_5eſſeth. Beth par wueſſems lethems twerreth to
EvEp1587_191_6Brunye jeb Skyde thäs Titczibes/ ar kattre yuus
EvEp1587_191_7warreth Jſczheſt / wueſſe vggenige Wylytczes tha
EvEp1587_191_8Bhleedeneka. Vnde yemmeth to brunye czeppurre
EvEp1587_191_9thäs peſtyſchennes / vnde to Sobenne tha Garre /
EvEp1587_191_10katters gir tas Dewe wärdtcz.
EvEp1587_191_11@v{Euangelium am 21. Sontage}
EvEp1587_191_12@v{nach Trinitatis / Johan. 4. cap.}
EvEp1587_191_13VNde tur by wene Köninge Galwenex / tha
EvEp1587_191_14Dhels gulley neeweßels exkan Capernaum.
EvEp1587_191_15Schis czirdeye ka Jeſus nätce no Judea ex-
EvEp1587_191_16kan Galileam / vnde no gaya py tho / vnde ludtcze to /
EvEp1587_191_17ka thas Semmen näckte / vnde pallydtczeete winge
EvEp1587_191_18dhelam / aeſto thas by lydtcz to Nawe neeweſſels.
EvEp1587_191_19vnde Jeſus ßatcy vs to / kad yuus neeredtczeth Si-
EvEp1587_191_20mes vnde Brinummes / thad yuus nhe titczeet. Tas
EvEp1587_191_21Köninge Galwenex ßatcy vs tho / Kunx / Naatz ſem-
EvEp1587_191_22men pirms mans Bherns muerſth. Jeſus ßatcy
EvEp1587_191_23vs tho / Ey proiam / tows Dhels cziwo. Tas
EvEp1587_191_24Czilwhex titczey tham Wärdam / kattre Jeſus vs
EvEp1587_191_25to ßatcy / vnde nogaya.
EvEp1587_192_1Vnde exkan to khad thas nogaya / Szattappe
EvEp1587_192_2tam winge kalpe / paßluddenaye tham / vnd ßatcy /
EvEp1587_192_3Tows Bherns cziwo. Tad Jſwaytczaya thas no
EvEp1587_192_4tims to Stunde / exkan kattre tas labbaack ar to
EvEp1587_192_5tappis by. Vnde the ßatcy vs to / wackar apkaarth
EvEp1587_192_6to Septite ſtunde / pallayde to tas Drudtczis.
EvEp1587_192_7Tad nomannye tas Thews / ka tas apkaarth to
EvEp1587_192_8ſtunde by / exkan kattre Jeſus vs to ßatcys by / Tows
EvEp1587_192_9Dhels cziwo. Vnde tas titczeye ar ßouwe wueſſe
EvEp1587_192_10Namme / Ta gir nu ta otra Syme / kattre Jeſus dar-
EvEp1587_192_11rye / kad thas aran Judea / exkan Galileam nätce.
EvEp1587_192_12@v{Die Epiſtel am 22. Sontage}
EvEp1587_192_13@v{nach Trinitatis Philip. 1. cap.}
EvEp1587_193_1ES patteitz mannam Dewam czekärth es
EvEp1587_193_2yuuſo peminno (kattre es allaßin dar / exkan
EvEp1587_193_3wueſſe manne luckſchenne / par yums wueſ-
EvEp1587_193_4ſims / vnde darro to luckſchenne ar lyxmibe) pär
EvEp1587_193_5yuuſe droudtczibe py to Euangelio / no pirmas de-
EvEp1587_193_6nes vnd Jſſcho laike. Vnde eſme exkan labe Czerri-
EvEp1587_193_7be / ka thas / katters exkan yums eſätczis gir to labbe
EvEp1587_193_8darbe / tas to arridtczan pabeidtczys / js to dene
EvEp1587_193_9Jeſu Chriſti / kha tas man tad peklayas / ka es vs tho
EvEp1587_193_10mhere no yums wueſſims thurro. Tapeetcz ka es
EvEp1587_193_11yums exkan manne ßirde thurro / exkan ſcho manne
EvEp1587_193_12czetumme / ka es to Euangelium aysbildo vnde ap-
EvEp1587_193_13ſtippro / ka yuus wueſſe ar man thäs Szeeleſtibes
EvEp1587_193_14pedallige eſſeth.
EvEp1587_193_15Aeſto Dews gir mans Ledtczenex / ka man peetcz
EvEp1587_193_16yums wueſſems jlgoyas / no Szirdes duebbenne ex-
EvEp1587_193_17kan Jeſu Chriſto / vnde par to ludtcze es / ka yuuſe
EvEp1587_193_18myleſtibe / yo wayrs vnd wayrack Baggatake thope /
EvEp1587_193_19exkan wueſſe atſyſchenne / vnde exkan wenadige ßa-
EvEp1587_193_20iuſſchenne / ka yuus ßinnath warreeth kas labbax
EvEp1587_193_21gir. Ka yuus tyre vnde nhe nodouſſige eſſeth / Js
EvEp1587_193_22tay dene Chriſti / pepueldyte ar auglims thäs Tayſ-
EvEp1587_193_23nibes / kattra czour Jeſum Chriſtum (exkan yums)
EvEp1587_193_24notitczis py Gode / vnde Dewe Szlawe.
EvEp1587_193_25@v{Euangelium am 22. Sontage}
EvEp1587_193_26@v{nach Trinitatis / Matth 18. cap.}
EvEp1587_194_1TApeetcz gir ta Debbeſſe walſtibe lydtcz we-
EvEp1587_194_2nam Köningam / katters ar ßouwims kal-
EvEp1587_194_3pims lagadyth gribbeye. Vnde khad thas eßa-
EvEp1587_194_4ka lagadyth / nätce tham wens preſchan / tas by
EvEp1587_194_5tham deſmette tuuſtoſche Poodo parradan. Kad
EvEp1587_194_6thas nu nhe warreye tho mackßaat / pawheeley tas
EvEp1587_194_7Kunx paardoth / ßöw / vnde ßouwe Sewe / vnde ßou-
EvEp1587_194_8wes Bhernes / vnde wueſſe nothal kas tham by / vnd
EvEp1587_194_9mackßate. Tad kritte thas kalps ſemmen / vnde pe-
EvEp1587_194_10ludtcze to / vnde ßatcy / Kunx es ar man ar mere /
EvEp1587_194_11Es grib thöw wueſſe notal mackßaath. Tad ßeelo-
EvEp1587_194_12yas tham kungã ta patte kalpe vnd pallaide to ſwab-
EvEp1587_194_13badde / vñ to parrade pedoeuwe thas tham arridtczã.
EvEp1587_195_1Tad nogaye tas patz kalps aran / vnde attradde
EvEp1587_195_2wene ßouwe bedre kalpe / tas by tham Szumpte
EvEp1587_195_3Groſſche parradan. Vnde tas twhere to / vnde
EvEp1587_195_4ßnedtcze py to Rykle / vnde ßatcy / mackßa man / ko
EvEp1587_195_5tu man parradan eße. Tad kritte winge bedre kalps
EvEp1587_195_6ſemmen / vnde ludtcze to / vnde ßatcy / Es ar man ar
EvEp1587_195_7mere / es grib thöw wueſſe notal mackßat. Vnde
EvEp1587_195_8thas nhe gribbeye / Beth thas nogaya / vnde mette to
EvEp1587_195_9exkan to czetumme tekams ka thas mackßate / ko thas
EvEp1587_195_10parradan by.
EvEp1587_195_11Beth kad winge bedre kalpe ſchäs lethes redt-
EvEp1587_195_12czeye / tappe te lothe bhedige / nätce vnd paßatcye to
EvEp1587_195_13ßouwam kungam / wueſſe kas tur notitczis by. Tad
EvEp1587_195_14aytcenaye to winge Kunx preſchan ßöw / vnde ßatcy
EvEp1587_195_15vs to / Tu bhledyx kalps / wueſſe ſcho parrade / eſme
EvEp1587_195_16es thöw pedoeuwis / kad tu man ludtcze / nhe by
EvEp1587_195_17thöw tad arridtczan abßeeloht / par touwe bedre
EvEp1587_195_18kalpe / Lydtcz ka es man pär thöw abßeeloyes eſme ?
EvEp1587_195_19Vnde winge Kunx tappe duſmyx / vnde no doeuwe
EvEp1587_195_20to tims mocetagims / tekams ka thas mackßate wueſ-
EvEp1587_195_21ſe ko thas tham parradan by. Tha yums mans
EvEp1587_195_22Debbeſſe Thews arridtczan darrys / khad yuus nhe
EvEp1587_195_23pammeßeth no yuußims Szirdims / Jckwens ßou-
EvEp1587_195_24wam Bralam ßouwe wayne.
EvEp1587_196_1@v{Die Epiſtel am 23. Sontage}
EvEp1587_196_2@v{nach Trinitatis / Philip. 3. cap.}
EvEp1587_196_3STaygath peetcz man / mylige Brale / vnde
EvEp1587_196_4lukoyeth vs tems / kattre tha ſtayga / kha mhes
EvEp1587_196_5yums eſſem pa preſche Syme. Aeſto doudt-
EvEp1587_196_6cze ſtayga / no kattrims es yums daſſche kärth ßat-
EvEp1587_196_7cys eſſeme. Beth nu ßacko es yums arridtczan rou-
EvEp1587_196_8dadams. Te Enaydeneke tha Chruſte Chriſti /
EvEp1587_196_9kattre Gals gir ta paſſuſchenne / katre Dews tas
EvEp1587_196_10Wheders gir / vnde kattre Goodtcz kounan thope /
EvEp1587_196_11tho / kattre ſemmiſke doma. Beth mußa buſchen-
EvEp1587_196_12ne gir exkan Debbes / no kurrenes mhes arridtczan
EvEp1587_196_13pagaydam tha Peſtitaye Jeſu Chriſti tha Kunge.
EvEp1587_196_14Katters muße neczige Meße apſkaydros / ka ta
EvEp1587_196_15lydtcze thope ßouwe apſkaydrote Meße / peetcz to
EvEp1587_196_16darbe / ar kattre thas ßöw arridtczan wueße lethe
EvEp1587_196_17war packloußige darryt.
EvEp1587_196_18@v{Euangelium am 23. Sontage}
EvEp1587_196_19@v{nach Trinitatis / Matth. 22. cap.}
EvEp1587_196_20TAd nogaye te Phariſeer / vnde thurrey wenes
EvEp1587_196_21Runnes / ka the tho warrethe guuſtyt exkan
EvEp1587_196_22winge wallode. Vnde ßutye py tho ßouwes
EvEp1587_196_23Maetcekles / ar Herodis kalpims / vnde ßatcy /
EvEp1587_196_24Meiſter / mhes ßinnam ka tu tayſnis eſſe/ vnde
EvEp1587_197_1maetce to Dewe czellye teſcham / vnde tu nhe ola
EvEp1587_197_2peetcz neewene / aeſto tu nhe bheda to vs lukoſchen-
EvEp1587_197_3ne / tho Czilwheke. Tapeetcz ßack mums ko doma
EvEp1587_197_4tu ? ka mhes tham Keyſeram Nome dodam jeb nhe ?
EvEp1587_197_5Kad nu Jeſus winge Bleedibe nomannye / ßatcy
EvEp1587_197_6thas / juus Wilteneke ko kärdenat yuus man / radeth
EvEp1587_197_7man to Nome kouſſe. Vnde the no doeuwe tham
EvEp1587_197_8wene Groſſche / vnde thas ßatcy vs tems / ka gir ta
EvEp1587_197_9Syme / vnde tas wuerße raxtcz / The ßatcy{ßatty} vs tho /
EvEp1587_197_10tha Keyſere. Tad ßatcy tas vs tems. Tad dodeth
EvEp1587_197_11tham Keyſeram / kas tham Keyſeram pedeere / vnde
EvEp1587_197_12Dewam / kas Dewe peder. Kad the to czirdey /
EvEp1587_197_13Jßabrinoyas the ßöw / vnde atſthaye to / vnde gaya
EvEp1587_198_1@v{Die Epiſtel am 24. Sontage}
EvEp1587_198_2@v{nach Trinitatis / Coloſſ.1. cap.}
EvEp1587_198_3TApeetcz mhes arridtczan / no to Dene kad
EvEp1587_198_4mhes tho czirdeiſche eſſem / Nhe mitteyam
EvEp1587_198_5mhes kluſſe / par yums luuckt / ka yuus pepuel-
EvEp1587_198_6dyte thopet / ar atſiſchenne winge prathe / exkã wueſſe
EvEp1587_198_7garrige guddribe vñ ßappraſſchenne / ka yuus ſtay-
EvEp1587_198_8gayeth czenige tham Kungam / py wueſſe papratibe.
EvEp1587_198_9Vnde auglige eſſeth exkan wueſſims labbims dar-
EvEp1587_198_10bims / vnde auget exkan tho Dewe atſiſchenne / vnde
EvEp1587_198_11eſtippreete thopet ar wueſſade warre / peetcz winge
EvEp1587_198_12Godige Speeke / exkan wueſſade paceſchenne / vnd
EvEp1587_198_13lhenpratibe / ar Lyxmibe / vnde patteitczybe ßackãm
EvEp1587_198_14tham Thewam kas mums tickuſſchus darrys gir /
EvEp1587_198_15py to Bherne mantibe / thös ſweetes exkan gaißum-
EvEp1587_198_16me. Katters mus peſtys gir / no thäs warres thäs
EvEp1587_198_17Tumpßybes / vnd gir mums pär ſtattys / exkan to
EvEp1587_198_18Walſtibe ßouwe myle Dhele / py kattre mums gir
EvEp1587_198_19ta peſtiſchenne czour winge Aſſenne / ar wärde ta
EvEp1587_198_20pammeſſchenne thos Greekes.
EvEp1587_198_21@v{Euangelium am 24. Sontage}
EvEp1587_198_22@v{nach Trinitatis / Matth. 9. cap.}
EvEp1587_199_1KAd thas tha ar tims treßeye / rouge / tad nät-
EvEp1587_199_2ce wens no thems Wuerſenekems / vnde kritte
EvEp1587_199_3preſchan to ſemmen / vnde ßatcy / Kunx /
EvEp1587_199_4Manna Meitha gir tagadine nomuerruſſe / Beth
EvEp1587_199_5nätce / vnde ledtcze touwe Roke vs thäs / tad taps ta
EvEp1587_199_6Cziwe. Jeſus czelees auxam / vnde ſtaygaye tham
EvEp1587_199_7peetcz / vnde winge Maetcekle.
EvEp1587_199_8Vnde rouge wena Sewa / kattra duewepaddeſ-
EvEp1587_199_9mette Gadde to Aſſenne ßerge czetuſſe by / gaya no
EvEp1587_199_10aiſmuggerre py to / vnd aiſkare winge Drebes Wy-
EvEp1587_199_11le. Aeſto tha ßatcye py ßöw pattim / warreete es wen
EvEp1587_199_12winge Dreebe ayſkärth / thad tapte es weſſel-
EvEp1587_199_13la. Tad greßes ßöw Jeſus apkarth vnde vs-
EvEp1587_200_1lukoye to / vnde ßatcy. Thur wene labbe prate man-
EvEp1587_200_2na Mheita / Touwe Titczibe gir thöw pallidtczeyſe.
EvEp1587_200_3Vnd ta ſewa tappe weeſſella than pattan ſtundan.
EvEp1587_200_4Vnde kad thas exkan tho Wuerßeneke Namme
EvEp1587_200_5nätce / vnde redtczeye thös Stabbelnekes / vnde to
EvEp1587_200_6Trooxne tho louſcho / ßatcy thas vs tems / Atſthaye-
EvEp1587_200_7tes / Aeſto ta Meytinge nhe gir nomuerruſſe / beth
EvEp1587_200_8ta gir aiſmigguſſe. Vnde the apßmeye to. Beth
EvEp1587_200_9kad te loudes Jſczyte by / gaya thas tur exkan / vnde
EvEp1587_200_10thwere tho py tho Roke. Tad czelees ta Meytinge
EvEp1587_200_11auxam. Vnde tha Szlawe tappe ſkanniga / pär to
EvEp1587_200_12patte wueſſe Semme.
EvEp1587_200_13@v{Die Epiſtel am 25. Sontage}
EvEp1587_200_14@v{nach Trinitatis / 1. Theſſal. 4. cap.}
EvEp1587_200_15BEth mhes nhe gribbam yums mylige Brale /
EvEp1587_200_16paßlhept / no tims / kattre tur aiſmigguſſche
EvEp1587_200_17gir / ka yuus nhe noſkummuſche eſſeth / ka the
EvEp1587_200_18czitte / kattrims nhe wena Czerribe gir. Aeſto ka
EvEp1587_200_19mhes titczam / ka Jeſus nomuerris / vnde atkal aux-
EvEp1587_200_20kam czheles gir / jten tha Dews arridtczan / kattre
EvEp1587_200_21tur ayſmigguſſche gir / czour Jeſum / ar tho weddys.
EvEp1587_200_22Aeſto / to ßackam mhes yums / kha wene wärde
EvEp1587_200_23tha Kunge / ka mhes / kattre mhes cziwoyam / vnde
EvEp1587_200_24pär pallekam / exkan tho atnäckſchenne tha Kunge /
EvEp1587_200_25tems nhe näckſem preſchan / kattre tur aiſmigguſſche
EvEp1587_201_1gir. Aeſto thas Kunx patcz ar wene ßouckumme /
EvEp1587_201_2vnde Balexne tha warrenne Engele / vnde ar tho
EvEp1587_201_3Dewe Baſſune ſcheit ſemmem nätcis no Debbes.
EvEp1587_201_4Vnde te Muerrone exkan Chriſto / pirmack atkal
EvEp1587_201_5auxam czhels. Tad peetcz / kattre mhes cziwoyam /
EvEp1587_201_6vnde pär pallekam / tapſem lydtcze ar tims pattims
EvEp1587_201_7noroute exkan to paddebbes / tham kungam prettibe
EvEp1587_201_8exkan to Gaiſe / vnde buuſem tha py tho Kunge
EvEp1587_201_9buuth allaßin. Tha elyxmoyetes yums nu ar ſchims
EvEp1587_201_10wärdims ſtarpan yums.
EvEp1587_201_11@v{Euangelium am 25. Sontage}
EvEp1587_201_12@v{nach Trinitatis / Matth. 24. cap.}
EvEp1587_201_13KAd yuus nu redtczheſet to Breſmibe thäs
EvEp1587_201_14yſpooſtiſchennes / no kattre tur ßatcytz gir /
EvEp1587_201_15czour to Prophete Daniel / ka thas ſthawe
EvEp1587_201_16exkan to Sweete wete. Kas to laſſe / tas abdoma
EvEp1587_201_17to labbe. Tad bhege wuerßon tems kalnems / kas
EvEp1587_201_18exkan Judde Semme gir / vnd kas wuerßon tho
EvEp1587_201_19jumpte gir / tas nhe kapye ſemmen / ko atneſt aran
EvEp1587_201_20ßouwe Namme. Vnde kas wuerßon to Louke gir /
EvEp1587_201_21tas nhe greshas atkal apkaarth ßouwes Dreebes
EvEp1587_201_22atneſth. Beth way tims abgrutenatims / vnde ßi-
EvEp1587_201_23digims / than laikan.
EvEp1587_201_24Beth ludtczet / ka yuuſa Bheckſchenne nhe noteke
EvEp1587_201_25Seman jeb Sweedenan / Aeſto tur buus tad wena
EvEp1587_202_1lela Noſkumſchenne buut / kha nhe gir buewueſſe no
EvEp1587_202_2Eſakumme thas Paſſoules ys ſcho laike{liake} / vnde ka ar-
EvEp1587_202_3ridtczan nhe buus notickt. Vnde Ja ſchäs denes
EvEp1587_202_4nhe tapte payſenate / thad nhe tapte neewens Czil-
EvEp1587_202_5whex ſweetcz. Beth thos Jſredtczeetes peetcz / taps
EvEp1587_202_6täs denes payſenate.
EvEp1587_202_7Ja tad kas vs yums ſatcys / Rougeth / ſcheit gir
EvEp1587_202_8Chriſtus / jeb tur / Thad nhe buus yums to titczeeth.
EvEp1587_202_9Aeſto tur buus wiltige Chriſti / vnd wiltige Prophe-
EvEp1587_202_10tes te vs czhelſes ßöw / vnd leles Szimes vnde Bri-
EvEp1587_202_11nummes darrys / ka arridtczan te ysredtczeete (Ja
EvEp1587_202_12tas ta warreth buuth) exkan to apalloſchenne ewee-
EvEp1587_202_13ſte tapte. Rougeth / es eſme yums to papreſche ßat-
EvEp1587_202_14cys. Tapeetcz / kad te vs yums ßatcys / Rougeth /
EvEp1587_202_15thas gir exkan tho Tuxniſſe / Thad nhe eyet aran /
EvEp1587_202_16Rougeth / thas gir exkan Kammer / thad nhe tit-
EvEp1587_202_17czeeth. Aeſto lydtcz kha tas Sybbens Jſedth no
EvEp1587_202_18Rite puſſes / vnde ſpydejs to wackere puſſe. Tha
EvEp1587_202_19buus arridtczan buut / tay atnäckſchenne tha Czil-
EvEp1587_202_20wheke Dhele. Aeſto kur wena Mayta gir / tur
EvEp1587_202_21ßackrayas ßöw te Ehergle.
EvEp1587_202_22@v{Die Epiſtel am 26. Sontage}
EvEp1587_202_23@v{nach Trinitatis / 2. Pet. 3.}
EvEp1587_203_1VNde ßinnet to wueſſe pirmake / ka exkan tims
EvEp1587_203_2peedigims denims nätczys Apmhedetaye / kat-
EvEp1587_203_3tre peetcz ßouwe egribbeſchenne ſtaygas / vnd
EvEp1587_203_4ßatcys / kur gir ta peßatcyſchenne winge at näck-
EvEp1587_203_5ſchenne ? Aeſto peetcz to ka te Thewe aiſmigguſſche
EvEp1587_203_6gir / palleck wueſſas lethas / ta kha te no Eſakumme
EvEp1587_203_7tho radiſchenne buewuſſche gir. Beth nhe gribbedam-
EvEp1587_203_8me neegribbeye the ßinnat / ka tas Debbes exkan pre-
EvEp1587_203_9ſche laikims arridtczan bye / vnde arridtczan ta ſem-
EvEp1587_203_10me / aran Vdenne vnde czour Vdenne paſthaweiſſe /
EvEp1587_203_11czour Dewe Wärde / vnd tomher tappe py tho laike /
EvEp1587_203_12ta paſſoule czour to patte ar tho Vdenne apßlick-
EvEp1587_203_13ſchenne ßammaytata. Tha arridtczan tas Debbes /
EvEp1587_203_14katters tagadine gir / vnde ta Semme / thope czour
EvEp1587_203_15winge Wärde ßoudtczeeta / ka the py Vggunne pa-
EvEp1587_203_16ßargate thope / py tho Dene thäs Szodibes / vnde
EvEp1587_203_17py paßuddenaſchenne thös beſdewiges Czilwhekes.
EvEp1587_203_18Beth wena letha nhe gir yums apßlhepta / yuus my-
EvEp1587_203_19lige / ka wena dena prexkan tho kunge gir / kha tuux-
EvEp1587_203_20toſche gadde / vnde tuuxtoſche gadde / kha wena dena.
EvEp1587_203_21Tas Kunx nhepaweltczena to peßatcyſchenne / kha
EvEp1587_203_22to czitte par wene paweltczenaſchenne thur / Beth
EvEp1587_203_23thas gir lhenpratyx ar mums / vnde nhe grib / ka ka-
EvEp1587_203_24ſlabban paſſuſtcz thope. Beth kha ßöw yckwens no
EvEp1587_203_25greckims atſthayas.
EvEp1587_203_26Beth ta Dena tha Kunge nätcys / kha wens ſa-
EvEp1587_203_27glis exkã tho nackte / exkã kattre te debbeſſe paßuddys /
EvEp1587_204_1ar lele Brackſteſchenne / Beth thäs Debeſſes ſtip-
EvEp1587_204_2prums te no karſtume Jſkuſſys / vnde ta Semme /
EvEp1587_204_3vnde the Darbe / kattre tur exkan gir / taps Szadedt-
EvEp1587_204_5Kad nu tam ta wueſſe buus paßuſth / ka buuſe
EvEp1587_204_6yums tad ßattaiſitims buut ? Ar ſweetige czywo-
EvEp1587_204_7ſchenne / vnde Dewe ſweete buſchenne ? ka yuus gay-
EvEp1587_204_8det / vnde ſteidtczates py to nakamme Dene tha kun-
EvEp1587_204_9ge ? Exkan kattre te Debbeſſe ar vggunne paßud-
EvEp1587_204_10dys / vnde te Debbes ſtipprumme / no karſtumme
EvEp1587_204_11Jſkuſſys. Beth mhes pagaidam wene youne debbes /
EvEp1587_204_12vnde wene youne Semme / peetcz winge peßatci-
EvEp1587_204_13ſchenne / exkan kattre Tayſnibe cziwo.
EvEp1587_204_14@v{Euangelium am 26. Sontage}
EvEp1587_204_15@v{nach Trinitatis{Teinitatis} / Matth. 25. cap.}
EvEp1587_204_16BEth kad tha Czilwheke Dhels nätcis exkan
EvEp1587_204_17ßouwe Godibe / vnde wueſſe Engele ar tho /
EvEp1587_204_18Thad thas ſeedes wuerßon tho Kreeßle ßou-
EvEp1587_204_19we Godibe / vnde wueſſe loudes tappis prexkan tho
EvEp1587_204_20ßackrate / vnde thas tös no ſkyrſe / lydtcz kha wens
EvEp1587_204_21Gans tös Auwes / no tims Aazims ſkyr / vnde te
EvEp1587_204_22Auwes taps py winge labbe Roke lickte / Beth te
EvEp1587_204_23Aaze py kryſe roke.
EvEp1587_204_24Rouge / tad thas Köninx ßatcys vs tems / py
EvEp1587_204_25ßouwe labbe roke / nätcet ſchur yuus ſweetite manna
EvEp1587_205_1Thewa / apſeedet to Walſtibe / kattre yums ßattai-
EvEp1587_205_2ſita gir / no Eßakumme thäs paſſoules.
EvEp1587_205_3Aeſto es eſme yßaltczys buewis / vnde yuus
EvEp1587_205_4eſſeth man pe ehdenaiſche. Es eſme Jſtwytczis / bue-
EvEp1587_205_5wis / vnde yuus eſſet man czirdenaiſche. Es eſme
EvEp1587_205_6wens Weſys buewis / vnde yuus eſſet man mayo
EvEp1587_205_7doeuwuſſche. Es eſme Nöx buewis / vnde yuus eſſeth
EvEp1587_205_8man aptherpuſſche. Es eſme nheweßels vnde Ce-
EvEp1587_205_9tumman buewis / vnde yuus eſſet py man nakuſſche.
EvEp1587_205_10Tad tham te Taiſnyge adbildhes / vnd ßatcys /
EvEp1587_205_11Kunx / kad eſſem mhes thöw yßalkuſſche redtczeiſſche /
EvEp1587_205_12vnde eſſem thöw pe ehdenaiſche ? Jeb Jſtwixtuſſche /
EvEp1587_205_13vnde eſſem thöw czirdenaiſche ? Kad eſſem mhes
EvEp1587_205_14thöw wene Weſe redtczeiſche / vnde mayaſche ? Jeb
EvEp1587_205_15nogo / vnde eſſem thöw aptherpuſſche ? Kad eſſem
EvEp1587_205_16mhes thöw nheweßalle jeb Cetumman redtczeiſche /
EvEp1587_205_17vnde eſſem py thöw nakuſſche ? Vnde tas Köninx
EvEp1587_205_18adbildhes / vnde vs tems ßatcys / Patteſe es ßacke
EvEp1587_205_19yums / ko yuus darriſche eſſet wenam no ſchims
EvEp1587_205_20mannims Maſſakims Bralims / to eſſeth yuus
EvEp1587_205_21man darriſche.
EvEp1587_205_22Tad thas arridtczan ßatcys vs tems / pa kreyſe
EvEp1587_205_23Roke / Eydth nhoſt no man yuus noladhete / exkan
EvEp1587_205_24to mußige vggunne / katters tur ßattaiſytz gir tam
EvEp1587_205_25Whelnam / vnde wingims Engelims. Es eſme
EvEp1587_205_26Jßaltczis buewis / vnde yuus nhe eſſet man pe ehde-
EvEp1587_205_27naiſche / Es eſme Jſtwitczis buewis / vnde yuus nhe
EvEp1587_206_1eſſet man czirdenaiſche / es eſme wens weßis buewis /
EvEp1587_206_2vnde yuus nhe eſſet man mayaſche / Es eſme Nöx
EvEp1587_206_3buewis / vnde yuus nhe eſſet man aptherpuſſche / Es
EvEp1587_206_4eſme nheweßels vnd Cetumman buewis / vnde yuus
EvEp1587_206_5ne eſſet man pemeckleiſche.
EvEp1587_206_6Tad te arridtczan adbildees / vnde ßatcys :
EvEp1587_206_7Kunx / kad eſſem mhes thöw redczeiſche Jßalkuſſche /
EvEp1587_206_8jeb wene Weſe / jeb nogo / jeb nheweßalle / jeb Cetum-
EvEp1587_206_9man / vnde nhe eſſem thöw kalpuyſſche ? Thad thas
EvEp1587_206_10adbildees vnde ßatcys / Patteſe / es ßacke yums / ko
EvEp1587_206_11yuus nhe{neh} eſſet darriſche / wenam no ſchims Maſa-
EvEp1587_206_12kaims / to nhe eſſet yuus man arridtczan darriſche.
EvEp1587_206_13Vnde te eſe exkan{exan} to mußige mocybe. Beth te Tayſni-
EvEp1587_206_14ge exkan to mußige Cziwoſchenne.
EvEp1587_206_15@v{Die Epiſtel am 27. Sontage}
EvEp1587_206_16@v{nach Trinitatis / 2. Pet. 1. cap.}
EvEp1587_206_17TApeetcz nhe grib es tho atſthat / yuus allaßin
EvEp1587_206_18peminneet / ka yuus to ßinneth / vnde eſtipprote
EvEp1587_206_19eſſet / exkan to preſche eſſote tayſnibe. Aeſto
EvEp1587_206_20es czerre to labbe eſſamme / tick ylge kha es exkan to
EvEp1587_206_21Buude eſme / yums vs modenath vnde peminneet.
EvEp1587_206_22Aeſto es ßinno / ka man buus manne Buude driſe
EvEp1587_206_23nolickt / kha man to arridtczan muße Kunx Jeſus
EvEp1587_206_24Chriſtus ßinnamme darris gir. Beth es grib
EvEp1587_206_25tickuſſche darrit / ka yums wueſas mallas / peetcz
EvEp1587_207_1manne noſkyrſchenne / tade exkan peminſchenne pat-
EvEp1587_207_3Aeſto mhes nhe eſſem tems guddrems Paßa-
EvEp1587_207_4ckems peetcz ſtaygaiſche / kad mhes yums ßinnat
EvEp1587_207_5lickam to Speetczibe vnde to atnäckſchenne / muße
EvEp1587_207_6kunge Jeſu Chriſti / beth mhes eſſem winge Godybe
EvEp1587_207_7paſſche redtczeiſche / kad thas dabbuye no Dewe to
EvEp1587_207_8Thewe / Gode vnde Szlawe / czour wene Balxne /
EvEp1587_207_9kattra py to noticka no to lele Godibe / vs ſcho mhere /
EvEp1587_207_10Schis gir mans myleis Dhels / py kattre man wens
EvEp1587_207_11labs praatz gir. Vnde ſcho Balxne eſſem mhes czir-
EvEp1587_207_12deiſche / no Debbeſſe atneeſto / kad mhes ar tho biam /
EvEp1587_207_13wuerßon to Sweete kalne.
EvEp1587_207_14@v{Euangelium am 27. Sontage}
EvEp1587_207_15@v{nach Trinitatis / Matth. 17. cap.}
EvEp1587_207_16VNde peetcz ſcheſſems denims / yeme Jeſus py
EvEp1587_207_17ßöw / Petrum vnde Jacobum / vnd Johannem
EvEp1587_207_18winge Brale / vnde wedde thos vs to malle /
EvEp1587_207_19wuerßon wene auxte kalne / vnde tappe prexkan tems
EvEp1587_207_20apſkaydrootz. Vnd winge Wayx ſpydeye / ka ta Sou-
EvEp1587_207_21le / vnde winge Drebes tappe Baltes / ka wena gaiſ-
EvEp1587_207_22ma. Vnde Rouge / Tad paradyas tims Moſes vnde
EvEp1587_207_23Elias / te treßeye ar tho. Beth Petrus adbildeye / vnd
EvEp1587_207_24ßatcy vs Jeſu / Kunx / ſcheit gir labba buuſchenne /
EvEp1587_207_25grib tu / thad gribbã mhes ſcheit tris buudes darryt.
EvEp1587_208_1Thöw wene / Moſi wene / vnde Elia wene. Kad thas
EvEp1587_208_2whel tha treßeye. Rouge / tad pär ſpideye thos wena
EvEp1587_208_3Gaiſcha paddebbes / Vnde rouge / wena Balxnis{Balnix}
EvEp1587_208_4aran tho paddebbes ßatcy / Schis gir mans myleis
EvEp1587_208_5Dhels / py kattre es wene labbe praate thurro / To
EvEp1587_208_6buus yums klouſyt. Kad to te Maetcekle czirdeye /
EvEp1587_208_7kritte te wuerßon ßouwe Wayge / vnde Jſtrukaas
EvEp1587_208_8ßöw. Beth Jeſus gaya py tems / ayſkare thos / vnde
EvEp1587_208_9ßatcy / czelletes auxam / vnde nhe Jſſabyates yums.
EvEp1587_208_10Beth kad the ßouwes Atczes pa Czhele / nhe redt-
EvEp1587_208_11czeye the neewene / ka Jeſum wene. Vnde kad the no
EvEp1587_208_12to Kalne ſemmen gaye / ayſledtcze tims Jeſus vnde
EvEp1587_208_13ßatcy / Jums nhe buus ſcho / ko yuus redt-
EvEp1587_208_14czeiſche eſſet / neewenam ßatcyt / Tekams
EvEp1587_208_15ka tha Czilwheke Dhels no tims
EvEp1587_208_16Muerronims atkal aux-
EvEp1587_208_17kam czhelees gir.
EvEp1587_209_1@v{Folgenetliche Euan-}
EvEp1587_209_2@v{gelia vnd Epiſteln auff die fürne-}
EvEp1587_209_3@v{meſten Feſte im Jar.}
EvEp1587_210_1@v{Die Epiſtel am tage der Opfferung}
EvEp1587_210_2@v{Chriſti im Tempel / Malach. 3. cap.}
EvEp1587_210_3ROuge / es grib manne Engel ßutyt kattram /
EvEp1587_210_4prexkan man to Czelle ßattayſit buus / vnde
EvEp1587_210_5tudelyn nätcis / py ßouwe Baſnicze tas kunx /
EvEp1587_210_6kattre yuus meckleyath / vnde tas Engels tho Eſta-
EvEp1587_210_7diſchenne / kattre yuus gribbath / Rouge thas nake /
EvEp1587_210_8ßacke thas Kunx Zebaoth. Beth kas warres to
EvEp1587_210_9dene winge atnackſchenne paczeſt / vñ katters pasſta-
EvEp1587_210_10whes / kad thas paradyßes ? Aeſto thas gir ka tas
EvEp1587_210_11Vgguns wene Sziddrabe kalleye / vnde kha ta Sepe
EvEp1587_210_12täs Maſgatayes / thas ſeedes vnde kuſſenaas / vnde
EvEp1587_210_13to Sziddrabe mheſys. Thas tös Bhernes Leui
EvEp1587_210_14mheſys / vnde tirys kha Sziddrabe / vnde tad the
EvEp1587_210_15tham Kungam barrybe vpperre neſſys / exkan taiſ-
EvEp1587_210_16nibe / vnde tham Kungam labbe pattix / tas Barribe
EvEp1587_210_17vppers Juda vnd Jeruſalem / kha paprexke vnd no
EvEp1587_210_18ylge gaddems.
EvEp1587_210_19@v{Euangelium am tage der Opfferung}
EvEp1587_210_20@v{Chriſti im Tempel / Luc. 2. cap.}
EvEp1587_210_21VNd kad thäs denes thäs ſkyſtiſchennes peetcz
EvEp1587_210_22to Boußle Moſi nätcze / neße te to exkan Je-
EvEp1587_211_1ruſalem / ka te to no opperete tam Kungam / kha tad
EvEp1587_211_2raxtytcz ſthaw / exkan to Boußle tha Kunge. Wue-
EvEp1587_211_3ßade Wyrige / kattre tur pirmack ta mathe peczem /
EvEp1587_211_4buus tham Kungam ſweetam dheweth. Vnde ka
EvEp1587_211_5the dothe to vpperre peetcz tho / kha tur ßatcytz gir /
EvEp1587_211_6exkan to Boußle tha Kunge. Wene par Vbelle-
EvEp1587_211_7balloſche / yeb duewe youne Balloſche.
EvEp1587_211_8Vnde rouge / wens Cilwhex by exkan Jeruſa-
EvEp1587_211_9lem ar wärde Simeon / vnde tas patcz Czilwhex by
EvEp1587_211_10räms vnde Dewe byatays / vnd gaidye vs to precibe
EvEp1587_211_11Jſrael / vnde tas ſweetcz Gars by exkan to / tam by
EvEp1587_211_12wene adbildeſchenne tappuſſe No to ſweete Garre /
EvEp1587_211_13tham nhe bye to Nawe redtczeeth / pirmacke thas tad
EvEp1587_211_14to Chriſt tha Kunge redtczeete. Vnde nätcze aran
EvEp1587_211_15edoſchenne tho ſweete Garre / exkan to Baſnitcze.
EvEp1587_211_16Vnde kad te Whetczake to Bherne Jeſum exkan
EvEp1587_211_17to Baſnitcze neße / ka the par tho darryte / ka Erad-
EvEp1587_211_18dums by / peetcz to Boußle / Tad yeme thas to vs
EvEp1587_211_19ßouwe kleepe / vnde teitcze Dewe vnde ßatcy :
EvEp1587_211_20Kunx / nu laide touwe kalpe exkan Mere brouckt
EvEp1587_211_21tha tu ßatcys eſſhe.
EvEp1587_212_1Aeſto mannes atczes gir touwe Peſtitaye redt-
EvEp1587_212_3Kattre tu ßattayſys eſſe / prexkan wueſſems
EvEp1587_212_5Wene gaiſme par apgaiſmoſchenne tös Pag-
EvEp1587_212_6gane Loudes / vnde par Slawe touwes Loudes Jſ-
EvEp1587_212_8@v{Die Epiſtel am tage der Verkün-}
EvEp1587_212_9@v{digung Marie / Eſai. 7 cap.}
EvEp1587_212_10VNde tas Kunx treßeye atkal vs Achas / vnde
EvEp1587_212_11ßatcy : praſſe no man wene Szime no kunge
EvEp1587_212_12touwe Dewe / tas gir appeſkan exkan to
EvEp1587_212_13Helle / jeb tur wuerßon exkan to Auxtibe. Beth
EvEp1587_212_14Achas ßatcy / es negrib praſſith / ka es to Kunge nhe
EvEp1587_212_15kärdena. Tad ßatcy tas / tad czirdeth yuus no to
EvEp1587_212_16Namme Dauid. Gir jums tas mas / ka yuus tös
EvEp1587_212_17Loudes apnewath / yums buus arridtczan manne
EvEp1587_212_18Dewe apkaitenäth. Tapeetcz yums tas Kunx
EvEp1587_212_19patcz wene Szime dhoſe / Rouge / wena Jumprouwe /
EvEp1587_212_20gir apgrutenata / vnde wene Dhele peczimps / to ta
EvEp1587_212_21Dhewes Jmmanuel / Sweſte vnde mhedde tas
EvEp1587_212_22ehdys / ka thas Szinne to loune nomheſt / vnde to
EvEp1587_212_23labume yſlaſſit.
EvEp1587_213_1@v{Euangelium am tage der Verkün-}
EvEp1587_213_2@v{digung Marie / Luc. 1. cap.}
EvEp1587_213_3VNde exkan to Szeſte Mheneſſe / tappe tas En-
EvEp1587_213_4gels Gabriels ſuutytcz no Dewe / exkan wene
EvEp1587_213_5Pille exkan Galilea / tha dhewe Nazaret / py
EvEp1587_213_6wenes Jumprouwes / kattra paßolita by / wenam wy-
EvEp1587_213_7ram / ar wärde Joſeph no to Namme Dauid / vnde ta
EvEp1587_213_8Jumprouwe dheweye Maria. Vnde tas Engels
EvEp1587_213_9nätce py täs exkan / vnde ßatcy / Summenata eſ tu{eſtu}
EvEp1587_213_10Sweetiga / tas Kunx gir ar thöw / tu es ßwetita
EvEp1587_213_11ſtarpan tems Szewems. Beth kad ta to redtczeye /
EvEp1587_213_12yſtrukaas tha pär winge Wallode / vnde domaye /
EvEp1587_213_13kada gir ta par wene Summenaſchen ? Vnde tas
EvEp1587_213_14Engels ßatcy vs täs / nhe byſthes thöw Maria / tu
EvEp1587_213_15eſſe ßeeleſtibe py Dewe attradduſſe / Rouge / tu taps
EvEp1587_213_16apgrutenata exkan meße / vñ wene Dhele peczimps /
EvEp1587_213_17tha Wärde buus thöw Jeſus dhewet / tas buus lels /
EvEp1587_213_18vnd taps wens Dhels tha wueſſe auxtaka dheweetcz
EvEp1587_213_19vnd Dews tas Kunx dhos / tham tho Krheſele ßou-
EvEp1587_213_20we Thewe Dauid / vnde tas buus wens Köninx /
EvEp1587_213_21pär tho Namme Jacob mußige / vnde winge Könin-
EvEp1587_213_22ge walſtibe nhe buus gals.
EvEp1587_213_23Tad ßatcy Maria vs to Engele / ka buus tam
EvEp1587_213_24notickt ? Peetcz to / ka es no neewene Wyre ßinne ?
EvEp1587_213_25Tas Engels adbildeye vnde ßatcy vs täs / Tas
EvEp1587_214_1ſweetcz Gars pär thöw nätczys / vnde thas ſpeex tha
EvEp1587_214_2wueſſe auxtaka thöw ap ehnoos / tapeetcz arridtczan
EvEp1587_214_3tas ſweetcz / katters no thöw peczimptzt / taps Dewe
EvEp1587_214_4Dhels dheweetcz. Vñ rouge / Eliſabeth touwa meßi-
EvEp1587_214_5ge drougaina / gir arridtczan apgrutenata / ar wene
EvEp1587_214_6Dhele exkan winge Wetczibe / vnde edth nu exkan{exan}
EvEp1587_214_7Szeſte Mheneſſe / kattra exkan tade Szlawe gir /
EvEp1587_214_8ka tha neeaugliga yr. Aeſto py Dewe gir wueſſes
EvEp1587_214_9lethes warrenne. Beth Maria ßatcy : Rouge / Es
EvEp1587_214_10eſme ta Kunge Kalpune / man noteke / kha tu ßatcys
EvEp1587_214_11es. Vnde tas Engels ſkyrees no täs.
EvEp1587_214_12@v{Epiſtel am tage Johannis des}
EvEp1587_214_13@v{Teuffers Eſai. 40. cap.}
EvEp1587_214_14EPretczenayet / epretczenayet manne Loudes /
EvEp1587_214_15treße yuuſe Dews / treßeth ar Jeruſalẽ laipni-
EvEp1587_214_16ge / vnde maetceth tay ka winge Kunczybe wens
EvEp1587_214_17Gals gir/ Aeſto winge Noßedcybe gir pammheſta /
EvEp1587_214_18Vnde ta gir duewekärtige dabbuyſe no to Roke tha
EvEp1587_214_19Kunge / par ßouwims Greekims.
EvEp1587_214_20Tur gir wens Balxnis wene Maetcetaye exkan
EvEp1587_214_21to Tuxniſſe / Sattaiſeth tham Kungam to Czelle /
EvEp1587_214_22darreth wuerßon to Louke wene gluddanne Czelle /
EvEp1587_214_23mußam Dewam / wueſems Eleyems buus paaux-
EvEp1587_214_24tenatims tapt / vnde wueſſems Kalnems / vnd maſ-
EvEp1587_215_1ſems Kalnems buus noſemmotims tapt / Vnde kas
EvEp1587_215_2nhe gluddans gir / buus gluddannam / vnde kas nee-
EvEp1587_215_3litcze gir / buus litczam tapt. Aeſto ta Godibe tha
EvEp1587_215_4Kunge buus ßinnamme tapt / vnd wuſſa meßa redt-
EvEp1587_215_5czees ka tha Kunge Mutte treß.
EvEp1587_215_6@v{Euangelium am tage Johannis}
EvEp1587_215_7@v{des Teuffers{Teuffees} / Luc. 1. cap.}
EvEp1587_215_8VNd Eliſabethes Layx nätcze / ka thay czimp-
EvEp1587_215_9te by /vnde tha czimme wene Dhele. Vnde
EvEp1587_215_10winge Kayminge vnde Meßige drouge czir-
EvEp1587_215_11dey / ka tas Kunx lele Szeeleſtibe / py täs darrys by /
EvEp1587_215_12vnde preczeyas ar tho. Vnde tas notickas ßöw tan
EvEp1587_215_13aſtotan denan / nätcze the abgreſth to Bherninge /
EvEp1587_215_14vnde dheweye to peetcz winge Thewe / Zacharias.
EvEp1587_215_15Beth winge Mathe adbildeye / vnde ßatcy : Neeneka-
EvEp1587_215_16de / beth tham buus Johannes dheweet. Vnde the
EvEp1587_215_17ßatcy vs thäs : Tur nhe gir neewens exkan touwe
EvEp1587_215_18Radde / kas ta dhewe ?
EvEp1587_215_19Vnde the ſymenaye winge Thewam{Tehwam} / ka thas to
EvEp1587_215_20gribbeete dhewet lickt ? Vnd tas praßy wene Galdin-
EvEp1587_215_21ge / raxtye vnd ßatcy / Thas dhewe Johannes. Vnd
EvEp1587_215_22the brinoyas ßöw wueſſe / Vnde tudelin tappe winge
EvEp1587_215_23Mutte vnde Mhele attwherta / vnde tahs ßatcy /
EvEp1587_215_24vnd ßlaweye Dewe. Vnde wena Jsbyaſchenne
EvEp1587_215_25nätce pär wueſſems Kayminems. Vnde wueſſe
EvEp1587_216_1ſcha Notickſchenne tappe Szinnamme par to wueſſe
EvEp1587_216_2Judde kalne. Vnde wueſſe te kattre to czirdeye / yeme
EvEp1587_216_3py Szirdes / vnde treßeye / ko ſkete tu / kas grib no ſcho
EvEp1587_216_4Bherninge tapt ? Aeſto ta Kunge Roka by ar to.
EvEp1587_216_5Vnde winge Thews Zacharias tappe tha Swee-
EvEp1587_216_6te Garre puelns / ßluddenaye vnde ßatcy / Slawetcz
EvEp1587_216_7gir thas Kunx / tas Dews Jſrael / aeſto thas gir pe-
EvEp1587_216_8meckleis / vnde peſtys ßouwes Loudes.
EvEp1587_216_9Vnde gir mums paczelis wene Toure thäs Pe-
EvEp1587_216_10ſtiſchennes / exkan to Namme ßouwe kalpe Dauid.
EvEp1587_216_11Ka thas exkan preſchelaikims treßeis gir / czour
EvEp1587_216_12to Mutte winges ſweetes Prophetes.
EvEp1587_216_13Ka thas mums peſtyte no mußims Enayde-
EvEp1587_216_14nekims / vnde no to Roke / wues kas mums enide.
EvEp1587_216_15Vnde to Szeeleſtibe parradite mußims The-
EvEp1587_216_16wims / vnde peminneete py ßouwe ſweete ßadere-
EvEp1587_216_18Tas gir py to Szoliſchenne / kattre thas ßolis
EvEp1587_216_19gir / mußam Thewam Abraham / mums doth.
EvEp1587_216_20Ka mhes peſtyte thopam / aran to Roke mußes
EvEp1587_216_21Enaydenekes / vnd tham kalpoiam bes byaſchenne
EvEp1587_216_22mußes Cziwibes Laike.
EvEp1587_217_1Exkan ſweetibe vnde tayſnibe / kattra tham
EvEp1587_217_2paprate gir.
EvEp1587_217_3Vnde tu Bhernings taps wens Prophetcz tha
EvEp1587_217_4wues auxtakadhewetcz / tu eſe preſchan to Kunge /
EvEp1587_217_5ka tu winge Czelle ßattaiſe.
EvEp1587_217_6Vnde atſiſchenne thäs Peſtyſchennes dothe ßou-
EvEp1587_217_7wims loudims / kattra tur gir exkan pammeſſchen
EvEp1587_217_8winges greekes.
EvEp1587_217_9Czour to Szirdeduebbenige Szeeleſtibe muße
EvEp1587_217_10Dewe / czour kattre mums pemeckleis gir / tas ßeelige
EvEp1587_217_11peſtitais no thäs Auxtybes.
EvEp1587_217_12Ka tas paſpidhete / tems / katre tur ßeſche exkan
EvEp1587_217_13to tumßibe / vnde Ehne thäs Nawes / Vnde Jſtai-
EvEp1587_217_14ſyte mußes Kayes wuerßon to Czelle tha Mere.
EvEp1587_217_15Vnde thas Bherninx auga / vnde tappe ſtippris
EvEp1587_217_16exkan{exan} Garre / vnde by exkan tho Tuxniſſe / tekams /
EvEp1587_217_17ka tham by preſchan näckt / prexkan tems Loudems
EvEp1587_217_19@v{Die Epiſtel am tage der Heim-}
EvEp1587_217_20@v{ſuchung Marie / Rom 13. cap.}
EvEp1587_217_21TA Mylibe nhe gir wiltiga. Nydeth to loune /
EvEp1587_217_22pekarretes tham labbam. Ta Bralige mileſti-
EvEp1587_218_1be ſtarpan wen otre gyr Szirdtzduebeniga. Wens
EvEp1587_218_2nake tham otram ar Godennaſchenne preſchan.
EvEp1587_218_3Nehe eſſeth kuutre exkan to / ko yums darryt buus.
EvEp1587_218_4Eſſeth karſte exkan Garre. Szattaißetes yums
EvEp1587_218_5exkan to Layke. Eſſeeth precige exkan{erkan} to Czerribe /
EvEp1587_218_6Paczeſdamme exkan Noſkumſchenne. Nhe atſtaye-
EvEp1587_218_7tes no Luuckſchenne. Vs yemmeetes yums thös
EvEp1587_218_8Sweetes Bhedaczetiges. Mayoyet labprath.
EvEp1587_218_9Sweetyget tös / kattre yums polga. Sweetiget vnd
EvEp1587_218_10nhe ladeth. Lyxmoyet yums ar tims Lyxmims /
EvEp1587_218_11vnde roudeth / ar tims Roudammims. Thurreth
EvEp1587_218_12wenadige prathe ſtarpan weneotre. Nhe gadath
EvEp1587_218_13peetcz auxtems Lethems / Beth thurreetes yums py
EvEp1587_218_14tems Semmooſkems.
EvEp1587_218_15@v{Euangelium am tage der Heim-}
EvEp1587_218_16@v{ſuchung Marie / Luc. 1. cap.}
EvEp1587_218_17BEth Maria czheles auxã / exkan tims denims /
EvEp1587_218_18vnde gaya vs to Kalne pepeeſche / vs to Pille
EvEp1587_218_19Juda / Vnde nätce exkan to Namme Zacharia
EvEp1587_218_20vnde Summenaye Eliſabeth. Vnde tas notickaas /
EvEp1587_218_21Khad Eliſabet to Sum̃enaſchenne Marie czirdeye
EvEp1587_218_22lhedtcze tas Bherns exkan winge Meße. Vnde
EvEp1587_218_23Eliſabeth tappe ta ſweete Garre puelne / vnde ßout-
EvEp1587_218_24cze ſkannige / vnde ßatcy. Sweetita eſ tu{eſtu} ſtarpan
EvEp1587_218_25tems ßewems / vnde ſweetcz gir tas Auglis touwes
EvEp1587_219_1Meßes / Vnd no kurrenes nake man tas / ka tha Ma-
EvEp1587_219_2the manne Kunge py man nake ? Rouge kad es to
EvEp1587_219_3Balxne touwes ſummenaſchennes czirdeye / lhedtcze
EvEp1587_219_4tas Bherns ar precibe exkan manne Meße. Vnde
EvEp1587_219_5O ſweeta eſ tu{eſtu} / kattra tu titczeiſſe eſſhe / Aeſto tas
EvEp1587_219_6taps pepueldytcz / katters thöw ßatcytcz gir no to
EvEp1587_219_8Vnd Maria ßatcy :
EvEp1587_219_9MAnna Dhweſel dar lele to Kunge / Vnd mans
EvEp1587_219_10Gars lyxmoyas ßöw Dewe manne Peſtitaye.
EvEp1587_219_11Aeſto thas gir ßouwe ſemmiſke Kalpune vs
EvEp1587_219_12redtczeis / Rouge no ſcho laike / man ſweete teyx /
EvEp1587_219_13wueſſe Bherno bherne.
EvEp1587_219_14Aeſto thas gir lele lethe py man darrys / katters
EvEp1587_219_15tur warens gir / vnd tha Wärdtcz ſweetcz gir.
EvEp1587_219_16Vnde winge Szeeleſtibe palleck mußige / no wene
EvEp1587_219_17Radde lidtcze Otre / py tems / kattre to bya.
EvEp1587_219_18Thas darr warre ar ßouwe Elke / vnde Jſkayſe /
EvEp1587_219_19kattre tur greeſne gir / exkan ßouwe Szyrde prathe.
EvEp1587_219_20Thas ſtumye tös Warreenes no to Krheßle
EvEp1587_219_21vnde paauxtena tös Semmoſkes.
EvEp1587_220_1Tös Jßalcktees puelde thas ar paddome / vnde
EvEp1587_220_2atſthaye tös Baggates tuckſches.
EvEp1587_220_3Thas pemin thäs Szeeleſtibes / vnde pallydtcz
EvEp1587_220_4ßouwam Kalpam Jſrael auxkam.
EvEp1587_220_5Ka thas treßeis gir mußems Thewems / Abra-
EvEp1587_220_6ham / vnde winge Szhekle mußige.
EvEp1587_220_7Vnd Maria pallicke py täs py trims Mheneſ-
EvEp1587_220_8ſims vnd peetcz to gaya tha mayas.
EvEp1587_220_9@v{Die Epiſtel an S. Michaelis}
EvEp1587_220_10@v{tage aus der Offenbarung}
EvEp1587_220_11@v{Johan. am 14. cap.}
EvEp1587_220_12VNde tur paczheles ßöw wena czyxteeſchenne
EvEp1587_220_13exkan Debbes / Michael vnde winge Engele
EvEp1587_220_14czyxteye ar tho Sathana / vnd thas Satha-
EvEp1587_220_15nas czyxtey vnd winge Engele / vnd neepärwarreye /
EvEp1587_220_16nedtcz tappe arridtczan winge weta wayrs attraſta
EvEp1587_220_17exkan Debbes. Vnde tas lels Sathanas / ta weetcza
EvEp1587_220_18Odze / katteers dhewe tas whelns / vnde Sathanas
EvEp1587_220_19tappe Jſmheſtcz / katters to wueſſe Paſſoule ar wilti-
EvEp1587_220_20be wadda / vnde tappe meeſtcz wuerßon to Semme /
EvEp1587_220_21vnde winge Engele tappe tur arridtczan no meeſte.
EvEp1587_220_22Vnde es czirdeye wene lele Balxne / tas ßatcye
EvEp1587_220_23exkan Debbes / Nu gir ta Peſtiſchenne / vnde tas
 @b{Speex /}
EvEp1587_221_1Speex / vnde ta Walſtibe / vnde tha Warre muße
EvEp1587_221_2Dewe / vnde ta Chriſtus tappuſſe / petcz to / ka tas
EvEp1587_221_3Jſmheſtcz gir / katters thös apßuudtczeye dene vnde
EvEp1587_221_4nackte prexkan Dewe{Dewee} . Vnde the gir to pärwarrey-
EvEp1587_221_5ſche czour to Jeere aſſen / vnde czour to Wärde ßou-
EvEp1587_221_6wes Ledtczibes / vnd nhe gir ßouwe Cziwibe myleis /
EvEp1587_221_7js tay Nawe. Tapeetcz lyxmoyet yuus Debbeſſe /
EvEp1587_221_8vnde kattre tur exkan cziwoye.
EvEp1587_221_9@v{Euangelium an S. Michaelis.}
EvEp1587_221_10@v{tage / Matth. 18. cap.}
EvEp1587_221_11THan pattan ſtundan gaye te Maetcekle py
EvEp1587_221_12Jeſu vnde ßatcy : Kas gir tas Lelakays exkan
EvEp1587_221_13Debbeſſe walſtibe ? Jeſus aytczenaye wene
EvEp1587_221_14Bherne py ßöw / vnd licke to wueddon ſtarpan tems /
EvEp1587_221_15vnde ßatcy : Patteſe es ßacke yums / Ja yuus yums
EvEp1587_221_16nhe apgreſchates / vnde thopet ka te Bherne / thad
EvEp1587_221_17yuus exkan to debbeſſe walſtibe nhe näckſeeth. Kas
EvEp1587_221_18ßöw pattim paſemmoyas kha ſchis Bherns / tas gir
EvEp1587_221_19tas lelakais exkan Debbeſſe walſtibe. Vnde kas
EvEp1587_221_20tade wene Bherne vſiem exkan{exan} manne Wärde / tas vs
EvEp1587_221_21yem man. Beth kas wene no ſcho wueſſe maſſako
EvEp1587_221_22apgretczi kattre exkan man titcze / tam buute tas lab-
EvEp1587_221_23bake / ka wens{mens} Czirne ackmens py winge rykle pa-
EvEp1587_221_24kaartz tapte / vnd apßlydtzenaatz tapte exkan Juures /
EvEp1587_221_25kur ta wueſſe czilyake gir.
EvEp1587_222_1Way tay Paſſoule thäs apgreetczibes peetcz.
EvEp1587_222_2Tur buus yo apgretczibe näckt / beth tomher way
EvEp1587_222_3tam Czilwhekam czour kattre ta Apgreetczibe näck.
EvEp1587_222_4Beth kad thöw touwa Roka libe touwe Kaya ap-
EvEp1587_222_5greetczyas / thad no czerte to / vnde mette to no
EvEp1587_222_6thöwim / tas gir thöw labbaack / ka tu py Cziwo-
EvEp1587_222_7ſchennes Tyſlis / lib wens Kroplis e eße / neeka thöw
EvEp1587_222_8duewe Rokas / lib Kayas gir / vnde thope exkan to
EvEp1587_222_9mußige Vggunne emheeſtcz. Vnde kad thöw touwa
EvEp1587_222_10Atcz apgreetczyas / thad pleeſe to aran / vnde mhet to
EvEp1587_222_11no thöwim / Tas gir thöw labbaack ka tu wenat-
EvEp1587_222_12czyx py Cziwoſchennes e eße / nhe ka thöw duewe
EvEp1587_222_13Atczes gir / vnde tope exkan to Helles Vggunne
EvEp1587_222_14e meeſtcz.
EvEp1587_222_15Perougeth / ka yuus neewene no ſchims pul-
EvEp1587_222_16gageth. Aeſto es ßack yums : Winge Engele exkan
EvEp1587_222_17Debbes / reedtcz allaßin to Wayge manne Thewe
EvEp1587_222_18exkan Debbes.
EvEp1587_222_19Aeſto ta Czilwheke Dhels gir nätczis / ſweete
EvEp1587_222_20darryt tös Paſſuſtes.
EvEp1587_222_21@v{Euangelium von der Tauffe}
EvEp1587_222_22@v{Chriſti / Matth. 3. cap.}
EvEp1587_222_23PY tho laike nätcze Jeſus aran Galilea py to
EvEp1587_222_24Jordan py Johanne / kha thas ßöw no to kru-
EvEp1587_223_1ſtyt lyckte. Beth Johannes ledtcze tham / vnd ßat-
EvEp1587_223_2cy / man gir wayage / ka es no thöw kruſtytz thope / vñ
EvEp1587_223_3tu nätce py man ? Jeſus adbildeye / vnd ßatcy / layde
EvEp1587_223_4nu to tha buut / Tha peklayas tas mums / wueſſe
EvEp1587_223_5taiſnybe pepueldyth. Tad pelayde thas to.
EvEp1587_223_6Vnd Kad Jeſus kruſtytz by / js kape thas dryſe
EvEp1587_223_7aran tho Vdenne. Vnd{Vd} rouge / tad atwheres ßöw
EvEp1587_223_8tas debbes par tho. Vnd Johannes redtczeye to
EvEp1587_223_9Dewe Garre / lydtcz kha wene Ballode / no debbeſſe
EvEp1587_223_10broudtczote / vnde par to nakote. Vnd rouge /
EvEp1587_223_11wena Balxnis no Debbeſſe ßatcy / Schis
EvEp1587_223_12gir mans Myleis Dhels py kat-
EvEp1587_223_13tre man labs praatcz gir.
EvEp1587_223_14@l{Soli Deo Gloria.}